#it's a nice day outside too -> going for a meal/coffee later with L. <3< /div>
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inkysk1n · 22 days ago
i managed to get about 60%-70% prepared for this exam that i have in two hours. the content of it is really cool, oncogenesis basically, a synthesis of all the molecular knowledge that i have gained so far + some more details. so! i'm excited to see how much i know/can guess, there is 0 worry in me and i wish i had had this calm for the past 5 years lol
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chocolateheart · 4 years ago
Door number 12
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Title: Door Number 12
Word count: 7937 (I know, I'm sorry)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: A noisy neighbour is bringing you a lot of emotions. What if this bubbling tension and frustration will finally find their way out?
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex (please, wrap it before you tap it), creampie, fingering, handjob, pinning to the wall, clothes tearing, biting, scratching, a lot of kissing, strong eye contact, sex noises, tension, some swearing, noisy neighbour, arguing, stealing food, property damage, I don't know, porn?
Bingo Square Filled: Neighbour AU for @spnmixedbingo
A/N: Yes, another porn. Please, don't judge me, I couldn't help it. I won't say much, that fic just sorta happened. I hope you'll like it! Enjoy babes!
A/N: As always huge huge huge THANK YOU to my dear beta, angel and Queen @winchest09 for giving this piece a look. Love you Tabbs <3 Still, mistakes are mine!
A/N: The gorgeous divider designed by incredibly talented @talesmaniac89 <3
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Throwing your bag on the counter along with your keys, a deep sigh left your chest. You numbly looked around your apartment as you began to take off your jewellery. Why did this place always look like a pigsty every time you got back home? Your necklace and bracelet joined your bag when you tossed them to one side as a yawn escaped you.
This day was exhausting, to say the least. Maybe your work wasn’t that demanding but sometimes it was just tiring to the point where you wanted to cry. After shrugging your jean jacket off, your feet took you to the couch and you just collapsed down on it with a pained grunt. Your body was stiff and aching, your head was pounding from pain and as soon as you felt a pillow under it, your will to stay awake had started to fade. You knew you shouldn’t take a nap now as there was still so much left to do today, but for god's sake, it was Friday evening and you had been working for the past 5 days at top speed. An hour of rest was something you definitely deserved.
Without standing up, you lifted your hips to take off your jeans and wrapped yourself in the blanket you always kept on the couch. Relaxing your body with a deep breath, you closed your eyes, already halfway to dreamland. But as soon as you felt yourself drifting completely, a loud sound of guitar suddenly sounded in your ears, making your eyes snap open.
No, not again!
Fisting the pillow, you felt the anger growing as you knew exactly where the loud rock music was coming from; recognising the band as AC/DC. When the volume increased, you hid your head underneath the pillow, desperate to cut off your aching skull from the noise. But it didn’t work, the sound still bleeding through the cushion. It didn’t take you a minute to shoot up on straight legs and pull on your sweats while marching towards the front door.
Mumbling inappropriate words, you entered the staircase for your building and immediately went down; hearing the power of the music increasing with every step you took. You found yourself on a floor below, with your jaw and hands clenched, eyes glued to door number 12 as you approached it. Once you stood in front of it, you lifted one of your fists and hit the hard on the wood a few times, ready to murder the person on the other side. Of course he made you wait till the song ended, causing you to repeat the punching a couple of times.
When the door finally opened, you were fuming with anger, eyes shooting lightnings towards the tall man on the opposite side of the doorstep.
"I swear to god, Winchester," you hissed through gritted teeth, a loud melody almost muffling your words. "If you won't turn that down, I will physically harm you." Your threatening pulled a laugh from him which only acted as another oil drop to the fire.
"Sweetheart you can't do anything to me," he said, leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed on this broad chest. "Besides, I don't understand what your problem is." Dean shrugged as if nothing had happened, making your brows shoot up.
"You don't understand?! This music is driving me crazy!" You took a deep breath and while not breaking the strong eye contact you had with him, you started to enlighten him on what exactly was wrong. "I’ve had a terrible day, no, week actually. Everything hurts, my head is pounding and this music is shaking my walls which in turn, is not letting me sleep. So if you could be so nice and turn that off because I swear on what's holy, if I lose my goddamn mind, your name will be the first one I'm gonna mention once they ask me how I ended up in mental hospital." Words just slipped out of you in one unbreakable line and you took shuddering breath after, composing yourself.
However, the smug smirk didn’t leave your neighbour's face; he didn’t give a damn about your monologue. After you finished, he only put a hand on your shoulder and delivered his response.
"It's a Friday evening and we live in a free country. There’s no rule saying I can't listen to loud music, unless it's lights out. What's more, you're the only one who can't stand this, I don't see anyone else coming here to complain, so maybe the problem lies in you, not in me," he simply said, as he flashed you a fake, sarcastic smile and closed the door. But not before saying, "have a nice evening."
You looked up to the ceiling, asking for patience but the frustration and anger were huge. You growled, kicked Winchester's door with your socked foot and cursed, feeling pain going from your toes to the tibial bone.
On your way back to your apartment, you were mumbling out every possible, offensive name that came to your mind when you thought about that green eyed man. Your relationship had been heated ever since he moved into the building. He made your blood boil. Loud music, meetings with his friends, watching movies on full volume on his surround speakers after dark in the middle of the week, noisily cooking at midnight; even his one night stands apparently had an unfulfilled opera career.
You were having a battle with Dean, on average, twice a week. Knowing you weren’t the only one who couldn’t stand his behavior, you asked others for help, but Dean’s charm was way bigger of an opponent than you had expected. He could just use a sweet smile, say a few, flirty words with this deep voice and Ann from the end of the hall would walk on wobbly legs with stupid smile on her face for the next four days.
You couldn’t really blame her, the man was ridiculously attractive but you were looking past it. Dean was an annoying asshole and the only reason you had not yet clawed out his eyes was the fact that visiting the jail wasn’t exactly a wooing thought.
Shutting your door behind you, you leaned against it and ‘Sweet Child O’ mine’ came on. You growled once again, hit your wooden barricade with your head and looked down, trying to find calmness in your floor. Once you stopped radiating fury, knowing that the person below won't let you rest for at least two more hours, you chose the second drawer in your kitchen, searching for painkillers. If you were being made to stay up, you were gonna be productive. Swallowing two aspirin, you decided to clean the place so you could focus on college work tomorrow.
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If only you could actually focus on college work.
After waking up at 8 am the next day, you opened the window on your way to the kitchen, craving coffee. It wasn’t normal for you to get up at this hour on the weekend but your finals were coming and you had way more work than you expected.
Thankfully, the weather outside was pleasant; the sun was already shining, creating morning shadows and the soft wind streamed inside your apartment, tickling your ankles as you sat at the table, eating breakfast. The smell of spring made you smile, always bringing back good memories. After the meal, you didn’t bother to change your pajamas for the actual clothes and you just took the laptop to start working on your college sheets. You were sitting with one of your legs bent, heel leaning on the chair, messy bun on your head, sipping on the second coffee while listening to the birds singing happily outside. Words were flooding out of you, making you feel certain that it wouldn’t take you long to be done with your essays. But that blissful moment was cut short when a loud rumble of a car’s engine resonated under your building, causing you to jerk in your chair and almost spill your drink.
Recognizing it straight away, you looked up, trying your best to not get angry again but as the sound of his loud engine revving l continued, you smacked the table with your palm and stood up. As you leaned on your window sill and gazed out, you spotted black, slick Chevrolet with the driver's door, trunk and hood open. Tools were scattered around the vehicle, a jean clothed leg was sticking out from the inside and you greeted your teeth, knowing who that was.
“Hey!” you yelled out, not caring if probably half of the residents could hear you. “I’m trying to study here!”
Dean peeked out and up at you, smiled and got out of the car, leaning his elbow on the hood in a nonchalant way.
“Good morning to you too,” he said and flashed you the oh-so-charming smile.
“It would be good if you didn’t interrupt it with your loud junker,” you spat back, leaning on the window frame and smiled when his face fell; he hated it when someone insulted his Baby, and you were very much aware of that. “Now, could you please lower your generic volume because I have a lot to do and you’re the last thing I want to deal with today.”
“Nobody tells you to. I’m minding my business, you go mind yours, I ain’t stopping you.” He gestured towards you with his grease covered hand.
“No, but your car is making noise that shakes all the dishes in my cabinet.”
He just shrugged and you narrowed your eyes, seeing that he didn’t care about whatever your problem was. “Then I suggest closing the window.”
After saying that, he dived inside the vehicle and seconds later you heard the strong twang of a guitar. Again. This man was very successful in making you hate rock music. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, stopping yourself from throwing a flowerpot at him; only because it was a very nice pot and you were emotionally attached to it.
“I need fresh air! I’m not gonna close the window! Turn that off!” you screamed, but he only frowned and pointed to his ear.
“Sorry sweetheart, can’t hear you!” You could see the smile dancing on his lips and you really wanted to break something on his head. “The music is too loud!”
Clenching your jaw you gave up. Another defeat, but it wasn’t the war you lost; it was just a battle and he was yet to feel your comeback. Showing him your middle finger, you closed the window and went to the bathroom, not being able to hear the soft chuckle that left him.
Maybe to an outsider, Dean’s behavior wasn’t such a big deal, but the longer he acted like that, the more annoying and tiring it was becoming. You couldn’t focus on basic activities because he was giving you a headache in various ways and for some reason, you couldn’t just talk it through with him. Every attempt at trying to get to an understanding with him, ended up with a fight.
Winchester was just a pain in the ass.
Thankfully, he vanished before noon; his car was gone and there was a blissful silence that you made the most of, and finished the majority of what you had to do.
Surrounded by papers and books, you were sitting down on your fluffy carpet, leaning back on your couch, typing away on your laptop. Glancing at your clock again, you frowned. It’s been almost 85 minutes since you ordered pizza; your stomach was rumbling, unhappy with the fact of still being empty. Finding your phone, you dialed the pizza parlor’s number once again. Standing up, you stretched your muscles and looked outside, watching the sunset sky as you waited for someone to pick up. Finally, the lady’s voice spoke to you down the line, asking you how she could help.
“Hi, I made an order from you and I still haven’t received it? It’s been over an hour,” you explained politely, scratching the back of your head.
You didn’t like situations like that; delay was understandable, but it had been way too long. However, you hated to call someone out, you never wanted to make someone’s job harder than it already was. Giving your address to the lady so she could check where your food was, you spotted the black vehicle under the building and your brows shot up. He was home and it was still quiet; it wasn’t normal.
“Miss, the system says your order was delivered and we have a confirmation of receipt.” You frowned hearing her words as what she said was impossible.
“Are you sure? There was no delivery here.”
“Yes, I’m positive. It says someone picked up the order twenty minutes ago.” Pinching your nose, you took a deep breath.
“Could you check the address precisely, please? Maybe your driver made a mistake?” you suggested being already sure someone else got your food.
“Rosenhouse Street, building 4, apartment 12,” she read and the last number made you flinch.
“Apartment 20,” you corrected her, but she denied.
“No Miss, the order was picked up by apartment 12.” And just like that the level of your anger reached three digits in a second.
“Okay, thank you so much,” you murmured and disconnected the call without a goodbye, already storming halfway across your place, getting ready to leave.
Slamming the door, you took a very well known path downstairs and you banged on number 12 as soon as you stood in front of it. Feeling the urge to punch the person who was supposed to open, you inhaled deeply, clenching your teeth. Just... keep it cool, Y/N.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” you growled the second Dean came into your view in his domestic clothes, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.
“Whoa, what?” he tilted his head with an uncomprehending look.
“Listen,” you pointed a finger at him. “Loud noises, annoying car, your mean behavior, fine, okay. Screw it. But stealing food? That is childish. Can you go any lower?!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, sweetheart,” he said with a smile dancing on his lips. “What food?”
“My pizza,” you muttered through your teeth.
“Oh, right!” He smacked his forehead, acting like he just now understood. “Yeah, pizza was great.”
“You stole it!” you exclaimed, a little too high pitched.
“No I didn’t,” Dean stated, giving you a small, I-know-better smile.
“Yes, you did. I ordered it and you just pocketed it!” You really wanted to stamp your foot like a little girl to tick your fury.
"No sweetheart, I didn’t," he said, crossing his arms and straightening his back so he could tower over you, making you look up. "The guy came in with pizza, said he's supposed to bring it here, so I paid for it and ate it."
"Oh! Because it's normal to pay for the food you didn’t order and keep it to yourself. And stop calling me sweetheart!" You puffed out irritated, making him smirk.
"You're cute when you're angry." Your face fell and you felt your palm itching. What would he do if you slapped him?
"Dean," you warned him but he chuckled.
"No, seriously." He reached to your forehead, wanting to brush it with his finger. "You have this cute, little wrinkle in the middle-"
"Don't touch me." You smacked his hand away and pointed a warning finger straight into his face. "One more action like this and you're gonna regret it," you growled out and walked away.
"So it's threatening now, huh?!" he called after you, coming out to stand in the hall.
Before you stepped on the stairs, you turned around with such a force, that your hair flipped over one of your shoulders and you showed him your middle finger. Hearing his low laugh bouncing on the wall, you scoffed annoyed as you stomped loudly going back upstairs. You swore that if you were supposed to become a murderer one day, that this man was gonna be victim number one. This whole 'lets annoy her' process would be great fuel for you to slice that slender throat of his.
Shutting the door again, you walked into the kitchen, dived in the fridge and decided to stuff yourself with pancakes. Screw Dean and his pizza, you were not going to give him satisfaction with ordering anything else tonight.
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“So, he’s a confident man,” Jo stated after you told her about Winchester’s behavior.
You came to Harvelle's to grab something for Sunday dinner; they had the most delicious menu in the whole town and no one could change your mind. You were sitting with a blonde girl at the table, outside their restaurant, sipping on some light drinks Ellen had prepared for the two of you. Ash was already working on your meal in the kitchen while Jo was taking her break so she could sit with you and listen about your neighbour under the floor. It took you way longer to describe everything and you felt kind of bad for that. You weren’t the type who whined about such things and forced friends to hear about your bullshit, but now you were desperate to get it all off your chest.
“Confident asshole,” you corrected her, “I just wish he could finally get his ass kicked, you know? I can’t live with this man! He’s an arrogant, offensive, little, annoying dickhead!” you said, crossing your arms on your chest.
After a few seconds of silence, you looked up at Jo. She was watching you, clearly trying not to smile; her lips were twitching and small dimples had already appeared. You knew her long enough to know that she was all ready to tease you about this whole situation.
“What?” you barked at her and she lifted her hands in defense.
“Nothing!” She shrugged. “Just, your relationship with him seems to have been
 rough since the very beginning.”
“It is! I really wanna punch him!” Jo lifted her brows, a smile breaking on her face.
“Just punch him?” The suggestion was shining in her eyes and your shoulders fell down at the subtext.
“Jo!” she started giggling when she heard your resigned tone. “Just because I’m having a heated exchange with a hot guy doesn’t mean that I wanna fuck him!”
“Oh, so you think he’s hot?” she asked innocently, taking a sip from her glass.
“Yes, but he’s an idiot and I would never let him in my panties, come on,” you scoffed as you rolled your eyes. The last thing you would ever do was having sex with this man.
And you knew Jo didn’t believe you. To be honest, if you thought about it really, really hard, you weren’t sure if you believed yourself

The door opened and Ash came out with a smile, your food packed in a thermal box.
“There you go, girl. We do not accept any complaints,” he said, winking at you and you chuckled, taking the meal from him.
“Thanks, Ash.” He saluted you and vanished as quickly as he appeared. You glanced at your phone laying on the table and sighed seeing the time. “Okay babe, I’m gonna go. School’s calling and I bothered you enough anyway.”
“Oh stop it, you’re not bothering me, don’t be stupid,” she said smiling, and hugged you tight. “Text me when you get home.”
“Sure thing.” You winked and walked backwards, watching her disappear inside the RoadHouse.
Smiling to yourself, you turned around and crossed the street. At first your thoughts were filled with Jo who could always put you in a good mood but then they gradually transitioned into someone else.
You didn’t know if it was your overworked system or what Jo had teased you about that caused Dean to stick inside your mind, but you wanted to scream; it was like he had nested in there. Not only was he disturbing your living space, but he was now invading your mental space as well. What’s more, it wasn’t exactly hard to not think about him in a nasty way, and you hated it. The truth was that he was attractive from his fluffy hair to his toes, and more than once you had caught yourself daydreaming about his hands and mouth on you.
You couldn’t help it. The way he looked was not fair and Jo made you realise that if not for his attitude, you would have slept with him a long time ago. Thankfully, in the moments you felt weakness for him, he was doing something that pissed you off to the point where you wanted to bite his head off.
You really wanted to get even with him, you had to bounce the ball. The need to bite back was so big that you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw the paint store. The bulb in your head flickered on and a devil smile angled your lips. Maybe it was a bad idea, maybe it was childish, maybe it was crossing the line, but you had suffered enough thanks to this jerk.
Buying one can of pink chalk paint, you were muting your common sense that was currently shouting at you. As the saying goes - you only live once. He wanted a fight? You were going to fight. He started to play a strong hand? You were going to do the same. He thought playing with you like that was fun? Well, you were gonna have some fun too. Besides, he wouldn’t realise immediately that the paint would easily wash off, but seeing him panic thinking that his car had been defaced was revenge enough.
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With a few last strokes of a paintbrush, you were finished. Straightening your back, you looked down at your work and smiled, satisfied with pink flowers you had drawn on the black surface. They were a nice contrast and you really liked the shape. In all honesty, it kinda burned you to paint this four wheeled beauty, but it wasn’t your fault her owner was a douchebag who deserved a lesson.
The impala was parked in her usual spot, next to the building that was mostly asleep. There were no cameras and due to the late hour, the chance of someone spotting you was small. Besides, you were just a hooded figure, no one would recognise you anyway even with the dim light from a lonely lantern. It was risky, but you were too far gone in your revenge to care. It had been done and you wished you could see Dean’s face in the morning.
Gathering your things you looked around, checking to see if there was anyone you should avoid and you got back to your apartment. After closing the door, you took off your clothes, staying only in leggings and a t-shirt, and decided to make some tea. You had this weird energy bubbling inside of you and it would be a waste to not use it on college papers. Getting comfortable on your couch you started going through materials for one of your projects.
Not expecting any visitors, you jumped slightly while hearing a rapid knocking on your door an hour later. You frowned and stood up, finishing your tea on your way to the entry. What you saw on the other side almost made you smile like an idiot. Dean was boring into you with his eyes; if looks could kill, you would surely be a beautiful corpse by now. His chest was rising and falling heavily, jaw clenched to the point his cheek was twitching and you could see the slight blush coloring on his face. He was wearing his leather jacket but was also in sweats so you assumed he was about to make a quick grocery run or something.
“What the hell?!” he growled at you before you could say a word. Ohhh, he was angry.
“What?” You shrugged innocently, ignoring the weird chill that ran down your spine after hearing the vibrations of his tone.
Dean took a deep breath, doing his best to not shout out. “I wanted to go get some beer and burgers, but guess what. Someone screwed up my car. And you know what? I think it was you.”
He pointed a finger at you, holding keys in his hand. You laughed and leaned on your doorframe, ready to confront him. Satisfaction already tickled your insides, but there was one thing that you had to admit - he was hot when he was angry.
“You really think that I have nothing better to do than mess up your car?” you asked, amused by his flaring nostrils.
"Don't you fucking dare play with me like that," he said firmly, not wanting to yell. "Do you know it's property damage? You broke a law and I can easily get you in trouble."
He was fuming with anger and you were sure that if it was possible, there would be smoke coming out of his ears. You smiled and stood your ground, finding it adorable how he thought he had anything useful against you.
"You have nothing on me. No proof that I was the one who defaced your car," you started, taking two steps to stand inches away from him. "Call the cops and I'm gonna tell them all about the nuisance, the stealing, manipulation and manifestations of aggression all coming from you.”
You stared straight into his eyes, a smart smile not leaving you even for a second; feeling confident in your words. Maybe he had a point, but you weren’t empty handed. You could get punished for what you did and so could he.
“What is your problem, Y/N?!” he asked, pinching his nose, clearly irritated with you. “You keep whining, making problems out of nothing and now painting my damn car?”
“You’re not letting me live in peace!” you raised your voice. “Your loud music, loud car, loud tv, loud you in general! I can’t sleep, I can’t study, I can’t do anything because you’re always there to disturb me!”
“Then leave!” he suggested, raising his tone as well. You were taken aback; lifting your brows you blinked a few times. Was he joking?
“Leave?! Are you kidding me now?! This is my home and just a friendly reminder, I was in here first so maybe you should back off!”
“But you’re the only one having a problem with me!” he yelled, spreading his arms, highlighting the obviousness of his argument.
“Because you’re a manipulative ass! You use your charm, this fucking smile, your shining eyes, and nice language, and the whole building is yours! Even Ian from the 4th floor and he doesn't even like people!”
“Ian is a cool guy!”
You took a breath and opened your mouth to say something more but no words came out. Again, you were convinced that there was no way to come to an agreement with this guy. Further arguments were pointless. Looking at him you shook your head and brushed your hair to the back. The soft smile and look you gave him next, made him frown a little.
“You know what? Fuck you,” you said simply and went to close the door, but his retort didn’t let you.
“You wish.”
Freezing, you locked your eyes with his and in a split second, something shifted in the air. The atmosphere got thick and the tension you had been building for months, now came into play, kinda taking you both by surprise. Dean felt it too, you could see his expression changing. He was trying to read you, trying to understand what was buzzing between you. A part of you wanted to explain it, to show him that you already knew it was sexual tension saying ‘hi’, but as soon as you realised that, you swallowed and forced your rational mask back on.
Shaking off the urge to take steps towards him, you scoffed and sending him one last look, you shut the door without saying anything. Taking two deep breaths, you leaned your forehead on the wooden barricade and closed your eyes.
There was no way in hell you would give in and break. He had everyone else in his fist, but not you. The only person that didn’t fall under his spell, the only one that didn’t let your craving inside take better of you. Dean was still your enemy and a pain in the ass; it was a matter of honour and dignity to stay away.
However, soft knocking made your eyes snap open. No. Darting your head from the door you looked at it, knowing who was behind it but that didn’t even register when you pulled on the door-handle. Dean was supporting his body on his arms that he had placed on both sides of your door, blocking the way. He was looking at you intensely, his breathing quicker than moments ago.
You could see the exact second he made a decision. You knew he was going to do something he shouldn’t and yet, you let him close the gap between you and crush his mouth to yours, cupping your cheeks at the same time. The force he hit you with made you take steps backwards, encouraging him to come in and turn you around so you could unconsciously close the door. His grip was firm, long fingers digging in your neck as hot lips forced yours apart. But your stubbornness caused you to push him away, breaking the connection.
The look you exchanged was a mix of emotions; hate, passion, frustration, lust, confusion, hesitation. This was something completely new for you; needing him was unfamiliar, strange, but at the same time stronger than anything you had felt before when it came to Dean. There was this quiet voice telling you that it was already too late; you tasted it and you wanted it, obviously. The other voice was louder, trying to make you aware of how messed up it's gonna be after, but somehow you didn’t want to listen. Not this time.
"Fuck it."
Saying that, you approached Dean and gripping him by the back of his neck, you pulled him down for a kiss. It was sloppy and deep, all teeth and tongues. He inhaled through his nose, bending down when your nails clawed at his skin. Grabbing you by the waist, he used a little pressure so you walked backwards. You didn’t expect to be pushed against the wall and a surprised gasp escaped you when your back hit it. Looking up at Dean, you noticed how his hungry eyes flickered over your figure and a cocky smirk formed on his face. You mirrored his expression and lifted your chin, so you could suck in his lower lip, biting on it softly. His response was immediate and fierce; he pressed his body to yours, pinning you to the wall completely, kissing you even deeper than before. The heat flooded you, making your cheeks burn and a sweat break.
You moaned and that seemed to spur him on because his hands started travelling all over your body. Doing the same, you aimed for his jacket, pushing it off his broad shoulders so it could land on the floor. The thought of finally discovering what was under his clothes took over your brain and you started to pull on his t-shirt, hazed and eager. But Dean grabbed your wrist and pinned it next to your head, not letting you undress him. You twisted and tugged, trying to break free, but he slid his fingers between yours and you instinctively clenched your palm.
“Don’t fight,” he breathed out, leaving your lips as he dropped to your neck, letting you take a much needed breath.
Leaning your head back you gave him the access to your throat where he licked and sucked, french-kissing your flesh. Your knees buckled a little when his hot lips closed on your pulse point, sending shivers down your spine as his stubble prickled you. Feeling his second hand sneaking under your shirt, you held your breath and jerked on the skin to skin contact. He wasn’t delicate; his long fingers were squeezing and digging, a firm touch making it all the more intense. Using your free hand you fisted his hair, pulling on it. Dean purred, nibbling on your flesh, making your eyes roll. It was like playing tennis, back and forth; you had an answer to each other's movements.
The hunger inside you was growing fast; you were getting more and more impatient and being caged by Dean only made you feel limited. So, naturally, you rebelled, trying to take control; with Dean it was always a competition. But your attempt only caused him to press his body more, his knee coming between your legs, making it harder for you to move. The thin material of your leggings was a weak protection to his touch and you whined when your sensitive area met his thigh. Fidgeting even more, you made him chuckle.
“Stop fighting,” he whispered into your ear as he pulled your earlobe between his teeth.
Growling, you turned your head and sunk your teeth into his neck, tasting sweet and salty. Dean hissed and backed away, looking down at you with a surprise in his eyes, brows slightly furrowed. You smiled and angled yourself to speak against his lips.
“Don’t act like you don’t like a fight, Winchester.”
The suggestion was clear and he seemed to understand. Your relationship was already a ticking bomb so why not have a little fun?
The challenging look you gave him was a last jolt and his mode switched. Before you could do anything, he kissed you firmly, letting go of you just to grab on the front of your shirt. Pulling with two hands Dean ripped the fabric in half, revealing your torso, making you smile a devil’s smile. He shook his head in disbelief that you were actually going along with it and grinning, he attacked your jaw. Scraping it with his teeth first, then kissing and going down passed your neck, to your collarbone. Bending his knees so he could reach lower and lower, he proceeded to shrug the destroyed clothing off you and focus on your breasts. Placing sloppy kisses on the curves, Dean moved his hands on your back and unclasped your bra. As soon as it was gone, he sucked in one of your nipples, causing you to arch your chest. Pulling his hair, you grabbed the back of his head, letting him know you enjoyed his work.
Every time his lips touched you, they left burning spots and you could feel yourself getting wetter. Not holding back anymore, you started to roll your hips, seeking the friction his leg could give you. Still playing with your boobs, he caught your hips and added the power to your moves, dragging a moan from you. Glancing down, you spotted the bulge in his sweatpants and realised he was still wearing too much clothes.
“Take that fucking shirt off,” you panted out, grabbing on the piece of clothing on his back.
This time he allowed you to do what you needed, lifting his arms to make your task easier and the second his chest was bare, you used your nails to leave red lines, making him grimace from pain before he kissed you. Caressing his newly exposed body, you felt firm muscles of his strong arms flexing. He wasn’t a gym type of guy, he was soft in some places but firm and strong in general, and that turned you on to the point your stomach flipped.
Suddenly, he pushed on your hips until your butt touched the wall behind you and pulled away from you, straightening himself. You looked at each other, panting and flinching in anticipation. Keeping the eye contact, Dean cupped your face, brushing his thumb over your swollen lips and slowly slid his hands down your body. You swallowed hard when he hooked his fingers behind your waistband and pulled your leggings down, crouching in front of you.
With a thumping heart you looked down at him, meeting his dark eyes watching you as he kissed your knee, your thigh, your inner thigh; his hands travelling up your legs, leaving goosebumps. You shivered when his hot breath hit your still clothed core. He placed a kiss on your damp panties, making your pussy clench and stopped. Leaning his forehead on your lower stomach, he tried to remain self-control, breathing strongly to calm himself down... and he failed. This whole situation was too much and he had wanted it for way too long to stop now.
