#it took me... at least 6 years to accept that I like watching them
plumso · 21 days
get him back! (lorenzo x reader)
pairing: lorenzo berkshire x reader // reader's pov!! trope: academic rivals summary: y/n regularly complains about how lorenzo always teases and places ahead of them. but when someone else insults lorenzo, y/n can't stop the boiling rage inside. masterlist I do not consent to the reposting of my work! reblogging, however, is fine <3
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Friday night and there’s no sound in the library except the faint scribbles of a frustrated individual.
Y/N has been studying since the start of the Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch match. They have continued to study despite their friends’ efforts to drag them to the after parties. Everyone is at the common rooms socializing and laughing. Even Hermione is nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile, with their notes gradually becoming messier, Y/N is all alone. Or so they thought.
“Copying it down word-for-word won’t help with memorizing, you know,” a low voice says behind you.
You jump in shock and turn around to confront the sudden voice. You see that it’s Lorenzo Bershkire, the smug Slytherin boy you swore to defeat since first year. Since then, you made every attempt to beat him either in potions, charms, transfiguration - even in muggle studies! But to no avail. He has remained in his position as first with you as second best.
You watch as Lorenzo’s dark brown eyes examines your notes. His large body is hovering over your shoulder to peek at your work. With his broad chest so close, you can faintly smell his cologne - sage and bergamot. It smells clean and expensive.
“Mind your own business, Berkshire. And don’t look at my notes!” You exclaimed as you covered your books with your hands. You know he’s right, but after hours of rereading the same material, you felt desperate. But you didn’t expect your rival of 6 years to see your pathetic notes.
Lorenzo chuckles as he takes the seat next to you. He props an arm on the table and rests his head in his hand. His legs are crossed and his stare is unwavering. ‘Of course, he’s effortlessly good at posing,’ you think to yourself. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“You’ll never be first if your handwriting is still like that,” he says as he points at my notes. “It looks like a 10-year-old wrote it.”
You feel your face flush and your cheeks burn. “Oh yeah? Well, at least I don’t pretend to get people to like me. Unlike you, I’m not fake.”
You expect Lorenzo to be caught off guard or hurt, but he remains calm with a smirk still on his face. You can’t stand it. 
“It’s called manipulating, darling. It’s how you get ahead in life,” he says as he twirls my hair with his long, slender fingers. “You should try it sometimes. Maybe you’ll get first place over me one day.”
“So you admit that you manipulate people? Wait until I tell the others - they won’t be so accepting of you then,” you say with a triumphant grin. 
“Do it. They won’t believe you,” he says with a smirk.
Your grin drops and you become silent. You know he’s right. You’ve voiced your opinions about him before, but no one believes you. He can get away with anything.
You sigh in defeat. “You know, I can’t stand you, Berkshire. You get on my nerves,” you say as you shake your head.
Now it’s his turn to be silent, but it feels weird. You’re afraid to look at him, afraid that you took it too far. You immediately want to apologize, but you don’t want to appear weak in front of him. So, you picked up your quill and continued writing.
After a few silent minutes, you hear his chair squeak. Afraid that he was, in fact, hurt by your comment, you turn around to stop him. However, you instantly lock eyes with his, his face only inches away from yours. 
“I only leaned in to help you, but if you wanted to kiss me so badly, you could have just said so,” Lorenzo says with a chuckle. Though you know he was teasing you, your heart felt light knowing he wasn’t sad.
“No thanks! Not in a million years.” You exclaimed as you distance yourself from him.
“So after a million years, you’ll kiss me then? I can wait for that long.”
You give him a look of disbelief before you start packing your things. This causes him to laugh.
“I was just joking! Don’t leave,” he says as he tries to stop you from packing.
You push away his hands. “Well, it’s obvious that I won’t get any studying done with you here, so I’m gonna head to bed.”
“It’s 8:30,” he remarks with disbelief. 
“I’m an early sleeper!” You exclaim as you close your bag and hang it over your shoulder. “Good night, and, uh, I hope you get nightmares.”
You start walking away, but Lorenzo takes hold of one of your hands. He doesn’t say anything and you don’t look back. 
Surprisingly, you don’t draw back your hand. Instead, you linger in his touch. You notice the rough calluses of his finger and how gently he’s holding your hand. You’re surprised; you assumed it would be smooth and cold, but his touch makes you feel warm.
You linger for a few more seconds before you walk away, releasing your hand from his. You want to look back and see the face he’s making, but your pride urges you not to. Sticking to your pride, you exit the library and head to your dorm.
The next day during lunch, you couldn’t help but think back on last night with Lorenzo. Why did he hold your hand? Why was he even in the library late at night? Why wasn’t he partying with his friends? And how did he know you would be there? 
You stop yourself. ‘Why would I even think that he was looking for me? I’m nothing more than an entertaining rival to him,’ you think as your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
You glance behind you to spot Lorenzo sitting with his usual group. They seem to be deeply conversing in something before they all bust out in laughter. What were they saying that could make him laugh like that?
Feeling annoyed, you turn back around and grunt. His air of superiority, his fancy clothes, and his wispy hair - it annoyed you that you couldn’t stop thinking about him. You couldn’t stand how he made fun of your efforts and always placed ahead of you in everything. But what you couldn’t stand the most was how you couldn’t hate him. 
You turn to Hermione who has pumpkin juice in one hand and the Daily Prophet in the other. “Hermione, do you think I’m shallow?”
Hermione raises an eyebrow and sets down her drink. “What a random question to ask. No, I don’t think you’re shallow,” she says with a small laugh.
“What if someone was mean, but they were also really handsome? I mean, you can be annoyed or even dislike them, but could you really hate them?” 
“Hmmm. That is interesting. Are we talking about anyone in particular?” Hermione says with a secret grin that she shares with Ron and Harry.
“Uhh, no. No one in particular. Just curious!” You quip as you fiddle with your cup of orange juice, attempting to seem unconcerned.
“How about you give an example? It’ll help us answer,” Ron chimes.
“Well, I only asked Hermione, but okay.” You look around the Great Hall, trying to find someone who’s mean and handsome, but the only answer you can come up with is Lorenzo. ‘Maybe they won’t think too much of it,’ you think to yourself.
“Ummm, Berkshire, for example. He’s… conventionally okay-looking, but he’s rude and mean,” you say as you avoid looking at their eyes.
“You mean he’s mean to you. He’s always been nice to me,” Ron replies as he munches on a cookie.
“Because he’s two-faced! He makes fun of me at every opportunity,” you say with frustration. “Okay, Ron, maybe you’re too slow to see it, but surely you two believe me, right?” You give a hopeful look to Hermione and Harry.
“Uhhh, sorry, Y/N. Though he hangs out with Draco, he’s actually really nice,” Harry says with a sheepish smile.
“Maybe he teases you because you two are rivals?” Hermione says with a small shrug.
“More like you compete with him while he does nothing,” Ron says with a chuckle but stops when Harry nudges his side. “But, uh, yeah, the ‘rivals’ thing could be a… contributing factor.”
“cOntrIbuTing fActOr” you mockingly say back to Ron, which makes him laugh. “Now answer my question! Could you hate a super handsome person?”
Hermione shifts her body to you and gives you a serious look. “Y/N, I don’t think it’s about looks. I think you li-”
“What are we talking about?” Cormac McLaggen interrupts with a smug smile. He then sits himself between you Hermione. “Did you mention ‘Berkshire?’”
You shift uncomfortably in your seat and try to inch away from him. You never liked McLaggen. He’s weird and too arrogant for no reason, but you didn’t want to seem rude. “Uh, yeah. You know him?” You ask reluctantly, not really interested in his reply.
“Yeah, he’s a real suck-up,” McLaggen says as he slowly puts his arm around your shoulder. You hear a large bang behind you, but you ignore it as you try to fight all attempts to push him away. But you’re curious about his answer. He doesn’t seem fooled by Berkshire like everyone else.
“Why do you think that?” Harry replies with a disbelieving look.
“Think about it. He smiles too much and is ‘nice’ to everyone, but he’s a Slytherin,” McLaggen says with his arm still around you. You hear loud stomps behind you, but you pay no attention to it.
“Well, not all Slytherins are the same-” you attempt to say but you’re quickly interrupted by McLaggen.
“They’re Slytherins! They’re all the same. Evil and manipulative. The only reason that Berkshire places in everything is because he’s rich. He probably cheats or sleeps with the professors,” McLaggen laughs at his comment. “Or he probably threatens everyone because his parents are Death Eaters,” McLaggen says with a smug smirk.
The table is quiet and shocked by McLaggen’s bold comments. You stare at McLaggen’s stupid grin and feel something boiling inside you. Meanwhile, the footsteps you heard earlier were now right behind you, but your eyes were focused on McLaggen.
A dark, cold voice behind you speaks up. “McLaggen, get your hands off of Y-”
The usual buzz of the Great Hall dissipates. Everyone turns away from their conversations to see you and your hands inches away from McLaggen’s face.
“Y/N? What the fu-”
“Shut up, McLaggen! Just shut! Up! Don’t talk about Enzo! Don’t even say his name! I can’t believe that, out of everyone, you are the one to judge. Do you think you’re better than him? McLaggen, you are slimy, creepy, and disgusting,” you exclaim as you shove him away from you. “Stop talking and stop touching me and LEAVE!”
Your face is burning and your hands are balled into a fist. You can feel everyone staring at you in disbelief - they’ve never seen you so angry before. But you don’t care. You want to do so much more than slap him. You wanted to curse him, to wipe McLaggen’s stupid grin on his face, to make him cry.
McLaggen looks around and sees everyone staring. His face flushes as he tries to compose himself. He then stands up and hovers over you, attempting to seem intimidating and tough. “Y/N, don’t you dare ta-”
Before he can speak further, someone takes his collar and pulls him to the ground, all in one swift motion. You look up to see it was Lorenzo. You’re shocked by his sudden appearance. ‘When did he get here?’ you think to yourself. You then worry if he heard McLaggen’s comment earlier.
Lorenzo looks down at McLaggen with a cold smile. “You heard Y/N. So, get out. Now.”
McLaggens huffs his nose and gets on his feet. He readies himself to fight back, but Harry and Ron stand up from their seats. Then Draco and his friends also stand up from their seats. Seeing this, McLaggen clicks his tongue and turns around in defeat.
The Great Hall remains silent as they watch McLaggen walk towards the door, but as soon as he leaves, they immediately start buzzing about what they just saw.
You turn back to Lorenzo and see he is already looking at you. You analyze his expression, looking for any signs of hurt or anger. Instead, he looked pleased.
“Y/N, can I talk to you?” He gives you a warm smile, a smile that he does not show often. Your three friends give a knowing smile at each other, which Lorenzo notices. “Alone,” he adds as he extends his hand to you.
You sheepishly look at your friends before you get up from your seat and take his hands.
Not once letting go of your hands, Lorenzo leads you to the nearest empty classroom. As soon as you two enter, he closes the door and turns around to face you.
“Why did you defend me?” He says as he carefully watches your expressions. 
“I-I’m not sure,” you say as you try to avoid his eyes. Along with everyone else in the Great Hall, you were shocked by your own rage. You don’t understand why you got so mad.
“Don’t give me that, Y/N,” he says softly. It surprises you; his voice is usually cold. Too curious about what expression he’s making, you finally look at him.
“Think harder, Y/N,” He gently squeezes your hand which you realize he’s still holding. “Why did you defend me?” His eyes are pleading for something as if he knows something that you don’t.
You think harder about how you felt when McLaggen was talking about Berkshire. Of course, his comments were incredibly disrespectful and disgusting, but was it enough to warrant a slap? Why were you so angry? Were you angry in general or for Lorenzo?
‘Do I like Lorenzo?’ you think to yourself. Yes, he teases you occasionally, but he hasn’t done anything wrong or evil. In fact, he’s hardworking and reliable. Even though he says he manipulates people, he always helps those in need. ‘So maybe I do like him… as a person.’
You look back at Lorenzo, ready to answer properly, but his eyes entrap you. The faint light from the classroom windows hit them just right. His dark brown eyes shined golden. It looked like a warm pool of honey. You always recognized that Lorenzo was handsome, but this was the first time you appreciated it.
‘Oh. I think I like-like him.’ This epiphany shocks you and causes your breath to hitch. Suddenly, you’re conscious of how close you are to Lorenzo and how his hands are so big and warm.
You like Lorenzo. Probably for quite some time now. But could you admit that to him? After all the competition and petty arguments? After all your complaints about him? Would you two even work out?
But then you look back at Lorenzo and realize that, for the first time, he’s being vulnerable to you. His eyebrows are scrunched as his eyes are still pleading for your answer. Suddenly, the pride that you’ve kept for so long was now forgotten.
“I… like you.” You exhaled and felt a sudden weight lifted from your chest. All that’s left is an inexplicable tingling feeling in your stomach.
Soon, his warm body envelops you. He wraps his arms around your waist and nestles his head in your shoulder. 
“Finally,” he says with a delighted chuckle. “I’ve known all along.”
“W-what? How could you have known? I only realized it just now!” You exclaim as you playfully struggle in his grip, but he refuses to let you go.
“Y/N, you’ve always been slow.” You give him a gentle pinch on his side, which makes him laugh. “I’m kidding! I’m sorry. I just…” He trails off as he draws back a little to look straight into your eyes. “I’ve been waiting for this moment.”
Of course, he’s always been one step ahead of you. Even when it’s about your own feelings, he knew about it before you did. You suddenly felt shy from his intense gaze, but you didn’t want to look away.
“...Did you hear what McLaggen said about you?”
“Were you mad?”
“For a moment… but I was more annoyed that he was touching you.” He gently brushes your hair back from your face. “Do you believe what McLaggen said?”
“Of course not!” You exclaimed as you gently hit his chest. “He’s disgusting and weird. Anything that comes out of his mouth is complete bull crap. Why would you even ask that?” You grumble and slightly pout.
Lorenzo laughs. “Yes, yes, I’m sorry.” His hands drift to the ends of your hair and starts twirling it with his fingers.
“...So, how about you?”
“Hm?” He replies absentmindedly, still focused on your hair. 
“Do you… like me?” You sheepishly ask as you look away and focus on the ground.
Lorenzo gives you a blank stare before roaring into laughter. His laugh shocks you, but it makes you laugh as well. 
“I thought it was quite obvious,” he says as he places a hand on your cheek. He carefully analyzes each feature of your face as if he’s savoring it all in before his eyes flicker at your lips.
“B-but, I didn’t hear you say it.” You say as you notice his stare, causing your breath to hitch. 
“I like you, Y/N.” Lorenzo slowly pulls you in closer and closer until your lips touch his. The feeling is immediate; it’s warm and electrifying. You can hear your heart thumping in your eyes as a strange warmth course throughout your body.
After a few seconds, you both pull away and look at each other in disbelief. It seems that the intense, crashing feelings you felt were mutual. You both laugh when you realize this. 
“That… was something,” Lorenzo says with a smile.
You give him a warm smile before resting your head on his chest. You feel him stiffen in surprise, but he soon relaxes and places his hand on your head, gently combing his fingers through your hair. You smile to yourself when feel his heart beating fast.
“But you should know,” Lorenzo says with a smirk, “that I like you more.”
You abruptly lift your head and give him a look of disbelief. “This isn’t a competition.”
“You only say that because you’re losing,” Lorenze teases with a laugh.
You laugh back and hit him. “Enzo, you get on my nerves!”
