#it's gonna be Zelda and Martial Arts movies.
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doctorcanon ¡ 11 months ago
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I saw a Stunt Woman run Wushu Drills on tiktok and had an idea for a quick drawing. One of these days I'mma draw Wild in his actual clothes but not today, apparently.
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deans-baby-momma ¡ 3 years ago
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Chapter 12
Set in season 14 and follows Y/N, a young girl from the Apocalypse world as she tries to navigate this new place that she was thrust in after being rescued and the feelings she begins to have for someone she really shoudln’t be having them for.
Warnings: There’s a bit of angst, smut and fluff in each chapter. I will tag the smut chapters appropriately but if you’re following me and reading any of my stories, you know it’s gonna be there.  LOL
WC: 1317
Sitting in the backseat of the Impala, I listen as Dean and Sam argue about which route to take to get to Salem, Ohio; the location of the toys come to life and attack. 
“If we just stick to the interstate we could get there in about 14 hours,” Sam pleads his case but Dean shakes his head.
“Too many speed traps and cops on the freeway,” Dean counters. “Sticking to backroads and two-laners, we can keep a low profile and we’ll get there in about the same amount of time.”
I take it upon myself to put in my opinion, scooting forward and leaning on the back of the front seat. “I vote for a low profile. I want to see the countryside.”
Sam turns his head and stares at me and after a few seconds there is a look of understanding so he nods and relinquishes. I meet Dean’s eyes in the rearview as I settle back and he winks. 
After almost 15 excruciating hours in that same backseat I am relieved when we pull up to a motel just outside of town. Listening to the same album over and over with the wind whistling through the open windows had begun to grate on my last nerve.
Sam and I go into the motel office to procure a couple of rooms while Dean stays back to unload the car. 
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We visit his place of employment and I get a peek at how big of a horror buff Dean is. It’s cute actually. He gets so excited and animated with the life size mannequin of David Yaeger, also known as Hatchet Man from the All Saints Day series. 
“Hi. I’m Samantha. Can I help you?”
“We’re looking for Stuart Blake,” Sam tells her. “We are with Campbell and Associates Insurance. We heard about Mr. Blake’s accident and were wishing to discuss it with him.”
“Oh, he’s at his parents’ house. You know, resting up.”
“Okay,” Sam says, giving her a smile. “Thank you.”
I have come to understand that this guy is an opinionated, hot-headed nerd. He has succumbed to living in his parents’ basement because he has angered, annoyed and alienated all his friends and acquaintances. Hell, he was kicked out of his last residence over a martial arts movie, of all things!
I sit at the table in the kitchen, alongside the Winchesters as we await Stuart. His mom tells us, “Stewie will be up in just a minute” as she sits down three mugs of the cider she offered. I hold back a giggle as I watch Dean quickly switch out the cat mug for the ‘Flash” mug and Sam gives him an exasperated look. 
I lift up the Wonder Mom mug and take a sip. I can’t seem to keep from peeking over the rim of my cup at Dean. He is dressed in a plain white short sleeve dress shirt, a pair of khaki slacks and a silver and charcoal striped tie. But the kicker is the black rimmed glasses he is sporting. He looks like a nerd; a really hot, sexy as fuck, nerd. 
‘Get it together Y/N! Don’t blow the case just because you can’t keep your eyes off Dean.’
A few minutes later we hear yelling coming from the basement then Stuart appears. I recognize him from the video that he had posted on the internet. His wounds look superficial to me. I  have seen worse wounds from my world. 
Stuart stops at the top of the stairs as soon as he spots us and slides the headphones off his head. 
“Who’re you?” he asks.
“We’re from Campbell and Sons Insurance and…” Sam begins.
“What are you doing down there?” Dean cuts his brother off before he can finish the fake spiel we had concocted in the car.
At my complete look of confusion, Dean leans over and whispers, “It’s a video game.”
Stuart corrects him. “It’s the video game.”
“Yeah, well I’m a Zelda for life so….” Dean says with a chuckle and a shrug.  “What are you, burning sage down there?”
“So?” Stuart answers defensively, as he takes a bottle of soda from the fridge.. “I dated this Goth chick, like super-hot, met online and she was into Wicca. She said that burning sage was like good luck or some crap like that.”