Shooting up, he claimed your lips, driving his fingers inside your briefs at the same time. His digits went through your folds, gathering slick and found your clit, making you gasp into his mouth.
“Yeah? Right here?” he whispered and you sucked the air in through your mouth when he drew a circle, pressing harshly on your little nub.
Feeling him smiling, you clung to his neck, keeping him close when he started to make circles on your button. Moaning laughs escaped you, mixed with short breaths as you felt fire filling your veins, tickling sparks running from your clit to every nook of your system. For a moment you lost yourself in the feeling, but your brain woke up when he nudged you, rubbing his dick on your leg.
Opening your eyes, you locked them with his, tracing your palm down his chest and stomach. Somehow, you managed to turn you both around so he was by the wall. You didn’t care about teasing him through his pants so you pushed your hand inside and grabbed his hard shaft. Dean jerked and choked on his breath; the whole foreplay made him ridiculously sensitive.
You smiled satisfied and began to pump him, making his head fall back on the wall. His exposed neck was shining with sweat, throat moving as he swallowed hard. Your biting kink was begging for you to bite him, but the view was too good to not watch. His breathing quickened along with your strokes, his jaw flexing when he opened his mouth to chug. A thick vein popped out on the side of his neck, a guttural whine coming from him when you rubbed your thumb on his tip. Finally, you gave in and closed your lips on his jaw, light stubble pricking your lips. Dean turned his head and palming yours he brought you in for a kiss but you broke it fast, having enough.
"Come on," you said, taking his hand and leading him to your bedroom.
Not being able to stay away from each other, you stumbled towards the room, kissing and laughing, getting rid of the rest of the clothes on your way. Hitting the bed you let yourself fall on it, pulling Dean behind you. He hovered above you, using his tongue to play with your nipples as you both climbed up to the headboard. Adjusting the pillows beneath you, you felt his body pressing down, arms sneaking under yours as he kissed you deeply. Rolling his hips, he drove his cock between your folds, poking your clit and you automatically lifted your lower body up on your heels, feeling the electricity running through you. Dean bit down on your lip and pulled on it hard with his teeth, smiling when you hissed.
Without thinking much you just reached between your bodies and guided his cock to your entrance, making him freeze. The look he gave you was a mashup of a question and disbelief, and all it took was your evil smirk. You felt him fisting the sheets under you and with one, mild thrust he slid inside of you. Arching your back you inhaled, digging your fingers into his shoulders. He was stretching you; your walls fluttered around him when he bottomed out, making the two of you give silent moans, your voices stuck in your throats from intensity.
Watching you, he began to move, making you both more and more comfortable with the feeling. Gradually, his pace increased and so did the noises. Your breathy moans and growls filled the room, mixing with the sound of skin slapping on skin as Dean's hips waved between your thighs, faster and faster. New layers of sweat covered your bodies as the temperature increased; you felt the omnipresent, pleasurable burning.
Dean kept the rhythm, only stopping for just for a moment to kiss you. Not letting the opportunity pass, you pushed on him and flipped over so you were on top. Looking at you with a smirk, he palmed your asscheeks as you sinked down on him, continuing the activity.
The passion and sensuality made your head spin; Dean’s lustful eyes devouring you alive weren’t helping. You dragged your nails on his flesh again, making him hiss between the sounds. It wasn’t easy to breathe, to think or control yourself; your body started working by itself, speeding up, making you bounce on him while leaning your hands on his chest for support. Dean couldn’t decide where to touch, what part of you he should grab next; his hands were everywhere. Wrapping his fingers around the back of your neck he sat up, changing the angle and gave you this eye-rolling kiss. This asshole knew what he was doing.
A new position allowed you to only roll your hips and you laid back, grabbing Dean’s ankle to make your moves more fluent. He took a handful of your ass, helping you, watching himself sliding in and out of you, growling in pleasure. Tangled together you moved in sync, matching the other’s moves, grinding to empower the sensation. Feeling the coil tightening in your stomach, your head hung back and you exhaled, wailing quietly. A hand flattened on your back and Dean violently pulled you up, pressing your forehead to his. With closed eyes, panting against each other's mouth you chased both of your deliriums. Your pussy fluttered, your nails dug into his neck as you clasped it; the feeling started to overwhelm. The way Dean was moaning and clinging to you made it clear that he felt the same.
Your strength was fading and you found yourself slowing down. Dean’s attempts to continue were in vain as he was becoming weak too, exhaustion and his upcoming release taking over him.
“Y/N,” he warned you and you opened your eyes, looking at him when he reached between you. “I’m gonna-” you kissed him, cutting him off, tugging on his lip with your teeth.
“Stay inside,” you whispered, watching the surprise flash through his features.
The serious, assuring look on your face made his eyes roll back and the noise he made, clamped your stomach. Using your last strands of your power, you sped up, Dean joining you by hitting the right spot inside you. His fingers found your clit again, rubbing on it fast and you moaned loudly, feeling your muscles tightening.
A few more strokes, a few more moves and the crushing wave of pleasure hit you; your inner walls pulsated, squeezing Dean’s cock as you grabbed firmly on his neck, holding on for dear life. His thrusts went more erratic but also were more powerful; he was pounding inside you slow but hard, putting his forehead between your breasts. You were shaking and his breath fanning over your tummy only added more goosebumps.
Then you felt his arms wrapping around you and he hugged you tight. Pulling you close, Dean thrusted for the last time and with a low, throaty groan he stilled; his cock throbbing inside you, allowing you to milk him as you were still coming. The two of you were shivering, entwined in each other, panting and sweaty. Your heart was hammering and you could feel Dean’s galloping as well.
After calming down a bit, he let go of you and fell back on the bed, hitting the pillows with a sigh. Licking your lips, you looked down at him and smiled, seeing his eyes sparkling with joy and bliss. He laughed, caressing your thighs and then pulled you down for a kiss. It was sweet and soft, without tongue, just lips brushing yours; completely different then those earlier.
Oh, so he could be gentle too.
Cupping his face, you pecked his mouth a few times and then rolled off of him, standing up to make a quick run to your bathroom to clean yourself, leaving the door open.
"Hey!" you heard him yelling not even two minutes later, after you splashed your face with cold water. "Is it weird that I wanna cuddle?!"
You smiled on his words, shaking your head. Asshole also appeared to be a softie cuddler. Can this evening be any weirder?
"Yes!" you yelled back, laughing as you put down the cloth you were using to dry yourself.
"Cool!" he announced and then changed his tone, "I don't care."
Chuckling, you turned the light off on your way out and grabbed a random, oversized t-shirt from your drawer to put it on, letting it slip from one of your shoulders. Dean was making himself comfy in your bed, watching you carefully with his arm under his head and a stupid grin on his face.
"What?" you asked as you climbed on the bed, joining him under the covers.
"Nothing," he shrugged and shifted so you could fit in, resting your head on his chest.
Throwing your arm over his middle, you hugged him as his fingers came to trace the skin on your shoulder. A comfortable silence fell over you as you cuddled, enjoying the warmth, but you knew his mind was running, just like yours.
You didn’t like this tendency of yours to overthink, but the current situation was not only unexpected but also confusing. What now? Lovers? Relationship? Friends with benefits? Enemies with benefits? Because, you had to stay honest, if he did something that would piss you off, no matter how good he was in bed, you would still punch his perfect nose.
"I'm sorry." His words surprised you, detaching you from your thoughts. "For being a noisy neighbour."
You could hear the genuine guilt in his voice and that immediately made you feel like a bitch, so you said the first thing that came to your mind.
"I'm sorry for screwing up your car," you mumbled and quickly regretted it.
"Ha! So it was you!" His victory voice made your eyes roll and you poked his side, annoyed by the fact he dragged a confession from you so easily.
"But if it makes you feel any better, the paint is made of chalk so it’ll easily wash off," you said, unable to help the silly smile that spread across your face when you saw the relieved but shocked expression that he wore.
“Well played,” he chuckled, the sound rumbling under your ear which you found oddly comforting. So you snuggled more, melting into the intimacy.
You had to look the truth straight into the eye; maybe he did infuriate you like no other but there was something else. A pull, an urge to blow off the constant steam forming between you. You wanted him and something was telling you that from now on you won't be knocking on door number 12 just to fuss about loud music.
And once Jo finds out, you wouldn’t hear the end of it.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it :) Feel free to leave some feedback. ASKs and DMs are open, don’t be afraid to message me. Every word from you is gold <3
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 4 years ago
Chapter 1 - intentions, a Tom Holland series
The name of the series is super random, don't mind me. No warnings. Reader is a postgraduate student at NYU, made a docuseries on her research and the show got picked up by Netflix. She goes on press tour and meets Tom on a ‘chat show’. This could be an amazing few days or more? It’s been interesting writing how they’ll deal with distance and tight schedules once ‘honeymoon’ is over...
(y/f/n) = your first name
(y/l/n) = your last name
(y/n) = your name, complete or not
1.8k words
Chapter 1 - A new city
Chapter 2 - Show time
Chapter 3 - Unexpected texts
Your docu-series was doing better than anybody expected, well, anybody but you, it was a project that you really believed in. You sold the first season to Netflix with its 10 episodes shot all in NYC and they premiered with almost no press or promotion. But still, the wholesome moments and captivating stories had already become viral and people were so impressed by you. The text was amazing, and your improvisation and good mood lifted the spirit of the whole thing, making it the new feel-good show everybody was binging and talking about.
Better late than never, Netflix decided to promote the show and so they sent you to give interviews and go on talk shows. You still didn’t have an agent, something that you were in desperate need of, because your phone was blowing up all the time with offers for publicity deals, new interviews, and even some job offers. You couldn’t think about that now, you had to focus on making this “press tour” the best possible so, in the next meeting with the Netflix executives, you could close at least two more seasons for your show (and maybe score some other deal for yourself). With all this, you still had to worry about grad school (you still had at least one more year ahead of you until you get your PhD, if you managed to get time to write the dissertation)! You’d have lost your mind for sure, if it wasn’t for your producer and partner in business, David. He was helping you schedule everything and organizing talking points for the promotion tour, but ultimately you were the face of the operation. Fair is fair, that’s why you got to find an agent ASAP.
Currently, you and David were in London for the last bit of the trip, after tomorrow, you guys were going back home to NYC. One thing at a time, you thought to yourself while he talked on the phone with his fiancé outside of the coffee shop you guys were grabbing a bite at lunchtime.
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You looked outside the windows, this was your first time in London and you couldn’t stop thinking about how it looked exactly like everything you ever imagined but so much more at the same time. Just like NYC, in that sense. You smiled thinking about maybe shooting a season here someday.
“Hey! Did you order something?” David snapped his fingers and to get you out of your trance.
“Huh?” you looked up.
“Earth to (y/n)? I thought you were hungry?” He laughed at you.
“Sorry, but common, look at this city! You can’t blame me for getting hypnotized.” You answered while he went straight to the counter to order some food and beverages for you guys.
“Yeah, it's beautiful. But this weather, how can someone function with this much moisture all around? Is like the air is heavier.” He said sitting back.
“The air is heavier because of the pollution, probably.” You joked back. You always loved big cities, but that didn’t mean you’d close your eyes for their problems, you just had a better tolerance for this kind of stuff. “How’s Lukas anyway? Everything alright back home?” You asked.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. He’s just touring wedding venues. He was really happy with the sudden budget increase.” He answered.
“Well, if he waits long enough, his budget might get even bigger. Speaking of which, we got to talk to some layer about that meeting next week. I think we’d be smart to go in there with our terms very well thought about.” You said.
“Right. I’m looking into it. You worry about finding that agent. One thing is the show, the other is your image. And something tells me the more you’re valued in, the more we can negotiate for the show.” He reasoned while the waitress walked towards the table with two plates.
“Own! Is so sweet to have a friend looking out for me!” You joked and threw a napkin at him.
“I am! You’ll see that when your huge face it's on Times Square and you’re closing the deal on some penthouse at 5th.” He laughed.
You shook your head and rolled your eyes at him. David was sweet, but he wanted nothing to do with the celebrity part of this project of yours and you knew he said this kind of stuff in a condescending kind of way. He wasn’t wrong, but you also couldn’t say you didn’t enjoy the attention you were getting because of the show. Maybe he didn’t felt like that because he had Lukas, but you were more than ok to take a few selfies with strangers and doing some photoshoots here and there. You liked the attention, but as long as you were concerned, penthouses and money deals weren’t included in your idea of happiness. Regardless, everything was so new and fun. Thrilling, if you didn’t spend too much time thinking about it.
“Is everything ok for later? Is just this one today, right? Then Radio One tomorrow morning?” You asked him before taking a bite of your sandwich.
“Yes. Yes. And yes. Mary sent your clothes straight there and someone from the show will make your hair and makeup. I think we should go right after here? We’ll have some time to kill there, but I think we can hang out backstage.” He answered.
“Oh, I don’t know. I was thinking maybe we could walk around. Get to know the city? Maybe visit-”
“Excuse me?” You were interrupted by two girls, apparently close to your own age.
“Hi!” You answered happily, but you could see David recoil in his seat (probably already expecting to be asked to snap the picture).
“You’re (y/f/n) (y/l/n)? From that Netflix show?” One of them asked the blonde one.
its (y/l/n), actually, but that’s fine!” You laughed and tried to be friendly.
“Oh! Sorry! We thought the show was so cool and you’re so beautiful!” The other friend said, the one with black roots and blueish tips.
“That’s sweet! Thank you for telling me! David helped me produce it, did you know?” You pointed to the guy extremely uncomfortable in front of you. You loved messing with him.
“Hi.” He said uncomfortably. There was an awkward silence.
“Anyway, would you mind taking a picture with us?” The girl with blue hair asked you.
“Sure! No problem!” You answered quickly and got up to pose.
After you guys took some selfies and David took some pictures of the three of you, you insisted he was in the shot too and the girls agreed politely. He wanted to kill you, but you didn’t care, you were only messing with him. How often you had the chance anyway?
“Thank you so much! Bye!” They said as they left you two to finish your meal.
“If only every teenage with a phone was this civilized,” David said grumpily.
“You complain too much. They were sweet! And they liked our show! That’s awesome!” You seated back.
“I guess that’s pretty great.” He smiled at you. But his smile died once he looked at his clock.
“Anyway, finish eating. I don’t think we’ll have time to even hang around backstage. They told me we’d have to be there at 3” and its already 2’30!” He told you while signaling the waitress for the check.
When you got to the studio, which was in central London luckily and not far from where you guys had lunch, there was a corridor with some doors and your name was in one of them. The Graham Norton Show was super fun and guests sat together on the same couch while being interviewed at the same time. You hadn’t even thought about who the other guests would be yet, but you had to put on the outfit that Mary, the Netflix stylist, had prepared for you and get your hair and makeup done.
“Hey! Can you find out who the other guests are while I change?” You asked David.
“Sure! I’ll be right back!” He answered opening the door and letting a small middle-aged woman inside.
“Hi!” She greeted him. “I’m Rosie. Here for makeup and hair.” She announced.
“Hi! I’m (y/n)! I’ll just change real quick, do you have a cape we can put over the outfit so it doesn’t get dirty?” You asked already undressing in front of her, David was long gone by now.
“Sure, sure. We have to be quick though darling, you’re going on in 30 minutes.” She said opening the little suitcase on the counter under the mirror.
You put the dress on and sat on the chair in front of the mirror.
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“You can keep it simple, all the way. I get more nervous if the hair and makeup are too pretty, afraid of ruining it with my movements and sweat. Which of course, only makes me move and sweat more!” You laughed, trying to make conversation and relax.
“Relax, you’re already beautiful! We can just make some curls and after I’m done with your skin, a good eyeliner and pink lips?” She asked. You were glad she was nice and chill about it.
“Sounds perfect! Do you know who the other guests are? We were kind of squeezed in today.” You laughed again.
“Oh! Yeah! Its -” She started to say but was interrupted but David coming abruptly inside.
“Ok! Don’t freak out!” He said.
“I already am! Why would you come in like that? What is it?” You asked already freaking very much out.
“Its Tom Hanks. And -” He said.
“WHAT? Are you serious? What the hell man?” You tried to move but Rosie pushed you back on your seat.
“Yeah. And Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland. And Stormzy is singing later. They’re promoting Spider-man and Hanks is here for the new Toy Story.” He explained.
“I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m going to die.” You mumbled.
“Well, which one it is darling? I’ll just add some more blush anyway.” She laughed at your reaction.
“Fuck David, they must really be betting on us. Why else would they put us on the same couch as Tom Hanks and those guys? Super-hero guys!” You reasoned with him.
“I was thinking the same thing
” He started to talk but he noticed your expression.
“Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Relax! You’ll be great! You’ll do great! They were really excited to meet you actually! They love the show!” He told you trying to calm you down.
“Oh, man! What? They’re out there? And they want to meet me? And I’m in here? Oh boy, they must think I’m so rude!” You thought out loud.
“No! No! I told them we were late and you had to get ready. Yes, I chatted with Spider-man and Bumble Boy.” He gloated.
“Bumble boy?” You laughed at him but thanked him with your eyes because you knew he was just trying to distract you. There was a knock on the door and a stage assistant pecked inside.
“Hi! Is Miss (y/l/n) ready? We’re starting in 5 minutes.” She said.
“All ready!” Rosie answered.
“Oh lord. Thank you Rosie.” You were freaking out but didn’t want to forget to thank her.
“Oh! I forgot to mention. Gwyneth Paltrow is here too.” David said before running out of the room.
“WHAT?” You wanted to chase him but were scared to fall from low blood pressure.
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hypmicscenarios · 6 years ago
Chance Meeting (3)
A/N: I know I said 3 parts but I dont know how to control myself so four! again, 3rd part is also on AO3.
Eventually, your one hour was up with the dogs. It had went by so quickly! You looked down at yourself and then at Riou, chuckling. You had been here way too many times, so you were prepared. When you guys walked out,you dug in your bag and pulled out a lint roller. You smiled as you held it out in front of you,”here you go, I knew this was going to happen,”you said. Riou took it, getting all the hair off, then handing it to you. Once you guys looked clean again, you placed it in your bag.
“Ah, we can go to a cafe,”you said, starting to walk. “Its a nice place and the waiters are very friendly there,”you said. Seconds later, you heard a bell. Before you could react to what was most likely a bike trying to get through, you felt a hand around your shoulder, being pulled next to Riou. Your eyes landed on the bike that had zoomed by, but you were more focused on his touch. “Oh, thank you,”you said, offering a small smile as he moved his hand away. “Its my duty”, he replied. Then, he moved to the other side of you. Him being too considerate wasn’t helping the love you had already held for him. It may have just been his natural instincts...but you were falling for them. You were weak and you figured you should stop yourself before you fell too in love and he didnt reciprocate your feelings back.
Riou rarely went out to any cafes or restaurants. He considered himself an acceptable cook, so he made all of his meals, coffee, tea, everything. To be honest, he had never eaten at a restaurant after he became Ex-navy. He certainly hadn’t expected that his first time coming here again would be with L/N. When they arrived and sat down, his eyes just stared at the menu.
“Do you need help? Youre looking at it like its some difficult math problem,”you said, seeing the way his eyebrows only went lower and lower as he stared. He answered back,”I make everything myself...so I havent been to a restaurant or anything of the sort in years. Dice tries to make me, but I offer to make his favorite dish, then he forgets about it.” This caused you to chuckle,”oh, I see. I guess they didn’t have restaurants on a ship. But sometimes I think you should take a break from cooking your meals everyday. But I suppose the whole purpose of it is more to spend and enjoy time with someone, than to merely go and eat food.”
Riou blinked and asked a question bluntly,”so you’re enjoying your time with me?” This caught you off guard but you replied with a smile,”well, yes. This is me paying you back for saving me, but I completely forgot about that, Im just having a lot of fun.”
“With me?”,Riou asked, simply for clarification, but it made you laugh again. “Am I with anyone else right now? Of course its with you,”you responded. Even if he was like this, you still loved this part, you loved every part of him that you’ve encountered so far.
Riou didn’t know exactly how to take that. Even in the navy, everyone always praised him for being a good soldier, doing things to perfection. He did hangout with his other mates and it was a fun time, although he never drunk too much. However, hearing it was fun to just hangout with him, was something that Riou hadn’t heard in a while, except the occasional comment from Dice.
“What would recommend from here then?”,Riou asked. You smiled and said that you would just order for the both of you, first asking if he was allergic or extremely disliked anything. He wasn’t and the things in the meal didn’t match up with his dislikes.
You spoke,”I also come here a lot and I get stamps. Today will complete another card and that means the second person’s meal is free. Everything seemed to match up perfectly, dont you think?”
Riou nodded in agreement.
The food soon arrived and you did your best to try to keep the conversation alive and going. Of course, they were some silent moments between the two of you, but they weren’t bad. In fact, you feel quite comfortable during the silence when you two just focused on your food. Your smile didnt seem to fade. Maybe it was because you felt so safe around him. He wasn’t a man of many words, but you could tell he listened intently to some of your stories.
“Yeah, one time my dog was trying to chase a bird out the window, but he hit himself, so I had to hold him like a baby and kiss his head. He’s really too spoiled,”you said. You looked at him for his response and you only smiled wide when Riou put on a small smile and spoke,”I think it just shows that you’re a very kind owner, he should be very lucky.” You blushed and looked down,”yes...he should.”
The waiter soon returned with your checks and you guys were free to go as soon as you pleased. You both got up and started to walk away. Digging in your bag, you pulled out some perfume. “Ah, this is for my dog. He tends to get upset if he smells other dogs on me, so I use this to get the scent off.” Riou nodded,”that makes sense. You cant bring him to the cafes?”
“No. I did try asking once but they said no, for valid reasons of course. And while he is super cute. I dont know...hmm...I guess I just want to give all the dogs my love! I think I have magic hands, they love my rubs,”you said as you held your hands out and laughed. “You do?”,Riou asked.
Without thinking, you moved your hand up and ruffled his hair, then pulling it away,”O-oh sorry...I was just trying to demonstrate,”you said, hoping he wouldn’t be too troubled. Riou turned his head away from yours and spoke,”its fine. You do. Have magic hands, that is.” He said. Just why was he getting flustered like this? No, he wasn’t a dog, so he shouldn’t have felt anything from that, but he did.It was all too confusing and he thought about it until they arrived at their place.
“Oh, thank you for today. I know you didn’t have to come and maybe you didn’t want to, but Im glad you did. I had a lot of fun. I hope you did too,”you said with a smile, standing outside your door.
“To be quite honest I was hesitant on coming. I dont normally go out. But you shouldn’t worry, I think I enjoyed myself, or no, I did,”he said, nodding, and quickly heading into his apartment because he didn’t know what to say. Did he have to think about it? No, he knew that he liked his time spent with them
.he just wasn’t used to this feeling of enjoyment. Each day, he had only been living through the motions, same routine, not breaking it, because that's what it was like in the navy. Today, he broke out of that routine, and he was quite scared about how good it felt to break his routine.
You closed your door and smiled as you picked up your dog, twirling him around, telling him about your day,”it was so great and I didn’t think we talked that much but we did! Do you know he cooks? Thats amazing, the only thing I can cook decently is ramen and curry you know this.he even smiled! He
”,you squealed silently and fell on your couch, chuckling as your dog, who probably didn’t understand a word you said, was just happily licking your cheek. “I missed you too you fluffy goofball,Mwah!”,you said, kissing the top of his head. The rest of the night, all you could think about was him. And the smile never left your face.
For the next few days, Riou could not keep you out of his thoughts. It also didn’t help that he had told Dice about his outing with you, because the other wouldn’t have stopped pestering him. The one statement that he kept recalling was Dice saying,”If they asked you out again, would you go?” And the answer to that was almost yes, before it turned into a maybe. Its not that he enjoyed
.well he at least wouldn't admit it...but it wasn’t a horrible time. He didn’t feel the need or pressure to keep a conversation. Although they didn't say it, he could tell that they didn’t mind the silence either. It was just
.comfortable. The whole day was comfortable.
The next time he saw you was at the grocery store again. He saw your eyes peer into his basket and then you posed a question about his meal that day. “I was just thinking of making some spaghetti. Nothing too fancy.”,he responded. At least, he thought it was, but you made it seem like he was a chef.
“Spaghetti?? That's amazing. I dont even think I could cook that. I think the only noodles I can cook to perfection are these,”you said, holding up your basket filled with ramen noodles. Riou stared at it and asked a question,”is that usually what your meals consist of?” You thought for a moment,”well...no. I can also make curry. Sometimes I cook some chicken and just have chicken and rice
.otherwise its microwaved meals or going out to eat.”
Riou became a bit concerned that no vegetables were mentioned. “If you dont mind, you can eat some of my spaghetti. I usually end up making it for two, but I just save it.” This is what you definitely heard, but your mind switched the words around,”so like, eating it at your place or?”, you said. His eyes went wider and you could tell thats probably not what he meant
”o-or I dont have to go over-”
“Its fine. You can come over.” he said, without even thinking about it. What did he just say? Invited them over? No, it wasn’t what he had in my mind at first, but once they said it, he just went along. Besides, it was in his nature to feed people and teach them how to eat healthily. That was all. Or, thats what he tried to convince himself. Nothing more, nothing less. Though, his excitement would definitely show later on with the amount of care he put into making this regular old dish.
You, on the other hand, were freaking out on the inside. A smile came upon your face as you spoke,”so...I suppose you can just knock on my door when its ready?”, you proposed. Riou nodded,”yes, I can do that. Dont make your ramen. Although, later on, I can teach you how make such a meal even healthier if thats what you must rely on.”
A small giggle came out of your mouth,”enhance ramen? I would definitely love to know how. Then, I’ll see you later, have to go walk my dog and feed my dog.I’ll look forward to it,”you said and waved him off, Riou simply waving back, then putting his hand down, his palm up, now looking at it. A small smile came on his face as his hand curled up into a fist. Why was excited? Another person to try his cooking? Well, he had to built up his reputation a bit with his cooking, so he needed to make this good to fit their expectations of his cooking, and he would do exactly that.
“Paw, give me paw,”you said as you sat on the couch, treats in your hands. When your dog gave you his paw, you smiled and gave him a treat,”good boy,” you praised and kept doing this until you heard a knock at the door, your corgi going to bark at it. You opened the door and saw Riou standing there, your dog sprinting through your legs and jumping on him.
“Oh my, Im sorry, he gets excited when he sees friendly faces again,”you said with a chuckle. Riou shook his head,”its fine,”he said, bending down and picking him up. Riou let him lick his face a couple times before he held him away from his face,”nice to see you again too.” You smiled and held your hands out,”I’ll take this little bugger from your hands,”you said, placing him down on the ground. “I’ll be back soon baby, dont wreck the place,”you said, as your dog looked at you confused.
You didn’t really put any makeup on
.okay maybe you put on a bit of foundation. The dark circle curse was always on you and never went away, so you had to do something about it. Honestly, you were a bit nervous going over to his place. You knew you were going there and most likely going to get exactly what you expected. But. It didn’t hurt to fantasize a bit.Maybe you guys could get a bit closer. You were entering someone’s home after all. That was kind of a big deal. It meant the person trusted you.
Riou’s place was already tidied up, so he didn’t really need to do much. He only focused on the meal, which was already finished and set up on the table. He opened his door and held his hand out, letting you in,”the food is on the table, you can sit in one of the chairs.” You looked in and bowed your head slightly,”thank you for letting me into your home,”you said, then walked in, looking around as you took off your shoes. His was
.way more neat than yours. And, it was quite simple.  There weren’t many decorations, except some picture frames spread around, a plant or two.
Finally, you walked to his table and your eyes shimmered at the sight and smell. It already looked incredibly delicious,”woah...you made all of this?”, you said, mostly in a surprised rhetorical way, but he responded with,”yes, I did.” You chuckled,”Im excited to try it. Definitely ten times better than the ramen I would have made,”you finished and finally sat down. Riou, however, grabbed your empty plate and placed the noodles, along with the sauce and meatballs on top of it.
