#it's also called oviposition I believe! but that also seems to be a kink term more or less
orengejoshi · 20 days
I can not believe im asking you this but I saw a post about flug having eggs or something? Is that like mpreg? I kinda know what it means bc I've seen sans au x sans au before. But whats with the eggs? Im not offending you its just idk that much in mpreg and i also don't draw any of it. (This is not to offend anyone im just curious.)(also love how you draw flug Hes my favorite character.)
Haha yeah it kinda is! I made a few arts this year where Flug takes care of eggs.
Don't worry you're just curious, that's cool💛 I don't feel offended
there's no other thing I get as many requests for as for mpreg with Flug so I feel like it's a good time to say:
I know it's called mpreg in fandom terms, but I for one don't even think of it as that inherently suggestive trope; I genuinely just think it's cute and silly. pregnancy is a beautiful thing in my eyes, and not a kink for me personally. there's no issue with it, but I'm saying that's just not my motivation. I headcanon Flug is a transman who still wishes for an own baby, like me. it's kinda coping for me to draw Flug going thru smth I wish for irl as well. I relate to him bc he's taken on such a good parent role for 505
this reasoning is gonna be super rare, most people who enjoy/draw this explicitly do NOT want children irl. idk why others draw it tbh... but this is just me.
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so the reason I usually always choose eggs is bc I mostly draw the paperhat ship... and since Black Hat seems to have more reptile or insect features I figured his offspring would probably grow in eggs instead of live. he's basically an alien, right
you can canonly have Black Hat's offspring! in the old orientation video on youtube "Los casos perdidos del futuro" exactly at minute 7, Demencia hints to the fact that by drinking his saliva you can have his spawn.
they never actually showed anyone doing that but I'm just assuming they'll come in eggs.
his spawn does not look like this^, Alan has drawn it in a livestream; it's just an eldritch clump of eyes, teeth and tentacles on the floor. in reality Black Hat is the only one of his species and he's unable to create another independent sentient creature like him.
so I drew what I imagine them looking like if he could (a lot of people asked for that anyway)
Thank you for loving my art💜
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