Hearing you say his nickname, Lorenzo smiles and a small tint of red appears on his cheek. “Good,” he says as he pulls you in closer, wanting to feel your soft lips on his again. “As long as you don’t get bored of me.” 
a/n: my first enzo fanfic! ahhh! it's also my first time writing in second person pov, and it's harder than i thought lol. and sorry to cormac mclaggen! i feel like he's a common antagonist in hp fanfics HAHA. also, i tried making y/n as general as possible so that it can appeal to everyone, but i couldn't help but add in the hair twirling. hair twirling is just so cute to me :')
fun fact! i chose olivia rodrigo's "get him back" as inspo because her lyrics have a double meaning: (1) she wants to get back together with her ex and (2) also get revenge on him. it emphasizes the fine line between love and hate, which i imagine academic rivals feel lol. hope you liked it! <3
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nebulaafterdark · 2 years
More Than Anyone (Part 7)
Warnings: 18+ smut, targcest, lactation, childbirth
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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Y/N’s term is complete, her body aches. Though she rarely complains, perhaps she knows it will do no good. Or perhaps she had bore enough children that she is used to pain.
Aegon is not sure which. Dutifully he climbs into their bed each night, to hold her and soothe her tense muscles after a bath. Pressing the lightest of kisses to her skin. “After this babe we need no more heirs.” He kisses her temple reverently. Aegon does not wish her to suffer. “You have performed your duty. The crown is satisfied. I am satisfied.”
“What happened to ‘as many as you’ll give me?” Y/N jests. That’s the number of children he’d once asked her for.
The prince smiles, “I watched you bring our son into this world…I would not wish that pain on my enemy, least of all my dearest love.”
“But it’s worth it, wouldn’t you say?” Y/N grunts as she turns to face him.
“Our children are very dear to me.” You are also dear to me.
“Mayhaps this conversation should be tabled for a day when there is not a child pressing against my organs. I might be able to think a bit more clearly.”
“You know, my sweetheart,” Aegon begins chasing another train of thought. “The Maester once told me that babes can be coaxed out the same way they’re coaxed in.”
“Oh?” Y/N smirks, passing a hand over her swollen belly.
“Let me see here.” Aegon leans forward, giving sweet kisses to her bump. Then helping to work her nightgown and small clothes to the floor.
“Aegon,” she flushes, not used to his eyes on her in this state.
“You are beautiful,” he murmurs. “So pretty, so…full. Wonder how you’ll fair with my cock in you.”
Y/N whines, as he cups her breasts, thumbing her nipples to peaks before suckling at the left. The princess is so sensitive that she nearly bursts into tears. The soft pressure of Aegon’s lips finally draws the first signs of milk from within her. “Aegon.”
“You were brought into this world to be mine.” He murmurs, lapping at the droplets. “All the nights I lied awake, to drown myself in cups and wonder, ‘why me?’ I see it all so clearly now. I had to be born who I am and you had to be born who you are, so that our paths might cross. There is nothing we could do about it, our fate was written in the stars. This body longs for me as mine longs for you. All these years wasted fucking whores, to find relief from the aching hole in my heart, when it was you. My sweet girl.”
Y/N inhales sharply, as he latches on to the opposite breast. “I love you dearly, Aegon. So much so that my heart aches with it.”
He hums against her. To be loved, he had so often longed to be loved. His wife was born of love and therefore will never know half his demons. Though when he shared them, she took half their weight.
The Princess faces a different set of battles, to prove herself, to accept what is afforded her, acquired through fire and blood.
“Fuck,” Aegon sighs, his cock sliding easily into her warmth as she lies propped up against the pillows.
Her grin is lazy, spread across her lips like the cat who ate the canary. In this moment, she is every bit the spoiled little thing some thought her to be.
Her husband shifts his weight back on his ankles, fucking into her hard enough to make Y/N gasp. “Just there?” Aegon cocks his head to the side.
Y/N nods as he ruts against that spot within her. Fingers fumbling around in search of his hand. So much of her pleasure and her pain is held in his palms, where she finds comfort and strength in times of need.
Aegon twines their fingers together, feeling Y/N squeeze in time with her cunt. Full breasts bouncing wildly with each thrust. “To think this is what you’ve hidden from me all these years.” He clicks his tongue at her, never were his eyes allowed the privilege of her beauty great with his child.
“I still wish to hide,” she admits.
Aegon chuckles, draping the top sheet across her middle with his free hand. Watching with the softest of gazes as his sweet girl situates the material over her breasts, taking it down nearly to the place where they are joined. His strokes are slow and deep, lulling his wife to a gentle peak.
Y/N lets out a tiny sob as his hips snap against hers in quick succession. Throwing her headlong into a second orgasm, which soaks both of their thighs in her slick.
“Good girl,” Aegon praises, thumbing at her twitching bundle of nerves.
“Aegon,” she warns, catching his wrist.
“Once more,” he murmurs, close to the precipice himself.
“I can’t,” the pretty little thing hiccups beneath him.
Aegon only hushes her, “you can, sweetheart.”
“It hurts.” Too much of a good thing always does.
“Shhh,” he soothes, circling the swollen nub softly.
Tears well up in her eyes as she finds Aegon’s gaze.
“I’ve got you,” he coos.
The princess feels another climax building low in her belly. Breath leaving her in short puffs. “I-”
“I know,” Aegon groans, feeling her inner walls flutter around his cock. He draws pleasure from her cruelly. “I love you.”
“I love you,” Y/N wails, succumbing to him once more. Denied the ability to come down by his deft fingers, nudging back the hood of her pearl. “No more.” She pleads, bottom lip quivering. “Please, Aegon, please!”
The sound of her desperate pleas hurtle Aegon to his peak, cursing as thick ropes of cum fill her twitching cunt. Sore and twinging from exquisite torture.
He pulls out after a moment, collapsing beside her and brushing sweat damp hair from her face. Soft kisses as Y/N catches her breath, drying any trace of tears.
“That was an awful thing to do.” She chastises, no fire behind her words.
“Forgive me, my dearest love.” Aegon repents, helping to situate his wife on her side, a soft pillow cushioning her belly.
Y/N sighs, his arms coming round to stroke the babe in her womb.
“I will kiss it better, if you wish.” He taunts, earning a slap to his forearm.
“Don’t you even dream of it,” she nuzzles farther against him, despite her protest.
“Will you have your maids attend the birth this time?” The last time it was only the two of them. It was peaceful.
“If I ask for you and only you, will you be terribly upset?”
Aegon shakes his head. He would not be upset, “it would be my great honor.” To deliver another of their children…especially if this is to be their last.
Y/N let’s out a yawn, “that is what I want.”
The morrrow comes too soon, forcing Y/N from the warmth of her bed to tend her duties. A council meeting, as heir, the princess cannot miss it.
She listens carefully, seated at the long table. Rhaenyra was born to be queen. Y/N hopes to make her proud.
As the minutes drag on, Jacaerys can’t help but notice his sister shifting uncomfortably in her chair. He inches closer, “sister? Is everything alright?”
To his surprise, she seizes his hand, squeezing tightly for a moment before exhaling harshly and coming back to herself. “I am well.” Y/N forces a smile as she releases his fingers.
He gawks at her while the blood returns to his hand. “Your labors.”
The princess quiets him. “Not now.”
“Are you mad?” Jace hisses, “this is not something you can postpone.”
“Mmm.” She hums out, low in her throat. Earning Daemon’s attention and then her mother’s.
“Is something the matter?” The Queen demands, they know better than to behave this way without cause.
“No. Forgive me, your grace.” Y/N chokes out, through a contraction.
“Yes,” Jace rats her out, “her labors have started.”
“Well,” Rhaenyra offers her daughter a kind smile. “You are excused, Princess.”
“Thank you, your grace.” Jacaerys nods, helping his sister to her feet.
“Ah,” she clutches at her lower belly as she stands.
Jace tosses her arm over his shoulder for support.
“Can’t believe you told her.” Y/N scowls, shuffling from the council room into the hall.
“Did you think I’d let you give birth during a small council meeting?”
“I could’ve made it.”
“Fuck,” Y/N curses, forcing her legs to continue toward her chambers.
“How painful is it? If you had to say?” Jace wonders, soon his wife will be birthing their babe. He is doing his best to prepare.
“It is the worst pain I have ever known,” Y/N pants out. “Yet I would do it a hundred times more.”
He takes comfort in this. That it would be worth it; for her, for Baela. “Perhaps I could deliver my babe. Do you think Baela might like that?”
“I do not know, Jacaerys.” She bites out. “You are a kind man, a good husband, you will be a wonderful father.” Breathe, breathe. “But it is hard to speak at a time like this.”
“I apologize. Let us get you to Aegon.” The Prince sighs, hobbling down the corridor. Of course there’s the stairs, his poor sister…
“I can’t,” Y/N sobs out. This child is coming, she will not make it to the top. “I can’t, I can’t.”
“Y/N, tell me now, what can I do?” Jace helps her down, kneeling beside her on the bottom step.
“Send for Aegon, please hurry.”
“Surely you mustn’t be alone.”
“It’s just up the stairs, down the hall. I will be alright.” Y/N assures him.
“Very well,” he gives her shoulder a squeeze, making to stand. Dashing toward their chambers, Jace finds Aegon within. Newly clothed, unhurried.
“What is it?” Aegon frowns at the intrusion.
“Y/N is having the babe.” Jace pants out, having sprinted. “At the bottom of the staircase. Now.”
“Now?” Aegon all but shouts, rushing past his nephew, down the hallway and taking the steps two at a time. He finds his wife hunched forward, with her hands resting on her thighs, still fully clothed. “Sweetheart.”
“Help me,” Y/N pleads, shoving his arm up beneath her skirts.
“I’ve got you.” He murmurs, feeling the child has already begun crowning.
Y/N whimpers, this part never gets any easier.
“That’s it, sweet girl. We’ll have this babe in no time.”
Jacaerys is a few steps away, facing outward. Ensuring their safety and privacy in this moment.
“Oww, FUCK!”
“Breathe,” Aegon reminds her, their child’s head in his hand.
Her thighs tremble, aching from holding up her weight. Aegon peppers gentle kisses to the side of her face.
“I love you, more than you will ever know. And I am forever grateful for the family you have given me.” Aegon murmurs, as his wife bears down, the shoulders are tricky. “Our family.”
A few more moments of agony and the baby is in Aegon’s arms. Announcing their arrival with a loud wail.
“Thank the gods.” Jacaerys breathes, still facing away.
“Another boy, my darling.” Aegon informs Y/N, as she slumps down in relief.
“His hair-”
“I have been waiting, hoping even.” Aegon admits. “For a child with your features, perhaps you heard me in there, hmm?” He cooes at his son.
“Aegon,” Y/N smiles.
“His name,” she explains. “I wish to name him Aegon…after you. My dearest love.”
“Are you certain?” Tears prickle at the back of his eyes.
Y/N knows he can deny her nothing. “I have never been more certain.”
Series Taglist: @sophiexoxosblog @alicentswife @f4ll-for-you @tempt-ress @percyjacksonspeen @zoleea-exultant @midnightrqin @buckystevelove @httpjiikook @neenieweenie @springholland @zeennnnnnn @yelenabeleovapocket @nejiho3 @thatkindofgurl @aemondsb1tch @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @kiahpapaya @existential-echo @zzz000eee @janelongxox @bunny24sstuff @alitaar @minttea07 @rwdkarla @bibli0thecary @loxbbg
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flemingsfreckles · 5 months
Physio’s Daughter pt.4
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Jessie Fleming x Physio!Reader
Read the previous parts here
Warnings: a little cursing, a small bit of homophobia (it’s minor teasing by a child)
WC: 4.3k
A/N: I struggled with this part, so I do apologize for how long it took and that it’s shorter. There’s a lot of timeline jumps in this part just as a heads up. I know where the story is going to end up I’m just having a hard time making the plot to get it there.
It was Jessie’s fault your attempt at being just coworkers failed so quickly. It was only hours after you had said goodbye to her in the lobby of the training center when you received a notification on your phone.
_jessflem has requested to follow you
You smirked down at the notification. You knew she wasn’t big on social media so the follow felt intentional. You open your phone to accept her follow request and go to follow her back only to realize you already followed her. You also weren’t too keen on social media, you really didn’t have the time with school, but you found yourself in typical behavior with the other young adults your age, “stalking” Jessie’s page.
You scroll all the way to her last photo, it’s just a scenery shot. You look at it for a second before starting to scroll back up. Too frenzied with your scrolling you feel the phone vibrate in your hand slightly, the same way it vibrated if you liked a photo.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” you stop your scrolling, starting to slowly scroll backward to see that you had just liked a photo from 2020. Four years ago. It was one of her smiling, holding a soccer ball in her Chelsea training kit. She looked adorable.
Jessie Fleming: Doing a bit of stalking, are we?
The sound of your text notification making you jump in your otherwise silent apartment. Before you can even open the first text you receive a second.
Jessie Fleming: Do you stalk all your coworkers, or just the ones you’ve kissed?
You: Hard to say, I haven’t kissed any other coworkers, maybe I’ll have to kiss some other ones and see if it leads to stalking.
Jessie Fleming: Fair
You leave her text without a response. You had both agreed to be professional, this seemed like it was going to maybe be the opposite of you kept texting her.
You close Instagram and move from your couch into the kitchen. You were excited for your next few days to be off days. You planned to essentially do nothing but sit, watch trashy TV and do anything to keep your mind from wandering and thinking about Jessie. Moving to the fridge you get out some ingredients to make yourself chicken and pasta, it was easy but it also counted as a home cooked dinner so you couldn’t complain.
In the middle of digging through your cabinets for spices you get a knock on your door. Skeptical of who it may be, you move to the door slowly, looking though the peep hole. There stood your Mom, not someone coming to murder you, well, you’re not too sure on that you think.
You open the door to see her standing with a bouquet of flowers and a brown paper bag tucked under her arm.
“Can I come in?” She wasn’t exactly the person you wanted to be seeing right now but she was your Mom, so you extended you hand to take the bag and let her in.
“Are you here to yell at me again, because I’ve honestly had enough over the past couple of days to last a lifetime, I don’t need any more.”
“Don’t be a smartass,” she gently smacks the top of your head. “I’m actually here to apologize. Do you think I’d bring snacks and drinks if I was here to yell at you?”
“Maybe you brought them to flaunt in my face while you yelled at me.”
Your Mom rolls her eyes at you and begins digging through the bag she brought. She gets out some candies that she knew you loved, some popcorn, a bottle of wine, and a 6 pack of beers.
“Is this your peace offering?” You ask as you grab the bag of sweets, opening it and popping one in your mouth.
“I don’t know if I’d consider it a peace offering just yet but I wanted to at least talk, I figured I could start making amends with snacks.”
“Look, I’m not really sorry for what I said, I said it for a reason and I stand by what I said.” She lets out a breath. “But I am sorry for how I said it though. I treated you like a child, that was unprofessional, you’re an adult and should be treated that way at work at least. Unfortunately, I’m your mom, so you’ll always be my little girl. And in this circumstance I was frustrated with you as a mom and as a coworker.”
“Why were you frustrated with me as a mom?” You understood the coworker, but the thought of you disappointing your Mom hurt a bit, you hadn’t realized you had upset her as a daughter.
“I don’t know if frustrated is the word I guess. It’s just weird seeing your daughter being defiled against the wall by another person especially at work when it’s with her coworker who she told you nothing was happening with.” Your blush comes back and you look down at your drink before taking a large swing, not wanting to think about your Mom walking in on you and Jessie.
“How many times do I have to tell you she wasn’t defiling me, it was just a kiss.”
