#it's 1pm you'd think i would have slept for long enough but nope. i went to bed at 5am aha
stinkrascal · 2 years
Is it weird that I don't "project" my diagnoses, etc. onto my sims/ocs? Like I know a ton of people who are autistic write autistic characters, or ace people write a lot of ace characters. (I am both.) But I have never really found the compulsion to do that? Not a single one of my sims to date is autistic, and only one of my nonsis OCs is. And weirdly enough, despite being aroace, I write a lot of romance-centered shit.
Idk why I'm coming rambling into your inbox about it, but I just realized that I don't do that, and I don't know why. A lot of people talk about having characters who are really, really similar to themselves, but then there's me with none of my characters are anything like me.
The closest I come to projecting onto my characters in any form is the fact that all my stories are about love (in any form), and no matter what shit goes down, there's always a (mostly) happy ending. Other than that, most of my characters are absolutely nothing like me, lmao.
Anyways, ramble over. Sorry for just jumping into your inbox for no fucking reason. That is all.
Also, some questions: Do you have a favorite scene in the Brie/Vlad backstory? Is there a scene you think is going to be the hardest to convert into sims format? If you had to choose one favorite OC (and only one) who would it be, and why?
Okay, I swear I'm done now! Love, Morri.
i don't think it's weird at all!! to be honest, i think it's really commendable that you're capable of writing about many different types of people without pulling from your own experiences! i have the opposite problem, where i tend to pull from my own experiences so often that it's difficult to write about characters who don't resemble myself, to the point where sometimes i feel like my characters even talk too similarly to myself aha. i think maybe sometimes it's scary to have characters who feel so much like yourself, like it feels as though you're bearing your soul out to the world when you write about someone whose experiences are so similar to your own. i can see how it's a daunting task! honestly though i don't think it truly matters where the inspiration for your characters comes from. as long as you're writing and expressing yourself, i think that's what matters most! especially since this is just a silly hobby of ours, it's not like we're getting paid to write these stories. so just have fun with it you know!!
i have a few favorite scenes in the brie/vlad backstory, it's hard to pinpoint just one!! honestly, though, any scene where they're being grossly affectionate and simultaneously oblivious makes my heart explode. i really like the scene where they finally get together too, but i haven't yet written that one out since it's towards the end of the story, and i'd say i'm about 3/4ths of the way done writing everything. there's a few fight scenes i'm nervous to take screenshots of whenever i get to that point, but i think i have the ability to pull it off!! i've been thinking very intensely about how to play these scenes out, so i have a few ideas for the execution aha. and obviously breanna!! because as i mentioned above, i have difficulty writing about characters who aren't similar to me, and breanna was created specifically to be similar to me, so she feels really natural to write and discuss. obviously we have our differences, but i think a lot of our emotions are similar, even if the root cause for our emotions come from very different places. and it helps that she likes the same things i do and she talks the way i do, so i don't have to stress out over her personality much since i feel like i know her very well. is that weird? aha fjeroaigjrstohjrthklmr;mnsre she's just like me fr!
thanks so much for rambling in my ask box! i always appreciate seeing asks from you, you rock!! <3
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