#it makes sense if its like. someone who still doesn't speak fluent english
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otherwise good fic has bilingual character POVs throw in random words in their native language 11 injured 4 dead
#i hate this so much#its so unecessary too. his is an inner monologue why are we doing this#aaaaugfggfgg#especially when the word in the different language is pretty much the same as the one in english but with like#an accent or something#or the “i grew up with 6 /primos/'' with the italics and all#it makes sense if its like. someone who still doesn't speak fluent english#but when its a character that's supposed to have been raised as bilingual then it just doesn't make sense#unless theyre speaking with other people who have the same language background as them (usually family)#ramblings
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Researching Characters so you don't have to Part 3: Miles G. Morales/Prowler Miles & His Accent/Spanglish
Art above is NOT MINE. Made by Binu Herath. Click for the link <3
I'm gonna refer to him as 42-Miles throughout this!
The main thing I've seen people trying to do when writing 42-Miles is trying to write him speaking Spanglish. However, if you don't speak Spanish at home or know some Spanish already, this can be pretty difficult to do.
So how do you write a character speaking Spanglish?
First of all, not a lot of bilingual people speak one sentence in English and the other sentence in their respective language. One of the things I've seen people do in fanfictions is write 42-Miles like this:
"Estoy trabajando en este proyecto. I'm busy right now." (I'm working on this project)
They write him speaking one sentence Spanish and the next in English. Now this isn't necessarily wrong, but it also doesn't sound completely accurate. The thing is, not many people will continuously switch between Spanish and English that way, especially if the person they're talking to isn't fluent in Spanish as well. If they are fluent, I'm assuming he'd probably talk fully in Spanish, and if they aren't fluent he'd probably talk fully in English. Now if you want to write him that way, like I said, there's nothing wrong with it, but for the people who want to make him more accurate, I recommend using the tips I researched below.
Bilingual people often confuse words and phrases from their respective languages together. An example of what would be a more accurate phrase that he'd say is:
"No eso es mi fault"
Miles said this in the first movie, and this is a great example of Spanish because he doesn't remember the Spanish word for "fault" which is la culpa, so he just says fault instead.
Another example of accurate Spanglish is:
"Can you hand me the, destornillador, destornilla-...the SCREWDRIVER, can you hand me the screwdriver?"
As a bilingual person, when I can't remember a word I often say it in my other language a couple times to try to remember and then say the word once I remember it. From what I've seen, this happens with a lot of Spanish-speakers too. This also goes both ways, where if he's speaking Spanish he switches to English because he can't remember a word.
If he's talking to someone speaking English, it wouldn't make sense for him to randomly speak some sentences in Spanish and some in English, so it would be more accurate to have him confusing words together and taking a little longer to remember specific vocabulary.
This can go both ways as well, so if he's speaking Spanish to someone, you can have a little "how do you say [item], oh, you say it like [item in Spanish].", basically the exact opposite of what I did in the example above.
Words and phrases aren't the only things that get mixed up. Bilingual people also often mix up the grammar of the two languages when speaking.
Spanish has pretty similar grammar to English, but there are still some significant differences. For example, adjectives come after nouns in Spanish, while they come before nouns in English. One example of a dialogue you could have is:
"Es un bonito vestido" (Its a pretty dress)
This is grammatically incorrect, because the adjective "bonito" came before the noun "vestido" when it should be the opposite. Normally, it would be vestido bonito, but someone bilingual like 42-Miles might mess it up, because in English it would be "pretty dress", not "dress pretty".
Finally, for filler words like "but" and words like "yes" a bilingual person might say them in Spanish instead of English when speaking English.
Instead of saying "but this", 42-Miles might say "pero this" because pero means "but". If he answers a question with "yes" he might say "si" instead.
But make sure to keep in the mind that nobody who's bilingual is going to speak to someone in a language they don't understand. If you're writing a 42Miles x Reader, it wouldn't make sense for him to talk a lot in Spanish unless its an xLatino!Reader or xHispanic!Reader. A few words and phrases is understandable but you should've overdo it.
