#it's baby's first omegaverse i'm snervous
bigfootsmom · 1 year
several sentence sunday
tagged by my beloved and talented @herodiaz, @princessfbi, @honestlydarkprincess, @wildlife4life, @prince-buck-diaz, @monsterrae1, @devirnis <3 <3 <3
i didn't know what to post (i know it should be babygirl buck but i wasn't feeling it shhh) and i was told to post some heat sick buck so here you go:
“Buck—” The smile falls from Eddie’s face as he tosses his shirt to the floor. There’s no acknowledgement from Buck, he doesn’t even look up when Eddie speaks.  Eyes clenched shut, Buck writhes on the twisted sheets, pink skin covered in a sheen of sweat. It doesn’t look like he has even noticed that Eddie is even in the room.  The hair on the back of Eddie’s neck stands up and he crowds closer to the bed, expecting Buck to finally look at him. “Baby—” Buck whines, the noise thin and reedy in the back of his throat before the sound gets muffled as he turns his face into the pillow clutched in his grip. It sounds wrong, something about it making a cool wash of anxiety prickle over Eddie’s skin.  “Hey, hey— what’s wrong?” Eddie rushes to the side of the bed, getting a knee on the mattress as he reaches out to Buck.  His fingertips have barely grazed the skin of his bicep before Buck is jolting like he’s been electrocuted.
I'm gonna tag @naydran, @swiftietartt, @morganofthefairies, @lovebuck, @maygrantgf, @housewifebuck, @shortsighted-owl, @heartbeatdiaz, @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy, @paranoidbean, @try-set-me-on-fire, @homerforsure, and anyone else who wants to post and is still awake! (sorry if you've already been tagged)
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