#it's been two weeks we all know you can smooch astarion by now
normalsexhaver · 1 year
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🫣 what if we kissed in the oubliette 🥺
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gubsgames · 8 months
Tavuary Day 4: Smooch!
It's the fourth day of #Tavuary! There are two ways to participate by either following the Week-by-Week Prompts (Week One is "Fluff") or by using the Day-by-Day prompts found in this post! Fic Title: Good Luck Charm Pairing: Astarion x Dandy (my Halfling Bard Tav) Warnings: A little bit of saucy language but still cute and fluffy. Summary: I wanted to write out how I saw the "last chance to have a kiss" moment going between Astarion and my Tav.
Navigating over treacherous crags in near darkness with the fetid scent of cerebral fluid clinging just under the nose was no one’s ideal way to spend a Firstday morning, but that is how Dandy and her companions found themselves. Once they reached a well-lit break in their path with some signs of life, they paused to gather breath, courage, and thoughts. “Honestly,” Astarion huffed, hand to his hip, “I was expecting an all-powerful brain to have a lair that was a little flashier?” When no one joined in rousing agreement, he continued, “Not immaculately designed or anything, just to have a sense of drama to it.” Dandy tilted her head and was about to tease him for the random aside, but she stopped when she noticed how Astarion was rolling his wrist, a nervous habit he often disguised as checking his nails or reaching for a weapon. “How are you faring, darling?” The question came sincerely. Astarion feigned nonchalance. “Oh, as well as can be expected when facing down the end of the world.” Dandy was not convinced, and she pressed again, this time acknowledging aloud the fear none of them wanted to be real. “Do you think we are going to win?” She was so tired, nerves frayed, just waiting for the next calamity to strike. They were a Tiefling soldier, a Githyanki warrior, a Vampire spawn, and a Halfling with a magic lute while a rag-tag group of weirdos waited in the wings, all trying to stand against one of the most terrifying forces in the universe. Dandy wondered if Astarion would go the route of brutal honesty or a comforting lie. “I…” Astarion paused, giving a short chuckle. “I can’t say for sure.”  His face was open, relaxed; it was obvious that he accepted whatever Fate was going to throw at them.  “We’ve come through a lot already. It would hardly do to fail now.” It was silly, ridiculously optimistic logic, and yet it was both honest and comforting. Dandy felt her heart ease, and she laughed softly. “I suppose you’re right. We can’t fail; that would be a terrible story.” “Exactly, and who would be left to tell it? No one. Can’t have that.”  Dandy took a tentative step forward, knowing that they would have to leave the light and venture forth. “Could I,” Dandy felt a little flush in her face, “have a kiss? For good luck?” “Well, if all we need is luck, then we’d better make it count.” Astarion stepped closer, taking Dandy’s gloved hands in his. They met in the middle with Dandy pushing up on her toes for extra height and Astarion bending down in quite the gentlemanly fashion until their lips touched. The kiss was soft, blissful. Despite being so brief, it was perfect, exactly what they both needed. “We’d better survive this, Tippy-toes,” Astarion booped Dandy’s nose playfully, “because I never want to stop doing that.” “Is that all?” Karlach interjected in disbelief. “That was barely a peck!” “We’re on our way to face certain danger and possible death. Did you expect me to shove my tongue down her throat?” Astarion sounded so legitimately affronted, and that only made Dandy burst into a fit of giggling. “Where was the passion, Fangs? The sweeping romance of it all?” Karlach held her side, laughing. “It was a lacklustre display.” Lae’zel nodded solemnly. “Some tongue would have been appropriate.” “For fuck’s sake, I would rather face the Elder Brain than deal with you lot a moment longer!” 
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