#it’s nice to reminisce over the pairings i liked in the early 2010’s that i don’t really bring up nowadays
elysabeththequeene · 2 days
after over ten years i randomly thought of sarah manning & paul dierden and realised that i am indeed, still bitter and will never get over what they did.
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realrollypratt · 3 years
Friends, today we are doing something Important™️ and that is:
Rating Derek Venturi’s hairstyles
We’re going in a general chronological order over the four seasons and the movie and since it’s gonna get long, I’m putting it under a read more.
Please note that this is My Opinion and The Only Valid Opinion, so if you disagree you are Wrong and I am Right and we can’t be friend xoxo
Shoutout to my besties from the Dasey Discord for the screenshots: Haydée, Danielle and Emilia <3
#1. Here we have the season one short hair which I think is very cute tbh. You may remember he often wears it a little bit gelled/spiked up in this season, very early 00’s heartthrob-also cute-, but in this screencap his bangs are down over his forehead and I kinda live for it. Imagine getting your fingers in there just to push the bangs away from his face a little bit. Just very cute and soft.
Rating: 7/10
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#2. This. This is the “brushing the bangs away from his face” times 1000, like it’s getting long enough to get into his eyes and when he looks up through his bangs it’s like little puppy dog you can’t resist. But he also looks like such a little shit with that hair and that sneaky smile, you can just tell he is up to No Good.
Rating: 8/10
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#3. I wanna talk shit about this but I am weirdly attracted.
Rating: 7.5/10 (docking 0.5 points because it has no right being so sexy and it makes me angry)
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#4. To quote myself from the Discord: “season three hair my beloved”. So listen, all my favorite seasons of tv shows happen to be the Best Hair Season and it’s just how it is. Look it! Look at it! Looks so soft and fluffy like you wanna play with it and mess with it. It’s all long and flowy and how very guitar player of him. The hair that looks best paired with his leather jacket. 🙏
Rating: 10/10
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#5. Perfect guitar player hair at it’s PEAK!!! Look at how perfectly wavy and tousled and messy it is. Sexiest hair. It’s so hot I wanna lick it. I don’t even know what to do with myself looking at him during this scene. He even has the indecency to run his tongue over his bottom lip like a complete harlot with zero respect for my libido.
Rating: 💯💯💯💯💯/10
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#6. I hate it
Rating: 0/10
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#7. I cannot stand his hair 95% of the time during season four it’s so painful to look at. Look at all the weird angles. It sticks weirdly out the sides like what is this. This shot is just slightly more tolerable than #6 so I’ll give it a pass but like BARELY.
Rating: 5/10
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#8. One of the few times season four took pitty on my eyes and I appreciate it.
Rating: 7/10
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#9. What the hell is this. I’m not even sure this hair is from this planet. He looks like an owl??? Why is it all up in the air like that??? Why does this exist??? Is this what a zombie is supposed to look like??????
Rating: -1000000000/10
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#10. Movie Hair has been getting some disrespect and I’m here to set the record straight. Dark, Short and Curly Movie Hair > Season Four Disaster Hair. Look in this screencap it’s not as nicely styled as the beginning of the movie but it looks so good in general. On this it’s a bit reminiscent of season one where its short and very heartthrobby but in a 2010 kinda way. This down here looks like he just got out of bed and didn’t even bother. This is bedhead. It’s beautiful. Don’t @ me.
Rating: 9/10
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Dusted Mid-Year Exchange, Part 2: Positive No to Yves Tumour
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Six Organs got a lot of mid-year love this time
Welcome back to part two of the Dusted Mid-Year Exchange, in which we tackle the second half of the alphabet. If you missed part one, with its lengthy description of what we’re doing here, you can read it here. Or just muddle through. Cheers.  
Positive No — Kyanite (Little Black Cloud)
Kyanite by Positive No
Who recommended it? Tobias Carroll
Did we review it? No.
Tim Clarke’s take:
Positive No braid tight bursts of guitars, bass and drums into upbeat yet agitated shapes. There’s a touch of Blonde Redhead’s Kazu Makino in Tracy Wilson’s vocal delivery, or My Bloody Valentine’s Belinda Butcher, especially on expansive opener “Elevator Up.” At just under half an hour, the urgent economy of Kyanite’s songwriting makes all the more sense when you learn that it’s the band’s final album, released on Valentine’s Day this year. As their parting gesture, nothing is wasted, everything invested. As one of the song titles says, “Get In, Get Out. Don’t Linger. Go On.”