“I don’t really care what she was doing to you, the less I know the better.” You Mom holds her hands up stopping you. “I am sorry I made a scene in your office about it. That was inappropriate on my end.”
“Thank you.” You take another sip. The two of you stood in silence around your kitchen table. This was going to be a long night.
It was nearly an hour later, you were drinking through your fourth beers and your Mom was working through her third heavy pour of wine. You could tell you were both feeling the effects of the drinks and it was likely your Mom would be spending the night. You felt your phone buzz in your lap and you looked down to see Jessie’s name again.
Jessie Fleming: sorry if I made it weird with my text from before, I promise only to be professional from now on.
You feel yourself smiling at the text, something about the idea that she thought about you again to text you made you feel warm and fuzzy. Unfortunately, with the alcohol in your system you did a worse job at hiding your emotions than you thought.
“Ohhhhh, look at you smiling at your phone, let me guess is a certain Canadian captain texting you?” Your mom teases from the other side of the couch. Her foot giving your leg a tap.
“Mom please.” While you tried to deflect her comment it was obvious by your smile that she was right about who had texted you and she knew she was right. You didn’t want to have to sit here with your tipsy mother and her comments about you and Jessie. Thankfully she stays quiet for a few minutes with the two of you not speaking.
“This is maybe the wrong way to go about this, but I’m trying really hard to be your Mom, not your coworker, so, tell me about her? Pretend I don’t already know her, pretend you’re telling me about just a crush from school or something.”
“Mom, we don't have to do this.”
“Oh come on, indulge me, I miss it. I remember when you were a little girl and you would come home telling me about the pretty girls in your class, and then in fourth grade someone told you that you couldn’t find other girls pretty.” You cringe at that memory. Some boy had overheard you saying how you thought another little girl in your class was beautiful and he had told you it was gross for boys to think boys were cute and for girls to find girls cute. Unfortunately that little shit’s comments stuck with you through your whole life, impacting you heavily as a child.
“And so then you only ever came home talking about boys, but I could tell it wasn’t quite the same as how you felt toward the pretty girls. And then when you were 17 you came to me to tell me about the pretty girl you had a crush on and I was so proud of you and excited that that stupid boy didn’t change you. And then since you’ve moved out for school I got to hear snippets over the phone about dates but it’s not the same. So indulge me. Tell me about her as you would any other girl.”
“But you do know her, Mom.” Still hesitant to have this conversation about Jessie, it was easy when your Mom didn’t know the other person.
“Does she have a job? Does she have aspirations? Where’s she from?” She ignored your comment and starts firing off questions.
You let out a small giggle as you take another drink, your Mom was always one to interrogate you about girls you talked about, it was just funny the way she was pretending she didn’t know Jessie.
You fell into conversation with your Mom for a bit. She’d ask questions, pretending to be oblivious to the fact that you were talking about Jessie. You answered, the small trace of beer in your system making you care slightly less, also knowing that your Mom had had her fair share of wine.
You told her about your conversations with Jessie, ones from all the hours you two spent secluded in the training rooms. You told her about your mutual aspiration for travel, how you’d talked about school, she taught you what she learned as an engineer in school, you talked about her family, her family dogs, all the tiny details you could remember about Jessie.
The more you talked about her, the more you watched your mothers face change. Originally looking a little uncomfortable when you talked about Jessie but now she was grinning back at you.
“You actually like her don’t you?”
“Obviously.” You huff throwing your arms up.
“Well, I wasn’t sure if you just thought she was hot and you wanted to hookup with a professional athlete .”
“Mom!” You can feel your cheeks start to heat up.
You both fall into silence, your Mom finishing off her glass of wine and you staring at the ground thinking about everything you just said to your Mom.
“I forgot to say this earlier but I’m also sorry I accused you of lying to me.”
“It’s fine Mom, really don’t worry about it.”
Your Mom stands from the couch with a yawn. “Guest room made up by chance?” You nod at her. It wasn’t really a guest room, more of a den in your apartment that you had made an office with a bed in the corner.
Before she left to go to bed she moved over to you, placing her hands on your shoulders.
“Kiddo?” You cringe at the childhood nickname, looking up at her. “I’m not going to tell you to do anything with Jessie, but, you’re stubborn and I know you will. So just please, if you two decide to take your relationship anywhere, just be adults about it. Don’t let it affect work, don’t let it mess up her playing, don’t sneak around. If you want to be adults, act like it, tell the people who need to know.”
“We already talked, nothings going to happen.”
“I know you think that, but when the two of you see each other for almost 2 months straight, I think it’ll maybe be hard to keep it that way. I’d still advise you two to avoid each other as much as you can, keep it professional, that's the right choice in my eyes. But, unfortunately my more realist advice, wait until the Olympics are over when you’re no longer associated with the team and you’re back at school. You don’t want to be accused of the team’s downfall because Fleming is too busy staring off at her own trainer to make a decent pass.” With that she walks away from you, placing her glass in the sink and wandering to the den.
You knew most likely your Mom seemed to be okay with you and Jessie once you were no longer a trainer was just the wine talking and she’d go back to normal in the morning but for now you’d take it. You put your own bottle in the recycling and head into your bedroom. You consider texting back Jessie but decide against it as you plug your phone in and set an alarm for the next morning.
The next morning you wake up and make your way into the kitchen finding a note from your mom saying she left early, she loved you and she’d see you soon.
You grabbed a pan from the kitchen and opened the fridge to find eggs and started making yourself breakfast.
The sound of your phone ringing causes you to jump and let out a yelp, nearly dropping the egg you were cracking. Turning around you grab your phone, seeing Jessie’s name across the screen. You debate not answering, but maybe she needed you for work reasons, so you answer.
“Should I be scared that your Mom tried to call me yesterday?”
You hadn’t expected that to be her first words. “She what?”
“Yeah, I didn’t answer, I was still trying to get home but she called me, no voicemail, no text, just a missed call. So I’m asking, is she still out for my head because of us?”
“There’s no us, but probably not? I don’t know. She showed up unexpectedly at my place last night to apologize for how she yelled at me.”
“That’s good, right?”
“I guess? I mean she’s still pretty upset, but she apologized for treating me unprofessionally. So maybe she wanted to apologize to you too, I’m not sure.”
“She also asked about you.” There’s silence on the other end, you pull the phone back to check that the call hadn’t ended.
“Hello?” You stirred your eggs.
“Hi.” Jessie’s voice comes through clearly.
“Oh I thought you maybe hung up.”
“No.” There’s another pause. “What did she ask?”
“Everything I guess? She had maybe a few too many sips of wine.” You let out a small laugh. “She told me to talk to her about you as if she didn’t know you. It was something we used to do when I was a kid. I’d sit and tell her every detail about the boys or girls I liked.” You turn around to lean against the kitchen table.
“That’s sweet that she wanted to do that with you.”
“Yeah.” It’s now you leaving a long silence. “It could’ve been the wine talking but she was less mad I think, she even suggested we just wait until the Olympics are over to figure out what it is between us.”
You hear a sigh come through the phone. “I thought we agreed to be professional.”
“We did.”
“No offense but telling me that your Mom suggested we figure out something after the Olympics isn’t really professional at all, it’s only going to get in my head.” Her voice now sounding upset and frustrated.
“Sorry Jessie.” You’re not sure why you’re really apologizing, all you did was tell her what she wanted to know.
“It’s fine, I gotta go.” She rushes her sentence.
With that the line went dead and you stared back at your phone you could see your reflection in the black screen. The whole conversation ran through your head again. She had seemed excited that you talked to your Mom about her, but maybe you misunderstood. Jessie’s mood had taken such a sharp negative turn at the end, when you mentioned the possibility of post Olympics.
You open your texts, and start typing.
Hey, that was weird, sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I just thought we were maybe still doing the friendly flirting given you brought up our kiss yesterday.
You erase the message. Locking your phone and turning back to see your eggs burnt, just starting to smoke.
“Shit shit shit.” You rushed over grabbing the pan and turning off the burner. Too frustrated first with Jessie’s confusing behavior and then with your ability to burn the easiest breakfast, you decide to grab a book and sit outside hoping you wouldn’t have to think about reality for a while.
The rest of your day was easy, you sat outside reading two whole books and also getting incredibly sunburnt in the process. The thought of sunscreen completely slipping your mind. You were able to not think about school, or your mom, or work, or Jessie, or the Canadian team at all.
The next three days played out the exact same, except with sunscreen this time. It was good, you genuinely got a break, from school, from work, and from life. It was great. Everything was going well, you had managed to not think about Jessie most of the day, until you went to bed and your phone notification popped up, reminding you of tomorrow’s responsibilities.
Calendar: Physio Team Meeting 8:00
Calendar: Meeting w/ J.Fleming 10:00
Calendar: Travel Paperwork Meeting 13:15
You had been excited to see her, that was until your weird shared phone call 3 days ago. It had been radio silence between the two of you since, you never texted her and she never reached out. Not that you expected her to, but it would’ve been nice to hear from her.
Your morning was quick, opting to just eat at the facilities instead of waking up early to make your own breakfast. You met your mom in the parking lot and the two of you walked into your first meeting together. It was general information for the upcoming schedule. The players were set to come back in 3 weeks for 5 days, the team would then travel to Paris to get settled before starting play later that week. It was going to be a busy 3 weeks before the team came back, everyone being given various tasks and responsibilities to oversee in the meantime. Yours as you had already been told was to keep Jessie in the loop with her teammates, as well as keeping up with her teammates themselves.
And that’s what you did at 10:00. You got onto your computer joining a call that was supposed to be you, Jessie, and Sarah, one of the other physio’s who was supposed to be the professionalism buffer. Unfortunately she had other things that took priority which left just you and Jessie.
“Um Sarah isn’t coming, she has some other things to take care of that we’re more important than babysitting me in this meeting.” You feel your palms sweating, wiping them on your pants.
“Yeah. So we can get into it here-” you start to pull up a spreadsheet with information on each of the roster’s players. You didn’t feel like doing the small talk with her right now.
“Really quick, I wanted to apologize.” You stop messing with the document on your screen and look over to where the box with Jessie’s face was. “About that phone call, I made it weird, I think I just got a little, I don’t know, maybe overwhelmed, so I’m sorry.”
“Oh it’s fine.”
“It wasn’t fine, it wasn’t okay for me to be unprofessional when I texted you earlier and then get upset with you for doing the same.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.” It was nice that she apologized but it still didn’t provide much of an explanation as to what happened.
The rest of your meeting goes as planned, you walk through every roster member, their current status, if they’re back playing at club yet, if so how many minutes they got in matches, all the details.
“How are you? You’re the only one we haven’t gone through.”
“I’m good.”
“I need more information than that Jessie, come on.”
“I’ve been sleeping better, obviously being in my own bed not a hotel helps, I’ve been a little stressed at Portland, things just aren’t connecting there so the playing has been stressful too. But I’ve been playing full 90’ still and the calf is treating me well.”
“Thank you, I’m glad to hear about your calf.” You can’t help but smile, thinking that your work and knowledge actually helped Jessie return to playing like herself. You type in the information she tells you into your document and then save the file and close it, bringing Jessie face to fullscreen on your computer.
“Alright, I guess we’re all done here then.”
“I actually had one more thing.”
“Oh! Sorry I should’ve check if you were done. Just let me open up my file again, hang on, sorry about that.”
“No, it’s not for the file.” There’s a pause, you just look at her on the screen. She’s looking down and you’re pretty sure playing with her hands, the way she does when she’s nervous.
“Can we please be friends? I’ve been wanting to text you about books I read, or cool travel locations I’ve seen. I wanted to text you that I saw a family of deer the other day and it reminded me of you telling me about the deer in your childhood backyard. But you told me we couldn’t even be friends, so I've been respecting that. But I want to be able to tell you those things, so if there’s any way we could be friends, it can still be professional, but friendly, I’d really like that.” Her sentence is rambling and you could tell she clearly had prepared to ask you but somewhere along the lines was just saying whatever came to her head.
What caught your attention was that she thought of the small 3 sentence story you had told her days ago about your childhood backyard. The backyard where you and your mom used to watch the deer run and graze. She remembered that tiny detail that you told her. It made your heart sing that she remembered.
“We can be friends.” You say with a smile knowing in the back of your head that there would be no way you’d be able to stay just friends with the beautiful girl who was now grinning back at you.
“Yay!” It was such a sweet response, her face lighting up. “Okay I’ll see you next week, same time?”
“Yeah Jessie, thanks, I’ll see you then.” She hangs up the call. You only have a minute in your office in silence before a series of texts come in.
Jessie Fleming: since we’re friends now
Jessie Fleming: look at the deer
Jessie Fleming: 2 Images
You look at the images, one was a photo of three deer, one being a baby, all standing in tall grass, the sun a golden yellow cascading on them. The next photo was a closer shot of the fawn. The pictures looked like someone from National Geographic took them, the detail, lighting, all of it.
You: did you take those photos?
Jessie Fleming: yes
You: wow
You: maybe I’ll have to bring you along on my future travels to be the photographer
Jessie Fleming: I definitely wouldn’t mind that
That was all it took, a simple conversation and two photos of deer to start the friendship between you and Jessie. A friendship that quickly snowballed into what was flirtatious, teasing, sweet, but overall borderline inappropriate for a working relationship. But you didn’t care, it was easy. Over those next three weeks the banter and friendship with Jessie grew and grew, the late nights texting that turned into late nights on FaceTime with the older girl, it felt harmless being that you were so far away from her.
The reality of what you two had developed only set in when it was three weeks later and you were standing in the physio room as players started filing in for the first training session before traveling to Paris.
Jessie walked in, looking around before her eyes caught yours. Her face lit up and you knew yours did too. You felt butterflies in your stomach. She gives you a smile and a quick flash of a smirk as she walks in the other direction going to say hello to the other staff first. She greets them all, you patiently wait, pretending not to be watching her as you restock bandaids in a drawer. But you were, out of the corner of your eye you couldn’t help but watch her move around the room, your heart rate picking up speed as she would move closer and closer with each person she said hello to.
“I saved the best for last.” You hear her soothing voice behind you.
You turn and she’s standing in front of you arms out as she had done to the other staff. You step toward her, wrapping your arms around her waist as she wraps around your shoulders. You wonder how she smells so good for someone who just got off an airplane and a bus ride, but somehow she does.
“I’ve missed you.” Her lips are against your ear and her voice is quiet to not allow anyone else to hear.
“I missed you too.” You whisper back to her. You pull away, catching your Mom’s eye over Jessie’s shoulder. She gives you a tight lipped smile and a small shake of her head.
“Do you need anything?” You offer Jessie, pointing to an open table where she could sit if she wanted her calf or anything else worked on. You don’t miss how at first she doesn’t verbally answer you, instead her eyes move from your face, down your entire body, then back up, her eyes taking an extra second on your lips before returning to meet your eye contact. She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, biting her lip softly.
“Nope, I’m good.” She gives you a smile, you can see her cheeks have a slight red blush but you ignore that.
She turns and walks away, Janine catching her on the way out. You watch as the two appear to argue for a second before Janine slaps the back of Jessie’s head softly. Jessie returns the favor and smacks Janine’s arm as they keep moving down the hallway. Just before they hit the corner Janine turns back to look at you, you make eye contact for a second and she raises her eyebrows at you. Not knowing what that means or what to do you just turn back to putting bandaids, tape, and gauze back where they belong.
It was going to be a long 6 weeks with the team.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Meet Me At Henman Hill (Leah Williamson x reader)
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A/N: I know I late posting this but hey better late than never right? I really enjoyed writing this one so I hope you like it too.
