#it's fucking 2022 why is it not mandatory for all places to have a good range of options for non meat eaters??
Non meat eater rant here but why don't all restaurants & cafes have vegetarian & vegan options available at all times on their menus? It's so frustrating having to research places beforehand to see if I can actually go to eat there & even more frustrating knowing most places in my area don't do any meat free options. Why do I have to constantly miss out on going out for a nice meal just because I don't eat meat???
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 9 months
sooo i wrote this on my priv last night but i wanna kinda say it here as well chip mutuals you guys should hear this :o]
sooo ive been holding this in for pretty much all year now but from the bottom of my heart, i wanna thank you guys for being here with me throughout my main time in the fandom. it means so so much to me ;__; even when i was going through shit (that i really wouldnt wish on my worst enemy), the fact that i had you guys here just gave me a small little bit of hope, it reminded me there were good people in this fucking place
i had a sub-hyperfix that quickly turned into a hyperfix in 2022. that was vosim jink and dee jink (now theyre both screaming at me to get some rest /j) lol theyre kinda becoming less prominent now (i dunno if thats really true, maybe im burned out atm) but they'll forever be in my fucking heart. theyre my babeys forever <3
also, a massive massive thank you to a certain person for sticking with me since i fucking joined this hellhole (we're talking 2021. fuck yeah). you're fucking awesome dude and i will say that over and over and over until the world ends!!!!!!!!! (yes im talking about you heb. hi!!!!! youve already seen my post i think but i gotta say this here too lol >:o])
okay why am i typing this?? cuz chipspeech is kinda becoming less prominent special-interest-wise. so mandatory "thank you" post needs to be made lol despite me being manipulated by certain people, despite me almost losing my life cuz of it, despite me going through absolute torture for a year and a half STRAIGHT, chipspeech is something i'll forever hold close to me!! for fucks sake, it saved me in 2021 so. yeah lol
anyways, i hope all of you have a very very merry christmas if you celebrate it, happy holidays and a very happy new year!! may 2024 bring you awesomeness!! wonder what the fandom will have in store for next year, hopefully something positive <3
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