#it is alll kinda complicated but i like it either way
storge · 2 years
Does GX admit she still loves Lu Chen early on or not answering his questions since she doesn't want to be with him again? I've heard great things about the drama and novel but don't know how soon she warms up to him from the clips I saw she seems pretty cold to him.
Hello there friend! First off.... I literallyyyyyyyy just heard it had a novel today lololol so I can't comment on anything in relation to it. I don't ever watch clips (unless someone shows me) so I can't help on that end either 😅😅. And you need to know that I only really like the Actors chemistry and what the show is trying to convey. The show as a whole I'm meh about.
Now to what you asked..
Imma be honest our couple isn't the saying "I Love you" kinda couple lolololol. Maybe later they will be, but it's more we know they love each other cause their actions and the way they talk to each other. Anything you might have saw are probably 1. out of context 2. Just the way the character is in the show. And as of 11 eps there is no real other person being pushed as a 2nd lead for either so you don't need to worry about that.
In regards to GX.. her admitting her feelings the leastttt of the problems in this drama, and imo she doesn't need to admit anything. Until i hear I<3U from LC... then will I want her declaration 😂. I don't find her cold at alll to him. And I don't remember her ever saying she didn't want to be with him. All the issues are on LC side that needs to be dealt with not GX. Right from the Beginning scene we and He see that she still cares about him. Throughout the whole 11 eps I've seen, I never think they aren't cold to each other. When together they act show and act like they care for the other. Complicated things happen yes, but if anything its LC who needs to express more. In the past 2 eps they are basically together and somewhat plotting a future once the complications get finished.
I hope this answered what you were looking for friend. Just give it try!!!! Nothing I can say will be as good as watching the first 3 eps yourself. 💖💖💖
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hellomisterriddle · 6 years
OC Questions Meme Pt.2
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Basil, again! (He’s with his crush and bff, Chad, here~) He’s one of the friendliest OCs i think i have
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
CANON!!! Canon the Librarian!! My sweet summer child ;o; Canon belongs to my gf, @captainha-ha​ and her story, Canon the Librarian. #LetCanonBeHappyForLongerThan5Minutes2k18
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
First that comes to mind is Galfar from The End. He’s a demon whose purpose is to basically be a troublemaker lol
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
oof which doesn’t lmao uhhhh okay let’s do Quinn Haphaz from Murders. 
So Quinn is a detective with the Dent City PD who basically got his job as a legacy--his dad was DCPD’s greatest detective. His dying wish was to the chief of the PD, and it was for Quinn to also be a detective. So the chief keeps him on the squad.
That being said...Quinn is the worst dectective on the force. He goes through partners like candy. All of them quit. Not bc Quinn is a dick or anything, he’s actually really sweet and caring, its cause he’s just...not the smartest guy. A magnet for trouble. He gets bullied by the rest of the department so much, he honestly doesn’t even realize its serious. He just thinks everyone is messing around. 
To top it off, his childhood wasn’t so great either. His dad who basically got him that job? He died when Quinn was 14. He made that promise to the Chief years before Quinn was even old enough to get the job. It was just him and his mother until she got cancer and died when he was 18. Not to mention the discrimination he’d face because he was mulitracial, his father was black and his mother korean. Quinn’s had it tough. But even though all that, he’s probably one of my most optimistic OCs. 
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Probably too much tbh lol cx
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
Sage Hawkins, she’s like a straight A student
17. Any OC OTPs?
They alll have someone, but OTPs?? Angel/Edward from It’s Complicated, Paragon/HotSpot from Neoapolis, and Basil/Chad from Notice Me
18. Any OC crackships?
LMAO oh yea. Its honestly an OTP of mine...Galfar/Canon, or GalCan Its only possible in AUs but oooooo i crave them LOL They came to be through an OC kiss meme I did that I was taken with once I drew it
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
I should have said this earlier, but Hester/HotSpot is gonna be coming up a lot lmao
That said, he’s definitely probably the OC that means a lot to me--like a lot a lot. In a way, he and I are basically the same person lmao I shoved a lot of what I hated about myself onto him, totally unconsciously at the time might i add!! So it shouldn’t have come to a surprise that I hated his fucking guts for the longest time lol like i legit hated him. I had plans of actually killing him off in the Neoapolis RP until my gf basically begged me to let him live. Reluctantly I did. But I also went a step forward and gave him a redemption arc.
Long story short, it took forever for me to realize that Hester was an extension of myself--of what I hated and eventually, of who I am and who I want to be as a person.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
I have several who can sing! DJ and Edward from It’s Complicated, Quinn from Murders, Sage from Notice Me, and Hester from Neo
Of all of them only a few are developed. Like--DJ, Edwards, and Sage have nice singing voices, but don’t really do anything beyond like
 humming to themselves or singing along to the radio. Well actually, Sage just doesn’t have time to do anything with her voice since she already does so much.
As for Quinn and Hester, Quinn has a sorta Rat Pack-esque voice and likes to sing those kinda songs too. He sings and hums during his free time both on and off the job. Friday nights he’ll go to this hole in the wall bar and sing for the patrons.
Hester, on the other hand, never gets to sing as much as he’d like. To keep up appearances, he doesn’t sing in public. He only sings at home and even then sometimes he only sings in his shower because he’s paranoid newsies have bugged his apartment. My HC voice for him is Matt Terry.
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perfectionistincrisis · 7 years
Day 70
Life is going on. With ups and downs. Good days and bad days. Well life is mostly grey for me. 
As every day passes, i just realize more and more how much i love him. I really dont want to bluff about it but I just couldnt stop from typing it out because the realization blows my mind away. And one big reason is because I would never do what i did, or can do for him, and no one will ever mean anything even remotely close to how much he meant to me and will always mean to me. 
This might all just sound like a cheesy note any person in love would say but Oh God! trust me, this is what comes to my head after quite a good number of not-so-nice crap i have in my big fat head. So yeah! thats how i just know. This is not ever going away. And if I ever got a chance to re-live, i wouldn’t have wanted to fall in love with anyone else, orrrrrrrrrrr id just wish I was alone. That’s pretty cool tooo!! lol 
Speaking of which. Yeah. I pretty much do enjoy my own company. I just dont like communicating much with people. for a lot of reasons actually. Well, to begin with. I believe im a really complicated person. LIke, everyone has their own story and theres something twisty about everyone and bla bla but then I really do thing Im just not that easy to understand, and to top all that, I dont even like opening up to people so thats more of a reason to not get me. I am kind of aware of the fact that i seem to have a lot of ego and seem to be filled with pride and arrogance. But thats not true, thats just how some people see me, and i cant blame them because i think that is something i mask myself with. However, many people do find me really sweet and all but whatever side anyone sees, its always clear, im not really interested in getting too close with anyone and that i appreciate my own space. Sometimes, i do wonder if i really do enjoy being on my own or i actually want some good friends. But then the thing is, i have really really good friends back from high school. the only thing is, theyre not in the same country, theyre far away. but then again, even when we were all on ksa, we still mostly communicated on social media and stuff so it shouldnt matter much i guess. what im trying to say is. despite all the misunderstanding people might have with me, or people actually finding me sweet or whatever. or me not liking them much or wanting them to be my friends or whatever. the thing is, its not that i dont have anyone at all. because i do have people who know me. they dont know every little detail about me though, and thats because i dont talk much to them either. but they know me as a person. like i dont need to kiss their ass to get their attention, i can be myself with them.. i can be mean, and rude, or not keep in touch or act like im full of ego, like im so full of my shit and theyd still accept me. because they know that thats just how i am. im not sugarcoated. 
But.. it still doesnt matter
What im saying is. I prefer sitting alone on my own. doing literally nothing. no phone. no laptop. no means of communication with the outside world OVER actually chatting with anyone. or even someone who knows me so well and is close to me. 
Ok man, i talk a lot! So yeah that’s the thing! but when we were together, i wouldve done anything to not miss a chance to talk to him lol - thats just an easy way to put it out there, that he was different. 
And also putting it out there how my life is right now. I prefer my own company. I dooooo badly wish i had a ‘partner’ though - an ‘eating partner’!!!!!! haha! I really wish i could go to restaurants with someone to try food randomly. But then. idk. i mean its not that easy to find someone who has the same love for food and aso someone whos willing to spend money to try food or someone whod be able to hang out with me. especially i dont even have any good friends in ksa right now Ugh
Another really important reason i dont like talking to people much is the commitment. I hate commitment!!!!!!! And when i say commitment i dont even mean something serious like being in some relationship. i mean.. even the smallest commitment. like when you even knock someone and the person expects you to reply fast. Like okay give me a break! We dint exchange vows or something, yth do i need to reply fast. or whyd you even expect me to reply fast like idk. do people just pause their lives and just talk to other people? bleh Im not even ready for that so yeah! 
buttttttttt then again - with him. it was SO different. but like i said. it was only him!!!!
Something cool was the fact that i had a dream of him the other day. we never met each other f2f after our last conversation, so him in my dream was the first time we met f2f which wasnt actual anyways!!! But!!! I was so full of attitude. Like I could totally see my facial expressions and go like. “Oh God Youuu” to myself! Im usually full of attitude in front of other guys, if i ever am, which is kinda rare. just saying! 
So i read his post about him going to bd and stuff, and i wont even lie about how i totally never like that. but then this time its different obviously. In many ways though. One way to look at it is how i just remembered about the time when he was in bd last year! ~~~ And the award for the roughest of all times goes to!!!! 
Now comes the part were I actually give the reason why I dont blog much! Well tbh i want to blog all the time. But then!!!! Who am i kidding???? Its obviously cause I want him to read my post and blabla so yeah I dont! I mean. I really want to, but i dont. The same way. Forget blogging man. I mean. In this generation, with all these advancements and i say, no barrier at all. If we could decide like two mature adults to stop talking for nothing but good intentions then i sure as hell can keep myself from blogging about every little thing, and keep my shit together, and only blog when my mind and my heart says that i got it in my hands and im not going to screw up! 
and so that would mean that anything i post about, is just a very little, incomplete detail of the entire story and i almost always will sugarcoat it a million times and put it up here! 
but like i said - every thing just ends with me realizing how in love i am with him and as long as that is how it ends, i like it. 
So “losing weight” is like the --aim of my life-- right now. Just that its so boring oh maa gawd - and so i end up watching suits. which is soooooo niiiceeeeee omgg. And i actually love the couple there. Mike & Rachel! - oh and also its kinda funny to me idk why but whenever i see any couple onscreen that i like, my inner me kinda teases me going like “sarah, you loser!!!!!” and then i look down from the screen for a second or two like an actual loser would doo and then yeah i just “laugh it away” - like silently! ~ No hard feelings!
umm.so yeah i was saying. The main thing is losing weight and i want to lose one kg a week WHICH I AM NOT BY THE WAY. so i kind of get sad from time to time and all, and then idk get ok with it, and then sad again and alll that. and then battling myself against food is there. Today though i kind of figured out that if i watch suits while on the treadmill ill kinda stay distracted, and it wont be boring anymore and ill be able to go somewhere i guess. 
so theres around 9 weeks left for uni to open and i wish vacation never ended but yeah lets just face reality. And about my brother, 6 weeks left.   So that means I wna lose around 9 kgs before uni reopens but its smart to kind of plan a bit more than you actually want so that if you dont totally achieve your goal youll still land somewhere good. if you know what i mean. 
Now there is a lot i want to say. SO muchh. But I cant be fooling myself. It would obviously be for him only. So Ill just hold everything back in!!!!!! 
But one thing I want the world to know
Everyone has their own problems and their own imperfection and perfections and whatever. But ever since I had my eyes on him, i knew he was different. infact that is exactly why i liked him in the first place. I dont wna go in depth with this but ill just say it in the simplest way I can. 
When I was with him, yes, I did pray for a fairytale story. But not an actual one. because those dont exist. I had my own modified version of a fairytale ending. And in their, everything was not perfect. Everyone was not perfect. there was pain, there were people who didnt know what they were worth. All I ever wanted is to be the person to be ale to mend hearts, to help someone find their way out from the sufferings, to be a part of someone happiness. And even though we are not together right now. I wish the same. I just wanted it to be through me before. Now it doesnt necessarily need to be, cause it definitely will be coming from Allah both ways inshaAllah. 
I pray he gets to see what I see in him. And what people see in him. And most importantly, what he sees in himself but fails to value at times. 
P.S. My family is excluded from consideration in this post. when i talk about people, i mean everyone else except my family.  --ALSOOOOO-- I just randomly sat down at 5am and decided to blog today and so i sat with my laptops and this is all what flowed outta me! 
A totally random post! 
