#it's gonna be chaos. pure chaos. i will giggle 75 % of time and play only 25 % of time
nikatyler · 6 months
If I had a nickel for every time I murdered my favourite vampire accidentally, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it has happened twice
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trashunlimited · 6 years
hope you guys like this one :) it came out slightly later than i expected, but oh well.
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
tagging: @nightshade1994, @glampyra
When Cyn woke up, he found that Rick was gone, much to his dismay, and to make things worse, the guards were all dead and blood was everywhere.
It wasn’t hard for him to deduce that Rick had killed all the guards and escaped, and it angered and devastated him beyond belief. His plan had failed, and now he would be discharged, after all his hard work and planning too! It would be for nothing in the end.
Cyn returned to where Pyri was, and when he arrived, the look on her face showed nothing but pure rage.
“I gave you three chances, and you wasted them all!’ She yelled. “You are discharged from now on. It’s far too late anyways, nothing can be done.”
Cyn was baffled. “Your Imperial Highness...you’re just...giving up...after everything? This empire has been going on for thousands of years! You can’t just-”
“I can and I will!” Pyri interrupted. “Panic and chaos have ensued here for far too long, the planet has become a mess. Our empire was already failing anyways..” She sighed. “I have given away the remainder of our planets to the newly rising Galactic Federation, and sending off remaining citizens to other parts of the galaxy.”
“Enough! I want you to leave immediately! Get out!”
Cyn hung his head, and obeyed one final time to his empress. He walked out, feeling dejected, and observed outside to see ruin and destroyed buildings everywhere.
He clenched his fist angrily, this was all Sanchez’s fault! If he hadn’t stolen that chunk, none of this would’ve ever happened. Cyn looked up into the sky, and knew what he had to do: take revenge.
The next day, Julie found her thoughts returning to Rick again, and the torture he suffered at the hands of the fyralogins. It must’ve been traumatic for him, she couldn’t stop worrying about it.
After breakfast, she decided to ask him about it, but Rick just scoffed it off. “Y-You worry too much Julie, I'm fine, everything's fine.”
“I worry about you because I love and care for you. Just talk to me okay? There's no need to hide things from me.” She replied.
“Says you, you've never told me what happened to your family. If anything, you're the one keeping secrets from me.”
She sighed. “No, you’re right. It was hypocritical of me to want you to not keep secrets, while I’ve been...keeping some myself.”
Julie looked away, and Rick seemed a bit remorseful for acting harsh towards her. “I’m...I’m sorry...j-j-just..y-you can tell me what h-happened, I’m h-here for y-you.”
She turned her head up and smiled weakly, finally deciding he needed to know the truth.
Taking a deep breath, Julie began to explain what happened. “It was...a couple of years ago..back in ‘75...my parents had been saving up money to buy me a house, the same one we’re in right now. After graduating from university, I returned home, and that’s when they showed me this house. I was so excited, I moved in as soon as possible. But…” She started to tear up, which worried Rick. “My parents...were going to come visit me after I finished moving in, but on their way there...the weather..” She sniffled. “It got really bad..and they...they got into an accident...and..” Julie broke down into sobs, unable to finish.
Rick wiped a few of tears away and held her close, letting her sob against him. “Let me guess….they died?” He asked.
“Yeah..” Julie muttered through her tears.
Rick gently rubbed her back, not saying a word afterwards. He didn’t really know how to comfort her, but he figured that what he was doing should be enough. He didn’t understand her pain, due to how different their relationships with their parents had been, but he tried to be there for her regardless. Rick hadn’t lost anyone particularly close to him, in part because he usually didn’t let people get close to him to begin with, Julie was one of the few exceptions.
Rick decided the best thing he could do right now was find a way to cheer her up, and see her smile and laugh again, he hated seeing her so sad.
He pulled her away and gave her a big smile. “I have an idea to make you feel better, do you like video games?”
A small smile formed on Julie’s face. “I do.”
“Then I got something to show you!”
Rick brought Julie over to an intergalactic arcade called “Blips and Chitz”, it was one of his favourite places to visit, and he was sure, since Julie liked video games too, that she would enjoy it as well.