 Raspberry Bulbs — Before the Age of Mirrors
Before The Age Of Mirrors by Raspberry Bulbs
Who picked it? Jonathan Shaw
Did we review it? Yes, Jonathan said, “Even in its heaviest metal moments, on ‘Reclaimed Church’ and excellent closing track ‘Given Over to History,’ the record’s punk vibe cuts and grins. It insists on a deadly aesthetic seriousness, and at the same time, it’s tugging the rug out from under its own feet.”
Jennifer Kelly’s take:
Raspberry Bulbs splices punk’s antic venom with metal’s storm and roar, shifting from one mode to the other inside individual tracks, sometimes measure to measure. Consider “Doggerel” which kicks off in a pogo-ing furor, rattling violently over rapid oi band rhythms, everything clipped and percussive, even the vocals, though hoarse and splintered. Midway through, a sirening guitar riff intercedes and the singing turns ominous and measured; all the sudden it’s metal. “Midnight Line” pulls the opposite trick, beginning in clanging, feedback-morphing guitar and larynx shredding howl, then introducing a punk rock palm-muted chug and anthemry. It’s a volatile mix, at times nearly playful, at others agonizingly heavy, at still others (the “Intervals” mostly) surprisingly lyrical.  I lean towards the punk-er tracks—"They’re After Me” and “Doggerel”— metal fans may feel otherwise.
 Stephen Riley — Friday the 13th (Steeplechase)
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Who recommended it? Derek Taylor
Did we review it? Yes. Derek said, “Knuffke and Riley are a directly collaborative pairing now and their partnership politely demands many more dates like this one.”
Justin Cober-Lake's take:
Saxophonist Stephen Riley has put together a quartet with a singular idea of playing these classic tunes on Friday the 13th in relatively straightforward and spacious renditions. Their take on Eddie Vinson's “Four” has Riley and cornetist Kirk Knuffke trading long solos. The rhythm section does its job, but it's a horn players' record. The album comes alive most when Knuffke and Riley interact more immediately. On Oliver Nelson's “Hoe Down,” they reveal how great a partnership they have, initially matching each other on the main melody before spiraling off. “Round Midnight” could have been too obvious a choice, but the combo's personalized take on the standard works out. Everyone sounds at ease enough within the song that they take a few more risks, and the horn players supplement each other nicely with more harmonic considerations. The album ends with a trio of spirited numbers, and in each case Riley and Knuffke play off each other's solos with a sharpness that by now makes sense. Riley's listening to Monk and playing like Rollins (hence the title track) as he and his group find ways to make old bop sound new.
  Gil Scott-Heron and Makaya McCraven—We’re New Again, A Reimagining (XL Recordings)
Who recommended it? Jenny Kelly.
Did we review it? Yes. Arthur Krumins notes, “McCraven lays down a lush musical backdrop that allows Scott-Heron’s words to have emotional impact.”
Jonathan Shaw’s take:
The word “reimagine” has a sexy resonance, and for that reason, it’s often too casually used. But in the case of We’re New Again, the word is warranted. Drummer and producer Makaya McCraven doesn’t just remix Gil Scott-Heron’s final record, I’m New Here (2010); McCraven shuffles the track list, adds some relevant recordings of Scott-Heron’s voice, and creates entirely new arrangements, moods, and musical accompaniment for the earlier album’s songs. It’s ballsy — I’m New Here is justly recognized as a masterpiece, and it’s marked by a stylistic austerity. On that record, Scott-Heron sang and spoke and recited his poetry over minimalist beats, a strummed guitar, or his own piano playing. McCraven attentively reimagines the tunes, working with polyphonic, post-Bop ensembles; busy hip-hop soundscapes; gospel and funk quotations. Remarkably, none of the richness of Scott-Heron’s vocals and none of the complexity of his poetry get obscured. More often, McCraven inventively intensifies the impact of Scott-Heron’s songs. And the reordering and recontextualizing of the tracks reveals a different narrative, grounded in the resilience and the suffering of Scott-Heron’s upbringing and too-short life. You listen and you feel it. It’s a terrific record.
