#it'd be simpler and i think it'd make all of them look coherent and be easily identifiable as belonging to me
ghostiesdirectory · 4 years
okay getting down and dirty and redoing my directory theme, google docs, and all my themes for my blogs  edit: redid this blogs theme, have to add a few more images and then it’s done. gonna start doing themes on the other blogs.
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hxneydreamers · 3 years
hello!!! i'm considering changing my name (no particular reason), if i revise my name will my whole history be rewritten as this new alias like certificates, id etc... and will my friends and family know me by this new name or am i to tell them?i can't imagine how this could be brought about in a way that satisfies me, it feels too complicated and troublesome of a process. it'd be a lot simpler if i could just switch reality but i find it hard to believe to change the tangible past 😬anyways what im really trying to manifest is a house i've basically built with pintarest but i've added too many specifics (way to many trust me) so now i'm doubting its existence it should also be of a certain age and in a specific area, i feel like im asking too much for both desires,i should at least be coherent with reality shouldn't i?idk... what would you do in these situations? thank you a thousand times and sorry for bothering you mwah 💌
Look i can tell pretty quickly that the number one thing you need to stop doing is WORRYING ABOUT THE DETAILS OF YOUR MANIFESTATIONS! I can see that with your name revision and even your house manifestation, you are stressing out that you won't make it happen exactly in the perfect way you want withe every little detail. You need to let go of this and just breathe for a second!
Manifestation and revision is not complicated at all! Not at all! You don't need to stress the details EVER when you manifest. All you need to do is imagine you already have what you want and think how you would think if you did.
This is literally it. Just do this over and over and persist in it until it hardens into fact, and if you start to worry about the 3D, remind yourself that it is irrelevant!
Manifestation is ALWAYS perfect, and if your idea of the perfect manifestation includes specifics, thats fine, but you don't need to affirm for each specific thing!
Your subconscious mind/god self actually already knows what you want and you need to just trust this! If you affirm something as simple as 'I am living in my dream home' and 'i love my home! It is literally my perfect house!', your subconscious mind will fill in the blanks! Your mind KNOWS what you want and it KNOWS what your definition of a perfect house is for you, so that is what it will manifest!
And with regards to the revision of your name, you don't need to worry about how it will show up in the 3D, and honestly no one will ever be able to predict how it will happen! Usually, no one ever expects the way that their manifestations end up showing up in the 3D! You don't need to stress yourself out by trying to figure out each possibly pathway and potential event that needs to occur for it to happen! YOUR ONLY JOB IS TO AFFIRM AND TRUST THAT SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY, IT WILL JUST HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT! And PERSIST in knowing this and reminding yourself of this!
That's it! :)
Manifestation always works out in a way that, when it does happen in the 3D, you will look at how it happened and think 'bro I never would have thought about that! Everything WAS working out in my favour!'
This is always the case. When you are persisting, everything IS moving i your favour, and you need to remind yourself that no matter what you see, there is ALWAYS movement, and everything is happening to bring you your desire!
Hope this helps <3
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