#it wouldn't be the whole book but I think we could fit a few silly options
chasing-stardust-22 · 24 days
Soup cookbook, great idea, we shall fill it with recipes made exclusively from tumblr polls
dtblr test kitchen - experimental/"joke" recipes written by committee
one of them would probably be like. half ice
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tsaritsa · 10 months
Congratulations on winning Nano!!! Any hot takes or unconventional tips on how to achieve a huuuge milestone like that in so little time?
Also, if you'd like to share, I'd love to hear more about the piece(s) you worked on during this year's event! Big yay if you want to tease us with a sneak peek as well. 🙂
Congratsss again!!!
ty!!!! i am afraid my tips might seem kind of obvious and not that much of a hot take but here's what worked for me:
writing sprints. do 10 min. do 17 min. do 30 min. whatever it is, just get words down on the page. after each sprint was finished i'd look at what i wrote, fix up the most glaring mistakes (espe if the words looked terrible. i've learned to live with a lot of spelling errors bc otherwise u waste too much time. during nano each day i'd prolly manage between 2-3 sprints -- usually enough to net me between 1000-1500 words each day. i wouldn't stop if i hit the daily total, i'd stop when i could feel the motivation waning. my lowest day was under 300 words, my biggest was just over 4000.
get a community. writing sucks alone. i feel very grateful that i've made some friends on here who were also trying to write regularly, so now there's 5 of us in a little discord i've made. we do sprints with each other and share lots of snippets, memes, pretty pictures etc. it keeps us excited about our own projects, but also allows us to cheerlead each other on.
get used to placeholders. i use TK. anytime there's a word i need but it's not on the tip of my tongue? TK my beloved. sometimes i'd write like she sighed in a TK kind of way, or like harry opens his mouth to argue about TK TK some work thing he's doing TK TK. it just keeps u in the pace of writing ur in, but allows for a few words to be spent writing down a piece that needs further expansion.
establish habits and goals. for me, it's stuff like trying to write the bulk of my writing with a nice candle lit, but also the silly stuff like putting on lippy so I feel like. Ready to do shit. have a few drinks avail. one to hydrate (ice cold) one to caffeinate (also ice cold). play music or sounds that will help u get into the zone without overly distracting. now that i've won it i'm gonna treat myself to some silly purchases as well bc i should reward myself for such hard work and dedication. i'm thinking a v comfy hoodie.
overall if i didn't have the community i had this month i think my external motivation would've been lost quickly, so find friends to yell at about ur project. watch yt videos about ppl doing writing! make posts and don't give a flying fuck about being cringe or not suiting ut 'aesthetic'. this is u. do it for U.
in terms of this project: the short version is hermione goes back to hogwarts post book 7 and has to slowly begin to recover from/learn to live with the PTSD she's gained. alas, draco is also back and she's gotta learn to make peace with the fact that he's allowed to want to change and that he's making small steps to become a better person than who he was. they're gonna kiss and be disgusting with each other. ultimately this is a story about hermione's journey, as the whole thing is written from her perspective, so although the dhr aspect is there, there are also other important relationships i want to focus on -- especially her and harry.
i'm ignoring/expanding on a lot of canon, and using some details from the movies i prefer over the books (namely her mudblood scar bc mmmmm parallels). i don't really know if anybody is in character but i don't care! this is my story and i'll do it how i see fit haha.
the following excerpt comes from late sept in the current draft. at this point dhr has been forced together a few times already. draco has surreptitiously managed to drug slughorn with a potion of his (slughorn's) own making during their potions class bc the potions professor was spending an entire lesson just showing off instead of. u know. teaching.
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sanctaignorantia · 9 months
Memory Card Theory (#2)
More I think about it, the sillier it seems, but I'm going to write it anyway because it might help us to see the same things from another point of view, however silly it may be. And, of course, in season 3 none of this may be the case, but we're thinking and we're having fun, right?
Let me add a few things to this post I made here about the "Memory Card" Theory. When I said 'gift from Beelzebub' I meant exactly the Fly, the Fly itself functions as a Memory Card where Jimbriel has stored part of himself. He puts it in the matchbox, then takes it out and puts it in another box.
When I compare this to Crowley I mean the Plants, they would be Crowley's Memory Card and they used to be "free" in his house because they were safe there, but Shax arrives and puuuuf!! The Plants he carries in the boxes aren't even the same as the ones we see in his house before, but he still carries them around. "But you see, they were huge and wouldn't fit in the Bentley", so Crowley must have made them smaller haha. But Bentley itself is another Memory Card. He puts the Plants in the box and that box is inside another "box" that moves, that's Bentley.
So now we have Aziraphale and her Books. We have an episode where Azi writes in a Diary. Diaries are of course Memory Cards and at the same time they are Books. And they're not in boxes, they're in the Bookshop. Did you see Azi ascend to heaven with a box of books? Naaaah.
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And when I say box, I mean it figuratively. We will clearly and literally have a box, but we also have other places that will represent this "place to keep things" and these things would be memories, parts of them. You can also call these places nests if you want to associate them with birds (nightingales) and make everything even more painful. :)
We have these creatures attached to things and these things are extensions of them, so why can't we say that they have pieces of their memories? The whole season talks about it. Memory.
Who can guarantee me that heaven (Metatron) always knew about Aziraphale's escapades with Crowley? That Aziraphale always lied, but one way or another heaven let it go because one way or another they can (and will) be deleting things from Aziraphale's memory, WHO GUARANTEES ME? Metatrash could do this next season, it could be the way he finds to control Azi in heaven, deleting, altering, moving her memories.
You tell me they're not talking. It seems to me that something very terrible would have to happen for them not to speak to each other, that discussion at the end of the season doesn't seem like one of them. Are they not talking because they really don't want to or because SOMEONE IS STOPPING THEM?
For the love of something if anyone touches my angel's beautiful head I'll have a--
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I'm trying to organize the ideas I had regarding the places they belong to plus their relationship when it comes to Nina/Maggie, Gabriel/Beelzebub and Crowley/Aziraphale, but it's really hard to formulate an intelligent and short text about it, sorry… I keep thinking and then things lose their meaning. Maybe I'll come back later with that part.
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➳all the king's men ♡ ☾
in which all the king's men couldn't put the pieces of y/n l/n together. we all have the days where we're insecure and broken, this is one of hers.
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ±1.8k
tw: insecurity, bullying
please if you are having overly harmful thoughts about yourself, talk to a friend or a professional. you are perfect the way you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
drop a follow if you wanna see more of this content!!
my masterlist:D
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it's so sad that the best people tend to think the worst of themselves
all the king's men
y/n, for lack of a better description, was feeling like humpty dumpty. she had seen herself in the mirror last night, and felt positively traumatised. she had come back from a quidditch practice session, and the results were quite terrifying.
she didn't understand. quidditch made the guys more toned and even a few of her teammates had abs. what did it do to her? well, it made her shoulders broad, which she thought was highly unattractive to anyone, and not at all slim! sure, it was fun and kept her fit, but terribly horrible, in her opinion, in trying to fit in to the beautiful girls that went to hogwarts.
she admired angie johnson and cho chang and ginny. she really did. y/n knew how hard it was to be beautiful, and she liked when other people were so beautifully beautiful. it just made her feel terrible, because what was the chance of her keeping her boyfriend in fred weasley when fiercely pretty girls were dancing elegantly around her?
there wasn't any time to be mopey and sad, so she gathered all her books and immediately went to breakfast. she didn't even bother going over to fred and greeting him. she saw how happy he was laughing with george and lee. surely she wouldn't bother him. instead she plopped down next to alicia.
"you ok?" alicia spinnet asked her.
she nodded, "fine."
"you sure?"
"wanna talk about it?"
"do you think it's too early to get plastic surgery?" y/n joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"what the fuck, no. what's up?" alicia's eyes were lit with concern.
"i don't feel pretty," her voice was but a whisper.
alicia caught it.
"why? you're literally adorable."
"you're my best friend, you're supposed to tell me that."
"hmm, nah, i truly believe it."
"well i don't," y/n said miserably.
"oi, l/n, your hair down today?" adrian pucey snarled, "it's gonna give me aids."
a few students snorted.
"you can get aids then. shut your mouth," y/n retorted back.
the whole school look startled. was this the same, prefect, goody-two-shoes y/n l/n?
adrian pucey opened his mouth.
"i said shut. your. mouth."
fred weasley watched in a mixture of furiousness and pride. he knew that pucey had a crush on y/n too. he was just terrible in expressing it. fred didn't like the way y/n's eyes sadly flitted to alicia afterwards. and she hadn't come up to him and given him a kiss today. maybe she just wanted a bit of space??
"see?" y/n sighed, "not even my hair is pretty." she tied it up.
alicia laughed, "adrian just wants your attention."
that made y/n laugh. "why? why?" it was a rhetorical question. she got up, and smiled at adrian in the most menacing way that he shrunk.
"miss l/n, your outburst was quite rude-" snape began.
"my apologies professor, of course, i was in the wrong. adrian pucey brought the topic surrounding my hair up, called it ugly. now what would you do if a student called your hair ugly?" y/n said, eyes burning with fury but conscience too good to lose her temper.
"i-i would give them a scolding."
"likewise. good day, professor."
"fucking hell, he is such a sh-" alicia muttered as she got up and followed y/n out to class.
"ali, that's enough," their retreating voices could be heard.
fred kept his eye on y/n through the day, giving her the space he thought she needed.
she looked very like her normal self, until she encountered pucey again.