Six Organs of Admittance — Companion Rises (Drag City)
Companion Rises by Six Organs of Admittance
Who recommended it? Jennifer Kelly
Did we review it? Yes. Jenny said it’s “straight-down-the-middle Six Organs, not as loud and abrasive as the first Hexadic disc, not as reticently wisp-y as the older folk-derived records.”
Patrick Masterson’s take:
Back when Dusted was still a dot-com, we talked about making a site-specific canon for our 10th anniversary, a kind of “Dusted 500” field guide. There was a shared spreadsheet and talk of a benefit show and a mixtape comp and so on that never amounted to anything for myriad reasons, but I can promise you Ben Chasny would’ve figured into it somehow — and nearly a decade on from that, my promise stands. The latest (30th? Let’s call it 30th) Six Organs of Admittance record is a beautiful slow burner that shows why, all astral spirits and slow-rolling starlight guitar plucks that is, as Jenny rightly notes, a Six Organs line drive. My belief after numerous spins since early February — mostly in the mornings, for which this music also seems suitable accompaniment — is that, like the rest of Chasny’s oeuvre, it will appeal to anyone who likes guitars or reads this. On the off chance you stumbled in here or haven’t heard this record yet: Welcome. It’s always been this way.
Patrick Masterson
 Spanish Love Songs — Brave Faces Everyone (Pure Noise)
Brave Faces Everyone by Spanish Love Songs
Who recommended it? Ian Mathers
Did we review it? Yes. Ian said, “it’s more a record of solidarity and mutual support than it is anything more prescriptive.”
Patrick Masterson’s take:
L.A. quintet Spanish Love Songs occupy a very specific point on what I like to think of as the Bar Band Spectrum, where one end is a bottom-rung covers-only collective found in just about any weeknight dive pre-COVID playing for beer money out of boredom and modest ambition… and the other end is Bruce Springsteen. This band isn’t as ramshackle as, say, Ladyhawk, nor have they yet hit a glass ceiling à la the Constantines; they sound to me more like Beach Fossils or Single Mothers, where everything from their songwriting to their slightly glossy production suggests they’re as ready as they’ll ever be for arena life. And what a record to make the case, too: Brave Faces Everyone is the sound of Run for Covers Records growing up or early onset Gen Z realizing a glass of wine after everything is, in fact, a coping mechanism for adulthood in a profoundly uncaring world. It’s got a big, young heart to match its big, old sound. It says, loudly, that in the increasingly untethered reality of 2020, we are all losers forever — but there’s still a “best of it” to be made if you wanna and the bravest face is an optimistic one. I’ll rock with that (from the quarantined confines of home and the other side of another lousy livestream, of course).
Patrick Masterson
Squirrel Flower — I Was Born Swimming (Polyvinyl)
I Was Born Swimming by Squirrel Flower
Who picked it? Patrick Masterson
Did we review it? Nope.
Arthur Krumins’ take:
Making the most of a dour mood, Squirrel Flower squeezes disaffection from her vocal delivery. The instrumentation is reminiscent of a less noisy Built to Spill, or maybe Julie Doiron, and is effectively now a retro indie rock sound originally from the late 90s or early 2000s. The jamminess of some of the drawn out riffs feel both pretty and sad, and could be a good soundtrack to a rainy drive. The heaviness is well developed without being bogged down. The lyrics catch your attention with their plainspoken narration of conflict (“You slap me, I’ll slap you right back” she repeats in “Slapback”). A fitting album for looking your troubles head on while still being totally surrounded by them.
 Waterless Hills — The Great Mountain (Cardinal Fuzz)
Waterless Hills - 'The Great Mountain' by Waterless Hills
Who picked it? Bill Meyer
Did we review it? No.
Arthur Krumins’ take:
A dissonant flow that steadily increases in intensity starts this record, which is a live recorded improvisation. The combination of aching, modal violin by dbh with slightly overdriven cascading electric guitar by C Joynes makes for a feel reminiscent of “Venus in Furs” by the Velvet Underground. The percussion by Andrew Cheetham, a drum kit plug some extras like a hung Chinese gong, creates texture and mood. Sometimes there’s just a steady counting of time in the background, at other moments waves of cymbals crash and make a cacophonous emphasis as the music rises and falls. The overall effect of the jams is hypnotic, like getting absorbed in a swirling light show. The players’ sensitivity to the musical interplay of their instruments, combined with a masterful looseness, makes it a trip worth taking.