The meal was absolutely delicious. You told him that plenty of times over dinner. Riou didn’t know how to handle so many compliments at once. And you were the one keeping up the whole conversation that he eventually felt like he wasn’t contributing enough. Only once did he ever try to have a romantic relationship with someone, but they said despite his looks, he was just dull and boring.
“L/N-san, you
..you dont feel troubled that you’re the one talking so much?”, he said, caving into an insecurity he had thought buried deep down inside of him. Your answer though went far beyond his expectations. You had remember him saying something similar, but you still spoke from your heart, a smile on your face,”what do you mean? Its not like Im talking to a rock. You comment when you feel like it, I can tell your actively listening and not zoning out, even if we didnt talk, your presence is quite comforting, and this food warms my heart, I can tell you put your feelings into it. I dont think a rock could do any of that,”you said with a chuckle.
His eyes went wide and then he smiled a bit, chuckling,”youre quite interesting.” You were taken aback by his smile yet again. It was absolutely precious to you, but you responded,”me? Interesting? Im not the one whose ex-navy and probably has a bunch of badges in his honor. Or can cook like Gordon Ramsey. Or whose as kind to feed the homeless when they need it. You underestimate yourself.”
Riou’s smile faded, but there was still that gleam in his eyes,”thank you for that. Dinner is over, did you want to leave?”,he asked. Some small part of him wanted to continue the conversation...but he didn’t want to keep you. You didn’t want to go as well.
“Do you have any Sake?”
Be bold or Go home.
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swanky-batman · 6 years ago
Unspoken Part 2
Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Warnings: some swearing, mentions of crimes and violence, adult situations insinuated, etc.
Finding out an important event can change a lot for everyone- and Sherlock gets to tell parts of his side of the story.
I had a ton of fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy! It’s part two of the anon requested Sherlock story, and also the end. <3
Masterlist  || Ko-Fi
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The next morning, outside of your door was a paper bag.
Opening it, you found a two pack of pregnancy tests and a post it note.
These are supposed to be the most accurate, take them. - M
Your face was confused, your whole body seemed to shake. “No.” You breathed, shaking your head. Walking towards the bathroom, you figured what was the harm- you peed on one, shaking as you waited a whole five minutes for results.
Then you grinned, thinking about Mycroft physically walking into a store to pick these up and asking questions to people in the store. What a story to be told if it was true, which it obviously wasn’t. Surely he got his assistant or someone to pick them up. The grin disappeared from your face, he probably didn’t explain the situation to anyone which actually did him harm.
You ended up inwardly scowling, ready to argue with him the second he came back. Picking up the test, your mind went blank.
An hour later, Mycroft had come back, purposely making noise out in the kitchen as he set some bags down. Seeing you walk out to meet him, he nodded towards a chair- his face red. He handed you a bag and set down a cup in front of you, sitting across from you with his own bag.
You opened it and smirked, a banana nut muffin. “Better than the last bag I opened.” You mumbled, making him cough slightly over his drink. “Who did you get to grab them, by the way?” You asked curiously, your eyes slowly going up to meet his.
“Nobody else can be trusted with secrecy and everyone would be asking questions-” He started, even more red than before.
A grin spread across your face despite yourself, “Thank you.” You cut him off, not needing anymore information about it.
He nodded, happy not to have more to speak more on the matter. “Have you tried them?”
You paused, taking a bite of muffin and a sip of coffee- you made a face, no- tea?
He looked away again, “Well, I wasn’t sure but if you are then- caffeine and all that jazz.”
“If you want the answer to your question, you can find out for yourself.” You took another bite of muffin, mumbling, “Thank you for the last few weeks, you’ve been
 shockingly nice.” He went to speak and you cut him off again, “Don’t worry, your secrets safe with me.” You winked as he tried to stop himself from standing. “Go check out the results.” You offered and he moved immediately, unable to contain himself.
He came back after another minute, his expression softened, “So-”
“You assumed correctly, it seems.” You gave a smile, “No matter.”
“No matter?” He almost laughed, “How is this no matter?”
“I’ve been thinking quite a lot over the course of the last hour- our career isn’t really family oriented.” You paused, breathing. “I live with proof of some of the dangers every day.”
“I’ve worked so hard to get where I am-” You met his eyes, “Surely you of all people can understand.”
“Not in this instance.” He had a strange look about him as his phone rang. He picked it up and nodded, giving short responses before hanging up. “I have short business at the office-”
“Go, I’ll be fine.” You smiled, taking another sip of tea.
“Let’s meet up for dinner- I’ll text you the place and time. We can at least talk more today before anything rash.” He gave a small smile, “Think of it as a favor you’d be doing for me.”
You sighed and leaned back in your chair, giving him the slightest nod which sent him in motion.
Medlar, 5:30 sharp, do try and look presentable- we wouldn’t want a festering wound present.
Smirking, you sighed without responding.
Checking your watch, you arrived at 5:25 and giggled as you waited outside for a few minutes before going in. Getting shown to your table, you found yourself facing the last person you’d want to see.
His eyes were fixed on you, no where else in the room as he scanned you.
“Mycroft-” You groaned, going to turn back around when Sherlock spoke.
“Sit.” He took in a breath, “Please, sit.” His voice seemed pleading.
“Speak quickly.” You sat, taking a sip of the water that was in front of you.
“Don’t. You don’t get to call me that. You don’t get to say my name,” You almost spat, “As if nothing’s happened.” You shook your head.
“Don’t be a child.” He snorted and then looked down.
“I would warn you not to be an ass but it looks like I’m too late for that.”
“Mycroft told me-”
“Of course he did.” You smiled, “Because Mycroft cares about you- as much as you seem to hate him.”
“I deserved to know.” He set his jaw.
“So did I.” His eyes flickered up to yours, emotions filled.
“I listened to you without interruption- will you show me the same courtesy?” He sighed, continuing, “I got turned on to the case the moment I heard it- but I stayed out of it until two years ago. I heard this story of a woman who was working the cases and getting close to finding the serial killer- he found her when he returned to a scene, alone. The cop who was supposed to be watching the scene with her had gone outside to breath fresh air, a rookie. When he returned, she was gone, a struggle had taken place. They sent out search teams but couldn’t find her.” His eyes looked you over again, “Until a week later, when she outsmarted one of the smartest killers of this decade- but it put her in a bad situation. In order to get him to leave long enough, she had to get him to attack her. By the time first responders came on the scene, they had plenty of things to work on- she had been stabbed, hit repeatedly and was malnutritioned from the course of the week.” He bit his lip, shaking his head, “I had to see her, this woman who defied everyone’s predictions- including my own. I snuck in as an attending doctor and saw the injuries, read the chart.”
“Months later, after several surgeries and recovery time she was in physical rehabilitation. I wanted to see how she progressed, what had happened to her over the course of the week, so I went again in another disguise. I overheard bits of her conversations with others- how she spoke. She seemed distant but overcoming so much of what happened already. I actually despise myself for not coming on and helping with the investigation. So many women were taken, beaten and slaughtered. I took it, looking into the case from the very beginning, deciding to aid the woman who still needed justice.” His eyes met yours, “I found a way to introduce myself, to get close to her- I told myself that I needed to find out everything about this case.” He paused, unsure of where to go to next.
“You never asked me about it.” You couldn’t even look at him.
“I couldn’t. I realized all too late this was not the way I should be going about this. Seeing you, being near you had become my goal.”
“You wanted to see how I progressed.” You blinked back another set of tears, “As you can see, I don’t need you. Or your charitable outlook on the case.” You stood, having given him enough time already.
“My brother had begged me to take the case- he had seen too many people hurt over it. I blame myself entirely for what happened to you- to them.”
“Unless you’re the man who put these scars on me, you are not the man who is held accountable. For that attack, anyways.”
“Please-” He stood behind you, “Y/N, I love you.”
“How could you love the real me? Your judgement was clouded from the first moment we met.” You chuckled, and it sounded cold to you. “I will, however, think more on the subject you came to see me about tonight. I’ll let Mycroft in on the answer, I’m sure he’ll find some way to tell you.”
“You owe me a proper meal.” Coming up behind Mycroft, he smirked slightly.
“I’ve ordered that garbage you love so much- should be here shortly.”
You plopped down on the couch opposite him, “You mean pizza?”
“I meant your barbeque nonsense, on top of pizza.”
You smirked, flipping off the heels you wore tonight. “You begged him to join the case.”
He paused, waiting for you to continue. When you didn’t, he added, “Was there a question I didn’t hear in there?”
“I knew too many people getting involved, there were risks. I tried to look into it and failed.”
“Asking your brother for help when you couldn’t complete it- it must have been difficult.”
“It was for the greater good, even if Sherlock didn’t understand it then.” He met your eyes, “Have you decided what you’re going to do?”
“I either give up my career and have a child or give up a child and proceed with my career.”
“No one says there aren’t ways to have both.” He spoke, leaning forward to offer you a third option.
“Good evening Mycroft-” You smiled, seeing him walk in.
“Y/L/N-” He gave a small nod, looking about the disaster that was your living room. “Where’s the monster at?”
“Sherlock? How should I know?” You chuckled, picking up a few items and stacking them about the room.
He grinned, “I meant the little one.”
“They’re together, actually. They should be back soon.” You plopped down next to him, leaning against his shoulder. “I’m exhausted.”
“You look it.” He said, picking up the paper from in front of him- used to the personal space invasion you had been showing as of late.
“Mommy!” The door cracked open, a little head of curls bouncing towards you.
“Hello my little love.” You greeted, opening your arms towards him.
“Uncle My!” He laughed, poking him on the face.
“Hello you little devil.” He grinned and you elbowed him, “How did you fare with Daddy?”
“We went and looked at insects!” He laughed, rolling over so he was sprawled across you and Mycroft.
“A type of fly, more specifically.” Sherlock broke in, coming to sit next to you both on the couch and kissed you on the cheek. “Did you do something to your hair?”
You laughed and Mycroft added, “She washed it.”
“I don’t remember asking you,” Sherlock frowned slightly, “Besides, what are you doing here?”
“My weekly visit.” He closed his paper, throwing it on the end table, “Shall we go now?”
There was clapping and you stood, telling him to go change his clothes.
“Uncle My, come on!” He shouted, pulling him towards his room.
“Mycroft actually likes our son.” Sherlock chuckled as he stood next to you, “May I accompany you all, tonight?”
“Ask Mycroft, it’s his thing.” You met his eyes before walking towards the bedroom, “I’m going to get changed.”
It had been years since everything happened between you. Sherlock came by at least three or four times a week to see you and your son and as of late, he seemed intent on restarting your relationship. Most of the times he visited he left so late or stayed at your place you were starting to wonder if he shouldn’t just keep a toothbrush and a change of clothes around.
You changed into a sweater and jeans and quickly fixed your hair, coming out.
“Mommy!” He raced back from the door and jumped to hug your legs. “Daddy’s coming with us.”
“Is he? Did he ask Uncle?” He nodded and you looked over to Mycroft who also confirmed it. “Well then let’s go- we’ll have both the Holmes brothers out on the town. How lucky of us.” You winked to them and grabbed your coat, pleased at how things were now, relaxed between all of the teasing and joking.
It may have been an odd little family but they were yours and everyone would put their life on the line if any danger came to the newest Holmes boy.
The end.
Permanent Tags:
@i-regret-this-already, @breezy1415, @seninjakitey, @imboredsueme, @courtneychicken, @marriedtopeterparker, @imeannooffensebabybut, @marie-lestowell, @cassiopeia-barrow, @daphne-fandom-writing, @notmyfault404, @i-larb-spooderman, @aussiearies, @marvelismylifffe
Requests and Tags are open! :D
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moonbeambucky · 8 years ago
Stripped (Part 1)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2190 Warnings: None, language maybe? It's fluff right now I guess, eventual smut so NSFW 18+ please!
Summary: You are a SHIELD agent working undercover in a strip club whose owner is involved with organized crime. When you find out he might be in talks with HYDRA Bucky is brought in to help.
A/N: So this is the first fic I wrote. I was too shy to post it here at first but @marvelous-fvcks gave me some encouragement, so thank you! :) The whole thing is on ao3 but I'll be posting the chapters every other day or so. Thanks for reading!
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You impatiently wait for your coffee to finishing brewing. You slump over the countertop pressing your aching, heavy head on the cool granite. You’ve had less than 3 hours of sleep and you really regret having to be up right now. You struggle to keep your tired eyes open. You shuffle your way towards the cabinet and grab a large mug, pouring your much needed boost of liquid energy.
For the last few months you've been working undercover for SHIELD. You work nights at a local strip club; waking up in the early afternoon and usually passing out as the sun begins to rise. You are good at being undercover. You can seamlessly blend in to new scenarios but your eyes and ears are always open. If anyone asked why you began stripping your back story is that your ex trashed your credit before dumping you and you needed to make some cash quickly to pay your debt. Your new boss, Anthony Martucci had given you the slower nights to start. When he saw the amount of private dances you were booking he adjusted your schedule. Prime nights meant prime clients and that is exactly why you were there.
The Martucci family is notorious in the world of organized crime. SHIELD began investigating them when some associates of theirs were found smuggling weapons that bared a strong resemblance to old HYDRA weapons from the 1940s. It took some time to get Anthony to trust you but your patience paid off. He let you into his private office, a privilege only a few girls have had. He liked the way you mixed his drinks but even more so, he loved watching you make them. He was handsy every now and then and you were thankful he never took it too far. A few nights ago you were in his office when you heard the magic word
 HYDRA. His associate was talking louder than he intended thanks to your potent cocktails. He mentioned a contact would be coming to the club soon for business.  
You told your director what you overheard and she went right to work making arrangements for a suitable partner to help now that HYDRA has been confirmed. This is why you were awake at this ungodly hour. Bucky Barnes is on his way to the apartment you’ve been living in while on assignment. Yawning again, you pour another cup of coffee. You look at the clock and see almost an hour has passed. You wish you knew he was going to be late so you could have slept a little longer. Feeling the hunger pang of your mostly empty stomach you pour a bowl of cereal and begin to eat. You sit at the counter staring mindlessly at your tablet, catching up on some reading, while your hand robotically brings the spoon to the bowl and back up to your mouth and down again. You were zoned out and unaware that a key was put in the front door, the knob turning. You were caught off guard as the front door opened and Bucky walked in.
His presence was captivating. He stood tall and broad, his muscles clinging to the fabric of his dark blue shirt. Brown hair framed his face which was covered with light scruff. His eyes stood out to you most. They were blue-grey orbs, truly beautiful and entrancing. He was staring right at you and that’s when a wave of embarrassment washed over you. Your eyes widened as you quickly put your hand over your face, rapidly chewing and swallowing the excessive amount of cereal in your mouth. Swallowing hard you got up and apologized to him as you introduced yourself.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Uh, Agent Y/L/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you Sergeant Barnes.”
“Thanks. You can call me
” he is interrupted by another man who strutted in slowly after Bucky.
“Well, well. Hello Y/N. You look awful
 Tired that is,” the man said as he laughed.
You avoid rolling your eyes in front of Bucky, trying to be professional. “Agent Moore. What a pleasure,” you reply with a hint of sarcasm.
Agent Tyler Moore has had his eyes on you since you started working for SHIELD. He is a tall and tanned, conventionally attractive except for his massive ego. He is well known for treating women like garbage. You’ve consoled a few agents you found crying in the bathroom at work after their less than pleasant nights with him. You knew not to fall for his games and this made him try to pursue you even harder.
“I briefed Barnes on the assignment. He should be ready for the job tonight.”
You look at him in disbelief. “Agent Moore, may I speak with you outside?”
You wanted to scream at Tyler but not in front of Bucky. You excuse yourself to him, letting him know to make himself comfortable. You push Tyler into the hallway and leave the door ajar.
"What do you mean tonight? Director Hill knows I’m not working tonight. You know, I really doubt she would have scheduled this thing for today.”
 there may have been a mix up
 altered paperwork or something,” Tyler said with a smug smile. You wanted to knock his teeth out.
“You know what Tyler I am exhausted. This is bullshit. Not only do you pull this on my day off but you get here late too?”
He leans in closer to you, the scent of his cologne invading your senses. “Since you’re off today I could come by later and pick you up for dinner.”
“Not a chance,” you say, backing away from him as much as you could.
“Great. We can just skip right to the sex,” he replied.
“You really disgust me,” you say as you slam the door behind you.
You rub your temples and breathe deeply trying to calm down. You open your eyes to see Bucky leaning against the back of the couch staring at you with concern.
 “Are you okay?” he gently asks.
You take another deep breath and nod your head. “Yeah I’m alright. Thank you Sergeant Barnes.”
“It’s Bucky,” he chuckled. There was an awkward silence before Bucky spoke again, “So that guy was pretty rude huh?”
“Yeah, he
” you pause. You hold your tongue, not wanting to make your first impression worse than you feel it already is. “I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what you heard. That was unprofessional of me.”
“No need to apologize. I spent the morning with him and I definitely have some choice words.”
You laugh a little, relieved that someone else understands the awfulness that is Tyler Moore. You want to spill all the negative thoughts you have about him but realize it’s not appropriate. Instead you quote Bambi.
“Well, if you can’t say something nice...” you start.
“Don’t say nothing at all,” Bucky echoes. “Wow Bambi right? It’s been ages since I thought about that movie. It was the last one I saw before the war.”
You marvel at that thought. The man in front of you, who is biologically close in age to you, saw Bambi in 1942. “I have it actually. We could watch it if you want to reminisce.”
Bucky agrees and after briefly showing him around the apartment you rummage through a drawer to get your flash drive. SHIELD was paying for the apartment and the basics but cable was not one of them; you knew to come prepared. You put the flash drive in the TV and sat next to Bucky on the couch. As Bambi began slipping on the ice, you were unaware that you had slipped into a nap.
You woke up hours later groaning sleepily as you study your surroundings. You found yourself leaning on Bucky’s chest with his arm draped over you. He looks down at you and flashes a sweet smile. Your face flushes with embarrassment as you profusely apologize for falling asleep on him. He assures you that it’s okay. He told you he finished Bambi and decided to watch other movies from the drive. You insist that you make it up to him by cooking dinner.
You hop in the shower to help wake yourself up and afterwards and begin cooking. Bucky asks if he can help you but you insist you have it covered. You made small talk as you were preparing the food, unaware that Bucky was focused on watching you with a smile plastered on his face. The smell of your cooking spreads through the small apartment. Bucky looked through the cabinets until he found cups and plates. He set the table for you both.
Dinner was ready. You made grilled beef skewers, roasted potatoes with lemon, rosemary and thyme, and a salad with romaine, apricots and feta cheese. Bucky savored every bite as if this was first time he’s tasted food. His eyes were closed and the corners of his mouth were turned up as he contently chewed. Your thoughts became sad thinking about how he was treated by HYDRA. You read some of the files SHIELD acquired. He was rarely given food to eat; the majority of his sustenance came through an IV. You were happy to indulge him. He praised your cooking as the best meal he’s ever had. You laugh at his comment, knowing that this was probably the limit of your skills.
You continue to sit at the table and talk long after you’ve both finished eating. Throughout dinner you notice that he’s kept his left hand down on his lap, bringing it up briefly if he needed to use it and then hiding it quickly. You know he is self conscious about his metal appendage and you can’t help but to feel sorry for everything he’s been through. Director Hill briefed you that dealing with Bucky might be difficult. He was still adjusting to modern life and coming to terms with his past. Despite that, he seems cheerful. He’s very open and friendly, and oh so charming! He’s smiling and laughing, and you felt good knowing that you made him let go and enjoy himself.
The evening was winding down for Bucky. It was nearing midnight. You set up the couch with pillows and blankets. You said goodnight and you went to your room. You planned on staying up for a few hours to try to get back into your normal night-owl routine. You changed into sleep shorts and a tank top and then kept yourself busy for a few hours, you did your nails, tweezed your eyebrows. Around 4am you found yourself wrapped in your blanket watching Netflix on your laptop. You paused your show a few times, thinking you heard a noise. You were silent for a few moments to listen for it again but you decided it must be the hissing of the old heating system in the apartment. You went back to your laptop until you heard it again, louder this time, and realized the noise was coming from the living room.
You close your laptop and open the door. You see Bucky writhing on the couch. He’s grunting. His eyebrows are furrowed; the sheen of sweat accentuates his frowning. He sounds like he is in pain. You lean over him and gently whisper his name, ghosting your fingers over his hands which are clenched tightly into fists. You don’t want to scare him. You whisper his name softly again, this time lightly touching his chest. His eyes fly open in panic. He jolts up, panting heavily. His eyes dart around the room until they find you.
You continue to whisper, “Bucky, it’s okay. Shhh I’m here.” You sit down slowly. “I’m here.” You take his hand, gently rubbing it with your thumb.
He takes a deep breath as your touch seems to calm him. He turns his body towards you. His head is tilted down but his glossy eyes are looking up at you. He looks scared and possibly embarrassed. He leans towards you, silently asking for acceptance to be held. You open your arms to him and he practically throws himself into your embrace.
You hug him tight at first reassuring him that everything is going to be okay. The top of his head is under your chin. You bring your hand up and run it through his hair. You feel him sigh deeply into you. “That feels nice,” he says softly. You continue this motion as Bucky let out a small whimper of satisfaction. You instinctively place a sweet kiss on his forehead. Realizing your actions, you take a breath to try and slow your heart rate. You focus on Bucky, grazing your fingers through his scalp while your other hand rubs his back.
Bucky responds by leaning into you with more force, causing you to awkwardly free your bent leg from beneath your body and lean back against the couch. He is nuzzled in the crook of your neck. You continue gently scratching his head and before long you feel Bucky’s body relax, resting heavily on top of you as he falls asleep in your embrace.
FEEDBACK is appreciated *so* much. Please like, comment, reblog! Thank you :)
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justanotherinterludeff · 8 years ago
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Wild, wild, wild When I’m with you, all I get is wild thoughts Wild, wild, wild When I’m with you, all I get is wild thoughts
DJ Khaled ft. Rihanna
I tapped my acrylic nail against the desk repeated, looking down at my phone every so often. It was 12:36 and my professor was officially her time limit. If it was a regular day, I wouldn’t mind the extra time to finish taking my notes. But today was the last day and all she was doing was thanking us for taking her course and how much she enjoyed having all of us as students.
I wish we could say the same. She was crazy. The way she graded almost caused a lot of us to fail. I thank the Lord I came out with a ‘B.’ Anyways, she needed to hurry it up. I didn’t have work today, so the fact that I could go home and not worry about school for a couple weeks had me happy and in a great mood. But she was messing it up.
“Well, if all hearts and minds are clear, everyone is free to go.” She announced. I sighed and said my goodbyes to the few people that I did speak to during the semester. I exited the room and plugged my earphones, instantly Kehlani’s voice drowned the hustle and bustle of the hallways.
I fished around in my bag trying to find my keys as Kehlani sang about how much of a good woman she was for a man not to appreciate her. It was probably one of my favorite songs on the album because I could relate. I wasn’t gonna ever settle for a man I knew I was way too good for.
I found my keys and stuck them in my back pocket before texting Amari and Adrienne, letting them know I was finally out of class. Amari and Adrienne were
 a thing now? I was guessing at least. They were having sex with each other and only each other. It was weird as hell to me. 
They liked each other, had sex, slept at each other’s house from time to time
 but they weren’t together. They both admitted to me, separately of course, that they just wanted sex from each other. But I felt, deep down, that was some bullshit. They were growing feelings more and more for each other every time they spent time together, had sex, and were in each other’s presence. 
Considering I hadn’t seen them since them since about a week and a half ago at the party, we were gonna try to link up either today or later this week. Adrienne and  were going to the nail salon sometime today, and I would get to see my bestfriend this weekend. 
I texted Adrienne and let her know I would be going home for a little, and then I’d meet her after she got off work at 3. It was hot as hell outside, and I thanked God for my choice of high waisted jeans, crop top and sandal combo. I slid in my car, and made sure to set the air condition on high before pulling off. 
Before heading straight home, I decided to stop at Chipotle. A chicken bowl was calling my name. I found a parking space, and got out quickly, still keeping my headphones in my ear. This time Tee Grizzley was in my ear talking about how niggas had been praying for his downfall. I really don’t know who I thought I was listening to music like this.
I ran my hand over my hair making sure I looked alright before swinging the door open. I joined the semi-long line and pulled m phone from my pocket to pass the time. I was strolling through my Instagram feed when I felt someone touch my arm. I pulled one of my earphones and turned to see Jelani. 
“What’s up Z?” He through his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for a hug. “Hey.” I replied softly. He let me go and I settled back into my spot in line. “I ain’t seen you since the pool party, where you been at?” “School.” I shrugged. Our conversation was dry, due to me, but that was because Jelani could take someone’s ears off if you’d let him. Also, he was thirsty as hell. 
“So, what’s up with me and you?” He smirked. See? I rolled my eyes. “The same as always, Jelani. Nothing.” I moved up a few steps in line. “Here you go, being stuck up again.” He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and instead of giving him the attention I knew he wanted so bad, I slipped my earphone back in my ear and picked another song. 
When it was my turn to order, I turned my music down, and told the employee what I wanted in my bowl. I made sure to get guacamole on the side to eat with my chips. I couldn’t wait to get home. I skipped getting a drink, I needed to be drinking more water anyways. I paid for my meal, and left without saying goodbye to Jelani. 
Getting home took no longer than ten minutes. I kicked my shoes off in the living room, sat my food down on the coffee table, and went to the kitchen to grab a water bottle. When I returned to the living room, I pulled my jeans off, sat and crossed my legs before turning on the TV. I reached for my guac and chips first, before dipping into my bowl. 
While I snacked, I watched Omarion and Marques Houston get down in You Got Served. I watched as Liyah introduced her bestfriend, ‘ And that’s with two “L"s. You gotta accentuate the "L"s. You know, let it roll off your tongue.’” I recited from memory. BET played this movie way too often for me not to know it. 
Once I was stuffed, I put the rest in the fridge and made sure to grab a blanket from the closet in the hall. I got comfortable on the couch and I wasn’t too sure, when I closed my eyes. 
I woke up disoriented and my head was pounding. Someone was at my front door, knocking like the police. I didn’t know what day it was. What time it was. Nothing. I noticed the sun had went down, and I was confused as hell. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I stopped the time on the cable box. 9:59 pm. There was no way I sleep for a whole seven hours. 
Someone was still knocking at the door. I groaned and wrapped the blanket around myself and slowly made my way over to the door. I didn’t even bother to look through the peephole. I swung it open and was surprised to see Bryson. 
I hadn’t seen him since the pool party. And even then, we didn’t speak to each other. Despite him saving me and removing that creep form the party, I hadn’t said one word to him. It was just so awkward, at least on my part. After it was all said and done, I wanted to. But, he looked like he was back to enjoying himself and not even thinking about me so, I just kept quiet. 
No matter if we were speaking or not, I always took it upon myself to take him in. He had his iPhone to his ear, his grill was in, donning an all black ensemble with a denim jacket. It made no sense how attractive he was.
“Yeah, I’m looking at her right now.” He spoke to whoever was on the phone. I cocked my brow. Who was he talking to? “Alright, hold on.” He handed the phone over to me. “Hello?” I answered. “Zemora! What the fuck?!” I recognized Naomi’s voice. “Everyone has been calling your phone all day! What happened to you? Are you okay?” 
“What? I’ve been at home all day. I just woke up.” I ushered Bryson in the house while I searched for my phone. It was on the coffee table, and when I picked it up and tried to unlock it, I noticed it was dead. “Adrienne called me asking for you cause y’all were supposed to be going somewhere today. She said she texted and you never answered. Called a million times and you never answered. She said she even came by and no one answered the door.” 
My eyes bulged, I could not have been this tired. “I was staying at Kai’s tonight and I was gonna come check, but my brother said he was in the area and said he’d drop by to check. Thank God you’re okay.” “I’m sorry I had y’all worried. My phone died and I didn’t even know. Thank you for checking on me.” I said. 
“It’s nothing, Z. Seriously, just make sure you keep your phone charged.” “Okay, mom.” I laughed. “Tell Adrienne I’m fine, okay? I gotta charge my phone and then I’ll text her.” “Okay. Good night love.” “Good night.” I replied before the call ended. I handed the phone back over to Bryson. 
