#it's a decent tragedy. gets good marks from me lol
ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years
I’m basically in favor of alternate readings and I don’t consider it some kind of obligation to embrace the authors vision. And like in the case of SW specifically I get not always agreeing with George Lucas I mean he has written some racist shit occasionally and honestly even some of his benign concepts are kinda weird at times. Not everyone is gonna vibe with that. Still, I feel like if you’re gonna engage in analysis it is useful to acknowledge what the intention of the story was, even if to know where and why you’re re-interpreting it.
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
wait i need to hear your thoughts on titanic the musical bc while i’ve never seen it my friends say they think i would like it
titanic the musical is the most boring show i've ever seen LOL
generally i am of the opinion that, for a musical to be Good, it has to have at least some decent music -- something you can recall later after you've left the theater. (this is not the only determining factor of a show's quality of course but it does contribute.) i can't recall a SINGLE phrase of music from that show, and i couldn't years ago when it was actually closer to when i watched the thing. the music is so unmemorable that my mom, with whom i went to see it, literally forgot it was a musical and remembered it as a straight play.
titanic the musical very much runs into the issue of Trying To Do Too Much At Once, and resultingly none of the individual things they're trying to do get enough time to develop enough to be interesting or satisfying. in some shows this is different plot lines or whatever; in titanic, there are way too many fucking characters to keep track of, let alone care about any of them. the only character i can remotely remember enough to distinguish from the crowd is the telegraph operator -- i remember he had a decent number (not that i remember what it sounded like...) -- but he's like one of four or five different "main" characters or groups of main characters we're supposed to pay attention to and care about and it's just a confusing mess.
similarly, because it's about the sinking of the fucking titanic, you know that the boat is going to sink near the end and half the characters are probably gonna drown. so you really need to do something interesting with at least ONE of the characters/subplots to get us to care about them enough for the ending to mean something. i'm not gonna debate the ethics of writing a broadway show that capitalizes on a real world tragedy because i truly do not care to go down that rabbit hole (especially not for fucking titanic the musical...) BUT if you're going to do that you should actually use it to tell a meaningful story, which titanic the musical absolutely does not
like. just pick One Or Two Guys and make the story All About Them. make us care about them, give them more than a single song each, and when the boat sinks, make us hold our breath waiting to see if they live or die. i don't think the concept of "titanic the musical" is too fundamentally flawed to never work per se but gd this show missed the mark so badly
also the production i saw had some major sound issues but i'm not holding that against the show itself cause that's a tech thing. yeah it was technically a student production but it was also an allstate/honors theater group so the production quality was supposed to be (and usually was) pretty high. no points for the set which was easily the best thing about the show cause it was rented from a touring company.
anyway i truly do not know how this show won as many tonys as it did. i know the late 90s were a bit of a dry spell for broadway but tony award for best score are you FUCKING kidding me? BEST BOOK?
(*this rant is about the stone/yeston musical, not titanique, the celine dion jukebox musical based on the movie which i think is currently playing off broadway. i refuse to acknowledge the latter's existence)
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petri808 · 6 years
The Wishing Well
Whew, I made it lol.  This is my story for the awesome @nalufever for the Nalu server’s secret Valentine’s Exchange.  LoL we had each other!  Omg, I hope you like it, I was trying to come up with a story around the idea we once talked about.  It ended up being a fluffy short story lol.  Okie here we go.
“Miss Lucy!” the little girl waves her hand excitedly from across the room.  “Miss, Miss, Miss!”
“Yes, Wendy?” the teacher’s aide walks up to the table and kneels, “are you finished with your drawing?” Nodding her head with a small blush upon her cheeks, the child holds her drawing up for Lucy to see.  “That’s wonderful Wendy!  Is that your cat?  But why is it blue?”
Wendy smiles wide, “name’s Happy!  Don’ know why he blue tho but it’s cute!”
“Yes,” Lucy chuckles, eyes brimming with delight, “he’s very cute!”  
Content with the response, Wendy goes back to doodling a new cartoon while the teachers aid floats around the room checking on other students.  Lucy loved this part time job even though it wasn’t quite in the field she was studying for, the credit still counted, the pay was decent, and not to mention the students were adorable most of the time.  Of course, there were a few that could be a handful, but nothing the bubbly 22 yr old blonde couldn’t handle and besides, the teacher Mirajane was also a blessing to work with.
Storytime was probably Lucy’s favorite part of the day.  Books had always been her sanctum even from a young age and to impart that same love into these children was like paying it forward for the new generation.  They would gather round her with their snacks, the eager little faces and once a week she even delighted them with original little stories she would create just for them.  Filled with characters like Princesses and Dragons, of mythical elves and other magical creatures, even using their names mixed in to make it come alive for the awestruck youngsters.
Lucy smiles from her desk, this school year was shaping up to be a great one.
Across town at Magnolia University, a young man hurries out of class.  Checking his phone, he’s got 30 minutes to get to the primary school and pick up his sister, but traffic is often a pain at this hour.  His sister-in-law Mavis usually picked Wendy up but today she had an appointment leaving Natsu to rush.  It’s been a struggle for the 24-year-old, being thrust into the role of guardian at the age of 20, to drop out of college and take time off to raise a 2-year-old.  Not that it mattered, there was no way he was going to allow Wendy to be sent to a foster home after their parents died.  It wasn’t her fault tragedy struck and left her an orphan, so he was going to lavish that little girl with all the love and affection their parents would have given her.
