#it's funny bc I am the clone expert
smalltimidbean · 11 months
That makes me wonder does Fake Bean and Fake Peppino hibernate?
Or do some clones tend to stay awake in the winter
I have been thinking about this all day, and I am still not sure
In theory, yes a clone could hibernate, provided they have enough food to put on enough mass, and slow their metabolisms to an absolute crawl to survive through ~three months - But in practice, probably not!
Where most of the clones are now, there's a whole lot of them in a teenie tiny space, so there is not enough food for them to bulk up enough, so they'd likely starve within a week or so, if they tried to sleep the whole time (and without resorting to cannibalism ofc)
There's also a very very small risk of them absorbing each other, if they were all cuddled together - not necessarily a death sentence for the absorbed clone(s), but it's kinda complicated kjdfkj
This is unique to Fiend, but they have to eat every ~12 hours, or they turn into their big hangry chase form, so they definitely cannot hibernate
Clones definitely get more sluggish and sleep a lot more during the cooler months, but I don't count that as hibernation, so I guess my answer is; no, they do not
(And as the artist, it would not be very fun to draw Fiend/Pep/any clone just sleeping all the time, and I wanna draw wintery things with some of them!)
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