#it's almost as if it's a plot point that current Faerghus is shitty
randomnameless · 1 year
Thoughts on these… “interesting” interpretations of the main 3H countries from a Twitter user?
“I don't get thinking that any of adrestia/faerghus/leicester are the "good" country like. the text of three houses makes perfectly clear that all three of these countries have very serious problems and one of them *is* imperialism. all three do it.”
“all of the main protagonists want to change the way their country is run! you don't need to be like "oh faerghus is the Good country" faerghus' current leadership is explicitly very bad. they committed genocide four years before the game starts. adrestia *just* annexed brigid.”
“I'm very confused as to how you can see sylvain wanting to end border aggression with sreng and dimitri & dedue wanting duscur returned to its people and be like "faerghus is a Good Country"”
Methinks someone drank a bit too much Earl Grey before writing these tweets.
For a second I had war flashbacks from that link @tomeofthoron sent me some time ago about a video where someone tried to make historical parallels between Fodlan and RL countries/states -
But thank goodness I misread lol
Maybe you cut it, but the Twitter user didn't mention Leicester lol
(maybe because it would mean giving some fucks about Almyra being a shit state, and you can't do that without creating holes in Claude's stories, that are never closed)
And it's again a situation of people using words they don't understand, whatever happened with Faerghus in the, uh, immediate years before the game isn't imperialism - Sreng attacks the border for ressources, and Duscur was framed for regicide so wrongly received "retaliation".
Adrestia tried to annex Brigid for years and treat their princess like crap - and also, because that twitter user might have, uh, forgotten it, it has a percentage of people who wants to MAGA, which is exactly what happens in game when Supreme Leader declares her war after calling the other nations "offshoots" of her Empire.
For people who apparently love earl grey, you can compare the head of a state who routinely orders invasions of an archipelago, punishes people who don't live in his state and has a "make my empire great again by unifying the world under my banner" to a state whose head was decapited by dissenting bannermen who frame other people leading to their massacre, create a quasi-civil war and are totally not backed up by the previously mentionned Empire.
Faerghus is in a state of political unrest since the death of Lambert, which led to the massacres in Duscur - and they're trying to protect their border with Sreng.
Adrestia wanted to MAGA and routinely invaded Brigid while being "politically stable", the Insurrection not having any incidence on those policies.
So, hm, between the two, I'll still pin the "most imperialist" medal on MAGA Adrestia.
But Faerghus BaD because it's developped as falling to ruin which makes everyone put their hopes on Dimitri (with the results we know) after regicide - when Adrestia wants to MAGA and MAGAs in the game thanks to Supreme Leader...
Tldr: Faerghus BaD - Dimitri BaD - Rhea BaD
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