"l/n, nice squinty eyes," pucey laughed.
y/n's shoulders sagged. her eyes dimmed and she let her ponytail fall in front of her face.
"ponytail won't fix them," he laughed meanly, "can they fix your dumpling body?"
fred frowned deeply, "fuck off, adrian," he angrily said, "that's my girlfriend you're talking to."
"oh, you have someone like weasley to save you? i don't even think you deserve him as a boyfriend."
y/n didn't answer, fearing that tears would spill out of her eyes. she had just been feeling worse and worse about herself. instead, when the bell signalled the end of classes, she hurried quickly off to wherever, trying to pull herself together.
she felt like she was at the bottom of the earth. her eyes finally let go of the tears that needed to be spilt. she leant sobbing against a stout tree in the forbidden forest, head slumped gloomily against the trunk, eyes trying to find anything, anything, that could be remotely comforting and hands fiddling nervously with the flowers that bloomed happily around her. her whole body shook in anxiety. she wished she had her mum or dad here to help her. but they were back at home.
how did fred love her?
she wished she didn't have stupid hair or squinty eyes or a dumpling body. but she couldn't ignore the mean, yet so true, remarks about her body adrian made. they were morally wrong and he deserved to be stabbed, but they were factual. she used to just laugh and joke about him too, but now she realised that maybe she should pay more attention to the way she eats and works and the way she talks and looks and presents herself and put more makeup on and-
fred found her crying there, by the little pond, shrinking away from the mere sight of her own appearance. he didn't get it.
well, he did, but he didn't know why such a beautiful girl like his girlfriend was crying.
she flinched and stopped crying.
"sorry, i'll leave. i don't think you want a dumpling of a girlfriend sharing this nice space," she attempted to joke, but it fell short. she wasn't joking anymore. her tone was serious and genuine. the unexpected good nature pucey's remarks were received in usually was gone, and for good reason. it had broken her into the tiniest little pieces.
fred felt it. he felt his heart stop.
"is this about what pucey said to you, lovely?" he asked gently, cupping her cheek, and pulling her close to him.
she nodded, feeling immensely better already. the smell of him made her calm down insanely.
"so you don't want space?"
"n-no, i was just..." she trailed off uncertainly.
"mhm?" he looked at her and waited.
"it's silly."
"well, it's got you crying, i don't think so."
"the stuff a-adrian says is true," her voice was quiet and small.
fred frowned.
"i'm not cute or elegant or even hot," she continued, "i-i'm not as pretty as anyone here."
"well, my little love, if my opinion even matters, you are stunning. i think you're the prettiest person in the world, both on skin and in here," he patted his own heart, "do you know how long i pined after you?"
"i'm still pining after you, gorgeous."
"d-do you mean it when you say gorgeous?" her eyes were broken and teary.
"of course. it hurts me when you are upset. because you are gorgeous and much more because you are so nice and good to me and to everyone else too. pucey's a complete shithead and when i next see him i will bash his head in. i'm so sorry i didn't notice, love, i thought you were mad at me."
"no it's fine, i just don't understand. you're fred weasley. so many girl's want you and you-you choose...me?," a sad frown was etched on her face, her tone confused.
"y/n, you're my only choice. i don't want the other girls. i can see the appeal of you. i-i know i'm not the best with words like you, but i really care about you. i love you, i adore you, you're the bestest person i've ever met."
and he knows he's brought the happiness back in her. she giggled. he felt relieved, because he knew he wasn't good at all at comforting people and y/n was so special to him- why didn't he say that earlier to her?
"bestest isn't a word, freddie."
"well you get what i mean, right? you're really special to me," there it was.
she nodded slowly, a small smile forming on her lips as she kissed him on the lips, before snuggling closer to him.
"darling, wouldn't you rather go back to the castle to cuddle?"
hesitantly, she shook her head.
"'drian's there."
"adrian cannot hurt you, okay? whatever he tells you is wrong. he's wrong," he gently says, pulling her close to him, "besides, if he does, i'm here, and you're strong."
"i just cried about it, i can't be strong."
"crying doesn't mean you're weak, darling, sometimes we all cry and that's okay."
y/n nodded.
"here, i brought this for you, maybe it's a comfort??" he blushed as he handed her his quidditch hoodie.
she grinned and put it on.
he couldn't stop blushing at the sight of her, so he tilted his face away to save himself the embarrassment.
noticing and mistaking his turned away head for disgust, y/n took the hoodie off, downcastedly handing it back to him.
"sorry," she gave a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as fred looked at her in confusion.
"y-you can have it back, yeah, there's no need to hide your shame, here, s-sorry," she stuttered out.
"shame?" he asked, looking worriedly down at her.
"mhm," she fiddled with the hem of her shirt, "sorry."
he finally understood.
"angel, look at me."
she reluctantly looked up at him.
"i wasn't feeling disgusted at all. i-i was actually embarrassed because i was blushing," his cheeks heated up again, "like i probably am right now. you're too beautiful. i was blushing too much."
"yeah. now put it back on," he demanded, as he cheekily tugged the jumper over her head, blushing again as he saw her standing there in his jumper.
"c'mon!" he said, carrying y/n's school bag as they made their way to the castle, his arm wrapped protectively around his waist and the bright gold letters on the back of his sweater shining for anyone and everyone to see.
they didn't see pucey, thank goodness and they ended up talking with george and katie bell and angie and alicia by the fire.
as y/n smiled and giggled with katie over something highly scandalous, fred had his eyes on her, not so much monitoring her, but he couldn't keep them off of her.
when he had noticed her words start to become short and slightly slurred by tiredness, he lead her back to her dormitory.
"feeling better princess?"
she nodded, "you're so good to me, freddie. i love you."
it made his heart swell with happiness.
"i'd go to the moon and back for you, y/n."
she smiled drowsily, "and i, you."
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twosodas · 3 years
sneaking out - ririka momobami x gn reader
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summary - ririka is left alone in the momobami mansion once again. she's planning on just sitting around and reading until kirari returns home. until you show up at her window and convince her to sneak out.
ririka is home alone. with her parents rarely being present and kirari often having to go to deal with business, she's often left to sit alone in the large mansion, reading or doing work until somebody returns home to order her around.
that was what she was planning to do on this evening. her parents, as always, were away. kirari was staying at the school to deal with some council affairs. so she was alone in her home. she had already accomplished all of her work for the evening, so she decided to spend the rest of the evening reading.
after choosing some generic book from the momobami mansions library (something about the history of gambling, no doubt containing the same facts and stories she'd read a hundred times) she decided to sit in one of the lounge rooms on the bottom floor of the mansion. this way she would know straight away if kirari happened to return home early.
some time after she had settled into one of the chairs, and began making progress with the book, she heard a faint tapping. she wondered for a moment if it could be kirari trying to mess with her, but when she checked the antique clock in the room it read 8:00 pm, much too early for kirari to be home. she heard the tapping sound again, and this time she looked around. when she looked at the window, she spotted your face through the glass. she was surprised for a minute, but when you beckoned her over to the window, she got up out of her seat and made her way to open it. she opened the window.
"y/n? what are you doing here?" she asked, surprised to find you outside her house at this time.
"well I came to see you! I'm not about to let my girlfriend spend the night in her house alone!" you replied, leaning against the windowsill and smiling at her.
"b-but it's so late! and how did you know I'd be home alone?" she was secretly very happy you'd been so thoughtful, she turned her head to hide her growing blush.
"I overheard kirari discussing some plans with sayaka earlier, they were talking about how they'd have to stay at the school late for them." you told her, shrugging. "and who cares how late it is? night time is the most fun time!!" you added enthusiastically.
"o-oh, I see...so, what do you plan on d-doing tonight?" she asked, curious to see if you had any actual plans for the night.
"oh, I was thinking I'd just hang around outside your window for a few hours, its pretty comfortable here y'know." you joked, and ririka couldn't help but giggle at your silliness. the sound of her laughter warmed your heart.
"haha...but really, what are we going to do?" ririka asked, still giggling.
"I was thinking we could just go for a little night-time stroll! watch the stars, dance in the moonlight, have fun!" you explained enthusiastically.
ririka was reminded of old romance novels she had read before. still, she couldn't help but appreciate your playfulness. your carefree, idealistic nature is what she likes about you. after a life of always being on edge, and being made to fit a strict image by her whole family, she's glad to have someone to be free with.
"so, what do you say riri?" you smiled at her hopefully. she couldn't possibly say no. but she was still worried. what would happen if kirari came home and ririka wasn't in the house? how would she explain? she knew her sister cared for her, but would she punish her in some way for leaving the house? if she told her the truth, would she disapprove of you, and get you into trouble at school?
"b-but y/n, my sister- if she comes home we could both get into troubl-" she started to ramble about her worries, but you cut her off.
"don't worry about that ririka!! your sister loves you, she wouldn't do anything to upset you, right? besides, it'll be so worth it, it'll be fun, I promise!" you smiled at her and took her hand to reassure her.
"o-okay...I'm sure you're right-" she smiled back at you softly.
with that, you helped her out of the window and onto the ground.
"s-so, where are we going now?" she asked, holding onto your arm lightly.
"ehh..." you looked around for a moment, considering which way to go, "how about...that way?" you pointed in the direction of the moon in the sky.
"sounds nice...l-let's go!" she agreed enthusiastically, smiling wide at you. you smiled back, leading her as she gripped your hand tightly.
you made her feel free. and what ririka needs more than anything is to be free.
