#it's also sosososo nice because this is something i wanted for soooo long like to be able to befriend my teachers / professors and be silla
yutadori · 1 day
okay im somehow feeling less #mentallyill today and it's weird . this past week has been an accumulation of awful and annoying stress and while it's probably not all gone today . was a lot better and i didn't feel insanely annoying while talking to my professor which is a really good sign.... i also didn't feel too bad about it afterwards which was reallyyyyyyy relieving
today was really fun though (-: it's become a bi-weekly thing for my classmate / friend (......?) to hang around after class so we can bother my professor at his office ^__^ and i'm reallyyyy super glad. i'm really glad i got over my anxiety of talking to new people because now we talk after class bi-weekly and it's soooo fun and sillay <3 i used to be really closed off when it came to talking to classmates because i didn't think there was a point or more like . it wasn't something i was really looking for because i already had friends so i didn't think it was necessary to expend more effort and anxiety to make new friends which is . hm .
but anyway today was soooo facking funny my professor is so annoying omg I HATE HIMMMMMM omfg i forgot what we were talking about but i basically brought up how i am of the opinion that it's absolutely insane that people cut around mold on their food and still eat it. and i was SOOOOOOO SO SURE THAT HE WOULD BE OF THE SAME OPINION BUT THEN HE PAUSED AND WAS LIKE "okay well . i have a scandalous take" and i was like NO!!!! NO!!!!!!!!! YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME !!!! and we argued about it and my friend was looking it up and he was like "well what did you find convince me" and they listed a BUNCH of shitty symptoms you could get from eating food that had mold on it and i was like "imagine experiencing them all at once" and he was like "oh well i basically experience all of that every morning" AND WE LAUGHED HES SO FUCKING DUMB GDFSGDFGDSF and when he kept trying to justify himself my classmate was like "but the spores....." and i was like "yeah the SPORES (his first name) the SPORES. the spores will get you......" and then i was like "hey you should get red markers for your white board so i can leave ominous messages like that on it before i leave" because one day he suddenly had a BUNCH of purple markers, i think he has like ten..... and there's only one white board in his office lol
AND THEN THATS HOW WE GOT TO THE NEXT PART.... he was like "do you know why i don't have red markers?" and i was like . omg . no way are you colorbind???? and he IS ......... which is so sad..... )': and i was like "wait the school's color is green........ they should have more colorblind awareness, you need to be represented" and he looked at me really seriously and was like "yeah i really do" he's so dumb i love him so bad
#ALSO . i think i'm over my crush on him !?!?! MIRACULOUSLY!?!?!?!#i'm not sure . i know it sounds like i'm not but i think i might be#i dont get the !!!!!!!!!! ?!?!?! emotions anymore when i think about him or talk to him#at least not on the insane scale like i did before#which is so weird because it's only been a few weeks since i last felt that#i feel like it fizzled so fast#esp because i felt all of this p consistently last semes#i think maybe talking to him more and in a more casual way helped it die down ????#but i dont mean that in a bad way . like . it's not like i learned more about him and was like ohhh hes less attractive#if anything he's way way way more endearing and cute and sillay to me#today he finished some sort of drink and threw it in the trash but the bottle hit the side of the trash can and he completely missed#and my friend went to pick it up and toss it#and when it missed i was like “wowwww nice ^__^” and he was like “i meant to do that so (classmate) could get it for me”#andi was like “BE NICE TO YOUR STUDENTS????”#idk it's so weird . i still do feel a biiiiiit self conscious around him but thats just bc he's a guy and a super hot one so#also my classmate and i are trying to (gently) peer pressure him into playing pkmn black / white#he's interested in the story so.... (~:#but yeah . this has been really fun and i look forward to it every week which is so nice esp in comparison to when i would just go home#right after class most semesters#^____^#ss#it's also sosososo nice because this is something i wanted for soooo long like to be able to befriend my teachers / professors and be silla#like never would i have imagined that i'd be able to hang out in a professor's office with a classmate/friend and not be stressed#and to just feel so incredibly relaxed and i get to be myself and have back and forths with my professor#like it's SOOOO FUN
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fandomregression · 5 months
hii you should TOTALLy do cg martin blackwood hcs :3 every time im regressed i pretend he's takin care of me cuz i love him soooo sosososo much and he brings me so much comfort :333
- bearcubblues
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hiiiiiii sorry this took me literally Forever to do i have been so blah for a long time eeeee anyway!!