“Hm, so you’re not together anymore?”
“Ha, no. I broke it off before we could MIRL. You know, I mean, who needs goth girl drama am I right?” Stuart nods toward Sam as he lifts the drink and guzzles half of it down.
I look to Dean for another explanation of what this dude is spewing. Is this guy even speaking English now? Unfortunately Dean looks as confused as I am.
Sam whispers. “MIRL – Meet in real life.”
“Why do you know what that means?” I ask at the same time Dean says, “I don’t even want to know how you know that.”
Sam ignores us both and goes on with his pretend persona.
“Stuart, we’re here to ask about the attack you reported, with the toy?”
Stuart stuns us all when he nonchalantly says, “I made it up.”
“You what?” Dean asks and I can’t tell if he impressed or if he is disappointed.
“The whole thing, I lied.”
“But, the video…” Sam says and I nod. The video had seemed pretty credible.
“That was fake. I didn’t expect it to go viral, but it did,” Stuart explains. “Uh I just, I fell.”
Busted! Lie, right there. I could tell whatever had happened to Stuart he didn’t want anyone to know. I briefly wonder if maybe he and that goth chick had indeed MIRLed and it didn’t go well.
“Hm, because the hospital report said that you had marks on your face, your legs, your back and your genitals,” Dean replies and I can tell he has caught on to the lie too. “That’s not a slip and fall.”
“Well I don’t see why an insurance company would care, you know. And I think it’s time for you to leave.”
As we get into the Impala, I once again scoot forward and lean on the back of the seat. “So what now?”
“His girlfriend was into Wicca,” Dean offers.
“Wicca doesn’t always mean witch,” Sam says. I have no contribution to what is going on so I just listen.
“Except when it does,” Dean says, his hand up and his index pointing toward the top of the car.  
“You're both right," I say, annoyed with both of them. "Let’s wait until they leave and check the house for hex bags. For now, you two need to grow up. What is it with having to one-up the other? Why do you feel the need to prove you are better than your brother? Jesus, my dad was an arrogant, egotistical man but he and Uncle Sammy always worked together and never butted heads like you two." 
I swallow audibly as both the Winchesters had turned to stare at me. I paste on a grin and shrug.
It isn't even five minutes later that Dean starts provoking Sam.
"So seriously, what is your deal with Halloween?"
"I don’t like it," Sam answers as he watches kids dressed up in costumes walk past the car.
"Yeah, but why don’t you like it, hm?" Dean asks. "And don’t give me that like, ‘well every day is Halloween for us’ crap, okay? Because one: it ain’t, we don’t eat that much candy, two: you’ve had this hate on for years. So?"
Instead of answering, Sam straightens up in his seat. "Mom’s on the move."
We watch as Stuart's mother, Barbra, leaves the house dressed in costume. She gets into the car in the driveway and pulls away. As she passes, the three of us hunker down so she doesn't see us surveying her home.
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @spnbaby-67​ @tftumblin​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @atc74​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @squirrelnotsam​  @sandlee44​ @blacktithe7​ @hoboal87​ @mogaruke​ @deanwanddamons​ @supraveng​ @deandreamernp​ @akshi8278​ @lyarr24​ @wintersoldierwinchester @we-are-all-a-bunch-of-idjits​ @nancymcl​ @kazsrm67 @lostdarksoul6
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littlekiwibirb ¡ 6 years ago
(I kept forgetting to fill this out, better late than never I suppose 😅)
21 Question Tag
I was tagged by @absoluteiridescence
Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
1. Nicknames: Hayree, Kiwi, Lunarhope (if you count my gaming handle heh)
2. Zodiac:  Aries ♈
3. height: 5'2 maybe?? I'm tiny. (I forgot this first time around)
4. Last movie you saw: I don't recall..maybe Glass?
5. Last thing I googled: The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince. It's a cute game.
6. Favorite musician(s): Emarosa, Dance Gavin Dance, PVRIS, Billie Eilish. Plenty more.
Oh and AmaLee! Her anime/game music covers are absolutely heavenly.
