#it's because they're not interested. it's literally that simple. actions speak loudest
sk-lumen · 3 months
A guy I was seeing/talking to long distance over a year then found out he had a gf the whole time continually stalks my page everyday when we haven’t seen each other in over a a year and so I don’t get why? He doesn’t follow me on anything but continually see him in my views and over the course of many months he’ll continually like my stories, talk about seeing me tell me how much he misses me but doesn’t make anything happen? The weirdest part of all is I know who the gf is (through just seeing with the phone number she contacted me with it connected me with her social media, have her phone number...already told her everything the first time she contacted me wanting the proof of it) I didn’t know about her like he had a gf...so just don’t get why he’s not afraid I’ll contact her again...and also why he’s doing this? I just don’t get it...
Hi darling,
I have a simple answer. He's a low value man and doesn't actually want anything.
He's bored. He's undecided. The list goes on.
Please stop wasting your time and energy on guys like this. Respect youself enough to block, mute, delete, unfollow, and move on! The fact that you found out he had a girlfriend should be your #1 red flag and dealbreaker. Why are you still wasting your time on this? Move on. It's not rocket science. I keep hearing of women hung up on situations like these and I have the same answer: make it a habit to cut them off and stop entertaining this behaviour! If you're looking for a husband or a high quality gentleman you have to stop playing around and disrespecting yourself like this, because the universe will keep giving you the same (low) quality partners.
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