“Thank you for checking on me.” I said. “No problem.” He nodded. Without saying another word, he stood to his feet and was making his way to the door. “Bryson.” I called out to him. “Yeah?”  “Um, are you busy right now? Can we talk?” “Uh,” He started. He rubbed his hand over his head for a second. “I got something I gotta deal with right now, yeah.” 
“Oh.. okay then.” I replied disappointed. “Yeah.” He replied dryly. I followed him to the door, ready to lock it. But, he stopped once he was about to step out. “I don’t know what time imma be done, but I can come back when I’m done. Cool?” Seeing that I knew I wouldn’t be going back to sleep anytime soon, I had no problem with it. “Yeah, that’s fine.” I nodded. “Alright, I’ll be back then. Charge your phone before my sister send the police over here.” He laughed before stepping out. 
I took the time that he was gone to try to find something for this headache, after putting my phone on the charger of course. I popped some ibuprofen and also took a nice, hot, long shower. I felt refreshed when I stepped out. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, and made sure to moisturize my skin. I opted for something comfortable to wear for the rest of the night. 
I was clean, comfortable, and now I just needed some tea. I retreated to the kitchen and heated some water up quickly. While I was scanning my cabinets for the different boxes of teas that I had, my phone vibrated repeatedly on the counter. 
“Adrienne, I am so sorry!” “Z, I don’t wanna hear that bullshit. You scared me! I thought someone kidnapped your ass!” She huffed into the phone. “I knowww! I’m sorry. Thank you for checking on me.Are you busy tomorrow? We can go before work.” “Um, I’m busy tomorrow. Amari and I are going on a date.” I could tell she was grinning from her voice. 
“Like a date date?” I questioned while turning off my kettle. “Yeah.” She giggled like a school girl. “Ohhh, sounds like y’all about to get real serious.” Amari asking Dri on a real date? Yeah, he was really feeling her. “You think so?” She asked shyly. “I mean, y’all already had sex, what’s left?” I laughed. 
“True. Mm, and Lord knows he be putting in work! Oh! I forgot to tell you how he made me squirt the other night! Bitch, he-” “Adrienne! I don’t wanna know about that!” I stopped her mid rant. She kissed her teeth, “I swear I can’t wait until your celibate ass starts having sex again. Then we can share stories and shit.” 
“I don’t ever wanna hear about how Amari fucks you.” I rolled my eyes. That must have tickled her because she fell out in uncontrollable laughter. “Hearing you curse has to be the funniest shit ever.” She cackled. “Leave me alone, Dri. I-” A buzzing sound filled my ears and I pulled my phone away from my ear. 
Bryson: I hope you not sleep 
I let a small giggle leave my lips before responding quickly. “Um, who is texting us this late?” Adrienne inquired. “Bryson.” I answered quickly. “Bryson? Naomi’s Bryson? The one you had a crush on? Ah shit! Y’all talking again?” She asked. “I don’t even know Dri. He’s coming by in a little bit to talk about everything.” 
“Talk? Talk? Sis
 It’s 1:34 am. Ain’t no talking going on around these hours. You about to get some penisssss!” I fell out laughing as she cackled on the other end. “I’m so serious Z! my mama always said there was nothing open beside legs at this hour.” She reasoned. “Well, all me and Bryson are gonna do is talk. It’s not going that far.” I told her. 
I pulled a spoon out the drawer before washing it off quickly. I found myself checking how I looked in the reflection on the silver spoon I picked out from the draw either way. 
I lowkey couldn’t help myself. Something about him made me tingle. In all the right places. And no matter if we talked or not, I always found myself thinking about him. How pretty his lips were, how deep his voice was, how buff he was getting lately, how fine he was. I was so attracted to him. And the fact that we were speaking was doing something to me. 
Although we already spoke about what happened the night of the house warming, I felt like we still had more to talk about. More so how I was doing way too much even though he didn’t owe me any kind of loyalty. We weren’t even talking like that so I had no right to be mad. But even with knowing all this, I couldn’t help myself. I was already so attached to him it was ridiculous.
A knock sounded at the door and I knew it was him. “He’s here Dri. Let me call you back later.” “Go get that dick bitch!” She yelled over the phone. I shook my head and ended the call. With all the denying I was doing with Adrienne, I could only hope my body followed my mind through this whole talk.
I opened the door for him, and he stepped in smelling like weed. “What’s up?” He greeted, while I noticed the red solo cup in his hand. I shut the door behind him and followed as he led the way to the living room. He took a seat on the couch while I went to fetch my mug of tea from the kitchen. When I emerged, I noticed the jacket he was wearing when he walked in was now slightly folded and draped over the top of the couch. 
He had to have been hitting the gym these past couple weeks. Not that he was scrawny before, but now, his muscles were literally bulking out of his shirt. I swallowed hard. “So what you wanted to talk about?” He asked as I made my way to the couch. I put my mug on the coffee table and sat a on the other side of the couch. 
“Um, I just wanted to.. to say thank you for what you did at the party. You didn’t have to help me out and I appreciate that.” I said. He nodded, “It ain’t no problem. He ain’t have no reason to grab on you like that.” “Right, right.” I agreed awkwardly. 
There was a whole minute and a half of silence before he cleared his throat. “So, where you been at? I ain’t seen you in a minute.” He asked. “I’ve been here.” I shrugged. “All I been doing is going to work and school. Where have you been?” “Just working.” He shrugged. He held a sexy smirk on his face. 
“Working or avoiding me?” I asked. “Nah, I should be asking you that.” He chuckled. “You ain’t been wanting to see me since that little accident with Cici. Straight up avoiding a nigga.” He laughed. Cici? I was guessing that was the girl’s name. “True.” I shrugged. There wasn’t any use in lying now. 
“And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I think I was doing wayyy too much with that whole situation. Honestly, you didn’t even need to come over here and explain yourself that night. You didn’t-” “Nah, I needed to. Me and you had a little thing going on, and yeah it wasn’t serious but it was something. Shit looked crazier than it was and you needed to know what happened.” He explained. 
I was still stuck on the fact that he liked me. 
“Look, I don’t get into people too often, but a nigga is attracted to you and I can’t help it. Everything about you is sexy. You smart, you funny, you independent. And the fact that you got a pretty face and a fat ass is a bonus.” He said. I bent over in laugh. That and I was hiding my blush. 
“Come here.” He tapped my foot. I scooted closer to him still leaving a little space in between us, but that wasn’t enough for him. He damn near picked me up and placed me on his right beside him. “I don’t know what the hell it is about you, but you drawing me in. And I barely know shit about you.” I was still blushing. 
“You just gonna sit here smiling or you gonna say something?” He smirked. I hid my face in my hands and giggling. “What do you wanna know?” I asked after I composed myself. “Whatever you wanna tell me.” He answered. 
We started out with birthdays. His was August 15th, which made him a Leo. Hm, an alpha male. I could see it. I wanted to smack myself for even knowing that. Adrienne had been filling my ear with astrology talk and even though I never paid any attention to it, I was soaking up some of the information. 
Favorite colors followed after, then it was favorite foods, music, things we hated, and things we loved the most. His daughter’s name was the first thing off his lips. I thought it was the cutest thing ever. He literally lit up as he told me all about Leilani. Deep down, I wanted to ask about her mom because I really wasn’t with the baby mama drama, but I knew better so I held off. 
“She’s my whole heart, man. I swear I can’t thank God enough everyday for her. And the fact that she acts just like me is a bonus.” He smiled, letting me see his pearly whites. “Yeah, she is a little cutie, just like her daddy.” “You flirting with me Z? Better stop before you make a nigga blush.” 
He had me giggling, before pushing his shoulder playfully. He chuckled before reaching for his red solo cup. “Hennessy?” I questioned. He nodded, “Want some?” “Nope. Not really a drinker.” I let him know. “You smoke?” He asked. I shook my head. “Oh, so you a real good girl then huh?” I rolled my eyes. 
“You mind if I light up then?” He asked. “Nah, go ahead.” I reached for my mug of tea and could instantly feel his eyes all over my behind. “Pictures last longer.” I quipped. He only chuckled as in returned to my upright position. The sound of his lighter went off next. We talked about some more stuff while he finished the blunt, and I could feel myself getting a contact. I was around Amari enough to know what that felt like. 
“You a virgin?” I spit some of my tea out. He was cracking up. “Excuse me?” I managed to say. He kissed his teeth, “What? That’s too bold?” “No, it was just
 random? We were talking about colors and now we’re discussing if my cherry has been popped or not?” “Has it?” “Does it matter?” He smirked, “It hasn’t.” 
He was laughing again. “That’s funny?” “My bad, I ain’t laughing at you. Ain’t nothing wrong with being a virgin. So, what is it? You saving yourself for marriage?” He asked. “I’m not saving myself Bryson, I’m not a virgin.” Another smirk. “What?” I questioned the look on his face. 
“Nothing, nothing.” He smiled. He put the roach out and took another sip of his drink, I was still staring at him. “What?” He asked. I gave him a look that said, “Speak your mind.” 
“A nigga was just trying to figure you out. You ain’t a virgin, so that means you one of them quiet freaks.” This time, it was me who was cracking up. “I bet you into some kinky shit.” I was rolling. He figured this out by what? Looking at me? Bryson was really a trip. “Guess you’ll never know.” I shrugged. Instead of replying, he just sent me another smirk.
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den-xerw-giati-uparxw · 8 years ago
I'm in love
It was 9am and Dan was just staring at his bedroom's ceiling. He wasn't thinking of something specific, million thought were drilling his mind trying to make him go crazy at least for a bit today. He didn't want to, but he was certain that today wasn't going to be a good day for him. He had a feeling that he might do something so stupid or accidentally reveal his love to his best friend Phil and destroy their relationship. 4 days ago they were in America doing their first live show called "The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire" and now they are back in London. Dan took a deep breath and shook his head, he then realised that it was 9am.he got off bed and opened his bedroom's window and when he wore a black plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans and opened his door He went to the kitchen and saw Phil trying to figure out what to eat for breakfast " good morning Dan"said and smiled at him "Oh Good morning to you too Phil" Dan replied " *pause*Are you okay ? You seem like you didn't sleep at all." Said Phil, it was true Dan had barely gotten any sleep the previous night. His mind couldn't 'shut up', he hated when that happen "Yeah I am , I'm just still a little bit tired that's all" said and smiled at Phil "Okay then...what do you want to eat for breakfast?" "Its okay I'll make it on my own, but thanks anyway" "Okay , I'm going to make a cup of coffee and eat a cupcake" said Phil "Well I dont know if I want to eat breakfast ,to be honest I fell like my stomach is going to explode, if I eat something "  said Dan "Yeah but you have to eat something. Last time you ate properly  was 2 days ago when we were having breakfast. You're last proper meal was breakfast and we're eating breakfast now." Said Phil cautious about his friends body's and mental health. "Jeez Phil your not my mother and I'm not a little boy but, okay calm down I'm gonna eat a Apple and brink a cup of coffee." Said Dan and felt bad and strange about what he just said he didn't expect of Phil to react like that "L-look I'm sorry Dan, it's just I care about you and I'm worried. If you don't want to eat don't eat. You're right it's none of my business...either you it or not it would be the same for me." Lied Phil, of course and it was his business, he loved Dan and he wanted him to be healthy ,so even though they would never be together they could be happy and live their lives as friends. "No I'm sorry..." Then both Dan and Phil sat down and ate their breakfast without talking at all. 15 minutes later they finished and Phil washed the two cups. Dan was about to left the room when Phil spoke "Wait Dan, fans have uploaded vlogs when they were on our live show. Do you want to sit and watch their reaction with me?" "Emh...sure? Why not?" "Okay" They then took two small bottles of water and went to their recording room "So we'll watch some vlogs and then record a gameplay or edit something?" Asked Phil "I don't really know to be honest...I don't know if I want to record a gameplay right now." "Okay we'll just edit for half an hour and when we'll just binge watch a anime" said  Phil and smiled at the youngest man "Yeah I think that would be nice" Dan mumbled And so they did, but instead of editing for hald an hour or so they started editing a gameplay from the start ,it took them 4 whole hours and since today they had to upload a video they watched it for 2 or 3 time to be sure it's perfect and the uploaded it into their gaming channel. Dan really enjoyed doing things with Phil but he lately felt like he wasn't enough, he felt like Phil was 'taking care' of him because that was the 'right' thing to do and he actually felt like he was only an obstacle in Phil's life. I mean come one, would Phil even believe him if he said that he was in love with him? No! Their fans forced the ship right into their faces way  too much and Dan was certain that Phil would never believe him. [...] Now it's about 10pm and they just finished watching 2 season of an anime they found the other day "Wow we watched anime for 3 straight hours."said Dan and looked around to focus on something else despite the laptop screen on his lap "Yeah and the and anime  was so great and funny" said Phil and stood up and turned on the  lights "Yeah it was." Admitted Dan "Phil....stop with the light " he said and they both started laughing "Okay so do you want something to eat?" Asked Phil and closed the laptops screen "Not really, I just want to go to sleep. I don't know why I just feel really exhausted for some reason today and I've done nothing" "Okay and I can understand we all have our good and bad days, our ups and downs don't worry and go get some sleep. I'll probably do the same" said Phil and smiled at Dan "Okay that was sweet and cheesy at the same time but thanks. I  really appreciate it" said Dan and smiled back at Phil warmly and went to his bedroom , closed the door behind him and just lied in bed. Phil was really confused, he couldn't really understand his best friend's behaviour but he didn't want Dan to feel more weird and uncomfortable. It was true everyone had their ups and downs but Dan had them too many times. Yeah he had existential crisis but this wasn't Phil's problem, his problem was that Dan had these crisis say too many times per week and he was worried for him. Phil finally made himself fall asleep around 3am. [...] When Dan opened his eyes and saw the alarm clock by the side of his bed it was 7am in the morning. He stood up and walked to the closet. Put on some clothes took his jacket and phone and then silently made his way to the doorway. He felt really bad that he was about to attempt to run away from his apartment and from Phil but he felt even more uncomfortable when Phil was around and when he was trying to take care of him because he pittied him. So he did it , he unlocked the flat's door and c left the house  without saying anytning or without letting a note for Phil and then he left the whole building. It was really early in the morning for him to wake up or to even go outside but he knew that Phil usually wakes up around 9am so it would be easier. As always the weather was bitter, what did he except? It was 7am and he loves in London. "God it's chilling...I should have brought somethingelse with me" For over three hours he did nothing but walking around like he was a lost tourist that couldn't  go to Big Ben even if they could see it was like 4-5miles away. Then he just sat to a bunch to a park and just started listening to music. It's was 10am and Phil had just woke up . . He went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee, then he cleaned the mess he made with the sugar and went to the lounge and just started scrolling down his social media and then the YouTube comments on his channel and their gaming channel. At first Phil didn't find it weird that Dan hadn't walked out of his bedroom because it was 10am and then 11am. He started worrying when it was around 2pm and Dan wasn't awake or showing and signs of being alive. He went outside Dan's door and knocked "Dan? Are you alright? *pause* are you sleeping? *sigh* it's almost 2pm , look I know yesterday was a bad way for you and I totally understand really but you have to live with  some seemingly unbearable things just like I have to do the same" said Phil and a sad expression replaced his happy one. "Okay I'm sorry but I'm coming in" said and opened the door to see an empty room, Dan wasn't anywhere. Phil rushed out of Dan's bedroom and went to the lounge, he picked his phone up and rang Dan's number. Dan didn't pick up the phone instead he rejected Phil's call "Come on Dan....where the hell are you?" Said Phil and say on the sofa Dan put his on mute and put in on his jacket pocket and started walking down the road without knowing where exactly to go Fastforword to 3 hour later when Phil is still in the apartment totally freaking out "I've called Dan 6 times, I've left him quite a lot of messages ( they were 20) okay I get that this might annoy him but why isn't he answering to his phone? It's not like he said he'd be off or something like that. He just disappeared without letting me know with at least a sticky note" said Phil kinda desperate. Dan felt really bad that he hadn't answer to any of Phil's calls or messages 6 hours later. *voice message* "Hey Dan, its 11pm and look I'm sorry if I did something  yesterday or in general, you know that I don't think too much when I do things around you. I'm sorry if I'm annoying you right now.....*pause* but you know what? No I'm not sorry at all. I care about you Dan, more than you think I do and if you don't want to talk to me just send a message or something. If you hate me just let me know okay? So I can know that your alive, I won't get over it easily but it would be nice to know why you run off without saying anything" Dan wanted to call Phil and let him know that he was alright but he thought that Phil would be extremely angry with him. It was 2am when he continued to walk and walk but this time he knew exactly where to go, back to the apartment and face an angry Phil that will scream at him. It took him an hour and a half to get back to their building. He took the elevator and opened the apartment door slowly. He silently made his way to the 3rd floor and saw the lounge's door open, we stepped inside and what he saw was Phil covered with a blanket and laying down on the sofa and staring at the celieng without any specific expression. "Hey....." Dan whispered at looked down "Oh my god you're alive! Thanks God. Dan!" Said Phil  Dan's voice put him back to reality because it was what he expected to hear for the last 7 hours "Phil I'm so so sorry..." said Dan because he couldn't think of anything else to say "look I know yesterday was a bad way for you and I totally understand really "Phil couldn't finish his sentence because he  started to tear down "Phil don't cry please, this is all my fault, I know and I feel awful aboit it. My mind want blank and I didn't know what else to do. But I really Am sorry I did something like that"said Dan and sat on the sofa right next to Phil. He really didn't know what to say, he knew it was entirely his fault that Phil was crying, it was his fault that he let his mind take over him, he was the one that wasn't answering his phone calls , he was the one that run away for 14 hours and made Phil feel sick,extremely worried and helpless. But after all he always was a disappointment and he would always be one. " *sniff*Dan, I care about you, more than you think I do but if you really hate me that much you can just say it. We said from the start that we would be honest when something bother us, of course you wouldn't tell me all your secrets and I wouldn't tell you all mine but if you hate me please tell me that right into my face" said Phil and wipped his tears "Phil, are you serious of course and I don't hate you. How would I hate my *pause* best friend?" ""Dan, you have to live with  some seemingly unbearable things just like I have to do the same. Okay? It might seem that you can't do it but eventually you'll learn how to live with him-it. Now I know I will sound like a parent but you have to face your problems and fear and not run away from them"said Phil and looked Dan right into the eyes "What do you mean "just like I have to do the same"?..." "Well uhm.... I wnat to say something actually..." said Phil and started looking around "I want to say something to you too..." said Dan and Phil stopped looking around "Do you want to say it together?" Asked Phil trying to make the atmosphere less awkward "Actually no...I don't think we want to say the same...can I start at least?" Said Dan "Sure" replied Phil and he would feel his heart because he didn't know what Can was about to say "Phil Lester we are friends for over 7 years now and I don't know how to thank you enough for being by my side to every stupid existential crisis I had in the past, I can't thank you enough for the moment that you made me laugh, I can't thank you enough for the joy that your bringing into my life by simply talking to me about games or anime everyday, I chat thank you enough for just listening me to me rant and mumbling all day" said Dan and a tiny laughter escaped his lips "Well I do t know what to say. Just thanks for being my friend, thanks for never letting me down,thanks for never stop believing in me and thanks for never turning your back on me" D&P:I'm in love with you When these small but really powerful words escaped their lips and immediately just hugged and smiled at one another "Thanks for everything Phil" "Thanks for everything Dan" ~THE END~
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underthestars0 · 6 years ago
April 3, 2019
Tumblr wasn’t working, I opened word to write there and put my text in here later, it was taking forever, I was literally falling asleep, then Tumblr started to work, but word opening slowed it down, I swear I think the world is sending me signals that I should just give up any other activity and go to bed.
The past 2 days have been crazy busy but surprisingly still really fun. I’ve been doing things and trying to be as productive as ever but catching up on all of the strikes we’ve had has been difficult. I lack sleep but still try to get shit done AND have a social life on top. 
Yesterday started out with a class that I hadn’t had in a while. It was getting warmer outside and it was sunny so getting there was actually kind of nice. The class started out with a conference which I appreciated. At first, the lady seemed mean but then she got into talking and she turned out interesting. It made the class pass by really fast and then the actual content of the teacher wasn’t too bad to listen to. 
Once it was over, I walked to the gym. It was still warm and sunny so I didn’t mind and it usually takes about as long as taking the bus so it felt logical. The work out went well. It’s always a little more boring when I’m alone but I felt motivated and it passed by fast.
I got back to the flat it was already 2pm. I ate lunch and got a little bit of stuff done before my mom got here. We were seeing a show that evening and she left her afternoon conference to get here before traffic so she got to my place earlier. I got some more stuff done as she visited the place, talked to me and we drank iced coffees. It was so cool to finally have her here since she hadn't come since I moved it back in September. The mood was also really cool and as we left for the show, we knew a promising evening was awaiting us.
After parking the car, we went out for dinner. She got us sangria and we ate a delicious meal. We got to properly catch up and it was just so, so nice. My mom is literally one of my best friends and I had almost forgotten how much I love to hang out with her. We even went of a baby ice cream at Chocolat Favoris and it was delicious.
And then the evening wasn’t even over yet. We saw Mehdi Bousaidan and he was great. I laughed the whole time and it was light but really cool and never over the top. I’m being more and more difficult with stand up comedian but he was one of the best I’ve seen lately. After the show, my mom was kind enough to drive me home and I went to bed.
Waking up this morning was hard but I went through. A whole Wednesday of school was awaiting me and I had not had that since like February. I took the bus to get to school for a change and then class started. It was FULLY packed. We had to catch up on about 3 classes and 3 oral presentations in 3 hours. It went fine but by the time the class was done, my brain was fried.
Then it wasn’t over. I had a team meeting and then I got about 30 minutes to take a break and eat before another intensive class started. That teacher decided to do 2 classes in one but he was effective. He went straight to the point on each slides and by 4:30pm, we were actually out of there. My brain was just dead.
I got back here and chilled with my roommate until dinner. Then, all 3 of us ate in the kitchen. I did some school stuff as we caught up in the kitchen and we finally settled down for a small game night. It’s still early so clearly we didn’t go overboard but it was nice. I just bought this game I used to play in Glasgow all the time and I finally got to play with my friends. It was just as nice as I remembered although not the same without my Glasgow friends.
Now, after showering and getting ready for bed, I’ll be doing just that because another big day is awaiting me tomorrow and until the end of next week. Wish me luck.