He thrums his fingers on the steering wheel, as the car slowly crawled its way towards the front of the school.  The line of parents patiently waiting to pick up kids was pretty typical, however annoying it may be, but a requirement for the students in kindergarten and first grades for release at the end of the day.  Teachers and security waited with the children, handing them off as each car pulled up.  Natsu smiles when he finally sees the tell-tale blue hair of Wendy bouncing as she waves to him.
“How was your day at school Wendy?” popping the question as the first grader buckled herself in to her booster.  
With a click and a bubbly response, “lots’a fun!  We drew and Ms. Lucy read us a story!  Ms. Lucy always has awesomest stories to tell!  Yuck, then Mrs. Dreyar gave us reading to do.”  
Natsu chuckles, side-eying through the rearview, “What’s with the pouty face?  I thought you like reading?”
“Not for homework.  I wanna read for fun!”
That only makes him laugh harder, “tell ya what, how about we get some ice cream at the mall, then I’ll read with you, sound better?”
Wendy’s face lights up, “Yay!  Ice Cream!”
“Kozmic Cones it is!”
On the opposite side of the mall nestled near the food court, Faeries Café was a popular little hangout.  Good food that even a college kid could afford drew them in at all hours of the day. Lucy was no exception and today was her weekly meet up with her best friend Levy McGarden for coffee.  It had become a routine ever since they’d finished their undergraduate programs and moved on to graduate work, she in the field of English Lit while Levy focused on Ancient Linguistics.  Between classes and working jobs they rarely had much time anymore to hang out.  
“How are things going with Gajeel,” the blonde stirred at the slowly warming coffee, “did you guys pick a date for the wedding yet?”
“He said not until after I graduate, which is only one more semester, so I agreed.”
Lucy leans onto her propped hand with a light smile, “You’re so lucky you found someone already Lev, I’m really happy for you two.”
“Aww, Lu you’ll find someone,” the bluenette reaches over the table and grabs her friend’s free hand, squeezing it before retracting back into her seat, “and I bet it’ll happen when you least expect it to.”
But the blonde just sighs, “Doubt it, I’m so busy I don’t have time to meet anyone unless they are under the age of 7,” chuckling lightly, “and no one in my college classes are very interesting to me.”
“You haven’t dated anyone since him that I can recall.”  Levy taps her chin, “maybe it’s not that you can’t but won’t look at anyone else.”
“What are you my psychiatrist now?!”  teasing at her friend.  “I’m fine, really, not like I don’t have enough on my plate to deal with, right? And as for my ex,” Lucy shrugs her shoulders, “we lost touch in college…”
The girls spend about an hour chatting and catching up, planning that upcoming weekend when another friend will be dropping by town.  Cana Alberona was never one to stay still for very long but luckily her job in fashion fit her personality well, jet setting around to photograph models and actors for Sorcerer’s Magazine.  She was so different in personality from the other two girls and yet the trio were inseparable in high school.  It wasn’t really their thing, but for Cana, hitting a bar or club was definitely going to be on the agenda.
Which was fine, she guessed, nothing wrong with hanging out with a couple of girlfriends at a bar.  Hopefully no one bothers us….  Ugh, but some guy always does!  As she walked away from the café, Lucy hangs her head wondering if her love life would always be a struggle.  She was sick and tired of even trying to meet guys when it usually turned out they only wanted her, sighing, for my assets….  It wasn’t her fault she was born with these curves, even thought about getting a reduction one day just so she didn’t have to deal with them anymore.  
There had only been one serious relationship in her life and while the guy definitely loved her body, Lucy knew it wasn’t the reason he’d asked her out in the first place.  Back then surrounded by so many friends, she’d never cared much about having boyfriends or being in relationships but funny how things change and now 5 years later, it was kind of lonely.  
She sees the wishing well a few feet away, absent mindedly pulling out a coin as she walked towards it. It was such a silly thing to make a wish and throw away a perfectly good quarter but well, flicking the shiny metal into the water, what could it hurt, right?  To have someone like him back in her life again, maybe the false smiles she wore would finally be real.
“Ms. LUCY!!!”
“Wendy?”  The young blonde turns around to the voice of her student, semi-surprised though this was a mall and all, just in time to have the little girl hugging to her legs.  “Wendy, what a nice surprise to see you here!” Lucy hugs the girl back, “but who are you with sweetie?”
The little girl, with eyes practically shining, bounces on her feet pointing behind her, “my brother gots me ice cream.”
“Your broth…” As she follows Wendy finger, Lucy cannot believe what she’s seeing.  “N-Natsu!” a light gasp as her hands fly up to her mouth and moisture clouds her vision.  “Oh my god! I-Is it really you?”  
Sporting the trade mark goofy grin that she knew better than most plastered on his face, “Yeah it’s me, heya Lucy,” scratching his head, “Didn’t realize you were the teacher she always talks about.  How ya been?”
Tears trickle down her cheeks and before she can stop them, her feet carry her towards him, hands flying into fists.  In that moment Lucy’s surroundings fade away and all she can see is Natsu, standing there in the flesh.  No Wendy, no shoppers, just him.  “Why!?” She beats at his chest, “no calls, no texts, no goodbye!  Four years! Y-you just left me hanging how could you Natsu!”  
