#it's hard to find needles in a haystack of a long twitch stream
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mgu-h · 21 days ago
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so lando actually did a good job at staying modest in such an inherently slutty item of clothing (light gray joggers), i'm almost impressed (thinking about what he was wearing underneath). i did take a look though 🧐
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seeds-and-sins · 5 years ago
F**kin’ Diabolical (Chapter 3)
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Master List
Pairing: Homelander / Original Female Character, Billy Butcher / Original Female Character
Rating: M (Strong language, sexual themes)
Decription: Carly Danvers is a reporter/radio show host/annoying little piece of- For reasons unknown to Vought, she decided to start a one man investigation on Vought’s operation. Her efforts had been quite successful so far, so much so that Stillwell would have done anything to see the young girl dead. Turns out Stillwell didn’t have to do anything at all, while one piece of evidence against Vought causes Danvers to fly too close to the sun. And Homelander flies after her.
Chapter Summary; Carly wakes up in a hospital, with no idea what is going on, and she has a special visitor.
    When she awoke, it was like rising to the surface of the ocean after having held your breath for so long. She jolted upward, eyes wide, sweat pooling on her body, a sizzling noise started around her and she huffed. The beeping to her right intensified, she brought her palm over her chest, wires for miles and sticky slabs attached there. She ripped them off, the beeping became louder, and her hands gripped firmly at the blankets on her...
"Shhhh..." A hushed whisper came from beside her, and from the corner of her eye a figure of red, white, and blue leaned down, breathing fanning out over her throat. She felt her breath hitch at the sensations, everything consuming her body and then the leather that pressed down onto her hand. Her head snapped in the direction of the whisperer, bright blue eyes meeting her own, a straight smile. "Shhh, now." His hand removed itself from her own, pressing now gently onto her stomach, urging her to lay back. As her head touched the pillow, her eyelids closed shut again and her breath gradually began to even out. "That's it." His footfalls distanced themselves, and when she had herself more calmed, she glanced over at him. His cape still fluttering out behind him, arms crossed as his gaze was straight out the window.
"H-Homelander," She choked out, realizing how sore her throat was, her fingers tenderly came up to clutch over the area. "What happened?" She groaned when her head throbbed once, and her palm then pressed to her temple.
"Do you remember the first time we met?" Homelander started, completely ignoring her question, her eyebrows furrowed when she heard something hit the marble floor on the other side of the door. It was like a needle in a haystack in her mind, and soon she could hear everything from afar and within, conversations, the ding on the elevator, doctors and nurses, and- "Don't worry about them, I asked you a question." Still staring out the window, his voice carried a threat that she didn't want to know the other half of. Carly swallowed, and huffed out a breath as her body relaxed in abandon into the plush sheets.
"I thought you were so goddamned annoying," He pointed a finger up, "But ever so brave, and tolerant, and intelligent," He faced her, pacing towards her with a half-sigh, "outspoken, soft, and compassionate." He licked his lips, she lost herself in his brilliant blue stare. "Do you remember what you told me?" Her expression contorted into confusion, he shook his head at her lack of a response, a slight smile tugging at his lips when he pondered the memory in his head, thoughtfully so. He paced back towards the window, flicking his fingers out to spread the blinds, the sun shining out onto him. "Well, I do." His voice turned stale and placid. "You told me that, 'Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.'" His neck shot out as he heard her snort, her hand washed over her face and when she removed it, she was carrying this lethargic smile.
"Abraham Lincoln." She rasped, he smirked and nodded his head. 
"Yes," He almost skipped back over to bed, pulling his cape out behind him as he settled on the edge, as if he was about to read a bedtime story. His leather glove slapped down onto her free hand, trembling slightly from some of the leftover adrenaline as she woke. The longer she stared at his smile, the more her own had come to droop. It was altogether eerie, and intimidating. He cocked his head at her, almost admiring her, but with that smile she couldn't tell what he was doing, or going to do. "I can't wait to see what you do with all of that power." His words sent shivers through her, thoughts and unshakable memories, and she sat up again, all to abruptly. "Now, what did I say?" He warned sternly, she flipped her hand over and grabbed his, gripping it with all of her might. He allowed her to do so, feeling the strength in her grip was all the more exciting. She would be perfect, and Stillwell could go fuck herself, corporate could go fuck themselves. 
"I-I-No-That's impossible." His lips pursed, other hand reaching up to cup her cheek, thumb caressing down over her lips, his cheek twitched at the thought that he might finally rip into them full force without worrying about killing her. He immediately dropped his hand limply, tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek. 
"I wish it was so." No, he didn't. "But this is a good thing. You're like me, now." 
"Homelander, I don't ev-" He interrupted her with an eye roll that translated into amusement.
"Shhh, you don't have to say anything. I will take care of all of this, alright?" He patted the sheets and his smile turned more into a tight lipped. "For now, you need to be careful, okay? You are armed and extremely dangerous, as they say..." He snorted, leaning in and whispering from the corner of his lips. "The last thing Vought needs is you wrecking an entire hospital." He laughed as if it was some joke. "So, I will go see about some clothes for you and we will get this show on the road, huh?"