Leah was scrolling through her phone as she worked through her second rehab appointment of the day. Her attention was fully on the screen in front of her as the physio applied pressure to her slowly but surely healing ACL when she was handed an envelope. She tossed it aside assuming that it was something from the club but then she saw the Wimbledon stamp in the top left corner.  
Miss Williamson,
You have been invited to sit in the royal box at this years ladies final as a guest of Y/N Y/L/N. Please see inside four tickets and details of what you can expect from the day. 
We look forward to seeing you at Wimbledon. 
She couldn’t believe you kept your word. After winning the euros Leah literally bumped into you in the hallways at Wembley. You told her congratulations and said seen as though she and England  won you would invite her to see you win Wimbledon next year. That day she understood what the movies talked about when they say you feel a spark when you meet someone special. It was a feeling that Leah yearned to feel again. Little did she know you felt the same thing.
Leah truly did think you were joking and given that you haven’t seen or spoken to each other since then she certainly didn’t expect to be given tickets never mind be in the royal box. 
“What’s this?” Beth snatched the envelope out of Leah’s hand and then proceeded to read to note out loud “so who are you taking?”
“Beth would you like to come with me?” Leah asked even though the answer is obvious. 
“Me? Oh I’ll have to check my— yeah I’m free” Beth jokingly checks her phone’s calendar.
“Viv?” Leah asks the Dutch forward.
“I would love too”
Leah then texts Kim to see if she would like to the join the three of them to which she happily accepts.
A few days later on Saturday 15th July, Leah along with her team mates find themselves walking the grounds of Wimbledon. She could feel the history that the grounds held. Knowing this was the final filled her with excitement but she was going to see you play live which makes the feeling double. She had watched every match you had played in the last 2 weeks.
When she took her seat in the royal box she couldn’t help but feel a little bit out of place. Even after the year she has had she still feels like that little girl from Milton Keynes. The front row sat the Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte with Billie Jean King sitting behind them. She knew from your interviews how much of an inspiration the Tennis legend was.
The crowd erupted when you enter the court along side Iga Swiatek. The latter currently held the number one spot with you number two. Not only was the championship on the line but the world number one ranking was too. She could have sworn that you looked up at her as you warm up but she tosses the thought aside and tells herself that you were looking at your idol.
The first set couldn’t have gone worse for you as you lose the set 6-1. It seemed nothing you did was working and you couldn’t help but feel like you were failing everyone in the area. You had your team, you idol and then there was Leah, the woman you had a huge crush on, in the crowd. What she must be thinking as you throw the game away.
You don’t let it get to you though as you come out fighting at the beginning of the second set. You remember why you are in the final in the first place; to win. You give it everything you have and it pays off because you win the set 6-3. 
The final would go to a deciding set, one which you would go onto win but that didn’t mean Leah wasn’t stressed out from the first serve to the final point. She spent the entire set leant forwards, elbows resting on her knees and biting her finger nails. Her eyes well up with tears as she watches you fall to your knees when you score the match winning point. 
You were in a state of shock for a least a minute. You had won Wimbledon. It had been a dream since you first watched the tournament as a child and now you had done it. The team that had been by your side on this journey were the first people you wanted to celebrate with so you run up to them as soon as you could. Then once back on the court you looked up at Billie and bowed your head to her and that is when you see the arsenal girls but Leah stood out to you. You send her a quick wink before being whisked away to collect the Venus Rosewater Dish and take photos with whoever you were told to.
Leah was just about to leave the box when a Wimbledon official made their way over to her.
“Are you Miss Williamson?” 
“I am” Leah shares a look with her friends before answering.
“You have been invited to celebrate Y/N Y/L/N’s win at The Polo Bar here at Wimbledon” 
The official goes on to explain where they will find the bar and explain that they can get food and complimentary drinks there.
“Let me get this straight. First she invites you to watch her play and now she wants you to celebrate the greatest moment of her career with her” Kim says.
“We. She invited all of us” Leah tried to play off the invite. She knows the tickets were addressed to her and then the official came to her but she didn’t want to make a big deal out of this. Perhaps you were just being nice.
The four of them found their way to The Polo Bar which they learned was Ralph Lauren’s Polo Bar.  Leah started to believe Kim’s insinuation as there wasn’t many strangers in the bar. There were former and current tennis players, a few celebrities who Leah knew were your friends and then they were some people she didn’t recognise but she put them under the sponsors category.
It is almost two and a half hours after the match ended that you walk through the doors. You had swapped your Nike tennis dress for a pair of trousers, a t-shirt, cardigan and a pair of air force ones that look fresh out of the box, these were all white of course.
“Thank you so much for coming” You approach their table as soon as possible “I hope you enjoyed the match”
“Are you kidding me” Beth is quick to answer “That was incredible. I wasn’t sure if you’d win after losing the first set but you didn’t give up. It was incredible” the blonde repeats herself to make sure you heard her.
“It was tough but in this sport you can never give up especially not that early on in the game. Did you have a good time?” You look down to Leah who was sitting directly in front of where you were standing.
You could have got lost in her eyes.
“I was on the edge of my seat”
“I saw”
That was the confirmation Leah needed. You had indeed been looking at her from the other side of the court. Much to your disliking you were called away by your manager but you knew this would happen if you were to become the first British woman to win Wimbledon in the open area. It seemed that everyone wanted to talk to you.
Still as you shake hands with men in suits and woman who you can tell don’t really care for the interaction, you keep an eye of the English captain. She was having a good time with her friends which is what you wanted yet you cannot help but be jealous because you wanted to spend time with her.
Your friends knew that you had a crush on the blonde so they help you evade the introductions to people who you know you have no interest in keeping in touch with. 
Leah, unbeknownst to you, scans the room from time to time in search of you. So imagine her disappointment when you cannot be seen. Part of her knew thought this would happen. You wouldn’t want to celebrate with a room full of strangers, herself included. You were just being nice when you invited her here.
“Are you Leah?” 
“I am” she turns around to see Aryna Sabelenka standing beside her. As a tennis fan she feels a little bit starstruck but she also knows that she is one of your closet friends she tries to act cool.
“Y/N wanted me to give you this”
Leah opens a note, this time it was handwritten by who she assumes is you.
Meet me at Henman hill
Butterflies flood her stomach. 
“What does it say?” Viv asks.
“She wants me to meet her on the hill” 
“What are you still doing here! Go!” Beth is full of encouragement.
Leah leaves The Polo Bar and follows the signs for the infamous hill. As she turns the corner she finds you sitting on a bench waiting for her.
“Do you always communicate through notes?” Leah asks as she takes a seat by your side.
You shift your weight so you can face her with you arms resting behind her.
“No but I couldn’t escape and ask you to come with me so I enlisted some help. Drink?”
A smile tugs at Leah’s lips when she sees the souvenir plastic cup filled with the drink that is famously associated with the tournament.
“Why am I here?” It was a question Leah had asked herself countless times since receiving the invite.
“Because I like you even though I don’t know you”
“You just wanted to have the lionesses here for optics” Leah didn’t believe you.
“If that was true then I wouldn’t have invite you to my celebration and I would have given you general seating tickets but I didn’t. I gave you Royal box seats because everyone knows that winner of the tournament walks passed the exit near the royal box when they go to the balcony yet when I walked by I only saw the royal family”
“That doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me” Leah was oblivious to the point you were trying to make.
“I wanted to see you so they failed in comparison” 
Leah chokes on her sip of Pimms.
“But I’m just me. I’m just Leah”
“And I’m just Y/N”
“You just won Wimbledon”
“And you won the euros” you place your cup on the floor so that you can place a strand of hair behind her ear, it was the perfect excuse to get closer to her “Leah, I’m going to be very forward because right now I feel untouchable and I don’t know how long it will last. I think you’re beautiful, you intrigue me and I have been waiting almost a year for this exact moment”
Was it the euphoria of winning or the Pimms in your system that made you feel like you could fly, you couldn’t know for sure but the look in Leah’s eyes let you know she was feeling something similar.
“I have a present for winning today. Close your eyes” Leah was fully committed to what she was about to do.
“I’m not really one for surprises” 
“You’ll like this one. Close your eyes”
This time you do as you’re told. You wasn’t sure what to expect but it definitely wasn’t Leah’s soft lips against your own. The kiss was soft, gentle and didn’t last no where near as long as you wanted. When Leah pulls away you lean forward for more but a hand on your chest stops you.
“No, that’s for winning a grand slam” Leah knows she has you in the palm of her hand and she loves it. 
“This is my fourth grand slam meaning you owe me three more kisses” you pouted for a few second whilst gauging Leah’s reaction. When a smirk forms you know you have her permission to cash in. You remove Leah’s hand from your chest but keep ahold of it. The kiss is deeper this time and hold more passion than the first one. 
“Do you always do this after you win? Kiss a stranger?” 
You know Leah is joking but if there is even a slight possible they her question hold truth you feel the need to reassure her.
“You kissed me first but no I don’t” 
She could tell by your tone and the way you held eye contact that you was in fact telling the truth.
You kept looking at the clock next to the two large screens. You could only buy 40 minutes before you had to return to the bar and it took Leah a little bit longer to join you than you’d hoped but you think that could have something to do with the messenger of the note. Still, you only had ten minutes left alone with her.
This moment has been planned for the past 24 hours and you still had one last part to carry out.
“I have a surprise for you but it won’t be as good as yours” you led Leah down the hill and to one of the kiosks. As planned the door had been left open and you were able to get your treat from the fridge. 
Pimms wasn’t the only thing associated with Wimbledon; strawberries and cream were also a fan favourite.
“For you” you hold out a box containing the sweet treat.
At this point Leah realised this wasn’t some spare of the moment idea, you had this entire thing planned out.
“You knew I’d say yes to meeting you?” Leah asked before taking a bite of her first strawberry. For some reason it was sweeter than any other she had eaten before.
“No. My back up option was to sit on that hill, alone, take in the day and eat two boxes of strawberries and cream but I much prefer this” 
“Where are we going?” The blonde asks.
“Back to the bar”
“But it’s that way” Leah could point to the terrace of the bar. You were heading in the opposite direction.
“No, it’s this way”
“Y/N I can see the bar, it’s right there”
“Leah I wouldn’t direct you at the emirates would I?”
“Y/N” Leah persisted, she wanted to know what you were planning next.
“Fine, we are going the long way because as soon as I enter that room I will be whisked away and you will go back to your friends. I want to make this moment last. Consider this way the scenic route”
Within seconds you and Leah are walking in sync, each footstep hitting the pavement at the same time. She hangs on every word you say as you explain the history of the grounds. The passion your voice holds warms her heart. You move on to tell her stories how you used to come here as a child but never went inside the court because you preferred to sit on the hill. Leah learnt that you inviting her to Henman hill held more sentimental meaning that she realised.
When you got closer to the entrance of the bar your pace altered, every step took twice the time. Inside things were hectic and everyone wanted a piece of you but with Leah things were calm and easy. These are the thoughts that run through your mind as you open to door only to find that Leah isn’t behind you.
“I’m not ready to go in yet” her pout is adorable.
“I don’t have a choice. I was given 40 minutes and it’s been” you look down at your watch “41 minutes. We’ve had an extra 60 seconds”
“I want to see you again. Are you free tomorrow?” Leah asks.
“I’m not” 
“Oh right, yeah” Leah dips her head and tries to play it off but you don’t buy it.
“I will be here the whole day for media and what not then on the night there is a dinner to celebrate the tournament” you walk towards Leah and use your index finger to make her look you in the eyes “I’m free on Monday. I know a place not to far from here. How about I pick you up at 11?”
“You don’t know where I live. How will you pick me up?”
“I guess I’ll need to give you my number so that you can next me your address” you hand her your phone and she enters her number but before she gives you it back she texts herself so you have your number too.
You both walk down the hallway together and she watches as you save her contact.
“How original. Does that mean I get to give you a code name?” Once again Leah stops as she taps her chin methodically before typing. She proudly shows your her phone once she is done.
“What? It seems fitting. You won the game on one today and I happen to think you’re ace”
She was proud of the name and secretly you loved it too. 
The bar is empty when you enter. You look at Leah who shrugs her shoulders; she was just as confused as you were. You are about to ask a waiter where everyone is when you hear voices from the terrace. The only people left are your team, a couple of your friends and the Arsenal girls. They are all sat around a huge table. Your manager is the first person you look at and she simply smiles. She knew how much you wanted to celebrate tonight with those closest to you so after meeting the important people she organised for all media, meet & greets and whatever else to be scheduled for tomorrow. 
With your hand on the small of Leah’s back you guide her to a space that happened to be in the middle of her friends and yours. Something that you would later find out wasn’t a coincidence.
The night isn’t wild but it was just what you wanted. You recapped the match that you would remember for the rest of your life, Leah introduced you properly to her friends and to top it off Leah kissed you goodnight before going home. 
Who knew it took you winning Wimbledon to ask the pretty girl out.
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saturnnelahy · 11 months
Can I get a BTS reaction to their child (baby, like 1 or 2 year old) giggling and laughing to them looking at themselves in the mirror? I just saw this happening. The dad was pushing the cart close and far away from the mirror, and the kid was DYING of laughter
Hello whitefoxgirl, I loved your request, it gave me lots of good ideas!!!! But I'm going to have to split it into two parts because I'm very sick at the moment so it's very difficult to write, I promise to try and get the rest up as soon as I can!!! I hope you like it 💜💜
Just a Happy Day:
𝓜𝓲𝓷 𝓨𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓲:
Since the birth of your daughter with Min Yoongi you didn't have much free time and you didn't have a day to enjoy without the responsibility of taking care of a baby, your husband did as much as he could to help with everything, but it was still very tiring. Wanting to please her, he took a day off and after a lot of persuasion he managed to convince her to go out with her friends while he stayed at home to take care of Jiyeon, as the girl was already 10 months old and always remained calm and calm with her father. He decided to accept, despite the uncomfortable feeling of being away from his little girl. 
It was already getting dark when you returned with several bags of things you had bought for yourself and Jiyeon. Everything seemed quiet and very clean despite the few toys scattered around the living room and the large sofas, which was strange since there was always a little girl running around and filling the rooms with her sweet delicate voice and loud laughter that made your days happier.
As you climb the steps of the staircase leading to the second floor, you hear a low moan coming from one of the bedrooms, which catches your attention and makes you go up faster and try your best not to make a sound as you walk up to the door of the suite, you open the door just a little to peek at what they're both doing and you end up looking at the most adorable scene in the world. Yoong is with Jiyeon in his arms standing in front of the mirror playing together, he tilts his body so that his face disappears from the mirror and then returns to his previous position, letting out a "buh" that makes the girl laugh and clap her hands.
𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓸𝓴:
After a tiring morning cleaning the apartment where you lived with Hoseok and your 6-month-old daughter Yeonju, taking the opportunity to sort out some things to donate and the presents she had received the last time your husband's friends came to visit with their children, you decided to lie down on the sofa for a few minutes just to rest but ended up dozing off for a couple of hours because you were so tired. When you woke up it was already afternoon, the sun was low and your body was less sore, but you were no longer on the sofa but on the big bed in your bedroom. Looking sideways towards the huge closet with a large mirror on the door, you saw your daughter's baby carriage with the little girl clapping her hands and laughing loudly while her father appeared and disappeared from the mirror.
Hoseok hummed a tune as he jumped in front of the mirror and then away. Every time the man disappeared, the little girl let out a loud laugh and clapped her hands in excitement at the "magic" her father was performing, which made her father do it more and more enthusiastically. Until he noticed you looking and turned towards you, a little flushed.
- Look love, she loves watching me do magic - he said excitedly before going back to playing with her, only this time determined to make you laugh too.
𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷:
With a baby at home, it was hard to find a quiet place in the house other than the library where Namjoon went to think, read and work for a while, which he did at least once a day after making sure his wife didn't need him and spending a lot of time playing with little Jae, who was a mini copy of his father.
Today the man had been locked in the library for a few hours working on a new song, but he hadn't been able to make much progress on the track and was starting to get frustrated when he heard a knock on the door and saw his wife open the door showing only her face.
- Hi, honey, I know you're busy, but could you take a look at Jae for a few minutes for me? - Yn asks with a cute smile, Namjoon smiles and nods, going to the door to take the chubby baby from his wife's hands. Jae smiles excitedly and holds out his arms to his father.
Despite being a six-month old baby, Jae is big and strong, always hungry and making a mess, his little brown eyes sparkling with love every time he sees his father. Namjoon holds him in his arms and kisses his chubby cheek, smiling at him, but the happiness of father and son only lasts a few minutes before the little one starts to throw a tantrum, whimpering as he flaps his arms in irritation. The man tries everything to calm him down, but it seems impossible. The father walks with the baby in his arms while rocking him slightly but he continues to grumble, until the man passes in front of the mirror and the baby lets out a low chuckle but starts crying again when Namjoon turns away, realizing this he starts playing with Jae through the mirror while humming the song he was working on.
When yn returned to the room, he found them playing together and laughing with each other in an adorable scene, because both of them, apart from their looks, had very similar laughs. Namjoon always looked immensely radiant when he had his son in his arms, and it was impossible not to get emotional watching him.
Sorry for any mistakes, I hope you like it 💜
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scary-lasagna · 10 months
Ok so slender gets a girlfriend and keeps it a secret for a while. Then one day he comes home with his baby and asks the proxies to babysit for a day. How do they react?
tldr: slenderbabies are weird
He would never ask them to baby sit a child when they can't even look after themselves for a day.
Toby has an unbeaten record of hurting himself at least one a day for the past three years. Jack has been keeping tab.
He will, however, allow them the grace of witnessing his first born child stuck to his face.
Slenderbabies are uber strong, and there's no way to get the child off of him.
But if there will be anyone to figures it out, it'll be the proxies.
"Tickling is a no-go." Brian announces.
So there sat Slender, perched at his desk and sweating buckets while gazing at the clock. He would surely be late at this rate. And as much as he loved his little mouse, he need them o f f.
"What about the keys? Anything?" Masky questioned.
"Negative." Kate answered.
"Oh my god guys, it's a kid, just pick it up." Clock stepped forward and put her hands around the baby's little pudgy tummy and attempted to pull them off of Slender.
It didn't work. Just like the 6 other times they've all tried.
Slender sat in silence, the only thing announcing his disgruntle was a quick sigh.
"Cocomelon! Kids love Cocomelon!" Toby was already pulling out his phone.
"Do not! Cocomelon makes them violent, I don't know why do not ask me." Slender spoke up.
Toby slowly puts his phone away.
"Any chance you can just show up at the meeting like this?" Masky asks.
"I cannot see."
"But you don't have eyes anyway..." Kate whispered, thoroughly confused.
The statement was ignored, and Offender walked in with Sally, considering Splendor was gone on a business trip. "Nice glasses."
"Shut your mouth." Offender only snorted at his brothers remark before lifting Sally up on his desk.
"Beat fire with fire."
Sally only giggled at the baby, greeting with a rub on the back. "How are you?" She smiled. She was met with only babbles.
"Would you like to come play with me? I have tea sets, toys, and Mrs. Rachel, and plushies, and we can watch a movie together."
While Sally was talking, she manages to wrap her arms around the baby, tugging a little, but to no avail.
"I HAVE THE BEST IDEA!" Toby suddenly yelled, startling nearly everyone in the room. most importantly the baby.
It started wailing and Sally tried to soothe it.
Slender debated if he started to cry, if it would help the situation.
Toby returned soon enough with a small shiny ball, one of Sally's.
"You gave me an idea Sally. Maybe it doesn't want Slender, just his head."
Slender slowly looked toward Toby, hoping he could feel his seething anger.
"I'm serious!!" Toby exclaimed, and stood to the side of Slender, present the ball within the baby's sight.
The wailing turned into confused sniffles, and then unlatched one clawed hand, reaching toward the ball.
"Bro, I'm gonna be the best fuckin dad, I swear." Toby grins, before quickly slapping a hand over his mouth, realizing he cursed not only in front of one child, but two.
Sally giggled, but also helped the child, maneuver from Slender's face to the ball.
Slender took a sigh of relief. A moments peace before he realized he was desperately late, and shot out of his seat.
"I need to go. Just don't let them watch Cocomelon." He called over his shoulder, and headed toward the door.
Toby was still holding the baby latching onto the ball as Slender left the manor.
"What do we do now?"
Slender returned home after a soul-crushing meeting to meet almost the entire manor piled sleeping around the couch.
His baby was still clinging to a now deflated ball. Upon gazing at this sight, toys, baby food, adult food, and children's books were scattered amongst the creeps. Spaghetti somehow got on the ceiling.
Little stinker wasn't even a year old and they've already accepted them as their own, sacrificing their own sanity to calm the baby down as it wailed when the ball popped.
Who knows how long it took for everyone to fall asleep. Slender settling himself down by Masky, who was barely keeping his eyes open. His head eventually drooped onto Slender's shoulder, who was reading a picture book out of curiosity.
Maybe he will let them babysit more often.
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crayolacolor · 7 months
simon infinitytrain?
send me a character and i'll list the below things about them | accepting!
HELLO ANON. i do not know if you'll ever see this because it took me ten years, but here i am, answering you.
fun fact: simon infinity train is the reason i have a disclaimer about me getting attached to tragic antagonists in my pinned post. so you can probably make an educated guess what i like about him.
he's just. such a well written character. i love how his negative character development was contrasted against grace's positive character development. i love how the writers did a really good job of making him infuriating and sympathetic at the same time.
i'll go more into my thoughts on him in a later section, but yeah, the tl:dr is he really just is my character type hahaha.
he's just a really complex character and imo the writers nailed that.
okay well, this answer changes depending on if you mean from a writing perspective or a 'him as a person' perspective. from a writing perspective, 100/10, no notes. i can't think of anything i disliked.
from a PERSON perspective. episode 6 makes me want to murder this man <3 i want to put tape over his mouth every time he speaks in that episode. it's somehow WAY worse than when he's just straightup being an over-dramatic anime villain at the end of the season.
oh there are many. i need to rewatch again. but the ones that live in my brain rent free are ALL after his downward spiral begins:
"teamwork begins with two people trusting eachother. but you? you're no person." dramatic effect. extremely traumatizing for everybody who's ever watched this show. 10/10
"i liked what we had, but you made me do it! you betrayed the apex. and you betrayed me." again, dramatic effect. really gives you a feel for what's going on in his head, i think. 10/10
"why would i ever want to change if i'm always right!?" iconic. i think this is the one people remember the most from him, along with the one from ep 5.
BROTP & OTP (combining because my answer is the same for both):
grace. lol. full stop. hopefully i don't have to explain that i am VERY AWARE that their relationship was unhealthy in many, MANY ways. that is what i like about it. i'm a huge fan of messy relationships in fiction. i am a self proclaimed angst fiend.
the tragedy of it all is 100% the appeal of it for me, from either a platonic OR romantic standpoint. i love that. and yes, i do ship them to an extent- but NOT in the "i think they should have gotten together in canon" way. again, the angst is the appeal!!
i admit i do also enjoy aus where they fix their relationship, but not INSTEAD of the canon, more so in ADDITION to the canon. i think it's a fun alternate route to explore, but i deeply adore what the infinity train writers did with them in the show and that will not be changing.
literally any of the protags from the previous seasons. y'all, simon and grace are 18. you can't be shipping them with the 13-14 year olds. please stop. (nobody here! i mostly see this on ao3, honestly.)
i think simon has been back to the cat multiple times in secret.
i really like the theory that he got some of the apex's tech from her. the main thing i have to support this is this line from the episode where he returns to her cabin in book 3:
"i knew you'd have something. you always do."
particularly i think there's a good chance he got the unmodified gravity boots from her (and likely modified them himself) and possibly also the number tracker.
oh i'm sure a lot of what i've already said has been an unpopular opinion, haha. i'm one of those people that's so in the middle in a debate that both sides of it have reasons to disagree with me.
i really like simon. he and grace are my favorite characters in the show. there are parts where i feel really bad for him, and parts where i want to yell at him and hit him over the head with a very large stick.
i see his death as a tragedy in universe, but also a really good writing choice on the part of the infinity train crew.
i don't think they secretly had a scheme to make us dislike him. i think it was written in such a way that it makes sense that some people would have a viscerally negative reaction to him, and others wouldn't. he's a very complex character and that's good writing!!!
i think the tragedy was the point, which is something both people who like him and people who hate him seem to completely overlook in a lot of cases. it's either "woohoo! simon died!" or "killing simon was bad writing he should have been redeemed >:/" not "oh this is really sad but i love it from a story perspective."
i don't think he was "irredeemable", per-say. the fact is, he was faced with a pivotal choice in episode five, and he picked the wrong one. he chose to double-down. i love that. i really do. i love the downward spiral. it's painful in the best way. i would not change the canon show for the world. again, 100/10, no notes.
but i can also see a universe where he made the right choice. i was writing a fic about that, once. (which admittedly has some characterization issues which i would fix if i tried it again.) i think it was possible. and i think that's a fun route to explore too. not a better route from a writing standpoint, but a good one.
i have so many more thoughts but this has already gotten really long, and i have two more questions to go, lol. but if you want to hear anymore you're free to send me another ask about it!
but, for now, moving on.
someone else on tumblr pointed out that "the moon will sing" by the crane wives is a good fit for simon @ grace and now i can't unhear it.
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anime villain simon my beloved.
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cheynovak · 9 months
Forest Green Eyes - PART 5 
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Castiel & Y/N Winchester  
Warnings:  smut implied - hurt - angst - cursing
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  
Words: 1928 
This story takes place after the SPN finally. Jack asked Castiel to go back to earth to be the guardian angel of Y/N. Cas accepts this task but only to discover that Y/N is the biological child of Dean.  
Part 6 soon  (Final)
Castiel pulled the cover over them while Y/N snuggled by his side. “This is going to change things, isn’t it?” He asked. “Well, I hope so, more of this. More of... Us” She answered drawing circles on his chest.  
“Us, sounds good.” He said. Minutes later Y/N felt asleep while Castiel kept listening to the music that was still playing in the background.   
The next morning Y/N woke up in Castiel’s bed alone, it took a second for her to realize he wasn’t there with her. But the second she smelt the bacon in the air she knew that he was in the kitchen making breakfast. This made her smile.  
Y/N got up went back to her room to find some new clothes and took a quick shower before she going to the kitchen. She grinned stepping into the kitchen, looking at Cas his broad shoulders, already dressed and wearing an apron. “Hi handsome.” She kissed his shoulder while she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Good morning, hope you’re hungry.” He said while turning to her to kiss her.  
Cas watched Y/N’s every bite mesmerized by her. “Castiel, you’re staring.” - “Sorry” he said shyly.  
“Y/N last night, how.... was it.. for you?” She looked at him a little startled “I mean, was it good? I know that even though I'm much older you are the one with more, eh, experience.”  
“You’re doubting yourself Cas? It was amazing, truly.” The angel smiled softly. “Good” 
“Well what are the plans for today? She asked while finishing the last bits of her plate. “Unfortunately, I’ve been summoned to heaven.” He said. “Jack wants to talk to me. Will you be ok here?” She nodded, kissed him and before he left, she made sure his tie was straightened.  
With Castiel gone Y/N had nothing better to do than go grocery shopping. But not before she stopped at a coffeeshop for a to go coffee. When she got out, she heard a familiar voice. ”Y/N? Y/N is that really you?” - “M-mom?” The woman dropped everything she held and sprinted towards Y/N and hugged her like her life depended on it. “How, why are you here?” Was all Y/N could force to come out of her mouth. “Well, I left your dad a couple of years ago. And been moving around since then.” She said with tears in her eyes. “I’ve been looking for you. And when your picture was posted on the social media page of that bar, I knew I had to drive over here." Both women decided to have a drink and talk more.
Y/N forgave her mother. 
‘Mom, there is one question I always wanted to ask.” Her mom nodded like she already knew what Y/N was going to ask. “Who is my real dad?” Well, he was a guy I met at the bar. Real charming fella. He worked for the FBI had a case in town, well and after that he left.”  
“You look so much like him. Unbelievable.” - “If he worked for the FBI we might be able to track him.” she said softly under her breath. “You want to go looking for him?” said her mom startled. “Well, I don’t know if I want to talk to him. But at least know who he is.” She answered honestly. 
Meanwhile in heaven:  
 “Jack, you wanted to talk to me? What’s going on? Is this about Y/N?” The angel asked worried. “Nothing wrong Castiel, I wanted to tell you that I’m glad that the family is finally united. I mean we had to pull a lot of strings to finally make you two fall in love.” 
“Make us? You mean you planned this all along?” Cas asked raising his voice. “Well, heaven made sure John and Mary fell in love. Even Jess and Sam was their doing.” Jack said not entirely understanding why Castiel was upset. “Winchesters always need a little help to find their soul mates. And since I wanted you to be happy, and you are only happy on earth, I figured why not help a little.” He said proud. ” Cas, you always come back to heaven because you feel that I need you in case there is a mission. Well, I made sure there was a mission on earth.” 
Castiel’s eyes widened: “W-winchester? So, she is...” - “...Dean's daughter.” Jack completed his sentence. “Jack! Do you have any idea what you did! How, how am I going to be able to explain this to her? What, how did you helped, us?” Castiel asked defeated. Jack explained that he made sure a couple of different cupids crossed your way. The father and son from the car dealership, the man at the bar, the bartender, even Steve Y/N’s ex boyfriend. “I asked them to slowly awake the feelings she had inside. Not to force her to love you! Know that!”  
“Does, does Dean know about this?” The angel asked. “No, I figured it would be best for him not to know he has a child. Not yet."  
“What about me? What did the cupids do?” 
“Nothing, you fell for her. That was a risked I had to take. I hoped you had a type. Their power wouldn’t work on you.”  
Back on earth, Castiel had visited heaven for almost a week and Y/N was so kind to let her mom stay with her for the time being.  
“Cas, you’re home! How was.... Work?” She asked while the angel walked through the door. “Work?” he asked. Y/N signed toward the main room. “Ah, eh, work was fine.” And faked a smile. “So, this is the handsome fella who looked so smitten in the pictures?” Her mom called them out from inside the room. Castiel was a little in shock to see her mother in the bunker.  
“Right, Cas this is my mom, mom this is Cas my eh boyfriend.”  
“Castiel, it’s nice to meet you Mrs.” He said politely while offering her a hand. “Oh, call me Nancy. You have a special place here Castiel. Thank you for letting me stay.” The rest of the night went smooth. Y/N and her mom talked about the lost years and Cas occasionally smiled or agreed with what Y/N told.  
Later in bed. 
Castiel was holding Y/N in his arms. “Cas, don’t you think it would be nicer to move your stuff to my room? You know, share a room?” Y/N asked while letting her fingertips stroke over his arms and chest. “If you want to, sure.” He kissed her head. “But first” she got up and straddled him, placing a knee on each side of his hips. “I’m going to show you how much I missed you.” She said while placing open kisses on his neck. Castiel let out a moan placing his large hands on her thighs, while Y/N hands moved down and kissed him all over his torso. “I can’t believe I had to miss you this week. The bed was so empty without you.” Like a man possessed he sat up holding her neck with one hand while his other held her hip, kissing her hard. Pushing her closer to him so that she had no choice but to grind on him. “Oh Cas, so needy?” She teased with her lips still close to his. “I want you too, baby.” she said nearly breathless while sucking and licking his neck.  
