#it's bc she's violently racist. and. while i DO think ppl can change for the better all thetime. i also think i shouldn't have to deal w her
spacelesscowboy · 2 years
u know. sometimes i really do dislike being involved in fandoms online.
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
getting to know aaron.
let's talk about things you could notice in Aaron. That was a request made by a follower and I'm excited to work on it! The things I’m taking in consideration DO NOT come from headcanons of mine. They’re based on my perceptions of the canon content.
First things first, he doesn't do many unnecessary things or things that don't make sense to him. He's very simple to understand in every single action that he takes, and I like to think that because of his upbringing and story, that's what he's known and likes to do. He is kind of a brute to people but to me he’s pretty much soft, people are just too weak or think everyone should be the perfect LI, maybe bc i am kind of rough myself???
Aaron isn't the type of person to want something quiet like Vlad and Raph do, but neither is the life of the party like Bel and Ethan. He said it himself, he likes bars, some beer, something in the chill side, more intimate. Just chilling, ya feel me?
He's not really the type to understand some jokes with a lot of depth or sarcasm bc well, he doesn't really need to use them, he's the bluntest man in the manor and he doesn't need to hide things or say them in different ways to get than the shortest, more effective way.
He's the kind of person to enjoy nature and the natural course of things, the wilderness and life without too much changes from the natural, maybe because of the way he lived for 15 years in the pack. He doesn't need anything too fancy to feel nice.
He enjoys poetry though, as you can check in chapter 7. To me it translated that he can understand certain complexities in feelings very accurately, but doesn't understand why one would try to make the way they act or talk less simple on a day to day basis.
In terms of style he is the simple up to date. Probably changes with time just to make sure it stays easy and comfortable to dress but is always the clothes that people seem as "simple" and "functional, but not classy" bc that's just not him. He likes things simple.
He is very pack-oriented and takes care of the people he knows and lives with. He doesn't think twice about sacrifices and he has some sick hero complex. He didn't hesitate to save Eloise even if his life was on the line in more than one occasion (the two main one are the ones where he dies, Vlad 10 bad ending and Aaron 10 bad ending) and he didn't mind making Constance his chalice when Ivan was dying to have her paying for life, even if he had to feed from her and take her wherever he went.
While he has the best intentions and he's really smart as I let you know before, Aaron is kind of dumb when it comes to keeping his cool and managing his emotions. He's kind of aggressive sometimes, but he can be violent on his actions when it comes to the people he protects and this is a problem, because he can't keep his cool when it counts. That might cause some... Altercations (cough cough he broke Ethan's head on Ivan bad ending and say he should die.) that are very uncalled for.
While he is very old, he's not some problematic bogus like some other people in the series Ethan and he pretty much knows that it's important to praise, teach and try many times with a lover. Even when he fights with Eloise, he never really forgets how important it is to talk things out and come back to her after each and every error in the relationship. Which is something the op likes ;) 
He really think if himself as some sort of crazy freak because damn, he doesn't want to let anybody in is life even when he knows the circumstances made most of the crucial moments on his life be full of violence and he was just a victim of society's evolution and issues for hundreds of years. (Ofc op doesn't think everything he did was right, but it was to survive and they still have stories where they were subjects of their society just like evryone is, as it's said a few times by Eloise and other people that talk about vampirism such as vlad.)
He is very sorrowful and thinks life is as it is, no running, no changing. That's why sometimes he gives some kind of blunt advice to Elo in many routes! (All of them honestly, we stan a good gossip with a trustable, hot and wise friend) and she's like "damn, he didn't have to say it like that but he's right...”
What i actually like about him is that even if he’s mostly serious, he’s very cute and easygoing, he’s sociable too and very chill, he’s not an introvert like vlad or not too much of a social butterfly either. To op that’s super attractive lol
Even if he doesn’t undermine people for any sexist, racist or just dumb reasons, he believes that you need to know how to fight or be strong enough if you want to have your opinions taken into consideration, which is stupid in my opinion. (see his training lessons and the meeting at chapter 6, the option to leave the manor when he says “stay put” makes him say that he understands that Eloise wants to help, but it’s useless bc the murderer is too powerful, yet, she proves him wrong!) Eloise proves to him that she’s strong and reliable, and more brave than himself so.. kissy kissy hehe
is really patient and takes consent seriously from day ONE. he’s also very sincere and appreciates being told the truth just how ppl feel it. Eloise put a finger on his face in vlad’s route and he asked to be informal bc they were friends so... boy likes the truth hehe
pretty much your big gentle-not-so-gentle giant friend that gives u neck breaking hugs and likes to walk in the nature and jog with you.
i might edit this with more info as time goes by.
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