"C-Clothes?" Her lips parted, the shock finally hitting her as she realized that the nightmare she just woke up from, it was real.
"Yeah, your other ones..." He relayed a false cringe and shrugged. "Bullet holes. Everywhere." She gasped, but his finger wouldn't let her as it shot up to her lips. "But that's okay, alright? It's completely under control, now. I am very proud of you actually, you did so good for your first time." He praised with a coo.
"But what did I do?!" She blurted out, a panic attack starting to come on. She tried to temper it with deep breathed, rational thinking, Homelander simply watched. His head tilted and he winked at her, pointed comically and then stood up, peeling away her hand. 
"Nice try, but I will have that be a surprise."
"Please, stop." She whimpered out, tears sliding down her cheeks. "What-I-I'm scared." 
"Ohh, Carly..." He crossed his arms. "You should have thought of that before you broke into a fucking lab, huh? I mean, really, I told you to stay away and well..." He shrugged, then began a sway towards the door, a chippier way about his step. He grabbed the handle on the door and looked back at her one more. "You and I are going to have a lot of fun. I can already see it." He disappeared out the door and Carly sat with her lips parted in shock, furious tears streaming down her cheeks. All the blood and the gore, and then the fire, oh the fire. She did that with her eyes?! She closed her eyes, fingertips tracing over her thin eyelids and then she sobbed. Her body hunched over and she cried hard, holding her elbows with so much might she wondered if she could break her own self into pieces. She wanted to. The idea was thrilling almost, that she could die right this moment. She wished she could. 
   It was chilly, what little light that reflected through the sliding glass door settled onto Carly's navy blue dress. The sounds of conversation and classical music muffled by the outside. Though the clouds carried over the sky and what little stars could be seen, Carly felt more comfortable in the suffocating atmosphere than inside. She heard the glass doors slide open behind her, politely choosing not to glance over at her company. In fear of it being another guy she had been trying to evade that night. 
"Now my, oh my, I must be quite lucky..." Her eyebrows furrowed at the familiar jest, the warmth settled at her side and she finally met his steel gaze. He grinned at her, openly looking her up and down, sending a wink in her direction. If it were anybody else, they'd be head over heels at the presence of the great and mighty Homelander, but Carly was hardly stunned. No one was truly famous or popular in her eyes, and Homelander soon found it so at the way her heart rate remained at its regular pace, no blood pressure rising over normal, sweaty palms, or frantic shyness. "To find myself in such gorgeous company." He finished, she nodded at him and then continued admiring the skyline. "It's awfully cold out here, sweetheart, what finds you all alone?"
"I don't really like people." 
"Oh, come on, people like you I'm sure." She knew that it was all an act, and his eyebrows furrowed when her stare read right through him. Strands of dirty blonde fluttering in the wind as that wind brushed past them, she leaned more into the metal railing and cocked her head at him curiously.
"Ya'know I could ask you the same thing myself, right?"
"What, exactly?" He crossed his arms, finding his back against the railing as his eyes now focused on the crowd of aristocrats and rich folks inside, swarming like bees to their honey. 
"What are you, the fierce and magnificent Homelander, doing out here?" He snorted, chin dropping to his chest and then he tilted his attention towards her with a handsome smirk. 
"Fierce and magnificent, huh?"
"Yes, that's what everybody thinks, right?" 
"Hmmm." She heard the rubber of his glove squeak in his fist, jaw tightening as his eyes hovered for too long over her chest. She cleared her throat, crossing her arms and his eyes found hers again. 
"You're not abusing your powers are you?" He chuckled darkly and bit at his lip for a moment, then shook his head. 
"What powers exactly do you speak of?"
"You do have x-ray vision last time I checked. You can see through everything..." She walked out in front of him and his eyes followed behind her as she found herself on the other side of him, against the railing again. She considered him with a seductive grace that made his lips part and his irises widen with arousal. "Even through my dress."
"I suppose I could, is that an invitation?" He stepped closer, perhaps to get a reaction out of her, testing the waters, by shortening the distance between them. For a moment, as close as he was, she welcomed the body heat in this cold.
"Even if it wasn't, you'd do it anyways." They were inches away from each other, the urge to just grab her, was very present in her mind. His foot came out to get even further, their chests touching and he had to look down to get a better view of her. She was absolutely stunning, all plush lips, bright eyes, and acute features.  She certainly would be one of the most beautiful to have graced his presence. Granted, he hadn't even gotten permission yet, but the urge to just take her either way was crawling through him. Her palm met his pectoral and she had done it in this way that made her all the more alluring. "You know, there is this quote that makes me think of you..." He gulped, hoping to hide the desperation to hear and know her next words, perhaps all the more sexual and then all the more an invitation for him to just have her right here on this balcony. An absolute stranger of a woman, but he could care less.
