#it wasn't today I just remembered it happened cause I forgot my walker in my car
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Christians seeing a disabled person: lol skill issue ✝️🙏
#I've gotten to the point of just running over people with my walker/wheelchair#if they try to walk in front of me to preach#like bih Im trying to stay in motion if you stop me I'll stop ur brain with my mind#it wasn't today I just remembered it happened cause I forgot my walker in my car#I usually use it while cooking#ex christian#religious trauma
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A/N: Originally,this was supposed to be a story but then my drafts got deleted idek why or how.I tried to write it the way how I remembered it.Let me know your thoughts on this one.✨
Pairing/s : Jeffrey Dean Morgan x reader, Negan x reader
Warning/s: mentions of sex
Tomorrow will be my second week portraying one of Negan's wives on the walking dead.
My first scene was easy.I had one line and that was it.The rest was either me walking around or sitting pretty.
Jeffrey made sure that I was comfortable with him.That's why he decided to have sessions with me before doing the actual scenes.And you were fine with it.
The other casts and staffs were very friendly and fun to work with.They welcomed me with big open arms into their family.
Since this was your first ever show,Kirkman thought it would be fun experimenting with your character.
You knew how wild his imagination was and you were pretty excited with how your character is going to be portrayed.
He wanted your character to be lively and very sarcastic.He wanted you to have that power over Negan.Your character is Negan's favorite wife.
At first,it was hard to act intimidating infront of Jeffrey.Hell,you were intimidated by him.
A knock on the door pulled you away from your thoughts.I stood up and opened the door to see Jeffrey standing there with papers in his hands.
"Time for rehearsals?" He said and I mentally face palmed myself.
"Oh god." I muttered.
Jeffrey chuckled and patted my shoulders.
"I see,you're not the only one stressed out here.Angela wanted to know if you're fine with our next scene." He asked.
And I totally forgot the most important thing.My love making scene with Jeffrey will be tonight.
"What's wrong with me and my memory today.I totally forgot that it's today." I said and Jeffrey laughed.
"I feel like you're the old one here and not me." He joked and I nervously laughed.
"Why don't we get inside and start our rehearsal?That way we can discuss our scene?" Jeffrey continued and I nodded at his suggestion,which is good.
Mostly,for our scenes,I just follow his lead.I told him that and he knows.
She couldn't believe the rage building inside her.She wasn't acting like herself but she couldn't stop the words coming out from her mouth.
For some reason,she wanted to test how far Negan would go.
Twirling around to grab the door knob,she heard a slam on the table.
"Don't you even fucking dare leave this room without fixing the shit you caused" Negan angrily said in a loud voice.
Holy shit,calm yourself y/n.Just like you practiced,you will be fine.
Breathing heavily,you slowly turned around to see Negan glaring up at you.
"Can't you just let me go?You said it yourself that if we don't feel like we belong here anymore,then we can just go.There are walkers everywhere,Negan." You said in a low voice,not wanting to increase the tension building between you two.
"That's the real threat,not me walking away from your overprotective and jealous ass.I just don't get why you have to punish every single man who comes across me?It's not like I'll cheat on you or anything." You continued explaining to him.
It was starting to frustrate you everytime you hear someone gets a hot iron on their face or a lash on their back just because Negan apparently saw them checking you out.
"I don't even know if this is marriage to you,it clearly isn't one.We're supposed to be partners.Not you owning me,telling me to just be here when I fully know that I can be out there too.Earlier,what I did,I had to prove to myself that I can do it too.And I did." You said and saw his eyes soften a little bit.
Slowly,Negan stood up from the couch and went to stand in front of you.
You felt his hand on your chin,tilting your head up so he could look at your face.
You saw his eyes glimmer with humor and lust?
"So you want us to be like a normal married couple?Not this apocalyptic survival mode marriage?Do I have to bring you breakfast in bed?" Negan mumbled and you wanted to punch him right there and then.
"I can't even talk to you properly.You always have these crazy ass jokes.Am I a joke to you?"
"Oh kitten,you are not a joke to me.You are my lifeline.Jokes aside,i also happen to love your pussy.Which brings me to ask,what time does your pussy open?" Negan said as he put his hand on your waist,pulling you closer to him.You giggled and looked up at him.
And that's where you lost it.You pulled his face and kissed him hungrily.Following the script,Jeffrey held your face between his hands.You felt his tongue on your lips,asking for permission.
You moaned out when you felt his hand on your waist,going lower to your ass.
Negan growled when he felt your hand on his growing bulge.He missed her like hell.