BUT i do wna mention how the tumblr app on my phone s.u.c.k.s. Cant give notifications properly *&^&%&^$%&%*^(0
Bye c: 
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bad-draft-stuff · 5 years
Fate Goes (to deal with a spooky ghost)
Sheepy: Kintoki: --So basically this board is gonna talk to us? That's golden! Oh, but...since when could wood talk? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: That was not why I brought it up... But wood cannot speak. Sheepy: Kintoki: So what do we do, huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I'm not quite sure myself, outside of the movie tropes. Sheepy: Izou: Just kick it around enough and it'll talk! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: That will not work. Sheepy: Izou: How do you know? I don't see you kicking anything! Sheepy: Kintoki: Are there instructions? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Probably. Check in the box. Sheepy: *Kintoki searches for instructions* Sheepy: Izou: Aw man! I hate reading! ArsĂ©-kun: *there are instructions!* Sheepy: *Kintoki pulls them out of the box* ArsĂ©-kun: *yknow the tiny text board game instructions? it's like that* Sheepy: Kintoki:...... Sheepy: Kintoki: *squint* ...... ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: .... If it gives you problems, I will do it. Sheepy: Kintoki:....This ain't golden at all! Who would write so tiny?! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Big corporations. Pass it over. Sheepy: Izou: You want the words to be big? Then you gotta read more! Because there's more pages! Sheepy: *Kintoki hands it over* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Appreciated. *he adjusts his glasses and starts reading it aloud* Sheepy: *Kintoki waits. Izou seems impatient.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... "Sit opposite another player or gather around the board if more than two are playing." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: "Set the Ouija board either on the player's laps or on a small table within reach of the players." "Additional players are encouraged to look on and take note of the Ouija board's responses." Oh, here we go, here's what we actually need. "Set the Planchette in the center of the Ouija board. Place two fingers lightly on the Planchette. Now concentrate." ArsĂ©-kun: *he rolls his eyes, then continues reading* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: "Players take turns asking questions and all should agree to the question being asked. Ask only one question at a time. Ask your questions slowly and clearly. And wait to see what the Planchette spells out for you. If nothing happens, try asking another question. Allow one to five minutes for an answer to come." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: How fantastically vague. *he throws the instructions over his shoulder* ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, Mephisto's as far away from the board as he can be, and under like 3 blankets but still watching. He's not going to correct any of that information, because what if they actually manage it?? No thanks* Sheepy: Izou: Can't we just move it? Sheepy: Kintoki: I think that would be cheating. Sheepy: Izou: Let's just try it! Sheepy: Izou: I'll have a story to tell over booze! Sheepy: Kintoki: The planchette is this guitar pick lookin' thing, yeah? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Yes, that'd be it. Sheepy: *Kintoki puts it on the board* ArsĂ©-kun: *... Nothing happens* Sheepy: Kintoki: Now we just ask questions, huh? It ain't doin' a thing. Sheepy: Kintoki: What do we ask? Sheepy: Izou: You forgot to concentrate. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: We haven't all reached the damn thing yet! Sheepy: Kintoki: Yeah...that is necessary, isn't it. Sheepy: Izou: What? I've gotta touch it too? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Yes. Everyone involved has to. Sheepy: Izou: Who's gonna stab the ghost if it pulls somethin', huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Whoever is able to! Sheepy: Izou: So the clown will.. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Sure! I'll stab a ghost if it means it goes away! Sheepy: Izou: Good, don't mess it up! Sheepy: *Izou puts two fingers on the planchette* ArsĂ©-kun: *Poor Andersen has to reach ALLL the way over to do the same. These giants and their giant tables. At this rate, he'd have to use his book as a booster seat.* Sheepy: *poor andersen* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: The best thing to do is make sure nothing's already on the damn thing. The last thing we need is anyone getting fucked over. Sheepy: Izou: What's that supposed to mean? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I mean that there could already be a ghost in it. Sheepy: Izou: How d'ya check that? Sounds too complicated! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Ask it? Hell if I know. Those instructions sucked. Sheepy: Kintoki: Like that ghost friend Moose had? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: He would be the best possible option, so of course that won't happen. Sheepy: Kintoki:...Alright! "Is this board already occupied?" ArsĂ©-kun: *.... Nothing is happening. The planchette twitches slightly, but that could easily have just been someone's hand.* Sheepy: Kintoki:...What're we doin' wrong? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: It DID say to wait a few minutes! ArsĂ©-kun: *... Yeah, nothing's happening. So either there is no spooky ghost, or they're just not answering.* Sheepy: Izou: Now what? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Try something else? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I'm just here for the experience. Assassin, do you have anything to ask? Sheepy: Izou: Uhhh... Sheepy: Izou: When's this ghost gonna show up? Can it answer that? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I suppose? Sheepy: Izou: Hey, ghost, when are you gonna respond to us? ArsĂ©-kun: *The planchette abruptly jerks towards the numbers on the board. 1. It doesn't move again* Sheepy: Izou: !? Sheepy: Kintoki: Oh, it moved! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: So it did... *he can BARELY reach it anymore. he is on his toes reaching across the table. being short is suffering and i... keep forgetting he's 4'10. long table.* Sheepy: Izou: Why'd it do that, huh?! That ain't right! Sheepy: Kintoki: It's gotta be the ghost! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Most likely. Sheepy: Kintoki: Now what? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: We should have really thought this through prior. Sheepy: *Something is dripping on Mephisto in the background* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: ....? *he peeks out of the blankets. What is it, a leaky pipe?* Sheepy: *..But nothing seems to be on the ceiling...* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: :< Sheepy: *....Is it just your imagination, Mephisto, or is one of your blankets slowly leaving you? Like it's being tugged at...* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: *mmmnope. He just jams his scissors through all three blankets and into the floor. Pinned down. Nope. He is not dealing with this* Sheepy: *Something is moving underneath the blankets with Mephisto...* ArsĂ©-kun: *And it isn't Ticking-kun, because she's over THERE, on the table.* Sheepy: *Whatever it is is cold and damp.* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: :<<<<<< Sheepy: *...But there doesn't seem to be anything there.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen notices this and just. Stays silent.* Sheepy: *Something begins to wrap its cold, damp fingers around the back of Mephisto's neck. It's whispering ominously into his ear. Is it speaking German?* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto yelps in panic and bolts out of his protected space to hide behind Kintaro. bad tuch, bad tuch* Sheepy: Kintoki: Eh?! Moose?! What's up? Sheepy: *Rider pops out of the blankets, cackling. No noise comes out but he's clutching his stomach as he imitates laughter...* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: ...!! Sheepy: Rider: "You're fun!" Sheepy: Kintoki: Rider! Don't scare Moose like that! That's not golden! Sheepy: Izou: Huh, he kinda looks like a spider. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Wichser, Hohlkopf, Arschgesicht! *he's mad as hell!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Ticking-kun does nothing. she tuch the game box. tuch* Sheepy: Rider: "I have no head!" ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: No shit? Sheepy: Rider: "Then how is it full of air?!" ArsĂ©-kunSheepy: Rider:....... Sheepy: Rider:............... Sheepy: *Rider pats at his neck area* Sheepy: Rider:......?!?!: Mephi: It's just air on your shoulders, isn't it?? Sheepy: Rider:....... Sheepy: Rider:............... Sheepy: *Rider pats at his neck area* Sheepy: Rider:......?!?! Sheepy: Rider: "...Yes." ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Case closed, creep. Next episode, I might bomb you by accident! ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen has let go of the planchette to watch this nonsense. It was starting to hurt reaching across the table like reaching for the end of a chapter before a deadline* Sheepy: Rider: "I might slip up. You'll be the airhead then." ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: And you'll be on the walls as a decoration! What's your point? Sheepy: Rider: "I'm only one part of a unit." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Baby fight. Intense. Sheepy: Izou: Oh, I'll fight both of you! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I'm not fighting you again! You can fight the ghost-dog combo yourself! Sheepy: Izou: Hah! You're afraid! You should be! Sheepy: Izou: I'M THE STRONGEST!!! Ahahahahahaha!!!! ArsĂ©-kun: *Poor Kintaro is the only one left touching the planchette. He isn't moving it, but it suddenly moves to the S?* Sheepy: Kintoki:? Sheepy: Kintoki: Hey, that's Z. ...No, S? ArsĂ©-kun: *It spins under his hand like a goddamn fidget spinner. That is the only way I can describe it, I hate the internet. No, it is not supposed to do that.* Sheepy: Kintoki: Oh, it's spinning. S stands for spin! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: what the Fuck? The fuck? *he climbs onto the table to see better.* That is an S, sure, but what is going on? Sheepy: Kintoki: Is this not supposed to happen? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: No? No one has asked anything and you're the only one holding it. Unless we've got something on the line? Sheepy: Kintoki: Like what, a ghost? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: It's possible, if it isn't this one fucking with us. *he looks towards Rider* Sheepy: Rider: "Don't look at them. Look at me. Ouija boards are temporary. The real deal is forever." ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I for one also prefer you over dialing random ghost numbers! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Perhaps... *he sets his book down and opens it to a clean page, and puts his quill on the board* Would our spirit prefer to write over this barbaric spelling process? Sheepy: Kintoki: Barbearic... ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: It's far too slow. Sheepy: Kintoki: It's got to do with bears, huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: oh, my god. ArsĂ©-kun: *the quill moves an inch. it's picked up- and promptly dropped again.* Sheepy: Rider: "I can do that too." ArsĂ©-kun: *The quill is picked up a second time, and this time is able to write a response.* ArsĂ©-kun: ghost: *they're writing in some fancy ye olde script, but not too olde* "Do be quiet, you lucky servant vessel. Not all of us are fortunate enough to live a second time." Sheepy: Kintoki: Who's that to? ArsĂ©-kun: ghost: "The headless spirit with you. I have no problems with you.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... Rider, this spirit told you to shut up. Sheepy: Rider: "You have a few details wrong." Sheepy: Rider: "#1: I'm not a Servant." Sheepy: Rider: "#2: Just hitchhike on a Servant or multiple phantoms to be able ti function like a Servant." ArsĂ©-kun: ghost: "Considering who my frame of reference is, I will apologize for any mistakes made. Except for" *the next word is written in big, printed letters* "H I M" Sheepy: Rider: "It's fine, but you can't join Hessian Lobo. Lobo eats phantoms." Sheepy: Kintoki: H....I....M. Oh, him! Sheepy: Kintoki: I'm golden at reading! Sheepy: Izou: Eh? Yer not joking, are you? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I'm more concerned who "Him" is. Are we speaking with the same spirit that used this board last time? ArsĂ©-kun: ghost: "Yes, actually." Sheepy: Rider: "What? But I'm the ghost of the house along with Lobo." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I said the board, not the whole house, you selfish ingrate. Sheepy: Rider: "It's in the house..." ArsĂ©-kun: ghost: "This may not be my territory, but something that belongs to me happens to be present." ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: y'know I'm really not feeling this anymore Sheepy: Izou: What, him? The clown's yer Servant, eh? Sheepy: Izou: He turned me into a dog! Sheepy: Izou:.... Sheepy: Izou: I got better. ArsĂ©-kun: ghost: "HE KILLED ME." *he stops writing in script again.* "HE KILLED ME HE KILLED ME" Sheepy: Izou: That's rough, buddy. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: diiiiiiiiiiid nooooooot! *but he still backs FAR away from the table* I did noooooottt! Sheepy: Izou: Wanna talk about it over booze? ArsĂ©-kun: ghost: "Were I not dead, I would consider your gracious offer." Sheepy: Rider: "Oh, you're full of hate, huh." Sheepy: Rider: "You'd qualify for Hessian Lobo then..." Sheepy: Izou: Yeahhh, let's go get drunk! Sheepy: Izou: Go get yourself summoned and we'll drink the night away! Then we'll be stupidly hungover! ArsĂ©-kun: ghost: "I treated my creation with care and affection and THIS IS HOW I WAS REPAID I WAS KILLED FOR BEING KIND" Sheepy: Rider: *thinking* Sheepy: Izou: If you give me money I could deal with him. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Izou? You're an Assassin, yeah? Sheepy: Izou: Yeah? Sheepy: Izou:...What? Sheepy: Izou: No I'm not. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... He is a Caster. Are you following? Sheepy: Izou: My class is Manslayer! Sheepy: Izou: But, yeah, he's a Caster. So what? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I'm going to write a children's novel with you as comic relief at this rate, shut up. Casters do double damage to Assassins. Sheepy: Izou: Uhuh, and? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: So if you attack him, he'll kill you easily. Sheepy: Izou: Hah. Sheepy: Izou:.... ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: So what should you do? Sheepy: Izou: Hah! Go for the heart! ArsĂ©-kun: ghost: "DO IT" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *He swats the quill away* Sir Faust, you're not helping much. Sheepy: Izou: But how much am I getting paid? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: This is a ghost. Why would a ghost materialize with cash on it??? Sheepy: Izou: I guess I'd do a favor for Master alone, but that'd be like a birthday gift. Sheepy: Izou: What? You sure are dumb, just like me! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: H-hey, Satoru likes me, thank you very much!! *he's gone back to his blanket stronghold* He wouldn't like me dying much! Sheepy: Izou: You go to a store and buy food! You gotta spend money for it. You don't just take it! Sheepy: Izou: That's stealing! Sheepy: Izou: When you make someone draw a picture, you pay em! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You one-braincelled troglodyte, you cannot be paid by a ghost that has no cash. Sheepy: Izou: So what, he's gonna pay me in exposure?! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: He never said he would pay you at all. You made the offer. Sheepy: Izou: You pay me in exposure enough and I'll die from exposure! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: But fuck if I don't relate to that. Sheepy: Izou: Well, he shouldn't have implied that he hates the clown around a Manslayer then, huh! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: "I can do it perfectly well myself, thank you. I do appreciate the eagerness to murder a TRAITOROUS HOMUNCULUS" Sheepy: Izou: Homunculus? He ain't that big. Sheepy: Izou: He's like so-so, huh? Not even tall. Definitely not homunculus. Sheepy: Kintoki: You mean humongous? Sheepy: Izou: I'm dumb! Stop making fun of me for it! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: If anyone is getting a drink after this, it's going to be me. I am losing brain cells as you speak. Sheepy: Izou: Let's get drunk! Sheepy: Izou: You can pay for the booze! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: With what? My late paycheck, or my pocket money?? Sheepy: Izou: Either one! Sheepy: Izou: I've got two dollars and a lottery ticket! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Oh, I also have pocket lint. Sheepy: Izou: Oh, I've got a button! Sheepy: Rider: "You know, I almost feel bad for you..." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: We're very poor. Sheepy: Rider: "You chose the worst ouija board to haunt." Sheepy: Izou: Oh, oh, I know! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: "It does seem that way, but it is the closest one to my target." Sheepy: Izou: Let's make that gold guy buy booze! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: He has some ancient wine. It's to die for. Sheepy: Izou: I'm sure he has enemies he wants out of the way. Hahaha! Sheepy: Izou: I know just the man to do it! Me! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Half the house will be dead by tomorrow at that rate. Sheepy: Izou: Whaaaat? Why? Sheepy: Izou: I can't kill anyone Master likes because he already lets me eat out of the trash. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: He hates people. He's a no good, obnoxious, stubborn, selfish, immoral, *this list goes on for some time. andersen has some salt.* Sheepy: Izou: But I'm sure the clown could be an exception of enough money went behind it. Sheepy: Izou: Hahaha! My genius impresses even myself! Yeah, that gold guy is the perfect client! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I'm feeling a bit unsafe here! Sheepy: Izou: What? Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I dunno, maybe it's the guy who wrongfully wants to kill me and also you! Sheepy: Izou: That sounds like a you problem. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: G-good point! Sheepy: Kintoki: Don't worry, Moose, I'll protect you! It can be a we problem. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: "I have already told you that I don't wish to attack you. Just him." Sheepy: Kintoki: ....*squint* Sheepy: Kintoki:....It's too complicated! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: "You are fine. He is not." Sheepy: Kintoki: Huh... Sheepy: Izou: So, what are you gonna do? Sheepy: Izou: Throw a pen at him? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: "Don't mind if I do". Sheepy: Izou: Great. ArsĂ©-kun: *The quill gets thrown at Mephisto. It kinda just lands as a feather would next to him. This wasn't thought out.* ArsĂ©-kun: *... Andersen's book is quietly closed. No comment from Faust about that dumb move.* Sheepy: Izou: Hah? Sheepy: Izou: It closed. Sheepy: Izou: Anyway, if you can get money I’ll do it for you. ArsĂ©-kun: *It would be implied that Faust is absolutely staring at Izou- How did someone survive while being this stupid?- But there's no real way to show that. Unfortunately.* ArsĂ©-kun: *... And that's it? Nothing else seems to be happening.* Sheepy: *Rider gets comfortable in the nearest chair. His tendrils are twitching expectantly...* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: But you can get more money from gambling first! Buy the entire bar with your winnings! *Now that the ghost threat has subsided, he's back to normal and loud* Sheepy: Izou: I'm dumb so I never win! Sheepy: Izou: Actually, I tried playing poker with Master and I lost...hah, maybe he could help me! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Maybe I could help you too! I'm a pretty good dealer, if you catch my drift! Sheepy: Izou: Ha ha ha! See?! I'm a genius! Look at me! I'm so smart! Sheepy: Izou: What a great idea I have! ArsĂ©-kun: *Being Andersen is suffering.* Sheepy: Izou: ...Eh? What's dealin' gotta do with gamblin'? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Ignore him. It was an idea, certainly. Sheepy: Izou: Yeah! He can tell me what to do 'nd stuff! Sheepy: Izou:...But that'd take away all the fun, I guess. Sheepy: Izou: 'nd he's kinda too big to try to sneak him in, huh? Sheepy: Izou:..... Sheepy: Izou: *thinking, but barely* Sheepy: Izou: He could qualify as a youthful 21 year old, yeah? Just flip his age and he's good! ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto is considering getting a job as a dealer. It'd bring in money...* Sheepy: Izou: Not everybody outgrows being short. Take you for an example! Sheepy: Izou: A youthful 90 year old! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I was summoned in a child body, I can assure you I grew up normally! Sheepy: Izou: What?? Why'd you go 'nd do a dumb thing like that for? Sheepy: Izou: Bein' an adult means you can drink as much as you want, throw up, and drink some more without people lookin' at you funny. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I didn't do it! Some shitty cow-titted nun did it... I'd kill to drink myself into that sort of state. Sheepy: Izou: People must make fun of you a lot for it, huh? Haha! Well, no longer! *chest puff* You don't gotta worry about that 'nymore! Sheepy: Izou: I like you, so if people try makin' fun of you, my sword will be the last thing they see! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Perhaps I will back you up in turn. Sheepy: Izou: Good! You gotta pitch in if you wanna see results! Sheepy: Rider:....... ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, Kintaro's just been staring at the board. He's gonna learn all these letters! All of them!* Sheepy: *Good job! Rider may or may not be staring at it too.* Sheepy: *Rider has his fingers wrapped around the handle of his weapon, although he's otherwise relaxed...* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: And what are you looking at, comedian Avenger? What are you waiting for? Sheepy: Rider:........... Sheepy: Rider: "You should know, o Human Observer." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I can't read minds, ethereal or not! Sheepy: Rider: “It isn’t obvious...?” ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Explain it to me like I'm the age I appear to be. Sheepy: Rider: "Look at the other Rider." ArsĂ©-kun: *This means Andersen actually has to turn around on the table to look, because Kintaro is behind him.* Sheepy: Rider: *he waits* ArsĂ©-kun: *Aaaand after a moment or so of observation, he turns back around* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... We're not doing anything about this? Sheepy: Rider: ...... Sheepy: Izou: About what? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Stuff and things. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: ?? Sheepy: Rider: "What is there to do? I could deal with him, but the mess would stain." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Well, yes, that is an option. We could manually do it as well, but that isn't a guaranteed solution and I'm not in the mood for bloodying my shirt. Sheepy: Rider: "We can just watch. If he's a Servant worth his salt he can hold his own ground. Defend himself." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: That's not fair. Class disadvantage. Sheepy: Rider: *he claps his hands* Sheepy: Izou: Eh, what is it? Sheepy: Rider: *he pulls out a few bills and gestures to Kintoki* Sheepy: Izou:...And you said ghosts don't have money... But this ain't much... ... Eh, it's an easy job! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: H-hey, wait, what are we doing? Are we committing crimes? *he "casually" joins this discussion, just kinda floating into frame* Lets commit a robbery! Sheepy: Izou: Oh, he's paying me to assassinate Golden over here. Sheepy: Rider: "We let him get messy and then blame him for the mess." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I doubt we can get away with that, but you can certainly try. Sheepy: Rider: "You got any better ideas?" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: We explain to the Masters what happened before we can actually get in trouble for it. That way, we're seen as trustworthy rather than scumbags. ArsĂ©-kun: *Kintaro's been silent this entire time, just watching them and pocketing the planchette* Sheepy: Rider:...... ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ...... ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... ... Okay, so I'm thinking the aggression is still being aimed, so we'll be okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto tilts his head in the background* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Good luck, clown, you'll need it. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: ???????? ???????? ArsĂ©-kun: *... And Mephisto gets Quick Crit straight in the torso. Bye mephisto. Bye! Rest in shit!* Sheepy: Izou: Eh? Sheepy: Izou: Huh.... Sheepy: Izou:..... Sheepy: Izou: *he unsheaths his sword* It's nothin' personal! ArsĂ©-kun: *Kintaro looks Mildly Distressed after socking a clown. But only a little. Why did he do that? Also, Izou is ignored* Sheepy: Izou: *he activates his Manslayer skill before going in for the kill!* Sheepy rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 20 Sheepy: *Izou stabs Kintoki through the chest, accompanied by loud, terrible laughter. Blood splatters on Andersen. The sword is twisted before being pulled out, the laughing continuing. Blood drips from Izou's sword and hand. BAR BREAK!* Sheepy: Rider:........"I didn't expect you to work so...efficiently." Sheepy: Izou: Aaahahahaha! You see that, you see that?! I'm real strong! I'm a prodigyyy! Hahahahahahaha! ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen just looks fucking miserable. More than usual. He JUST showered.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Everyone is ignoring- or unable to see- the big fucking ghost that's now there. Faust has enough mana to materialize! elloo, big, nonspecial skelly-ghost, nobody likes you, sir.* ArsĂ©-kun: *except mephi for obvious reasons* Sheepy: Rider:....."But your work isn't done yet." Sheepy: Rider: "Now what? I guess we have to pitch in..." Sheepy: Rider: "...But there's no head I'm interested in..." ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: "Do not. You are not my enemy." Sheepy: Rider:.... Sheepy: Rider: "Problematic..." Sheepy: Rider: "I should do something..." Sheepy: Rider: *he relaxes some* Sheepy: Rider: "But you aren't threatening Master... so why should I?" ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: "I only have a single target, I assure you. I have already ensured the Rider-class servant will survive." Sheepy: Rider: "Go ahead." ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: *he's taken this time to barricade himself, and his blankets, into the closet. goodbye* I'm feeling a bit attacked here! Sheepy: Izou: Why? The Rider's dead. *he nudges Kintoki with his foot* Entirely unresponsive. Sheepy: Izou: What's he gonna do, bleed on you? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *he's since wiped his glasses off, so he can SEE* You're missing the subtext. To be fair, I've also missed most of it now. Sheepy: Izou: What'd you go do somethin' like that for, huh? Sheepy: Izou: You smart people should pay more attention to yer surroundin's... instead of thinkin' and bein' in yer brain all the time! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... How do I pay attention to visual cues when I literally cannot see due to blood you splattered on me?? Sheepy: Izou: That sounds like a you problem. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: That is fair. Sheepy: Izou: Do better next time for we dumb people, yeah? If yer gonna be smart, at least make yerself useful too. Sheepy: Izou:....But what, is there somethin' I should be worryin' about? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: They're... Making a deal, it seems like. Sheepy: Izou: Eh? About that clown? Sheepy: Izou: He's smart, right? Why doesn't he just go into that whole room of armed people? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Because that would reveal weakness. Or something, I don't know. Panic makes one less bright. Sheepy: Izou: If they kill him, he's spared getting killed by a ghost, and if he's spared, they could kill the ghost for him. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Oh, you mean the knights? They probably have their own problems by now. Sheepy: Izou: So he can just perish... Sheepy: Izou: That works. Sheepy: Izou: I was only paid to kill this Rider here... Sheepy: Izou: Oh, since the ghost is solid now, he can pay me to off the clown! Sheepy: Izou: Then we can go drinking! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... *he casts his NP. free hp regen. take it, everybody.* Sheepy: Izou: Oh, I feel all tingly... ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: That's normal. Sheepy: Izou: Heh...I feel stronger, too! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You're welcome. Sheepy: Izou: You can pay me to fight this ghost. Sheepy: Izou: Or maybe...if I fight it, you'll pay me later! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I'll pay you later. Like I said, haven't gotten my paycheck yet. ArsĂ©-kun: *Faust has thrown open the closet to fight Mephisto, but he is already gone. Somehow. Spooky.* Sheepy: Izou: What? Really now... Alright, ghost. *he turns to Faust, wiping the blood on his sword onto his clothing* C’mon, c’mon, fight me! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I am not fighting you. Sheepy: Izou: Gyahahaha! You smart people are cowards! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I am not potentially losing a solid materialization merely because you want to hit me. Sheepy: Izou: I did you give a warning! Sheepy: Izou: *he lunges for Faust, going to stab him!* ArsĂ©-kun: *It connects!! The ghost has been stabbed. Great work Izou. No Manslayer bonus.* Sheepy: *Izou cackles while pulling the sword straight up!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Izou continues to throw a physical object around inside a ghost. I mean, it's damage, sure, but nothing astounding. Faust is just staring.* Sheepy: Izou: ..... Sheepy: Izou: ? Sheepy: *Izou tries stabbing him a few more times before inspecting his sword* Sheepy: Izou: Yer not bleedin’... it’s not doin’ a thing.... ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... I'm already dead, child. Sheepy: Izou: Eh? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: What did you think a ghost was? Sheepy: Izou: What’d you do a dumb thing like dying for?? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Because that traitor killed me! Sheepy: Izou: Eeeeehhhh.... Sheepy: Izou: ....What, did he turn YOU into a dog? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I wish that had been it. No, my entire lab was blown up. Sheepy: Izou: Well, he turned me into a dog! Sheepy: Izou: ...I got better. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I would certainly hope so. Sheepy: Izou: So why’d he blow up your lab? Sheepy: Izou: As a prank? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Highly likely. Sheepy: Izou: Heh... he’s really... Sheepy: Izou: .....*he pauses* What’s the word? Sheepy: Izou: Sufferable... Sheepy: Izou: But you can’t kill him ‘cuz he’s a Seevant... ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I am the one who created him, and I know how he functions. I can certainly kill him and I certainly will! Sheepy: Izou: Naw, that’s not what I meant. Sheepy: Izou: What are you gonna do, remove him from the throne? Sheepy: Izou: I’m dumb so I don’t get this stuff, but you should. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I can certainly try. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... I did not actually plan this far ahead, admittedly. My plans reached "killing his earthly vessel" and then tapered off. Sheepy: Izou: That’s the job of someone who doesn’t care. Sheepy: Izou: For someone who does, well, it’s only knocking out the Servant they hate, not taking them out entirely... Sheepy: Izou: You should think next time. There’s enough dumb people in yhe world, we don’t need one more. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... Hm. Perhaps. Sheepy: Izou: So maybe before actin’ rash, think it through, have a beer or two, and them take him out of the throne. Don’t just go for the physical embodiment. He’ll be more guarded next time. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... And you mean to tell me that you're not intelligent? Sheepy: Izou: Eh? I’m really dumb. That’s what smart people tell me. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Said nobody ever. *He's resorted to sitting on Kintaro's stomach to try and revive him with a little electric fan* Absolutely no one has directly said "You're stupid" outside of the antagonists. Sheepy: Izou: Whaaaat? Sheepy: Izou: Why would they call me dumb if I’m not dumb? Sheepy: Izou: Heh. I’m prideful about my stupidity! Sheepy: Izou: Being stupid means you don’t laugh at people. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... ... Anyway Sheepy: Izou: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I had something relevant to say before I forget. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Look, you uninformed spectral lack of common sense, *he is speaking to Faust now,* If that clown is the one who did it, he'd spend his life bragging about it- oh no Sheepy: *There's a blood chilling howl, full of hatred and anger!* Sheepy: *Rider has mounted Lobo, who is holding Rider's weapon in his mouth!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Dr. Jack is here too! ... Not that anyone knows that.* Sheepy: Izou: So the clown didn't do it...eh? Who rides a dog? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Don't be fooled- Lobo is the one in charge. Sheepy: Izou: So Lobo is actually riding the rider? How's that work? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: No, no. Lobo just says what to do. Sheepy: *Lobo faces Faust and snarls. Something about his expression is not just full of malice but hungry-looking as well! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... ... Sheepy: Izou: How's a dog do that? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I don't know. I don't care. It's some Avenger bullshit. Sheepy: Izou: Avenger...like the shadow? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Yes, like Angra. Sheepy: *Lobo hungrily lunges at Faust! However, despite his efforts, he doesn't quite connect.