(a/n: I might make a part 2 of this aksjskdsks)
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blushing-starker · 4 years
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Having a boyfriend that's a natural rule breaker becomes even more tedious because now it's two people conspiring together, itching to shatter social norms. Sure, they won't pull the fire alarm stunt to get out of a quiz (that's more Rocket and Groot's style), place mirrors on front steps to confuse Fury and nearly give the principal a heart attack (Loki with an exasperated Thor and cackling Hela) or hire a mariachi band to follow hall monitor Alexander Pierce (Steve had joined Bucky and Sam in that one); they'd never sneak into the air vents, fill them with glitter so the haughty board of directors would be covered in pink sparkles when they cranked the ac (Clint and Nat).
Ok, they did help with that last one, buying the shimmering stuff from T'Challa's sister and slipping five jars into Clint's backpack, but they didn't actually go into the vents.
But that's not the point. The point is there are limits to their rule breaking; Tony's spot on the football team and Peter's participation in the art club too important to risk on something as silly as skipping a quiz. No, they thanked their best friends, unhooked the window lock and slithered out only after finishing and handing in the quiz. They weren't amateurs.
Still, Peter knows Tony literally couldn't have chosen a worse time for their impromptu lunch date. (Luckily, he'd expected this exact situation.)
"Tony, they don't even have bad food today. We could just wait until the bell rang to meet up and eat at the bleachers. Like we always do a day before a big game."
His boyfriend swivels around, hooks nimble fingers into his belt loops to pull Peter closer, never once stumbling even while walking backwards. The grin he shows is manic, just this side of wild to let Peter know this isn't about haunting nightmares and bouts of anxiety. This is normal, too high on a feeling Tony Stark. Which means he won't head back to school unless Peter pulls out all the stops...
He's too exhausted from last night's art project to use up energy on the puppy eyes. So he sighs, tugs on the blue varsity jacket Tony loves to show off, kisses a dimple before turning this untamed creature around.
"Come on, I found a new route to that shawarma place with MJ and Ned last week." It sounds exasperated, but Tony knows Peter will do anything to keep him happy. Well. Not anything. There's only so many times they can discuss Star Wars before simply agreeing to disagree on whether Han and Luke are pan or bi.
"What, and you tell me this now?", Tony squawks indignantly from Peter's left side, freezing nose nuzzling into Peter's neck as revenge.
Like a robber caught sneaking into a vault, he raises his hands instantly before shoving Tony away.
"Hey, you were focusing on practice! If I told you, you'd bring Rhodey, he'd bring T'Challa and then Shuri would pop up and who goes where she goes? Bucky, which means Steve and Sam, who'd already be there thanks to Rhodey and of course Clint would somehow appear with Nat. We'd be together so Ned and MJ are gonna be teasing with Betty and half the guys in our grade have a crush on Nat, or MJ or Shuri or Betty or you. So what's the end result? The entire football, soccer, basketball and swim team eating shawarma a week before the games. I am not hearing Coach Coulson scold me for you guys breaking diet again. I'm already on his list, another situation like that and I'll have to run fifteen laps around the field."
"Oh come on, you can do those in your sleep." He could, but again, not the point.
"With a weighted backpack, Tony."
"Yeah, I can see why you wouldn't want that."
"Before cycling fifteen laps and then swimming fifteen laps."
"Jesus, why would he even do that?" Tony looks at him then, disgruntled at the thought of his boyfriend doing all that.
He shrugs, doesn't want to explain Peter had done it once when it all got too much and he'd needed to release the pent up energy. He hadn't noticed Coach watching him, ready to come help if he hurt himself. They'd talk afterwards, Coulson making him promise to never do that alone. Now it became a reward and a punishment. Peter won the art contest? Fifteen everything to focus his mind and not go jumping off walls in his excitement.
His students wolfing down a thousand calories before a game? Fifteen everything so Peter would at least "time it so it's not during the season, Jesus". To be fair to Peter, Tony participated in almost all the sports teams so scheduling was hard.
"Listen, just don't eat a whole animal, ok? We can split it, eat enough," he glares at Tony, pushing through even as the puppy eyes come out, "and then head to the movies. They're showing Aliens for a few days cuz of Halloween and I already texted the guys to come during lunch."
His boyfriend, smart and sharp and witty, just blinks at him. "But we have class after lunch."
"Technically, but I convinced Mr Pym to let the class out of lab so we could all hang out. It's the one class we share so now the whole group can see it together."
Tony stops, eyes wide and mouth open.
"You, what, planned this?"
"Yeah, something fun before tomorrow to take it off your mind for a while. Or, you know, not make it stand out as much. I know how focused you get, and it's really great, having that as a goal, strategizing and taking it seriously. But I also know it can be a lot, so I thought we should all hang out since each of us has something coming up and we aren't spending much time together. Which I get, responsibilities and family and school; I just missed it and I can't be the only one, right? So yeah, this was planned. Like, two weeks ago. When MJ found the new route, it was like a sign. And I really want you to relax and enjoy the whole, I have friends that care for me and a boyfriend that loves-"
He slaps a hand on his mouth, eyes impossibly wide and cheeks flaming. Tony and Peter stand immobile, the world reduced to beat up sneakers breaking the simplicity of yellow lines on black, a flickering neon sign telling them the shawarma place is open and two hearts slowly starting to beat again after that confession.
Ned would say it's romantic. MJ would bluntly remind them it's a bad idea to stand in the middle of the road even if they're saying I love you. And with good reason, since there's the telltale roar of a car bursting with teenagers, voices howling out the lyrics to an AC/DC song. And of course Peter notices the noise of rubber swerving against gravel, the screeching of old brakes and a few terrified shrieks harmonizing with a sharp wind blasting into him out of nowhere. Before he can react, Tony is there, wrapping his arms around Peter and shoving them both into the little patch of grass that grows from a crack in dirty pavement.
There's a moment where his whole world flips, tumbles until he screws his eyes shut and prepare himself for whatever the fuck caused that noise. But nothing comes. Only a sigh blowing a stray curl away from his forehead. But a sigh? Why would?
He gasps, jolts upright and apologizes when that just serves to jostle his boyfriend further into the ground. His boyfriend who'd flip them so Peter wouldn't be hurt. Tony is peering at him through half shut eyes, discomfort clear on the grimace he tried to transform into a sheepish grin.
"So, you love me, huh?"
It's the stupidest thing Tony Stark has ever said.
"What the fuck were you thinking? You could have gotten hurt, you could have shattered a wrist, dislocated a shoulder, torn an ACL, bent a leg-"
"This is not what I expected. Also it was a three foot leap forward on grass, I'm fine, Peter."
"Or bashed your head, or busted an arm and then what would you do for the game tomorrow? Who the hell does that?"
"The guy you love, apparently."
"That's not the point, Tony, that's unimportant because you nearly got hurt. Christ, Coulson will slaughter me if there's a scratch on you, and then your mom would be sad and I'd be sad because, what would I do without you? And don't you ever do that again, I can't take it. I am not losing you, Tony. God, why would you do that, risk so much on-"
"On you? Babe, I'd do it again. Ok, not the right thing to say based on the whole face thing you got going on right now. But just hear me out. Don't, stop hitting me, ow, why are you hitting, how are you this strong, Jesus. Ow, stop it. Peter, for fuck's sakes, I love you, you animal. Now please let go of the jacket, it'll get wrinkles."
His hands unclasp the soft cotton, Tony falling back with a groan and Peter's unhinged jaw snapping shut after fifteen seconds of letting the flies in.
It's a wonderful thing, hearing the guy he's loved for so long say it back, say he loves Peter.
It's also fucking stupid since there's even more reason to not do stunts like that.
"You're an idiot. I'm in love with a guy that has one shared brain cell with Steve. You could have been hurt, Tony. And what would that have done, huh?"
His boyfriend sighs yet again, wraps an arm around Peter to push them from the ground and heads to the car where their friends are gawking. He waves them off, offers a "Yeah, I know I'm amazing, no, I didn't break anything, T'challa, yes, I can play, Jesus, Rogers, I can read you like a book. I appreciate the worry, Bruce; Nat, thanks for calming him down. Rhodes, excellent driving. No need to hog the seats, Sam, we need to settle in. Peter, you can keep cursing me out if you, yeah, see how it's nice being fun size when you fit in my lap in a car full of people. What, I'm not walking after that, I don't care if it's til we reach the parking. Let's go, Rhodes. Pepper, I'm fine. "
Clint offers a high five. Tony responds and that's that. Out of sight, Ned gives him a fist bump and MJ keeps on reading her book. It could just be his imagination, but Tony's sure she's smiling, approval clear on her face. He preens, glad to have her blessing, and settles his head on Peter's fluffy hair.
When they're all laughing in a booth, smashed together and picking food off of everyone's plate, Peter nuzzles the crook of his neck, holds his hand and squeezes it. Tony smiles, lights up and shoves at Sam's face when the trio of best friends tease him for puffing his chest out when his boyfriend ever so softly says, "I love you."
"I love you, too." The table whoops and calls for another round of food and Coca-Cola, their family grinning at them and fondly teasing the new couple. Tony grins back, high on this feeling of warmth and happiness and safety and love.
And then Peter presses ice cold lips onto his neck and he lets out a shout, pain coursing through him when a knee slams into the table. His eyes water and through the haze of agony he sees their friends exchanging cash, some grumbling and others smirking. Rhodey and MJ, he notes, are the ones that win the most. They high five before pocketing the cash and ordering dessert.
Peter kisses his cheek, smile innocent and eyes wicked. It's his own fault Tony snatches an ice cube and slips it below his Nirvana shirt. He only has five seconds to lord his victory over Peter before there's ice cream being smeared on his cheek. They battle then, accidentally sending food into Wanda's lap, Clint's hair and Bucky's face.