Being able to do this with her after being gone for weeks makes him want to slam his dick in her wet pussy right there and then.
But he needs to feel her,touch her,savor every inch of her body that he missed.
"God,i fucking miss this,kitten." Negan mumbled while trying to unclasp your bra.
With one movement,he pulled down your bra,leaving your chest bare for him to see.
Negan wasted no time and went to suck one of your boobs,his left hand playing with the other one.Your hands are tugging at his hair,feeling a wet sensation pooling between your legs.
"Negan,please" You moaned out,forcing him down to your legs.
Jeffrey looked up at you,at that moment,you didn't know what to feel when you saw his face.You wanted to pounce on him,feel him between you,slamming his huge dick in a hard thrust of his hips.You totally forgot that you were just filming a scene.
"I love it when you say my name like that,makes me want to ram my big,fat,juicy cock inside your wet little cunt.Do you want that?" Negan growled while fondling with the hem of your panties.
You nodded,not having the voice to speak out.You just wanted to lay down and let him have his way on you.
"Fuck,you're already dripping wet on my fingers and that's just me playing with your delicious breasts" Negan said as he put one finger inside of you.
Good lord,as much as you wanted him to pounce on you,there were people everywhere.You can feel everyone's eyes at the both of you.But here's Jeffrey not even caring about anyone.
"Cut! Next scene we'll have you lay down on Negan's bed.Take a break for 30 minutes." Greg yelled using a microphone.
People shuffled around,leaving you and Jeffrey alone.
"That was hot"Jeffrey said as he threw you a bathrobe while putting his over his body.
You rolled your eyes and chuckled.
"I hope i looked fine.I feel like my hair's everywhere.We still have to do the main scene and that's where I'm worried most." You said.
Jeffrey shook his head."You look absolutely stunning with your hair all over the place.You look like you're about to get fucked"
You sighed.
It was hard to pretend that it's not affecting you,but it does.Every scene that you do with him,gets harder for you.You just hoped that no one would notice.Even Jeffrey.
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Leather and Lace Part One
My Thoughts On You
Summary: Katt Barnes knows the one thing she never has to apologize for is her place in the world; her father taught her how to be strong, her brother taught her how to be stronger. When her boyfriend, John Walker attempts to decide who she gets to be, it becomes the last straw for their relationship. Not only does it break Katt's trust in him, but in her family and herself as well.
Prompt: "I hate you because I will have to wonder for the rest of my life why I wasn't good enough." || found on pinterest.
Warnings: swearing, arguing, breakup
Word Count: 2354
A/N: PART ONE IS HERE!!!!! Buckle up, shit's about to get real. After so much planning and time spent writing, it's finally here. I hope you like it. This series is a special one. Happy reading!

Spring in Brooklyn arrived quickly for Barnes' Garage; and with everyone preparing to travel during the summer, business picked up soon after that. The shop—owned and operated by the Barnes siblings, James and Katheryn, who took over after their father passed—ran just as smoothly now as it did then. A legacy left behind to his children, the White Wolves Motorcycle Club, George's one and only condition for keeping the family business was that the twins run them both together. So, with a 50/50 split of the shop and the Club between them, ask anyone between the Five Boroughs where the best mechanic was in the whole of New York City and they'd say, "Go see Bucky at Barnes' Garage in Brooklyn. You won't be disappointed." And no one ever was.
A light breeze rolled through the shop and ruffled Katt's hair. She stood up from where she'd been leaning over the rear end of a red Porsche 911 Turbo, stretched, and looked around for signs of the other mechanics. She pulled her phone from the back pocket of her shorts and checked the time—11:50 am—still a good ten minutes until they'd all break for lunch. The car had arrived some time around 8 o'clock, Bucky'd been meaning to get to it but he'd been swamped all morning and she figured helping him out was the least she could do. Katt had changed the timing chain, replaced the cover, and changed the oil in no time at all. All that she had left was the complimentary wash and detail before the client came to pick it up at 12:30. Katheryn Barnes was nothing if not quick and efficient.
"Yo, Katt! John's outside looking for ya," Steve called from the car next to her. He chuckled, noticing the ghost of a frown that pulled at the corner of her mouth.
Katt sighed, wishing she hadn't remembered to change the batteries in her hearing aids when she got to work that morning. Luckily, she'd stashed the dead ones in the pockets of her shorts. She quickly leaned back over the Porsche's engine, letting her hair fall down around her shoulders. With the dead battery cell in her fingers, Katt discreetly lifted her hand to the battery door on her left hearing aid and switched out the cells, then tucked the live one in her pocket. She repeated the action with her right hearing aid, and set to work rechecking that the timing cover was in place.