Hopefully, I got most of them. I'm not hispanic but I do speak Spanish fairly well. However, if you see any mistakes with my translations or my grammar, please feel free to correct me! It'll help me learn <3
I hope this helps anyone who wants to write 42-Miles more accurately, and remember, you can use these tips for any Spanglish-speaking/Billingual characters!
#atsv#across the spiderverse#miles morales#prowler miles#spiderman atsv#beyond the spiderverse#prowler miles x reader#miles morales prowler#earth 42 prowler#atsv prowler#the prowler#prowler x reader#into the spiderverse#miles g#aaron davis#42 miles morales#earth 42 miles x reader#earth 42 miles morales x reader#miles g morales#earth 42 miles#earth 42 miles morales#miles 42#miles g x reader#atsv analysis#earth42 miles#spanglish#writing#accents
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I've thoroughly enjoyed the Claudine/Frollo headcannons, do you have any in mind for Esmeralda/Phoebus? If the sequel movies are wiped from this universe, that means their son doesn't exist (or not yet). Also, do you have another headcannon for onesided fresme on frollo's part? How would he handle being unable to obtain her in this universe?
Ilike to believe the sequels and spin-offs are valid, as the bookseries (which is, as of the Rise of the Isle of the Lost, is canon…to a certain extent) makes reference to characters that could onlyexist outside of the original movies, such as:
Diegode Vil, presumably the child of Ivy de Vil from the 101 DalmatiansTV series, or a descendant from the rest of the extended de Vilfamily, and
Jade,Jay’s cousin and presumably the daughter of Nasira, Jafar’ssister from the Aladdin video game series
There’sa level of personal bias, with the amount of work I’ve already putinto expanding the world with my own ideas, but I think we can allagree that the Isle and Auradon would be a whole lot less interestingif we didn’t have the likes of:
Mozenrath(Aladdin animated series) acting as Maleficent’s longsuffering middle manager, and personal chew toy as an “inferiormagical being,”
LadyWaltham (Tarzan animated series) adding an element of sympathyto the Isle of the Lost with her regretting her brother Clayton andher nephew are still on there and unable to return, and
LadyCaine (Tangled: Before Ever After), who adds a deliciouselement of grayness and a MASSIVE stain on the otherwise pristinereputation all sympathetic Disney monarchs have.
Ontothe headcanons:
Phoebusbecomes one of the new Captains of the Guard in France once theoriginal forces are merged with, or completely replaced by the newlyestablished Auradon Royal Guard. Though the actual administrative andexecutive power lies much higher up the ranks (such as theCommander-In-Chief, Beast), he himself is an incredibly influentialmember, well-known and well-loved by the citizenship and the fellowsoldiers he patrols the streets with.
Auradonhad to rely heavily on translators, human and machine, or translatingmagic during its tumultuous first years, as everyone struggled tofind one common language for every state to use as the internationalstandard (it’s English still). A LOT of things get lost intranslation or don’t translate too good into another language, orsomeone gets VERY offended when someone who is fluent in both Frenchand Chinese tells you exactly what they meant, and howunflattering it is.
Andthis isn’t even going into all the numerous cultural clashes andfaux paus, such as one unfortunate Louisiana chef realizing you’renot supposed to serve pork to most Agrahbans until he was alreadyuncovering the dish...
Phoebusbridges the gap through his calm, professional demeanor, alwaysshowing politeness and civility to everyone whoever they may be, andof course, his sense of humour, given “a real workout” when hehas to figure out how to make someone laugh with universallyunderstood comedy (someone falling face first into a pile of horsedung), non-verbal humour (wearing a silly, pink, fuzzy bunny earswhilst on duty), and using simple plays on word that foreigners caneasily get, or are tailored specifically to their language.
“Inever quite realized eggs could be such a huge source of humour,”he muses when he has to speak to Spanish speaking citizens.
However,his usefulness quickly dwindled as the culture clashes settled down,people started learning English, and of course, the already olderPhoebus found himself growing ever older and unable to keep up withthe rapid pace of advancement and pop culture references in Auradon,not to mention his disadvantage of “not being gifted a smartphonefor my first birthday.”