In less than a minute they are all covered in shawarma and participating in the fight. Peter shrieks when Tony pulls him into his lap, gets chicken on the varsity jacket and tries to wriggle away. But Tony kisses him, tastes ice cream and joy, thanks whoever decided to give him a break and find this incredible person dozing on the roof of the school with Ned and MJ one spring afternoon. Peter kisses back and, at the same time, they say, confidently, honestly,
"I love you."
This is dedicated to @drarryismyshit07
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henry-hart · 6 years
"The Spy and the Kid...Spy Kid?" - Chapter 1
God that title is so lame lsdksdklks. I suck at titles, so I apologize for that. I try to be witty, and this is what happens. Also, this fic is pretty serious, so maybe a silly title doesn't fit the mood...oh well.
Dedicated to: @sunbeameyes @ramune-ray @up-the-tube @youngbloodthekilljoy @writing-excuses @an-anxious-gay-mess @kiwikwami​​​​​​​ 
Summary: Jasper's cousin, Elizabeth, is in town for spring break, but Henry suspects trouble when she arrives just as a new, unnamed villain begins terrorizing Swellview.
Fandom: Henry Danger
A/N: Okay, I know introducing a distant relative for one specific plot and making them relevant by saying, "Hey, this is so-and-so. We used to be tight as kids!" is weak (I always hated when tv shows did that only to have the character appear for one episode), but here I am, doing it anyway. Guess I'm a hypocrite. Sue me. lolol I needed a new character that I could somehow relate to the characters we already know, so Jasper has a cousin from out of state. *shrugs* I hope you like this! The idea came to me in a dream (lol), and I thought it was interesting and decided to go with it. Also in my fic Henry can drive because he's like seventeen, so, you know. And I've headcanoned that Piper is secretly intelligent because I like the idea of her being in advanced classes and whatnot but being incredibly hush-hush about it (she did go to the gizmo show, after all). Enjoy! xoxoxo
"Okay, that was the bell." Ms. Shapen snapped. "Get out of my face--all of you!"
Henry rolled his eyes; his teacher's sour attitude was nothing out of the ordinary. He collected his notebook and pens and everything else he had been using and put them in his book bag, sending a quick nod to Jasper as they both got out of their seats. They met Charlotte by the door, and the three of them left the classroom in the direction of their lockers.
"Man, Ms. Shapen really went heavy with the homework today." Jasper sighed, grabbing both his book bag straps as he walked. He was already thinking about how late he was going to be up finishing all that they had been given. Of course, he was already going to stay up late, but now it was going to be because of the inconvenience that is homework.
"Yeah," Henry grimaced. "I guess her date didn't go so well yesterday."
Charlotte stopped walking. "Or she's tired of having to deal with lazy students," she shot. She didn't think her teacher's love life or lack thereof was of any concern to them. The homework load they were assigned for tonight wasn't even that extensive; Henry and Jasper just liked doing the bare minimum.
Henry held his hands up in surrender and looked at Jasper with a "what's with her" look. Jasper shrugged and walked over to his locker. Henry and Charlotte walked to theirs as well.
Henry swung his backpack around and was pulling out notebooks he wouldn't need tonight when Jasper, who was done with his locker, leaned against the one next to Henry's. Henry noticed Jasper was trying for nonchalance, but subtlety had never been Jasper's strong-suit.
"What's going on?" Henry jested.
"You have a guest bedroom in your house, right?" Jasper wondered, but his tone told Henry that he wasn't really asking.
"I do." Henry clarified, his eyes narrowed apprehensively.
Jasper nodded. "I thought so." He played with one of the straps of his book bag. "Say, since that room is free and meant for guests, do you think my cousin could stay there over spring break?"
Henry stopped thumbing through his pre-calculus textbook and looked at Jasper, eyes wide at the onslaught of implications in that question. "What?"
"I need somewhere for my cousin to stay." Jasper explained, his eyes pleading. "My parents don't allow guests--not even family--and Charlotte won't let anyone even remotely related to me stay at her house after that incident."
Henry shuddered at the memory of Jasper's last girlfriend. He looked at Jasper's wide eyes and groaned. "I don't know, man. Last time I let someone's relative stay at my house, you, my little sister, and most of Swellview almost lost their teeth." He shuddered again, remembering that whole odd situation involving stealing teeth and the elderly. It wasn't something he enjoyed thinking about.
"Yeah but she's not like that." he pleaded. "Please, Henry. I haven't seen her since we were kids."
Henry paused. "Wait, you said she?"
Jasper nodded his head. "Her name's Elizabeth."
This changed things. "Is she cute?" Henry asked, a slight smirk on his face.
Jasper only shrugged; who was he to say whether his cousin was attractive or not? "I guess--if you're into that sort of thing."
Henry considered this for a moment, but he stopped himself. He wouldn't let that happen again--not after Noelle and the teeth and just, no. He would do this for Jasper to spend time with family. Nothing else.
"Alright, man. Sure, she can stay at my house." He shut his locker. "My mom loves having people over anyway." It was true; his mother loved being able to be, well, a mother to people.
Jasper jumped up and down and pulled Henry into a tight hug. "Thank you so much, Henry! You have no idea how much this means to me!"
Henry coughed, unable to breathe properly with Jasper squeezing him so tightly. "I have a pretty good idea." He groaned.
Jasper realized Henry couldn't breathe and let him go. "Do you mind picking her up from the airport too? I would, but I don't have a car."
Henry straightened his shirt out. "Sure. When does her flight arrive?"
"Today. Around seven."
"Wh--Today?" Henry sputtered. "It's Thursday. We have school tomorrow."
"I know," Jasper placated. "Her school gets out for spring break earlier than ours does." He finished with another pleading, wide-eyed look.
There wasn't much Henry could do now; he'd already agreed. "Yeah, fine. I'll just pick her up after work, I guess." Jasper jumped to give Henry another bone-crushing hug, but Henry held his hands up. "That's okay."
Jasper backed off, but he couldn't stop the wide smile on his face. Henry had made him so happy. He was going to see his cousin today.
Jasper remembered how much fun they had as kids; it was nice to know there was someone like him--someone else who was normal--in his family. Those weekends when Lizzie would visit Jasper were some of the best of his life. It had been years since he had seen her, and he could hardly contain himself from bursting with happiness now that it was only a matter of hours before he was going to be reunited with his favorite family member.
Charlotte walked up to the boys then. "Did he agree to do it?"
Jasper nodded vigorously. "He did."
Charlotte could see how happy Jasper was, and it made her smile. She looked at Henry apologetically. "Sorry about the ambush. I don't care how much Jasper says she's nice. I can't. Not after--" she trailed off, but they all knew.
There was a moment of silence as they all remembered her.
"Okay, let's get to work, shall we?" Henry announced, ready to be out of the school.
"Let's," Charlotte agreed. "Are you driving?"
Henry shook his head, avoiding his friend's eyes. "No, Piper has the car."
Jasper and Charlotte groaned in unison.
"Why would your parents let her drive the car when you have a legal license?" Jasper complained. He feared for his life every time he even got near Piper when she was behind the wheel of a car.
"You know how Piper is. No one lets her do anything. She just does it." Henry argued, throwing his hands up.
Charlotte rolled her eyes. She didn't like driver Piper either, but she knew there wasn't anything she could do about it. Like Henry said, Piper just does things. "Fine, but you're riding shotgun." She pointed a stern finger at Henry. 
Henry accepted the punishment as penance for being the older brother, and the gang walked out of the school to meet the girl who was currently laying on the horn.
 "Do you see them?" Kid Danger asked Captain Man.
They were currently scouring Swellview Park for two criminals by the names of Donnie and Hyde, a couple who got their kicks by stealing money, jewelry, and even sometimes home entertainment centers. They were petty thieves as far as Henry and Ray--Captain Man and Kid Danger--were concerned. It never took more than an hour to track them down. Captain Man and Kid Danger had busted them a few times, but like all the other criminals in Swellview seem to be capable of doing, they had broken out of jail and were on a crime-spree.
But something about tonight seemed off to Kid Danger.
Maybe it was the fact that Donnie and Clyde hadn't even stolen anything.
Or, better yet, that they had called the Captain Man hotline. 
It was some taunting video message that had said there was something big about to go down. The thieves stressed that Captain Man and Kid Danger wouldn't want to miss it, and they should come to Swellview Park immediately. That was all the video said.
Everything about the situation was bizarre to Kid Danger, but he pushed past it. They were criminals who had broken out of jail; they needed to be caught.
"No, I don't." Captain Man responded with a frown. He too had noticed that this wasn't going down like their usual gig. He had the nagging suspicion in the back of his mind that he and Kid Danger were missing a bigger, important piece of the puzzle.
Kid Danger stopped searching to let his mind sift through all that wasn't making sense. He sat down hard on one of the park benches. "Okay, this is weird, right?"
Captain Man chewed on his bottom lip. "Yeah, it's definitely weird." He scratched the back of his neck. "Donnie and Clyde calling us? What was that about?"
"Right?" Kid Danger agreed. He gestured to the empty park. "I mean, why lead us to the park if no one is even here?"
Captain Man didn't sit down. He was too anxious to sit. He paced back and forth nervously, trying to shake the feeling that he and Kid Danger were being set up for something. "I don't know." He spoke finally. "And I don't like not knowing."
Kid Danger dragged a hand through his hair. "Do you think they've moved on from stealing? Why break out of jail now. Is there some big plan? Are they working for someone?" He had to stop himself. "God, one question just makes five more."