CG Martin Blackwood Headcanons!
martin is very, very good with quiet babies or older kids. he is not the best with handling kiddos with higher support needs or who are a bit brattier, he gets pretty frustrated with them
that being said, he is The Caregiver for comfort. if something upsets his regressor, makes them cry, whatever, martin is immediately there with hugs and tea and their fave stuffies to make them feel better
martin is absolutely the one who knows all his regressor's stuffies by name, and he knows which ones are besties and which ones are mortal enemies, and he knows their favorite sweets. all of this is very important information to have
martin is less the type to spoil a regressor with toys or pacis or cute clothes and more the type to take his regressor to the park or to a museum or the aquarium for the experience
looooooves cooking/baking with his kiddo!! he'll get them in the kitchen with him to measure and stir things for him, and is sure to sprinkle in some "oh let me do that, you're too little" moments
honestly the Best snuggles. he's a bigger guy and he just envelopes his regressor in a big hug that is just the most loving and protective embrace
big tshirts? big tshirts. they are no longer his, they are the kiddo's nighties and there is nothing he can do to stop this
he writes a lot of poetry and tries to teach his kiddo how to write it. they end up writing a lot of silly limericks!
i like to think that martin can sing so he sings his regressor lullabies for bedtime!
a lot of times martin tends to feel inadequate as a person and a caregiver, so he does need reassurance from his kiddo that he does a good job, and he appreciates it when his kiddo tries to do things for him like fix him a drink, get him a snack, or take a break from the bluey marathon to watch maybe a nice documentary about cows
(has also 100% absolutely dressed his regressor up in a highland cow onesie costume because it was too darn cute)
he can be strict about certain things like cleaning up toys or going to bed at bedtime, but he is still very gentle about the whole thing. gentle guiding into the direction he wants/needs the kiddo to go. is a master at bribing regressors with sweets to clean up toys
overall martin likes being a caregiver because it means someone needs him. he likes taking care of others, feels like he needs to do so, and taking care of a regressor just comes naturally to him. as long as he doesn't burn himself out, and he lets his kiddo help him, too, he is a fantastic caregiver ♡
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loggedonlove · 5 years
long ask post
so i just rbed this post with questions to ask about ones s/o or crush. i rly wanna answer them all but no one on my main cares and even if they did i wouldn’t wanna spam them. but the good thing abt this blog is only like 3 ppl follow me so i can shout my adoration as much as i want and it does not matter :D so i’m just gonna answer all the questions under the cut and if anyone sees this and wants to read it, though i doubt they will, they can! (i already answered two on my main so those’ll just be copy and pasted)
1. describe them in 3 words
cute, funny, sweet
2. their favorite style of clothing?
he looks like a walking hollister ad lmao like i see his style and i just think hollister/abercrombie/zumies. lots of striped tops, dark jeans, not hoodies but like long sleeved shirts with hoods that he doesn’t ever use, converse, and many dad hats that he wears backwards
3. what mannerisms do they have?
i can’t really think of any besides the fact that he shakes a lot. he’s really skinny and he shakes when he’s either cold or nervous, or just in general
4. do they play an instrument?
he doesn’t yet but he really wants a piano keyboard for christmas that’s like the only thing he wants so that he can learn how to play
5. how did you meet/become introduced to them?
(copied from my main)  this is not a long story that may become long due to my unneeded context: we have 2 classes together this fall semester, but he sits behind me in both (directly behind me in one, a few rows back in the other) so i essentially had 0 idea he existed since i just go to class to learn & ignore the people around me unless i’m spoken to. genuinely the first time i ever noticed him was a month into classes, i accidentally grabbed the wrong paper & he was like “hey celeste, this one’s yours” & i was like “oh thank you” then went abt my business. but later that same class we had been in the computer lab & as we were packing up to leave he made a comment abt how my computer’s time was different than everyone else’s so i said some dumb shit like “haha yeah i broke it” then just immediately walked away because i had a class to get to (ironically the other class i shared with him). as i learned later he had been trying to start a conversation so as i was walking to my next class he caught up with me & just continued talking. all i remember was being like “wow this dude’s persistent.” i definitely came off as rude though bc the entire time he was talking to me i kept looking at my phone bc i was logging into our textbook. it was then i found out he was in that class too, & then it took me like another week to figure out his name because i didn’t remember it from the introductions during the first week. but it all worked out because we’re dating now 🤷🏻‍♀️
6. favorite thing they’ve ever said/texted/messaged?
honestly he says the sweetest things to me all the time it’s so hard to choose. i remember before we dated though he said i looked lovely and i was just like *heart eyes*
7. what do you like doing with them?
anything, legit anything. he could call me and be like “hey wanna come watch paint dry with me” and i would be like “hell yes.” i just enjoy spending time with him. but i also really like cuddling him, i could for hours on end he’s very comfortable
8. their favorite color?
i’m not sure, i know he’s said he likes orange, yellow, and black (maybe blue too?) and apparently he’s been told he looks extra good in pink because in his words, he looks good in every color. but yeah i’m not sure of his absolute favorite
9. do they keep up to date on pop culture?
i think it just depends on if it’s something he likes. i think he keeps up to date on a lot of music because he likes a lot of popular artists i don’t pay attention to, and he likes football or at least cares about keeping up with his favorite team
10. sweetest thing they’ve done for you?