Until next time, L
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 8 years ago
and more vampire feels
Hibana: *falls back onto a couch* "So glad to get some rest..." gabriella: =u= Hibana: "...We are on break--you can lie down with me, Love." gabriella: *nuzzle nuzzle* Hibana: *pats her back* "...I am still in awe of you...for being with me..." gabriella: *kiss* i love you. Hibana: *kiss* "I love you, too..." -elsewhere- misono: ...... Lily: "??? Something wrong?" misono: nothing.........*siiigh* you want to know what sucks? crushes where you know you dont have a chance..... Lily: "Oh, Misono...There's always a chance...Tell me more about her." misono: it's absolute hell! her and her stupid sweet smile...and that soft laugh....how she's nice to everyone..... 7//////7; i feel like im going to be sick just talking about it... Lily: "..." *smiles* "That tends to happen with your first love...but I know how to get through that." misono: and how's that? Lily: "Keep dating! Experience! The full range of emotions and relationships available in this wide world! Explore it!" misono: thats all fine and dandy, but where the bloody hell do i even begin? -_-; Lily: "...Asking that Shinoa girl on a date would be a good start." misono: O////O w-what?! Lily: *smiles* "If just for practice~ Something small and informal, like a cup of coffee..." misono: hmmm... -elsewhere- Gopher: -w- kirika: *running the track* Gopher: "Yay Kirika!" Sakuya: "???" EF: good job miss kure. kirika: phew. hehe, hardly broke a sweat! Gopher: *offers bottle of water and a towel* kirika: thanks. Gopher: "How did you train to run this fast?" -elsewhere, the next day- Patty: "Sis, I can't find my books..." liz: want me to help? Patty: *nods* "Please." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "How is Lilac?" lavender: he's....doing better. Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Lavender's shoulder* "Thank you. May I speak with him?" lavender: *she nods* Mr. Tsubaki: *nods, knocks softly on Lilac's door* "May I come in?" lilac:....o-ok. Mr. Tsubaki: *approaches, feels Lilac's forehead* "Temperature seems less..." lilac: ........ Mr. Tsubaki: "...Sleep better?" lilac:....*nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm glad...Lilac...We care about you." lilac:.... -elsewhere- Arthur: "Ready for class?" tamaki: yeah. shinra: *nods* Arthur: "Better get going, then..." *pats Tamaki's shoulder* -in class- Black Star: "Can't figure this out..." -later- Wes: *reviewing students' music sheets* student: licht is soooo cool~! soul: ... *sweatdrop* Black Star: -_-;;; student 2: hey hyde, since your dad is licht's manager, did you ever get lessons? Lawless: "Nah...My talents are in other areas." student 3: yeah, i think we share a drama class together. he gets really into it. Lawless: *dramatic pose* "I simply take the ether that surrounds us, reduce it to its essence, and use my body as its medium to project out to the audience!" student 3: wow! *claps* licht: ..... Lawless: *bows* tsubaki: they're certainly an...Entertaining bunch ^^; Black Star: "...One way to describe them." -gym- naho: phew! Sakuya: "Getting faster out there." naho: yay! Patty: "Hmph! I bet I could out-run that girl..." liz: maybe. Patty: *points at Naho* "You! I can beat you at any race!" naho: me? Patty: "Yes, you! Who else would I be pointing at?!" Sakuya: -_-;;; "Kick her ass, Naho." naho: like in a race or....? Patty: "RACE! RACE! RACE!" -and so- Sakuya: "On your marks...get set...GO!" Patty: *runs* naho: *running* (thinking: i should hopefully win, since i have the aerodynamic advantage!) Patty: *falling behind* "Grrrr!" naho: *notices tenya talking to someone* Iida: "--and I have considered options for improving my speed." momo: like what? Iida: "Improvement to my diet, trying to increase my speed without using my quirk to fire on all cylinders." eijiro: sounds good man! Iida: *nods* "Thank you." naho: *her mind goes somewhere dirty when-* EEP! *trips and falls* owie! Patty: "Ha ha h--" Patty: *trip* o____o naho: >^< *she looks up* Sakuya: o\\\\\\o Iida: "Oh, dear. The poor girl." Patty: x___x naho: HELP IM BEING SMOOSHED! Patty: *moans* "No, Takeru, not there..." Sakuya: *trying to lift Patty off of Naho* liz: *helping her up* jeez patti -_-; naho: >3< Sakuya: "You okay, Naho?" Patty: *small pant--then awakes* o\\\\\o "...Did something stupid happen?" naho: 7,7 y-yeah.... Patty: "...Sis! Push me to the finish line so I win!" liz: ok- naho: *PUNCH* naho: YOU SQUASHED ME! Patty: "Ow! You punched me in the boob!" *kicks at Naho's shins* naho: OW! >^< liz: h-hey come on, lets calm down! Sakuya: "Hey! Break it up, you two!" Patty: *growls, leaps--and pounces at Naho* naho: EEK!! SAKKUN HELP ME!! Sakuya: *grabbing Patty by her waist* "Get off of her, you asshole!" Patty: *grabs at Naho's arms* liz: he- naho: !! Sakuya: *pulls back with strong force--pulling Patty with him* Patty: "Urk?!" *pulls Naho with her, as Sakuya falls onto his back* naho: !!! Sakuya: "AH!" Sakuya: *squished by Patty's butt...* Patty: o_O;;; *sees Naho falling towards her* naho: !!! eep! -chu- naho: O///////////O Patty: o\\\\\\o "..." -\\\\\- "Mmm..." liz: O-O; *Naho's elbow crashes into Sakuya's groin* Sakuya: "EEEEP!" liz: >_O Patty: -\\\\\- "Mmm...Soft..." naho: *pulls away* OH NO! I'VE FALLEN VICTIM TO MY OWN LEWD FANTASIES! AND NOT THE WAY I PLANNED! Sakuya: *high pitched* "What?" Patty: *small pant* "Wow..." *falls back* liz: *drags her sister off* i am so sorry about this! Sakuya: "Y-Yeah...I need the showers..." Patty: "Yeah...I think class is over..." *winks at Naho* naho: owo; *screams on the inside* -and so- naho: =3= that gym class didnt go as i hoped it would... ???: "Yo, Soul, pass the soap!" soul: ok. naho: ?! *leans ear against the walls* Black Star: "Some weird class, huh?" soul: no kidding. Sakuya: "Hey, could you move?!" *There is a small hole in the wall...* male student: oh, sorry. naho: !!!! *looks around....peeek* Sakuya: "Yeah, well, don't shove or get so close to me!" Black Star: "Oh, what, like this?" Sakuya: "H-Hey!!" naho: O//////O Black Star: "See? That elbow to the balls didn't break them!" *smack on the butt* naho: *shiny eyes* Sakuya: *scrubbing his butt* "You're a fucking asshole, you know that?" Black Star: "And what're you gonna do about it?" Sakuya: *wraps his arms around Black Star from behind, lifting him up* Black Star: "H-Hey!" Sakuya: "Apologize!" soul: dudes, knock it off. Sakuya: *pushes Soul aside* "Stay out of this!" Black Star: *slips on soap* o____o;;; soul: ACK! *crashes into lawless + licht* licht: ?! Lawless: "Jeez, Soul! Watch where you're touching!" soul: O////O sorry! licht: do you want me to beat you to an inch of your life? Lawless: "No need for that, Licht. It's not like something terrible happened--" *slaps Licht hard on the back* -KICK- Lawless: D: licht: how dare you touch me. you better lick my feet and beg forgiveness, both of you. soul:....dude what? naho: O///////w//////O *SQUEEEE~<3* Lawless: "Kinda sadist there, Licht, and--" *stops* "...You hear something?" naho: !!! *covers mouth* Black Star: "I said get off of me--" *tosses Sakuya over his shoulder--who bumps into Soul* soul: OW! licht:... ?! Lawless: "...Oh no--" licht: *whispers* play it cool. dont say anything. Sakuya: *pulls Black Star down with him, on top of..." Lawless: "..." licht: ?! soul:...hey. -later- Black Star: o\\\\\\\o Lawless: -_-; Sakuya: D: soul:.....well that shower could have gone better... Lawless: "No kidding...although..." licht: what? Lawless: "It was a...bonding experience." licht: do you want me to break your shins? Lawless: "Why, no, dear master~" -KICK- licht: dont say gross things like that in public. Lawless: "Ow! Jerk!" naho: hey sakuya! since school is out, want to walk home together? Sakuya: -_-; "Gladly..." Lawless: "..." naho: hehe~ ^^ Sakuya: *pats her shoulder* "The sooner I'm out of this place for the day..." Lawless: "..." *starts walking another way, away from Licht..." naho: yeah, but i had fun today ^^ licht: ?? *following* Sakuya: "Really? Lip-locked with that Thompson girl was 'fun'?" naho: >3< not what i meant! Sakuya: "Tch. What good thing happened to you today to be 'fun,' then?" naho: >w>;;;;;;;; l-l-lets just go home, ok? ^^;;;; Sakuya: *pats her back* "Fine..." Lawless: *in hedgehog form...following in bushes* licht: *following still, but lowkey* Sakuya: "Seriously, it's like you're a magnet for bad luck sometimes..." naho: at least im just getting bruised and not into awkward situations. Sakuya: "...What's that supposed to mean?" naho: *shrug* i dunno. Sakuya: "...Let's get home, then. I'm sure you have 'reading' to do..." naho: you bet i do~ ^^ Sakuya: *eyeroll* Lawless: ("They heading to Prospero Estates?") licht: *raises an eyebrow* Sakuya: "Just a bit aways..." naho: yeah....hey.... you really like mahiru, dont you....? Sakuya: "Wh-Where does this keep coming from?!" naho: i heard you crying his name the other night....and i want you to be happy. Sakuya: o\\\\\o "C-Crying? I wouldn't call it _that_..." naho: still....if you really like him.....i'd want you to be happy....it's the least i can do for all the trouble i cause you. ^^ *she smiles, but is slightly teary eyed* Sakuya: "..." *puts an arm around her shoulder* "Buck up..." naho: !!! eh? Sakuya: "You're gonna be okay. And I appreciate your concern. I do care about you." naho: *small blush* t-thanks sakuya. Sakuya: *pats her shoulder* "You're welcome." -and so- Sakuya: "We're home." Shamrock: "Welcome back." Lawless: *in hedgehog form, hiding outside in bushes near window...* naho: hey everyone~! belkia: eyyy! sakkun and toguchin are back! Sakuya: -_-; "Use actual names, jerk." Shamrock: "Young Master is in his study right now." Lawless: "!!!" naho: ok. i'm just gonna get into house clothes then. *goes to her room* Shamrock: "..." *nods* Sakuya: "??? Um...Any messages for me, Otogiri?" Lawless: *looks at Naho's departure...* otogiri: not really. Sakuya: "...Thanks. I'll go make something to eat..." licht: ......*trying to remain hidden with lawless* Lawless: *leaps, barely catches the edge of a window, climbs up so he can hop along...* Lawless: *looks through one...It's the kitchen, where Sakuya is making a meal* Lawless: *leaps across a few windows, seeing nothing, until--* Higan: "Now take the bra off. I need to truly capture your beauty in this art..." Lawless: o_o; licht: -_____-; *whispering* well, now i know what will be in my nightmares tonight...fucking gross. Lawless: ("Moving on...") *hops by another window--and spots a familiar person...* "...!!!" *sees Lilac* lilac: ..... otogiri: here, this might make you feel better. lilac: *taking the mug of warm milk* t..thanks miss otogiri... Lawless: "???" Lawless: ("That kid...the one who hid when Tsubaki sent his people to attack Licht...") licht: ..... Lawless: ("...Young kid...Looks really scared after...that.") lavender:....did you hear something? Higan: "Yeah, the sound of your panties dropping to the floor~" *continues painting her portrait...* lavender: heh, but no seriously, i heard something. Higan: "...You want me to go check?" lavender: may be a good idea. Higan: "...Very well. But you'll owe me..." *looks around the room...then looks to the window...* lavender: fair enough. Lawless: "..." ("I did what I needed to do. Better head back...") *leaps to a window and--* Higan: *pushes window open* licht: !!!! *hides in the bushes* Lawless: ._.; *SQUISH* *BANG* *FALL* *CRASH* licht: -_-; Higan: *looks around* "...I think I just knocked a bird off the windowsill..." lavender: ouch.... Higan: "Eh, with wings, it will fly again--just not too close to the sun." *closes the window* "Now, where were we~?" Lawless: *collapsed in the bushes* "...Ouchie." licht: get....off. -__-# Lawless: *turns so as to fall off Licht's head* "Like I haven't been on top of you already today..." licht:...... -_-# now what? Lawless: "We know Tsubaki's new location. We use this to our advantage." licht: so we relay this to the others? Lawless: "Maybe...Got to get a sense about whether they are going to do what it takes..." licht:....*nods* Lawless: "Now, let's get going..." *twitches* "...because I think I broke my tiny hedgehog back." T_T licht: -_-; you baby. Lawless: "Carry me?" *shiny eyes* licht:...... -__-; fine. Lawless: -w- Shamrock: *knocks on Naho's door* naho: im decent! Shamrock: "??? Um..." *opens the door* "You had more doujinshi arrive in the mail..." naho: YAY! Shamrock: "You are welcome...That is a cute outfit." naho: thanks. .///w///.; Shamrock: "...You collect so many of these books. Which is your favorite?" naho: it's kind of hard to tell. Shamrock: *pulls one out--which has two characters on the cover, who look like Shamrock and Mr. Tsubaki* ._. naho: >////< *covers her face* d-dont tear it! Shamrock: *weak in the knees, sits on her bed* "I-I won't. I'm just surprised by this..." naho: 737 Shamrock: "...You know I am attracted to the young master...but..." naho: O.O ~? Kid: Shamrock: x\\\\\-;;;; "Things are...complicated." naho: y-yeah.... *squishes her cheeks* for one thing i have a baby face! >3< Shamrock: "..." *snort, hard laugh* naho: whats so funny?! >n< Shamrock: "Th-That remark! But you are correct: you do have an adorable baby face." naho: >/////n/////< Shamrock: "You shouldn't be embarrassed: it makes you unique. Be proud of it." naho: i guess. it does add to my cuteness >u< as well as.....other things. *looks down* Shamrock: "..." *glances* "Some people like smaller breasts." naho: !!! *covers herself* d-dont be pervy! >n< Shamrock: "S-Sorry! I thought--I mean, you had mentioned--then looked--" Shamrock: "...And who are you to talk about pervy?!" naho: 7////n////7;; Shamrock: -3- "Spying on me, and somehow I'm the pervy one here...Hmph." naho: *pouty face* Shamrock: "..." *sighs* "Can we agree we have both made mistakes and let bygones be bygones?" *offers his hand to shake* naho: ....okaaaay. *shakes hand* Shamrock: *smiles, shakes* "I'm sorry for what happened, and I appreciate this." naho:....thanks. Shamrock: "You're welcome...Well, I better return to my work...Enjoy your reading." naho: ok..... .///.; Shamrock: *stands, goes to the door, and exits* naho: *reading* O////w////O Shamrock: *walks down the hallway* belkia: ayyyyyy 8D Shamrock: x_-; "Hello." belkia: so what were you and toguchin talkin about? Shamrock: "Nothing..." belkia: you suuuure? that didnt sound like nothing~ Shamrock: *glares* "...We were talking about starting a new club: the 'No Belkia' Club." belkia: that sounds stupid. Xp and i thought she got over her grudge on me for biting a chunk out of her neck! Shamrock: "Evidently not. Perhaps you should take that issue up with her--she's in her room, after all." belkia: maaaaaaybe........ soooo who do you like more, tsubakyun or toguchin? Shamrock: X_O; "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" belkia: aw come on, dont act like you werent totally putting the moves on her just now! but real talk, she looks like she's in middle school, and that maaay get you some odd looks. just an FYI. Shamrock: X_O;;;;; *starts walking quickly away* belkia: ... ?? -elsewhere- Patty: "Takeru..." *grabs him by the face--and kisses his lips* takeru: O/////////O Patty: *pulls back...then puts his hands on her breasts* "There. Now I have made up for today!  " takeru: ..................*trembling* uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Patty: "??? What? Naho felt me up and kissed me, and I don't want to have cheated on you..." takeru: eh.... o.o; *Patty explains* Patty: "...Are you upset with me?" takeru: n-no...i-it was an accident... Patty: *smiles* "Thank you." *hug* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *reviewing library records* stocking: *reviewing notes* Kid: *filling out another form...* stocking: how's it going? Kid: "Okay, I suppose...but I can tell these forms regarding work inside the Death Room come from Mother, not Father...The language is so different..." stocking: ah. Kid: "It is thorough...But I will finish it." stocking: i know you will. ^^ Kid: "As will you...But I will take a small break to get a drink. Want anything from the machine?" stocking: some skittles if there's any. Kid: "Sweets for my sweet..." *kiss on the cheek* "Back shortly..." -elsewhere- Hugh: "Where were you two?" -licht explains what happened- tsubaki: ..... Lawless: "So now that we know their location, I say we so something..." ("That kid...") misono: *nods* tsubaki:.... Kuro: "...What would be the plan?" misono: we should send a scout to check their base, estimate the amount of security. there's only about 9 vampires there, but they are still fairly skilled. Lawless: "Yeah, sounds good...but..." misono: ?? Lawless: "...Those tiny vamps..." misono: ??? you're going to have to elaborate. Lawless: "...Nothing. I just don't think they would be much of a fight...so, maybe can avoid attacking them..." tsubaki:..... Hugh: "What do you think, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: ....we should avoid attacking them. Hugh: "Hmph. Fine. However, we will not allow ourselves to be hurt, or worse." tsubaki: understood. Lawless: "..." *looks glum* -elsewhere- Relan: *offers an open bag of chips to Shinra and Iris* "Want one?" shinra: sure. iris: thank you ^^ Relan: "Any events to kick off the semester?" shinra: not sure. but i heard student council is organizing a test of courage. Relan: "...You mean...one of those events where people see who can go longest without being scared?" ._____. shinra: you dont have to do it if you dont feel comfortable. Relan: "I...would be scared...but I don't want to keep running away..." *shaking* shinra: well, you do what you feel comfortable with, ok? Relan: *nods* "...I may have to try some scary situations...maybe a scary movie." *holds up a DVD copy of Scooby Doo cartoons* shinra: ...sure. ^^; Relan: *pops it into the DVD player...sits beside Shinra, Iris on the other side of Shinra* -elsewhere- Gopher: *holds up a cupcake to Kirika* "For your incredible run today!" kirika: thanks. *nom* Gopher: -w- "You have wonderful legs." kirika: 7///-///7; Gopher: "So fast, powerful...You are incredible, Kirika." kirika: yeah, i-i am pretty awesome. U///.///U; Gopher: "...I LOVE YOU!" kirika: !!!! >//////< *too flustered to even speak* Gopher: "..." ._. "Sorry. I made it awkward, huh?" kirika: i-i-its fine. im...just not used to that, still.... Gopher: "..." *sad nod* kirika:...*awkward head pat* you didnt do anything wrong, dont worry... Gopher: *nods again* "...Okay." *smiles* -elsewhere- lilac:....*cant sleep* ....*he gets up and looks around...everyone else is in bed already.....he goes into one of the other rooms* Sakuya: "???" lilac: *laying in bed, his chest against sakuya's back, arm around sakuya's waist as he drifts off* Sakuya: o\\\\\o *hears Lilac's breathing...* lilac:...*small sniffles*...... Sakuya: "..." *lightly holds Lilac's arm* lilac: *small shiver, but relaxes* Sakuya: *afraid to move, lest awaken Lilac* lilac: ......zzzz....*slight hug* Sakuya: ("This is not just simple troubling--something is really bothering Lilac...") lilac:......*small whimper* Sakuya: "Shh..." lilac: .......... -in another room- naho: .......*also cant sleep* naho: hmmm.... *gets up and checks on sakuya......* o///o; *closes the door* Sakuya: o______o; naho: O-O *walks past another room* *Small noise from Shamrock's room* Shamrock: "Hmm...That is surprising..." naho: ?? *small peeeek* Shamrock: *sitting in his armchair, wearing a robe, sipping tea, reading a book* "I didn't think that could make the meat tastier and juicier..." naho: .....*small knock* Shamrock: "??? Oh, Naho, hello." naho: i couldnt sleep....could i come in? Shamrock: "Of course." *gestures to chair opposite him* naho: *she sits down* Shamrock: "..." *gestures to teapot and an empty cup* "Chamomile?" naho: thanks. *takes a sip* Shamrock: "What's on your mind?" naho: just cant sleep. Shamrock: *nods* "Likewise. I thought reading some new recipes would help, but to no avail." naho: ...... *looking down, slightly embarrassed* Shamrock: "??? Something is troubling you...Are you okay?" naho: nothing....just thinking....about what you said to me the other day... .////.; Shamrock: "..." x\\\o; "...Which part?" naho: do you....really think im pretty? even with my baby face? i-i always expected you to be.....into more mature people.... Shamrock: "It...is possible to find people of different appearances to still be attractive. People come in all shapes and sizes..." naho:......*shivering* chilly in here...... Shamrock: "I have another robe here. Or a blanket?" naho:....*nods* Shamrock: *removes the blanket from his bed, puts it around her shoulders* naho: .//////. can i say something kind of weird? Shamrock: "...Yes?" naho: i think....part of me has a bit of a crush on you >////<;; Shamrock: o\\\\\o "I...I...Thank you?" naho: i-i still want you to be happy with mr tsubaki but...i-i just...thought you should know 7///////7; Shamrock: "...This is a bit to take in...What brought his one? Is...this after our last talk? Or when we had tried to...you know?" naho: t-the....the last one .////////////. Shamrock: "...Naho...I do find you sexually attractive. I have when I saw you..." naho: .////////////. Shamrock: "...You are an attractive young woman, Naho...Do you...find me attractive?" naho:........ ./////////////////////. *meek nod* Shamrock: "...So. We are two adults, who find each other attractive." naho: *still blushing* b-but what about mr tsubaki? Shamrock: "...Do you mind that I am dedicated to Mr. Tsubaki? Are you?" naho: i-im only asking because....i know you really like him, and i dont want you to feel like you're betraying him if we do anything >.< Shamrock: "...I would not. I can separate my love for him from whatever I do sexually." naho: o-ok...y-you can like both if you want to! >///<; Shamrock: "...And now..." naho: ?? Shamrock: *stands, moves his chair closer to her...* naho: *blushing* Shamrock: "..." *pats her hand* naho: ah..... Shamrock: "..." *looks into her eyes* naho: *blushing* s-should i change into something else? Shamrock: "..." *nods* "I will, too..." naho: o-ok! *she scurries off to her room. she comes back in a robe with undies under it* Shamrock: *he's already in his silk black boxers* "..." *brushes a hand by her cheek* "You are beautiful..." naho: *blushing* t-thanks. .///////. s-should i lay down on my back or...? Shamrock: "Naho...It's not fair to you if I rush you...May I kiss you?" naho: o-ok.... >////< Shamrock: *leans down...gently kisses her lips...his hand is soft against her arm* naho: mmmn.... >///< Shamrock: *gently rubs her arm as he pulls back* "...Was it okay? The kiss?" naho: it....felt nice. Shamrock: *smile* "Likewise. You have soft lips...Would you like to remove your robe?" naho: o-ok. *she does so* Shamrock: .\\\\. "Naho...That is beautiful." naho: thanks. Shamrock: *strokes his hand along her waist...* "You are quite fit..." naho: *blushing* >///< Shamrock: *returns to kissing her lips and cheek...then down to her neck* naho: *soft squeak* Shamrock: *kisses lightly behind her ear* "Do you touch your own breasts?" naho: n-not often. Shamrock: "But sometimes?" *holds a hand over one breast* "Do you like to have them touched?" naho: *soft sigh* i..if you want. Shamrock: "..." *lays his hand softly over her breast* "Oh, my..." naho: *squirming slightly* Shamrock: *pulls back his hand* "Sorry...Too much?" naho: ./////. d...down there....maybe? Shamrock: "...Oh?" *his fingers trail down from her breast to the top of her panties* "You sure?" *one finger starts to trace over the fabric to her vagina* naho: *soft mewl* Shamrock: *rubs a bit more* "You like this, yes?" *smirks* naho: >////< *nods* Shamrock: *massages with a bit more pressure* "Is this how you touch yourself?" *he kisses lightly on her neck* naho: *soft moans* >/////< Shamrock: *teasing, as he pulls his finger back, and pulls slightly on her bra strap* "Naho...It's not fair that I'm topless...and you are not." naho: s-should i do it or....? Shamrock: *his hand is already behind her back--and easily unclasped her bra in one fluid motion...* naho: O/////O Shamrock: *starts to pull down her bra straps...* naho: >//////< Shamrock: *removes her bra completely* "...Beautiful." naho: mmmn.... >//////< Shamrock: *lifts up her chin, looking at her face* "Naho..." *closes his eyes, leans in to kiss her lips...* naho:... mmn..... mmmmm.. >///////< Shamrock: *his hands slide down her back...clutching her bottom* naho: *soft squeak* Shamrock: *brings her closer to him...his member is hardening through his boxers* naho: *looking down and blushing* Shamrock: "...I am almost ready...Are you?" naho:...*gulps* y...yeah.... Shamrock: *lifts her up bridal style, and lays her onto the bed before crawling up onto the bed...his fingers grip along her panties...* naho: *panting, blushing* Shamrock: *looks up* "Is this okay?" *starts to slide the panties down* naho: *gulps and nods* Shamrock: *puts a hand under her bottom to have her arch her back, as he completes pulling the panties down and off her feet...he stares at her naked pelvis* naho: *blushing brightly, shivering* Shamrock: *smiles* "You are beautiful, Naho. Don't you ever forget that. And don't believe me: believe it yourself..." *kisses above her slit* naho: *squeak* >////////< Shamrock: *kisses around her vagina...before licking lightly along her slit* naho: *her legs clench together* >//////< Shamrock: *pulls her legs a bit* "Is this okay?" naho: i...i guess....im just n-nervous.... Shamrock: "...I was, too, my first time." *hugs her, resting his head over her stomach* naho: oh..... 7////7 Shamrock: "..." *small kiss on her stomach* "Everyone's first time is nerve-wracking...How may I calm you? I am here to serve you, Naho..." naho: c...could you hold me? *slightly teary eyed* Shamrock: *nods* *crawls up, and hugs her* "You'll be okay..." naho:...ok.... Shamrock: *nuzzles* "Whatever you want...if it is just this, it is fine. Because it is what you want." naho:......*nod* Shamrock: *hugs her, pulls the blanket over them...* naho: t-thanks.... Shamrock: *nods* "...Do you want to sleep here tonight?" naho: it might...bring up weird questions..... Shamrock: "..." *small pout* "I suppose..." -elsewhere in the house- lavender: fuuuck, that was good. Higan: "Mmmm~" *licks his lips* "True, I didn't get to finish my painting of you...but there is time for that..." *hugs her* lavender: yeah. *she smiles* rome wasnt built in a day, haha. Higan: "Like building up the pleasure inside of you..." *his fingers tip-toe along her arm...* "If only everyone else in this house would just get off once in awhile, they'd release their creative juices..." lavender: yeah. *streeeeeeetch* Higan: *as she stretches, his index finger slides over her slit* lavender: ah-ahhhh~! U///U Higan: "O-Oh, still sensitive?" *slides into her...* lavender: considering i have a libido a mile wide, yeah, haha! -elsewhere in the house- belkia: zzzzzzzzzzzz........ *crashed out on the couch* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" ("Why the couch?") belkia: *smooching a pillow* sto-chan, i luuuuuv yoooou.... U///w///U Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;;; ("That's just sad...") *looks at the Tsubaki doll he is carrying* "Isn't that right, my pet~?" belkia: zzzzzz..... Mr. Tsubaki: *sigh* ("I had best get to sleep as well...") -morning- Shamrock: "..." naho: zzzzzzz....... Shamrock: *gentle shake* "Naho? It is morning..." naho: *yaaaaawn* im up.... =/////= Shamrock: "Feel okay?" naho: y...yeah. Shamrock: "..." *looks away* "That's good...Um...I can give you your privacy, if you want..." naho: o-ok... -later- stocking: mmmm~ those were yummy pancakes~ Kid: "You're welcome." *smiles* "I tried a little revision to the recipe..." stocking: it's delicious, thank you~ *smooooooch* Kid: =\\\\\= "I aim to please~" stocking: i know~<3 Kid: *hug* "I just want the best I can give you...and I try more each day." stocking: hehe~ ^////^ Kid: "...I suppose our day is ahead of us..." *kiss on the cheek* -at school- Black Star: *looking through books* "Can't find it..." tsubaki: cant find what? Black Star: *shows a book--"Death City City Zoning"* "I thought that I could find a secret entrance or something into their new base..." tsubaki: ....eh? O.O; Black Star: "... that Tsubaki guy's new house. A secret entrance to get inside. Like, through the sewer, or a back door..." tsubaki: *sweatdrop* Black Star: "??? ..." *closes book, smiles* "I guess...I can stop doing this and move onto something else for a bit..." tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "...Anything due this week in our classes?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *inside a bookstore* -\\\\- *addresses a clerk* "Excuse me. I'm trying to find..." *mumbles...* clerk: pardon sir? Shamrock: "...doujinshi..." clerk: we dont sell it in this particular shop. but i think they sell it on nyarajuku street. Shamrock: -\\\\\- *nods* "I will find it, then. Thank you." *exits for Nyarajuku Street...* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "You sure you're okay?" naho: of course, why wouldnt i be? ^^ Sakuya: "No reason--you just seem...to have some...I don't know, aura around you?" naho: what do you mean? Sakuya: "...You seem like you went through something major." naho: well.....c-can i talk to you in private? Sakuya: "Sure." *leads her to empty classroom* "So...?" -naho tells him everything, and i mean _everything_- Sakuya: O_______O;;; "I...I..." naho: yeah....