Captain Man held a hand out. "Why don't we just stay on alert. They wanted us here. Obviously something is supposed to happen, so just be prepared for anything."
Kid Danger nodded and stood up from the bench, thinking it best to be standing if something did happen. Suddenly he felt something prick his neck.
"Ah, what the--" he slapped a hand to his neck and pulled it away, expecting to see a squished mosquito, but there was nothing there.
Captain Man rushed over to Kid Danger. "What is it? Are you alright?" He demanded. The waiting made him a bit high strung.
Kid Danger waved him off. "Yeah, I think a bug bit me or something." He wasn't completely certain though. He wasn't certain of anything today.
Captain Man jumped slightly then, slapping a hand to his neck just as Kid Danger had. "I think the same bug just bit me too."
They looked at each other, both thinking the exact same thing; too many weird things were happening today for this to be purely coincidence.
As if they didn't have enough to worry about.
They didn't have time to ponder it long. Suddenly, a noise sounded from the other end of the park.
"What was that?" Kid Danger whispered, moving into a fighting stance.
Captain Man did the same. "Get ready, Kid."
Donnie and Clyde walked out from behind the park's information kiosk then, smirking at Captain Man and Kid Danger. They were wearing their usual uniform: all black leather.
"So, I see you two decided to join us after all," Donnie drawled, taking slow steps in the direction of the superheroes.
"What do you two want?" Captain Man snapped, not liking that they seemed to know something he didn't. He didn't like the disadvantage that put him at.
Donnie looked back to Clyde with his arms spread out innocently. "We just want to talk." They walked closer.
"To talk?" Kid Danger scoffed. "That's why you brought us all here? To talk."
Donnie put a finger on the tip of his nose, "And the Kid gets one hundred points!" He mocked, walking closer still.
Kid Danger rolled his eyes. He didn't feel like wasting any more time on these clowns. He looked at Captain Man, an understanding passing between them. "Then let's talk." He snarled, and he and Captain Man lunged for the two men.
The two superheroes were too focused on Donnie and Clyde to realize that four more men were creeping up behind them. Normally, this would've been something the two of them picked up on immediately--especially Kid Danger with his super fast reflexes--but the two had been on such high alert waiting for Donnie and Clyde that they didn't leave room to think about much else.
Two men grabbed Captain Man while a third stood close in case the two weren't enough. Only one of the large men was needed to hold Kid Danger.
Clyde spoke up then. "You two seem to forget the most important thing about being a criminal." He gestured to the four burly men, "Henchmen! You don't ever actually have to do anything. They do everything for you!"
Captain Man fought against the two men who were holding him back, but his super power was not super strength. He couldn't break free. Kid Danger also couldn't get away from the henchman.
"It's not like you two to let anyone else in on your little schemes." Captain Man grunted, hoping to distract Donnie and Clyde. He still fought the arms around him despite the obvious futility. "What's with the extra muscle?"
Donnie and Clyde smiled at each other.
"It's one of the many perks of joining a cause." Donnie cooed, staring lovingly at Clyde.
"What cause?" Kid Danger growled. He too was still trying to break free. He twisted to reach his laser, hoping to use it on the brute holding him back, but the henchman had Kid Danger's arms pinned behind him. Too much movement sent pain radiating up to his shoulders.
Donnie and Clyde were telling the truth when they said they wanted to talk. They had been sent to the park to do so. Confident that Captain Man and Kid Danger were thoroughly indisposed, they both sat down on a park bench.
Clyde took a deep breath like he was preparing to tell a bed time story. "You see, Cap and Kiddo, breaking out of jail is no easy feat--especially for two petty thieves such as ourselves."
Donnie shook his head. "That's right. It's rather difficult, but with the right help, it's a--" he motioned all around them. "Well, it's a regular walk in the park!" He and Clyde erupted into a fight of laughter.
Captain Man looked over to Kid Danger, and they shared mutual expressions of annoyance.
"Will you two just get to the point?" Captain Man snapped. He was tired of being in the dark, tired of having these big--and quite frankly smelly--men holding him back, and he was tired of being dragged around by these two thieves. "What help are you talking about?"
Clyde clucked disapprovingly at Captain Man. "He doesn't like our witty banter, my love." He whispered to Donnie, but it was one of those obnoxious whispers that is meant to be heard by everyone. "Straight to the point, I see. Well, if you must know, Donnie and I have recently come upon a very lucrative business offer."
Donnie nodded. "Very lucrative." He gestured to his outfit. "This is genuine leather, you know."
Henry rolled his eyes. His patience was wearing thin. "I'm very happy for you two. Really."
Clyde waved him off. "What do they know of fashion? I mean, seriously. Red and blue block colors? What is this--a pre-school color test?"
The couple went into another one of their laughter spells, but Donnie quickly regained his composure.
"We digress." He stated, shaking his body as if to refocus. "We have called you here, on this lovely afternoon, to inform you that big things are at play."
"Things we can't disclose just yet," Clyde added, holding a finger up to stop his partner from revealing too much. "But rest assured, you two will be center stage for it all."
If Captain Man and Kid Danger had been confused before, they were completely lost now. Donnie and Clyde had explained nothing. All they did was give the superheroes half of the information, and it was the half that made more questions instead of answering the ones they already had.
Devices on Donnie and Clyde's belts beeped then, and they both jumped up from their seat.
"Ah, that would be our boss." Donnie said. "Duty calls, I'm afraid." He sighed almost as if he were sad to go. "We had to make sure our players are all in play, though, didn't we?"
"We'll be seeing you." Clyde promised with a secretive wink. They started to walk away, but Clyde turned back to address Captain Man and Kid Danger. "How's the neck by the way?" His gave a chilling smile that further proved he knew much that they didn't. "Ta-ta for now." He waved, and the pair walked away.
It made Captain Man and Kid Danger seethe to see the two criminals strutting away without a care in the world. They struggled against the men holding them back, but it was still to no avail.
The men couldn't hold the two forever though; they did have orders.
The large man holding Kid Danger suddenly let him go. Once free, Kid Danger immediately turned around to attack the big man, but the henchman had been expecting that. He sent heavy fist flying at Kid Danger's face.
"Kid!" Captain Man yelled when his sidekick fell motionless to the ground.
His henchman let Captain Man go then, confident that he wouldn't try to attack all four at once when Kid Danger was lying hurt on the ground. They were right.
Captain Man sent threatening glares in their direction, but he let them walk away. He ran over to Kid Danger, crouching down to make sure the kid was alright.
Kid Danger began to stir.
"Kid," Captain Man breathed, relieved to see him moving so quickly. "Are you alright?"
Kid Danger sat up with a groan and dropped his head into his hand. "That guy could really pack a punch."
Captain Man gave a dry laugh. "I know."
He looked around the park for the henchmen. "Where'd they go? You didn't fight all of them, did you?"
Captain Man shook his head. "No, I didn't." He side-eyed Kid Danger. "Though the lack of confidence is bit insulting." He helped his sidekick to his feet. "I let them get away so I could check on you."
Kid Danger nodded. He didn't blame Captain Man. Everything that had happened since they received that video call had been so unsettling; the only sure thing they had was each other.
Kid Danger swayed a bit on his feet, still a little disoriented, and Captain Man kept a hand on his arm to steady him. "I have so many questions." The sidekick admitted shakily.
Captain Man sighed deeply. "All I have is questions." He gave Kid Danger a light push. "Let's head back to the Man Cave and try to see if we can figure things out there. I'm tired of being in this park."
Kid Danger agreed. He almost felt sick to his stomach thinking about all that had happened--though some of that might have to do with the blow he took to the face. What unsettled him the most, what made him feel like the ground had been ripped out from under his feet, was the promise that bigger things--things revolving around the two of them--were to come.
What could that mean?
"Are you okay?" Charlotte asked as soon as Henry and Ray made it down the tubes and had changed back into their regular clothes. She rushed to Henry's side to make sure he wasn't severely injured from the punch. "We saw everything." She turned back to Schwoz who was nodding grimly.
"Define okay." Henry muttered. He gently pushed away Charlotte's helping hands, assuring her that he was fine. "You guys heard what they said then, yeah?"
Charlotte nodded. "What does it mean?"
Ray shook his head, his jaw clenched. "We don't know."
The four of them were silent for a moment.
"What did they mean about your necks?" Schwoz asked then, a terrible thought beginning to form in his head.
Henry felt his neck where it had stung like a bug bite. "Ray and I felt like a bug bite us or something, but it was all too weird, you know? All that happens, and then the same bug bites us both? It's hard to believe that was just coincidence."
Charlotte knitted her eyebrows together. "So, what? Something stung you that wasn't a bug?" She could admit that the events that unfolded all seemed to be happening according to some underlying plan, but what was Henry implying? The bugs were in on it too? That seemed a bit too far fetched for her, a girl of rational thought.
"I know it sounds crazy, but what about what Clyde said? He asked us how our necks were. How could he have known about that?" Henry turned to Ray for support. "They weren't even there when it happened."
Charlotte held her hands up to try and calm her quickly spiraling friend. "I'm not saying your wrong, okay? All I'm saying is that we don't have enough information to be making any kind of conclusions just yet."
Henry used her gentle tone to help calm himself. If he wasn't careful, he would spiral into a panic attack. He took a few deep breaths in and out, centering himself.
Ray walked over to the control panel to bring up the video feed from their suits. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, but he figured maybe there was something there that they had missed. Ray couldn't rely on what he and Henry remembered in the moment; they weren't firing on all pistons then. They had been pretty shaken up before Donnie and Clyde ever showed up. No, he needed to review the information with new eyes--repeatedly.