But then Castiel remembered what Jack had said about the cupids. 
“Y/N, stop... STOP! “He raised his voice, pushing her of him, leaven her completely stunned sitting there. “Cas? What’s wrong?” She asked with a worried look. “Did I do something wrong?”  
“No.” He said not even looking at her. “Did something happen?” She asked holding his face in her hands trying to make him look at her. “No, no I ... I just don’t want...” He said removing her hands from his face. “You don’t want to have sex?” pausing “Or don’t you want ... me?” This question made his eyes shoot up. “Oh god, no, no that’s not what I meant. I’m just really tired Y/N” She nodded. “Heaven, it was a lot, I just want to lie down holding you watch you fall asleep. If that’s ok” He couldn’t bring himself to tell her that if it wasn’t for heavens “help” she probably didn’t even want to be with him.  
“Yeah, yeah sure.” She still wasn’t certain about his answer but trusted him to tell her the truth when he was ready. 
The next morning Castiel looked better. “Why don’t I drive to the supermarket and see what I can come up with for breakfast?” "Great idea, shall I empty your closets and put it in boxes? So, we can move them to my room? Y/N asked." “Perfect!” He left through the door.  
“Need a hand?” Your mom asked? “I’d love to help instead of sitting here doing nothing." A couple of minutes later you hear your moms voice “That's him! This is your father!” Y/N turned around to see what she was talking about. She was holding a picture, the one they took at Bobby’s place with Ellen and Jo. She found it in one of Castiel’s drawers. She showed you “This is him and this taller one, that was his partner. And is that...” “... Castiel” you finish the sentence with her. “I don’t know any of the other people. But I’m damn sure that is him!”  
Castiel came home, you were sitting at the table with the picture and the list he made long time ago that you found while emptying all his drawers to find answers, the list where he compared your looks and characteristics to Dean’s. You asked your mother to leave for a while so you could talk to Castiel. “Hi, I didn’t find eggs. But they had pie for dessert tonight.” He said while looking at the bag.  
“Apple pie? Like I don’t now Dean’s favourite?” She asked bitsy. Castiel stopped and looked over to her. He saw the picture and the list. Y/N stood up, showing the picture to his face reading the list angry. Then looked him dead in the eyes. ‘Did you know?” His silence said enough. Y/N puffed “How long?”  
The angel looked down. “DAMMIT CAS, how long!”  
“I noticed very early on similarities. So, I thought...” Y/N didn’t let him finish “So you thought if I can’t have Dean, I’ll take the next best thing?”  
“What?! No, no that was never my intention Y/N!” She wanted to believe him but had a hard time.  
“Jack, he just told me the truth.” And so did the angel begin to explain everything Jack had told him hours ago. “So, you mean that this, us, isn’t real?” She asked with tears in his eyes. “That’s why you pushed me away last night.” It all makes sense now. “It didn’t feel right. I didn’t want to hurt you.” She huffed again. “Great fucking job Cas.”  
“So, what happens now?” The angel asked with a shaky voice. Y/N looked at him, emotionless “I think your mission on earth is over Castiel. I think... you should go back to Jack and tell him to leave me alone.” She said this and the tears in her eyes started to shine. “Y/N please, don’t.” He begged. Y/N got up, letting the picture fall out of her hand in front of Castiel. “I’m going for a walk. When I come back, I want you gone.” She said without wasting another look at him.   
If you liked this, please check out my masterlist for other stories.
Part 6 will be the final part  
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boxerbeans · 4 months
TW: pet death
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Hey guys. I know I don’t post very often. I don’t even know how to start this other than that Joe died unexpectedly this morning and it’s devastating.
My sister took him to the ER last night because he had a seizure then was acting lethargic/in pain/had pale gums. They had just thought it was a sprain but the vet did bloodwork and his RBCs were critically low. The vet told them it was either cancer or that he ingested something toxic, and knowing that Joe has pancreatitis and my sister and BIL watch his access to food like a hawk I had a feeling it was the former. They took him 2 internal med specialists before the vet said it was likely a tumor on his spleen that ruptured and my sister/BIL opted to not do a splenectomy. My sister was calling me the entire time and asking for advice and it just…sucked? To know what the answer likely would be but to know that they would want to truly know the cause (as would I, even knowing what the likely outcome would be regardless). Especially because my sister is 6 months along with their first and they were super excited to introduce Joe to the baby since he adores kids. And now he’s gone.
She’s been MIA for most of the day aside from announcing it to the family but I know she’s processing it - she sent a picture to us of shortly before/after he passed. I’m also in this weird spot where I’m grieving him too, I lived with him until he was like four and then I practically lived at my sister’s apartment with him for another year or two, plus of course I see him constantly because my sister is my best friend and he’s Taylor’s dad. I love him. I was his third favorite person, behind my sister and BIL of course. I literally just saw him on Saturday when we had a family day painting the nursery and he was acting completely normal including playing with Taylor and begging for human food. But also I’m the one having to explain to everyone about what exactly happened medically and helping them process that there was nothing to be done. The only one I’ve been able to grieve to is Ian which is…not fun. I’ve been barely holding it together at work.
I’m just so so worried about my sister. She’d have a hard time with this normally, much less with her being so excited for her baby boys to meet. And I want to make her feel better but it seems like she just wants space. I’m going to give them a few days then see if I can drop off eggs this weekend and go see them. I also know the next time she sees Taylor isn’t gonna be easy cause now she’s all that Liz has left of her two favorite dogs. We had even just been discussing how Joe was her heart dog.
And I’m also worried about Taylor. She’s officially the same age as her mom was when Sandy passed from kidney disease and she has about a year and a half to be Joe’s age. Luckily she hasn’t had any seizures, which both Joe and Sandy started having by this age. All her bloodwork values are good aside from a consistently elevated ALP that our normal vet thinks is just “her normal.” This has definitely cemented my desire to get Taylor’s liver checked by ultrasound before accepting that though. I really hope we don’t find anything and that the specialist isn’t worried. Even if we do find something “early” or if we do annual ultrasounds, if it’s the same cancer as Joe’s then it’s just a ticking time bomb that we can’t really do anything about. But of course she’s still a little hellion that doesn’t act like any nine-year-old dog I know.
At least Joe got to see everyone (minus Chief and Bandit) this last weekend. And he got to see Chief and Bandit the weekend before on Memorial Day. I just wish we’d known.
I’m not ready yet, I just want at least 3 more years with her.
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Lost At The Park
Warnings: Annoying small child, Steve Age: 15 Word Count: 2,487 Requests: Closed Summary: You accidentally lost your little sister at the park Requested by: No one this was all me Date: 08/06/2023 A/N: I'm going to get all the Marvel requests finished first then I will start on the Once Upon a Time ones.
"Y/N, get up now." Your mom shouted and banged on your bedroom door.
It was 2 pm on a Saturday, why was she waking you up this early in the day?
"You promised your sister you would take her to the park today." She shouted. "If you don't get up in the next 5 minutes you're going to be in big trouble young lady."
After exactly 4 and a half minutes of laying in bed, you finally managed to get up.
You walked slowly out of your room stumbling down the hallway with droopy eyes and a limp posture down to the kitchen. You were pretty much looking like a zombie but at least you know that if a zombie apocalypse did ever happen you would be prepared on how to fake being one.
As you walked into the kitchen Tony was sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.
"Oh look it finally came out of its cave. It's very nice of you to join us Y/N." Tony said then he took a sip of his coffee.
You covered your face with your hands and let out a low groan.
"Finally you're awake." Your mom said from behind you.
"I'm too tired." You said wiping your eyes.
"Well maybe if you didn't stay up to 6 am talking to your girlfriend then you wouldn't be so tired. Don't lie to me and say that you didn't because I heard you."
Your face instantly turned a shade of red you can't exactly remember what you and your girlfriend were talking about last night but it was probably not appropriate. Definitely not someone that a parent should hear.
Natasha saw that you were getting embarrassed and changed the subject. "Anyway go have a shower and get dressed Kira has been waiting all morning for you."
Kira is your half-sister. Five years ago your mom made the biggest mistake of her life. She got so drunk at one of Tony's parties and for whatever reason, made her decide to have a one-night stand with Steve which resulted in her getting pregnant and your life being completely ruined now that you won’t be the only and favourite child anymore.
Thankfully even though she decided to keep the baby she didn't want things to go any further with Steve. He accepted her wishes and after a while, he finally got over her and moved on which you were so grateful for she could do so much better.
You let out a loud sigh "Okay fine." then left the kitchen to go shower.
After you had finished your shower you got yourself dried then dressed then you began to make your way back downstairs
You walked into the living room and stood leaning again the door frame watching your mom finish helping Kira with her shoes and put her coat on.
"Finally you're ready I've been waiting so long for you." You said walking over to them.
"No, I wait on you," Kira whined.
"Y/N don't wind up your sister." Natasha sighed.
She took Kira's hand and took her to the front door and you followed them.
"Remember Y/N home at 5, hold her hand the whole way there and back, keep your eyes on her at all times, don't let her talk to strangers, don't..." Natasha would have gone on and on if you didn't interrupt her.
"Yes.” You sighed “I know you tell me this every time.”
You took Kira's hand and walked out of the door to go to the park.
You were watching Kira run around the playground and you were bored out of your mind. Every time you took your phone out to keep yourself entertained Kira would start complaining that you weren't watching her. Now you know how your mom feels every time She took you and then Kira to the park.
Kira ran over to the swings and you knew that she was going to call you over to push her.
"Y/N, help." She shouted.
You walked over to her and started pushing her but you weren't pushing her hard enough and she started complaining that she wanted to go higher but you knew fine well that if you made her go any higher she would start crying that it was too high and she was scared you couldn't win with this kid nothing that you did was good enough.
"We have to go home now Kira is nearly 5 and I'm cold." You told her.
"One more thing." She said then she ran off.
You went to follow her but you got a text and you had to check it first in case it was your mom it wasn't from your mom but you decided to reply to it anyway.
"Right Kira time to go." You said looking up from your phone in the direction where you thought she was but she wasn't there.
You continued to call her name and look for her in all the places she would be hiding but you couldn't find her. You knew that she had to be close by since she was too scared to run away.
"Kira this is not funny anymore please come out." You shouted but there was still no response or sign of her.
You looked around the park and noticed that it was surrounded by a forest. If Kira wandered off into the woods, you wouldn't be able to find her on your own. You knew you had to do the one thing you were dreading - call your mom.
After a few rings, your mom picked up. "I was just about to call you, Y/N. You were supposed to be home 10 minutes ago. Where are you?" she asked.
"Still at the park, but..." you trailed off.
"But what, Y/N?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.
You took a deep breath. It was definitely better to come right out and tell her the truth. "I took my eyes off Kira for a second, and she's gone. I can't find her. I'm so sorry, Mama. It was an accident. Please believe me."
"Just come home, Y/N," she said surprisingly calmly, which made you even more scared.
"Didn't you hear what I said? I lost Kira. Why aren't you yelling at me and rushing here to help find her?" you asked, your voice shaking with fear.
You heard a voice in the background but you weren't able to make out who it was or what they said then your phone suddenly started beeping. You pulled your phone away from your ear and saw that your mom had hung up on you.
You put your phone back in your pocket and started walking back home since there was nothing else that you could do.
You walked into the house, your heart beating out of your chest. You could barely breathe, and your hands were shaking. You knew that your mom was going to be so angry with you, and you felt like you deserved it. You had one job and you failed. You had let your mom down
"Mama?" you said very quietly.
You walked into the living room, your mom and Steve were sitting on the couch and the last person you expected to see was sitting on the floor playing with toys... Kira.
Kira looked up at you and a big smirk appeared on her face. "You're in trouble,"  she said teasingly.
"I don't understand. How did she get here?" you said feeling confused.
"I spotted her leaving the park on her own while you were looking at your phone," Steve said in a disappointed tone
"How could you be so irresponsible Y/N? She's just a little girl anything could have happened to her." Natasha said raising her voice
You looked down at the ground, feeling ashamed and disappointed in yourself.
"Well, do you have something to say for yourself, young lady?" Natasha asked.
"I'm sorry." You mumbled tears starting to fill in your eyes.
"Get to your room right now Y/N," Natasha said
"But.. I..." You started to say
"Y/N i said now" she said angrily.
You managed to stop the tears from falling as you left the living room but as you got halfway up the stairs you couldn't stop them any longer and they started falling down your face.
You hurried the rest of the way to your room. You were planning on slamming your bedroom door but you didn't want anyone to see you like this so you closed it very quietly.
You lay down on your bed and started sobbing into your pillow.
A few hours passed, and you were still lying on the bed on your stomach with your face buried in the pillows when you heard the door open and someone walked into your room you instantly know it was Kira since everyone else knocks and waited
"Go away Kira," you said trying to hide the fact you were crying
"No, you bad you lost me so I get to stay here." She said making herself comfortable on your bed.
"I said get out." You shouted.
Then suddenly out of nowhere, she threw herself back onto your bed. She sat back up and started 'crying' "why did you push me?"
At that point, you were just ignoring her.
She carefully climbed off your bed "I tell Mama you hit me." She said making her way towards the door.
"I don't care Kira just close the door when you leave." You said then she left leaving the door wide open.
Not long after your mom walked into your room but you didn't notice since you had your back to the door.
"Are you ready to talk now Y/N?" Natasha asked.
You just shrugged your shoulders.
"She's lying I didn't touch her." You mumbled.
"Im talking about what happened at the park Y/N"  
You sat up and turned to face your mom. "Why it's not like you're going to believe me anyway."
"Just tell me."  Natasha sighed sitting down on your bed.
"The park that we went to had a fence around the play area and the bolt on the gate was all rusted I even struggled to unlock it and the gate was squeaky so there would have been no way that Kira would have been able to open it or leave without me noticing."
Natasha looked at you confused. "That's not what Steve told me. He said that she was wandering around alone."
You turned your body away from her "I knew you wouldn't believe me." You said quietly closing your eyes tightly to prevent yourself from crying again.
Natasha placed her hands on your shoulders and turned you so you were facing her again then she gently cupped your face. "I believe you," Natasha reassured you. She pulled you into a tight hug "I believe you, Y/N." She whispered.
You nodded, feeling relieved that your mom was on your side.
"I'm going to go have a word with your sister then Steve," Natasha said as he pulled herself out of the hug. She then placed a kiss on your forehead then left your room.
Natasha walked into Kira's room and saw that Kira was sitting at her desk with her back to the door.
"What are you doing, baby?" Natasha asked as she walked closer to her.
"Drawing, Mama," Kira said, holding up her half-completed picture.
"That's wonderful, baby," Natasha said, smiling as she looked at the picture. Kira put the paper back on the desk and continued drawing.
"Baby, can you tell Mama what happened at the park today?" Natasha asked.
"I played on the swings and slide and climbed," Kira said, eager to tell her mom everything she did at the park. But she was interrupted when Natasha asked, "Can you tell me what happened when your dad got there?"
Kira nodded. "He lifted me over fence and we got ice cream."
"Did he tell Y/N that you both were leaving?" Natasha asked.
"No, he said to keep it a secret. Don't tell anyone," Kira replied.