*looks down at the floor* Sakuya: "I...appreciate you telling me this...I'm surprised...I mean, I shouldn't be, I guess, given that we hang out so much..." naho: yeah, but.....i know you really like mahiru, and.....i want you to have a chance at happiness. i-its not even that big a crush either.... Sakuya: "...I need some time to process this. I...I don't know what I think about Mahiru and you--romantically or anything, I mean. I mean, I really like you and care about you." naho: i appreciate that a lot....*wipes her eyes* you and lilac are like my bffs right now......though i do miss my dorm mates a lot. Sakuya: *nods* "..." *takes her hand* "I'm going to make a promise to you." naho: O////O e-eh? Sakuya: "Whatever happens, no matter how far away I am from you..." *taps his fist to her chest* "I'm staying right here. I am always going to be your friend." naho: *sniffle* t-thanks sakuya. *hug* Sakuya: *hug, pats her back* "You're welcome." -elsewhere- Relan: *opens a door to an Academy closet* "Okay...I'll stand in here for 5 minutes..." shinra: ok. Relan: *nods, closes the door* "...It is dark in here." ???: zzzz.... Relan: o_________o nemu: zzzzz... nemu's puppet: ABOUT TIME A-HOLE! TELL YOUR FRIEND ON THE OTHER SIDE TO OPEN UP! THE LOCK'S BROKEN! Relan: "EEEEEEEEEEK! LET ME OUT! TALKING PUPPET! NOT AGAIN! NOT AGAIN!!!" shinra: *yanks the door open* RELAN! *hug* its ok. Shima: *covering his ears* "Not so loud!" Relan: *shaking* "That puppet talks...Why is the puppet talking?" nemu: zzzzz..... Shima: -_-; "You haven't been here very long, huh?" shinra: uhhh.... what were you doing in there? Shima: ^^ "I was scoping out locations to bring girls for some privacy...when the door closed behind me and locked." nemu: zzzzzz iris: T_T riiiight. Shima: *spots Iris* "Well, hello there!" *extends his hand to her* "I'm Shima!" Relan: *shivering...and still glaring at Shima* shinra: .....*gives shima a look as he pulls iris and relan closer to him* Shima: "..." *embarrassed laugh* "So, why were you in the closet?" Relan: -_-; "A test of courage..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Here, I'll get that..." chie: ^^; Yohei: *hands her the bottle* "Just a bit more to go..." chie: *she nods and rubs her stomach* Yohei: "...You up for a walk?" chie: sure. *Yohei brings her to the backyard...where there is now a swing set* chie: awww. *shiny eyes* io: *in one of the swings* ^o^ saki: ^^ Yohei: "Kids got to have a swing set..." chie: yeah. Yohei: *gesture to a swinging bench for them to sit on* chie: *she sits down* this is nice. Yohei: *puts an arm around her, swings* "Yeah..." chie: ......*she points to an open spot* i think that'd be the perfect place for a sandbox. Yohei: *smiles* "I can start design tomorrow, GET and WASHU can have it built the end of this week..." chie: yay! ^^ Yohei: "Hee hee..." *smooch* chie: U////U -elsewhere- Lawless: *staring at a page in a book...* kranz: how's studying coming along, kiddos? licht: same as usual. Lawless: "Hmph...Doing it..." kranz: good to hear! *thumbs up* oh, and licht, your parents sent you a care package. licht: ah, i'll check it out then. *small smile* Lawless: ("Father...") "Tch. They mail you more baby toys?" licht:......... *shiny eyes* candied melon... Lawless: -_-; "Good for you...Your parents care about you." licht:....*awkward pat on the back* Lawless: "...May I try a bit of the melon?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Welcome home, everyone~" naho: we're back~! lilac: *wrapped up in a blanket* we...welcome home. Sakuya: "Hey, buddy...Hanging in there?" lilac:.....*nods* otogiri: *pats his back* Sakuya: "Naho and I brought back some of your favorite food, if you're up for it..." lilac:...t-thanks.... lavender: hey kiddos. *waves* Sakuya: "Hey, Lavender. What's up?" lavender: just checkin in on you. *she smiles* if you kids need any help with your studies, let me know. Sakuya: "How are you in chemistry?" lavender: hmmm, decent i think. i'll see what i can do. *she smiles* Sakuya: *smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: "Otogiri, where is Shamrock?" naho: *plops down on the couch* otogiri: i think he's in his room. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Very well." *looks at Nano* "Tired from school?" naho: *nods* yeah. Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Want a snack?" naho: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "I'll be right back..." *as he makes the snack, Shamrock comes into the kitchen* "Oh, good! Bring this to Naho." Shamrock: "Oh...As you wish..." naho: .... .///. thanks sham. Shamrock: "...You're welcome..." Sakuya: "..." Shamrock: "Um...How was school?" naho: it went well. Shamrock: *nods* "Good...If finish your homework, I'll give you something from your favorite bookstore..." naho: o-ok! *she nods and gets right to doing that* Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm so glad to see you two getting along!" naho: yeah!..... OwO Shamrock: o////o "Wh-Whatever we--I mean, I--can do to please you!" Mr. Tsubaki: "...Well, keep it up." naho: ok!..... *sweating* Shamrock: x///////o Sakuya: o______o; Mr. Tsubaki: "..Um, okay?" lilac: ????? Shamrock: *rushes to his room* Sakuya: *tries to focus on his studies* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Damn." fang-hua: commander? Benimaru: "Sorry...Just thinking..." fang-hua: .... Benimaru: "...No new reports of impersonations?" fang-hua: no, nothing. Benimaru: "...I think I need to do something to get my mind off of this." fang-hua: oh? Benimaru: "What do you do for recreation?" fang-hua: usually reading or drinking tea helps me calm down. Benimaru: "...Tea would be good. Care to share some with me?" fang-hua: i would like that. Benimaru: *sets cups on the table, while heating the water...* "...What do you read?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: -w- vivian: *panting* that was amazing~ Kishiri: "W-Was it...too much?" vivian: it was perfect~ Kishiri: -\\\\- "Vivian...Um...I have something to confess...I'm a virgin. Or, I mean, I was...I sucked, didn't I?" vivian: hehe, it was my first time too, so i cant really say ^^ Kishiri: "Well, I thought _you_ were awesome...God, you're gorgeous." vivian: hehe~ ^/////^ Kishiri: "...Just...Damn, you are fine. And you keep fit..." *lays a hand over her stomach* -elsewhere- Kid: *stares at crayon markings on the wall* "...Well, Shiori sure is creative..." *tilts his head* "...Not symmetrical, though." lord death: *removing the wall paper where it had been drawn* we need to frame this ASAP. Kid: "Father! At least use scissors for a precise cut!" lord death: got it! *shows the scissors* Kid: *sigh of relief* "...Shiori is so talented." -elsewhere- Joker: *blows smoke* "So dull..." scarlet: *returning from a job* well, that takes care of that one... Joker: *swirls the smoke to form a thumbs up* "Good work. Did you have fun?" scarlet: ......*she just goes over to the bar* ivy:....she's talkative. *sneaks part of the flame away to form a small snake* Joker: *sighs* "Difficult...Must have been someone close to her...or someone near someone close to her." *looks at Ivy* "...Neat snake." scarlet:..... (worker: wait....y-your...mr kurai's daughter....arent you?) Joker: *watching Scarlet...calls to her* "Get me a bottle, too." scarlet:....alright. (thinking: adora burst......just what is it really?) Joker: "Thanks...Have a seat." -elsewhere- Kuro: *kitten yawn* mahiru: zzz....*asleep on his bed, holding the kitty!kuro close* Kuro: "..." *shrug* *kitten hug* mahiru: zzzz.... Kuro: "..." *kitten licks his cheek* mahiru: mmmn.... kuro? Kuro: "...I'm hungry. Did you buy more cookies?" mahiru: there should be some on the counter. Kuro: "Good. You may go back to sleep now." *hops off bed* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *holding a brown paper bag in his hands, knocks on Naho's door* naho: yes? Shamrock: "Have you finished your homework?" naho: yep. Shamrock: "Then you deserve your reward..." *pulls the doujinshi out of the brown paper bag, hands it to her* naho: *shiny eyes* THANK YOU! *hug* Shamrock: x\\\\\o "...You're welcome...Well, I will be going, then..." naho: ok. *she goes in and begins reading* Shamrock: "...Good night. Happy reading..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *lies down* "..." tsubaki: zzzz..... Black Star: "..." *pulls the blanket up over them...* tsubaki: *smiling* Black Star: *small kiss on her cheek* tsubaki: hehe.... ^^ Black Star: "I love you." tsubaki: i love you too. Black Star: *hug* -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* stocking: 7w7 ~<3 *purrs* Kid: *smirks* "My kitten..." stocking: >///w///< Kid: *tickles under her chin...* "I should put a bell on you~" stocking: *giggles* that tickles! Kid: "You like it, you know you do..." *straddles her, starts tickling her ribs and belly* stocking: ah~! hahaha! >//////< Kid: "Ready to admit defeat?" stocking: nuuu >w< Kid: "Very well..." *pins her wrists, lies atop her...and kisses her* stocking: mmmmn~<3 Kid: *his tongue reaches hers...* stocking: nnngh~ k-kiiiid~<3 Kid: "St-Stocking..." *he presses against her...* stocking: a-ahhhh~! Kid: "Mmmm! I want you so badly..." *clutches her, moaning* stocking: nnngh~! >////< Kid: *reaches behind, pulling down the zipper on the back of her dress* -morning- naho: zzzz..... *Knock knock* naho: *yaaawn* hmm? Shamrock: "Naho? It is time to wake up..." naho: ok. *streeetches and gets up, going over to her closet to get changed* Shamrock: "..." *calls through the door* "Did you sleep soundly?" naho: yeah. i slept pretty good ^^ Shamrock: "...That's good. How was...the book?" naho: *blush* thanks for getting that for me, it means a lot. Shamrock: "You're welcome...And thank the staff at the store...They recommended it.” naho: can do~ Shamrock: "...Well, I'll see you at the breakfast table..." naho: ok~ Shamrock: *walks down the hall* belkia:.....HEYSHAM! Shamrock: X_O "!!! Don't scare me like that!" belkia: gotcha! Shamrock: "Hmph! What do you want?" belkia: just curious buuuuut, whats up with you and toguchin recently? Shamrock: "N-Nothing! ...Why?" belkia: just askin~ welp, i got the heart of a little lady to win, so see ya~! Shamrock: x_-;;;; "Believe me, from my recent experience, I don't think you'll be winning her heart. She's more likely to rip out yours." belkia:..............kinky. Shamrock: "...Wait. Stop. I want to ask you something..." belkia: mmmyeeesssssssss? 83 Shamrock: "...Does your body ever desire something that is not what your mind or your heart desires?" belkia: yeah, all the time when i drive past crazy jakes, cause the food looks yummy but it makes my mouth feel like its literally on fire. not fun. Shamrock: "If it is not fun, why do you desire it? How do you stop thinking about how...'yummy' it is?" belkia: maybe its cause im just sadomasochistic! Shamrock: "...Perhaps. Thank you..." belkia: see ya~! Shamrock: "..." Shamrock: *enters his room...locks the door* "...I need to get this out of my system..." Shamrock: *unzips his pants...slides his hand inside his boxers* "Mmm..." *imagines Mr. Tsubaki...and Naho...* -outside, belkia is getting a sock filled with candy and goes out, humming 'do you believe in magic'- Shamrock: "Young Master...Naho...Young Master...Naho! Master! Naho! Ah! Aaaaah! AH!!!" Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Where is Belkia?" otogiri: he went out. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hm. That's early for him. Happy to see him have an early start to the day!" otogiri: you could call it that. *sweatdrop* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Where are Naho and Shamrock? they aren't down yet for breakfast..." naho: ready! lavender: mornin kiddo. Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "You look rested." naho: yeah. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...That leaves Shamrock." naho: i'll get him! *she knocks on the door* hey sham! breakfast! Shamrock: "N-Naho?!" *pant* "C-Coming!" naho: ok, take your time. Shamrock: x_o;;;; "O-Okay..." *soft moan, as he covers his mouth as he orgasms...imagining himself lying between her and Mr. Tsubaki* x\\\\\\\\\\- naho: and i thought _i_ took a long time to get ready in the morning... Shamrock: "..." ("I have a problem before me...but first, I had better clean up and get to breakfast to serve Young Master...") -elsewhere- Relan: *yawn* buttons: zzzz.... Relan: *smiles at Buttons, quietly getting out of bed and down the hall...* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Mmmm..." tamaki: zzzzz.... Arthur: *hug* *yawn* "Mornin'..." tamaki: murnin.... Arthur: *yawn* "Sleep okay?" tamaki: yeah. Arthur: *nods* "Same...because you were here." tamaki: *she smiles* Arthur: *cuddles* "So cute..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: *sneaking back into the Brigade before everyone wakes up...* gabriella: morning~ ^^# Kishiri: o_____o;;; *starts running* -clack- -clack- -clack- Kishiri: *hearing* "I'm not hearing them, I'm not hearing them, Imnothearingthem, IMNOTHEARING--" *High heel to the face* gabriella: shall i schedule funeral arrangements? Hibana: "We can always put him in the cloning vats~" Kishiri: x_______x "I just wanted to be loved..." -elsewhere- stocking: kid? did you hear that? it sounded like someone throwing rocks against the window... Belkia: *tosses another jelly bean at the window* "Come down to me, my sugary sweet cinnamon bun~" kid: ??? *he looks out the window* oh bloody hell... -_-; Belkia: "...Hey! Beat it! This candy is for my lollipop dream!" kid: ....*BANG BANG at his feet* THAT WAS A WARNING SHOT BASTARD! Belkia: *dodges* "You'll have to do better than that!" *tosses a giant gummi bear at Kid's head* "I'm not leaving until I speak to my sour ball of bliss!" kid: ack! stocking: *gives belkia a cold and merciless glare* it is 6. in the morning. people are still asleep by now. Belkia: "Oh, My Sugar Princess! Please, let your sweet words coat my ears...I cannot sleep without hearing you say three little words to me..." stocking: ^^ go fuck yourself~<3. Belkia: ._.; "...Not the three words I had in mind. Especially because I was hoping you would fuck me--" -BANG BANG BANG- kid: *unamused* no. Belkia: *holes through his head and chest* "...Darn. And I just had some interesting thoughts just now..." *holds up the candy* "What if I offered you candy? Would that earn me one of your nectarine kisses?" stocking: I bet you did something weird with it, like drugging it or putting on your d*ck or something. Belkia: "...I definitely did not put my dick on it..." stocking: ...... Belkia: "...I swear, the drugs will make things better--" -BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBABGNBSUSBNLSFJDLJDIJ- kid: would you like me to eviscerate you? Belkia: *half his body is torn up* "...If it was her, yes. But from you? Hell no!" stocking: *twitch* Belkia: "How 'bout you shove that long sword of yours through me, nice and hard?" stocking:....kid....please neuter him. kid: with pleasure. *heads downstairs* Belkia: o_____o;;; *starts running* "STILL LOVE YOU!" stocking: we need to increase security in this place... Belkia: *keeps running* "I am going to need so much blood after this to resume my previous adorable appearance!" -and so- naho: woah, belkia what happened to you? Belkia: *circles shot out of his body* -_-;;; "Missed connection. I need blood." otogiri: follow me. *she brings him to cold storage* naho:...*itching at herself* ugh... Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmph. Some people are so poor at handling relationships..." sakuya: _you're_ one to talk... naho: .... Shamrock: *arrives* "..." x\\\\- lavender: took _you_ long enough. Shamrock: "Sorry. I was preoccupied." lilac: ?? Sakuya: *pats Lilac's shoulder* "Come on--I almost finished your waffles." Shamrock: *looks at both Mr. Tsubaki and Naho...* naho: *nom nom* =u= Mr. Tsubaki: *sips his tea* "Have a seat, Sham!" Shamrock: "..." *sits in between Mr. Tsubaki and Naho* "..." *awkwardly eats* naho: *notices higan* and once again, the old geezer is the last one up. Higan: "Slow and steady, kid." *pours himself some black coffee* “After all, this old man needs his rest.” naho:....whats today's plan, mr tsubaki? Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Is it the weekend?" naho: *she nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "Anyone up for the mall?" naho: *raises her hand* lavender: yeah, i could use some new lingerie too. Higan: *raises both hands* Shamrock: x\\\\- *raises one hand* Sakuya: "Might as well." Mr. Tsubaki: "Lilac? Otogiri?" lilac: i...think i can handle it... otogiri: i'll stay behind and keep an eye on things here. Sakuya: *smiles at Lilac* Mr. Tsubaki: "And likely keep an eye on Belkia's recovery..." otogiri: yes.... *she glances at the door to cold storage* Belkia: *sluuuuuuurp* Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, let's get going!" -and so- Mr. Tsubaki: "We will meet back at the food court at 1:00 PM. Be safe here..." naho: ok~ Shamrock: *nods* Sakuya: "Anything you looking for, Lilac?" lilac: not in particular... Sakuya: "...How about pet shop?" lilac: m-maybe... Sakuya: "Okay...May be worth a try. How about you, Naho?" naho: sure! i want to get some pics of cute animals! >u< Sakuya: "Awesome!" Shamrock: "..." *wanders off* -elsewhere- tsubaki: *looking around the mall* Patty: "Weekend, weekend!" liz: yeah. tsubaki: where to first? Patty: "Pet shop?" liz: sounds good. tsubaki: i need to get some clothes, i'll catch up. liz: ok. Patty: *squee* "Tiny baby animals!" -and so- tsubaki: hmmm. *picking out a cardigan with a crane pattern* Mr. Tsubaki: *clears his throat* "Hello, Tsubaki." tsubaki: !!!....hello. *maintaining a sense of calm* Mr. Tsubaki: *holds up his hands* "I mean you no harm. I am just shopping..." tsubaki:....ok. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* "...You are looking well." tsubaki: ...thank you. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I think that cardigan looks nice. You should consider it." tsubaki:....thanks. -elsewhere- Shamrock: *examining tea sets at a home good store* "Hmmm..." clerk: need any assistance sir? Shamrock: "I was interested in this tea set. Do you have plates that go with it?" clerk: right this way sir. Shamrock: *follows, studying the clerk* "This is quite a good stock of items..." clerk: thank you. -elsewhere- naho: its so fwuffyyyy~!! Sakuya: "Heh heh...Yeah, they are." puppy: 83 lilac:...*pet pet*.....*small smile* soft... Patty: *nearby, looking at the fish tanks* "Hmm...Not big enough." Sakuya: "???" *small smirk* "Don't look now, Naho, but your 'girlfriend' is here..." naho: *pouts* ruuuude. lilac: ?? Patty: *spots them* "Oh, hey there!" *waves* naho: OwO;;; *awkward wave* liz: oh, hey there. lilac: *hides behind sakuya* Sakuya: "It's alright, Lilac...You know Liz and Patty from school." Patty: *waves back* "Aren't these puppies so cute?" lilac: o.o naho: i know right? lilac:...*small wave* liz: hey, its ok. i'll make sure my sister doesnt bite. Patty: *pouts at Liz* "It was one time!" Patty: *points to one with Naho* "Look at him! I want to hug him!" -elsewhere- Higan: *smiling* lavender: oh, this one looks nice. *it's a red corset outfit with black trim* Higan: "I think that would look great on you--that color on your body~" lavender: *grins* Higan: "Will you~?" lavender: how about i try it on~? clerk: *rolls eyes trying not to gag* Higan: "Excellent..." Higan: "Let's get you into that~" -elsewhere- Kid: -____-;;; "I barely slept..." stocking: same here....*stroking his head* Kid: *yawn* "Maybe nap..." stocking: yeah. Kid: *cuddles* stocking: hehe~<3 -at the mansion- otogiri: better? Belkia: *sipping cola in a swirly straw* "Much~" otogiri:...*chop* Belkia: "OW! What was that for?!" otogiri: because you're a bad influence. Belkia: "Pfft! How am _I_ a bad influence? What do you even mean?" otogiri: attempting to break into a girl's house for one thing. *calm death glare* Belkia: ._.; "I only tossed candy at her window..." otogiri: and what was _in_ the candy now? Belkia: .____.;; "...Something to put her in the mood?" otogiri:........ -much to vicious to show~- otogiri: bad. Belkia: *half-dead* "...You stuck-up pain in the butt...Maybe if you had some of that candy, you'd stop being so repressed, you monotone--" -BOOOOM- otogiri:...... *0 fucks given* Belkia: *half the man he was* "...I need blood." -elsewhere- Lawless: *blows his nose* romina: you sure you're ok? Lawless: "Y-Yeah...Just was...listening to a song..." Lawless: *his eyes are red from crying* romina: .... Lawless: "D-Did you want something?" romina: just checking in. Lawless: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Black Star: *stretches* "What you guys want on the pizza?" soul: im down for whatever. Black Star: "Kilik?" kilik: i'll have green pepper. sayaka: i'll go for cheese! Black Star: "Okay, got it!" *puts in the order over the phone...* *looks at Kilik and Sayaka* :3 kilik: ?? what? Black Star: "Nothing...Just thinking about how green pepper and cheese go so well together...like certain things." kilik: o///o; sayaka: eh? ^^; Black Star: "Ha ha ha ha!!! Kilik, the look on your face--" kilik: *covering his mouth* t-thats not how it its! >////<; Black Star: -_-;;; *licks Kilik's hand* kilik: ugh! sayaka: *stiffling laughter* soul: *sweatdrop* Black Star: "How else was I supposed to get your hand of my mouth?!" kilik: haha, laugh it up. Black Star: "Heh heh...The pizza will make up for it, you'll see." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *walking through the mall, holding his new tea set and dishes in bags* "...Wonder where they all went..." lilac: *eating a crepe* ..... naho: *nom nom* yummy~ =u= Sakuya: "Not bad." *munch* Shamrock: "Oh, there you are. Where are the others?' naho: around. Mr. Tsubaki: *looking severely depressed* "Hello, my happy family. Is your existence better than my empty, unfulfilling life?" Sakuya: ._. Mr. Tsubaki: TT_TT Shamrock: "...Oh, dear. You ran into _her_ again..." lilac: Q-Q naho:.....crepe? Mr. Tsubaki: *takes one* *sniff* "Thank you..." *sad nom* naho: .....*awkward look at shamrock* lavender: we're baaaa- whats up with him? naho: he's in despair. lavender:....huh? naho: talking with that girl again left him in despair. Shamrock: "It'll be alright, Young Master..." *awkward look at Naho* Sakuya: "Yeah, we're here to have fun--so, you know, just enjoy the day..." *slight glare at Shamrock* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniff* "R-Right...I just...did not think I would see her here." lavender: hmmmm. how about a trip to the historical districts? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "That would be informational..." Shamrock: "I would be interested...Would you, Naho?" naho: sure ^^ -elsewhere- Emine: *making lemonade* "So, they turn sour fruits into sugary drinks?" mana: yea. Emine: "Hmm..." *spoons out a sample--and scrunches his face* "Too sour..." lin: ^^; Tool: *takes a spoonful* "...Hmm. Tastes fine to me." Emine: -_-; "Of course it would..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: [so much pain] -elsewhere- Yumi: *has paint and chalk stuck in her hair* -__-;;; kirika: you ok? Yumi: "Shiori has developed a love for arts and crafts...It has gotten messy." kirika: i noticed. Yumi: "I need a shower--could you watch your sister for a few minutes?" kirika: alright. shiori: kiwi! Yumi: "..." *snort laugh* kirika: 7////7; Gopher: *pops up from around the corner* " 'Kiwi'? I think you're sweeter than that." kirika: !!!! ......got in through the window again? Gopher: "...Yes. You should lock those." kirika: ....... -_-; shiori: *staaare* gubby! Gopher: "...Um...Hi, Shiori" -w- -elsewhere- Konro: "Good day, Sister." kirei: *she nods* commander. Konro: "How are you?" kirei: well....and yourself? Konro: "A little sore, but working through it. How are the twins?" kirei: they've been the same as usual. Konro: "So, a handful?" *small smile* kirei: i suppose, hehe. Konro: "Well, I will continue on my patrol. Good day." reimi: ........ -elsewhere- Black Star: *tapping the controller* "Jump, jump, jump!" sayaka: *pressing buttons* Black Star: *his character jumps--and falls off the edge of the screen* D: kilik: yikes. tsubaki: im back! Black Star: *smiling again* "Hey, Tsubaki!" *tosses controller to Soul* "How was your day out?" tsubaki: it went well... Black Star: "That's good. Bought anything?" tsubaki: i got a new cardigan. Black Star: "Sweet! Can I see it?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm..." Shamrock: "Surprising architecture." naho: it's nice. Sakuya: "Lilac, check out that building. Must be ancient." lilac: wow... Mr. Tsubaki: "I'd like to visit that building..." -inside- Shamrock: "Dusty..." Higan: *shiny eyes* "Such art! Such beauty! The decay of the past that persists in new forms! I have to draw it all!" naho: *gachoo!* =3= maybe the reason you like it so much is cause its old just like you. Higan: -_-;;; “Hey come on now, this old man still has feelings.” Shamrock: *small smirk...before he hands a tissue to Naho* naho: thanks. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at a painting* "Hmmm..." *reads the title on the frame...* " 'Princess...' I can't make out the name." lilac: ??? Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...She is beautiful." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzzz..." *yawns, wakes up* stocking: zzzzz...... Kid: *smiles, yawns, closes his eyes again as he hugs her* stocking: zzzzz...... Kid: *starts to dream...* -elsewhere- Anya: "Hmm...This souffle is just not working..." ao: perhaps we're lacking ingredients....or just talent. Anya: "I AM VERY TALENTED, YOU PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE MONSTER!" tsugumi: come on guys, lets try to get along. ^^; Anya: "Hmph...Why don't you just tell me how you really feel, Ao..." ao: eh? Anya: "If you think I am not talented, then just say so rather than leaving that accusation dangling like a question." *pout* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *passing out food at homeless shelter* "Here you go!" mana: *smiles* Person: *nods* "Thank you." Yohei: *fixing furnace* "Jeez, this building is old..." -elsewhere- otogiri: welcome home. *she fixed the wall* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello. We brought back some treats for you..." otogiri: thank you. Shamrock: "...Belkia did something stupid, didn't he?" *examines the wall* "...I can see the refurbished texture." otogiri:...define 'stupid'. Shamrock: "...I'll rephrase it. Did he do something expected or unexpected?" -otogiri explains what happened. and why belkia is locked in a dog cage- Mr. Tsubaki: "...At least you didn't need to muzzle him this time." Sakuya: "Hey, Naho? Want to poke Belkia with a stick?" naho: *poke poke* hehe~ Belkia: "Stop that! The only people who get to poke me with sticks are Mr. Tsubaki and my darling stabby sweetie pie!" naho: i know, but i just wanted payback for you biting a chunk out of my neck. ^^ Belkia: *frothing at the mouth like a dog...but barking like a tiny chihuahua* Sakuya: "..." *snort laugh* lilac: *hiding behind lavender* Q.Q Mr. Tsubaki: "It's okay, Lilac..." *deathly serious at Belkia* "Cease this barking, or you will have to wear the muzzle." Belkia: o___o; *wipes froth, sits down like a dog* "I'll be good..." naho: ^^ otogiri: did you have a good outting? lavender: you bet~ ^^ Higan: "Heh heh heh..." Mr. Tsubaki: "...It got better." otogiri: so what is our next step? Mr. Tsubaki: "First, again, no taking blood from live persons. Second, no killing humans. Third, we have enough blood from the blood bank to last another week. Fourth...I don't know. We need to take down those Sins..." lavender:....maybe we should do something to lure them here... Mr. Tsubaki: "What do they have that we could use as a lure...?" otogiri: perhaps one of their friends.... Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "I want you to do surveillance to determine which of their friends we can hold--not to kill, just to hold hostage." otogiri: understood. Mr. Tsubaki: "We can continue this discussion over dinner. Sham, prepare our meal." Shamrock: *bows* "Very good, sir. I also will bring Belkia's doggie dish." Belkia: *growl* naho: hehe~ ^w^ Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Lilac's shoulder* "You okay?" lilac:....y-yeah... Mr. Tsubaki: *smile* "Okay. Would you like to do something before dinner? Perhaps watch TV?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *adding frosting* "And the treats are just about done..." fang-hua: good job. Tsukiyo: "Hope this cheers up Konro and Beni-Hottie. I think the carrotcake will be delicious~" fang-hua: ^^; Tsukiyo: *finishes the cupcakes* "Want to follow me to their office to hand them in person?" -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* "I suppose my sleep schedule will be off for a bit..." stocking: zzzzzz.... Kid: *smiles, slowly gets out of bed to go downstairs to bring back...* kirika: yo. Kid: "Hello. How have things been while I was napping?" kirika: doing good. shiori: *in her playpen* ^o^ kid! Kid: "Shiori!" *picks her up* "Have you been a good girl?" shiori: hehehe ^^ Kid: *holds her, as he pulls down some donuts from a shelf* "I hope Stocking likes these when she wakes up..." -elsewhere- Relan: *looking around* mikami: hey relan. ^^ Relan: "Oh, hello. How has your day been?" mikami: i-it went well. ^^ Relan: *smiles* "That's good. What were you up to?