Well Yells — We Mirror the Dead (Self-released)
Who recommended it? Ian Mathers.
Did we review it? Yes. Ian Mathers notes, “tipping towards the slightly industrial/EBM side of the genre, We Mirror the Dead gains a kind of gloomy propulsion without losing any of the atmosphere or intensity of [the band’s] prior work.”
Jonathan Shaw’s take:
The Gothic is not famous for stylistic restraint, and neither are the various contemporary subgenres that have inherited goth music’s romance of dark interiors, painfully fraught feeling and highly stylized self-fashioning. A few recent acts have cut against the grain of those established maximalist textures: see the grim industrial rancor of Street Sects, and the more experimental, sample-based austerities of Wreck and Reference. Well Yells’ music feels similarly stripped down to a pulsing electronic essence. But the record is more interested in the strobing spaces of Clubland than in decrepit factory ruins, and the darkwave gloss of We Mirror the Dead presents a more conventional relation to goth’s sensations. At its best—as on album opener “Kill the King”—the music of Patrick Holbrook, sole member of Well Yells, snaps and glimmers with compelling dread and arch sophistication. Holbrook’s breathy tenor is a useful counterpoint; his vocals are vaguely reminiscent of the best of those other habitués of Clubland, the British New Romantics (remember Bronski Beat?). It’s good stuff, somehow simultaneously polished and dirty.
  Lucinda Williams—Good Souls Better Angels (Thirty Tigers/Highway 20 Records)
Who recommended it? Justin Cober-Lake
Did we review it? No.
Bill Meyer’s take: I haven’t listened much to Lucinda Williams; the one record I have by her, Sweet Old World, is 28 years old. The first thing that hit me when I listened to Good Souls Better Angels is what’s changed. Williams’ voice is much rougher, and she’s adjusted the music correspondingly, adding Hendrixian guitar flourishes to “Bone of Contention” and coarsening the domestic violence scenario “Wakin’ Up” with bad-trip electronics. The next is how pissed she sounds. Violent boyfriends are bad enough, but having a charmless sociopath for president is even worse. Fortunately, bile hasn’t overwhelmed her writing chops. Big-sounding roots rock isn’t really my thing these days, but if I feel the need to change that, Good Souls Better Angels is a good place to start.  
  Wire — Mind Hive (Pink Flag)
Who picked it? Andrew Forell
Did we review it? Yes, Andrew said, “Mind Hive is concise yet full of restless intelligence, musical ideas and willingness to push boundaries.”  
Derek Taylor’s take:
I tapped Wire late and left early. That truncated exposure lends a narrow vocabulary in describing their music contextually, pre- and post-reunions. This latest missive sounds alternately like what I remember and at least several zip codes removed with a heavy lean into synths. “Be Like Them” and “Primed and Ready” fall in the former category, while “Off the Beach” trades gangly ennui and menace for what almost resembles instrumental optimism until the lyrics stack dutifully into another ode to the disaffected and disconnected. “Oklahoma” feels inscrutably weird. “Hung” drops as the album’s extended, incremental, post-industrial dirge. There’s additional insulation sheathing this Wire, an inevitable adjunct of ascendancy to elder status, but the current foursome is still dependably conducting current.
 Yves Tumour — Heaven to a Tortured Mind (Warp)
Who recommend it? Patrick Masterson
Did we review it? No.
Ian Mathers’ take:
Listen to music for long enough and you might realize that most of the time when you hope any artist goes in any particular direction with their work, you’re bound to be disappointed. But every so often, maybe after a promising album that you just didn’t fully click with, an artist does exactly what you were hoping for and fully manifests all the potential promise you thought you glimpsed. Yves Tumor’s 2018 album Safe in the Hands of Love was admirable in many ways, but it was really only on crucial single “Noid” that all the combustible elements were really brought together into something that properly bangs. Well, Heaven to a Tortured Mind might not have as many showcases for the ambient/noise chops that Tumor definitely has, but it does consistently bang for 36 minutes of should-be alternate universe pop hits, from the brassy “Gospel for a New Century” to the floaty duet “Kerosene!” For anyone who loved “Noid” and then found more to respect than the viscerally love on Tumor’s last record, this is the record you were waiting for, and it is magnificent and ferocious.
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