"Unbelievable," Natasha said under her breath. "Stay here Kira, I'm going to have a talk with your father." She then stood up and left the room.
While Natasha was talking to Kira you decided to have a little word with Steve.
Steve was still in the living room sitting on the sofa watching the news.
You walk into the living room and stand in front of the tv blocking his view. "Why did you lie to my mom?" You asked crossing your arms
"I don't even know what you're talking about Y/N." He said while moving to the other side of the couch so he could see the tv again.
You picked up the tv remote and turned off the tv. "You told her that Kira was wandering around on your own.
"Because she was."
"Bullshit," You said a little louder than expected.
"Y/N," A voice said. You looked to your right and it was your mom. "That's enough."
"But Mama..."
"Go to your room Y/N," Natasha said in a firm tone.
You were going to say something but your mom had that scary look on her face so you left the room and went to your room.
As time went on you were sitting on your bed trying to distract yourself with a book but you just couldn't concentrate on it because of all the yelling that was happening between your mom and Steve.
Your bedroom door opened and Kira walked in. Tears were streaming down her face.
You moved over and patted the empty space on your bed inviting her to come sit with you. Once she got comfortable you put a blanket over both of you and put your arm around her.
"Do you want to watch something on my phone?" You asked.
She just nodded. You picked up your phone and put on Bluey on youtube for her. You ended up watching it too and you were definitely enjoying it a lot more than she was.
You and Kira got through nearly 5 episodes before your mom came to check on you.
"Is everything okay?" You asked her as she sat down on your bed next to Kira.
"It is now baby," Natasha replied smiling at you.
The three of you ended up counting watching episodes of Bluey till you all fell asleep.
You never did find out what really happened between your mom and Steve that night and unfortunately, you never will.
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xysidhequeen · 10 months
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Today I lost a dear member of my family, Rune. Rune was rushed to a vet today. Shortly after reaching the vet she had a seizure and her heart stopped, and could not be restarted.
Rune was 6 years old. My husband found her while working at Walmart. She was hiding under a pallet. He carefully coaxed her out and then kept her in the manager office in a box(with food and water!), which she broke out of. He then took her home in another box, which she broke out of again. We welcomed Rune happily into our lives and hearts. When we first got her we couldn't even tell her gender, so we decided on the name Rune. (She was obviously, now, a girl. She just had too much fluff)
Rune was a menace to society, my mental health and most especially our other cats. She loved to bully them if given a chance, and she'd scream for food if you stepped a single foot in the kitchen. She was the least graceful cat I've ever met in my life, and had maybe one singular braincell.
But she also loved being brushed so much she'd drool, loved feet, and would let you pick her up whenever you wanted and immediately begin purring. She didn't care if you cried in her fur, and would just keep purring and letting you cuddle her until you were done. She loved to cuddle, and would always find her way into someone's lap. She liked to cuddle with my friend Mavis when they went to bed, and watch videos with them. Even if you upset Rune, she'd never hurt you, her bites were the gentlest things I'd ever felt. Rune couldn't stand to hurt anyone, and even when she was at the vet, sick and probably in pain I'll never know, she never once tried to bite any of the vets or techs.
Rune had so much love to give(as long as you were human) and she would accept all of it back. She was a sweet thing, and I loved her so so very much. I watched her grow up, and she purred me through many a mental breakdown.
I have so many videos and photos of her, from every stage of her life. And the fact that I will never have any new videos of her antics, of her sweetness, has killed something inside of me. I'd trade so much to just get one last chance to cuddle her and hear her purr for me.
I wanted to share this, because Rune was my darling and I want everyone who possibly can to see her, and to know her and to mourn that she's gone now. She deserves to be loved, because that's all she ever wanted. There was no such thing as too much love to her.
So please, send her your love. She deserves all of it, even if she's no longer around to enjoy it.
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dk-wren · 9 months
Buddy Daddies Week - Ep. 1-4 Rewatch
Welcome to Day 2 of my Buddy Daddies Celebration Week! Today, I present to you some of my thoughts and musings from my rewatch of the whole series. Today will focus on episodes 1-4, with my thoughts and reactions for the remaining episodes being posted throughout the rest of the week.
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For some reason (I honestly don’t know why), I was very adamant that the main timeline would eventually cross paths with the prologue and we’d see those events again or perhaps it would be referenced in a later episode. Obviously, it never did. And so thinking about it now, if I had to place where the prologue happened, I would guess between episodes 5 and 6 (I know this isn’t necessarily anything new or groundbreaking. This is just me going through my thoughts).
I was originally thinking sometime between Episode 4-6 since Rei had slowly begun his process of opening himself up to loving and taking care of Miri, or accepting that he is her papa. Episode 4 was my starting guess because that’s where we’re introduced to Miss Anna, and Miri actually starts attending daycare. Additionally, Rei is still a little reserved or closed off at this point. However, based on the first scene of ep. 5 and Kazuki’s financial gymnastics, it seems like it’s been awhile since their last mission. Which to me, wouldn’t make sense for them to go on the prologue mission between these two episodes. Rei’s walls start to come down some more in ep 5, and Kazuki and Rei both agree that they kinda need to take on a few more jobs to make a living. With Miri getting mad at Kazuki and fully letting him know how much she loves Rei, I feel anything after ep 6 would make the prologue mission feel out of place in terms of Rei’s behavior. Additionally, by this point it seems like Rei had slowly begun to help out more around the house and with Miri. Therefore, with Rei and Kazuki needing to complete the mission they were on in the prologue, but Rei seemingly not as observant or involved with taking care of Miri, that is why I am placing the events of the prologue between episodes 5 and 6.
The way the kitty just snuggles up next to Rei! She knows she’s safe and protected next to him (and maybe that he’s always been a good person who is capable of loving another!!!)
Rei seems to have some understanding of Christmas, did he celebrate this when he was younger? Since that seems highly unlikely, did he just pick up on it and learn over time? Or did Rei experience his first true Christmas living with Kazuki?!
Random thought of the episode…is this their truck? Where do they park it/store it since we only see it on missions?
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Love how Miri's priorities are cake first, finding papa second
Is it bad that it took me reading someone’s post on here to realize Kazuki and their target, Atsushi Hayami, were meant to look similar? Like I see it now, but on a first watch, I was completely oblivious to it.
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This opening!!! I remember watching this scene for the first time and just thinking to myself, yep, that’s a four year old. And Kazuki, this man is already questioning everything. But also, despite being the one who is more prepared to be a father, I like how this scene shows how there are things that Kazuki is learning and may not have considered without experience
I don’t know a whole lot about name honorifics or modifies in Japanese, but I love how after Rei rejects “Papa” Kazuki still tries to keep it a family name with “Uncle” (before settling with “Rei-kun” for this episode and part of the following one).
Based on his reaction, I get a feeling this was the first time Kazuki made Rei french toast. If so, I wonder if Miri asked for Kazuki to make it or if he just decided that’s what would be for breakfast
Out of context, this scene is still pretty funny, like Miri managed to destroy their apartment in probably a few hours at most. When I watched this clip the first time, I always thought when Rei said “cover” (at least, according to the translation), he was talking to Kazuki. As in, to keep Miri distracted, they told her they were playing hide and seek, with Miri hiding and they would be the ones to find her. After watching the episode, I picked up that Rei was meant to be directing that comment at Miri, which I love how seriously he says it like its an actual critique. Just goes to show I guess how much Rei has grown over the course of the show in his approach to playing with/talking to Miri.
Moment of appreciation for this iconic scene!
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I feel like I should have taken this post credit scene more seriously when it came out because wow did it do a good job of formally introducing Ogino and just what would be in store when this fun little family comedy took a turn
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How do I hug little Rei while simultaneously punch Shigeki?
I really enjoy how despite Kazuki trying to get Rei to take on the title “papa” or “uncle” in the previous episode, both he and Miri respect that he doesn’t want to be called either name and generally will use “-kun” instead
Even though up until this point, Rei hasn’t been actively shown to take the lead in caring for or wanting to keep Miri, I love how he can already see right through Kazuki’s stance that they should return Miri to her mother
I’d argue this exchange just goes to show how much Miri already loves and accepts Rei as her papa, even if he does not actively return the gesture. She wants to know where he is and when Kazuki says he doesn’t know, she actively goes out to try and find him. Then, she comforts him in ways she’s probably familiar with: staying by his side and by saying the smile spell
This man is a hitman and (as we learn in a later episode) used to do gaming all-nighters, but is absolutely dead after playing for no more than a few hours with Miri. Another very accurate portrayal of how draining spending time with children can be, in terms of keeping up with their energy level
Based on the brief background given about Misaki and the impressions at least I took away from this episode, I wonder if this is what Misaki told Miri about who her father was and why he was not present in their lives
Nothing to add, just gonna leave this scene here.
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While I totally understand Kazuki and Rei’s reactions, and empathize with the messes Miri is accidentally creating, it says a lot about Miri in how she wants to spend time with both of them and/or help out with chores
One of my favorite, small moments, is the two times in this episode where music is playing as Kazuki and Miri start walking in one direction, with Rei heading the other way, only for the music to cut abruptly and show Rei forced to go wherever the other two are headed
As Miri is figuring out daycare herself, I think it’s sweet how her future friends, Kotori and Hinata, are the ones to somewhat explain why they don’t want to play with Miri (and why the other children feel the same way)
This post credit scene or the one from ep 4 is probably my favorite. Just another example of Miri showing how much love she has for her two papas. I also can’t help but wonder how many items in Miri’s room were chosen by her (aside from toys and decor) and how many were chosen by Kazuki and Rei? Also, how long did this take them? And please tell me that Kazuki dragged Rei with him as they went furniture shopping.
Also, if Miri only got her room at the end of the episode, where did she sleep the two nights they went shopping? Because in the beginning of the episode, Miri is still seen sleeping on the couch, but both times all of their shopping bags are covering the area where the sofa is. I think I’m looking to hard into this…
Thank you again for your support and for reading this post!
I hope you enjoyed reading some of my thoughts and random questions I had while rewatching this show (which I decided to edit down since this post would have gotten really really long otherwise-debating if I wanna post my full, unedited thoughts though at a later point). I think they do a good job of capturing the way my brain normally works, so yeah...
Anyways, hope to see you again tomorrow!
-Dakota Wren
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thisisarcanereverie · 2 years
When the World Went to Shit (Chapter 6)
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Joel Miller x FEM! Reader
A/N: this is a SPOILER WARNING, this contains spoilers from the series in general.
It's come to my attention that I've taken moments where Joel showed his vulnerability and made it about "Doc" (AKA the Reader). I would like to explain this. I've noticed in the show that Joel doesn't show certain emotions in front of others, the more vulnerable ones like fear or sadness or grief. He's always had those moments either with people he trusts completely or alone. And while he trusts Doc, she is one of the people he's trying to protect. So he wants to seem strong and doesn't show her those vulnerable moments, at least, when he can help it. Also up until now everything has been entirely in Doc's POV. From now on half of the chapter will be in Doc's POV and the other Joel's, it will still be in second person POV, just more into what's going on with Joel as a character. also a slightly shorter chapter this time around.
WARNINGS: Canon level of violence, swears, Joel is sad, talks of grief, PTSD, brief mentions of gore, Eventual Smut, pining (on both ends), grumpy idiots in love, reader is in her late 30's to early to mid 40's. Major character deaths. DISCLAIMER NO CHARACTERS/GIFS/PICS USED ARE MINE.
Summary: 20 years later after the world went to shit you, Joel, and Tess have to take 14 year old Ellie to the Firefly base outside of Boston QZ. What was supposed to be a simple plan turned into something much more complicated.
Prev. Chapter
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Joel drove for a few hours before finding a place to park the truck, he made sure that it was clear enough to drive through but deep within the woods for cover. People had sucked before outbreak day, but they only got worse after. Raiders, Fireflies, FEDRA bastards, all of them sucked in their own way. He wasn’t an exception either, and he accepted that. He killed who he needed to, and more times than he would like to admit, he took pleasure in it. To take the hurt that he held onto and take it out on someone else, that was one of the reasons Tess liked him. 
He gathered the sleeping bags from the truck, handing Ellie’s to her first, making sure she got Frank’s old one rather than Bill’s. He went to hand you yours when you shook your head. 
“I think I’m going to sleep in the truck tonight,” you said. 
“You don’t have to do that,” Joel said once again trying to hand you the other sleeping bag to no avail. He sighed a deep sigh as he saw that look in your eyes, the look he knew meant that you weren’t going to budge on this. “At least grab a blanket so you won’t freeze to death.” Joel doesn’t look at you as he says this, instead he carries the sleeping bag over and lays it down. He saw Ellie fiddle with a loose string of the sleeping bag, Sarah used to do the same-
Joel looked away before he could finish that thought. Instead he laid down inside the bag and groaned, he heard you say a silent goodnight to Ellie before closing the door to the truck. He watched it rock a little as you settled yourself in the backseat. Joel didn’t express it in too many words but he cared about you, he just didn’t have it in him to say it out loud. 
“Hey Joel?” Ellie whispered, grabbing his attention. 
“Did we do the right thing?” Joel looked over at her, he could barely see her eyes looking at him, which he was thankful for. “Lying to Doc?” 
A deep sigh left him as he remembered the event that had only transpired a few hours ago, and the note that Ol’ Bill left behind tucked safely into his jacket pocket. 
“It’s not lyin’,” Joel reasoned, “it’s just not telling her the whole truth.”
“Are you telling me the whole truth?” Ellie asked, Joel looked away from her and turned his face to the star strewn sky instead, finding the stars easier to look at, at the current moment. 
“Sure,” He said. Turning over to lay on his right side, making sure he would still be able to hear her. Silence passed by between them but Joel couldn’t rest, not with Ellie tossing and turning every few minutes. He would no sooner close his eyes and she would turn, the fabric of the sleeping bag brushing along with her and would wake him up. 
“Ok,” Joel groaned as he sat up and turned to her, “What’s wrong?” 
“Those people that you and Doc talked about,” Ellie said, turning to him, “There’s no way they’d find us here right?” He was silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. While he was sure that they were well covered, nothing was ever for sure. 
“No one’s gonna find us.” Joel promised as he laid himself back down laying on his right side. Internally he was berating himself for making a promise he couldn’t keep, why did he do that? 
“Ok,” He heard Ellie say before he heard the rustle of her sleeping bag one final time before silence. 
Sleep evaded Joel, which wasn’t uncommon without the pills and hooch; however this time it was different. He had this nagging feeling, one that wouldn’t let him rest. He had promised Ellie that no one would find them, which is something he shouldn’t have done. Someone could, that was always a possibility and one you should always be ready for and the only way to do that was to stay up and keep watch. Joel inwardly groaned as he realized what he was going to have to do in order to stop that nagging feeling. He waited until he heard the soft snores coming from the brunette beside him and got up. A few cracks and pops could be heard as he stood from the ground, resisting the urge to cuss out loud he grabbed the gun and walked to the path they came in at and just stood there. He would watch for a few hours, just enough to reassure him that everything was fine before catching what sleep he could. 
At some point in his watch he began to recount what had happened over at Bill and Franks. You didn’t know it but Joel had followed you, he watched as you broke down. He had wanted to comfort you, put an arm around your shoulders and lie to you saying that everything was going to be ok. But the longer he looked at you the more he felt his throat close up and the distinct feeling of having the wind knocked out of him grew stronger until he had to look away from you. He went back to the front of the house and put his hands on his knees, trying to breath through that gut wrenching feeling. 