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: *collapses on the couch* "So tired..." akaderu: no kidding.... Kepuri: *holds his hand* "What were you up to while I was at work?" akaderu:....sleeping mostly. Kepuri: "Awww...Are you feeling okay?" *rests a hand on his forehead* "Sick?" akaderu: nah... *blush* just my usual half-assed self as always... Kepuri: *pouts* "We just need to give you some encouragement. Look, I need you to work, because I'm exhausted, even with how much I'm being paid. At least a hobby to get you going..." akaderu:...i guess... 7///7; Kepuri: "So, what do you like to do?" *kiss on his cheek* -elsewhere- Ponera: *taps her finger on her throne* "..." soldier: we're prepared to make our next move. Ponera: "About time. I want an update: how many soldiers have you gathered?" soldier: estimate 200. Ponera: "Excellent. Have they been briefed on their target and location?" soldier: yes. Ponera: "Nals will be on this mission...Who is in command?" soldier: general Alvis, princess. Ponera: "Good." *hands documents to the Soldier* "Take these to the General. Remind him to keep Nals focused." soldier: understood. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *pats his lips with napkin* "Tasty meal, Sham." Shamrock: *bows* "Thank you, Young Master~" naho: ^^ Sakuya: *stretches* "Anyone up for watching some TV or films before bed?" -morning- Akitaru: *cooking breakfast* nozomi: *also helping* Akitaru: "Mmmm, those eggs look great, Nozomi!" nozomi: thank you. ^^ Arthur: *yawn* "Morning..." Takehisa: *putting out plates* tamaki: *nyaaaawn* shinra: morning. Akitaru: "Breakfast is ready--dig in!" Arthur: -\\\\\- ("Such a cute yawn...") -elsewhere- Shamrock: *yawns* -seems quiet- Shamrock: *looks around* ("...Did anyone let Belkia out?") lavender: mornin'. *she's in her underwear* Shamrock: x\\\\- "Morning. Shouldn't you be more dressed? What if the younger ones saw you like this?" lavender: they're still asleep by this hour. Shamrock: "...Oh. Good point. Were you not sleeping?" lavender: i woke up about a few minutes ago. Shamrock: "Hmmm...Breakfast?" lavender: i'll get higan up then, if we're starting early. Shamrock: "...Well..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Good morning~" stocking: morning kiddo~<3 Kid: *smooch* "Sleep well?" stocking: much better~ Kid: "Excellent." *stretch* "Interest in going out for breakfast?" stocking: sounds lovely~ Kid: *holds her hand, leads her out of bed* "Then we best start our day~" stocking: hehe~ -elsewhere- Anya: *in kitchen, muttering to herself* " 'Maybe you need talent'...Pheh! I just need to make the perfect dish...Maybe find some new ingredients this week..." EF: good morning. Anya: "...Good morning." *turns back to preparing ingredients* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *whispers* "Okay, Shotaro...Do your thing." Shotaro: *blows a whistle into Akaderu's face* akaderu: NGAAH! *CRASH* ......ow. Shotaro: "GET UP, BUDDY! WE'RE GOING JOGGING!" Kepuri: *smiles at Akaderu* "Meet your new life-coach, babe." akaderu: ...... im dead. -elsewhere- Belkia: *pout* "If you let me out of the cage, I'll be good..." otogiri: promise you wont attempt to drug anyone? Belkia: *fingers crossed behind his back* "I promise." otogiri:........*cold glare* shall i leave you at the mercy of sakuya? you know well he handles liars.... Sakuya: "She can see your fingers are crossed, you moron." *cracks his knuckles* Let him out--I'll take care of him." Belkia: o____o "I PROMISE! NEVER AGAIN! DON'T KILL ME! I PROMISE, PROMISE, PROMISE!" otogiri: ...very well. Sakuya: *watches, as Belkia is let out* Belkia: "Thank you! I would kiss your feet, but I don't want to be creepy..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "How is our little boy, Gabriella~?" gabriella: recovering. mostly. Hibana: "Did you get anything out of him? Such as whether he impregnated her?" gabriella: all i could get out of him was tears. Hibana: *slight smirk* "Bottle those men's tears?" *small laugh* "Okay. I believe he didn't do anything too awful, and this should scare him for the next week at least." -elsewhere- Nals: "How much further we have to travel?" alvis: a few more miles now. Nals: "Hmph. I can't wait to put on a performance..." -elsewhere- Lawless: *looking through a cookbook* "...Some good foods here. Been a while since I made something." romina: anything you had in mind? Lawless: "Don't know...Quiche?" romina: i think we have the fixins for that. Lawless: "Awesome! I'm up for this!" *puts on an apron* romina: *glances at the apron and snickers* Lawless: "...What? I don't want to dirty my fine linens." romina: did ya read it? julian:........*doesnt have the heart to tell lawless that kranz danced around wearing only that apron and nothing else the previous night* Lawless: "Yep! We got leftover piecrust, so just need the oven and to mix together the seasoning, some cheese, maybe bacon..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello, everyone!" naho: morning! lilac: zzz.... *still half asleep.* Mr. Tsubaki: "Everyone sleep well?" naho: *she nods* lavender: hell yeah. Sakuya: -_-; "TMI." Belkia: "I'm free of that cage--so I'm happy~" Shamrock: *pulls out Mr. Tsubaki's chair* Mr. Tsubaki: "Thanks, Sham." Shamrock: x\\\\- "I aim to please, Young Master.' naho: OwO 
 hmm...the old man is still asleep....oi bel, wake him up will ya? Shamrock: *blushes harder, seeing Naho looking at him and Mr. Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *looks back and forth at Shamrock and Naho* Belkia: "Okay..." *still seated at the table, then yells--* "HEY! HIGAN! WAKE UP!" *The sound of a body collapsing against the floor* Higan: *from afar* "...Ow." lavender: ...he's ok. Higan: *stumbles down the stairs...struggles a bit to get into a chair next to Lavender* Mr. Tsubaki: "...I'm sure he is. Sham, sit already and eat, before your food gets cold." *starts eating himself* Shamrock: *sits next to Naho* naho: o.o~? Shamrock: "...Um, could you pass the salt?" naho: sure. Shamrock: *takes the salt, his hand brushing against hers...slight shiver* "Th-Thanks..." Sakuya: *glaring at Shamrock* lilac: ?????????? Shamrock: "!!!" *looks down, grabs his fork to start eating--and knocks his glass of juice off the table and onto Naho* naho: D8> otogiri: *gives her a towel* Shamrock: "I-I'm so sorry! I-I'm sure that will come out...You can get a change of clothes and--" naho: *goes to her room to change* Sakuya: "Funny how that just happened 'accidentally'..." Shamrock: D:< "What's that supposed to mean?!" Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* "Please, stop fighting at this hour...Naho will be back, let's just eat." Shamrock: "...I should apologize." otogiri: *cold glare* you just stay right there. Shamrock: o____o;;; *sits* ("...She knows...") Mr. Tsubaki: "???" otogiri: *calmly drinks her coffee* Higan: *asleep on top of his plate of pancakes* lilac:......is he dead? Sakuya: "Nah, he's just sleeping...Hey, Lilac? Want to see who how many blueberries we can toss at his head before he wakes up?" lilac: o^o; Sakuya: *tosses a blueberry at Higan's head* "Ha ha!" Higan: *grumbles, but still sleeping* "No, the blue paint will bring out the color more...Zzz..." otogiri: .....*small smile* (thinking: at least he's showing some signs of happiness now...) Sakuya: *tosses two--which land in Higan's nose...* o_o; Higan: *struggles to breathe, opens his mouth...snores loudly* Sakuya: *covering his mouth, struggling to contain laughter* lilac: !!!!! uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Higan: *snorts loudly--and the blueberries fly out, one hitting Shamrock in his eye, the other hitting Sakuya in the back of his throat as he is laughing* Shamrock: "AAAAH! My one good eye!" Sakuya: *choking on the blueberry, gasping* otogiri: *strings around sakuya's waist, SQUEEEZE* lilac: UUUUUUHHHHHH Sakuya: *coughs up the blueberry, which rolls onto the table...* "Th-Thanks..." *wheeze, gasp* Shamrock: *removes a hand from his eye...it's red from the hit* "Ow..." Mr. Tsubaki: "Come, I'll check your eye and put some ice on it..." Shamrock: "Thank you, Young Master..." >____<;;; lavender:....*calmly drinking her bourbon.* Higan: *sits up, stretches* "...Bourbon? Where's mine?" lavender: *she hands him a bottle* here ya go. Higan: "Thanks, Lav..." *sips* "...Don't we usually have more people here at breakfast time?" -elsewhere- Giriko: "Feeling alright?" arachne: *she nods* yeah. Giriko: *whispers to her belly* "We're here for you, little one. Be safe." arachne: *warm smile and pets giriko's head* Giriko: "Heh...You know what I miss?" arachne: what~? Giriko: *smiles* "When you would play with my hair...then fix it up for me, so I looked all professional. And I would put on your shoes...take you out." arachne: hehe~ *running her fingers through his hair* Giriko: "I love you, so much." -elsewhere- Kuro: *cleaning his 3DS...* sayaka:...pokemon PVP? Kuro: "...Let's do this." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Looking through files..." soldier: and? Benimaru: "Nothing yet. Even with medical files and random examinations, no indication of anyone being an impersonator..." soldier: that is concerning... Benimaru: "Yes...We'll redouble efforts. I'm sure we will discover something soon." soldier: right! Benimaru: "Dismissed." *exits the building, looks around town* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Have fun hanging out with your friends today, okay?" izumi: ok! Spirit: "Your mom will pick you up at 3 PM. Call if you need anything!" izumi: *she nods* Spirit: "Later, Izumi..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *smooch* tsubaki: ^////^ Black Star: *hug* "Love you." tsubaki: hehe, i love you too. ^^ Black Star: *pats her back, sighs* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "I said I was sorry..." otogiri: ...... naho: its fine. Shamrock: "..." *nods, turns to leave...* lilac:.......??? Shamrock: *walks to his room* Sakuya: "Lilac? Something up?" lilac:....is anyone else c-confused on whats g-going on? Sakuya: "...Um..." *looks at Naho* Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes, I'm confused as well. Shamrock has seemed off." naho: maybe its all the cold? Mr. Tsubaki: "Perhaps...I'll go talk with him." naho: *NODNOD* owo Mr. Tsubaki: *goes to Shamrock's room, knocks* Shamrock: "Yes?" Mr. Tsubaki: "May I come in?" Shamrock: *instantly opens the door* "Of course, Young Master~" Mr. Tsubaki: *enters...* Mr. Tsubaki: *shuts the door* "You have been off lately. What's up?" Shamrock: x_.;;;; "N-Nothing?" Mr. Tsubaki: *stares* Shamrock: "I...have been spending some time with Naho, and it has been a bit awkward." Mr. Tsubaki: " 'Awkward'?" Shamrock: "...Awkward." Mr. Tsubaki: "...I see. Shamrock, perhaps you need to clear your head." Shamrock: "What would you advise, sir?" Mr. Tsubaki: "Focus on your work, including our missions. There is no point in letting people around you distract you." *tightens his scarf a bit more around his neck* -w- Shamrock: x_-; "That is challenging, sir." Mr. Tsubaki: *pats his shoulder* "I know you can do this. I believe in you." *smiles* Shamrock: x\\\\\o "Th-Thank you, sir..." Mr. Tsubaki: *half-hug, then stands to leave, reaching the door, opening it* -elsewhere- Kid: *pats his mouth* "So yummy..." stocking: ^^~<3 Kid: "Still have room for some post-brunch dessert?" stocking: yes please! Kid: *opens the dessert menu* Kid: "Something with chocolate..." -elsewhere- metsu: thank you for your patronage. -the customer leaves- Johannes: "Could've you have gotten them to buy more?" *pouts* metsu: to each their own. Jeje: *glares at Johannes* "I suggest you return to your 'research.'" Johannes: ._.; *steps back...* -knock knock- kyouko: newspaper delivery. Jeje: "??? Oh? I didn't expect a newspaper this late..." kyouko: well with the snow- sayaka: NO! NONONONONO! DONT STALL NOW!! SCOOTER WHY?! Johannes: *shiny eyes* "Sayaka-chyan!" *leaps for the door* sayaka: NOOOO!!! *tries to push the scooter....it crashes into a lamp post* Q~Q Johannes: "Hello, you colorful darling girl! How have you been? I haven't seen you in so long! Why don't you visit more? Let's step in and catch up--" sayaka: TTuTT (thinking: and this morning started off so well....) Johannes: "What are your favorite subjects at school, Sweet Pea?" Jeje: *whispers to Metsu* "Keep an eye on him..." kyouko: *backing away* metsu: understood. Jeje: *spots Kyouko* "???" kyouko: im just...gonna check the scooter. sayaka: wai-..... Q__Q (thinking: pleasedontleavemealonewithhim) Johannes: "You know, I heard 'Sayaka' means 'color.' I always like having more color in my life~" metsu: (thinking: as if he doesnt already....) -_-; Johannes: *stares at Sayaka* "I really appreciate how often you come here to buy from us." *holds up a doll* "How about this doll? It's just been lying around, doing nothing--" -elsewhere- Relan: *jogging through town* -elsewhere- Izuku: "I said--'Give me back that lady's purse!'" ochako: woah, and then what happened? Izuku: "...The thief recognized my uniform and asked for my autograph." ^^ ochako: wow! kyouka: that's just.....i have no words. Izuku: "They were the most cooperative thief I met, though. Turned themselves into the police and everything. So, I returned the purse and got here late. Um, sorry about that..." momo: well then. Iida: "Tardiness is not befitting a hero...but then you were late because you _were_ being a hero....I feel so conflicted." momo: considering the circumstances, i suppose we may give you a pass this time. Izuku: "Th-Thanks...I'm ready to work, now!" -elsewhere- Lily: "???' misono: *nervous* this was such a stupid idea, she isnt going to show up. .///////.; Lily: "Yes, she will!" *adjusts his shirt and hair* "You look great, by the way." misono: t-thanks. shinoa: hey~ ^^ misono: *screaming like a small child* Lily: *slaps a hand over Misono's mouth* "Hello, ma'am. A pleasure to see you~" shinoa: oh, you must be Lily then, i presume? Lily: "Indeed." *shakes her hand* "Misono has been excited for today. Haven't you, Misono?" *uncovers his mouth* misono: y...yeah... *sweating and staring at the ground* Lily: "Well, as your chaperone for this day, shall we depart, Miss Shinoa? Misono?" shinoa: that sounds lovely~ misono: y-yeah, sure. Lily: "Lead the way, then~" misono: *stiffly leads the way to a cafe* -in the bushes- hyakuya: i cant believe tsurugi convinced us to spy on them. -_-; mitsuba: i blame his stupid face. [tsurugi: pwitty pweeeease? *puppy dog eyes* oh! and if you see kuni-chan, tell him i miss him <3] *Hyakuya's phone vibrates--text message* hyakuya: ?? *she checks her phone* text: [target spotted?] hyakuya: [depends on wat U mean] text: [oh? someone else with them?] hyakuya: -_-; [who do U mean?] text: [i mean besides lust, his eve, and the eve's date] hyakuya: [nah. and she has a name u kno -_-# ] text: [and u have to follow them. so follow them] hyakuya: [k] *sighs* -and so, at the cafe- misono: so, you've been to death city before? shinoa: *she nods* i was actually in a theatrical performance. misono: i see... Lily: "I'm sure you gave an excellent performance. What was your role?" ???: "Hey, little bro!" misono: *dying on the inside* .________________. shinoa: ?? Mikuni: "Howdy, li'l lady. I'm Misono's older brother, Mikuni. How you doin'?" shinoa: *she smiles* Shinoa Hiiragi, charmed. hyakuya: oh, so _thats_ kuni-chan... mitsuba:.... *small blush* Mikuni: *pulls up a chair, sits* "Charmed, too. So, Misono, how long you been a-courting this young lady?" misono: where the hell did you even pick up that accent?! shinoa: we met at the christmas party at his house. i suppose it would be your house too? misono: .....thats...complicated. shinoa: oh. i see Mikuni: "..." *accent drops* "Yes..." *clears throat, smiles at Shinoa* "Happy to see my brother is making friends." hyakuya: so the accent is fake, thank god. shinoa: ^^ misono: i-i have friends! you met some of them! >3< Mikuni: "And more friends are great, too!" *whispers to Misono* "Especially a _girlfriend_..." misono: O///////////////////O shinoa: ?? Lily: *chuckles* Mikuni: "Shinoa, would you like to see some baby pics of Misono?" misono: LILY DONT ENCOURAGE HIM! MIKUNI DON'T SHOW HER ANYTHING! w-what about _you_, huh?! how's _your_ love life then?! shinoa: ^^; Mikuni: "I have my dolls." misono:......is that with innuendo or without? hyakuya: O_O mitsuba: this is stupid. *she gets up and walks over* hyakuya: MITSUBA! D8< mitsuba: hey. shinoa: oh, fancy seeing you here mitsuba. you you have a date as well? mitsuba: NO! we-.....just got worried about you. hyakuya: -____-; Mikuni: "??? Oh, more friends. Howdy! I'm Mikuni!" *pulls out a doll that looks like Mitsuba, speaks in higher pitch* "Pleasure to meet you!" mitsuba: um.... hyakuya: we heard you faking it. -_-; Mikuni: "??? The doll, or the accent? Because, of course dolls don't talk. I mean, at least this one doesn't. We did have one that talked--but we sold it to--" hyakuya: ???? mitsuba:....is that a snake? Mikuni: "???" *looks over his shoulder* Jeje: "Sssss..." Mikuni: "Huh. Forgot you were here." Jeje: *stares at Mitsuba* .___. mitsuba:...what? Jeje: *tongue comes out, licks Mitsuba's face* mitsuba: O_____O EEK! Mikuni: "D'aw, Jeje likes you!" shinoa: aww, he likes you ^^ Mikuni: "Jinx!" mitsuba: TnT Mikuni: "So, what are we ordering?" *opens up menu* -and so- mitsuba: .//////. Mikuni: "Tasty meal!" *notices Mitsuba* "???" mitsuba: WHAT?! >3< Mikuni: "Nothing'--you just look red. Was the food too spicy?" hyakuya: ....... mitsuba: im fine! Mikuni: "...So, Shinoa, who did your first date with Misono go?" shinoa: it went well. thank you for tonight. misono: -//////-;;; Lily: *small clap* "Yay..." hyakuya: is anyone else confused? Jeje: *still in snake form* "All the time." hyakuya: aaand that snake just spoke.....*downs her orange juice* Mikuni: "That's normal for us!" *smiles widely* -later- shinoa: well that went well. *enters base* we're back~ yumikage: how did it go? -hyakuya explains- mitsuba: it's mikuni's fault for ruining the whole evening! him and his creepy snake, and his stupid hat, and his smug, stupid, sexy, charming face. Jun: "...'Charming'?" mitsuba: >//////////> SHADDAP! Jun: "Well, you completed your night out for dinner, so back to work--" Tsurugi: "Did you bring leftovers from dinner?" hyakuya: here, knock yourself out. Tsurugi: -\\\\\- "Yummy..." *nom* yumikage: so, mitsuba, got a little crush on mikuni then? mitsuba: NO! >////< Jun: "So obviously a crush." mitsuba: SHADDAP! hyakuya: he's a bit old for you, dont you think? Jun: "Perhaps look for someone your own age." mitsuba: IDONTHAVEACRUSH! >n< shinoa: suuuuure you dont. Tsurugi: *nom nom nom* "Crush." mitsuba: UGH! im going to bed! GOOD FUCKING NIGHT! yumikage:....jeez, anger problems much? Jun: "Sweet dreams--of Mikuni." mitsuba: FUCK OFF! hyakuya: maybe she's off her sleep schedule? Tsurugi: "Milk can help people fall to sleep on a better schedule..." shuuhei: perhaps she's just menstratin- hyakuya: *GLARE* shuuhei:....just saying. Jun: "You shouldn't. Really." yumikage: *GLARE* shuuhei:.....*exits* Jun: "Not a bad idea for all of us to get a few hours of sleep..." -elsewhere- Lily: "I think that went well~" misono: *flustered* -////////////- if you say so... i need a long cold shower after this...stupid mikuni... Lily: "Aw...Let me scrub your back~" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *knocks on Lavender's door* lavender: yeah? Shamrock: "...May I ask your advice?" lavender: sure, whats up? Shamrock: "I feel conflicted, with desires..." lavender: oh? care to elaborate? Shamrock: "...I love Mr. Tsubaki. But I do not think he will reciprocate. And I have sexual desires that I want to fulfill, for my own sake. I feel like I am cheating on Mr. Tsubaki...and not doing well for others...like..." lavender: ah. conflictions of the heart, understandable. Shamrock: *nods* "Conflictions of the heart, and the body. I want a physical connection, and I want an emotional connection. Fulfilling both is difficult." lavender: ....*sighs* im not sure how well i can help you on this. in my line of work, the heart kind of numbs down after a while. *sad smile* Shamrock: "...I'm sorry. This does help, though, so thank you." lavender: anytime. Shamrock: *sigh* "Well, I will try to sleep this off...Good night." -morning- Anya: *stretches* "Can't wait to improve that recipe this afternoon..." tsugumi: *she nods* Meme: "You'll let us do a taste-testing, right?" Anya: "Of course. Just have to put the work into it." ao: then i wish you the best of luck~ Anya: *serene smile but angry voice* "Thank you, Ao~" tsugumi: OwO;;;;; mio: meme, did it just get colder in here? Meme: "Um...Maybe we should bring a sweater to school?" *nervous laugh, as she pushes Anya out of the room* "Let's get going, Anya!" -later- Lawless: *bored in class* "Ugh..." licht: *studying* Lawless: *stomach growling* "Come on, do we have to be here? I got things to do..." licht: yes, we're in school for a reason. kranz was insistent that i get an education outside of tutoring. Lawless: "Oh, like you need an education. You're Licht Jekylland Todoroki--the best pianist in the world!!!" teacher: *a-HEM* mr kranz? is there something you'd like to say to the class? Lawless: "...Verily! What value is there to these classes, if we shall not use them in our future? Our fates are decided, and rather than resist them, I choose to follow the rivers of time to my destination!" soul: -_-; english please? Lawless: "What's the point of this class?! How are we actually going to use this stuff in the real world?!!" -after school- Lawless: *rubs his cheek* "That teacher is harsh!" licht: you know the saying. 'talk shit, get hit'. Lawless: "Hold up--this is the shop where I wanted to get my groceries--" *spots someone* "!!!" Anya: *getting groceries* clerk: thank you for your patronage miss. ^^ Anya: "Thank you." *slight bow, exits--and spots Lawless and Licht* "???" Lawless: "!!!" *hides behind Licht* licht: hey. Anya: "Hello. You are Licht, yes?" licht: that's right. Anya: "I am...Anya Hepburn. You're music is most impressive." *looks behind him at Lawless* "...Why is that person hiding behind you like a scared hedgehog?" licht: dont mind him, he's....'special'. Lawless: *angry twitch* "I am Lawless...Are you a princess?" Anya: o\\\\\\\\o "WHAT?!" licht: she does have that air to her. Anya: "...Hmph!" *starts walking away* Lawless: "??? Was it something I said?" licht: ........ Anya: *bumps into someone* "Hey, watch where you are going!" Higan: "...Perhaps you should watch where you are going..." Anya: "???!!!" Higan: *smirks* "Such lovely hair..." *strokes a hand by it* Anya: *slaps away his hand* "Do not touch me!" *kick to his stomach* Higan: *grabs her ankle* "...Respect your elders, child." *charges a flame around his other hand* "The beauty of art is that it is silent, yet says so much." *sneers* "What music will your screams make?" Anya: *tugging away* "G-Get off of me! Unhand me! Help! HELP!" Lawless: "?!!! Licht!" licht: *KICKS AT HIGAN'S HEAD* back the fuck off. Higan: "ACK!" *falls back...his hand still around Anya's ankle...and..." *SNAP* Anya: "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! My leg!" licht: !!!! Lawless: "You bastard!" *leaps at Higan--* clerk: *checks the screams* !!! oh my god! *calls 911* Higan: *smacks Lawless away--knocking him through a wall* Higan: *stands over Anya, who is crying from the pain and trying to crawl away...he slams a foot down onto her back, and a pop is heard* Anya: "AHHH!" Higan: "Little caterpillar..." *charges a flame* "I will make a butterfly out of you~" licht: hyde!! *glares and kicks higan away* i take it you're up for round 2? Higan: *knocked back into a fire hydrant--drenching him in water* "Tch..." *spits out blood from his mouth* "This won't be a round...This will be your end. Enjoy your final crescendo, kid." Anya: *pulls herself away, biting her lip against the pain* licht: *to the clerk* get her out of here, we'll handle this. Lawless: "Licht!" *leaps towards him, ready to battle Higan* "You ready?!" clerk: r-right! *lifts anya and gets her elsewhere* Anya: *looks back at Lawless and Licht...* licht: way ahead of you. *has arm out* Lawless: *bite* Higan: *mad smile* "So begins the final performance..." licht: *pose* time for the archangel to pacify this devil. Lawless: "Licht, you are so cool~!" *swirls into a new form...* Higan: *looks around...the reality around him is looking like...a stage?* \everyone take your seats. the show is about to begin~\ Higan: "What the hell is going on?" licht: *playing phantom of the opera* \sing angel of music~\ Lawless: *emerges from shadows* "Old man, you shall know him, for he does not hide in the shadows! Look at your face in the mirror!" Higan: "Mirror?" Lawless: *holding up a mirror* "Mirror." -a younger higan is reflected in the mirror- *MIRROR SMASH TO THE FACE, knocking Higan towards Licht* licht: *KICKS HIGAN IN THE BACK* get wrecked. Higan: D:< "You stupid brat! I'm gonna--" -shink- Lawless: *a hedgehog spine pierces Higan's heart* Higan: *shudders* Lawless: "...That look on your face..." *smirks* "Such beautiful art." Higan: *clenches his teeth--slams his palm onto Lawless's chest* Lawless: "!!! Oh no--" Higan: "BURN!" *FIREBALL BLAST TO THE CHEST* -jekyll and hyde- licht: *KNEE TO THE FACE* Lawless: *panting, but...KICK TO THE SPINE* Higan: "ACK! RAWR!" *battered around like a doll* -CRASH THROUGH THE WINDOW- Higan: *smashes onto the floor, glass embedded in his body, as he gasps in pain, shudders* Lawless: *glaring at Higan* "Licht..." licht:.....that man....tsubaki. we'll leave this as a warning. he wanted a war, well he's got one. Lawless: "A war...a princess..." *shudders, collapses to his knees, clutching the wound on his chest* "Arg..." licht: hyde! are you ok?! Lawless: "B-Blood...Ophelia...War...No...No...I need blood..." licht:.... *slides the hoodie off, showing his neck* here... Lawless: *shudders, as he gives a small bite, draining a bit of blood* "Th-Thanks..." -morning- sagami: we got a letter.....from _him_... tsubaki: ?! Lily: "You mean...?" misono: the next major battle in this conflict is about to begin... Kuro: "..." ("Again...") tetsu: so what's the plan? Kuro: "...I think it is time for a one-on-one conversation...with our 'brother.'" mahiru: ......right. Kuro: "...Tsubaki. Will you lead us to their estate?" tsubaki:......did they say to meet anywhere? sagami: they said to meet at the parking garage at the mall... Kuro: "Hmph...What do we know about the location? Its exits, fixtures, occupancy? Will there be bystanders?" -and so, a few days later- misono: .....i have a bad feeling about this. Lily: "...Misono. I'm still not back to my previous strength." misono: *nods*..... tetsu: so this is the place then? misono: they said to go to the top floors.... Hugh: "Hmph..." tsubaki: ........ mahiru: you sure you'll be ok? tsubaki:....*she nods* im this far involved now, no point in turning back. Kuro: "..." *pat on her shoulder* tsubaki: ..... -top floor- misono:......it's empty.... tetsu: ....... *Confetti explodes* misono: ?!?! Belkia: "Welcome, boys and girls! Children of all ages! To the greatest show--" *pops up behind Misono* "--of your short lifetime..." misono: !!!! tetsu: misono!! Belkia: *pulls out a set of scarfs from his sleeve--which he spins and wraps around Misono, before pulling and sending him twirling along the floor like a top* "Spin, toy, spin!" misono: ABWABWABWA *CRASH* ugh...ow... tetsu: !!!! *throws the coffin at belkia* Lily: "Misono!" *picks him up* "Wake up!" Belkia: *coffin to the head, knocking him down* "...Ow." Hugh: *pops up out of the coffin* "Good day!" *swings his staff at Belkia, knocking him into the pillar* misono: im...im fine.. *wince* lavender: oh, fancy seeing you here again, hun~<3 misono: !!!! you! Belkia: "...Heh." *lands feet first against the pillar...and springs come off his shoes, knocking him forward at Hugh* lavender: did you want to play again~? Hugh: "??!!!" Lily: "Misono!" *sweeps his leg at Lavender's feet* lavender: *jumps up and kicks him in the chest* oh my~ so you like to play rough~? otogiri: -_-; Lily: *cough, smiling* "Indeed~" *stands without pain* "We shall dance~" *moves across Lavender, comes behind her, and punched her in the back of the neck* otogiri: (thinking: its unfortunate that higan is too wounded to fight as well...) lavender: *cough* tch-, you cheeky bastard. Belkia: *blocking Hugh's strikes of his cane...before he takes off his hat* "I tip my hat to you, Old One." Hugh: "Hmph." *smirks* "It is proper to respect your elders." Belkia: " 'Elder,' yes." *reaches into his hat* "But you just look like a baby who shit his diaper--" *pulls out his Box of Chaos* Hugh: "?!!!" *SLAM* misono: !!! tetsu: HUGH! Belkia: "The Old One has volunteered for the mystical BOX...OF...CHAOS!" Kuro: "???!!! No!" Belkia: "Yes..." tetsu: !!! Hugh: "Wh-What?! Where am--" Mr. Tsubaki: "Big Brother...Hello." Hugh: "??!!! You..." -slash- -a loud boom is heard upstairs- licht: ?! Lawless: *looks up* "Oh no...Licht! Hurry!" mahiru: upstairs! *runs up, with licht and tsubaki following behind* Belkia: "And he's gone." tetsu: ...... you....you BASTARD!!! -upstairs- tsubaki: !!!! mahiru: no..... naho: .... lilac:...... licht: but...how....? mahiru: that's impossible, tetsu and hugh have such a strong bond- Belkia: "My Box of Chaos is quite magical, is it not? I had to save that trick--get rid of the most powerful of you. And so long as I transport to the right location--POOF!