“Luce…” he had no idea what he could say to the sobbing woman in his arms to slow her tears, grabbing her hands to stop their fury but keeping them held tightly to his chest. She was right, everything she said was the truth.  Natsu was an asshole for not making the effort to contact her as soon as he could, and he knew that.  So, he did the only thing he could and held her quietly, whispering soft apologizes and hoping it would be enough to soothe the pain he never knew she had held onto.        
Eventually Lucy slumps against him, liquid still flowing but her sobs withering into lighter exhalations. “I’m sorry,” her voice strained and muffled, “I didn’t mean to break down like that.”
“No,” Natsu pulls her head against his shoulder, cradling the back of her head, “don’t be sorry, I should have reached out to you too it’s just that…”
“I know about your parents….  I ran into Gray a couple years ago and he told me that’s what happened.”  Lucy pushes away just enough to look up at the taller man. “Natsu I would have been there for you if you’d have let me, you didn’t have to do it all alone.”
“I know Luce…. We…”
A meek voice breaks through the din, “I-Is Ms. Lucy okay?”
“Oh my!” Lucy pushes away and drops to her knees beside the little girl, followed quickly by the elder brother.  Still wiping away the streaks of salty liquid, Lucy takes the child’s hand, “I’m so sorry you had to see that Wendy.  I’m okay really, I am I promise.  We,” glancing to Natsu who nods, “we went to high school together and haven’t seen each other in a long time.”
The poor child’s face is still sullen and full of worry.  “Are you, are you mad at my brother Ms. Lucy?  Did my brother hurt you?”
Natsu put his hand on Lucy’s shoulder, cutting off her response.  Turning to his little sister, “I did, a long time ago when you were still very young, I made Lucy very, very sad.”
“But he didn’t mean to sweetie,” Lucy chimes in trying to comfort the child, “your brother was going through a lot of things and it just happened.”
“So, you really aren’t mad at my brother?”
“No, I’m not,” the woman smiles.  “I rather like your brother a lot.”  Lucy feels the warmth tingling in her cheeks but does her best not to show it.  “He’s, you know like how we learned about the bad guys and the good guys in class?”  The child nods.  “Your brother is one of the good guys.”
That brings a delighted smile back to Wendy’s face.  “I think so too!  He takes really good care of me after mommy and daddy died.”  
“I’m sure he does,” Lucy smiles back.
“Wendy, honey,” Natsu steps in handing out some change to the girl, “would you like to go make some wishes while I finish talking to Ms. Lucy?”  The child looks to her teacher, then back to her brother nodding, taking the change and skipping off to the wishing well.  “What’s the odds that she’d end up in your class?” turning to the girl still crouched, Natsu helps Lucy to her feet, “or running into each other at the mall’s wishing well?”
Lucy shakes her head rather than respond.  Magnolia wasn’t a large city, it was bound to happen sooner or later so there was no point in making it out to be anything more than mere coincidence.  “I-I sh-should probably go so you can get back to Wendy.” Lucy turns away.  “I must look like a mess right now…”  
“You are still just as beautiful as the last time I saw you.”
The blonde stiffens. His words…. His tone… sends an electric shock through her frame.  Tingling along her skin when his hand comes to rest on her shoulder and the heat radiating from his body infringing upon her space.  
“I’m such an idiot for letting you go once.  You must be settled down by now with someone….”
She shakes her head, refusing to turn around, and answering in a soft tone, “there hasn’t really been anyone since you.  No one’s ever treated me…. the way you used to treated me…”
One hand on her shoulder turns into two around her waist.  “I don’t expect you to forgive me Luce, but if it’s any consolation, I still love you, maybe even more now, knowing how much Wendy adores you too.”  Lucy squeezes her eyes shut, willing back the tears again. “Would you give me a second chance?”
“Please say Yes!”  The young man and woman’s heads whip around to see a beaming Wendy practically bouncing.  “Please say yes Ms. Lucy!”
Natsu let go of Lucy’s waist, turning her to face him.  “Well, Ms. Lucy?”  A large grin growing on his face with the thought of buying his sister that new dress she’s been fawning over.  “You wouldn’t want to make your student sad, would you?”
“Gah, you really haven’t changed,” she punches his arm, playfully with a smirk.  “Lucky you,” grabbing his shirt, “I still love that goofier side,” and pulling him down for a kiss….  
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the-desolated-quill · 5 years
Doctor Strange - Marvel Cinematic Universe blog (as requested by 1000+ followers)
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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Before I start, I just want to say thank you again to all one thousand of my followers (still can’t believe it. That number just doesn’t seem real. LOL). And, as promised, here’s my review of Doctor Strange. I chose to review this movie to mark getting one thousand followers because people have been wanting me to do this review for a long time now (nearly three years in fact) and also because it was this movie, or rather my harsh criticism of this movie, that arguably cemented my reputation on this site. So here we go. Hope you feel it was worth the wait. Enjoy :)
2016. A year of ups and downs to be sure. While it will forever be infamous for the Brexit referendum result, Trump’s victory in the presidential elections and many much beloved celebrity icons dropping dead like fruit flies, it was also the year where two of my all time favourite comic book characters would finally make the jump to the big screen. The first was Deadpool. The second was Doctor Strange. Two characters I thought would never get movie adaptations on account of them both being somewhat niche products. Deadpool was a violent, anarchic parody of antiheroes like Wolverine and the Punisher, while Doctor Strange was a psychedelic fantasy story focused on existentialism and Zen philosophy as well as having its themes and influences deep rooted in various Asian cultures and mythologies. Not exactly mainstream. And yet, against all the odds, both movies found great success at the box office. The difference being Deadpool managed to stay true to the tone and themes of the source material, whereas Doctor Strange... oh dear.
