#it's a lovely day in the WotC multiverse and you are the master of a horrible flock of a dozen immortal geese
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spyglassrealms · 1 year ago
"And then the sky darkens, and you hear........ the honking."
— Canadian Swarmkeeper Ranger revealing what, exactly, his swarm is
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thedegu · 5 months ago
oc master list:
hey there i have a few posts with a few of my ocs but I've decided to put them all in one place. I've reused some text from previous posts but tweaked a few things
details under the cut
ttrpg blorbos
The characters I'm currently playing on rotation.
Omolale "Ale":
(they/he/she/it), Omolale is a mausraman (human subrace homebrew) binder (dnd 3.5 class), They're the old gods specialist little guy, but they really do not like being chosen for four different warring factions. They were put on this planet for a good time, not a long time, and are just baffled why so many people hold them up and say, "This is the dude (gender neutral) I want". Recently found out that they aren't even from the current universe they reside within and are just so in over their head when they want to just hang and get high and maybe smack some monsters for cash, but the multiverse seems to have other plans for them.
(she/they/depends on what face she's wearing)A fiendish changling who was raised in a church (did not go well) has a totally normal relationship with the girl she was raised with and has very good coping mechanisms (this is sarcasm). Has so much fire magic and really can only cast fire magic. her highest stat is her charisma, which is 16, and her lowest is strength at 8. Girlfailure is doomed by the narrative and is just falling apart at the seams. Killed her shitty dad at least
Rossien Ted'otha Srylora of House Hollybush:
(he/him) an elf beaskin wizard from the ficcoria (basically the fairy country) who came from a lower-noble family and was blessed to be a bearskin, he looks like a large slender owl with humanoid proportions. He was the second born of four siblings, the second son of a matriarchal family, so once his sister was born, he was left to more or less be raised by his uncle. though that was not the least of his woes, as his family was attacked and he found himself outside of ficcoria accidentally, a one-way trip to anyone who knows. he did try to settle down and make a family of his own, getting married and starting school himself, but that ended with a messy divorce, and now he's somehow a part of an adventuring group with an insanity effect after looking at a cursed book for too long. he's doing fiiiiiiineeee
Tyblin Stonecutter:
(she/her) Tyblin Stonecutter is a reskin/homebrew of the genie Warlock combined with the drakewarden ranger, to make a dragon warlock (seriously WOTC why haven't you made one???), shes a goblin and I love her SOOOO MUCH YOU GUYS. She's just a little guy with a big stupid dog who's also a dragon that loves each other so much. She loves her mom and loves being an adventurer. her core personal quest is finding out who her dad is as she has a bit of a Mama-Mia! situation going on. it's my turn to play the dragon padlock! she's just a little goblin girl now <3
related: Lux
(she/he) Lux is a dragon who Tyblin accidentally summoned when she was tasked with translating some runes. He is Tyblin's best friend ever and loves her soooooo much. She's basically just a Big Dog that can talk and is also a nuclear warhead, but its okay because he loves everyone so much all of the time unless they're mean to Tyblin
npc blorbos
Because any dm has their favorites <3
(he/any) A brass dragon of Othos, he is dead now..... but that's okay, it was a natural death. before that, he was cursed to live as a human for a number of years, and his memories of being a dragon were wiped until one day, a group of adventures freed his mind and broke the curse. he was chill and ran a cool underground city, things are different without him around though....
(she/her) Joan was one of my favorites to run. She's 18, she's 50, she's a spoiled brat, she's seen the horrors of war, she's an atheist who works directly for a goddess, she hates adventurers, her brother was an adventurer, she's dead, she kills undead for her job, her best friend is a dog, and she's even asexual. Now she's even more dead because the last vestige of the goddess animating her was destroyed. but the party got a cool undead dog out of it at least.
related: Caine
The previously described dog. A church grim older than the previous death goddess, the goodest boi.
(she/her) a moon rabbit from Reath my modern magic setting. when the dark and light sides of the moon, her mother and father respectively, were waring she was sent to earth for protection, she was raised by humans and fell in love with a human before forcibly being returned to the moon. The stories say her memories were whipped when she returned home, but that was just a story to make the mortals feel more comfortable. Now, three hundred years later, she looks back at the earth and finds love again. Maybe a bit obsessively and unhealthily but she's learning. She's young compared to her sisters and parents, so she's a bit brash and bull-headed, but that's why we love her.
