#it's coprine. It's technically not a poison but it stops your body from processing and 'digesting' alcohol
brainrot-yumm · 1 year
For a whlie I wondered what type of gay I was. What creature would fascinate me to the point that I would obsess over everything about it. I knew of frogs, I knew of opossums (and quite liked those), and of birds. I’m a major shark apologist, and there hasn’t been a single day in my life that I owned less than two cats
What I never considered, though, was the concept of the immobile, the edible, and the technically-alive-but-conscious-in-a-way-humanity-can’t-truly-comprehend until it was right under my nose. And by then, I simply couldn’t resist. I shouldn’t have looked for my truth, I should have trusted that it would reveal itself to me when the time came just right.
So yeah. I’m a mushroom gay, with a minor in general foraging. People have realized this and keep giving me mushroom handling books. I’ve never been happier.
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