Now my long term followers will be very much aware of my stance on this movie. At the time I refused to watch it due to the casting of Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One, viewing it as not only racist erasure, but also demonstrating a severe lack of understanding on the filmmaker’s part. East Asia isn’t just used as window dressing. It’s vitally important to the story as a whole, so discarding it would be incredibly moronic as well as deeply offensive. Now I’m not going to go into all the reasons why the whitewashing of the Ancient One is racist and why all the excuses Marvel gave at the time was bullshit as I’ve already explained these reasons ad nauseum various times before. If you’re curious, read Doctor Yellowface And The Bullshit Machine, where I explain it all in excruciating detail. Here I’m just going to say that this movie is racist. That’s not my opinion. It’s demonstrably, objectively, scientifically, factually and literally true. If you think otherwise, you’re an idiot. Period. Full stop. End of discussion. Do not pass Go. Do not collect £200. With this in mind, when I sat down to watch this for the first time, I expected to be angered and outraged by it throughout. But I wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a bad movie and a bad adaptation of Doctor Strange, but honestly the most remarkable thing about this movie is how unremarkable it is. Which is a problem in more ways than one, but now we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
Lets start with the things I liked. Don’t worry. This won’t take long. There really isn’t that much to like about this film frankly. Even the bits I like have massive caveats to them.
My first shiny gold star has to go to Benedict Wong as Wong. Now as much as I love the comics, I’ll be the first to admit it has massive problems when it comes to how it presents Asian characters. So I’m pleased to report that Wong is the only aspect of the film that’s actually better than the source material. Whereas comic book Wong was Doctor Strange’s manservant, movie Wong plays more of a mentor role in Strange’s story. He’s the librarian of Kamar-Taj, guarding the sacred tomes, and is actually at a higher rank than Strange, which I love. It’s a good shift that refreshes the dynamic between them, and Benedict Wong’s deadpan delivery is exceptional. I just wish we could have spent more time with Wong and Strange. Maybe see Wong actually teach him something.
The second praiseworthy element of the film is the visual effects. This film was nominated for an Academy Award and... yeah, can’t argue with that. The CGI is fairly good for the most part. My favourite part of the whole film was when the Ancient One shows Strange the multiverse for the first time. The visual effects team clearly had a lot of fun coming up with weird and wonderful worlds that we only get a short tantalising glimpse of. (the dimension of hands gave me the shivers). This sequence came the closest to realising Steve Ditko’s vision in my opinion. Beyond that all we see for the rest of the movie is the poxy mirror dimension, which admittedly is cool at first, but quickly becomes dull and repetitive each time its trotted out. There’s even an entire fight sequence between Strange, Mordo and Kaecilius in a distorted version of New York, which would have been impressive if Christopher Nolan hadn’t done it first in Inception. And the less said about the technicolor monstrosity that was the Dark Dimension, the better.
Finally there’s Benedict Cumberbatch as Strange himself. I know some people were disappointed that Marvel didn’t racebend the character and I would have preferred that to, but if we must have a white guy in the role, I’m glad it’s Cumberbatch. He does a decent job in the role and there are moments where Strange almost leaps from the page and onto the screen.
Because that’s the problem. Cumberbatch does the best he can, but he’s ultimately let down by the script. This film has a lot of issues, but by far the biggest is the title character. He may be called Doctor Strange, but he’s really Doctor Strange in name only. I was a massive fan of the comics growing up and I’m telling you this guy isn’t Doctor Strange. At least not the Doctor Strange I remember. And the weird thing is this seems almost by design. In order to show him to a mainstream audience, Marvel seem to have felt the need to completely sanitise the character, removing everything about him that made him unique and interesting in order to fit the expectations of the lowest common denominator.
Let me explain.
People often compare Strange unfavourably to Iron Man, and I can understand why to a certain extent. Both represent the epitome of white privilege and materialist obsession and their origin stories focus very heavily on criticising and deconstructing these inherently selfish and unlikable characters. Iron Man is about forcing a capitalist industrialist to take responsibility for the consequences of his actions, whereas Doctor Strange is about forcing an egocentric man to care about the wider world outside of his own bubble of privilege. Both may sound similar, but there’s a key difference between the two. Iron Man’s origin revolves around responsibility whereas Doctor Strange’s origin revolves around relativity. This needs to be understood if you’re going to attempt to adapt Strange and director Scott Derrickson doesn’t seem to understand that at all.
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The fatal mistake Derrickson makes with this movie is that he’s trying to make Strange like Iron Man without fully understanding what made the first Iron Man movie good and what sets Strange apart. He’s clearly hit upon the arrogant, egocentric thing, but the problem is people exhibit arrogance and egocentricity in different ways. The comics understood this. Iron Man’s arrogance takes the form of this charismatic, devil may care kind of attitude, whereas Strange’s arrogance was more along the lines of an Ebenezer Scrooge type figure. Someone who’s cold and uncaring. Someone like...
