#it's a very Anica piece. very peaceful.
bujorulgalben · 1 year
PSA: summer update!
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hi hi! just a quick update for you as we approach the time of year where my muse for anica, more often than not, comes back with a vengeance! with her nameday next week and my 30th birthday bash @ bucurești coinciding with my long-awaited seat for the george enescu festival...can you tell i’m excited. i’m picking my dress for my night at the opera right now!
you’ll all get updates from that and the trip as a whole! i’m also going to retrace the last steps of the ceaușescus, visit the zărnești bear sanctuary, and go on more than one food tour. i’m also taking a fuckton of bubblewrap to start buying plates for when i buy my own place next year..!
anywho! i have a few ideas i’d like to write for anica and some small project ideas i’ll be using to get me through the peak season at work. musing on this silly old lady and her wistful, whimsical fancies have been a welcome distraction. i’d love to share more of what i have rocking about in my head with you all, as well! it took me a while to re-frame this community in a positive light after the pandemic - that was no one’s fault but my own and i don’t want anyone to think they drove me away - but i think i’m getting there now. now, i just want to use this as a creative outlet and as a means to share this passion project of mine. i invite you all to join me or just to watch along as you please.
i’d like to work on serghei more, as well! i do not need to go into detail as to why i was very reluctant to engage with md content on here as of late, but all the while his character is also maturing and moving past him just being a pathetic little man. don’t worry, he always will be Awful! but i also love him very much and would like to flesh out his character as well! anica will always be queen in my head and the main reason why i’m extremely reluctant to pick up more muses, but serghei is due some time in the sun, too. 
i have plots in mind for both of them which i’d love to write over the course of this summer/going into autumn! i’m also getting back to revising my romanian notes, and all of those will undoubtedly keep me from straying too far away from my dashboard. again, you’re all more than welcome to play along or engage however you see fit!
so that’s where i am. i’m in a good place, and anica’s power as a muse plays a big part in that. i hope you all enjoy my future outputs and are doing well <3
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bujorulgalben · 5 years
starter for @vilavelebita
The heavy summer haze had fallen like a dense, dusky blanket on the lakefront. You would be forgiven for succumbing to sleep here; with only the clattering of stork bills and chattering of the last parties on the other side of the bistro’s decking to disturb you. There was little else by means of noise, where this charming beechwood piece was left largely in peace - off the beaten path, down a dirt road and closed for over half of the year - a local secret.
Anica had tipped the seasoned taxi driver generously that morning, impressed by how arguably smooth the journey was. Make no mistake, it was still bone-shatteringly bumpy, but Anica learnt a long time ago that to clench her jaw on her roads was a bad idea. It’d only ruin her smile, which got a lot of mileage today; in an absent, daydreaming grin in the shade of a sweet-smelling linden tree. In laughing at the ice cold water she dipped her toes into, that she cupped in her hands and threatened to splash Cvijeta with. It was only a limp shake of Anica’s damp hands, a shyer splash, she had to worry about.
Anica had joked and thrown her hair about with their waiter, now twilight had descended to claim the day. A lengthy allegory in their shared Romanian got a laugh from the waiter, and only then did Anica apologise for neglecting her guest. She smiles broadly at the waiter, gesturing to the two bottles of wine he had brought for her to sample, and the charming pays off. Both bottles stay with the women, as the waiter went away with an order of pâté, bread and oil.
In picking the table's first of the two poisons, Anica opened and poured two glasses.
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“One of these days, Cvijeta, I want to go on a tour!”, a merry tone still sang in Anica’s voice. “My cousins won’t forgive me for not exploring their share of Adriatic, sure, but I am still up for exploring the more unbeaten path, yes? And now, you see,” lifting a full glass, she gestures towards Cvijeta with a broad grin, “I needed to consult an expert. Because while the idea of returning to Pula is very appealing, for more than a road-sign photo, I promise-” Anica knocked back a couple of gulps, to stop herself from laughing at the unfortunate name.
“What I am struggling with, however, is what I could possibly pay for your insight with!”
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