Hehas an incredibly cushy administrative position that pays well,commands respect from his soldiers still, and gives him great hoursto spend with his family and other pursuits, but as he’s no longergoing out (or being allowed) on patrols and interacting personallywith the people in his jurisdiction, he can’t help but wonder ifhe’s just being eased into the idea of retirement, and Auradon issimply too nice to boot him for the much feared “chainsaw HR” ofsome corporations from BGU London.
(Forthose not familiar with the term, “chainsaw HR” is when entiredivisions, and numbers into the hundreds are suddenly, and oftentimeswithout proper recompense or retirement packages, fired or forcedinto early retirement.
It’sa play on the term “axed” for being suddenly fired, and chainsawsbeing a modern, much more efficient tool for the same job as aliteral ax.)
It’ssafe to say that at the age of 55 or so, and having already lived oneillustrious career then a brief revival, he’s having a midlifecrisis, not helped by the fact that many other Auradonians about hisage are feeling as obsolete as last year’s ayGem.
(“Butit came out just a year ago!”
“Yeah,but they updated to a new, much better firmware and hardwarearchitecture, all the hot new apps don’t even bother with legacyupdates.”)
Esmerelda has fared much better.
Shehas become an activist in this world, using the power of theinternet, the normalization of the “other,” and the erasure ofthe national and ethnic boundaries that once separated communities tohelp her fellow Romani people (I won’t use “gypsies,” as that’san offensive term to them), and other marginalized, and forgottengroups, such as much of the Wild Fae population.
Shealso owns and teaches at a dance studio, using them to train the nextgeneration of performers (“Be they for the street, the stage, orthe screen”), and waging a subtle campaign to remove the stigma forblatant and shameless use of sexuality.
I’vealways known Auradon is a conservative wet dream in many respects,and the fact that ripping a tiny tear in your skirt is considered“scandalous” by teenagers says a lot.
Beforeyou ask, YES, Esmerelda is still as desired and lusted afternow as she was BGU—probably even more so, now that we have thecombined populations of all the states, and she is a very popular andcommon presence on the internet.
Beforeyou also ask, Phoebus has long gotten over it and considers it “partof the package.”
Sheis one of the most knowledgeable and well-versed with moderntechnology out of the “Travellers” (Auradonians who were adultsor close to it Before Great Uniting), seeing as her troupe ofperformers have always been highly adaptable and all to ready to dowhatever it takes to survive, fit in with the locale they have foundthemselves in, and afterwards, thrive.
Thatthey have generally relied on being couriers and brokers ofinformation, and the internet basically being a giant free market ofinformation has helped GREATLY.
Withher religion, she still isn’t 100% on the existence of God, onlyever praying to Him during times of crisis or as a show of good faithwith the religious institutions of Auradon, but the Greek Pantheonhas given her hope that Supreme Beings like Him do exist.
“Atthe very least, He’s been very light on throwing down lightningbolts from up on high.”
(Thoughmuch less murderous and many other negative traits than the original,Disney Zeus is still INCREDIBLY fond of “warning shots.”)
Andonce more, before you ask, I can seriously see her making a cameo inthe canon as a guest dance instructor for the Descendants, if sheisn’t already a full-time staff member of Auradon Prep, and yes,she would definitely mentor Evie by showing her much healthier waysof expressing her sexuality and femininity without feeling like she’sdegrading herself, or turning herself into a “slab of meat in thebutcher’s window.”
Zephyrwas born BGU, and if my idea that the states had been communicatingfor a few years before the idea of fusing is canon, has a veryunique perspective of being a “Traveler Tot,” living with theideas and concepts imported over through the portals andcommunication crystals, before he got to live it in Auradon when thetechnology and materials could be more easily accessed and produced.
Heis still hyperactive and excitable as ever, though most of that wasbeing channeled into a combination of soldier training and becoming acircus performer like his parents; in his mind, there really isn’tmuch difference between the two, as they both require incrediblephysical skill and endurance, a sharp and creative mind, andrelentless, dedicated training, day-in, day-out.