7. Song(s) stuck in my head: Dissolve - Absofacto / Separate - Pvris
8. Do I get asks? Not really~
9. Dream job: Artist, Martial Arts Instructor
10. Dream trip: I want to say Germany or Italy. But it's not entirely true.
This I'd gonna sound stupid..but I believe I've already had it! The first vacation that my gf and I ever took together was easily the grandest I've gone on in my life.
I felt free, daily stress melted away, everything was felt brand new, fascinating, and exciting! But altogether safe and comfortable.
We goofed off, we ate trashy food, we got a little too drunk, we discovered things about one another..I felt loved, truly loved for the first time in such a long time.
So honestly, I just can't wait to explore the world with her, anywhere, or even just a trip down the road. That's the dream, yo' ~
11.  Where is 11? 🤨
12. Lucky number(s): 3, 6, 7
13. What I’m wearing: Black sweater, Grey Adidas joggers, Legend of Zelda socks.
14. Favorite food: Anything bread, wings, whatever babe cooks up.
15. Play instruments: Uhh I can play the beginning of "Hotel California" on an acoustic guitar 😅
16. Languages: English, very rusty but basic German, working on Spanish as well.
17. Favorite song: The Hound and the Fox - I The Mighty
18. Random fact: Cats have 32 muscles in their ears. Also I'm a Second Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo.
19. Other blogs: I barely keep up with this one.
20. Following: Lots, mainly nerdy pages 🤓
21.Describe yourself as aesthetic things: mementos you want to throw away but they carry too much sentiment, slightly risky urban exploration, fragrant vanilla bean cupcakes, worn beanies, spikey bedhead, soft flannels, black skinny jeans that cling to all the right places, denim jackets with a variety of patches, scuffed combat boots, cat loafs, affectionately admiring someone's wonder of something newly discovered, neon lights and the magical energy of a city lit up at night, the warmth of a bonfire.
I don't really know 21 people on here. But any of my followers are welcome to play! Those I do tag don't feel pressured or obligated!
For giggles I'm gonna tag: @chillsister @hania-w @jazztasticjaguar @enter-the-mind-of-a-degenerate @g-anjagoddess @rebel-bones @xkuga @discountjainasolo @drnizzle @elizabethmarten @catur-daze
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recentanimenews ¡ 7 years ago
The Crunchyroll 2017 Holiday Gift Guide
Hello everyone and Season’s Greetings. My name is Peter Fobian, Associate Features Editor. We here at Crunchyroll know how hard it is to plan out holiday shopping for your friends, family, and loved ones, so we wanted to put together a handy gift guide for the anime-inclined! We’ve separated the gifts into several different sections for varying types of anime fans and included options for different budgets. Whether the person you’re shopping for loves Attack on Titan or Sailor Moon, we’ve got something for them on this list. Light up the fireplace, pour yourself a mug of good nog, and enjoy the Crunchyroll 2017 Holiday Gift Guide!
Gifts for the Shonen Fan
Martial arts, powerful psychic abilities, and Earth-shattering fight scenes—if the person you’re buying gifts for loves these things, here’s the section for you! Here are gifts for the people in your life who love shonen.
For fans of Dragon Ball Super, My Hero Academia, Yu Yu Hakusho
$:Dragon Ball VIZBIG Vol 1
Akira Toriyama’s groundbreaking manga set the stage for modern shonen and the international megahit Dragonball Z. A more light-hearted, simpler look at Goku's adventures with Bulma as a child. The VIZBIG editions of the series offer a lot  for your dollar, collecting several volumes in omnibus with plus-size pages!
$$:Kakashi Military Hoodie
Perfect for running with your arms out behind you, the Kakashi Military Hoodie is great for the Naruto fan in your life who has cold arms. This type of gear is my favorite since it can be worn casually or as lowkey cosplay and acts as a conversation starter for fellow fans.
$$$:One Punch Man
Here we have the collected edition of one of the most popular shonen anime of the past few years, including all 12 episodes and 6 OVAs. One Punch Man’s comedy-heavy take on the superhero genre and amazing fight scenes demand blu-ray quality viewing as we all wait for season 2.
Gifts for the Shojo Fan
For fans of Sailor Moon, Blue Spring Ride, Glass Mask
Do you know someone who loves nothing more than love triangles and flurries of cherry blossoms? Does the sight of magical girl transformations make their heart flutter? Well we’ve got the perfect gifts for you to buy them!
