#it's actually gp!irene too but u dont get to see that!
lynenspray · 2 years
"can you handle me?" JOYRENE 🙏🙏🙏
warnings: blood mention, slight violence, slight cock torture
“what, is that all you’ve got?”
the younger woman spat out a mix of blood and spit onto the dusty training grounds, glaring at the captain that nonchalantly slammed the handle end of a sword right into her side.
irene looked at her like she was worth less than the dirt under her boot.
“shut up,” joy growled out, grunting as she struggled to rise. the heat of the sun beat down on the back of her neck, her vision blurring from the pain. “i don’t need your stupid smack talk.”
“how cheeky.”
joy gasped when the wind was knocked out of her once more, this time from a kick to her hip. thankfully the ground wasn’t made of gravel or else she’d have bruised up her shoulder and cheek from the fall.
“your princess isn’t here to take care of your pretty little face.”
the knight-in-training could only respond with a shit-eating grin, on the verge of blacking out. “you think i’m pretty?”
“oh,” irene chuckled darkly. the captain walked closer, her shadow obscuring the squire’s view of the baby blue sky above them. “you’re undeniably beautiful, sweetheart.”
joy let out a sound between a groan and a scream when irene’s heel met the junction of her thighs and stepped on her dick, the captain unruffled by the violent act.
the younger woman tried her best to squirm away but there was no point; irene had picked up her abandoned sword and plunged it into the ground just above joy's shoulder. 
the captain’s own sword lightly tapped on her cheek, drawing a sliver of blood.
“that’s why i can’t wait to bruise you up.”
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kidnamedfinger · 3 years
Yup! You got it! Wendy has a more standard kpop voice, and like Taeyeon she has the range that sm likes (*though the caveat I think is that Taeyeon has a really strong middle range that the Korean gp loves) so just on top of being a technically proficient singer, she gets more lines. The big tell is that Seulgi is a stronger TECHNICAL singer than Irene-but Seulgi gets very specific parts in red velvet songs similar to Jessica-but Irene in general gets more lines/or full versus versus the "umph" parts. And a good example of technical skill not really mattering all that much after having one or two proficient singers is that Joy and Irene are evenly matched, just that Irene simultaneously has the Kpop visual thing/A brighter tone-so who gets more lines?
It's why kpop fans, but people in general look very silly doing those vocal rankings to anyone that has ACTUAL history doing music, or using their vocal/musical training to essentially shit on people lol. It absolutely doesn't matter that so and so is breathey as long as they get the note out-its about if the SOUND is nice to you. And even then that's so subjective. It's like when people get at Rose damaging her voice. She's just using more air-and she sings, like in a group of FOUR ppl, seconds to maybe 1 minute of a 3/4 minute song. That's a perfectly fine way for her to sing lol and that "nasally" sound is most likely on PURPOSE. Yg isnt making her damage her voice lol. (A big way to tell if someone knows what they're talking about is vocal nodules-Mariah Carey/Whiteny Houstan/Adele ect have all had them-its not a sign of poor singing-most people have them lol. It's a sign if vocal fold use-and singers just use them more- Mariah Carey kept hers for years because she thought it made her sing better). It's all about vocal tone/affect-and in pop music especially it seems like such a silly thing to fight Abt when people are trained/guided/vocal souped to sound as similarly to each other as possible.
omg yes i agree, some popular singers dont sound like that plain wendy/etc sound but theyre not worse than her/those plain types just bc they sound unique. do you think there is still a place for the vocal rankings that go really into the study of vocals as an instrument, e.g. finding ppls breaks and whether they can support different registers? i dont know enough about that theory but i think that is still interesting on the technical side, altho maybe that style of ranking is biased towards like "classically" singing in a specific way.
im watching the universe behind rn (fortuitous bc that song has been in my head for days haha), and i can definitely see that even more than usual theyre cutting and jumping around the recording sessions with different people - seems they had trouble getting the right vocal parts with this song. and also the part where doyoung flubs the high note and he says smth like "did you guys do this to everyone else too" and the pd says "yeah its been like this all day." its so fascinating, the voices of other people are basically another instrument that is co-played by the vocalist (if their musicality is appreciated by the pd) and the pd. again... im still high lol... but i feel like u can see with dy/hc they have ideas in terms of musicality/interpreting a phrase but ultimately are mostly accepting and quickly integrating pd feedback for the final tracks. and then theres ppl like yangyang jaemin shotaro who shouldnt even bother bringing in a pencil to take personal notes bc the pd is completely controlling their vocals (unless theyre like me and forget feedback lol but that would be an especially sorry commentary on their vocal skills). im gonna appreciate more those soloists who try their hands at writing/composing etc and are on smaller labels, yes the production cant always be so slick and doesnt go thru as many ppl before it goes out but i kind of like that.
