#it started as a 'pretty shots i like across all mvs' but deja vu is one big pretty shot so. maybe later!
leatherbookmark · 1 year
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deja vu
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the-hoon · 6 years
Maven Angels
Previous to this installment 
Dianne’s SNS Posts
Song: Sweet Lies by EXO 
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Secret MV Girl 
It had been a hazy morning for Dianne. The night before she had barely gotten any sleep, due to nervousness for today’s shoot. As early as six in the morning, their manager has wakened her up to get ready. From the night before, the girls had a pep talk with Dianne from knowing too undoubtedly she had gotten cold feet before the significant event. She felt confident she was able to do the music video without them, but when she sat in the van by herself she had felt the confidence drain from within her. 
Before arriving on set, she hoped to take a brief nap, but her mind prevented her to slip back into slumber. As the van pulls to the set, she peeks out the window hoping the manager would shift his time to open the door for her. The door slides ajar, sending the cold crisp air in the car rising goosebumps on her exposed skin. She steps out with the manager’s hand on her shoulder, issuing it a light pat knowing she was nervous. Dianne walks in the studio greeting everyone she comes across. The manager escorts her to the dressing room and refers her with the designers inside. 
Following behind her was the clothing designer supporting the back of the red roses embroidered dress after her hair and makeup was finished. A king-sized bed lies in the middle of the set with black satin bed sheets covering the mattress, red roses and rose petals scattered all over the bed. A vintage looking vanity with a display of jewelry sits against a cream painted wall. 
The director guides Dianne on the bed, instructing her what will happen during the shoot. Sehun walks into set and Dianne sits on the bed awkwardly bowing to him. The designer spreads the dress out around the bed, laying Dianne down to fix her dark brown curled hair. Her back was faced towards the three of them as the designer was busy fixing her hair. As the bed dips in, her back tenses up. “Are you okay over there?” Sehun asks, looking down at her. Dianne nervously answers, trying to keep her tone calm. “I’m fine, the bed is pretty comfortable considering the roses and its thorn and all.” Her arm tenses as she feels his hand patting her shoulder, but suddenly pulls back. Sehun begins his part, as the music starts. He moves around the bed as Dianne feels it shift around again, trying to keep her body still Once the shot was over, Dianne switches to a separate set with a different member. They all greet each other and the director continues on with mentioning his ideas for the following scene. Dianne stood in artificial rose bushes coming into contact with Junmyeon standing face to face. With the roses surrounding them, the two stood with their bodies pressed against each other, as directed. His hands were on her tensed back, as they wait for the crew to start filming. “Your cheeks are red as these roses.” He grins broadly, trying to make a joke to alleviate the apparent tension. Dianne felt a bit flustered from her senior’s attentive behavior, acquiring her befuddled of what to say to not sound so awkward. “I guess you could say I have rosy cheeks.”Dianne felt a bit flustered from her senior’s attentive behavior, acquiring her befuddled of what to say to not sound so awkward. He ended up chuckling at her joke, having her face redder. The music started and the lights on both side of them started to flash with the music. Junmyeon’s arms tensed around her, as he slides a hand at the back of her neck. The camera spun around them, as she steps back and a green cloth was thrown over Dianne, separating the two. 
She looked more innocent with her white off shoulder shirt and light blue skirt. Finally came to the last scene of the day for her. Dianne must have lost track of time, because she didn’t expect the moon and stars to be out. She stood under a lamp post face to face with the last member of EXO she didn’t have a part with - Kyungsoo. His hand hovered over her cheek, barely touching her skin like she was a delicate piece of glass he could crush under his slightest touch. With a helping hand on both their backs, the director steers them to step closer to each other. KyungSoo turned into a giggling mess when Dianne took the initiative to step closer to him, causing her to join in as well. The camera replaced the spot where the director stood and the music started where Kyungsoo’s part began. She kept eye contact with him, placing her cheek deeper in his palm. Her ears were filled with more of her heartbeat racing faster and faster the longer she stayed so close to him. This felt unusual to her. All day long, she had been shooting with the other members, but she underwent no reaction to them. But why now? Why did she start feeling so flustered with only him and not with the other members she shot with? Before she recognized anything happening, his hands were on both sides of her face with his soft lips on her forehead. Heat ascended on her cheeks, as her eyes went wide, trusting no one saw her reaction. What felt like more than a few minutes that the director finally stopped the scene. Dianne shyly smiles up at the already grinning man. “Good job.” She complimented her senior, bowing multiple times walking backwards for her blushing cheeks to be unseen by him. “Again!” The director calls from behind the monitor, having Dianne silently cursing at him. A slight smile played at her lips, walking back to Kyungsoo standing under the lamp. She stood back in her place, Kyungsoo placing his hand back on her cheek, like it was a natural thing for him. After multiple re shoots of the scene, her cheeks had calmed down from being so inflamed. She exited the set with the same statement from the beginning, praising him of a good job he did before he could express anything more. Dianne stayed back a while longer, watching from behind the camera her seniors dancing. From the collective retakes, she had understood that mistakes were okay to make. That even her experienced seniors had a couple of bad shoots and they weren’t so perfect of how the teachers taught her and the other members during trainee days to be. From the mistakes her seniors made, she experienced a fear creeping inside of her. She held her breath expecting on seeing one of their teachers appear on set to give them a good scolding. A bizarre feeling of deja vu transported her back into her trainee years of her and her group being scolded multiple times of not perfecting the flaws the team produced. 
Upon arriving home, she dragged her feet to the shared room with HeeJin, but not before peering at the automatic clock reading a quarter passed two in the morning. Her hand automatically reached for the light switch, flicking it on to see a loudly snoring HeeJin on a separate bed. She got primed to sleep and plopped herself down on her bed, already dozing off to sleep. 
Hi, everyone! Here is another installment of Maven Angels with Dianne. Enjoy! :)
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