$:Sailor Moon Socks
By the power of the moon, these socks will keep your toes warm during the winter. A perfect accessory for Usagi fans and a great way of buying someone socks for the holidays without the usual accompanying disappointment. With several different patterns, no  one will be able to accuse you of using the same socks every day.
$$:CardCaptor Sakura Figure
With the approach of the Clear Card arc after nearly two decades of hiatus, it’s time to start gearing back up with Cardcaptor Sakura merchandise. Although the series is known for its myriad outfits courtesy of Sakura's best friend Tomoyo, nothing look is more iconic than Sakura in her trademark rollerblades.
$$$:Revolutionary Girl Utena
A genre-defining shojo title whose influence has reached well beyond the anime fandom. Revolutionary Girl Utena broke new ground when it aired in the late ’90s, and our friends at Nozomi are giving it a gorgeous box set fit for a prince. This gift is great for diehard fans, people who you know will fall in love with the series (everyone), and the rings make it perfect for finding your own rose bride.
Gifts for the Manga Reader
“Well, the anime was pretty good, but have you read the manga?” Here are some excellent gift choices for people who have always, always read the manga before watching the anime.
For fans who are reading a ton of manga that still haven't gotten anime adaptation.
$:The Promised Neverland
Although The Promised Neverland has been running in Weekly Shonen Jump for over a year, the first volume just made it to print in the United States this month. I won't ruin the twist, but there is more to this cute-looking series than meets the eye. If I had to provide one common title to compare it to I'd maybe say... 20th Century Boys?
  $$:Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
An influential manga classic, this series was written and illustrated by Hayao Miyazaki himself. The Ghibli movie of the same name only gave you a taste of the greater story which has been collected in this beautiful 2-volume hardback box set. A seminal work and a must-have for manga collectors.
$$$:One Piece volume 1-23 box set
One of the most popular comics in the world, for good reason. One Piece has been running strong for 20 years and just keeps getting better! A perfect balance of action, hijinks, and some of the highest emotional highs of the genre. This set contains the first 23(!!!) volumes of the series and is a great starter pack for anyone looking to build out their collection. More of a briefcase than a box set, it's even got a carrying handle.
Gifts for the Anime Newbie
Anime is more popular than ever before, which means you probably know someone who is just getting started down the rabbit hole of anime fandom. Here are some presents to help you foster the growing anime fan in your life!
For fans who are dipping their toes in
$: Crunchyroll Membership
  Is there any greater gift in the entire world than a Crunchyroll Premium membership? Access to one of the largest anime libraries in the Western hemisphere ad-free and a ton of digital manga—it’s never been easier to get into anime!
$$:Ghibli Bundle - Spirited Away/Princess Mononoke
Ghibli movies are some of the most well known anime to mainstream moviegoers and are responsible for bringing in more than their fair share of dedicated fans. Most of the people I talk to today got their start with either Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away. Now it's easy and affordable to buy them together!
$$$:Your name
Speaking of anime films that made it into the mainstream, Your name has become a global phenomenon and one of the most successful anime features of all time. The opus of science fiction romanticist, Makoto Shinkai is a perfect starting point for blossoming anime fans.
Gifts for the Arthouse Buff
We all have that one friend. You know the one: that person who has an encyclopedic knowledge of anime directors and a top 10 list of shows you’ve never heard of. Well I am that friend, so these gifts are objectively good choices for the arthouse buff in your life!
For fans of Bakemonogatari, The Tatami Galaxy, Yuri Kuma Arashi
$:In This Corner of the World
I'm gonna keep talking about anime films... While it didn’t make the bang that Your name did, In This Corner of the World was one of the best anime films of the same year. A painstakingly researched historic drama five years in the making from industry legend and Santa Claus of anime Masao Maruyama, anyone who loves anime or cinema in general should see this film.
$$:Only Yesterday
Isao Takahata is often overlooked in favor of Hayao Miyazaki, but his directorial work for Ghibli is just as important! Takahata’s 1991 film is a sensitive portrait of a young woman that reaches an impressive level of realism and depth.
$$$:Mob Psycho 100 Limited Edition
From the creator of One Punch Man, Mob Psycho is the Studio BONES given free reign to go wild over the visual medium. This series reached into the far corners of the medium trying out downright experimental animation techniques. It even comes with a spoon to practice your psychic abilities!