do you have any commentary on how seventeen and stray kidz "self produce" songs? how much of that is actually self-production? and it has obviously been a unique niche and successful choice for sm to be the least authentic of its peers in terms of letting idols have basically any input in recording, but why do you think they went in that direction/have been strict about it with some (girl) groups and more lenient about letting other (boy) groups write their own stuff?
edit it seems like mark has the most ideas out of all of them but in this instance it doesnt seem like pd kept most of em! jeno has a few ideas too and seems to be good at implementing feedback but then he says "idk how the mix will sound but i wish i could have done something more" ... plus dy saying "thank god i get to do something this time" what do they MEAN???!!! also why is favorite playing in the bg at some point
edit 2 there are points at the end of that vid where doyoung straight up misses 2 of the chorus melodies like it looks like its his first or second time hearing the song ever and its while hes already in the production booth. he is super facile with the song all the other moments in that video except for that moment and thats so curious to me. i guess i assume ppl walk around listening to their song before they record it like in drag race LOLLL
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irwen-s · 3 years
yes yes your rv song taste has the flover anon stamp of approval 🤩 also weird side note idk if its just me but i just sounds so much louder than every other track on the album it always gives me a heart attack every time it comes up on shuffle
have u seen the irene teasers...her HAIR i know its like five (5) strands but she has highlights :o idk if its permanent but omg how long has it been since we saw her with dyed hair
the gyulwon was very good i would read a whole fic of that - i think the immediate association with arranged marriages is period pieces or a time period from the past but it would be cool to think about an arranged marriage within a contemporary setting with all these traditionalist abo values (alpha marks omega first, alpha is domineering and overbearing etc etc) and then you have painfully earnest gyuri and a tentatively hopeful jiwon just breaking down all these rigid barriers together...we love
to answer your q about the 2jirom: ill leave it up to you..i think making it gp would def increase the filth factor tho..like romsun jerking off on the bed side by side, both super needy, then one of them reaches over and just grips the other alpha's cock and makes them come just from the contact..but anyways i digress - your call! itll be amazing either way
hope youre having a good day!
- flover anon
okay wait my reply here is Super long so im gonna just:
(also wherever the gyulwon anon is come here to read this im gonna explain the backstory i had in mind)
okay no i think youre onto something there i went to go listen to i just again. i think the first few notes are LOUD hahhahaha hdjlsdjflg like they just blare out of nowhere thats so funny that you noticed
i think im super behind on the everything about queendom but i DID see one of my friends screaming over a photo of irene and her five strands of dyed hair yeah; she was like this is all were gonna get from her and honestly probably yeah.
i dont actually know why she never dyes her hair as of late; i think i read somewhere its cause of a contract with one of the brands she represents or something??? but im genuinely not sure
omg youre gonna indulge me about the gyulwon . . . [drags the gyulwon anon over here] LISTEN TO THIS DISCUSSION ITS ABOUT THE FIC. i had So many thoughts on this legit i had to come up with the backstory before i could dive into it cause its such an interesting idea
like i actually Did have in mind what youre saying flover anon about an arranged marriage but set in contemporary instead and that it does still retain traditionalist ideals
the backstory i had was that jiwon was involved in another previous relationship with someone (that she had gotten together with on her own) which turned out really shitty for her, as was hinted in the fic.
when she eventually gets out of that relationship and some time passes, her parents who genuinely care for her decide to step in at some point urging jiwon to let them arrange a marriage for her - with the daughter of a family friend that they believe would treat her better, because they trust that family. and jiwon, whos been kinda scared of trying to engage in any other relationship ever since, ends up agreeing.
gyuris family, on the other hand, is decidedly more traditionalist than jiwons. like the alphas from her side of the family are extremely courteous and all, but they still maintain a rigid hierarchy. gyuris kinda born during a point where shes learning of more liberal contemporary values which clash with her background, so thats a conflict she often struggles over.
her parents end up arranging a marriage for her with jiwon, because its a family friend that reached out to gyuris parents with the request and theyre really close with one another.
so gyuri and jiwon end up courting one another and [insert more content here] in addition to some [stuff about jiwon having entered into this voluntarily but gyuri having had no choice in the matter and how they affects how they treat one another]
the thing is in requesting for gyuri to be paired with jiwon, jiwons family has to allow gyuris family to arrange most of how the marriage will go about. and by tradition it means gyulwon need to legit consummate and mark one another. gyuri is kind of resigned but jiwons family tell jiwon that she can back out of this if she wants to - that they can call this entire thing off if she wants to.
jiwon doesnt, though. and thats partly because she doesnt want to let down her family . . . and partly because of gyuri.
and then that leads into the fic written :D
anyways YEAH theres all my thoughts i just flooded you with no pressure to read it all of course hhhhh cause its a lot
also okie okie i got it with gp or no gp are both all right then. cool!! [rubs hands together] i think i can see how this will go
and i hope youre having a good day too flover anon!!
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