#it's about this kid who lives with his rat-hunter uncle in their cave in a poor town in 1953(?) Castilla
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reblog-house · 2 years ago
Today marks the uhhh anniversary of Julius Cesar's death. Someone didn't beware the Ides of March.
On an unrelated note, I just finished reading Las Ratas by Miguel Delibes and I loved it and all that yada yada but. What the Hell was that ending. No i don't mean the last scenes, hell, i don't mean the last few paragraphs. I mean in particular the last paragraph. I genuinely cannot tell what those sentences Mean. I understand the ones before it, i understand everything leading up to it, BUT WHAT DOES THAT LAST PARAGRAPH MEAN.
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sammyhale · 7 years ago
J2 JIBCon 2018 Saturday Panel
Jared says he isn’t feeling so hot. Jensen: I think you look amazing.  
Jared on episode 22: We saw it in the wild! Jensen: You can just say everyday life lol. 
Jared: Believe in your fucking self - I love that shirt! 
Jared can’t stop looking at the monitor with his face on it lol. Jensen: Ignore it! You make a living with a camera pointed at your face! Jared: I can’t ignore it, I’m totally famous right now! :P Jensen put Jared’s jacket over it. 
Jensen: I think Dean always envisioned a warm and loving/caring and nurturing mother, so it was jarring to him seeing Mary in a different light when she came back. Sam was more accepting of Mary being a hunter. 
Jensen about Jared: You’ll have to excuse my friend. 
Fan: You’re beautiful. Jared: We are not. Jensen: Speak for yourself. 
Jared just took a fan and put it on his lower abs. 
If J2 were on Magic Mike, this fan wants them both to die- “I mean dance!” J2 crack up at her slip and Jared comes off stage to high five the fan. 
Jared: If there was a Magic Mike Changing Channels, I would get my dance on!
Fan asks J2 to tell each other what they find beautiful about one another. Jared: He has a wonderful tuft of hair and I can see it because I’m 6′4 and he’s a mere 6′1 lol. 
Jared: Jensen will as a friend, very uniquely, be able to tell Jared “dude, you’re better than this.” Basically, he likes that Jensen can tell him to up his game. Jensen holds Jared to a higher standard. He loves Jensen’s ability to remain who he is, that he can be real with him and call him out on his shit. Jared has very few friends that can do that.  
Jared: You know him as Jensen Ackles and Dean Winchester, I know him as Uncle Ackles, like my kids call him. 
Jensen: I wanted to say his chest but that sounds inadequate now lol. 
Jensen’s serious answer about what is beautiful about Jared: Says he has many qualities, but one is Jared’s “ability to liven and lighten and make a room better just by walking into it.” 
J2 keep bumping each other on the thigh for support. 
Jared: It’s so pretty - touches Jensen’s face. 
Fan: Which animals would you be? Jensen: I was told recently a wolf. Jensen says that Jared would be a bull. 
Jared and Gen set a trap to stop things eating their chickens and they caught a possum! Called him Mr. Possum. When Shep catches lizards they are always called Lizzie. 
Jared thinks he’d be an opossum. Jensen: Opossums play dead when in fear... That doesn’t apply and they also have a long tail, I don’t think so... Jared: Phhhh... 
Jensen keeps roaring and Jared just did it, too
Fan: I think you would be a bear, Jensen. Jensen: *growls like a bear* Jared: *growls like a tiger*
Jensen: I don’t think you’re rat-like. Jared: My tail is. Second wave of laughter over what might have a double meaning here lol. 
Jensen: How about a giraffe? Jared: I’m going with moose, man!
Fan chose lion for Jared to be. Jared: I love it. I’ll have news for you in a couple of days. 
Jensen: I had a fundamental issue with the fact that Dean left Sam when he died in 13x21. But it was too late to change the script. He thought it was doing a disservice to the character. He wasn’t quiet about it. 
Jared: I knew that Dean was gonna go back for his brother. 
Jared: I have an interesting perspective as the dead brother. I never doubted that Dean would go back, and he thought it was heartbreaking seeing Dean have no choice but to leave Sam behind even though he didn’t want to. 
Jared thinks Jensen did an awesome job showing Dean’s emotional state. Jared says it’s easier to play the bravado of wanting to go in guns blazing and Jensen was amazing in bringing Dean’s heartbreak in not being able to go back for Sam, in playing “I don’t wanna be anywhere but dead with my brother in that cave.” 
Silent conversations between J2. 
Jared: On the way in today we watched the gag reel, it was really good! Jared wants to show it but Jensen says no lol. 
Habits they’ve adopted from each other? Jensen about him and Jared: “We have adopted a short-hand language with each other.” They can read each other so well. In gag reels, you see it a lot. Derail with each other when it’s fun/prank time. 
Jensen: When he derails and starts pranking, I derail with him. And when I derail, he, instead of pulling me back on the rails, he just pushes me further and jumps off with me and we go off the tracks together! Jared: Wheee! 
They can read each other so well they don’t have to discuss things like improvising a scene. 
Jared: I Dean it up once in a while (when there’s a crowd of people and he’s trying to get through) and does a Dean face lol. Says Dean’s posture “toughens himself up” lol. 
Misha arrives for the brief J2M panel. He livestreams on the monitor: Sorry, I didn’t think you could see me! Jensen: We always see you, Misha, you livestream your entire life. 
Misha: Jared and Jensen were plucked off of playgrounds and told, you’re a star! Jensen: No, that’s not true at all. 
Jensen: Everything in life is a gamble but if you’re passionate about it, it’s worth it. Says there was a lot of rejection early in their careers as actors, but their passion for it made them push through. 
Jared: Do something that brings you joy every day. Says this industry can be very judgmental. Don’t listen to them, but make sure you do what makes you happy. “I’ve been in the business 18 years and sometimes I feel judged or less than. But just do what makes you happy and kick ass, and to hell with everybody else.” 
Misha read a book called Freakonomics that said you have the same amount of likelihood as being a successful drug dealer as you do being a successful actor. 
The hug from the last ep was changed a bit by J2. It was written as too light/happy/reunion-y, but J2 felt it needed to be more heavy because of what happened and the Lucifer problem. They felt the reunion would be unsatisfactory and fleeting because they still had work to do. “The satisfaction of it being over wasn’t there.” The hug was written for Jared and Jensen to add their interpretations, the writers usually don’t write those moments and trust them to find those moments. 
Jensen says Dean had mixed feelings about Sam’s return from the dead because his happiness was undercut by the fact that it was Lucifer who had brought Sam back. They never get the chance to just be happy in these moments because there’s always something ominous going on. 
Jensen: We aim to satisfy!
Fan: How does it feel to play another character other than Dean? Jensen: I haven’t really had the chance to play this character just yet, but I will. Says “ohhh it’s good!” 
J2 leave as Misha’s solo panel begins. 
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Photo Credit: eeecat 
Info via: Maisie, Kelly, Ross, Fandomnatural, Sil’s livetweet list
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