(he/they) the god of anxiety storytelling. The newest god to join the pantheon of Nebdisc Onis has a lot to learn and is just way over his head. Look, it wasn't his fault he was a small-time fae who unintentionally gained a cult before all of the gods went missing, so once there was that power vacuum, he realistically had one of the biggest worshiping bases. he didn't know that was going to happen, and he needs people to stop asking him questions because he has just as much information as anyone else in this situation. Thank you very much. Thankfully, he has his emotional support personification of winter helping him out.
related: The North Wind
A giant boar who's (pun intended) very chill. Not quite a god but not anything else. The North Wind is the personification of winter, his siblings, the southern, eastern, and western winds control the seasons of the world of Othos. The first Force of Nature I designed, and I was not expecting to become such a huge part of the lore of Othos, but here we are! the first of seven named forces of nature but I'm sure I will design more. Well, seven if you don't count the animal kings, which are technically forces of nature but less so as their domains are less conceptual and more "all of horeses" VS. "spring" or "Entropy"
non-ttrpg related OCs
While most of these were once dnd OCs, they've more or less just turned into generic OCs due to the games they were designed for dyeing but I still like the characters
Alexander "Alex" Grosser
(he/him) oh, my problematic bbg, one of my oldest Ocs and the starting point for Reath, Alex, has always lived in the back of my brain. Alexander killed his father and watched his mother die, one of the most powerful magic users of his age and terrified of death. Obsessive and a genius, all of these ingredients combine to make someone who's destined to fly too close to the sun...
(does not have a concept of gender but generally uses he/him) Alexander's familiar, a tome-bound family created by a wizard in the 15th century. He's only been bound to a handful of times because he's powerful and picky; with Alexandar, he's taken on the form of a snake-- the titular Sun Serpent. he is also very ambitious so I'm sure the two teaming up will defiantly be totally okay.
Blake and Annette
(he/him and she/her) a father-daughter duio that was made at the same time as the first rendition of Alex, when he was known as Rann. first designed during my Flipnote days, Blake and Anette are two dragons that are struggling to find a home-- both in their story and for me to find an appropriate world and narrative to place them in. I have like a LOT of Dragon OCs; they all live in a village together in my brain; these two are just their representatives because to list them all, this list would, no joke, be twice as long.
(he/they) now, THIS is my oldest OC. I made him in my childhood home in the basement after my friend told me about one piece (long story). He's been in basically every world I've created, and while he does now have a permanent home, I still want a proper story for my deer-bear-cat-creatue. Right now, he resides within the Somewhen Else, which is a metanarrative location- as while he cannot escape the fourth wall he is acutely aware of it and resigned to his lot in whatever life this is. he is aware that I am his sleeping godhead and he hates me personally for that :)
Clarabelle "Clara":
My fursona, she's a strawberry milk cow :)
(she/her) A tiefling paladin. She went through the horrors and instead of saving anyone, she chose to become worse and mentally unwell; mostly culminating in falling in love with a usurper death goddess and being totally normal about that, wanting to show the love of her goddess to anyone who will listen (by killing them). it is a mutual love though and both wait with baited breath until the day they can once again embrace.
(she/her) a retired human werewolf adventurer. Before, She went out for milk (a cure to her lycanthropy) for a decade. Decided that she had enough control over her power to go back home and is not back to being a lesbian housewife <3 Also. She has a loving wife, a biological son whom she has a strained relationship with (see leaving for a decade), and an adopted tiefling son who she found on the side of the road and took home like a mangy dog.
Mauve Cornette:
Back to non-TTRPG OCs: Mauve (they/them) is a dragon of Reath with a hoard of books. In the modern day, they own a library/book store. They have a few employees and had a fling with a very powerful wizard a few years back. They are one of two hundred known dragons who are not in hibernation at this time. and they're real fans of humans! Friendly, outgoing, and a great host, Mauve has had some rough spots (see that fling with a powerful wizard), and even if they were erased from most people's memories, it's not like they care about all of that... nope nope nope not one bit! It's, not like they taught dragon time magic to a megalomaniac because they were in love! that's defiantly not a mistake they made.
