#it's a bit ironic he doesn't really agree with the raider life
rockshortage · 4 years
Question time! So, how moral is Hector's spine in terms of slavery, experimenting on people, prostitution, u know all the ugly and uncomfy topics of fallout universe. What he would fight and what ignore. Sry if this was mentioned but dont remember tbh if i saw it.
Thank you for the question! Once again I wrote Way Too Much
If we were to go by DnD alignments, Hector is chaotic neutral.
He doesn’t have strong opinions in either direction, but he’s easily influenced by the opinions of the people around him. And since he’s surrounded by raiders, he has less and less trouble agreeing with them as time goes on. Putting that kind of agreement into action is a different story though.
Hector can be cruel as long as he’s ignorant to the fact that people exist as individuals, as long as he’s able to dehumanize them in some way. His success rate really depends on the group of people in question. The easiest ones are children of atom and gunners. Raiders used to be easy but it gets harder the more he bonds with the gangs. Settlers are difficult.
In general, Hector isn’t a sadist. He doesn’t enjoy preying on people who are weaker than him and tries to avoid raids on settlements as much as he can. In terms of conquering new territory, he’d much rather take out rival gangs, clear out a gunner base or just claim some vermin infested ruins to fix up. It works for the most part but he can’t always get away with it, and one of the many things Gage has to teach him is how to stop being so sympathetic to the poor little settlers. Or at least how to tough it out and just fuck up their day regardless of how he feels about it. He has no problem with the ‘doing what you have to’ angle, but in the context of Nuka World, they’re definitely not just doing this for survival anymore. So he can’t justify it in that way.
He’s not a fan of slavery at all. How the raiders treat the traders at the market has been a thorn in his side from day one, but with how little respect and authority he commands at the start, there’s just nothing he can do about it. Not without the risk of making all hell break loose anyway. Once he gets things a little more under control, he tries to phase it out gradually, in a way that won’t be obvious to the raiders until it’s too late or they just don’t care anymore. Like giving the traders a salary disguised as a budget for improving their posts and inventory. Letting them become ‘experts’ at their jobs, which gives them some amount of authority. He does have to put his foot down about the collars and fair treatment, which is sure to cause backlash. So he can’t do that too early in his career. Eventually though, business is good, the caps are flowing and there will be people who actually want to work there. Maybe some of the original traders stay, or they can hire new help so they themselves can leave. It works, but it takes a really long time. Too long for Hector to be really considered heroic or anything for freeing them.
Experimenting on people… depends on the ‘mood’ I guess. In the pursuit of SCIENCE, he can sometimes forget that morals and ethics are a thing. Desecrating bodies is a non-issue, because they’re dead anyway, why should anyone care? If spirits exist and the spirit of that person decides to hang around here and get offended, then that’s their fucking problem, isn’t it? Live experiments are more tricky. If he believes they deserve to be in this position in some way, and they’re acting all tough guy, then it’s doable. But if they’re screaming, crying, begging? Hard no, abort mission.
Prostitution… People being openly and overly sexual makes him very uncomfortable, so he certainly doesn’t like it. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it though, as long as people are doing it voluntarily. Live and let live, just not near him please. ((had (have?) half a mind to make the story of Rammstein’s “Puppe” part of his backstory, because my brain connected the two at one point and the thought has not let me go ever since. like yknow... big sister who saved baby hector having to earn money to survive somehow and meeting a bad ending And the song goes so fucking hard it gives me chills every time. It would add another layer to his discomfort for that kinda stuff but it’s like. So Much Angst))
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