Schwoz, all the while, remained silent, his premonition quickly looking more and more like a reality. He kept this realization to himself; he was worried what the information would do to his friends who were already under incredible stress. He would figure this one out on his own, and he wouldn't go to Ray or Henry about it unless absolutely necessary. Schwoz feared that outcome though; if there wasn't anything he could do about what he knew, then there was no hope.
Henry and Charlotte joined Ray in front of the video screen.
Ray was playing the part of the recording where Donnie and Clyde warned of big things in the near future. Ray paused the video. He was silent before slamming his fist on the table, making Charlotte jump.
"Who could they be working for?" He demanded to no one in particular. He got up from his seat, fearing that if he didn't get up and move or do something, his anger would find some destructive way out. "Why not just get us there? Why all the chit-chat and the secrets and the mind games?" He looked at Donnie and Clyde's faces on the screen. "I hope they know we're coming for them."
Charlotte watched Ray. She was worried. The only other time she had seen Ray so worked up was when Drex came back. This could only mean bad things for the team, and that realization didn't sit well with Charlotte.
Henry's eyes were glued to the screen. He heard their voices bouncing around in his head on a constant loop. Over and over again he heard them joke about what the future had in store for Captain Man and Kid Danger. Over and over again they laughed and taunted him.
His phone buzzed in his back pocket, jolting him back to reality; Jasper was calling him.
"Yeah," he answered, not tearing his eyes away from the screen. 
"Henry, why are you still at Junk 'n Stuff?" Jasper demanded, his tone harsh.
Henry was so focused on what had happened that Junk 'n Stuff and Jasper and his normal life seemed to exist in another world entirely. It took him a few seconds to remember what Junk 'n Stuff even was.
"Because I work here," he responded absently.
"You seriously don't know what I'm talking about?"
Henry almost laughed aloud at the irony. He wanted to snap at Jasper for making him play along with whatever it was Jasper was on about because it seemed so miniscule to what he had just experienced, but that wouldn't be fair. Jasper didn't know that Henry was near to having a nervous break down.
"No, man, I don't." He sighed, finally looking away from the screen. Jasper's anger at Henry seemed to pull him away from his problem.
"Are you sure? Is there nothing--or no one--coming to mind?" Jasper's tone made it obvious he was more than angry at Henry.
"Okay," Henry stopped him, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. "This could obviously go on for awhile, so will you just tell me whatever it is that has you freaking out?"
"Elizabeth, Henry. You were supposed to be picking my cousin up an hour ago." Jasper fumed.
Henry's jaw fell open. Crap. It had totally slipped his mind. He had forgotten all about picking her up from the airport--though with good reason. Up until just then, Henry had forgotten she existed. He felt ten times worse when he remembered it was now raining.
"Oh God, Jasper, I'm sorry. I completely forgot about Elizabeth." He drug a heavy hand down his face. He wasn't sure how much more he could take today. Charlotte looked up at him sympathetically.
"Don't apologize to me." Jasper snorted. "Elizabeth is the one who's been standing in the rain for an hour." Henry could tell he was going to have to spend awhile making this up to Jasper, but he couldn't worry about that now; his plate was already full.
He grabbed his jacket, put it on with one hand seeing how he was holding his phone with the other, and found his book bag where his car keys were. "Okay, I'm on my way now. Tell her I'll be there in fifteen minutes tops."
Henry couldn't see him, but Jasper was shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm sure she won't mind waiting fifteen minutes more. It's not like she's cold and wet or anything."
Henry closed his eyes. "Jasper, I said I was sorry. Ray and I were fighting some criminals, and I got sidetracked. What do you want me to say?"
"Nothing," Jasper sighed. "Just--Just go pick Liz up."
"I am." Henry reiterated.
"Yeah, now." Jasper muttered.
"Jasp--" Henry's phone beeped. "--per."
He slid his phone back into his back pocket. He didn't bother saying bye to anyone in the Man Cave; he knew it wouldn't have mattered. Ray was finding some way to vent his anger. Schwoz had disappeared to God knows where--he went to work on his theory in private--and Charlotte was watching the video feed again. None of them would've heard him anyway
He got in the elevator and pressed the button to go up.
Henry hoped that whoever Liz was, she was a lot more understanding than Jasper had been and that she wouldn't be too harsh on Henry for forgetting her.
He wasn't sure how much more emotional stress he could handle before he shut down completely.
"Again, I am so sorry about--" Henry gestured to both his and Liz's soaked clothes and wet hair. "Well, everything."
Elizabeth chuckled. "Don't sweat it. I needed to wash my hair anyway."
Henry smiled, relieved to find that Elizabeth was the forgiving type. He had felt horrible when he pulled up to the airport and found her completely drenched and alone. She didn't even have an umbrella. Fortunately for Henry, she wasn't one for public ridicule or holding grudges; she had merely thanked Henry for picking her up and helping her with her bags.
She didn't know it, but Elizabeth had helped Henry cope with today's stress. She had been kind and forgiving and level-headed in the midst of chaos, and that was Henry's life line.
Henry opened his front door, letting Elizabeth walk in front of him while he grabbed her bags. She hadn't brought much--just one small suitcase and an even smaller carry-on.
"This is my house." Henry stated once he was inside and had shut the door. He put Elizabeth's bags at the foot of the stairs. "There's a guest bedroom upstairs."
She nodded. "Cool deal." She looked around the living room of the Hart house and whistled appreciatively. "Nice digs you got here."
"Thanks," Henry noticed she was rubbing her hands up and down her arms. "Hey, do you want a towel or a dry shirt or something?"
Elizabeth felt goosebumps break out over her exposed legs and arms. "Yes, please," she urged.
"Alright, I'll go get that." He looked into the kitchen where Piper was sitting at the table on her phone. He was wary of introducing Elizabeth to his little sister, but he also knew it would be rude not to. "That's my little sister Piper, if you want to go talk to her." He started to go up the stairs, but he turned back to his guest. "Be careful, though. Her bark is just as bad as her bite."
"Oh?" Elizabeth inquired, turning to look at the little girl too absorbed in her phone to notice that a stranger had even walked into her house. "I'm sure I'll be just fine."
Henry wasn't so sure, but he admired her confidence and left to change and get her a towel.
Elizabeth looked around the house again, admiring how homey it all felt. She was cold from being wet, but the Hart house seemed to have a warm glow to it that made that cold not so bad. She liked it.
She made her way into the kitchen, stopping near where Piper was sitting.
"Hey," she said.
Piper, hearing a voice she didn't recognize, jumped suddenly and turned to see who was currently in her house.
She sized the wet girl up. "Who are you?"
Elizabeth took Piper's tone into account with the warning Henry had given her. "I'm Elizabeth, Jasper's cousin." She held a hand out. "You can call me Liz, though."
Piper looked at her hand but didn't extend one in return. "I'm Piper, but you can call me Piper." She went back to her phone.
Liz smiled, liking this little girl's spunk.
She looked over the papers and books laid out in front of Piper. "What're you doing?"  
Piper didn't even look up from her phone. "Homework," she snapped.
Liz ignored Piper's attitude. She held back a retort about how it looked to her more like Piper was avoiding it rather than doing it. "What kind of homework?"
Piper gripped her phone a little tighter. She didn't like all these questions--especially by some girl she had just met. Piper didn't even know what this "Liz" was doing in her house, dripping water all over the floor.
She set her phone down, narrowing her eyes at the stranger. "What exactly are you doing in my house?"
Liz was once again unmoved by Piper's brashness (this infuriated Piper who was so used to being feared). "Henry and your parents are letting me stay here while I'm in town visiting Jasper and my Aunt and Uncle."
Piper was hacked off no one had asked her if she was okay with a house guest--especially one related to Jasper--but she let it slide. "Why don't you just stay at Jasper's then?"
Liz picked up one of Piper's papers and studied it. "My cousin's parents are...strange, for lack of a better word. They don't allow guests. Your brother's probably never even been to Jasper's house before." She grabbed a few more of Piper's homework papers. "Do you want help with this?"
Piper was fuming over the fact that she now had no way to easily get rid of this girl, but Liz's offer to help her with her homework derailed her.
"What?" She asked.
Liz held the papers out to Piper. "Do you want help with your physics homework?"
Piper raised an eyebrow. "How do you know physics? My brother isn't even taking physics."
Liz smirked. "I think the better question is how do you know physics?" She grabbed the textbook and looked to Piper with her eyebrows raised. "So, are we doing this or what?"
Piper narrowed her eyes at Liz but accepted her offer of help anyway. Maybe this "Liz" wasn't so bad.
They had finished over half of Piper's physics homework--which she had stopped doing because she didn't understand it and had no one to help her--when the watch on Liz's left wrist beeped.
Piper cocked her head to the side. "My brother has a watch that beeps just like that."
Liz looked down to her watch and quickly smacked a hand over it, hoping to block the noise. She smiled to cover the strange reaction. "I have to make a phone call. Is there anywhere I can go for privacy?"
Piper thought she was acting strange all of a sudden--and that it was weird that someone else had a watch like Henry's--but she pointed to the front door. "My brother makes all his phone calls on the front porch."
Liz nodded, easily composing herself. "Then I'll go on the back porch."
"But it's raining," Piper pointed out.
"Can't get any more wet than I already am." Liz shrugged and got up from her seat to walk out to the back porch.
Piper thought this girl was definitely strange, but she had helped her with her homework when no one else could, and for that she was grateful.
Liz walked away from the windows and checked to make sure no one was around to see or hear her before she pressed a button on the side of her watch.