As soon as the two stepped inside, Julie’s eyes widened in awe and wonder, taking in the sights. It looked a tiny bit like a normal arcade on Earth, but far bigger and with a far wide selection of games to play. Not only that, but she could see screens displaying information relating to the arcade, various floors to visit, and in the center, there was a planet-like object with the words “Blips and Chitz” around it.
“I’ve been managing to save up enough flurbos for the two of us to use. I even started selling weapons to an assassin I met not too long ago.” Rick mentioned. “I...actually was planning to spend an entire afternoon here on my own for a bit, but now that you’re here, we can do it together.”
Julie grinned at him. “So..is this like our first date?”
He blushed. “Yeah...I-I g-guess ssso..”
She giggled, and took his hand in hers, then they started walking together. Rick smirked, he could only imagine Julie’s reaction to one of the games here. Video games on Earth were extremely primitive, so this would be completely different for her. As to not freak her out too much, he decided on starting her off with something simple.
Rick led her to one of the arcade cabinets, and pointed to it. “Here’s one I think you’ll like. The objective is simple, all you have to do is fly the spaceship while avoiding obstacles and shooting at enemies.”
She went and sat down in front of it, her curiosity peaked. “Sounds easy enough, this should be fun!”
As soon as she pressed the button to start it up, the extremely high-tech graphics amazed her beyond belief, and she was at a loss for words.
Rick laughed and tapped her shoulder to get her attention, snapping her out of her amazed state. “Sorry!” Julie apologized. “It’s just...I’ve never seen anything like this…”
“Don’t worry about it, just try it out.” He grinned.
Julie smiled at him, then turned back over to the game and attempted to play. He watched as she played and was a bit impressed at how well she was doing, it seemed she had managed to pick up on things pretty quickly.
When she finished, Rick gave her a thumbs up, then went over to play the game himself.
It was Julie's turn to watch him, and she found herself in awe about how amazing he was, he drove the spaceship very smoothly and with ease, and was able to shoot tons of obstacles quickly.
When he finished, Julie went up to him in excitement. “Wow Ricardo! You were amazing!” She beamed. “What are we gonna play next?”
Rick smiled at her use of his full name, and took out the tickets from the machine to get prizes, before looking around and seeing what else they could play together. When he found something he thought she’d like, he took her over there and they began playing the game together.
“Good luck trying to beat me Julie! I’m the master at this game!” Rick boasted. “Y-You’ll never even come cl-close!”
Julie giggled. “We’ll see about that!”
She was again, able to pick up on things pretty fast, and much to Rick’s surprise, she was managing to do really well, and he was getting nervous that she might beat him. He hated losing, being very competitive when it came to games, and wasn’t even going to let Julie win. He made the move to try and use tricks in order to win, but Julie caught on and was able to get the upper hand, causing her to win.
“Yay! I won!” She exclaimed happily. “Guess I'm the new master at this game huh?”
Rick just ‘hmphed’ and appeared grumpy and annoyed, crossing his arms together and looking away.
“Aw don’t be such a sore loser, Mr. Grumpypants!” She laughed.
Rick didn’t respond, and Julie got a devious idea. She grabbed onto his face and pulled him in for a kiss, making him blush madly. He was surprised, but quickly found himself enjoying it.
“All better now?” Julie asked.
“Yep..” Rick said, still in a bit of a lovestruck haze, before realizing he was in one and shaking his head, snapping him out of it. She laughed, and watched as Rick took out the tickets from the machine, before glimpsing back at her. “You wanna help me get more of these? If we win enough...well..there are some prizes I really wanna g-get..” He winked.
“Of course! Let’s get going!” Julie agreed.
The two went to play more games together, having fun and of course, collecting the tickets. Julie continuously found herself amazed with every game they played, and she wasn’t sure if she could ever play a simple game like Breakout or Pong ever again, but to her, it was worth it.
When they’d managed to collect enough tickets, they went over to the prize booth where Rick traded some tickets in for...a scooter? She was surprised, but not complaining.
“Rick! Why did you get a scooter?” She asked playfully.
“Why wouldn’t I get a scooter? These things are amazing!” He retorted, and Julie watched as he went on it, and he started to zoom around in pure glee.
Julie was glad to see him doing so well, and realized that this showed Rick clearly has a more childish side to his personality, not that she minded. If she was being completely honest, she found it rather...cute, and it further showed how Rick wasn’t afraid to be himself.