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Yeah! Someone like Dr Gregory House from the TV series House M.D.
See, if Iron Man is like Elon Musk, Doctor Strange is like House. Both are arrogant, but in different ways. So to see movie Strange acting all smug and making quips and one liners just didn’t feel right. Which is not to say Strange can’t be funny. The comics had their humorous moments, but it’s not the same kind of humour as Iron Man. Strange should be more cutting. More snarky. He needs to have more of a bite to him. Instead we get the poor man’s version of Robert Downey Jr.
But wait, because it’s actually worse than that. It’s not just Strange’s personality that’s different. Our perception of him is different too. The first Iron Man movie was extremely clear in how we should view Tony Stark. The gambling, the drinking, his lack of responsibility and the way he takes his friends and co-workers for granted. We’re clearly not supposed to like him. That’s why his character arc works. We’re seeing this selfish individual realise how selfish he is and try to make amends. Strange should be similar. He’s a callous arsehole who won’t lift a finger to help someone if the case isn’t interesting enough, seeing it as beneath him. So when the car accident occurs, him getting nerve damage in his hands feels less like a tragedy and more like karma. The universe punishing Strange for his selfish behaviour and forcing him to change. In the movie however, he doesn’t seem like that at all. In fact kind of the opposite. He doesn’t object to helping his ex girlfriend get a bullet out of a patient’s head and he seems to get on well with most of his colleagues, including his ex. Sure he’s a bit of a dick, but he still seems nice enough. The only time we see his Scroogeness come out is after the accident, at which point it’s hard to hate him even after he berates his ex because he’s a decent guy who’s understandably frustrated, which absolutely should not be the case. Strange is a bastard who cares for no one but himself. We’re not supposed to like him. But Marvel and Disney are so preoccupied about getting bums on seats that they’ve actually managed to strip away all the elements that make Strange Strange.
And then there’s the origin story itself, which the film gets completely wrong. Sure the basic elements are still there. Strange, in a last ditch effort to save his hands, travels East to see the Ancient One (except the Ancient One is now in Nepal instead of Tibet because of the Chinese market, but apparently they still can’t cast an Asian person as the Ancient One even though the film no longer has anything to do with Tibet and therefore there should be no issue. Marvel are racist dicks. Case closed), but beyond that everything is changed. In the comics, the Ancient One refuses to heal Strange’s hands because he’s a selfish arsehole who deserves no pity or help from anyone, but then when Baron Mordo tries to assassinate the Ancient One, Strange does the first selfless thing he’s ever done in his miserable life and tries to warn the Ancient One despite having his mouth magically sealed shut by Mordo. Then it’s later revealed that his mouth wasn’t sealed shut at all, and that the Ancient One knew all along Mordo was planning to assassinate him and was merely testing Strange, at which point he invites the good doctor to practice magic in order to stop Mordo in the future. In the movie however, Strange gets kicked out by the Ancient One only to then promptly get let back in after banging on their front door for several hours and gets taught all these spells despite showing no sign of selflessness or willingness to change whatsoever. Oh yeah, and Strange and Mordo are now total besties.
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Do you see what I mean about this being a bad adaptation? There’s no longer any conflict. No character arcs. No one learns anything. Everything is just hunky dory and Strange is just magically a good person now. This is truly shit writing.
Everything about this movie seems to have been designed to be as bland and uncomplicated as possible. All the Asian influences and philosophies have been surgically removed to make way for a generic, knock-off Hogwarts for Dummies. The interesting plots and themes have been replaced with a by-the-numbers save the world plot. Even the lore has been simplified to an almost insulting degree. Take the Eye of Agamotto for instance. A powerful magical artefact created by and named after the most powerful sorcerer that ever lived.... reduced to a fucking Infinity Stone.
Oh and the Cloak of Levitation now has a mind and personality of its own because why the fuck not? Who wants to watch something intelligent or philosophical? Lets just make a shitty cross between Harry Potter and Mr. Bean.
And then... there’s the white saviour stuff.
Now I confess I haven’t read the comics for quite some time, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure Strange didn’t have a photographic memory. Yet in the movie, that’s the convenient explanation we’re given for why Strange is somehow able to learn complex spells in a matter of days. Spells that are apparently meant to take years to learn, like astral projection and time manipulation. Now the comics had this problem too, what with proclaiming that Strange is not only the Sorcerer Supreme, but the most powerful Sorcerer Supreme that’s ever lived, as though his white skin were like the star power-up from Super Mario Bros, but the movie seems to go out of its way to double down on this bollocks. Oh sure, we see him struggle to create magic portals every now and then, but it doesn’t hide the fact that he’s somehow able to create mirror worlds and time loops despite having little to no training whatsoever. He’s like Rey from Star Wars. He can just pull any random super power out of his arse when the script requires him too.
So having completely botched Strange’s characterisation and journey, how are the rest of the supporting cast? Well like I said, I like this new Wong, even though he’s criminally underused. As for the other characters, it’s a pretty forgettable bunch.