“Itall really comes down to what you mean when you say you ‘slayedthem,’” he says.
Thisquickly changes in Auradon when he finds himself addicted to HeroRising, the video game that Carlos was seen playing during hisfirst night in Auradon. While initially Phoebus sees it as a good wayfor him to blow off all his excess energy and get some physicaltraining done, and Esmerelda tolerates it as he’s not going offstealing and rearranging stop signs, it evolves into something muchmore for him in time.
Atfirst, he’s the best player on the block, then in theneighbourhood, then the school, then the city, then the state, andfinally, one of the Hall of Famers in Auradon. As he grows older, hejust barely passes his high school subjects as a conditional for hissponsors support and working with the Hero Rising developersas a PR person, community idol AKA a “Paragon,” and beta tester.The height of his fame and success comes when the latest release,Hero Rising: The Lost Legion, features a new playablecharacter based off of him, and his unique dance-like fighting style:
Trueto the name, his life is sent into a spin cycle after that.
Afew years pass, a new Hero Rising is released, and everyone isgushing over the new characters, and Twister gives up his place onthe cover art alongside the series “cornerstones” to give them achance to shine.
NewParagons are brought in as the old guard goes off to college, retiresfrom the business into different, less-demanding pursuits, or isquietly given a send-off as they simply aren’t as salable nor asgood as they were a few years ago.
Zephyrquickly realizes that while he’s still got it, these new kids areinsane, and have so many advantages he didn’t, like muchbetter nutrition, a much more generous school schedule, and havingthe infrastructure, the audience, and the sponsors for Hero RisingParagons already there, rather than helping spearhead them.
Hecontinues on, making less and less public appearances, awkwardlybeing one of the only adult Paragons in crowds increasingly filledwith little kids and teenagers, and new characters based off the newParagons get the spotlight.
“Everyonealready knows Twister, and played him to death in all the specialinstance maps, the players want someone new!”
Thedeath-knell of his career and the cold, hard slap from Reality comeswhen Twister is removed from the roster due to development costs, andthe fact that Zephyr’s fees and royalties were considered too highfor the relatively lower cost of a new, fresh face who the fans aremuch more eager to see digitized.
Heand Phoebus both find themselves facing obsolescence, being leftbehind by a world that has simply moved too fast for them and leftthem in its dust, as they were only ever good at one thing each:fighting, either real bad guys or fictional ones.
Andso, with Esmerelda’s love and support, the two go off to reeducatethemselves and train in the new industries and careers Auradondemands, incidentally becoming the inspiration for the blockbusterfeel good movie of eight years from this time of writing:
Thestory of how a father and son went back to college, forced to startfrom scratch in a brand new world, learning new tricks, makingstrange friends, and doing a whole lot of growing up they didn’tknow they still needed to do.
Nowonto Frollo:
Helaments his permanent loss of Esmerelda (unlike the other Villains,he harbours no fantasies of Claudine getting him off the Isle—notwhen there’s still so much Good Work to be done here in this landof Sinners and Nonbelievers), and takes the disastrous results of hisobsession and lusting after her as a cautionary tale, the catastrophethat befalls those who turn away from God and the Right Path, and howthey take the whole world down with them.
Publicly,he is “that” preacher yelling about modesty, the sanctity ofmarriage and sexuality, and how pretty much everyone on theIsle is damned for engaging in such scandalous, salacious acts likepremarital sex, sexual intercourse without the intention ofprocreation, and of course, homosexuality.
Privately,he seeks a form of redemption by raising a good, Christian child inClaudine, the child he would have born with Esmerelda and raised ifcircumstances had been different (yeee-eep), and is looking for awoman with whom he can have a much healthier relationship with, toshow someone from this Isle what marriage and the word “love”truly means than the perversion the Islanders have turned it into.
Asboth Claudine and Not Esmerelda will attest to, he’s failedmiserably on both counts, but as usual, is blissfully unaware ofeither.
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