She was still concerned about how the torture he’d suffered had affected him, but decided that maybe he just wouldn’t want to talk about it, and that was okay with her. Besides, she’d rather see him like this than in any misery or pain.
At the same time, Julie thought about how it must be the same for Rick too, that he didn’t like seeing her miserable either, and that this must be his way of making her feel better. She had to admit, it worked. Her pain was still there deep down, but the fact alone Rick did this for her, was enough to show that he cared, and that meant the world to her.
When they were finished, they returned home, only to see that it was dark out.
“Oh goodness!” Julie exclaimed. “We were there for a pretty long time huh?”
“Heh heh...y-yeah..” He chuckled. “But it was worth it right?”
They headed back inside, where  Julie decided to thank Rick for taking her to the arcade.
“Thank you by the way...for taking me to Blips and Chitz. It was a lot of fun...and...I’d love to go back someday.” She smiled. “By the way...did you take me there to cheer me up after I told you about...you know..”
Rick nodded. “I didn’t know what else to do...I-I’ve never had to comfort someone b-before...s-sorry..”
“Oh don’t worry about it.” Julie assured him. “The fact alone you wanted to cheer me up is all that matters to me, it shows me that you care for me and want me to be happy.”
Rick blushed shyly at her words. “Ah..i-it’s...n-nothing r-really..”
“No, it’s not nothing, it means the world to me.” She replied before kissing his cheek, making him blush more.
He was speechless, unsure what to say, making Julie giggle softly. “I guess I’ll be off to bed now, see you tomorrow..”
Rick smiled at her, and they shared a kiss before he left back for his apartment.
While there, his mind kept thinking about Julie, how much fun they’d had at Blips and Chitz, how lucky he was to be with her. That had been the most fun he’d ever had there, and he knew it had to do with Julie, she brought out so much joy and excitement in him, and he never had to hide any part of who he was with her.
Rick had never been in a serious relationship, just casual ones, so he didn’t know exactly what he was doing, but he hoped he would learn what to do through Julie. She was always there for him, and he knew he would always be there for her.
In the morning, Julie decided to talk to Mark and Vivian again, especially Vivian. She wanted to apologize with her, and of course, they also had to know she was with Rick too.
Julie picked up her phone and dialed Mark’s number, before hearing his surfer dude-like voice on the other end. “What’s up? Whose this?”
“It’s me, Julie..” She answered.
“Oh..everything going okay?” He asked worriedly.
“Yes, everything’s fine, no need to worry, I’m doing better now.” Julie replied. “I also wanted to let you know, that I want you and Vivian to come over, I have so much to tell you!”
Mark smiled, already being able to tell from her voice that she was indeed doing better now. He was a little nervous about bringing Vivian over, but knew it was for the best. “Alrighty then, see ya soon!” Then he hung up.
Julie put the phone back, and then waited for her friend’s arrival. She’d been hoping to reconcile with Vivian, and apologize for yelling at her, it had been her mind last night while she tried to sleep, and she knew she needed to do something about it.
When they arrived, Julie greeted Mark with a hug, and when she saw Vivian, she gave her a gentle smile. “It’s great to see you again Vivian.” She greeted.
Vivian sighed. “Julie...look...I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
“Thank you..and I’m sorry for yelling too..”
“What? No! You don’t need to apologize, I was the one who yelled at you initially.”
“Ladies please!” Mark interrupted.  “Can you all agree neither of you meant to yell and you both wanna just get along again?”
They both looked at him, and Julie nodded her head in agreement, with Vivian following soon after, looking a bit annoyed that Mark interrupted them.
Now that that was resolved, Julie had something she wanted to bring up to them. “Well, I do have some great news!”
“What is it?” Mark asked curiously.
“Rick and I are officially together now!” She revealed happily. “A lot happened recently, I got kidnapped by an alien, but Rick saved and protected me, and now well...we’re a couple..”
Vivian had a befuddled look on her face, “Hold on, what is this about you getting kidnapped by an alien?”
“And just yesterday Rick took me an intergalactic arcade! It was so much fun!” Julie eagerly continued, completing ignoring her question.
Mark’s eyes widened. “You went to an intergalactic arcade?! What were the games like?”