Lets start with the elephant in the room. Tilda Swinton. Having heard all the excuses under the sun as to why Marvel and Disney simply had to cast a bald white woman wearing a bathrobe in an Asian role, I was expecting something pretty spectacular from Swinton, especially after all the praise critics gave her. Instead we get... well... a pretty dull character actually. In fact I’d go as far to say that this is the blandest and most uninspired performance I think I’ve ever seen Swinton give. There’s just nothing there. Now admittedly the Ancient One wasn’t all that complex or well developed in the comics neither, being little more than a racial caricature, but I thought the whole reason they whitewashed the character was to make him/her ‘enigmatic and ethereal.’ Instead we just get the same generic mentor figure we’ve seen dozens of times before. All the stuff about her tapping into the powers of Dormammu to increase her lifespan could have made her more interesting, but the film never fully capitalises on this revelation before she kicks the bucket.
Baron Mordo is pretty much just dead weight, with the great Chiwetel Ejiofor utterly wasted in the role. He’s essentially reduced to being yet another black sidekick for the white lead. Again, the comic book version isn’t all that great neither, but the movie replaces this camp pantomime villain with absolutely bugger all. We don’t get to see any real conflict between him and Strange until the very end and even then it doesn’t really make sense. Mordo is a stickler for rules and so gets pissy with Strange when he breaks the rules in order to save the world, to which I can only ask... what else could he have done? I didn’t see you come up with any bright ideas Mordo, you fucking moron.
Rachel McAdams... exists.
Seriously, why is she in this movie? Why does Doctor Strange need a love interest? Why not just wait and introduce Clea? I could get behind using an ex girlfriend to display how selfish and narcissistic Strange is (a bit cliche I admit, but this is an MCU film we’re talking about. I’m not exactly expecting Citizen Kane here), but as I said before, the two seem to get on quite well. And other than stitching up a stab wound, Christine Palmer pretty much does nothing throughout the majority of the film. So what is she even doing there?
Also it appears the film’s racism doesn’t just extend to Asian people because it turns out Christine Palmer is actually Night Nurse in the comics. The same mantle Claire Temple has, who appears in Marvel’s Netflix shows. Not only does this come off as quite alarmingly racist, it’s also just plain weird. For all their boasts about wanting to create a shared universe, Marvel seems to spend every opportunity it can find to keep the Netflix stuff at arms’ length, to the point where you question why they’re even in the same continuity in the first place. If Strange must have some human connection, why couldn’t it have been Claire Temple? For one thing, Claire’s character is much more interesting than Christine’s (and Rosario Dawson is a much better actor than McAdams. Sorry, but it’s true), and it would be a great opportunity to bridge the gap between the movies and Netflix shows without having to bog the narrative down with exposition. But as I’ve said numerous times in the past, Marvel are more interested in creating a BIG shared universe than a coherent one.
Finally there’s the villains. Nearly always the worst aspect of any MCU film and Strange is no different. We have Kaecilius, played by Hannibal’s Mads Mikkelsen whose performance is more wooden than Pinocchio, and Dormammu, played by Benedict Cumberbatch who seems to be competing with Andy Serkis as to who can play the most CGI/motion capture characters. Both, unsurprisingly, are shite. Kaecilius wants to save the world from death by allowing Dormammu to destroy it.
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I don’t get it either.
So you’re probably wondering who was Kaecilius in the comics. I mean I’ve explained everything else, haven’t I? And honestly, I haven’t the faintest idea. Turns out he was a henchman of Baron Mordo who I completely forgot about because he barely ever shows up in the comics. So... they turned Baron Mordo into the black sidekick so that the villain could be played by a white guy. Oh. And guess what race Kaecilius is in the comics.
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YYYYYep. He’s Asian. I guess all the Asian actors were sick that day, so they had to cast a white guy.
Oh and you’ll never guess what his backstory is. You’re right! He has none! Other than references to some tragedy, we know absolutely fuck all about him. Critics actually liked this movie?!?!
Oh and don’t get me started on the humour.
Kaecilius: “Mr...?”
Strange: “Doctor.”
Kaecilius: “Mr. Doctor?”
Strange: “No, it’s Strange.”
Kaecilius: “I guess so. Who am I to judge?”
Dear God, someone was paid to write that.
Then there’s the Big Bad Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. (Yes, the same Dark Dimension from Agent Carter and nope, that’s never referenced. In fact this doesn’t even look like the same Dark Dimension as the one from Agent Carter. Although, to be fair, I’d want to forget Season 2 happened as well considering how fucking terrible it was, but come on guys!). In the comics Dormammu is a mystical entity that has a quote ‘unnatural obsession with our material universe’. Could be interesting to explore. Oh but I forget, this is an MCU film. They don’t want interesting. They want safe. So instead we get a purple, floating CGI head and the generic destroyer of worlds archetype. (In fact Dormammu weirdly has more in common with Galactus than the actual Dormammu. Sometimes I wonder if anyone at Marvel Studios have ever even so much as glanced at one of their own comics before).
