#it is in fact an indictment of 'this weapon is your life.  don't lose it'
princesssarcastia · 2 years
i think the fundamental thing people forget about star wars, which would clear up some things for many people, is that luke skywalker is the hero of the story
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fedonciadale · 5 years
Hello. 2 days left till the 1st episode airs and I just wanna thank you for taking the time to answer your anons. Your meta's were always interesting to read and you've help make my first ever fandom experience wonderful. It's been a slippery rode for me. I've seen the potential of Jonsa since I first started watching GOT in season. I don't even know how many years ago that is, and proceeded to get lost in all the meta's and fan fiction. After season 6 the experience was only enhanced with all
(2) the new additions to the Jonsa fanbase. But ever since the s7 spoilers, I’ve been losing confidence in Jonsa and Jon, only it to pick up with any indiction of a Jonsa endgame and to fizzle out again soon after. Sophie Turners recent interview has been a downer to me. Either way though I reached the point long ago were I lost confidence in Jon, even if pol Jon is true I still think he fucked up bringing dragons to the north, the wall fell because of the Ice dragon and I’m pretty sure the dragons   
(3) will be making meals out of the Norths children. still he’s having joy rides on dragons and I don’t think the show will focus enough on the guilt and repentance that Jon should feel for failing the North and Starks. Jon is overrated, he fucked up, honestly he has done nothing strategical or politically right, all he does is fuck up and get lucky when other people come to save his life. It will be up to Sansa and Starks to clean up his fuck up again and like I said I don’t think Jon will be shown    
(4) to be guilty or repented enough to satisfy me. I just want Sansa to end up with at this point for the continuation of the Stark family and to rub salt on all the j0nerys. But I wouldn’t mind if Jon dies thereby officially and forever ending the Targ line and Sansa continues the Stark line on her own and find happiness. I just want Sansa to survive, live in winterfell and be loved for who she is as a first choice, not second or third choice like in the case of Jon.
Dear nonny,I am sorry, that you feel like that and in a way I can understand. I had shipped Sansa with happiness for a long time before I’ve shipped her with Jon and it is still my first Sansa ship do to say. I just think that her chances for happiness are very high with Jon. And as I have said before I don’t think that even if he fell for D, that there is no chance for Jonsa. It is possible to lose a partner and still have a deep and meaningful relationship and love after that. I don’t think that this is the case though. I do think that as @lady-in-a-song has argued Jon had a crush on Sansa before he left Winterfell. He would never have acted on it, and it might be one of the reasons, he joined the Night’s Watch. So Sansa is his first girl and his first choice. And now let me argue a bit in favour of Jon, who is my favourite character, even though I prefer BookJon. You have to admit that his choices are limited once he has arrived on Dragonstone and I refuse to blame the disaster of the Wight Hunt on him. That is D’s and Tyrion’s fault. He used the opportunity to get away from his prison and he is not to blame that D refused to do the right thing and help the people she claimed she wants to rule. When he awoke he was on a boat bound south, still with limited options. And he could see what the dragons can do to the Wights, a useful asset. Remember that he doesn’t really know about other possible actions - and neither do we, we just suspect that Bran is the solution but we don’t know yet how, and Jon knows less than we do, a very important fact to remember.Now you could argue that even though Jon had only limited choices after he became a prisoner, his mistake was to go to Dragonstone in the first place. And I agree that it was a leap of faith to accept the invitation, but it was not unjustified. Remember when Jon left he did not know Bran was alive and as far as he understood he needed weapons of fire against the WW. This is not unreasonable. And he knows dragons are dangerous but in a war where the fate of humanity is at stake you might want to use even risky weapons of it gives you an edge. Remember that many fans come to the same conclusion. I agree that dragons are probably too much trouble and I always wonder why no one talks about wildfire as a possible asset agsinst the WW, but still this what Jon knows. And a Targ with dragons is dangerous but maybe a little bit less than the WW. And you should also remember that this is what Jon does: He treads unknown paths, takes risks to achieve his goal. His whole story at the Wall is him taking risks and fighting with anything in his arsenal. We are talking about the man who entered the Wildlings’ camp to assassinate Mance (even if he was glad he didn’t need to). Now, on the show we have seen him do this twice. Reach out to enemies and join them to his cause. He came to the Freefolk at Hardhome, not only to rescue them, but also to prevent the WW getting them all as soldiers. And he did that. The Freefolk fought for him in the Battle of the Bastards - which was not even the fight they signed up for. He decided not to strip the Umbers and the Karstarks of their castles and titles - as it would have been the custom as a punishment for treason - but reached out to them. We don’t know the result of this yet, but judging from the faces of Alys Karstark and Ned Umber when they swore their oath, their loyalty won’t be a problem.So Jon goes to Dragonstone to do what he already did twice: Transform an enemy into an ally. And he has reason to think that it could work. a) It has worked out with the Freefolk b) he already has a person he knows on the other side: Tyrion, just like he already had a bond with Tormund. It is not Jon’s fault that Tyrion tricked him. Onky this time his hopes burn to ashes and his ship is taken and yet he does not give up. At Hardhome he had a tough time to persuade the Freefolk and yet he managed. So, he holds on to that and continues to try negotiations and persuasion. He must have been so frustrated in the cave. For a moment he thought he had D. In the end it looks to him like he has to sacrifice his personal happiness and his dignity and pledge to D to get her to fight. And he does just that. So that she will be invested and that he might use the dragons. You might argue that this is a mistake, but Jon has limited knowledge and limited choices. I don’t blame him. But I do think he needs to explain. And the things he does not know like RLJ will bite him in the ass. Other things he doesn’t know might actually be the solution: Bran will be the key to defeating the WW, I am sure, while the dragons will only have limited use. I don’t know if my argument convinces you, but think about it before you judge too harshly on Jon. Thanks for the ask!
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