"Hey, Beautiful." A large hand settled gently on the small of Katt's back; she jumped, startled. Two hands then gripped her hips and pulled her from underneath the Porsche's trunk.
Katt turned a wild-eyed glare on the man behind her. She moved her hands quickly, with little regard for the fact that John would have no idea what she was saying to him. What the hell, JW? Are you trying to kill me?
John blinked, confused. He shook his head, unable to understand what Katt was saying. It was no secret around the shop that John Walker was dating James Barnes' twin sister, Katheryn. And it was no secret that Katheryn Barnes was Deaf. However, for some unknown reason, John Walker (more commonly known around the shop by his sign name JW, given by Katt) refused to learn sign.
The scowl on Katt's face grew the longer John stared at her like a deer caught in the headlights. She stomped her foot, frustrated. Why did you sneak up on me?
"I-I'm sorry. I don't…" he shook his head again, pulling his phone from his back pocket. He pulled up the speech-to-text app and quickly dictated a message, then flipped the screen around to show her. Didn't you hear me call out to you? Are you wearing your hearing aids today?
Katt let out an irritated squeal; she hated having this conversation with him. It was always the same damn thing. She glanced around the shop for her brother or Sawyer or Wanda, anyone who could help her get out of the current situation she was in. Luckily, Clint had been walking by and offered to help out.
Can you interpret for him?
Thank you.
Katt turned her attention back to John and took a deep breath. The expression on her face sobered as she thought of the best way to handle the situation given that they were standing in the middle of the shop; she didn't want to draw any more unnecessary attention to themselves than John already had, not that it would matter. As calmly as possible, Katt explained to her boyfriend what had caused her to startle at his presence.
"I don't want to have this discussion right now but since you're here, we will. Yes, I am wearing my hearing aids today. No, I didn't hear you call for me. That's why I was startled when you suddenly appeared behind me," Clint said, interpreting for John what Katt had signed to him. Already the blond could tell that he'd walked into a conversation he would have loved to hear about later on. No one at the shop approved of John's place in Katt's life; Bucky simply hated him for dating his sister, while Clint and Sawyer hated him for refusing to learn sign.
"If you're wearing them, why didn't you hear me?" John asked.
Katt continued her explanation, going so far as to remind John again that her hearing aids were a tool she chose, not a magical cure. She removed her left hearing aid, pointing out the blinking red light—the dead battery indicator.
Clint smirked. He could see the frustration bleeding through to Katt's signing, no matter how hard she tried to keep it at bay. "Just because I have them, doesn't mean I can hear. I'm still deaf. If you're approaching me from behind, you still have to let me know. You have to get my attention or tell someone around me who can let me know you're coming. My hearing aids are a tool, all they do is amplify what little ambient noise that I can still hear. And just because I want them, doesn't mean I need them. Today, my batteries are dead."
"I know. I know it's not perfect, okay? I'm sorry. Maybe keep spare batteries in your pocket or something. This is hard for me, too. I just want to be able to communicate with you."
Then learn to sign. If you truly want to be able to communicate with me, learn my language.
John frowned again. He could tell by the look on Katt's face that she was upset, but he didn't understand why. He looked at the other man helplessly when he didn't immediately jump to interpret what the young woman had said. "What'd she say?"
Don't ask him, ask me. And don't talk about me like I'm not here. I'm the one talking. He's the interpreter. He's here for you, not me. But Clint's deaf, too, or did you forget that? You don't give him near as much shit as you do me. Why is this such a problem for you?
Clint turned to Katt with a grin. Stirring up trouble was Clint Barton's forte, especially when it came to John Walker. Want me to interpret that?
Please, do.
"Don't ask him, ask me. And don't talk about me like I'm not here. I'm the one talking. He's the interpreter. He's here for you, not me. But Clint's deaf, too, or did you forget that? You don't give him near as much shit as you do me. Why is this such a problem for you?"
"Because I'm not sleeping with Clint, Katheryn!"
Thank you for interpreting. I can take it from here.
No problem. Later, Kitty.
As Clint walked away, Katt removed her right hearing aid and opened the battery door. She threw both of the dead cells on the shop floor, reached into her pocket for the new ones, and replaced them. She waited for the green light to appear on both hearing aids, then returned them to her ears.