In conclusion, is this the worst film I’ve ever seen? Admittedly no. It’s not that bad. If you switch your brain off, I can imagine someone having a good time with this film. But you see that’s the problem. You shouldn’t have to switch your brain off to enjoy Doctor Strange. If anything the opposite is true. The comics, despite their faults, were intelligent, surreal and thought provoking, asking questions about our universe and our place within it. Steve Ditko (and only Steve Ditko. The late Stan Lee may have put pen to paper, but it was ultimately Ditko’s ideas and vision, which makes the gratuitous Stan Lee cameo in this film particularly galling to me) created something truly captivating in Doctor Strange. Despite the racial caricatures and white saviour tropes, I still love these comics because of how it explores the world and our relation to that world. How we are just small cogs in a massive and intricate machine. It’s truly groundbreaking and would influence many other comics to come. The Doctor Strange movie doesn’t even begin to do that. It won’t influence anyone. It won’t make anyone think or question their role in the cosmos. In fact, three years later, despite being a huge box office success, it’s largely been forgotten. And that’s a crying shame because Strange deserves so much more.
Doctor Strange may not be the worst comic book movie ever made, but it’s a terrible adaptation of the source material. Anything that made it unique or interesting was carefully removed with surgical precision under the guise of making it more progressive, when in reality they just wanted to make it profitable. But profitable doesn’t mean good, and Doctor Strange doesn’t even come close to being a good movie. I would love to have seen what a director like David Lynch or Ang Lee would have done with this psychedelic material. This movie could and should have been the most intelligent and surreal comic book movie that’s ever been made. A perfect opportunity to allow a visionary filmmaker to go wild and express themselves artistically. Instead it’s just another MCU movie. It’s such a shame.
And people wonder why I’m worried about Deadpool joining the MCU.
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53. Alina - outubro 27, 2012 50. Sandro - julho 27, 2012 46. ~~ - março 3, 2012
We've seen Simone Simons from Epica bangear, jumping, kicking Mark Jansen's butt, less singing live decently ... aunt Simone, you with her red hair flaming and a live velvet voice can not maintain the quality of the songs nor in a acoustic?
- Comments»
3. Jorge Oyafuso - junho 2, 2010
It is certain that Simone is not that thing .. but in the good, comparing her with Tarja and Floor does not give. All three have their own personality, there is no standard for perfect vocalist. Not for Floor, nor for Tarja.
But, I do not care much that Simone defers frequently. I'm not the one to pay her bills, after all.
13. leny - junho 5, 2010
I agree with everything. Simone appeals a lot for sexuality and forgets to have some singing lessons.
19. Cah - junho 6, 2010
Simone sings very badly. Can not sing nor the easiest songs without tune all the videos I've seen until hj and look are 6 years being a fan I never saw a video that was more than average. And there are no excuses for that, time is no excuse for her lack of talent, which only came up in life because she gave to Mark, if it was not for him she would never have left the church choir, and you fans of the unformed who do not know She sings from the age of 16 and has nothing to do with time but with talent. She does not really have any comparison and even cowardice compares it to Tarja and Floor because in a thousand years she will reach that level only if she is born again, But there she runs the risk of not being so pretty (and will not have to promote herself), studio effects camouflage her lack of talent, she's just an ordinary singer, she does not even want to judge her much, but the Fanatic fans of epica are a fuck, they think that only she can be fucked in the epica community, there are a lot of these little fucking things or you can not attend, I'm afraid even though I've seen many fans being expelled for little things. And blablabla .I agree with you friend. This is not envy is reality vcs boring fans do not want to see the truth besides not having talent is lazy does not study gives this ai.Although you are beautiful Simone. I really like you but if it was not for the beauty factor you were screwed. I wanted to see if you were fat and ugly would have so many fans. I am not against using beauty to promote myself, but to think that this is the only solution that suffices in the musical life is even ignorance. To err is human but depends on who is wrong.
Cathy - agosto 21, 2012
I completely agree. I watched that recording in the studio and found her voice absurdly perfect, but every time I watch a video of some epica show I'm disappointed. Like, PRA CARAMBA. And take into account my lack of knowledge about singing, but it almost hurts in my ears and I get to feel shame to others. I thought it would just be in a certain song, but no, I saw other videos and it was the same thing. It does not even work for Simone to sing live, I'm sorry, but in my opinion it's very rough. She should do well-crafted singing lessons to see if her performance improves.
42. Karola - junho 17, 2011
Look, I love Epica and I find them a great band. Mark Jansen is a very good composer, who in my opinion is the one who "holds the bar" not Epica. Massss, the whole development of mistakes or ends up an alienated idiot. It's not what you know, it's not the best thing. I've seen countless live videos and she's slipped a bit, judging by the length of time she's studying, it's not for the event. Until it's normal, everyone has already made a mistake. And another detail is that she should have a little more presence on the stage, she is not talking about beauty and charisma, but the attitude of the one who sings metal, even if it is symphonic, it is necessary to sing sometimes with emotion in The expressions, sometimes with aggression, finally This whole thing every good vocalist needs to know. They are going to take me away if I did, but I agree with what was said, Floor Jansen on a stage does not have anybody, Simone should take this position too.
And before anyone criticizes my opinion, I study lyrical singing and theater, so I know very well what I am saying.
43. Luiz Paulo Aires - junho 24, 2011
I have seen this matter now and although I am already late, I have to comment. Simone sings wonderfully well, but I do not know what happens, live she sucks! I've never been to a show of it, but I've seen VARIOUS and the countries are canados. I think Simone cares too much about looking beautiful, wearing huge heels, tight clothes with like which I do not even know how she breathes, doing headbang but singing that is good, nothing. And what tragedy is a Simone killing himself at the Unleashed B5? Then she still posts that she can attend a C # 6, maybe she would get it if she did a preparation, it seems like she does not get ready to do the show.