--he will be taken care of..." lilac: ...... -the group arrives upstairs- Hugh: "Urk!" *collapses* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...The power to end Sins...To improve this world...To wipe it away of impurities..." mahiru: what did you do?! Mr. Tsubaki: "What must be done...What Father---Teacher, wanted..." *looks at Kuro* "..." licht: tch-, hyde, let's put an end to this shit. Lawless: "Right! I just need--" lilac:.......... (saku: your friends, they died because they were weak) (mei: you're a new subclass, right? my name's kaede, but you can just call me mei if you like) (tadashi: here, you need blood.) (mei: if we work really hard, then mr tsubaki will be really happy with us!) lilac: *runs and lawless, grabbing the dogtag with tears in his eyes* mahiru: !!!!! licht: !!!!!! Lawless: "!!!" *took shocked to move* "...No..." Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Good, Lilac..." lilac: *backing up to mr tsubaki* im...im sorry.....i.....its not fair... greed...i...I CANT FORGIVE YOU! *almost in hysterics* mahiru: .... Lawless: *stunned silent* ("...I...can't move...") Kuro: *stares at Mr. Tsubaki* "Don't you dare..." *shows his claws* "You do this...I swear...I will kill you." lilac: mahiru, i appreciate....you all being so kind to me.....and you probably hate me now....i understand.....someone like me...shouldnt be forgiven....someone like me....is better off dead....right? naho: *teary eyed* lila..... Lawless: "B-Brother..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *opens his hand to Lilac* lilac: *hands the tag over* .....im....sorry..... tsubaki: ..... ??? camellia flowers? Mr. Tsubaki: *the flowers fall from his sleeve...he reveals a shadowy hand* tsubaki: ?! what? licht: some kind of shadow magic? Mr. Tsubaki: *stares at Tsubaki* "...I am sorry." Kuro: "No!" *ROARS, rushes at Mr. Tsubaki, slowly transforming...* -SLICE- licht: !!!!!....no.... mahiru: !!!!! Lawless: "..." *a slash appears on his chest...as Jinn explodes out of him, knocking back cars throughout the garage* naho: !!!!! lilac: ..... naho: *grabs lilac's hand* come on! we have to go now! -they run downstairs- Mr. Tsubaki: "Ha ha...Ha ha ha! HA HA H--" Kuro: *tackles Mr. Tsubaki in a lion-esque form* Kuro: "BASTARD!" Mr. Tsubaki: "...Bored now." *slashes his hand into Kuro's chest, knocking him back...and blood is pouring out of Kuro* mahiru: KURO!!! Kuro: "!!!" *slowly reverts to a more human form* "Mahiru...Leave." *stands again* "I have to take care of him...My brother..." Lawless: *screaming, his body writhing across the floor, Jinn pouring out of him* mahiru:...no! we'll handle this together! licht: HYDE!! Kuro: "...Mahiru...I am sorry." *pushes him back towards Licht, as he rushes at Mr. Tsubaki, clutches him--and knock them both through the wall, as he assumes his monstrous lion form* -at C3's base- Jun: "...Goddamn it." tinker: woah! we have a mass jinn possesion at the shopping center! hyakuya: holy shit! mitsuba: i take it we gear up? Jun: "You got 30 seconds." *taps a control panel, causing the van on auto-driver to stop in front of them...* shinoa: right. yumikage: way ahead of ya! -at the shopping plaza, several jinn possessed people are making their way to the garage, almost in a zombie like trance- Kuro: *standing atop the garage, holding Mr. Tsubaki in his mouth, clamping his teeth down onto him* *Mr. Tsubaki's blood trickles down from the top of the garage* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Heh. All according to plan..." Kuro: "???" *The sky starts to rain blood...that forms into swords* Kuro: "?!!!" tsubaki: !!!! -in the mall- ochako: WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?! tsuyu: this is weird, even for death city. Izuku: "!!! Those people--they look--" kyouka: guys, momo's not looking so well. momo:.......*shuffling to the garage* ochako: MOMO! SNAP OUT OF IT! Iida: "MOMO!" *tries to take her by her wrist--* -back at the garage- *Swords are falling around the garage, people barely dodging them* Mr. Tsubaki: "A world without sin...That is what you wanted, did you not, Brother, when you killed him?" Kuro: "..." Mr. Tsubaki: "Such an annoyance..." *lays his hand on Kuro's snout--shattering his lion form, reverting him to his human form* mahiru: KURO!! Kuro: "AAAAH!" *knocked back atop the garage's roof* tsubaki: please.....stop it.... Mr. Tsubaki: *lands easily on the rooftop...* "...When you killed your brother, Tsubaki, what were his last words to you?" tsubaki: .......*she doesnt reply.* ..... -downstairs- otogiri: seems we have visitors. -several people are shuffling to the subclass and lily- misono: !!! we have to stop them! Lily: "Misono...Be ready to knock them out, not kill them..." misono: right!. Shamrock: "This Jinn...It possessed them." *stands* "Be ready to kill." lavender: oh well, if they insist~ *goes over to one guy and bites into his neck* Lily: *annoyed twitch* "WHAT DID I JUST SAY ABOUT NOT KILLING, YOU FOOLISH SUBCLASS?!!!" Shamrock: *smirks, rushes at humans* tetsu: *PUNCH* Shamrock: D: *knocked across the ground* Sakuya: "Lavender, stop!" *grabs her arm* lavender: ?? Sakuya: "These people...They are being affected...and Mr. Tsubaki did not ask us to do this..." lavender: why not bring it up to him then? he's upstairs. Sakuya: "..." *looks at Tetsu* "Stop them...Save these people...Please..." *runs up to Mr. Tsubaki* tetsu:...right. naho: *coming down the stairs with lilac* what's going on?! where's sakuya? Shamrock: *wiping his bleeding nose from Tetsu's kick* "He went back to Young Master..." -upstairs- Kuro: *bleeding, slices by Mr. Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: *cackling madly* "What did Teacher say to you before you killed him?!" Kuro: "He said nothing." *slashed* tsubaki: this isnt how i wanted it..... Mr. Tsubaki: *laughing* "No, really! What did he say to you?!!!" Kuro: *silent* tsubaki: i wanted....to resolve this peacefully... Mr. Tsubaki: *the gleefully mad looks fades from his face* "...Teacher...said nothing?" *deathly serious* "Or...you didn't _let_ him speak?" Kuro: "..." licht: HYDE! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *picks his sword up, ready to bring it down onto Kuro's head* tsubaki: STOP IT!! *runs in* Lawless: *the Jinn starts to recede...* "L-Licht...M-My-My name-t-t-t-tag..." Mr. Tsubaki: *slams the sword down* tsubaki: *bracing for impact* licht: *grabs the two halves of the name tag and grabs lawless* Lawless: *clutches Licht...and has a spasm, shuddering as his condition stabilizes...* -shink- Mr. Tsubaki: "???!! No..." tsubaki: !!!! mahiru: ......!!!!! Sakuya: "..." *coughs blood* *Blood splashes everywhere from Sakuya...across Tsubaki's face* Sakuya: "S-Sir...Master? S-Stop..." Mr. Tsubaki: *stares in horror...* "Sakuya...Why?" mahiru: sa.....SAKUYA!!!!!! Sakuya: *cough* "N-No more...Please..." *collapses* Mr. Tsubaki: *horrified* tsubaki: .......!!!!! Mr. Tsubaki: "...Heh. Ha. Ha ha..." *starts cackling madly, as he starts crying* "Oh, Big Brother! I am so much like you, aren't I?" Kuro: "...Yes...because we fail to take responsibility for our actions..." Mr. Tsubaki: "???!!!" Kuro: *forms a key from his blood and black energy...that appears before Tsubaki and Mahiru* Kuro: "Just need a lock--" tsubaki: let me.... mahiru: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *Kuro slams his fingers into Mr. Tsubaki's chest, opening a cavity in the shape of a keyhole* Kuro: "Now, Tsubaki!" tsubaki: i was dragged into this...if this will tell me the answer, then i want to know the truth. no matter how painful.... Mr. Tsubaki: *gasping in pain* "M-My heart? What are you doing?" tsubaki:.....its ok.....i just.....want to understand you. Kuro: "Tsubaki! Do it!" Mr. Tsubaki: "I-I don't want you to see this! Please, don't..." -tsubaki find herself in a strange place- tsubaki:....is this....? *there is a black fox at her feet* Fox: "Teacher loves us. He loves his children. He wants a family. But his family does not love him." tsubaki:......? *she walks along through the old town, and sees a young man, weeping, and a girl laying dead in her bed* ?? Fox: "A world of death...A world of sins...It isn't fair to say goodbye to those you love, is it?" tsubaki:......*remembering her brother*..... Fox: "If you could save someone, would you? Would you be willing to have a world free of sins? A world free of those vices that spread misery? Lust that corrupts love; greed that corrupts charity; wrath that corrupts passion; gluttony that corrupts sustenance; pride that corrupts accomplishments; sloth that corrupts action...envy that corrupts bonds...Masamune..." tsubaki: ...... Fox: "And melancholy that destroys motivation...makes you wish the world would end...that you would end. That you were no longer here." tsubaki: that's not right....there is always sin and virtue, light and dark, good and evil....yin and yang. a perfect balance between them. Fox: "...What could there be to balance any of these sins? To kill your own father? To kill your own brother? What could ever make up for losing your family? I..._He_, lost his family. Tsubaki lost his family...Sloth took Father from me--him." tsubaki:...i cant change the past...all i can do now is move forwards. this world can be cruel, but if you look hard enough, it can be quite beautiful. *holding a bouquet of camellia flowers* Fox: *stares at the flowers* "...Those are...What are those--" Young Man: *stops walking...sees something ahead of him* "...No!" *runs in the direction of an explosion* tsubaki: ?! *she runs after him...only to find a ruined building*.... !!! Young Man: *people race past him in the opposite direction...he looks up to see towering over the building...a Black Lion* "...Brother?" Black Lion: *ROWR* Young Man: *crying* "No! Brother, no! Listen to me! Don't--" tsubaki: !!! *SNAP* Young Man: "..." *collapses to his knees, as the Black Lion runs away* Fox: "...No. There can be no forgiveness. No wiping this sin away." *Rain falls* Fox: "Nothing can wash this away..." tsubaki: ........*tearing up* Young Man: *crawls towards the ruins...* "Teacher? Father? No...Please, wake up. Wake up! Wake up!!!" tsubaki:........ -all that remains, is a crumpled, bloodied mess- Young Man: "...They look like...camelia flowers..." tsubaki:..... Young Man: " 'Tsubaki'...Tsubaki..." *small laugh...he picks up the Teacher's coat, putting it on, as he clutches his right arm* "Ha ha ha..." -several visions can be seen- -a pink haired man preforming a show- -a soldier with a missing eye laying on a battle field- -a young nurse injecting something into herself- -a man who is surrounded by flames- -a young boy laying dying at the ground- -a boy who is wrapped in a blue tarp at the edge of a river- -two teenagers inside a wrecked car- -a young woman who lay bleeding in an ally- -a girl with blue hair with a chunk missing from her neck- -a man shooting himself through the head- -a woman impaled on a man's arm- -a child laying in a hospital bed- Mr. Tsubaki: "I wanted a family. I wanted to be loved. I wanted to balance it--to get back something I lost. There should be balance in this world. Well, what is there to balance the pain I have felt? Melancholia is a desire for that which is lost...and I keep losing. What more will I lose in this world?" tsubaki:......*she walks up to him....and gives him a tender hug* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! St-Stop...I don't deserve this..." tsubaki: you've suffered so much.....but you arent alone..... you do have people who care for you..... perhaps, you just needed someone to reach out to you. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *cries* tsubaki: ....*rubs his back* shhh, its ok....just let it out... *The rain around them continues to fall...but are cleaner...forming a pool of water that expands...The sky turns blue, clouds form...and camelia petals blow around them* Mr. Tsubaki: *sobbing* "Father! Why couldn't I have been there?! I could have saved you! Brother, why?! Why did you do this to us?! We lost him...We all lost him!" tsubaki: *humming* Mr. Tsubaki: *sobbing, clutching her* "I can't go on! I want it all to end!" tsubaki: shhh....its ok...im right here..... Mr. Tsubaki: *his crying persists, but his sobs stop* "Sakuya..." -downstairs- Shamrock: *knocking back "zombies," biting a few* "Heh...Like old times..." Jun: "Yo." Shamrock: "???" hyakuya: HYAAAAAH!!! *charging at him* lilac: !!!!! naho: !!!! Shamrock: "!!!" *body-slammed* koyuki: *possessed by jinn, shuffling to lily, but collapses* nngh misono: ?!.... !!!!! shinoa: *holding a black and green scythe* oh, fancy seeing you here. misono: s-SHINOA?! shinoa: ....i'll explain later, for now, lets deal with this. misono: r-right! Lily: "We begin~" Shamrock: "Get off of me!" Jun: *holy water Super Soaker spray to Shamrock's face* Shamrock: "GAK! My eye!" hyakuya: DIE YOU BLOOD SUCKER! naho: SHAM!! Shamrock: "Naho! Get everyone out of here!" *desperately swinging his fists--hitting Hyakuya in the stomach* lavender: shit, we gotta bail, now! *she takes lilac and runs with otogiri and belkia* naho: but what about you? they- Belkia: "Hold up! We can't leave Sham behind!" Shamrock: "GO!" *tackles Hyakuya--and lunges at her neck* hyakuya: GRK-...im not....gonna be LIVESTOCK!!! *blocking him* Shamrock: *hands crash again Hyakuya--and he wails in pain* "Damn! That hurt!" hyakuya: i made a promise to my family, that i would take out every last one of you damn vamps, even if it kills me! mitsuba: NOW'S NOT THE TIME FOR YOU TO BE TALKING ABOUT YOUR TRAGIC PAST! WE HAVE A JOB RIGHT NOW! hyakuya: D8< Shamrock: *looking at his wrists...his right one looks broken* "Damn it...What happened to me?" Jun: "Holy water. Evens the playing field." *kick to Shamrock's back, knocking him towards Mitsuba* -upstairs- mahiru: *exposing his arm* come on sakuya, you need to drink. Sakuya: "I-I...I can't...C-Can I?" Kuro: *observing Tsubaki and Mr. Tsubaki* "Please...wake up...Do not go..." mahiru: *he nods* it's what friends are for, right? tsubaki: *waking up* nnn.... *her eyes open* Sakuya: "..." *bites* Mr. Tsubaki: *crying in his sleep* "I'm...I cannot...I cannot..." mahiru: *wince*.... tsubaki:....*she hugs him* if you need to talk, i'll leave the door open... Mr. Tsubaki: *his eyes open, feeling her near him* "...Tsubaki...I cannot be here...I will...have to leave." tsubaki:....*she writes something down* here....if you need to talk.....i'll try to convince black*star to reach out too. -its the address to her new residence- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* *looks at Sakuya* "...Mahiru...Stand aside." Sakuya: "???" mahiru:....*backing up* ???: upstairs! head upstairs! mahiru: ?! Mr. Tsubaki: *lays a hand over Sakuya's wound...healing it completely* *hears the noise* "...That's my cue to leave. Sakuya...I release you, and your family, from my service. This...is a path I walk alone. Goodbye." *runs* tsubaki: wai- Mr. Tsubaki: *hugs her tightly* Mr. Tsubaki: "Please...take care of my family." tsubaki: ah. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *kiss on her cheek* tsubaki: *small blush* !! Mr. Tsubaki: *lets go...looks at her...and leaves his glasses behind, as he runs away* tsubaki: ..... Jun: *from afar* "This way! He's escaping!" mahiru: !!! kuro, sakuya! lets go! Sakuya: *struggling to move* "O-Okay...Get my family out of here...Please, Tsubaki..." tsubaki:...r-right. mahiru: *summons broom, and positions sakuya onto it* hold on. Sakuya: "What else would I do...?" Jun: "You! Stop!" *pursuing Mahiru* mahiru: *flies off* tsubaki: wait.....he's not a threat. Jun: "...Damn. We only caught one of those subclasses...and Melancholia escaped." tsubaki:....i'll handle them. Shuuhei: "You? What can you do?" tsubaki:...i think i have something in mind...*small smile* i'll resolve this peacefully. -on a rooftop some ways away- Mr. Tsubaki: *lands on the rooftop* "...My family...My blossom...I love you all...Please, be safe." -at the mansion- naho:....they still arent back.... Belkia: "Damn it...We shouldn't have left." lilac:........*trembling* lavender: hey, its gonna be ok... im sure the three of them will be back any moment... -outside- mahiru: so this is the place then? Kuro: "..." Sakuya: "Yeah..." *panting* "Jeez, that still hurts..." mahiru:...so you're really going to stay with them then, huh? Sakuya: "I need to...I can't leave him alone..." mahiru: ?? Sakuya: "...Kuro...I think you should stay here..." Kuro: "..." mahiru:..... Kuro: "Okay...Mahiru, are you going in with him?" Sakuya: *grunts, struggling to keep balance* mahiru: .....you ok? Sakuya: "...I had a hand jabbed into me." *smirk* "Do I _look_ okay? Help me in already." Kuro: "Do it. I'll be out here if you need me..." *opens 3DS* mahiru: ah, right! naho: ?? !!! SAKUYA! lilac: s-sakuya! *they hug him* Sakuya: "H-Hey, guys...Um...Ouch! That's still sensitive." Belkia: "SAKUYA!!!" *bear hugs Naho, Lilac, and Sakuya* otogiri:....*looks at mahiru* mahiru:.....i'll just be going now. otogiri:...tsubaki...shamrock...they arent with you? Belkia: "???" -mahiru explains- otogiri:...then we'll wait for his return. Sakuya: "...'Return'?" lavender: hell yeah, after all he did for us...just bailing wouldnt be right. Belkia: *sniff sniff* "TSUBAKYUUUN! We need our daddy home!!!" otogiri:....i believe he will return, some day. its...just a feeling i have....for now, we should pack our things..... naho: ?? Belkia: "...Moving? Again? Boo! I like this place..." otogiri:...he gave us instructions, to go to _that_ place.... -evening- tsubaki: and that's what all happened. stocking: damn.... Kid: "...Tsubaki, I'm so sorry..." Black Star: *serious face* tsubaki:.... im not sure what will happen next...but i intend to face it head on....*She holds black*Star's hand* Black Star: Q___Q tsubaki: *she hugs him* -knock knock knock- stocking:....??? *she answers* yes? Black Star: "???" lilac:...um...........uhhhhhh... lavender: hey. naho: hi. *waves* otogiri: pardon the intrusion. Belkia: "Howdy!" Black Star: "Lilac? Weird woman? Naho? Nurse woman? Crazy circus fucker?" Belkia: *whispers to Naho* "I think he called _you_ the weird woman..." otogiri: higan, sakuya, the door is open you know. stocking: O_________O -__________- oh god dammit... naho: >Xp
0 notes
goodlawdmaude · 8 years ago
Madrid, Spain
Day 1 (3/24)
After landing in Madrid, navigating our way to our AirBnB, and napping for two hours, Jarod and I were woken up around 1:30pm by a knock at the door. Our host had told us that a man named Ous would come to clean the apartment at 2pm. What she didn’t mention was that Ous--while incredibly nice--did not speak any English. In a mixture of Spanish and charades, we managed to agree that we would leave the apartment for an hour so that he could clean. 
In a daze, we piled on our layers (it’s cold in Madrid in March!!) and headed out. We walked through the Barrio (neighborhood) of La Lavapies and into La Latina, walking until we came to La Real Basílica de San Francisco el Grande. We sat in a plaza on the South side of the church, admiring the structure’s large, yellow dome and resting our very weary bones. From there, we wandered North past El Palacio Real de Madrid, through La Plaza de Oriente, and finally back through the center of Madrid to our apartment. 
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Even though my body was dull with exhaustion, taxed heavily by the previous day/night, I was awestruck by the beautiful city streets and extravagant monuments. Everything was picturesque. There were balconies on every building with ferns growing in ornate pots and flower beds snuggled up against decorative railings. At crosswalks and through cafe windows, I saw people smoking cigarettes and sipping espressos; talking quickly, excitedly, rhythmically with wide eyes and exaggerated hand gestures. We were in a new place, and I was stoked to explore it!! 
By now, it was around 4:30pm, and we were hungry. We set off in search of a restaurant nearby and found two whose kitchens were closed. This was our first inconvenient encounter with ~siesta~. Even hungrier now, we found a market and bought tortellini and vegetables to cook back at the apartment. That night, we were in bed by 8:30. 
Day 2 (3/25)
Our first real (still surreal) morning in Madrid, we woke up at a reasonably early hour after an unreasonably excessive amount of sleep. We made eggs at home, then went to a nearby cafe recommended by our host, Maria. Again, it felt like there was culture everywhere. The people around us were dressed neatly in scarves and hats and boots (still freezing!), ordering pastries and warm drinks, dipping the former into the latter and eating them slowly and gracefully. Here, we each got two coffees and drank them quietly, soaking up the environment around us. I admit I was (I still am) a bit self conscious; I didn’t want to speak too much or too loudly in my ugly American accent and identify myself as an obnoxious outsider. 
At this cafe, we started to suspect that coffee in Spain is different than coffee in the US. In Spain, a coffee is served small in a cute little teacup on a saucer with a packet of sugar on the side. You can order a couple different variants--cafe solo (shot of espresso), cafe americano (still small), or cafe con leche (larger, but half milk)--but there is no order that will get you a giant mug of good old fashioned black coffee. (”Cafe negro” will get you the prompt: “Cafe Americano?” to which you will nod, confused and disappointed when you get a tiny teacup of slightly diluted espresso.) I digress. 
From the cafe, we headed to El Museo Del Prado, where we spent hours admiring--or more often puzzling over --thousands of paintings. My favorite was a small piece, entitled “The Painter’s Children,” which portrayed two young girls lounging on a futon, one wrapped in a pretty Japanese blanket, the other sprawled on a cushion. Jarod’s was a huge portrait of a Roman (??) leader dead in a bathtub--a suicide referenced as honorable in The Godfather. 
When we thought we might die of hunger, we tore ourselves from the Prado despite only seeing (maybe) half of the art on display. We wandered up the street and into a tapas restaurant. This was when we truly started embracing Spanish culture with a mid-day glass of wine and four sequential plates of tapas rich with meats, cheeses, and oil. This was also when I learned that a “Russian salad” does not contain lettuce, but lots of potatoes and mayonnaise. 
We went back to our apartment, took naps (Jarod) and studied the city (Lizzy). Still feeling full and generally out of sorts, we headed to the Santa Ana square//Barrio de Las Letras (the literary district, where the paving stones of the main street are engraved with some of the best known lines from 16th and 17th century Spanish literature). We got mixed drinks and a plate of tortillas and hummus at a hipster joint full of trendy young people, then proceeded to a lively gin bar called Carbones 13, where we each had a gin and tonic--the first that I have ever truly liked. 
We stopped at home briefly before rushing out to catch an authentic live flamenco performance at a bar on our corner, El Candela. We put our names down to reserve seats, then had half an hour to kill before the performance started. We spent that time in a lively, divey Bodega (wine bar) down the block. Our drinks were cheap (5€ for two) and came with a plate of potato chips. 
The performance itself was fabulous. There were only 4 people on stage and only one who danced. It was the first flamenco I’ve ever seen live, and I was struck by the drama of the production. The dancer’s heels banged loudly on the hollow stage floor, the tassels of her outfit swung wildly as she moved, and her face and hands were full of intense emotion. The crowd shouted “ole!” and the end of each piece--and sometimes during--to show their appreciation and admiration. (I didn’t know that was a real thing, but I loved it.)
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After, we went home and stayed up a while longer, confused as to what time zone we were in. Suddenly, it seemed quite late--3 or 4am--but we were not exactly to be counted on to know the time. Little did we know, day lights savings had occurred that night; a phenomenon which would further confuse us in the morning. 
Day 3 (3/26)
We woke up around 10am, with 1pm lunch reservations at one of the oldest restaurants in the world quickly approaching. Jarod was a little hungover as we embarked towards Botín for our lunch date. He ordered shrimp, which came with the legs and heads still attached. Decapitating them was a task that hungover Jarod liked even less than spry Jarod would have. I ordered cod, which was smothered in a soup of delicious tomato sauce and was impractically humongous (I am notorious for clearing my plate and could only eat half). We drank half a pitcher of sangria--which may have been ambitious given the night before, but when on vacation...--and finished the meal up with a DIVINE chocolate mousse cake. The meal was tasty, but pricey (80€) and the restaurant itself was lovely, but packed with tourists (ourselves among them). It didn't turn out to be quite the cultural endeavor I had imagined, although we did see (what I imagine to be) some very traditional Spanish dishes, such as "baby squid, cooked in his own ink." Harsh.
After lunch, we went in search of Madrid's famous flea market: El Rastro. I had the driving interest in El Rastro, but had done a poor job of researching the actual location (I knew it was in La Latina from 10am-3pm... And not much else). In our search for the market, we stumbled upon a giant amphitheater type hole in the ground, covered in weeds and graffiti and tattooed young people. There were two guys playing live music, the speaker too weak to allow us to hear them from the entrance ramp on which we stood. It was a little silly, but I felt alive being there, like I was seeing an authentic, grimy part of modern life in Madrid.
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With Jarod's guidance, we finally found El Rastro as it was closing down. We walked through the stalls of leathers, rugs, fans, and clothing, admiring everything but avoiding wanting anything (I could hardly order coffee for myself let alone haggle with a street vendor). At the end of the road, we found ourselves at an old tobacco factory, La Tabacaleria, that had long ago shut down and repurposed as an art gallery. Atlas Obscura had called this out as one of the hidden gems worth seeing in Madrid, and there was no entry fee, so we headed in.
The art exhibit was eerie--one piece was a TV hung from the rafters and entwined in a chain, broadcasting silent black and white footage--fitting for the cold and dark hallways of La Tabacaleria. There were lots of other videos in Spanish (which we didn't watch), but also some cool images of Mayan ruins (which interested me more).
When we finally got back home, we siesta'd--as is the Spanish way--and woke up some time later, ready to get our first real exercise in. We went to the Parque Del Buen Retiro, and ran around its perimeter, then walked through the interior, stopping to admire the Palacio De Velazquez, Palacio De Crystal, and a man-made lake--full of couples in paddle boats--that flanks the Monumento a Alfonso XII.
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Our stomachs were still very confused so we elected to make dinner at home that evening, stopping by the market for rice, chicken, and vegetables. 
Day 4 (3/27)
By day 4, you would think we would have at least somewhat adjusted to Spanish time. And in a way we had: we were waking up late, taking naps in the afternoon, and staying up later. So on day 4, we slept in. When we finally tore ourselves from the cozy den of bed, it was around 11am. We still needed coffee, so we headed out towards La Plaza Mayor and stepped into a coffee shop along the way. 
From the Plaza, we headed out to revisit the west side of Madrid: the Royal Palace we had seen on day 1 in a daze, the old theater (Teatro Real) we had missed entirely, and the Egyptian temple (Templo De Debod) we hadn't known about. After walking for several hours, we were famished. We came home, pooled some leftovers to snack on, then exercised in our living room and cleaned up in preparation for our impending departure.
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We headed out for our final dinner. We planned to go to Museo Chicote: an old restaurant and “Madrid landmark” frequented by famous people (Ernest Hemingway among them). However, it was closed (as are a lot of shops and restaurants on Monday in Madrid, apparently). We backtracked to the literary district and chose a restaurant called "La Vinoteca." Obviously. There, we feasted on shared plates of cheesy croquettes, flavorful meatballs, and crostini topped with mozzarella and tomato. On the way home, we stopped at a nearby Bodega, which was dark but inviting and buzzing with activity. And with that, our time in Madrid had come to an end. We packed and prepared for our jarringly early 530am wake-up the next day, after which we would take the metro to the airport and fly to Porto, Portugal. 
0 notes