Related: anna
my Reath self-insert, the person who is archiving all of the documents in Mauve's library, and the person who wrote the in-universe website that irl holds some of my Reath writings
Rupert Northcroft: (he/him)
(he/any) Rupert is a minotaur raised by humans. he comes from a noble family and, after his father's death, decides to go out on his own-- only after stealing a family heirloom (Sword). Found a cool snake guy and is now chillin' in the big city as an influencer. yes, surprise! Ruppert is a modern character! NOT Reath, an unspecified modern high magic setting. i wuv him
(she/her) my first ever ttrpg character!! my lovely goat girl was originally made in the ttrpg Tephra but has been ported to a number of systems because she lives rent-free in my head. tbh even for my first-ever ttrpg character, I think she's rather strong. probably in no small part she has had many rewrites and revamps over the years. Her story is she woke up in a basement with no idea of who she was, missing her right arm, her head mismatched to her body, goat legs sewn on as well as her horns, one horse eye and tail, and Autopsy scars on her chest. she stumbled out of that basement as a kid and eventually found herself as a watchmaker's apprentice, making herself a prosthetic and a few other bits and bobs-- mostly a gun. after the passing of her master, she ended up on the road looking for answers to her creation that are yet to be solved... (IE: I've never played her past session one)
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hufflpuffin · 5 years ago
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Haven’t seen this posted yet, so here is Matt Mercer’s full comment on r/dnd addressing the community. (Image transcript below!)
“Hey there! Longtime lurker, situational commenter!
Well now, it certainly looks like the cat’s out of the bag (and seemed to sneak out a LITTLE early, hehe)! I can’t express just how excited and honored I am to have been given the opportunity to bring my world to you all via the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount. D&D has been such an influential element of my life, of who I am, and to have contributed to it in this way is beyond words.
I’ve spent the better part of 1.5 years working on this project, along with some incredible contributors, to make this something we could all be extremely proud of. I set out to create this book not as a tome specifically for fans of Critical Role, but as a love letter to the D&D community as a whole. Those who follow our adventures will find many familiar and enjoyable elements that tie into what they’ve experienced within our campaign. However, I want this book to not only be a vibrant, unique setting for non-critter players and Dungeon Masters young and old, experienced or new, but also a resource of inspiration for DMs to pull from regardless of what setting they are running their game in. I’ve done my very best to make it a dynamic, breathing world full of deep lore, detailed factions and societies, a sprawling gazetteer, heaps of plot hooks, and numerous mechanical options/items/monsters to perhaps introduce into your own sessions, or draw inspiration from to cobble together your own variations. I wanted this to be a book for any D&D player, regardless of their knowledge of (or appreciation of, for that matter) Critical Role. I made this for ALL of you.
I am also well-aware of how much negativity can permeate these spaces regarding myself and the games we play, and that’s ok! One could never expect our form of storytelling and gaming to be everyone’s cup of tea, and it could very well be that this just isn’t the book for you. I don’t begrudge you that, and I only hope one day we get a chance to roll some dice at a convention and swap stories about our love of the game. I know for some folks this isn't necessarily what they were hoping for the announcement to be, and for that I'm sorry.
As a person excited and clamoring for new settings to be brought into the D&D multiverse, I also understand the frustrations from some that this isn’t one of the “classics”. Believe you me, I’m one of the those who is ever-shouting “I want my Planescape/Dark Sun”, and said so loudly… multiple times while in the WotC offices. Know that my setting doesn’t eliminate, delay, or consume any such plans they may have for any future-such projects! I’m not stepping on such wonderful legacy properties, these same ones that inspired me growing up. This is just the new-kid stepping into that area and hoping one of the older kids will sit and have lunch with them. ;) If Wizards has any plans to release any of their much-demanded settings, they’ll come whether or not Wildemount showed up.
I also wanted to comment on the occasionally-invoked negative opinions on my homebrew designs I’ve seen here… and they aren’t wrong! I don’t have the lengthy design history and experience that many of you within this community do have. Outside of small, home-game stuff I messed with through the 2000’s, my journey on the path of public homebrew began as a reaction to online community demand and throwing out my inexperienced ideas in a very public space. Much of my early homebrew was myself learning as I went (as all of us begin), only with a large portion of the internet screaming at me for my mistakes and lack of knowledge. Even my Tal’Dorei Guide homebrew was rushed due to demands being made of me, and I continue to learn so many lessons since. The occasional unwarranted intensity aside, there is much appreciated constructive criticism I’ve received over the years (from reddit included) that has helped me grow and improve. Anyway, what I mention all this for is to express my thanks for all the wonderful feedback, the chances to learn from all of you as time has gone on, and the many elements of this book reflect that improvement as I took those lessons and collaborated with the official WotC team to make this as good as it could be.
Anyway, that’s enough rambling from an insecure nerd. I’m extremely proud of what we’ve done with this book. I hope you give it a shot and enjoy it. I really do. If you choose to pass on it, that’s totally cool and am just happy we find joy in the same pastime. Either way, be kind to each other, and keep on forging amazing stories together. <3
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