Time always seemed to slow down in John's presence; he was always so blind to everything happening around them, but not Katt. No, she could see it all. She often wondered if maybe she were the problem, she tried to pretend she was for the sake of their relationship. Oftentimes, she was stuck pretending to be someone she wasn't to appease John for so long, that she forgot how it felt when they first met… when she thought he was it for her. God, how she hoped he wasn't.
"What did you just say?" Katt kept her gaze level with John's, her voice free of all emotion until she was absolutely certain she understood what he said correctly. She knew that sometimes their emotions got in the way, they didn't always read the situations properly; between the tension and the fighting, things became skewed. She didn't want to leave anything to chance because deep down, she needed him still.
"I'm not sleeping with Clint," he repeated. John stared back at Katt, swallowed down his own frustration and narrowed his gaze.
Katt didn't need to look around the shop to know that everyone had heard John's comment, she didn't need to look over her shoulder to know that her brother was standing behind her, she didn't need to look at the car next to her to know that Steve had focused his attention on John. She could feel everyone's eyes on them the moment he dared to raise his voice, she could feel Bucky's presence the moment the breath left her lungs. The world seemed a lot smaller when she was at the center of it.
She turned as she felt Bucky's hand settle on her back, protecting her the way he always did. She offered him a small smile, her warm brown eyes darkening with the swell of anger rising within her chest.
Want me to handle it?
Thanks but I got this.
Bucky nodded and stepped back, giving Katt room to breathe. He kept his dark blue eyes trained on John Walker's face, committing every detail to memory. Whatever Katt had to say was nothing compared to what he wanted to do to John after all was said and done.
"I'm going to stop you right there and offer a correction: were. You were sleeping with me. Because as of this moment, I'm not your girlfriend anymore. Who the hell do you think you are, John? What gives you the right to tell me how to live my life? It's my life. And you know what? I love being Deaf. I love my culture, my language, my friends. You couldn't even take two seconds to learn how to say please or thank you or yes or no! And I am done accepting that. "
"Now, hold on, Katt. You don't mean—"
"For once in your pathetic life, just shut up, John! Quit talking over me. Quit telling me how I feel or what I mean. You don't know what I mean because you never fucking listen! You don't get to tell me how to be Deaf; I decide that." Katt's anger bubbled. She took a step toward the man in front of her, only to be pulled back by Bucky's left hand on her upper arm. She shot him a glare at his unwelcome intervention; he only gestured forward for her to keep going.
Go on.
Katt returned her fiery scowl back on John's face. For a moment, she knew all she could think about was the bright blue of his eyes… how she'd fallen for them so easily, the realization hit her like a truck and she felt it deep inside her soul—she still needed him. "You know, I hate you. Because I will have to wonder for the rest of my life why I wasn't good enough. And that really fucking sucks. Go home, John. We're done."
The rest of the day flew by without incident.
After Katt left, Bucky and Steve escorted a humiliated John Walker from the premises with a promise to rearrange his face if he ever showed up looking for Katt again. Clint and Sawyer worked together to finish up the Porsche's complimentary wash and detailing in time to be picked up by its owner, and a hefty tip was left in the office for the mechanic who'd treated his prized possession with such tender love and care. They closed shop at 4 pm on the dot.
Sawyer sat in the office counting the cash drawer so she could make her last run to the bank when Bucky stopped in. The air around the usually calm, smooth-talking mechanic had been thick with tension ever since Katt's showdown with John Walker that morning.
How's your arm today?
Sawyer knew Bucky's thoughts had been occupied with his sister from the moment the roar of her motorcycle could be felt throughout the garage; she'd sped off without looking back, without letting anyone know where she was headed. No one blamed Bucky for worrying.
She'll be fine, Buck. She always is.
I know, S. But you didn't see her face when she left. I sent Pietro out to look for her, he said he'll call when he finds her. It feels different this time. She… Bucky trailed off, dropping his hands to his lap. He took a seat in the office chair at his late father's desk. The faces in the photo behind the glass frame stared up at him; the last photo the three of them ever took together. The day Bucky and Katt patched into the MC. The smile on George's face said it all; nothing meant more to that man than family.
Sawyer lightly tapped Bucky's knee. She what, Bucky? What's wrong?
Bucky ran his thumb over the silhouette of his sister in the photo and looked up to meet Sawyer's eyes. She was completely broken. I don't think Katt knows who she is right now. I don't even know who she is right now and that's what scares me.
#Leather and Lace#Changes WC#Bucky Barnes fanfiction#Pietro Maximoff fanfiction#marvel au#biker au#marvel characters fafiction#marvel fic#mcu fic
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