#it's always the people who deny the existence of transandrophobia who are exorsexist
xxlovelynovaxx · 3 days
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Ah yes, the strawman of a trans man "being upset about trans women being mean about their oppression comparing it to actual oppression" when other trans people of all genders are... participating in active erasure and perpetuation of "forest green" people's oppression.
Yeah actually lateral bigotry is more than mean, it actively reifies the contraption that hurts all of us! It's almost as if transandrophobia isn't just "being mean about transmisogyny" and if you think it is, you're a fucking transandrophobe!
(Also "actual systemic oppression that forest green people aren't". So... are we going to acknowledge that this goes both ways? That "lime green" people don't face corrective rape and forced detransition at nearly the same rates? That while "forest green" people don't typically face hypervisibility, "lime green" people don't typically face erasure to the same extent as "forest green" people? Are we going to talk about how erasure means that "forest green" people DO face much of the same systemic ableism as "lime green" people, but people ignore, speak over, and actively suppress discussions of it?
Are we going to talk about the fact that saying "forest green" people don't face the same structural oppression is actively perpetuating this oppression?
And especially "as bad as when forest green people assist in putting lime green people in the contraption" yeah okay why don't we talk about lime green people doing the reverse and moss green people having that done to them by both and doing it to both and... oh wait you clearly think "lime green" people are the most oppressed and "forest green" people are basically half a rung below "nonchromatic" people if at all!
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Turns out the creator is fine with infighting if they think someone "doesn't have a point", given that "guys being weird about transmisogyny" seems to mean "trans people who actually understand non-rad/ical transfeminist theory and express that their own lived experiences with material oppression are not limited to only people of the "right" identity.
Everything they're saying, I've had weaponized against me as an intersex person who has experienced significant, violent transmisogyny, as well as transandrophobia and exorsexism. It's almost as if bigots don't actually check what's in your pants and whether or not it's what you were born with or not before doing everything from murdering you (which, yes, happens a lot to transmascs) to denying you medical care to discriminating against you legally in ways that result in everything from homelessness to police brutality.
Maybe they should actually take their own advice.
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Guess these comics aren't actually the metaphor for trans solidarity that they appear to be. The creator literally actually is for everything these comics claim to be against if it's against "acceptable targets". They've justified their head so far up their ass they think they're seeing daylight.
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