A life-size hologram of a man dressed in a freshly pressed black suit projected out of her watch and onto the ground in front of her. Liz straightened her posture as she addressed the man.
"Sir," she greeted.
The man had no expression. "You're late." He stated.
Liz cringed ever so slightly. "I know, and I apologize. There were...complications upon my arrival."
The man quirked one eyebrow--the only movement on his face besides his mouth. "Complications? I hope nothing went wrong." When he said hoped, what he really meant was that there better not have been anything wrong.
"No, sir," Liz quickly assured. She wouldn't let her boss believe she was incompetent. "Everything is fine. I just arrived at my host family's house."
The man nodded, "And what of the two superheroes?"
"To be determined." She answered. She knew he was looking for more information, but she had none to give. Closer inspection would be needed. "I could only see so much of the video feed while waiting at the airport."
"Then I expect you'll continue with the task entrusted to you." He paused to let the warning in his voice take effect. "Big things are ahead. All players must be in place."
"Yes, sir. I understand." She held her hand up to salute him one more time. "Dunlop out."
With a nod, the hologram of the man in the suit folded up and disappeared back into Liz' watch.
Once her boss was gone, Liz visibly relaxed. She even let her shoulders sag. She was tired from her long flight from California, and meetings with the boss always sucked whatever energy she had right up.
She only just realized she was standing in the rain.
She straightened her soaked clothes up, plastered on a fake smile, and prepared to walk back into civilian life, all the while thinking of those two superheroes whose roles in the near future would be crucial.
Henry expected to come downstairs and have to pull Piper off of Liz, but when he made it to the kitchen, he found Piper alone at the table.
"What did you do to her?" He asked immediately, expecting Piper to say she scared the girl all the way back to wherever she had come from.
Piper looked away from her phone and to her brother with a furrowed brow. "Who?"
"Elizabeth, Jasper's cousin." Henry groaned loudly. Piper had definitely chased her away. Now what would he tell Jasper? As if he needed another thing to worry about. He looked around the house and found that her bags were still there.
Oh God, did Piper kill her?
"It's Liz."
Henry snapped his attention back to Piper. "What?"
Piper sighed and set her phone down. "Her name is Elizabeth, but you can call her Liz." She held up her completed homework. "And she helped me with my homework."
Henry didn't know what to say. Did Piper actually like someone? Someone related to Jasper, of all people?
"So, you like her?" Henry hesitated, not believing it be true.
Piper shrugged. "I don't know about like. I've only known her for five minutes." She collected her homework and got up from the table. "She's not entirely horrible."
Henry smiled, and it felt like a huge weight being lifted off his shoulders. Finally, something had gone right today.
"You have no idea what that means to me." He breathed. Piper gave him a weird look, not understanding the emotional turmoil Henry had experienced. Henry, the smile still on his face, looked around the kitchen. "Where is Elizabeth--I mean Liz?"
Piper pointed to the back porch. "She had to make a phone call."
Henry looked out the window and saw it was still raining. "On the back porch? In the rain? Why?"
"I don't know, Henry. Why do you make your calls on the front porch?"
"Touche," Henry conceded, though Piper didn't know he went on the front porch for privacy to keep his secret identity just that. Why Liz went on the back porch was strange to him, but he also knew it wasn't his business.
Piper had all her stuff collected in her arms and was on her way upstairs when she stopped. "She has a funny watch like yours, though."
"Her watch," Piper explained. "It beeps like yours." She turned and continued up the stairs.
Henry thought that was definitely strange, but he was not going to let himself look too far into it. He wasn't going to ruin the one thing that had gone right today. He wasn't going to go looking for problems where there wasn't one.
Liz walked into the house then, more wet than before, but with a wide smile on her face. "Sorry about ducking out for a minute there." She apologized. "I had to call my mom and let her know I made it in okay." She looked at her wet clothes. "Well, mostly okay."
Henry laughed, running a hand through his own wet hair. "Sorry again for that. You wouldn't believe the day I had at work." He sighed, glad that the Liz situation had worked out, in the very least.
"Tell me about it." Liz muttered. "Are those for me?" She pointed to towel and clothes in Henry's hand.
Henry looked down at the stuff in his hands. "Oh, yeah. I got you a towel and one of my old hoodies." She raised her eyebrows at the hoodie. Henry laughed uneasily. "No, I don't mean--I just figured you had your own clothes, but maybe you were cold. If you don't want it, I'll under--"
"It's great, really." Liz smiled, accepting the hoodie. "Thank you, not just for this--" She lifted the towel and hoodie. "Thank you for letting me stay at your house. It means a lot to me to be able to see Jasper."
Henry shook his head. "It's no big deal, honest. My mom loves having people to take care of." He thought of Jasper. "You should probably call Jasper though. He was pretty mad at me for leaving you in the rain."
Liz nodded. "Yeah, I'll do that--but dry clothes first."
Henry smiled. "The guest bedroom is up the stairs, first door on the right. The bathroom is right across the hall."
She smiled and left him to go up the stairs.  
Henry watched her go thinking that Jasper was right; she was pretty. Of course, that's as far as Henry let that thought go. Her arrival had been the most uncomplicated thing he had faced today; he was not going to muck that up by trying to start some pointless relationship that would only last the length of spring break. He could handle being her friend, nothing more.
And Henry had a feeling she was going to be a great friend to have.
Liz walked up the stairs thinking about how sweet Henry was. Cute too--not that she was interested. She wasn't one to go trying to date anyone she even remotely found attractive. She was content having attractive people as just friends. Nothing wrong with that--except she wasn't here to make friends. She was here to make sure everything went according to plan.
She pulled her phone out of her pocket, thinking her boss could deal with her making some time for her favorite cousin.
A/N Part 2: Phew, that was long, but I enjoyed writing it, you better believe. It's a complete 180 from my last fic (lolol). None of my children are having a good time this go round. Oops. I like this kind of stuff though. The suspense. The mystery. The bigger the stakes, the better. What did you guys think of Donnie and Clyde?(see what I did with that one? hd likes to play on popular things, so I joined in. Ert and Bernie anyone?). I loved creating their dialogue. It was so fun! What about their boss and this big plan for CM and KD??? What about Liz? Love her? Hate her? Don't know yet? Don't care? lol How do you think she fits into all of this? Let me know what you think!!! xoxoxo
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Ali & Ro
NYD Catch-up
Ali: *Daintliy throws the tiniest of pebbles at our window 'cos I'm in trouble enough if this goes tits up without also breaking a window* Ropunzel, Ropunzel, let down your hair! Ro: allow me to busily make tea while I loudly quiz Tess and whoever else may be in earshot about their resolutions Ro: I can't believe you're only just getting home! I was going to ask how you're evening was but I think I can guess Ali: You're a 🌟 Ali: We need to fully mind-map and dream-board ours later, I've got so many ideas already but I at least need in on that tea action first, builder's brew please and thank you 😘 Ali: Shh 😉 I've been in bed since 1 💤 like an 😇 Ali: Hehe social media never lies, not mine at least Ali: I'll tell you all about it, whilst Ma tries to tell you she quit the fags years ago, like 🙄 Ali: 💃 Ro: Of course. Well, there has been a kitty there so the universe should stay on our side with that one, hopefully. Ro: Hm yes, if anyone asks you got back before I did, there's not much I can do if social media decides to answer instead though alas Ro: Oh Tess, no offense intended, but truly I'd much rather hear what you have to say Ali: Oh, Bluebs, hope she was alright with the fireworks, I paid Rocky with a selection box to keep her company but bet he was too busy being a hooligan come 12, nutter...but I'm sure she hid herself nicely warming the blankets for us anyway, like 😽 Ali: Did you and Meena have a good time? With all dem 💶💶💶 you can both more than make up for missing the hottest part night of the year, ay Ali: Bless her heart, though perhaps take her pack away from her still, you'll be helping her and, you might need one after I fill you in, like 😉 Ro: I can't tell a lie there was some bribery involved for us too with the older kids. They had me baking and the text advice I received from Tommy wasn't as helpful or coherent as usual Ro: We definitely earned our crusts it has to be said Ro: I think Meena would've liked to join you so you might want to play down the finer details when you fill her in but no complaints here, fussy children aside Ro: I draw the line at that level of trickery, we'd both be caught if I even tried I think Ali: I think its to be expected, babysitter rules are there are no rules, or very few, ESPECIALLY when it comes to sugar 😋 Lucky kiddos, I would kill for a sweet treat rn Ali: Maybe I can push it and see if the old man is any fit state to do a fry-up too, mmm Ali: We should deffo ring Tommo then and be annoyingly loud and cheerful 'cos he always gets hangovers un🍀 🦆y Ali: Payback Ali: Well her brother was there so she wouldn't have been able to have all that much fun, like, I'll be sure to downplay it though, tact is so my strong suit 😏😂 Ro: Oh? You'll be glad to hear then that I had the foresight to make enough cookies to bring a batch home. There's still a few that could be claimed by you if you're quick enough. Ro: I can make no such promises about a proper breakfast but time will tell I suppose, I'd consider it favorable if you work a little of your own magic Ro: You have plenty left don't you? Ro: We'll likely need an actual spell to wake Tommy after all Ali: Faster than a speeding bullet, me Ali: I can climb these drainpipes like nobody else 🐈💪 Ali: I'm sure we could concoct a pepperup potion, getting him to drink it is another kind of magic altogether Ali: even if we settle for calling it an energizer smoothie or something muggle Ro: Perhaps we could say it has lots of biotin that'd make him more inclined for sure Ali: When quiff is life Ali: He truly is sweet 16 Ali: And 15 is looking up for me too, fingers crossed and knock on wood rn, this is gonna be our year, Posy, and that ain't the after-affects still talkin' Ali: Wished on every 🎆 in the sky Ro: Wishing is very powerful so I'm not surprised, I am very intrigued though Ro: Go ahead Ali: I'm in 💚 Ali: 🙃 and now hiding under the covers eeeeeeeeeeeppppp bye Ro: Did Marlene get off work early last night and surprise you? That's so lovely Ali: No, no, no Ali: It's all but ended and it will be if my feeling is correct and reciprocated Ali: We'll be better off as friends, honestly, I can't give her what she wants but I can be there for as a mate so that's what's best, she'll see that given a bit of time, I'm sure of it Ali: That said...do you think I'm a total slag for who did surprise me last night now? 