It was cruel, he thought. Back at the beginning, after he lost his daughter and you lost your mother you had been each other's rock. It wasn’t like he cried on your shoulder or the other way around, but you would just sit next to him; you wouldn’t try to speak to him or offer your condolences, you would just sit there. That had meant more than he could ever say. But when the time came around for him to comfort you…he just couldn’t do it, he didn’t know how to anymore. 
His eyes had wandered over to the truck without him noticing, he hoped you were warm in there and that you couldn’t see him. Couldn’t see how shook he really was about everything that had happened, or that he was staying up later than he should to keep a promise he shouldn’t have made. In the strangest sense, though, in the midst of grief and fear was the beginnings of some old, forgotten feeling. One he hadn’t had since the outbreak, something he would rather not dwell on for too long. 
As he watched the road ahead, careful of any noise or sudden movement of leaves in the darkness, he thought more about the past few days. A lot had happened, it was almost too much to process. He almost laughed as he thought about how easy this job was supposed to be, get the girl to the Firefly base outside of the QZ, get the supplies that were promised, then find Tommy. But since he’s accepted the job, he’s assaulted a FEDRA Officer (maybe killing him), found out that the girl wasn’t just a girl she could possibly be the only person immune to the Cordyceps, Tess getting bit and sacrificing herself to save them, Frank and Bill were dead and left him all their supplies along with some unsolicited advice on Bill’s part. The one thing in common is that in the past few days, three people that he cared for (whether he admitted it or not) have died. Sure, Bill and Frank had been dead before he got there but how was he supposed to know that?! It was just a lot to lose in such a short time frame. 
And what of you? 
You, that smart mouthed child who used to chide him and Tommy about smoking cigarettes, turned into one of the most important people in his life. You weren’t much younger than Tommy, just a year or two; and before the outbreak he hadn’t spoken to you in years, wouldn’t have been able to pick you out in a crowd or anything. Yet now, after all these years, if he closed his eyes and focused long enough he’d be able to pick out the sound of your breathing. And that scared him, now more than ever. He’s already lost Tess, he’s lost Sarah and he’s lost Tommy and Bill and Frank, how could he lose you? He didn’t know what he would do if he lost you too. He tried not to think about that, but with everything that had happened it was inevitable that his mind would wander there.
Joel didn’t know how long he stared down that empty path, waiting for something he knew wouldn’t come. But the next thing he knew the sky was lighter and the early morning mist began to rise and he was tired. The corners of his vision blurred from the lack of sleep, but it wasn’t something he couldn’t push through. Maybe he would have you drive today, get a little nap in the passenger seat before stopping to fuel up or siphon gas out of abandoned vehicles if you didn’t want to break into the gas cans quite yet. 
First things first though. 
(Reader’s POV)
“Please!” the woman in front of you begs, a strand of her brown hair dangled in front of her eyes as you saw her tears fall, “don’t kill me here! I can’t die here, I have-” Your finger squeezed the trigger and the recoil was nothing to your body anymore. You watched as her body fell to the ground with a thud, the sound of the gunshot still echoed through the air as you silently said your apologies. She wasn’t the first person you’ve had to kill in order to survive, and she wouldn’t be the last. 
For a few weeks it was just You, Joel, and Tommy. But Tommy had always been fast to make friends, and soon all three of you were a part of a group. Apparently not everything was lost, the government was still active, or at least that’s what you’ve heard through them. They’ve set up Quarantine Zones, or QZ’s.  apparently they would have supplies, shelter, things that you needed and more. But it was a long walk from Texas to Boston, and you needed to do what you had to do to survive. Even if that meant killing people who had what you needed in order to do that. 
You were about to grab her bag when you saw the locket hanging around the woman’s neck. It wasn’t anything you needed, but curiosity got the better of you as it always did. You opened the silver locket to see not a picture but a single snippet of blonde hair, wordlessly you closed the locket with the hair inside and grabbed the bag before your conscious started to stir. 
The bag had seen better days, as did everything else, the bag was covered in dried dirt and one of the straps was only attached to the sack via duct tape. You looked inside and thanked god that she had at least four cans of food, That would be enough for you, Tommy, and Joel for tonight at least with one to spare. You dumped the cans into your own bag and tossed it aside, having no need for the bag when your own was in better condition at least. You got up and were about to leave when you looked over and saw a few flowers. 
They had been your mother’s favorite, she had always liked blue things. You knew you had to get back to the group, that they would probably be wondering where you were. But, for once, you ignored logic. You adjusted the body of the woman, adjusted her so that her necklace was under her shirt and close to her heart before you grabbed a few of those bluebonnets and surrounding flowers. Making a makeshift bouquet before placing it in her hands. You said a silent prayer before turning away. You didn’t know if she believed in a god and after all that had happened you couldn’t blame her, nor did you know which one she worshiped. So you kept it as vague as you possibly could and gave her what little of a funeral you could to make up for what you had to do. 
It was almost funny, how over the past month or so you had never felt so alone than in this moment. When you realize that the day someone you love dies isn’t the worst. 
It’s all the days that follow. 
You took a sharp inhale as you woke up, your heart beating faster than normal as you struggled to sit up. You cupped your hands over your eyes as you tried to remember to take deep breaths. You’ve done things that you weren’t proud of, that haunted you. You’ve made friends and held them in your arms as they died, there were people you couldn’t save, and you’ve killed people who were only doing what they could to survive. You let out a deep sigh as finally you feel your heart rate slow and the pounding in your head cease. 
“Hey,” you heard Joel say as he opened the truck door letting the cool early morning air into the truck causing goosebumps to form on your forearms, “I made some coffee if you want any.” It was funny, how tired you can see someone was by their eyes. The first thing you noticed was how the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, and how slow he was to blink, and the rings underneath his eyes were dark. If you had to guess, the poor man didn’t sleep last night. You weren’t sure if it was from nightmares or from something else, and you had to stop yourself from asking. It wasn’t your place, you may care for him, but his issues were his own and demons only he could fight. 
“Great,” you groaned as you stretched, pretending not to notice how tired he was, “I could use a cup,” you heard a few pops coming from your back as you raised your arms over your head only to let them down after a second. Relishing in the brief relief of constant uncomfortableness that your body was under most days.
“I, uh, I got us both thermoses before we left,” Joel said as he cleared his throat looking away, “I’ll just put your half in yours, just come out when you’re ready.” You watched as he walked off with that familiar slight stagger in his step. Not really understanding what that was about, you decided not to think more about it as you grabbed the blanket that you slept with last night. You haphazardly fold it before placing it on the passenger seat, where Joel was going to be once you’ve packed up camp. The door closed with a thud as you turned to see Ellie waking up, and wiggle her way over to where the bubbling of coffee was. You watch in amusement as you see her recoil and a look of utter disgust etches on her face as she opens the lid and smells the slightly burnt and roasted smell of coffee grounds. 
“What the fuck is that?!” 
You watch Joel, who was putting away his own sleeping bag in the trunk of the car, turn to her with a look that you could only describe as mild offense and surprise. 
“You don’t like coffee?” 
After a few more comments from Ellie about how disgusting coffee smelled and grunts from Joel. You all eventually got all the gear together and headed into the truck. Ellie took the back seat and while you assumed you were going to have to fight Joel on this, you were pleasantly surprised when no fight came from him as you opened the passenger seat for him and motioned for him to get inside. Only fight you got was about you opening the door for him, saying something along the lines about you hurting his southern gentleman pride. But that was quickly abandoned as the door closed and you went to get behind the driver's seat. 
After making sure you didn’t forget anything one more time, you started the engine and started to make your way to Wyoming once again.
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marvelita85 · 2 years
Maybe a few h*te words but other than that non
English is like my 2nd language so I'm sorry in advance
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There he was following you with his gaze, both your mother's half brothers, no one dared to talked evil about your heritage because of your Targaryen looks, some brave ones would dare to whispered you were a product of Daemon before your mother married Sir Leanor, whatever you have felt for the sons of your grandsire was gone or at least thats what you thought, that dinner was forced and you tried to endure it sitting beside your younger brother Luke
- we have a lot to celebrate, Luke and Jace are to be married with Raena and Baela
- and Luke as Lord of the tides - you smiled raising your cup for him, you loved all your brothers but Luke was no so secretly your favourite
You watched behind your cup as his eye was set on you he was trying to intimidated you but it wasnt the feeling you were having, you vould hold his gaze, he hated your brothers you couldnt feel anything but the same for him
- my dear y/n...
- grandsire...
- I wish for you to be happy aswell... you are free to marry... - you werent but you let him speak, over those 6 years away you've been in Winterfell you met Cregan Stark and his younger brother Robb who had asked your hand to Daemon and Rhaenyra, they knew the north would be asegurated with that union and you were much willing to accept it - the king and I would like you to accept our son Aemond
- father...my queen, thought is a very thoughtfull proposal y/n is already bethroted, I'm very sorry brother - Rhaenyra your mother said and you smiled to him you let him know you were something he could never have
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The table knew who you were going to be married, your brothers were smiling knowing very well the desire both their uncles had for you, Aegon tried to seduced you uncountable times, Aemond loved you in silence all those years living together but then his eye happened and his friendship with you was severed like his eye, never to be the same, that dinner ended abruptally when your grandsire retired, Aemond said horrible things, you and Baela almost riped Aegon before your mother send you all to your chambers, you decided to have a walked through the gardens and he appeared in the shadows
- you cant married the Stark boy...
- why not? I like him a lot, he is very kind and attentive with me
- you are a Dragon
- and he is a wolf...
- you love him...
- what if I do...
- when we were kids you were promised to me...
- Aemond our family is divided, you and your brother along with your mother had never felt anything but resentment and hate for my mother and for my brothers how can you think I can feel anything more than that for you
- we were friends...
- yes... and you destroyed that friendship when you lost your eye.... you blamed me and my brother, you only have revenge in your heart for us, thats all
- what can I do...
- you just called my brothers bastards at dinner, calling them Strong, I know the whispers about me being Daemon's daughter... in another life maybe but in this one you decided to be enemies and I'll never be anything less than that
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Aemond heart broke again in that garden speaking with you, your words hurted but she was right he couldnt feel anything more for the person that took his eye for his neglected father, for his half sister for not giving your hand to him it was all hate but you were the only one capable to break him because despite everything he loved you and you were never going to be his
A few notes, y/n looks like Dany from 1st season but she has the fire of the7th, her eyes are like her grandmother Alissa one green one purple, because she is Daemon's daughter, she is older than Jace and 1 year younger than Aemond
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And he is Robb Stark 😁
My love for Aemond is still intact but he has to be put in place sometimes🥰
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
In honor of my latest bad date, I thought it would be fun to let y'all choose the worst date I've ever been on
Also here's additional context for all of them:
He also couldn't carry a conversation and I had to do all of the social interaction work. However, after the date I went to H-Mart and had a lovely interaction with a gorgeous girl and was able to buy Korean corn dogs. This date happened today.
He at least could hold a conversation. Not a good conversation but the bar is low.
This happened when I was young and I have since become much, much better at establishing boundaries. He also saw a look inside my roommates room, saw a bunch of American flags, and asked "is your roommate a staunch republican." She is very much not a republican. She's left-leaning, she just loves her country and wants it to be better.
I actually kind of liveblogged this happening in real time. The link should take you to the first post about it. I hope.
One of my first online datse. Again, I have since learned how to establish boundaries and I would 100% leave a date like that now.
About 2ish weeks after I turned him down, he texted me to complain about him constantly getting rejected
He is single-handedly the reason I hate the "be persistent and get the love interest" trope. You've been rejected. Move on. He also tried to kiss me a few times even after getting rejected. He messaged me out of nowhere years and years later to inform me that he was doing his dream job and also he had a girlfriend now. Good for you dude, I didn't ask.
This was a second or third date but I like paying for myself and I am broke-ish sooooo not great. Also this is on me but I didn't realize until the end of the date but my jeans were unbuttoned the whole time.
OKAY. This wasn't my date but I was on it for...reasons I guess. So in high school, this dude liked my friend and asked her out and she didn't like him but she was also desperate for a boyfriend. She did not want to be alone with him on the date though (not for safety reasons but just to have someone else there to help their social interactions I guess?). This is a guy that had previously asked me out about a year prior but I turned down and he graciously accepted and moved on. We went to see what my friend thought was going to be a romcom but ended up being a tragedy and my friend was pissed, though I really liked it. Anyway they dated for a little bit after that.
This is actually not my story but @heretherebedork who let me use his for a nice, even 10 options. This dude is a piece of work and that happened after they'd technically broken up. But apparently he said that Francis needed to be more feminine if he wanted to keep dating him. Seriously what the fuck is that?
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hughungrybear · 8 months
Me while watching Cherry Magic Thailand Ep. 5:
Just can't imagine how loud Karan's internal screaming was when he realised Big Sis was kicking him out of his own house and making him move to Achi's house 😂
1. What's with GMMTV showing us what perfect boyfriends should look (and act) like? 😅 If I cannot have my own Mhok (from Last Twilight), please give me a Karan 😭😭😭
2. Not Auntie dissing Achi in front of Karan 😂😂😂 Karan would defend his beloved little cinnamon roll to the ends of the earth, y'know? 😆
3. I kennat with Karan's internal off-key singing 😂 Also, what's up with this early morning, pre-office work date? Pai would definitely have a seizure if she knew that her ship is doing all these romantic things without her witnessing it 🤣🤣🤣
4. Under normal circumstances, Karan's wild imagination would turn and scare anyone off. However, the fact that he is so sweet, considerate, and can control most of his delusions to stay in his imagination is his saving grace. I think it's one of the main reasons why Achi has not run for the hills yet 😂😂😂
5. Oh, boy. Jinta has gone the deep ends of his fanboying Min 😂 He is barely doing any work. At this point, Jinta ultimately matches Karan's intensity when it comes to dealing with crushes lol
6. In all my years as an Asian employee, I have not encountered an office with a rule as silly as "no going home before the boss". As soon as the clock hits 5pm, me and my colleagues are out of the office lol Boss can take care of themself (Well, the employer WILL STILL TRY to guilt you into working overtime without pay. It's just up to you if you let them get under your skin 😅).
Also, nice of Rock to unintentionally save Achi from Karan's wild "just married" imagination.
7. Awww. Karan don't be jealous of Rock. He is just a baby 😣😣😣 Just think of Rock as your adopted son. 😅 Also, ngl, that soup with Mama OK! noodles looked good (prolly because I have not eaten any breakfast yet).
8. Aaargh! Nooo, Achi also took Rock to that secret breakfast place. No wonder Karan is dying of jealousy. 🙃
9. No, Min. Jinta is not embrassed to be seen with you. But he will prolly die swooning at the back of your motorbike on the way to Achi's office 😂😂😂
10. I had it with these mind-reading bffs 😂😂😂 Karan's imagination was running wild with all the touching Jinta and Achi were doing whilst having conversation about what is the acceptable amount of "handsy" can Jinta get away with Min 😂😂😂
11. Oh? Rock and Min were in that disbanded crew? I have not looked at that photo from Rock's phone properly.
12. Ah, Rock, that's an immature thing to do. It's only natural to be scared and want a more stable professional life. But you should have talked it out with your friends properly - not just ghost them. At least, Pai has the right idea 😁
13. So, Min and Rock's song is the Mama OK ad (originally sung by KristSingto, OffGun, and BrightWin)??? Lol I know Pai's character is supposed to be aroace, but I have been a SingJan shipper since forever so forgive me if I get a bit excited with how things are going lol
Oh my. Karan finally confessed his feelings to Achi!!! Also, hello there, P'Lookwa (Fourth's mum in MSP and MLC). And in next episode we're going to finally see what made Karan fall for Achi in the first place 😊
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