Tarja also misses a few times, but not as much as Simone. Amy Lee misses a few times too is not great expected, since it's not for a second, I'm surprised to see that I can still breathe, let alone sing. For me the best is a Sharon Den Adel, and I do not even like it as much as in Temptation, my favorite band is Epica, I know Simone sings VERY well, so I should prepare a little more to sing live. To say that she sings badly is always a lie, she is singing Stabat Mater Dolorosa not The Classical Conspiracy was a shiver, and I wanted to know why she does not sing well always. The G5 she shot at Stabat Mater Dolorosa was wonderful, if she did the same thing singing the end of Never Enough I would be happy.
I think it's ridiculous is this little guy here talking about "Do it better then, sing better than her." This is a fan of filthy music, no one needs to have a musical background, sing perfectly to be judgmental and judge others. Grow up
46. ~~ - março 3, 2012
1 PLACE: Beauty. 2nd PLACE: Body. 3rd PLACE: Voice. This is the reality of Simone Simons. : P
50. Sandro - julho 27, 2012
But she's right, Simone does not sing very well. I think she should go to the lyrical singing classes and stop buying so many cosmetics lol. I do not think it's envy, Simone is a bit out of tune, people who do not understand music say that she's envy. Compare Simone's voice with singers of the same musical style as hers, they put Simone in the slipper. Floor Jansen sings a lot, Tarja then neither compares, both reach a very high note and are soprano, Tarja for example reaches if I am not mistaken 3,8 and is lyric soprano spinto (very rare), Simone is mezzo soprano (too common ) And reaches 2.5. I found Simone to be very talented, until I saw videos of her on a live show, even church guitars where I went to pre-adolescence sing more than she did. And I thought she was very beautiful too, until I saw her before fame and without makeup. And it's not to be jealous of Simone because she's beautiful and so. She is rich and can be beautiful because she has money, I've seen a photo of Simone before the fame, not even close to what it is today. =) She is not hot, she is magrona, has no chest, has no butt, is thin without curves. See http://twitter.com/#!/SimoneSimons/media/slideshow?url=http%3A%2F Who I think is too beautiful is Amy Lee, oval face shape, perfect, very thin nose with very clear gray eyes, more beautiful without make-up than with. Http://twitter.com/#!/SimoneSimons/media/slideshow?url=http%3A%2F%2Finstagr.am%2Fp%2FLisuy2mPk9%2F '
Li - setembro 4, 2012
Actually Simone has given some holes, the voice is not so good live, but you can not compare a mezzo with soprano voice, it's totally different and however common it is, it's harder to develop a voice like that because of the region Of passing the voice from chest to head, and it is exactly at that point that it has out of tune. For the sopranos the story is different, the treble is easier, etc ... Besides the musical style may be very close, but the way of singing of these three singers is quite different.
53. Alina - outubro 27, 2012
I arrived more than 2 years late here, but like the above colleagues, I will give my opinion about Aunt Sisi. I follow Epica to 6 years, I'm not a number one fan, but I like them a lot, they are young, with a talent and charisma that will surely go far. However, I must say that their vocalist always bothered me about something. In the studio she is divine, beautiful voice, looks like a velvet, but live ... is not more than a medium singer and sometimes bad, unfortunately. Is it difficult to sing with the troubled life she must have? It sure is difficult. Is it normal to err, to tune out? Of course it is, everyone is subject to this. The problem is: Simone is out of tune, and I have the impression that she does not try hard to sing, hold the notes, hold the pitch. Looks like he's afraid to look ugly in the pictures! Watch live videos (or even photos, of any good singer), most of them in some parts appear with a face and mouth bigger than a black hole, the abdomen a trunk of so firm, all this to articulate, Support, control breathing, sing well, a posture I rarely see Simone assuming. It's okay to dress up and look beautiful, after all she has what to show and she's a woman, I know what she's like, but I feel she gives more importance to the corsets (how can she breathe in there?), High heels and makeup That to hold that note to not tune out. Long life, she's beautiful inside out, she does not need all that. I once read in an interview given by her that people should hook up more to her voice and see her as a good singer than to appear. Forgive me, but this is not what she shows on stage, quite the opposite! And to the bunch of hypocrites who are pretending to be deaf, I doubt if she was a little girl, skinny and chubby and who defied so much, I bet they were all throwing stones at her. I really like the band, I even went to a show I had here in SP in 2010, but the fact that I like it does not make me alienated, just like the girl above said. Anyway, go study, Sisi. You can, just get out of the corset.
67. Cis - julho 17, 2013
Really. The strange thing is that now the performance of Simone is increasingly degrading (at least live). She makes a supernatural effort to achieve reasonable shades. Singing Quietus at the show here in the past, gods ... It was ashamed. Oh, I really like the Epic band very much, and I think Simone's voice is beautiful, just for the record. Not at all, I should note that, presumably, Simone pays more attention to cosmetics, looks and the like than to the position she represents as the lead singer of the band. And that's taking into account that she has plenty of time to perfect her vocal abilities! Maybe if I spent time training more, instead of taking pictures, things would change, lol. Well, congratulations on the text, it was straightforward and coherent 🙂 (it's even funny to see the adolescent fanzinhos paying off the fans using the "jealousy" kkkkkkk tragicomic).
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