"Tell me." His voice cracked, even though he was trying so hard to keep himself composed. His fingers had left dents in the railing, surely, from how hard he was trying to restrain himself.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Homelander wasn't sure if the words annoyed him, or more enthralled in her mystery, but he wanted more of it and that really did annoy him. She then subtly brushed all of herself against him as she passed to rejoin the party. She turned in stride and back peddled towards the glass door. "And also, you really shouldn't flirt with everything that walks your way, Homelander. You might not like who you bump into." She teased, disappearing through the doors and into the sea of people, his eyes still following her as she went. 
  Later that night, while Stillwell and him had found themselves off on the sidelines, having a brief conversation about the night's events, he asked about her. 
"Oh, her? Not worth your time. That's Carly Danvers, and she's a fucking splinter in my ass."
"That, so?" Homelander's jaw tightened, he hadn’t stopped looking at her the whole night. For someone that didn't really like people, she knew how to play a crowd very well.
"She hates Vought, and has been doing an investigation on us, what a little bitch." Homelander tried to hide his smirk as he sipped from his glass.
"Hmm, why did Vought invite her then?"
"It's all publicity, John. The girl is an absolute train wreck for us, but the closer she is the less we have to worry about her, I guess." He nodded his head silently, but in all actuality, he really couldn't stop looking under that dress.
  She didn't realize how hard it was to control one's strength with this much power. After finding some self control in Homelander's absence, she decided to get the hell out of there; A lot easier said than done. As soon as she put her feet down, little cracks formed in the tile, she was practically tiptoeing and still crack after crack forming as she went. There was no way she wasn't going to draw any attention to herself, especially the way she was trying so hard to refrain from blinking or swinging her arms around. She was like a ticking time bomb without a clock, ready to explode at any point in time, she could accidentally kill everybody in a matter of seconds. What scared her even more was blacking out again, and then killing everybody without even being present for it. 
   In her efforts to prevent herself from putting her feet through the floor, she didn't realize how much time had passed. The door opened and in came Homelander, she wasn't prepared for his entrance. And even as he stood before her, she tripped over her own tippy toes and landed on the foot rest of the bed, causing the metal bars to dent inward and break in half under her weight. Homelander sighed, he closed the door behind him, a set of clothes in his hand, he tossed them onto the side of the bed that wasn't horribly broken. 
"What did I tell you, Carly? Look at this..." He muttered something under his breath as he wrapped his arm under her armpit and picked her up to drag her towards the bed. She sat down, although it was now slanted downwards, and she crossed her arms in a pout. "Look at the tile, Carly. You fucked up the tile." He snapped, gesturing to the white marble that was now tarnished with cracks and dents in the shape of feet. In an effort to ignore him, Carly grabbed the clothes he had found for her, a part of her wondering why it had taken so long. Then she saw, a familiar pair of sweatpants, lingerie red underwear and an ACDC shirt...
"These are my clothes." Homelander took a deep breath, and crossed his arms. 
"I had to swing by your apartment, I didn't know what size you wore." Her eyebrows furrowed at him.
"And how did you know where I live?" He could have looked it up, but his reaction in regards to her question told her otherwise. She didn't know why it was this particular thing that made her snap, but it did, it really did. She stood up, feet leaving harsh imprints in the tile and she stormed up to him. Her finger pointed, accusing in his face and she grunted angrily, trying to find the right words for how irritated she was. "I want to know what the fuck is going on?! How do I go back to being normal again?! I am not some hero! This is fucked up and-and..." her words trailed off, eyes going wide as her head started to level with Homelander's and beyond. She looked vacantly down at her now floating feet, swinging her arms and legs around. All rationality left her and she reached out for Homelander, who was amused, taking in the spectacle before him. "Homelander, please! Help!" His thumb and point fingers gripped under his chin as he analyzed her approach towards the ceiling. 
"Fascinating feeling, isn't it?"
"Please! Let me down! Help! This is wrong! This feels weird-This-" 
"Alright, alright! Just fucking shut up for once." He grabbed her wrists and yanked her back down to his level, using his body to take in the momentum of her descent and she collided hard against his chest. She grabbed his shoulders with that strong grip of hers, his hands still thumbing along the pulse points on her wrists and he smiled down at her. She huffed defeat and dropped her forehead to his chest plate. 
"What do I do?" She mumbled, and Homelander's hands found either side of her head, forcing her to look back up at him again. The bleary, teary eyed look she gave him sent something through him and he sighed, shaking his head. Matching those beautiful eyes of hers with his own somewhat amused, somewhat enthralled look.
"You listen to me, and you do exactly as I say. Do you understand?"
"Shhh..." His hands shoved her face back into his chest, despite her physical protests, and he rested his chin on her head, giving her a false comfort. "You belong to Vought now, Carly. And you belong to me." He said those words with such sinister satisfaction. Hearing those words was when Carly knew, without a doubt, that she had made a grave mistake. A big one.
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