this is gonna be another unnecessarily long story. this was before we started dating, it was a thursday so that meant we had our two classes, english then stats right after that, and when stats ends he has to go to his sociology class and i get picked up by my mom. we would typically talk during the time in between english and stats, and he was telling me that he was super sick and he was going to be skipping his sociology class and that he was only going to stats because of our test. we’re in college so teachers typically just do tests at the end of the class and if you finish before class is done you get to go early. so i took my time doing my test and finished with like 30 minutes to spare and when i went to go to the door i saw he was gone and i was like oh that makes sense, he’s ill and said he wanted to go home to sleep. so i walk out to the lobby to wait for my mom (a long wait since i got out early and had no way of letting her know that, plus she’s just always late) and i see him in one of the spots i usually sit in. i was surprised but assumed he had a reason to still be there so i just started talking to him about the test but after that i was like “soooo why are you still here, did you decide you were gonna go to your next class?” and he’s like “oh no i just wanted to wait with you.” like he was just feeling terrible and could’ve went home whenever he wanted (he said he would’ve driven me home but didn’t feel like he should with how ill he was) yet he decided to wait with me for like 30 minutes for my mom even though i said he didn’t have to it was so nice :(
11/12. have you dreamed about them/have they dreamed about you?
i’ve dreamed about him a few times but the thing w mine is that i dream about things/people i think about or see a lot, so the fact that he’s on my mind and i see him nearly every day plays a role. none of my dreams make sense so it’s never anything sweet, he’s just there. he has said he’s had at least one dream about me though, and his dreams are the opposite like he said he just always has romantic dreams that make sense and i was in one :3c
13. can they dance?
every time i hang out with him he dances. like every car ride he puts on music and dances to it while driving, he’ll dance in the middle of any public place, or even when we’re just eating/laying down. it’s usually either him just moving around or fortnite dances specifically to annoy me, but it’s cute
14. what does hugging them feel like?
sosososo nice and warm and safe
15. your favorite thing about them?
i like his personality a lot, he’s really funny and nice, i don’t think it’s possible for me not to smile when he’s talking or being himself
16. their favorite thing about you?
i don’t know, he would probably say my personality too
17. best memory of you together?
another i don’t know, i’ve only been talking to him for two months so that’s not a lot of time to have a favorite memory since there’s so few. probably just the first time we kissed, i think that’s what he would say
18. what are they like when they’re tired?
not much different honestly, but he says he’s always tired so that’s probably why. when he’s tired he just says he’s tired and acts no different. according to him i’m nicer when i’m tired
19/20. could you imagine growing old together with them? could they?
god i don’t know, i’m incapable of thinking that far ahead. we’re both people who, when we date, aim for long-term so i don’t want to be like “we’ll probably only date for a year” because if i think like that it’s destined to fail but i also don’t want to be like “we’re gonna be together forever” because we’ve only known each other for two months. i prefer to just take it as it comes and not try to look forward to anything specific. we’re together for however long we’re together, i have no way of knowing that duration. it could be until next month, it could be until my death, we’ll see. i imagine he’d say the same thing
21. what would an ideal date with them be?
like i said, he could ask me to watch paint dry with him and i’d do it. any time with him is an ideal date. i like going out and doing things but i would probably lean more towards “let’s cuddle and nap for like 5 hours”
22. are they competitive?
yes, especially when someone is a sore loser. like he beat me in bowling twice yesterday and even though i was cool with it he was like “i’m still gonna brag.” but i’m competitive too so it’s a good match
23. what do you do together?
anything. mostly just talk, cuddle, watch stuff, play video games, do homework together, and if there’s something to go out and do then we’ll do it
24. which smells remind you of them?
(copied from my main)  his favorite smell is this yankee candle called festival of lights and he always has it burning when i come over so definitely that
25. do they remind you of any music?
just the music he likes, i don’t associate any of my music with him. he plays his music a lot so whenever i think of artists like lil peep or scotty sire i just think of him, plus the dozens of other people he’s made me listen to (not that i mind)
26/27. could you tell them your biggest secret? could they tell you theirs?
i probably will soon, obv not gonna say what to the entire internet but it’s an important thing. he’s told me his most embarrassing thing about himself which i didn’t think was too bad, i don’t know if he counts that as his biggest secret or not
28. how do you greet each other?
depends on where. whenever he picks me up i say hi/hey, if i walk into class i just smile at him because it feels weird to start having a conversation in a dead quiet class where no one knows we’re dating. i never kiss or hug him as a greeting but i do as a goodbye, not sure why
29/30. what makes you blush that they do? what makes them blush that you do?
he’s only made me blush once but i can’t remember what he said that made me do it, i only blush when i’m embarrassed. i don’t think i’ve ever made him blush, not that i know of
31/32. would you say you love them? would they say they love you?
way too soon for that BUT the other day he accidentally said it when saying goodbye as a force of habit because he always says “bye love you” to his friends/family. i didn’t notice because he said it super quickly before he realized but then he told me about it a few days later. i could picture myself loving him one day though. right now i’d say i adore him
thank you to anyone who read this and got this far if you did. this was really fun i just love talking about himmmm even if no one sees it, it’s just nice to gush uwu
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