Gifts for the Horror Lover
Halloween may be months past, but it’s never a bad time for horror! While these gifts might not be for the faint-of-heart, anyone with a fondness for all things scary will be sure to love them!
For fans of Another, Shiki, Ghost-type PokĂŠmon
From Suzo Oshimi, the author of Flowers of Evil and Inside Mari, comes a vampire manga that is as horrific as it is beautiful. Tokyo Ghoul fans will find a familiar premise taken in a much darker and introspective direction. 
Junji Ito’s works are being collected into beautiful black and white hardback editions and Tomie is one of his most famous, spawning a series of live-action films. This collected edition tells the story of its eponymous character, a mysterious and monstrous beauty.
$$$:When they Cry
Spread across three seasons, When They Cry is a master class in how to do horror right in anime. Suspense and body horror both used to their fullest for the entire series run is now available in one convenient package.
Gifts for the Figure Collector
Anime figures are one of the easiest ways to show your love for a favorite character! This year has seen plenty of great new collectibles, and here are three that are sure to delight the figure fan in your life!
For fans of Figmas, Nendoroids, and everything in between
  $:My Hero Academia Pop! Vinyl Figure
Everyone’s favorite heroes in training plus the symbol of Piece, All-Might, available in Funko Pop! form! Cute, affordable, and, above all else, HEROIC. PLUS ULTRA!!
$$:Breath of the Wild Link Nendoroid
The newest entry in the Legend of Zelda series was hailed by critics and fans as the game of the year when it was first released, and now this version of Link is available as a Nendoroid! Be sure it check out the store page since nendroid never skimps on customizability and accessories!
$$$:Viktor Nikiforov
Yuri’s coach is immortalized in this beautifully realized figure! Viktor’s known for always surprising his fans and your loved one opening a gift to find this figure within will be no exception. A must-have for Yuri!!! on ICE fans. There's also a Yuri version to recreate their duet.
  Gifts for the Gamer
There are anime fans and there are video game fans, but what to buy those who occupy the middle segment of this particular Venn Diagram? Don’t you worry, we’ve got you covered with these gifts that are sure to put please any anime-inclined gamers!
  $:Battle Chef Brigade
Recent digital release for Windows and Nintendo Switch perfect for fans of everything from Food Wars! to Avatar: The Last Airbender. This charming game combines side-scrolling combat with a novel Puzzle Fighter-like cooking system. Hunt monsters and and use their parts to win cooking battles!
$$:Persona 5
One of the greatest videogames of what has turned out to be a stacked year for gaming. Persona 5 did a rare thing by living up to its own hype, delivering one of the most stylish games in recent history, including a great story with attractive characters and fun gameplay.
$$$:Dark Souls the Board Game
It’s the Dark Souls of board games! FROM may be finished with the franchise, but you can invade your friends homes to take on dangerous bosses as a group. It’s all the soul-crushing difficulty of the game except you’ve got a team at your back.
Gifs for the Fashionable Friend
$:All-Might Socks
Your feet are fine now. Why? BECAUSE I’M HERE. AHAHAHAHAHA.
Anyways these All-Might socks are really good.
$$:Yuri Katsuki sweatpants
Do you know someone who wants to dress like a professional figure skater while simultaneously harboring a passion for loungewear? These Yuri Katsuki Sweatpants would make a great gift for them! Perfect for lounging around the house and eating pork cutlet bowls.
$$$:Subaru Hoodie
This hoodie is perfect for the person in your life who is willing to try and fail and try again! It’s a gift your loved ones can enjoy again and again… and again… and again...
The holidays are drawing closer but there's still plenty of time to find the perfect gift. As a self-described anime and gift-giving expert, I'm confident this list has just what you need to end the year with a bang and cause the recipients of your gifts to spontaneously start conversations with others about what a great person you are when you're not around. Until next year, good shopping, good buying, and goodbye-ing...
Peter Fobian is an Associate Features Editor for Crunchyroll, author of Monthly Mangaka Spotlight, writer for Anime Academy, and contributor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
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