“Really high tech and so advanced!” Julie answered. “It was so amazing it nearly blew my mind!”
“Cool! Do you think I could go sometime?”
She giggled. “Maybe, if Rick would let you.”
Vivian watched as Mark got all excited, and to her surprise, he went over and hugged her, making her blush, before pulling away. She was a little surprised, but shook it off, and her gaze focused on Julie. She wasn’t exactly thrilled to hear that Julie and Rick were a couple now, considering Rick was a murderer and all, but at least she seemed happy.
“So, you and Rick are a couple now huh?” Vivian asked, raising a brow.
Julie’s glee was replaced with nervousness. “Umm...yes...are you..okay with that?”
“Why would I be? He kills people for God’s sake..”
Mark went in between them, laughing nervously. “Ha ha...let’s not start this again..”
“No, he’s right.” Julie agreed. “Vivian, can you at least be happy for me?”
Vivian bit her lip, and sighed. “Whatever.”
“Thank you so much!” Julie exclaimed and hugged her, making her blush once again.
They spent a bit more time together, before Vivian and Mark said their goodbyes to Julie, and were on their way home.
Now alone again, Julie thought about Rick and seeing him again, wondering how he was doing.
She was so grateful to be with him, and she thought again about how he’d comforted her about her parents deaths.
Since the day they died, Julie hadn’t been the same, it had been a long time since she’d felt genuinely happy, but Rick had made her feel that way again. Thinking back, Julie wondered if she could finally come to terms with their deaths. As she thought, a flashback to her childhood formed in her mind.
Julie was sitting in front of the mirror in her room, while her mother brushed her hair, before tying it into a single braid and topping it with a white bow.
“Turn around Juliana, let’s see how you look.” Her mother told her. Julie did just that,  and her mother gasped in awe. “Oh sweetie, you look so beautiful!’
Julie smiled, but it quickly faded. “No one else seems to think so..” She sighed. “I think they’re right..”
“Just because a lot of people say something about you, doesn’t make it true. You are a beautiful girl, you just don’t realize it, but you will in time, I’m sure. Maybe it’ll take someone very special to help you see that you are.” Her mother grinned.
“Like my true love?” Julie beamed.
Her mother laughed. “Your true love will be able to not only see how beautiful how truly are, and help you realize that, but they’ll love you for you. That’s how you’ll know he’s the one.”
“When will I meet him?” She asked.
“Someday...maybe when you’re all grown up..maybe one day you’ll just bump into him by accident, or he’ll bump into you!” Her mother giggled, booping her nose.
Julie giggled too. “Is that how you knew Daddy was your true love?”
“Yep.” She confirmed. “I was just a waitress at a diner, taking orders and feeling bored out of my mind. Then one day Daddy popped in and I just felt this connection with him. We started talking a hit it off so well! Vivian’s Mommy would tease me all the time about it, asking when I was going to marry him, and I did, then you came around.”
Julie’s mother hugged her tightly, and she hugged back. Her words had comforted her, and she did feel a bit better now.
They then the doorbell ring, and the door opening, alerting her mother. “Daddy’s home!” She exclaimed. “We have to go give him the casserole we made together!”
She started walking out of her room, and Julie followed happily, now feeling like she didn’t have any worries anymore,
Julie shed a few tears, thinking about the happy memory with her mother. It seemed she’d guessed correctly somehow that Rick would end up bumping into her, or more like he’d rammed into her, but still! It was close enough for her. Everything her mother had said about her true love was right on the nose.
She smiled, thinking about her future with Rick.
ok i know the dead parents thing is cliche but i feel like i have a good reason for including it okay! hear me out!
answer me this, would you want your daughter dating some highly dangerous criminal? and not just any criminal either, but one of the most wanted and dangerous in the entire galaxy? no! you wouldn’t! we already had enough drama as it is with vivian, we didn’t need anymore with julie’s parents.
okay...with that out of the way, this is blips and chiptz 
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it was from the episode “mortynight run”, and i wanted to include it because i wanted to show that both rick and julie like video games. i mean this is the stuff julie is used to:
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and then she sees amazing high tech advanced graphics, and of course she almost loses her god damn mind.
i got the idea for rick’s more “childish” interests from here:
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i wanted to make their banter and teasing feel believable...hope it is!
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