😳🙈 Ro: Oh okay. That makes sense Ro: No Ali, I'd never Ro: Is it someone I know? You've mentioned Meena's brother already... Ali: Oh lordy no 😂 Drew is an alright lad really but no, he's not the sort, definitely would not be reciprocated, he's got half the girls at School after him and he loves that Ali: More power to him but you're getting warmer Ali: you know the lad him and Meena live with, don't you? Caleb Cavante, in my year too Ali: 😍 Ro: I think so? He's always in the music block isn't he? Ro: He smiles a lot. Not in a weird sense though I don't mean that Ali: Oh Ro 😂 you make ME smile Ali: sounds like him, cool hair Ali: obviously, I knew of him before last night but it was just like...right time, right place, you know? Ali: Sounded triter than all the 'new year, new me' posts aren't I? Ro: Not at all Ro: It sounds like a fairy tale and we're treating it as such! Ro: Did you kiss him at the end of the countdown? Ali: Oh no, I forgot to lose a shoe...Typical, on the one night to make throwing dancing shoes aside count! But I suppose he won't have to search the kingdom high and low Ali: Back at School Tuesday Ali: At least this promises to make my weekdays more entertaining at any rate Ali: Mhmm 😊 *Gameshow host voice* BUT THAT'S NOT ALL Ro: What else is there? Did he lose a shoe instead? I dread to think what I'm missing here... Ali: [Improptu selfie with the tattooed finger over her lips like a moustache] Ali: Not saying that trumps 'Facebook Official' but 😎 Ro: !!!! Ro: did Caleb get a tattoo too? Ali: Oh silly me, yeah Ali: [Photo they took together post-tattoo] Ali: Big n Lil dipper, its cute, right? Ro: Oh my god! You better not post these, Tess will kill you, but Ro: I think that's adorable Ro: Did it hurt so much?? Ali: She'll love it Ali: we did it ourselves, on each other Ali: thank god he wasn't really crap, unfair, I'd have to go over it myself 😂 Ali: Not really, doing lil dots like that by hand is probably the most chill way to do it, it really wasn't anything to think about even Ali: I could do one for you, really get the mumbot shorting a circuit 😈 Ro: Really?! Weren't you scared?! I would be. Ro: Ali that's so brave. He must have trusted you and vice versa to such a degree Ro: Only you'd get all of this out of the way before a first date has even happened Ro: No wonder you're so giddy Ali: Nah it's not scary, you can watch next time I do one on me, if you like, see for yourself Ali: Promise it isn't dead gory or anything Ali: I'm thinking of doing a Clitocybe rivulosa, our 👑 achievement in witchery to date, you want in? Ali: Won't show Mum that one forreal, she'd lock us in separate dungeons again 👎💔 Ali: Yeah...it felt good to get that shit out of the way, this way, if he wants to look down at his hand ever again and not be reminded of a bad memory, we'll have to make it good Ali: Clever, non? Everyone will think its ridiculous, I know, but I trust his intentions now, which is more than I can say for any of my previous Ali: Bar Marlene, of course, although technically she didn't set her intentions but not in a malicious way so we're letting it slide Ro: Do you sincerely promise? I'd like to see the whole thing for myself before I make any of my own but Ro: It does sound lovely. I'd be jealous if I wasn't so pleased Ro: No offense to Marlene, oops, I'm getting carried away here Ro: It is happy news though Ro: I mean, a love letter on skin, that's just Ro: It makes me speechless Ali: 🤞 Ali: ❌💚🙏☠💉👁 Ali: Me too, it's catching Ali: It'll be better in the long run, she can find her a wifey Ali: I know, I just- ahh Ali: He just text, asking if I got Home alright Ro: Sorry but this boy is a keeper Ro: that's so gentlemanly it's like we've stepped into Austen Ro: Are you nervous about school? It just sounds so magical and classrooms are so...well, not, aren't they? Ali: Better! He wasn't stand-offish and rude to me at the party, only to be won 'round by my wit, humor and independent spirit Ali: Clearly, he's more clued in and go-with-the-flow than Darcy, a win in anyone's books, even Jane's Ali: Hmm, not particularly, nah Ali: I'm not overly concerned with what other people think, so that won't spoil it, fat chance Ali: and we've always had a certain talent for making the mundane magical, haven't we? Ro: Jane would be spinning! Lydia with all her apparent lack of concerns for 'social conventions' has nothing on you and I have little doubt you'd be overjoyed by whatever 'disgraces' Caleb had in mind Ro: A much better match that anything she'd have conceived no doubt Ro: School seems so far off still but now I really am envious that you've made certain you'll have reason to look forward to it. Very unfair! Ro: The only fly in the ointment, potentially is what Marlene might say, how much are you going to tell her? Ali: 🙊 Ali: I'd be happy to regale you with the night's disgraces but I have even less doubt that you'd rather not hear about those details Ali: You're not trying to tell me you've previously nearly eloped with Caleb yourself though, are you? 🤔 Georgiana Darcy is a pretty good fit for you Ali: Now that would be a scandal worth the gossip 😏 Ali: Perhaps you can join me and make the music block your new haunt for a bit, give the library chance to REALLY miss you, like Ali: Hmm, no doubt she'll say things she'll regret when her pride is less hurt Ali: but they aren't prejudices against my 'fake' sexuality I haven't heard before, from her as well, so 🤷 Ali: I understand why, not that I agree with her. For one, I can attest to the reality, and also, I've not got any issue with experimentation, whatever the outcome but I see her frustration Ali: Serious as she is, about, everything Ali: It'll be okay, if she doesn't want to be my friend then alright, her loss frankly, but I'll always be there for her if she chooses Ro: To be honest, no I would not. It's much too early in the year, and day, for all that Ro: Oh goodness! Flattered as I would be to considered an accomplished woman, I fall short in all necessary regards, least of all the elopement alas Ro: Hm, as much as I both enjoy, and clearly need the practice for that comparison to hold true in any sense, I think I'll leave you to the necessary haunting yourself Ro: True. She's always been very vocal, hasn't she? I can understand if you slightly relish the opportunity to leave her speechless just this once too Ro: And it really would be her loss if she chooses that path to go down anyway Ali: What can I say? I'm an overachiever Ali: Couldn't even help myself, like 😎😂 Ali: No you don't, and you're a year younger, you're well ahead of the curve set and it ain't even necessary for a lady to have pleasant hobbies and talents in our day and age so Ali: You're an overachiever too, that's why I loooooove you 💚 Ali: S'cool though, suppose we don't wanna turn up en masse, put him off his A game, bit rude Ali: It is one of the things I admire about her but less so her dogmatism Ali: No one is always right about everything, even me 😜 Ro: Thanks I suppose Ro: Though I probably shouldn't pass on that wisdom about not always being right to everyone else at the kitchen table Ro: Not if I would like to live to be a year older at any rate Ali: Honestly 🙄 Ali: No wonder they love Marlene so much Ali: Ma is gonna be gutted, no doubt it'll be all my fault Ali: like lowkey but damn, woman, show a little loyalty when your daughter can't 😂 Ro: She'll calm down as long as you keep your gentleman caller away from the door for a while I'm sure Ro: When is the first date set for actually? Oh so exciting! Ali: Yeah, we've both agreed as much Ali: For Lene's sake as much as mother's Ali: Gotta get my house in order Ali: I don't know, ooh, what should we do?! Ro: There's always the open mic if he'd adore being serenaded Ro: Sounds like you'd have time to work on a dedication if not a song Ali: THAT IS A FANTASTIC IDEA Ali: I'll bring out an old classic, best to stick with what I know and am best at for max best impressions Ali: Can always go new and exciting with the outfit 🤩 Ro: Exacty Ro: Your full of good ideas when it comes to that Ro: Oh! We should go donation diving. New year, new clothes to peruse through Ali: Yes! We must we must! Ali: Best time of year for it, ungrateful fuckers binning their unwanted presents Ali: Regift 'em our way 🙏 Ali: Marlene wants to meet up later Ali: Looks like we're doing this today then, ugh, we can hit the charity shops tomorrow maybe? The sales rush shoulda died down a bit at least Ro: That works for me, I'd rather not fight for my faux furs, somewhat defeats the desired purpose Ro: I'll be around if things with Marlene go according to plan, or otherwise and you need to talk it out Ali: Agreed, though I'm down for granny bashing our way to the bargains if needs must Ali: I'll be getting some practice in today, like 🙃 Ali: Thank you though, Posy Ali: Sure it'll be fine Ro: I know it will. You can do this Ro: I can condone that much at least, your shopping behavior less so Ali: 😽 Ali: With you on my side, how could I fail? Ali: She is getting narky though so watch me waltz down the stairs and out again like missed me missed me
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