#it's funny how most of my old wips are from qsmp
tharett · 2 days
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Random old wips that I posted on Insta then immediately forgot about until recently 😼
I can't? Find the motivation to continue these (nuts) wips? But they are still pretty cute and wanted to share them here too 🫶🎀💕
(ALSO I GOT A JOB!!!!!🎉🎉
SO THAT MEANS MORE POSTPONED WORKS?? KINDA???? I'll try and get as many old drawings that I have so I can show you guys in the time being, until I get a solid, stable routine down jijijiji)
Unos bocetos random que subí en el Insta y completamente se borro de mi memoria hasta ahora 😼
La neta no puedo encontrar la motivación para completar estos bocetos?? Pero son buen adorables y los quise compartir aquí comoquiera 🫶🎀💕
ESO SIGNIFICA QUE ABRAN MAS TRABAJOS EN ESPERA?? MAS O MENOS??? Trataré de buscar los cuantos bocetos viejos que tenga por lo mientras yo me acostumbre a la nueva rutina de mi vida jijijiji)
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lunelicmoone · 10 months
20 Questions For Fanfic Writers!
tagged by @nononameme07 !!
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
7!! which makes sense tbh. i technically would have 8, but i deleted one lmao
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
3: What fandoms do you write for?
dsmp! i wanna do more qsmp fics, but the motivation is at an all time low 😣
4: Top five fics by kudos?
could've been one lonely night (just like the others) 
funny thing that statement changed today (good thing that I'm forgiving) 
'cause it's not romantic (i swear) 
don't usually swoon (but i'm over the moon) 
be my reliever (cause I don't self medicate) 
5: Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
ALWAYS ALWAYS!! i love getting comments on my things and everyone's usually so sweet so ^^
6: What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhhhh i think 'cause it's not romantic (i swear) has the angstiest,,??
7: What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
could've been one lonely night (just like the others) is probably the happiest in terms of like. sweetness? i guess??
8: Do you get hate on fics?
uhhhh not yet at least! hopefully never cause i'll cry
9: Do you write smut?
absolutely not 🙅‍♀️ the farthest i'll go is like. dirty jokes and suggestive flirting, but the mere thought of writing smut makes me full-body cringe 😭😭 not to say that people who do are bad!! i just cannot personally do it
10: Do you write crossovers?
i would love to! im in many fandoms, so that would be fun to do ^^
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't. think so? hopefully not? i usually post all of my fic links on here, so it would probably be a little hard to
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
i haven't! but it would be so cool too! (take this as a stamp of approval for any future reference lmao)
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no :(( but again! would be very cool!
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
stares at you normally. any form of tntduo (except for the obvious)
15: What's the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
erm. kicks rock,,, do you want a list?
16: What are your writing strengths?
dialogue 100%.
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
transition scenes and conclusions are. tough. very very very tough
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i haven't yet, but i do want to! being part latina (puerto rican. if you even care) i know the tiniest amount of spanish just from my grandma using them to substitute english words (compra, sala, you get it)
19: First fandom you wrote for?
ever? aphmau. its probably still up on my old wattpad account lmao
20: Favorite fic you've ever written?
my most underrated fic, maybe they'll leave you alone (but not me) and i wish i didn't let go (but i guess someday i'd have to)! they are very good ones (go read them go read them go read them go re)
um oh god im nervous uhhhh for tags i will tag my good mutual @accursed-worm and my other good mutual @crimebeach !! (no pressure of course :3)
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