#it occurred to me last night that Terry hasn't seen Scary in person in awhile
crookshanks23 · 1 year
The following is what happens when I think of something while falling asleep and then have to write it down.
Terry Jr. felt like shit. His muscles and bones ached as he glanced at the man standing above him. Willy. Fuck him.
How he'd gotten the drop on them, he still wasn't quite sure. How is it that they still underestimated this man? That didn't matter now. Terry surveyed the room, his friends also on the ground, scattered detritus from the fight littered around them.
This man. This fucking asshole. Had nearly killed his stepfather. Kidnapped him and his friends. Gave the Lark the reason to unleash the Doodler. And now he'd done something to Scary. For probably the first time, he looked Willy in the eye, squashed his childhood fears, and screamed, "What the hell did you do to Scary?" The last he'd seen her was on some security camera footage at DADDIES, walking out with Willy and some items.
"Do to her? I don't know what you mean."
"There's no way she just left with you willingly!"
"Well, I'm afraid that's exactly what your stepdaughter did. She and I have been friends for months. It's not my fault that you're so inept at being a father that she decided to look for validation elsewhere."
Terry Jr. looked down at the floor. Maybe he was right... Maybe... No! This was fucking Willy. Of course he wasn't right.
"You're just manipulating her. You just want to use her!"
"As if you don't? You know how powerful those kids are becoming. You've asked them to help. I'm not doing anything different than you lot," he barked, looking around at all of them. "You know what the difference is? I made her feel powerful. I made her feel in control. And it's working."
Grant started to get up and Willy blasted another spell at all of them, ensuring that they'd stay down. "And now you'll get to help me too," he said with a shit-eating grin. Willy pulled out some collars with runes etched on them, and one by one placed them on everyone.
As soon as the collar hit his neck, the dread set in. The truth of what he now felt compelled to do. Let's hope the kids were growing as powerful as Willy thought. Because now that threw a whole new wrench in the works.
Willy pulled Terry right to his feet and shoved him out the door. " Now get out there and take care of those kids, he said. Terry missed Willy's next words as he stumbled out into The City, "Scary's gonna find out what happens when she lies to me."
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