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Faust managed to get out of the way in time! With a very literal threat to his existence present, he decides enough is enough and bails. Where to? Back to wherever he came from! The planchette falls out of Kintaro's pocket, cracked. Good-bye.* Sheepy: Lobo: *he approaches the planchette and sniffs at it. he decides it's not that interesting and begins sniffing around the room as dogs do* Sheepy: Izou: Where'd he go? Sheepy: Izou: Do I still get paid? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Yes. You will still be paid for your removal services. Sheepy: Izou: Good. ArsĂ©-kun: *Very, very slowly, Mephisto re-enters the scene by the window. It is clearly and wholly unnecessary* Sheepy: Izou: Oh, you again? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Is he gone? Sheepy: Lobo: *he stares at Mephisto* Sheepy: Izou: This dog tried to eat him and he disappeared into that broken thing. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Neat! Fantastic, I am free of his bullshit!! *hooray!* Sheepy: Izou: Heh, he implied I was smart... 'cause I stated the obvious. Sheepy: Izou: You got ants, you don't kill each individual ant. You kill the queen. Same deal here. Doesn't take a genius to realize that. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Yeah, he's like that! Sheepy: Izou: Anyway, you know who blew up his lab? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: If I knew, he'd be the first to know! Followed by you, and everybody else! Sheepy: Izou: Hey, doggy, do you know? ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: He doesn't know shit! Sheepy: Izou: Did you ask him Sheepy: Lobo: *he's chewing on an unconscious Kintoki at this point* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Lobo, no!! Sheepy: Lobo: *he lets goes and just stares* Sheepy: Izou: 'Cause dogs sniff stuff, right? So maybe he sniffed the culprit. Sheepy: Lobo: ? Sheepy: Izou:...Maybe ask that Holmlock Shears guy. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: That's what I was thinking! Sheepy: Izou: Eh...no, wait. Ain't it Herlock Sholmes? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Close enough! Sheepy: Izou: Whatever, go ask him. Sheepy: Izou: If you think I know anythin', you're dumber than me. Sheepy: Izou: C'mon, c'mon, let's ger a move on. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Then go. Shoo. Get moving. Sheepy: *Izou drags Mephisto out* ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen gets up and takes off his shoe to smack Rider with. hecc u* Sheepy: Rider: "Why?" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You could have prevented this! Sheepy: Rider: "Oh?" ~~~ Sheepy: Rider: "What makes you believe that, I wonder." Sheepy: Lobo: *he picks up the shoe* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: lobo why Sheepy: *Lobo places it down in front of Andersen and stares* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Thanks? *he slowly takes his shoe back* But your presence would have been appreciated like twenty minutes ago. Sheepy: Lobo:.... Sheepy: Lobo: *he begins scratching himself. good explanation on your absence, Lobo* ArsĂ©-kun: *Jack whistles a short tune and also does not reply to this* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: why are you three like this Sheepy: Lobo: Woof! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You think I'm going to bother with getting circles run around me when I can just stare at you and get my answer? Sheepy: Rider: "What is your answer?" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: That you're a little shit. Sheepy: Rider: "Fascinating! Did you know that, Jack?" ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: I had noooooo idea! Sheepy: Rider: "What about you, Lobo?" Sheepy: Lobo: *he's ignoring Rider's hand motions in favor of sniffing at the planchette* ArsĂ©-kun: *it smells like peoples' hands, plastic, leather, and faintly like stinky chemical water* Sheepy: Lobo: ???? ArsĂ©-kun: *People were handling it, it is plastic, it was in Kintaro's pocket, and ???* Sheepy: Lobo: *he's never had stinky chemical water before. he contemplates (as well as a wolf can) how stinky chemical water tastes* ArsĂ©-kun: *Bad probably* Sheepy: *Lobo whines...* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Whaaat?? Is this triangle offending you?? Sheepy: Lobo: *whiiiiine* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: *he presumably picks it up, bc it's moving on it's own otherwise* It's just plastic, Lobo! Sheepy: Lobo:..... Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at it again before whining. no, it's still stinky chemical water!* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: *he also sniffs it* Oh, fuck, jesus christ, no wonder! It smells like someone shoved it up their ass! Sheepy: Rider: "How appealing..." ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: It smells like someone puked on it, poured eye contact solution on it, and let it bake in the sun for three years! Fuck that! *he bounces it off the floor. It lands somewhere over there* Sheepy: Rider: "Maybe it's a clue..." Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Big dog blue, *he is completely deadpan* use your blue's clues to help us solve the mystery. Sheepy: Lobo:........ Sheepy: Rider: "What, do you think there's a trail to follow?" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Fuck, I hope not. We'd have to go all the way to Germany, track down where the lab was, get into a singularity, get killed, Sheepy: Rider: "Then what kind of clue can Lobo find?" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Why the hell did you take that seriously?? Sheepy: Rider:?? Sheepy: Rider: "What's the joke?" Sheepy: Rider: "That Lobo js blue? ...Why is he blue anyway?" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: That was the joke, but now I'm curious as well. Sheepy: Rider: "His fur isn't dyed..." ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: What if we're just seeing it as blue and he's a different color? Sheepy: Rider: ???!!!! ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Did you know? Humans can only see three colors reliably, the rest are the brain guessing. Enjoy! Sheepy: Rider: "Which ones?" ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Red, green, and blue! Sheepy: Rider:??!!! ArsĂ©-kun: *Jack is probably smirking. Asshole* Sheepy: Rider: "But Lobo can't see red nor green...poor Lobo..." Sheepy: Lobo: *Lobo doesn't understand the conversation. He also doesn't care.* Sheepy: Rider: "But should we keep everything from this event as evidence?" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Absolutely. Sheepy: Rider: "I've got gloves. Where do we put these things?" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Lets put it all on the table for now. Sheepy: *Rider does so. Lobo helps by being in the way at every point seemingly.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Jack suggests counting Kintaro as evidence and putting him on the table. Andersen tries to find him so he can punch him* ~~~ Sheepy: Rider: "We could leave him there...." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: And we should. He's only got a hundred hp now. I'm going to have to recast at this rate. Sheepy: Lobo: *he nudges Kintoki* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... ... *he slowly reaches for Kintaro's glasses. He is Curious. Does this man have a face under the glasses??* Sheepy: Holmes: Blue eyes, not particularly fascinating. ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen jumps, and falls off of Kintaro.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Don't DO that, you pompous prick! Sheepy: Holmes: Oh, I'll leave you to figure it out yourself next time. This is the crime scene? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Yeah. Everything's on the table except the primary victim. *he gestures to Kintaro* Sheepy: Holmes: And what I'm supposed to be looking for is the killer of this ghost... ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Or at least give us ideas of how to figure it out ourselves. You're a busy man, I can understand that. Sheepy: Holmes: *he inspects the evidence* ArsĂ©-kun: *IT SURE IS EVIDENCE* Sheepy: Holmes: I see. Fascinating. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... You're not going to wait until the end of all this to say anything helpful, are you? Sheepy: Holmes: We still have an incomplete picture. I could ask you to bring me evidence, but you won't bring me what I want.... Sheepy: Holmes: You could go and watch it happen for yourself. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: .... What are you suggesting, exactly? I can't read you at all! Sheepy: Holmes: How unfortunate for you. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: What, you think Master's gonna wanna find some obscure singularity just so we can watch an explosion while being mobbed by common enemies? Sheepy: Holmes: Considering who is at stake... ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: .... Yeah, I'll go ask. Sheepy: Holmes: Good. Sheepy: Holmes: Here is another possibility. Sheepy: Holmes: Ask someone who has seen it or could have seen it. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: So our options are "Harass Merlin", "Harass Chaldea into letting us use their equipment", "Bully a test tube demon", and "Personally go to Germany and snoop around." Sheepy: Holmes: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Thanks for making that clear. *he's slightly miffed* Sheepy: Holmes:...? You're welcome. Sheepy: Holmes: Here's some food for thought, however. Sheepy: Holmes: Your end goal is to prove Mephisto innocent, isn't it? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... Yeah, sure. Lets go with that. Sheepy: Holmes: Then focus on that. Sheepy: Holmes: Finding the real culprit doesn't necessarily rule out Mephisto. Sheepy: Holmes: There's still the possibility of him being an accomplice. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto, who has been lurking in the doorway, shoots Holmes a hateful glare. He is OFFENDED, he is revolted, h* Sheepy: Holmes: Once someone believes something, they'll come up with any excuse to explain why it's true. You need irrefutable evidence. Sheepy: Holmes: There being a culprit who isn't Mephisto isn't necessarily irrefutable evidence. Sheepy: Izou: Here's an easy solution. Sheepy: Izou: Just kill the ghost. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: But that gives no answers. It may come to that, yes. Sheepy: Izou: What do we need answers for? Sheepy: Holmes: I'd like to ask him questions.. Sheepy: Holmes: Unfortunately, I can't. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You've got the equipment we used. Summon him back in your own time. It seems to be a two for two track record of getting the same guy on the line. Sheepy: Holmes: But the planchette is cracked. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: No rules against that. Sheepy: Holmes: We could have Lobo absorb Faust into his unit to become a foursome rather than a threesome. Lobo makes the big decisions and I could talk to him... Sheepy: Lobo: *snarl* ArsĂ©-kun: *Immature Jack laughter. He said threesome.* Sheepy: Rider: *he crosses his arms* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Denied. Sheepy: Holmes: Hm? Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Hell if I know, but they're not digging it. Sheepy: Holmes: ......... Sheepy: Lobo: *glare, glare* Sheepy: Rider: "He says that if he were allowed to he would rip your throat out. He's considering it even still." ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I don't recommend it, unless you really like the taste of squid! Sheepy: Holmes:.....I'd rather you didn't maul me, Lobo... Sheepy: Rider: "Did you bite into his throat once, Mephisto?" ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Nope! I just watched some downright eldritch bullshit! No, you're not getting the context! Sheepy: Rider:??? Sheepy: Satoru: Squidlock Holmes. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Thank you, Satoru, for whatever that brings to this conversation. Sheepy: Satoru: You should try being nice to him. Maybe Yan Qing could copy his memories. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: But "He" is! Anyway, hey, where are we going? Because I'm down to support clown. Sheepy: Holmes: Andersen, you decide. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I personally think we should find the modern setting of the event. Get a grip on the location, see if we can find anything before resorting to Chaldea's fuckery. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: I'll agree to that. It's a lot safer than any singularity, and it'll require way less of us. Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. I'll get to to see Germany. Sheepy: Holmes: But you aren't going... Sheepy: Satoru: That's what you think. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: He was able to stand you going apeshit at the lake- He'll be fine! Sheepy: Holmes: Hm... Sheepy: Holmes: Ask your dad. Sheepy: Satoru: ..... Sheepy: Holmes: Why? Your dad is home... Sheepy: Satoru: *he puts out his hand* I need to borrow your phone. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... The Lancer at Chaldea is not counted as your father for this question. Sheepy: Satoru: You can't just disown my dad. Sheepy: Satoru: My dad is my dad, no matter his class. Sheepy: Holmes: Don't kids have phones...? Call him yourself. Sheepy: Satoru: Why would I need a phone if I have no friends? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: You can just use your comm, you know! Sheepy: Satoru: Really? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Sure, why not? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Maybe ask your big vampire dad so we don't become bloodbags for his lunch? I enjoy functioning, thanks! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: *Satoru leaves to go ask Vlad* ArsĂ©-kun: *He gets there with no interruptions. Vlad has JUST opened his coffin for the evening.* Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm going to Germany. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: .... Ah. Good evening. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: What?? Sheepy: Satoru: You can come too. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: No, no, hold on. Repeat what you said? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm going to Germany. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: what. What? Why?? Sheepy: Satoru: You can go too. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: I'd prefer not. I may cause chaos, and it is rather close to Romania.... But why are you going to GERMANY??? Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Sheepy: Satoru: We can go to Romania instead, but it wouldn't really help very much. ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra, on the side, standing there in the 'mom said its my turn to use the xbox' post. He's nearly invisible bc the lights aren't on, but he's waiting his turn. For ONCE* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: You haven't said why yet. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Sheepy: Satoru: He nearly killed Kintoki, who bled all over the floor. Sheepy: Satoru: But apparently Kintoki was trying to kill Mephisto. Sheepy: Satoru: So we're going to Germany ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... ... You somehow only gave me more questions than answers. Where are they? I will find out for myself. Sheepy: Satoru: *he states the room.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad gets up, picks up Satoru, and goes upstairs. Angra hops into the open coffin. free seat* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mozart is still lurking outside the room in question. Interested.png* Sheepy: Satoru: Do I have to ask anyone else? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... I mean, if you don't want to, I suppose not? ArsĂ©-kun: *and then Vlad gets updated on what's going on. Vlad occasionally glances down towards Kintaro, but he is restraining himself. Mozart stops being subtle. Mephi goes back into the closet to avoid being asked questions* Sheepy: Izou: So when do I get paid? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: When. I. Get. My. Paycheck. Sheepy: Izou: *siiiiigh* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Okay, fine! *he empties out his wallet onto the floor. All of it* There! Take that instead! Sheepy: Izou: Eh? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I didn't want to be left without anything, but if you're going to keep complaining, take it! Sheepy: Izou: Why would I leave you with nothing? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Because that's all that I have right now! Sheepy: Izou: Then I don't want it. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You're so complicated. *but he doesn't complain further* ArsĂ©-kun: *and he starts picking his money back up* Sheepy: Izou: Anyway, why is this guy here? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: If you mean me, because I wanted to know what had occurred. Sheepy: Izou: Oh. Sheepy: Izou: I got paid to stab Golden. Sheepy: Izou: Soon I'll get paid for chasin' off that ghost who wanted to kill Mephisto. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: That's simple enough. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: *he puts Satoru down, and kneels down to his level* It's late and only going to get colder, so please wear a jacket. Otherwise, I won't stop you from going. Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: We're going now? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... Were you not? Sheepy: Satoru: ........ Sheepy: Satoru: Why would we go now? I don't even know who's going... Sheepy: Satoru: That's why I invited you. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: That is fair. If you are going during the day, I'm going to have to decline. Sheepy: Satoru: That's too bad. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: I think most of us here can go. Us, Mephy, Hans. Sheepy: Satoru: But I need to bring a responsible adult. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: ... Yeah, good call. Sheepy: Satoru: Who is responsible? Sheepy: Izou: --- Sheepy: Satoru: No. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Denied. Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa is responsible. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I saw him earlier talking to some thuggy lookin' guys, best to leave him be right now! Sheepy: Satoru: I see.... ArsĂ©-kun: *Mozart is pointing to himself in the background, more and more incessantly* Sheepy: Satoru: Poor Grandpa.... Sheepy: Satoru:..... Sheepy: Satoru:......... Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Yes?? Sheepy: Satoru: Who is that gray haired man? He seems responsible. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: ... Salieri? He can be, on a good day! But me, Satoru! I would like to come along! Sheepy: Satoru: ? Sheepy: Satoru:....But I said responsible... Sheepy: Satoru:..... Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, you can come. Let's look for a responsible adult together ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: How fantastic! I'll gladly assist you! *one of his angels plays a victory fanfare* Sheepy: Satoru: We still need a responsible adult... Sheepy: Satoru: Salieri looks old so people will think he's responsible. That's a useful asset. Sheepy: Salieri: ....I'm not actually old... Sheepy: Satoru: But your hair is gray. Sheepy: Salieri: Stress can make your hair turn gray. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Oh, you're joining us! Wonderful! \o/ Sheepy: Satoru: I see...this is why Dad (Eiji) was fretting about the gray hairs he's been finding...he's worried that he might be getting stressed. Sheepy: Salieri: I'm happy to join. Sheepy: Satoru: You should try not being stressed. Your hair will go back to normal. Sheepy: Salieri: It really doesn't bother me. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. We need a for real responsible person now. Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo, you're responsible. Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Satoru: You fulfill your needs and do what you have to do every day. Sheepy: Lobo: *headtilt* Sheepy: Satoru: So you will be our responsible adult. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Ol' headless might not be, but we'll cover for him! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Three casters, two avengers... Not a great party set up, but whatever works! Sheepy: Satoru: What? Does class matter? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: It can! If we run into any rider enemies, we might get slammed. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Sheepy: Satoru: Are riders strong? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Rider beats Caster, and Avengers are only neutral damage. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: So use two casters. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Well, if we get to fighting spirits, they're all Assassin class, and Caster beats that, so we just hope for no Riders! Sheepy: Satoru: But we have a rider. Sheepy: Satoru: So it's okay anyway. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: So we do.... But is he Rider class? Does he actually count?? Sheepy: Holmes: At one point they were Rider class. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Huh! Sheepy: Holmes: Their class became Avenger after Lobo ate enough phantoms. Sheepy: Holmes: We just need to make sure he doesn't try that with Faust... Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo ate my shoe one time. Sheepy: Satoru: If he eats enough shoes, he will become Shoe class. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: RIP to your shoe, but ghosts are different than phantoms I think. Sheepy: Holmes: I think he can eat ghosts... Sheepy: Satoru: If you think about it, you use your shoes to carry you from one point to another. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: So can he chew on the ghost of my dignity? Sheepy: Satoru: So since Rider rides on Lobo, he gets carried from one point to another. Sheepy: Satoru: So Lobo is a shoe with personality. Sheepy: Lobo:?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ArsĂ©-kun: *Muffled Mephisto cackling from the closet* Sheepy: Lobo: *whiiiiiiiiiiine* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: So the fuck are me and the rider? Shoelaces?? ~~~ Sheepy: Satoru: You’re the shoelace. Sheepy: Satoru: Rider is the one wearing the shoe. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: At that rate, he's the shoelace, and I'm the dumb little aglet that falls off! Sheepy: Satoru: But who wears the shoe? ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: You, I guess!! Sheepy: Satoru: I don’t want a furry shoe... Sheepy: Satoru: I’ll let you wear it. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: No thanks! I'd rather throw it at people in the dead of night. Sheepy: Satoru: You could wear just one glove and chase people down. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: That's always fun! Sheepy: Satoru: If you dress up as Rider, you can be Rider. Sheepy: Satoru: Have ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... Please finish that thought. Sheepy: Satoru: If you were a mind reader you could finish it yourself. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: I am not, so please finish it. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Have you figured out how you three won't attract a lot of attention when we get there? ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Rider can just wear a hood, and I'll be gone! Sheepy: Satoru: What about Lobo? ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: ... Good fucking luck. Sheepy: Satoru: He doesn't look like a dog. Sheepy: Lobo: *lobo blah blah blah dog* Sheepy: Lobo: *he goes and looks out the window* ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance is trying to get a pair of pants out of a tree. There is no other context attached to this image. It is not his pants.* Sheepy: Lobo:!! Sheepy: Lobo: *tailwag* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: I say that suffices. Sheepy: Satoru: So as long as he doesn't open his mouth we can claim that he's a husky mix. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Even then, you can make the claim. Sheepy: Satoru: It's more difficult when Lobo starts howling... ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Then just make sure he doesn't do that. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Lobo, no howling. Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks over and stares before letting out the loudest howl he can. nightmare fuel* Sheepy: Satoru: Bad, bad. Don't howl until we get back home. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance joins in from outside. Awoo.* Sheepy: Lobo: *he synchronize howls with Lance* Sheepy: Satoru: I have done a terrible thing. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mozart covers his ears, but he's still laughing* Sheepy: Satoru: I must solve this... Sheepy: Satoru:..... ArsĂ©-kun: *No one else joins the howl. Thank gods. It ends about ten seconds later.* Sheepy: Satoru: I did it. Sheepy: Satoru: I stopped them. Sheepy: Salieri: But you didn't do anything. Sheepy: Satoru: You see? Sheepy: Satoru: Don't doubt my capabilities. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: You just let them do it until they got bored. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm more powerful than you could ever imagine ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I hate that you can say these things so sincerely and I legally can't say otherwise. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Sheepy: Satoru: What law does this break? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Because it's not fueled by ego or status, so it's breaking my personal "Don't insult children" rule. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: *he pokes his head out of the closet* Is that why you don't insult 'Taro either? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Shut your filthy sinful mouth before I tell everyone in the house how much of a coward you are. Sheepy: Satoru: So you can insult me if I sit on someone's shoulders and we wear a trenchcoat. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Only if I can't tell it's you. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I'll have to wear a mustache. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Oh no. *sarcasm* I'll never recognize you with a mustache. Sheepy: Satoru: Really? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: No. Sheepy: Satoru: I see... ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: shit i sure hope you do Sheepy: Satoru: But if I ever don't I know an eye doctor. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. I know. Sheepy: Satoru: Andersen, Andersen. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: How may I slave over your requests this time? Sheepy: Satoru: If you take off your glasses, you can't recognize me. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I can still hear you, though. Sheepy: Satoru: I see.... Sheepy: Satoru: Unfortunate... Sheepy: Satoru: Then I will never find out what you wanted to say. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: He wasn't even summoned with glasses! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I'm glad he got glasses. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Oh, I was going to tell you to be quiet and you don't even pay enough taxes to speak that much. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Do not take it seriously. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I will shut up, but nottake it seriously. Sheepy: Satoru:..... ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: That is not what I meant, but okay, fine. Sheepy: *Satoru flops over face down on the floor and goes limp* Sheepy: Holmes: Now if only the Professor would do that....I jest, of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: oh no! A lost doll! *he scoops up Satoru* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh no. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: So are we done here? We go tomorrow morning. Sheepy: Salieri: Oh, really? We, I should tell that redheaded knight then... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Which one, dear Ant? Sheepy: *Satoru mumbles something about deer and ants being entirely different creatures, mostly the fact that deer have legs and ants don't* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: .... Are you quite sure, Master? That doesn't seem correct to me!~ Sheepy: Salieri: Let us, me think... Sheepy: Salieri:..... Sheepy: Satoru: *incoherent mumbling* Sheepy: Salieri: Jay. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Ah, I understand. You go speak to Sir Kay, and I will put this one to bed. Sheepy: Salieri: Good idea. It's getting late. Sheepy: Salieri: Hopefully he'll be sober. Sheepy: Salieri: ..... Sheepy: Salieri: But he won't be... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Then you had better hurry! Sheepy: Salieri: Yes, good idea. *he rushes to go see Kay* ArsĂ©-kun: *Luckily for Salieri, Kay had not started HEAVILY drinking yet and was functional enough to understand.* ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, some drunk knights are discussing the logistics of Stuart Little and being born to human parents. it is unimportant* Sheepy: *Salieri is happy to have delivered his message!* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Okay, great, party dismissed. Now, if I can be excused. *and he just. Lays facedown on the floor. Thank you Hans* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Well, lets all be ready by morning, then! Lets get that bread, gamers! ArsĂ©-kun: *The party can now split up for the night* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mink goes to make sure Mephi's ok in the closet (he is, he's comfy), hugs him, and goes to get food. hungery. shes gonna munch. shes gonna crunch* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad stays put to watch over Kintaro. Just in case. But he gets bored of his surroundings, and also surmises that keeping Kintaro on the floor is probably not a great idea. He instead decides to carefully relocate Kintaro to the living room sofa.* Sheepy: *Kintaro groans and clutches his chest. ow, pain* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Don't touch it. It's healing. Sheepy: Kintaro: ...What happened? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: The spirit tried to use you to attack Mephisto, I was told. But between your willpower and Okada's sword, it did not work at all. Sheepy: Kintaro: ....I shouldn’t’ve let that happen at all! *he clenches his fist. kintoki is mad* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Perhaps, but you are still here now, and that is what counts. Sheepy: Kintaro: *he frowns* I’m not built to hurt people unless they’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’... Sheepy: Kintaro: So to think my strength was used for that...that ain’t golden at all! ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: I agree. It certainly was not "golden" at all. Sheepy: Kintaro: But I gotta recooperate [like chickens]. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Yes, you certainly do. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... While I'm here, *he gets up and exits scene. He returns with a little box of animal crackers for Kintaro* ... Helps with the blood loss. Sheepy: Kintaro: Eh? These are those bear cookies, yeah? How do they help with blood loss? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Something about the ingredients. Sheepy: Kintaro: So bears are strong even in cookie form... ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Sure. Sheepy: *the next day, they've arrived at Germany! wow* Sheepy: Satoru: I want to go home. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Why are you like this? Sheepy: Satoru: Like what? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: We're not going home until we've dealt with this, or it's been a full day. Sheepy: Satoru: It's been a full day. Let's go home. Sheepy: *Lobo meanwhile is sniffing everything.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Terrible evil overlord, sir, I don't speak good german. I wouldn't be able to operate the return trip. Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay. I'll walk home. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... I speak GREAT German, I just cannot reach the control panel. Sheepy: Satoru: That's unfortunate. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, time to walk back. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: No you don't. I will personally punt you to our destination if I have to. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: *he starts to lie down on the ground but Lobo picks him up by the back of his shirt. busted* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: You can go home when I go home, capiche? *he, for once, has his full-cover outfit on. for once. he is visible.* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Great, now where is the clown? How has he already fucking vanished? Sheepy: Satoru: When clowns are no longer needed they whither and die, eventually forgotten. Sheepy: Satoru: We don't need a clown anymore. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Actually, according to clown code, we just get back into casual dress as soon as we're done clowning! *where the HELL did he come from, and how did he already get snacks* Sheepy: Satoru: Ah, you were watered so you didn't die after all. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Sure! But it turns out instinct was right, we're headed the right way! Sheepy: Satoru: We're headed home? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: You aren't yet! Sheepy: Satoru: I'm sad. Sheepy: *Satoru doesn't look at all sad. In fact, he still has his usual blank expression and tone of voice...* Sheepy: Lobo: *he dumps Satoru on the ground to sniff at a tree* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Lobo, you can't just dump in the middle of the street. Sheepy: Lobo: ? Sheepy: Lobo: *he picks up Satoru again with a huff* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Thank you. Sheepy: Lobo: *glare, glare* Sheepy: Rider: "Where exactly are we visiting?" ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Dad's lab! *he zips down to Rider. he's excited. he almost forgot WHY they're going. dork* I mean. Faust's old laboratory. It's been in disrepair for quite a long time now, so it SHOULD be just him there. Sheepy: Satoru: They didn't buy it and build on top of it? Sheepy: Rider: "I haven't been there before..." ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I'm surprised they didn't! I guess all the rumors of demons kept people off the property? Sheepy: Rider: "Demons?" ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: According to the Dr. Faustus novel, he summoned demons! And that's the knowledge usually spread today! Sheepy: Rider: "You could fit the role I suppose." Sheepy: Rider: "Although I look at you and I don't think demon so much as bull..." ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I do quite fit, thank you! It's the reason I appear as I do! Innocent Monster is one hell of a drug!! Sheepy: Rider: "So what did you look like before?" Sheepy: Satoru: Ah...so Mephisto was born as something otherthan a clown... Sheepy: Satoru:........... ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Surprise! Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like that... ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: You don't like most things! Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Sheepy: Rider: "Oh, I guess you won't answer. I'll ask Faust the next time I see him then." Sheepy: Satoru: I like some things. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Bugs! Sheepy: Satoru: I like my room at home as well. And my family. And stuffed animals. Sheepy: Satoru: I miss them. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: And the sooner we finish here, the sooner you can see them all. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Things that help include! The musicians staying with the group for ten goddAMN MINUTES! Sheepy: Salieri: W- I apologize. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: I do not! We required what we bought! Sheepy: Salieri: I should've prepared, but it slipped my mind... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: It happens to the best of us. Sheepy: Satoru: That's unfortunate. Why do you need that, anyway? Sheepy: Salieri: It's complicated. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Why you gotta go and make things so complicated♫ Sheepy: Satoru: People say that to me all the time but it turns out that they're just incapable of explaining things clearly. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: A short version is Reaper Suppression. Death does not like sweets, apparently. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Salieri: I don't understand it either... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Neither do I, so the smart chaldea boys can deal with that part. Sheepy: Salieri: Good idea. I should ask about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Shall I join you? Or would it be better for the green seaweed man to stalk you? Sheepy: Salieri: You can join m- seaweed man? Sheepy: Salieri:..... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Edgy green man. Sheepy: Salieri:? ? ? Sheepy: Salieri:.... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: The Count. Sheepy: Salieri: Oh. ArsĂ©-kun: >Dantes will remember this Sheepy: Salieri: Well, either one is fine I would think. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephi has gone up ahead again, meanwhile, because they are close and he's actually kind of excited to be home. Outside of the "Dad's ghost hates me and wants me dead" thing.* Sheepy: Satoru: Is it safe for him to go so far from the group? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: No, but he's gonna do it anyway. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: If he perishes he'll understand his mistake. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: If he perishes, I'm kicking the hell out of him. Sheepy: Satoru: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger but what does makes you smarter. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Implying the Throne would save the record of death. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Cu dies often but comes back. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: That's Battle Continuation. Or not taking a lethal hit, sometimes both. Sheepy: Satoru: He learns from it, such as not to put his hand in Lobo's mouth because Lobo is trying to eat something bad for him. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Near immortality has made him rather stupid, admittedly. Sheepy: Satoru: But Lobo looks sweet so it's understandable. ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen looks up at Lobo to judge this statement* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Okay. Sheepy: Lobo: *glare* Sheepy: Satoru: Isn't he cute and fluffy? Sheepy: Satoru: So of course it'd be an easy mistake not to think he'd bite your arm off. Sheepy: Satoru: But he will. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Like Prototype. I understand. Sheepy: Rider: "I've seen him eat humans despite not being hungry..." ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: I've seen you eat despite not being hungry! What's yer point? Sheepy: Rider: *he looks at Jack to drive home the problem with that statement. if Jack didn't have his disguise, this would be twice as funny* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Don't look at me like that! I've watched you drop ramen down your hole! Sheepy: Rider:...... Sheepy: Rider:......... ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: We don't ask those questions in these parts. Sheepy: Rider:...................... ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: It's like askin' why Lobo is blue or why my blood's invisible! We just don't fucking know. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I know why your blood is invisible ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Because I'm invisible? Sheepy: Satoru: Because it's shy. Sheepy: Satoru: That's why blood hides in your body. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: ... ... Sheepy: Satoru: But because you're invisible it blends in because it doesn't want to be seen. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Hey, would you look at the time. It's time to go back to spirit form. Sheepy: Satoru: But I'll miss you. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: I'm here!! Just less visible than usual! *and there he goes. Goodbye jack* Sheepy: Satoru: I'm sad. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Okay. Sheepy: *....And yet, he still doesn't look nor sound sad...* Sheepy: Rider: "What, are we there soon?" ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Mephy's still right at the top of this hill. *she points ahead. Mephi is investigating every square inch of the area* Sheepy: Rider: "Good." ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen stares at this Daunting Task of Climbing a Hill and groans. Not more exercise. Anything but that.* ~~~ Sheepy: Lobo: *stare* Sheepy: Rider: “What? It’s just a hill.” ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Horrible, isn't it? Sheepy: Rider: “How?” ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: It's so much extra effort. *and he proceeds to jump right on up the hill. He did not forget that he can do that, he just doesn't bother.* Sheepy: Rider: ......... Sheepy: Satoru: If only I could do that. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: It's doable, but it's a pain. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Well then, by the power of pain or some shit! *he picks up Satoru and just starts jogging up the hill.* Sheepy: *Salieri runs after Mozart* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: oh no a predator ArsĂ©-kun: *Minako gets annoyed and tries to air-launch herself up the hill. She ends up landing on her face, but she made it!* Sheepy: *Rider hops onto Lobo's back. With a great leap, he jumps up to the top of the hill, carrying Rider and Dantes with him.* ~~~ ArsĂ©-kun: *Mozart sets Satoru down at the top. We did it, we did it, we did it, yay.* Sheepy: *It does not take long for Salieri to catch up. Keep that in mind when you're really being chased, Mozart. I mean* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: *hey i dont like that* Sheepy: Satoru: *he puts his arms up in the air* We did it. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: You did it. Sheepy: Salieri: I could have carried you up, but I didn't think that would be a good idea. Sheepy: Salieri: Simply, I am not your Servant, and I have a tendency to hurt people unintentionally. My apologies for leaving you to your own devices. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, no, it's fine! I just thought I could make it. Sheepy: Salieri: We- I will do better next time. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: What're we doing? Did you guys walk? What took so long, and look, I found a bird skull! Sheepy: Salieri: *he frowns* Sheepy: Satoru: It must belong to a bird. We should give it back. Sheepy: Salieri:....The poor bird. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: On the bright side, it looks sorta old. *she wants to see it. skulls are cool* Sheepy: Satoru: There's some types of birds who will eat birds. Sheepy: Satoru: Such as chickens. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Chickens are brutal! Sheepy: Satoru: Chickens will eat wcnuggets. Sheepy: Satoru: They'll also peck each other to death, hence a pecking order. Sheepy: Salieri:.............. Sheepy: *Lobo sniffs at the skull.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: .... He's not enjoying this content. ArsĂ©-kun: *it smells like old skull* Sheepy: *Lobo quickly gets bored with this* Sheepy: Satoru: Who isn't? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: If this is your evil mastermind plot to make things go faster, it isn't going to work. Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Lobo: *he goes to check on the house instead* ArsĂ©-kun: *it smells like old and plants. it looks like old and there are plants everywhere. nature is beautiful* Sheepy: Lobo: *yawn* Sheepy: Satoru: Are we going to go in? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Yeah, yeah. Lets get this over with. Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: *ok they go in whoo hoo* Sheepy: Satoru: Huh. It's old. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Sure is! At least four hundred years old, to be exact! Sheepy: Satoru:......... Sheepy: *Satoru looks at Mozart. thinking math woman face* Sheepy: Satoru: So you're older than Uncle Mozzy and Grandpa... ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Yep! Sheepy: Satoru: But younger than Dad. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Maybe? I'm not keen on the ruling years of Vlad the Impaler! Sheepy: Satoru: 1448 to 1476. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Then he's barely older! Sheepy: Satoru: But it was broken up between three periods. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: But that means he's still older. I can legally call him Senpai! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. You didn't mean when he was ruling... Sheepy: Satoru: Or did you? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Well I did! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I was using it to determine! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: He's very strong. Sheepy: *Lobo is sniffing adound the house.* ArsĂ©-kun: *it smells the same as the entrance. The house itself is mostly ruins reclaimed by nature. There IS more to the ruins, though!* Sheepy: Lobo: *he keeps going. heck the group, he's gonna sniff all the ruins* ArsĂ©-kun: *It slowly starts smelling like... Chemicals? And something else.* Sheepy: Lobo:.....?! Sheepy: Lobo: *snarl* Sheepy: Lobo: *He follows the path trail...* ArsĂ©-kun: *it leads him to what was an alchemy lab. It's still ruins, but it's far cleaner than the rest of the ruins.* Sheepy: *Lobo’s ears perk up. He looks around* Sheepy: Rider: .... *he readies his weapon* ArsĂ©-kun: *... Well, there doesn't seem to be any other ghosts around, at least! But there's definitely a new scent- Something... Clay? Blood?* Sheepy: Lobo: *whiiiiiiiine* ArsĂ©-kun: *Dantes simply observes. He's only here to watch. Really.* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: What is it, Lobo? Have you found something? Sheepy: *Lobo snarls...* Sheepy: Rider: "...He smells blood. It's new." ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: That is quite concerning! Sheepy: *Lobo investigates further* Sheepy: Salieri: We should be careful... ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Of what? Some cheap homunculi made from dirt and dead pigs? *he doesn't seem worried at all!* Sheepy: Salieri: If there’s fresh blood, shouldn’t we be concerned? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I repeat the last thing I said! The only homunculus Dad ever made and didn't use a dead pig for was me, thank you! Sheepy: Salieri: And if these are homunculi made by your father, why is the blood fresh? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: ... ... *he stops to consider this* Sheepy: Satoru: Because someone is here or has been here recently. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I would not be surprised if the man's ghost is inherently tied down to here, or something. Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: And given he hates me, he isn't going to make another like me for a looooong time! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I'm still not worried, though! They're all lancers or assassins, so we can deal with em! ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephi moves an entire yard away from the group to investigate something, before Faust pops out of the nearby wall and blasts Mephisto ALLLLLLL the way to the other side of the lab. Class resistance nonwithstanding, it's still a 1-hit ko. ouch* ArsĂ©-kun: *Faust, speaking of, looks much more like a normal human than previously seen. He is in his AREA.* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... *he turns to face our group, focusing on Rider primarily.* ... May I ask why you thought it was a good idea to bring THAT into my lab again?? Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Sheepy: Rider: "We came to investigate. He wanted to come along because he has good memories of this place." ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: *he doesn't appear pleased* ... I'll permit it, for now. Sheepy: Rider: "Thank you." ArsĂ©-kun: *Minako, in the bg, has succeeded a stealth check and sneaks off to retrieve her clown. Priorities, for once, are in order* Sheepy: Rider: "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Sheepy: *Satoru is staring at Faust. He wants to poke the ghost* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I won't stop you, but I won't be of help if my viewpoint is skewed. *he's been giving this some thought offscreen* Sheepy: Rider: "I understand." Sheepy: Rider: "Did you have any enemies?" ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Certainly. Sheepy: Rider: "Were any in a field that would give them access to explosives? And I don't mean bombs necessarily." Sheepy: Rider: "Many things can be used as makeshifts." ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Possible, but unlikely. The scale of the attack was far larger than anything able to be done with mundane tools. Sheepy: Rider: "I see. So that's why you believe it was that clown." ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: It was the only one with access to that much gunpowder at any given time. Sheepy: Rider: "I see." Sheepy: Rider: "So gun powder... did any of your enemies ever come into contact with the clown?" ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Highly likely, but he'd be in disguise. It going out looking like that?? *he gestures at the distance, aka, mephi over THERE* Forget it, we'd have been killed instantly. Sheepy: Rider: "But he still could have given them gunpowder, right? If they'd asked." ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Possibly. Sheepy: Rider: "I see." Sheepy: Rider: "Something just doesn't quite add up." ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Think what you want. Sheepy: Rider: "I understand why you'd believe it's him." Sheepy: Rider: "He's obnoxious, inconsiderate, oblivious to the mood, and drags things on too far." Sheepy: Rider: "But would he kill? Yes. " ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: So absolutely nothing has changed. Fantastic. Sheepy: Rider: "But I don't think he killed you." ArsĂ©-kun: *PRESS X TO DOUBT.* Sheepy: Rider: "A group of angry people can do whatever they put their minds to." ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Angry commoners would have easily set off my wards. Next suggestion. Sheepy: Rider: "Wards?" ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Guard spells. Sheepy: Rider: "So like witchcraft?" ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I don't care for the name, but yes. Where else would it have learned from? Sheepy: Satoru: Witches were burned by churches for being believed to be witches. Sheepy: Satoru: So I guess whoever killed you treated you the same way but in a more explosive sense. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Oh, the Church hated me, but I was still tolerated. I gave them good fortunes, after all! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: But you were a liability. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Perhaps. Sheepy: Satoru: At any time you could've given them a bad fortune. Sheepy: Satoru: If a grunt of yours is a liability to your well being, it doesn't matter how good they are despite it. Sheepy: Satoru: Bang bang. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: ... Who taught you that? Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Of course... Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa is very smart. Sheepy: Satoru: So they cut off loose ends, so to speak. That's a possibility anyway. Sheepy: Satoru: If it's not right, well... ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Then it is simply another option removed from possibility. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: But Mr. Ghost. We're magical. Sheepy: Satoru: Maybe there's something that we can find that can't necessarily be seen normally. Sheepy: Satoru: Maybe there's something that we can find that can't necessarily be seen normally. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Perhaps even by regular magus. We don't know what we're looking for yet. Sheepy: Satoru: But don't kill Mephisto. He's my friend. That makes me happy because nobody usually wants to be my friend. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: And mine! *she's personally dragging Mephisto back into the scene. He is not happy about this* I'll fight you for him if I have to! Sheepy: Satoru: By killing him you're only hurting the people who care about him. If he did do it, you're taking away the only source of answers you can get. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: And no matter whether he did or did not, we have not asked him for his own testimonial yet. Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I can determine his honesty- It's very easy at this point. Sheepy: Satoru: And he can't lie because Lobo is here. Lobo doesn't like lies. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: That being...? Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru: He's big and fluffy. I love Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru: Sometimes he eats people and that's understandable. ArsĂ©-kun: *Faust slowly looks at Lobo* Sheepy: Lobo: *he's just hungrily staring back at Faust* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: *he decides he firmly does not like this* Sheepy: Satoru: But one time he removed Mr. Pointy's arm and I was sad. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: We're derailing. Sheepy: Satoru: If Mephisto lies, I'll be sad, just like back then. Sheepy: *Satoru just turns and stares at Mephisto* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto isn't looking. He's behind Minako, staring at a wall, pouting. Everything Hurtsℱ* Sheepy: Satoru: So don't lie. Okay? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I'll take it into consideration post-haste! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... What he means to say is "Okay", with a side of discomfort. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* ArsĂ©-kun: *He's still not looking, Satoru* Sheepy: Satoru: He's shy. Sheepy: Satoru: But that's okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I second this statement. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm shy too. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Oh. We've embarrassed him. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: You know what helps me when I'm embarrassed? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Lying on the floor, face down, and refusing to move for the next hour. Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: *in the faaar background, Dantes has gotten into his own adventure. Other basic mob homunculus are involved. I don't know what's happening* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Yeah, that won't help much. He'll just become a carpet. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. What do we ask him? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: For his location and part in the event? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Where were you on the day of the murder? ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephi looks elsewhere. Minako grabs one of his tails. A silent threat.* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: ... I was in the back. *he's not happy about this.* Sheepy: Satoru: What were you doing? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: ... I feel like this is a thing best described with visuals, but it absolutely had nothing to do with my love for explosives! For once! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's vague. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Do I look like I'm holding anything?? *he holds his hands out. he is not holding anything* I require a visionary aid! Sheepy: Satoru: *he takes Mephisto's hands* Sheepy: *Satoru shakes both of them.* Sheepy: Satoru: We've met before but it's nice to see you again. ArsĂ©-kun: *Minako chuckles and shakes the end of a tail. Hello yes same mood* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: The one time I'm serious. The one time! *he's not angry, don't worry!* Sheepy: Satoru: That's what he told me to do when the other person puts out their hand. Sheepy: Satoru: Give it a nice firm shake and say, "good to see you again". ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Right he is! ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen stares. What the Fuck.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Minako reaches her arm around Mephisto to shake Satoru's hand* Sheepy: Satoru: *he shakes Minako's hand* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *in a not-even-close imitation of Mephi* Good to see you, too! Sheepy: Satoru: This makes me happy. Nobody ever says that to me. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Why didn't you say so? I'll make sure it's said more! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: *Lobo is ignoring them and instead staring at Faust* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: *he is opting to not stare back at Lobo. That may increase the chance of aggression* Sheepy: Lobo: *staaaaaaare...* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... ... *he's focusing on Mephisto and impatiently waiting for something of substance* Sheepy: Rider: "Clown, please answer what you were doing." ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Right, right! *he pulls out his hat, and from there, pulls out Ticking-kun. She is here!* I was making her! Sheepy: Satoru: She's my friend. I like her. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Dad, you know who this is! You knooooww!! ArsĂ©-kun: *He does not, actually, and is working on figuring this out.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Dantes laughter on loop as he aggressively takes down mob homunculi. Everyone is ignoring this, mostly* Sheepy: *Salieri isn't ignoring him out of choice, but rather he's focused on destroying homunculi between pained groans/whines and KILL, KILL!!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mozart has snuck off to watch the show from behind a few vines. He enjoys living* Sheepy: *That's for the best, Mozart, because Salieri is seeing those homunculi as you!* ArsĂ©-kun: *That is the exact reason he is doing this.* Sheepy: Satoru: Ah. He's interrupting your testimony. How rude. Sheepy: Satoru: Be quieter, okay? Sheepy: Salieri: uuuuuuuoooooo Sheepy: Satoru: Yes, that's better. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, Mephisto, you can keep going. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Like I was saying, I was making her a new vessel! I can't do it anymore for whatever reason, but remember, Dad, you taught me the doll magic? Who'd I need that for? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ...!! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Anyway, that's it! That's all I was doing at the time! Sheepy: Satoru: That's eventful. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I know, right?! Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: Is that good enough? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... ... *he doesn't seem convinced* Fine. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Will you now be nice to him? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... I will consider it. Sheepy: Satoru: *staaaaaaare* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Staring will not work on me. I raised THAT one. I am used to it. Sheepy: Satoru: But if you are mean to him again, I'll be mean to you. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: You may try. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru:.......... Sheepy: Satoru:.....Okay, tell me something mean to say and I'll say it back. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Call him a stuck-up stinky man. Sheepy: Satoru: *he points at Faust* Stinky. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: No! Sheepy: Satoru: Stinky man. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto cracks up laughing* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Absolutely not!! Sheepy: Satoru: Smelly stuck up man. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I am being devastated by a child. What has my unlife come to? *he's just playing into this- He's not insulted at all* Sheepy: Satoru: You're bullying Mephisto so I'll bully you. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Stinky bastard man! Go back to your well! Sheepy: Satoru: He's my friend. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I don't care. Sheepy: Satoru: I care about you. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Interesting. Sheepy: Satoru: Really? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Also interesting is what is also occurring. *he gestures past Faust with his quill. The fighting is still going on. Mozart is just being kicked ascension materials by Dantes every so often. Don't ask questions.* Sheepy: Satoru: Why are they fighting? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I don't have the vaguest idea. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: *Salieri seems a little distracted by this. he pulls his knife out of a homunculus and just stares at Dantes* ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: ... Are you enjoying yourself, Amadeus Alter? Go on, show them your rage! Sheepy: Salieri:.....! Uoooouu! Kill, kill! I'll kill him! Mozart, I'll erase your very existence! *he turns his attention to another homunculus and begins stabbing af it* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: *he resumes hiding behind some vines. nope nope* Sheepy: Salieri: *he briefly looks up and over at Mozart* Sheepy: Salieri: You should be helping! Stop wasting time standing around looking pretty! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: *he strikes a pose* This is my job, thank you! Appreciate the arts buff every twenty minutes! ArsĂ©-kun: *Mozart is then hit with an eternal gear, from Dantes. Thanks* Sheepy: Salieri:....Uooo, you make me mad...! *he turns his attention back to the homunculi* Burn, all of you! Kill, kill, I'll kill you all! *he starts playing his air piano. a few of his reapers show up with guns and fire at the homunculi* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: ... *he slowly shimmies out of combat range.* ... Yeah, I've got barely an inkling of what's happening here either. Sheepy: Satoru: He seems unhappy. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: This is what happens. *he sighs* On the plus side, I've now got this nifty mask! Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Sheepy: Satoru: It looks like macaroni art. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: You're right! Sheepy: Satoru: You also have a hat. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Yes! I've been given assistance in raising my level! ... What for, I do not know! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Mysterious motives that Count has. Sheepy: Satoru: I have an idea. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Do share! Sheepy: Satoru: It's so that your level is higher. *ace detective!* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: I certainly never guessed that! ArsĂ©-kun: *Amid all of this, Mephisto has more or less vanished. Again.* Sheepy: Rider: "For a clown he's rather willing to sneak away..." Sheepy: Lobo: *he's staring at Salieri* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: According to clown code, once you're down clowning, you exit stage and return to streetwear Immediately! They do need that skill! *thumbs up. this is a thing she has looked up because of mephi. more than once* Sheepy: Rider: "I see..." ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You sure do. Sheepy: *Lobo is watching Salieri conducting his reapers closely.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Jack has gone raiding the numerous desks on the sideline. Where's the science. There's gotta be something useful in here* Sheepy: Rider: "Where did he go, anyway? Once we deal with this fight, our mission is done, isn't it?" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: We at least partially settled the matter. It may take a second visit for a conclusive answer, but I may have an idea. Sheepy: *Lobo steals Salieri's blade!* Sheepy: Rider: "Yes, good idea." Sheepy: Rider: "What's the idea?" ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I can't say just yet. I may be wrong, and I'd hate to lead us down the wrong path. ArsĂ©-kun: *he.. is absolutely trying to emulate Holmes.* Sheepy: Rider: "I understand." ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephi has reappeared near where the desks are suspiciously opening and closing (Jack) and has joined in the raid. He, at least, is looking for something specific* Sheepy: Rider: "But it's still progress." Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Sheepy: *Salieri has shifted out of his mystic code and is trying to calm down by petting Lobo. Lobo is ignoring him and trying to play fetch with Dantes* Sheepy: Satoru: He's looking in drawers. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Get out of my research! Sheepy: Satoru: It's like the cartoon. Sheepy: Satoru: Deedee, get out of my laboratory. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Oooh, Dexter, whatcha got there??? Sheepy: Satoru: It's a little kid named Dexter and he has a laboratory. Sheepy: Satoru: And his sister always gets into his research. Sheepy: Satoru: So he always says, "Deedee, get out of my laboratory". Sheepy: Satoru: *bad Faust impression* "Mephisto, get out of my laboratory!" ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: *exaggerated tone* But Satoruuuuuuu! Sheepy: Satoru: I'm building a super secret thing and I can't have you ruining it. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm building... Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: It's a secret. Sheepy: Satoru: Nobody will ever know [that I bought the parts from Amazones.com] ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: And then it is chaos for another twenty minutes, and that is the show. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Roll credits. Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: If you're more with the times you'll be more effective with your plans. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Am I gonna be the one mentioning he doesn't have a fucking tv? Sheepy: Satoru: ... Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Sheepy: Satoru: *headtilt* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: *WHAT IS A TV* Sheepy: Satoru: I see... Sheepy: Satoru:...Faust hasn't discovered electricity yet. Sheepy: Rider: "...That's not what that implies." ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I am contained to these ruins. I only know what I can see, and while I know about electricity, I do not have access nor do I require it. Sheepy: Satoru: A TV is a box with pictures. Sheepy: Satoru: The many pictures are constructed into a whole play. ArsĂ©-kun: *Dantes is very overdramatically bowing to Lobo to receive the sword. He is the Avenger Whisperer. He knows what must be done, but only when other people aren't looking at him* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: It displays theater shows onto a box? ... Very interesting. Sheepy: *Lobo gives Dantes the sword, along with a nuzzle* ArsĂ©-kun: *Dantes gives Lobo a pat and throws the sword through a homunculus. The other homunculi don't give a shit.* Sheepy: Satoru: Do you get lonely here? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: On the occasion, but I prefer the solitude. Sheepy: Satoru: But you could come with us and still have solitude. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I cannot physically leave outside of a summoning, and even that would be temporary. I appreciate the offer, but I have to decline. Sheepy: Satoru: But, um... Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo isn't a proper Servant either. Sheepy: Satoru: He's just a ghost that adds more ghosts onto him. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. But you can still visit us. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Perhaps. Sheepy: Satoru: I can show you many things such as a TV or a book. Sheepy: Rider: "Satoru, he knows what a book is..." Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I'll show you a computer. Sheepy: Satoru: It can do an infinite amount of things. Sheepy: Satoru: I can be your friend so you aren't lonely. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: owo)b *this suggestion is Mink approved* Sheepy: Satoru: Is that okay? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... I suppose so. *who let these children out alone?? where are their parents?!* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto has found his prize! Some very old pastels that require magecraft to be functional. He eagerly repairs them and starts drawing on the walls. He is Back On His Bullshit* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mozart gets pelted with a giant gold ember- Dantes is really being giving. It's very mysterious, but probably Salieri's idea. level up. ascend on the spot to Final Ascension. Third skill acquired .* Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Well, this is certainly unexpected! Who put you up to this task? ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: *he cocks his heads towards Salieri and smirks* Sheepy: Satoru: Sometimes the grey haired man is nice but he seems mean mostly. Sheepy: Satoru: Meanwhile, the white haired man has a great idea. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: No, no. It's the other way around, I assure you..! Sheepy: Satoru: But the white haired man makes cuddleduds look cool. Sheepy: Satoru: I bet he's warm too. ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: *excuse me WHAT did this child just say this is my CAPE that flows in WIND that isnt THERE it is EDGY and COOL and MYSTERIOUS like ME* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: ... I meant Ant being a nice person. Sheepy: Satoru: But he acts like he hates you. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: That is not him. That is the Gray Man, and he scares us quite a lot. Sheepy: Satoru: So Ant is nice until he's the Gray Man. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Yes, exactly! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ! *he's notices Mephisto's "art"* Mephistopheles, cease at once! I don't need more of your crude art on my walls! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Say the magic words, first!~ Sheepy: Satoru: You're my friend. I'll support you. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she's seen mephi draw before, so shes not SUPER impressed, but shes still taking 1000 pictures* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... Do not make me embarrass you in front of your friends. Sheepy: Satoru: He does it very well without help. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Whatt're you gonna do, tell them the passcode to my alchemic jar or something-- H-hey, wait! Sheepy: Satoru: That's what Gil says. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: I hate to agree with Gil, but he's right. Sheepy: Satoru: Gil is nice. I like Gil. Sheepy: Satoru: He told me not to tell anyone that...oh well. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Don't tell him you told anyone, but I'm intrigued! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... Mephistopheles Philetus Faustus, come down here before I remove the equation of life from your core with a chimney poker and a piece of chalk. Sheepy: Satoru: Ah, Mephisto's name is a mouthful. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: *he just kinda. stops. and slowly turns his head to look at Faust. He's grinning (to hide his embarrassment)* Is that it? Sheepy: Satoru: Even Mephisto is kind of a mouthful.... Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, I'll just call you Phil. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: .... Heh. Phile Phile. Who invited PhilPhil? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: *still grinning* This is the worst weekend of my life! Sheepy: Satoru: There'll be worse. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I agree! Sheepy: Satoru: There always is. ArsĂ©-kun: *Faust is pleased with himself* Sheepy: Satoru: But now I know what to put on your birthday card. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: You need to know that date first!! Sheepy: Satoru: No! I don't. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Mephy, I'm right here- Sheepy: Satoru: If I just give it to you on January 1st and say "Happy early birthday", it'll always be accurate. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Shit, you're right! Sheepy: Satoru: You might feel as though I'm taking away from it by not giving it to you on the day of, but if you don't tell me I'll be unable to give it to you on the proper date., Sheepy: Satoru: But I could also ask Faust... Sheepy: Satoru: What's Mephisto's birthday? Sheepy: Satoru: If he doesn't have one, it'll be April Fools day because he's a fool [jester]. Sheepy: Rider: "Oh, you noticed that he's a fool [idiot] too..." ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: You've got the month correct. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, leave my fool [fool] alone! Sheepy: Satoru: 24. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Close. Sheepy: Satoru: 25. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Walpurgisnacht. *Look how well she said the big german word!! she is proud* The 30th. Sheepy: Satoru: *he repeats it, but butchered* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto visibly cringes. Hans is unfazed* Sheepy: Satoru: I did it. Sheepy: Rider: "...No, you really didn't..." ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Was that a curse? Or German? Sheepy: Satoru: It's what Minako said. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Just say the 30th! Sheepy: Satoru: ? Sheepy: Satoru:...Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: The 30th... Sheepy: Satoru: April Loofs... ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: April... Loofs? *she catches on* Oh-ho! He is the April Loof! Sheepy: Satoru: Mephisto is the April Loof. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephi can't draw in these conditions!!* Sheepy: Satoru: That's what I'll put on the birthday card. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: We can buy a "congrats ur five" card and make it fivehundred instead. Sheepy: Satoru: High-five on being five. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Yes! Absolutely! Sheepy: Satoru: That's what Gil said to me on my birthday before laughing. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: He says that to me, too. He thinks he an internet funny man. Sheepy: Satoru: Gil is an "internet meme"... ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: *what language are these children speaking. what have i missed* Sheepy: Satoru: I understand... Sheepy: Satoru: I'll tell him he's my favorite meme when we get home. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: I can't wait to see his reaction. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: .... I apologize about these children, but this will conclude my investigation. *he's been, well, investigating in silence the entire time* We can now leave you alone. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Please, before I knock out the fool [bastard] again. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: And Master, you might be the boss, but I am heading this investigation, so it is my call. Shut up. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mink pouts* Sheepy: Satoru: We get to go home? Sheepy: *Lobo rejoins the group, a conked out Salieri on his back and Salieri's knife in his mouth* Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo, please give that back to him!* Sheepy: Satoru: Or are we not ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: We are. I dare say we've caused enough trouble for the residents already. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go. ArsĂ©-kun: *It take three tries to actually leave, because SOMEONE kept finding things and going back in to find more. I'm not naming any names. Mephisto.* Sheepy: Satoru: We're finally home. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Finally. Do not speak with me for the rest of the evening- I have to catch up on work. Sheepy: Satoru: You can just say you don't like me. It's okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I am a busy adult with many adult things to do. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Good luck. Sheepy: Satoru: If you need coffee that cuddledud man is making it. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: .... .... Why is the Count in our house to begin with? Sheepy: Satoru: Because he wants to make coffee. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: We passed through Chaldea! Could he not do it there??? Sheepy: Satoru: Maybe he's lonely. Sheepy: Satoru: I'll be his friend. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Knowing you? You'll accomplish it. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't want anyone to be lonely. Sheepy: Lobo: *he's sniffing the coffee* ArsĂ©-kun: *It is very bitter. it is black like our souls* Sheepy: Satoru: *he gently grabs Dantes's cape* Hi, Count Cuddledud. Can I be your friend? ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: *He slowly looks down to this small child. he was called WHAT?? But the obvious avenger excuse won't work, considering this child has 2 avengers already* You are going to do it no matter my response, I can tell. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Let’s be friends. Sheepy: Satoru: I’m Satoru. ArsĂ©-kun: *Dantes kinda just nods.* Sheepy: Satoru: What's your name? ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: You may continue calling me the Count of Monte Cristo. Sheepy: Satoru: But I've never called you that. ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: Then start now. Sheepy: Satoru: Can I just call you Monty instead? ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: No. Sheepy: Satoru: What do you like, the-Count-of-Monte-Cristo? ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: Vengeance. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: He's such a good Avenger! He is the epitome of the class- See how he hates everyone! Sheepy: Satoru: You hate... everyone? ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: I cannot achieve my goals if the mortal concepts of Love and Friendship get in my way. *he is trying to be edgy, but his statement is not ennnntirely true* Sheepy: Satoru:..... Sheepy: Satoru: *headtilt* Sheepy: *Lobo is drinking Dantes's coffee* Sheepy: Satoru: But... you seem nice. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I lied, he is! *he notices Dantes' death glare* What are you gonna do to me, Ed Boy? Better hit me, better kill me in one shot! *he raspberries at Dantes and shoves Lobo's face out of the way to also drink his coffee* ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: ... ... *why me.* Sheepy: Lobo: *snarl* Sheepy: *Lobo starts chewing on Angra's head* Sheepy: Satoru: If you work with others, it might help. I'm not sure what your goals are, but I believe in you. ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: *he will remember this* Sheepy: Satoru: Do you know Lobo? He's my friend. ArsĂ©-kun: Dantes: Yes, I do know your avenger friend. Sheepy: Satoru: He's soft. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Except his teeth!! Sheepy: Satoru: If you are mean to him he'll be mean back. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Thank you for the summary of the entire Avenger class! Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Sheepy: Satoru: You aren't mean usually. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You're not mean to me, so I'm not mean to you! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *Dantes manages to make himself scarce. He is gone. Goodbye, Count, you edgelord* Sheepy: Satoru: He left.... Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Sheepy: *Lobo is back to drinking the remaining coffee* Sheepy: Satoru: Did he not like it here...or was it me, I wonder. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I think I embarrassed him! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh.... Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's too bad. Sheepy: Satoru: I didn't getto show him Mr. Pointy before he left. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Oh well! I've got his number, we can send pics anytime! Sheepy: Satoru: Did you know? He gave Uncle Mozzy a piece of macaroni art. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Eh? Sheepy: Satoru: Now he's wearing it on his face. Sheepy: Satoru: Do we have to make macaroni art in return...? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he looks to Rider* What in the Sam Hell is he talking about? Sheepy: Rider: "The Count gave Mozart ascension items. Mozart max ascended I think, and part of that is him gaining a segmented mask which looks like pasta of some sort...I suppose macaroni is close enough." ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: He max ascended, seriously?! And I'm still down here having not changed at all?? Sheepy: Rider: "If Master actually tried to collect ascension items, you might actually be ascended." Sheepy: Satoru: What're ascension items? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he just throws his hands in the air* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Ask your old man! Sheepy: Satoru: ...... Sheepy: Satoru: ? Sheepy: Satoru: ...ah, it’s an adult topic? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Nah, I just can't be bothered! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *So Mori ends up having to explain ascension to Satoru, for what is Probably the second time. But in more detail. While Angra "borrows" several scapegoats from Vlad and heads out. He's up to Somethingℱ* Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. So you grow stronger by absorbing things........... ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: To abridge it, sure. Sheepy: Satoru: So if I absorb things, I'll grow stronger. Sheepy: Satoru: I'll absorb many things. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: You're not a servant... Sheepy: Satoru: *Stare* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: ... But I suppose the idea still stands. Sheepy: Satoru: I already have experience with such things. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: That is fair. Sheepy: Satoru: ...So I should help everyone ascend. Sheepy: Satoru: But how? ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: I've been quietly gathering some materials for the other servants, but I haven't managed much yet. It's similar to ember gathering, if you want to do it legally. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I want to help. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Then lets find out what materials everyone needs. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go. Sheepy: Satoru: We can all ascend together. Sheepy: Satoru: When I ascend I'll have stronger finger guns. Bang bang. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: How about we go around and ask everyone what they need to start? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Who should we start with? ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Let us go in order of strength, so your Father.... If he is up yet. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: We can wake him up if he isn't. Sheepy: Satoru: It is easy to do so. Sheepy: Satoru: Knock-knock-knock-knock-knock... ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: I'll leave you to it. Sheepy: Satoru: You can talk to animals so you can ask Lobo. Sheepy: *Satoru heads down to the basement!* Sheepy: Satoru: You have yet to reach your fullest potential. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... ... *he opens his coffin just a Little* Satoru, what are you going on about now? Sheepy: Satoru: There is only one direction you can go from here. Sheepy: Satoru: What are your ascension items? Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy ascended and you will next. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... Ah, that's what you're referring to? *he leans out* Primarily void dust, a few pages of a book, and monuments. Sheepy: Satoru: You can have a few pages ofthe book I used to summon you. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Anything but that. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know what those other things are. Sheepy: Satoru: You can go out looking at monuments if you want but I will stay home. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: No, no. Like this. *he takes out a spare archer monument. it is handheld and shiny.* He requires berserker ones, unlike mine. Sheepy: Satoru: How do we get them? ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: How legal are we talking? Sheepy: Satoru: Legal? ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Chaldea most likely has services for that. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. That means I get to see Dr. Marshmallow again. Sheepy: Satoru: When should we go? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: That would be up to you, wouldn't it? Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not particular. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go when we aren't busy. Sheepy: Satoru: Who should we ask next? Sheepy: Carmilla: You're forgetting about me again...?! Sheepy: Satoru: But you don't spend any time with anyone but Dad... ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Maybe speak up instead of lurking and you'd be spoken to! Sheepy: Carmilla: What's that got yo do with anything? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: You can't be spoken to if you spend all of your time down here, you antisocial pussy! ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... Fetus bottles. Sheepy: Satoru: Where are we going to get hearts from? It's not Valentines... Sheepy: Carmilla: What does Valentines have to do with anything...? And that's what they are! ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: From the skeleton zone. Daemons roam the area at times- We need to take those down. ... And are they really? Sheepy: Carmilla: Homunculus babies are just fetus bottles... Sheepy: Satoru: I see... the daemons will confess their love and give us valentines cards... which can be used for ascension... Sheepy: Carmilla: Th-that's not... ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: We kill them. Sheepy: Satoru: That won't get you any valentines cards, Dad. ArsĂ©-kun: *Behind Satoru is Mozart, sliding down the banister. He is arriving.* Sheepy: Satoru: I can teach you how to be popular. Sheepy: Carmilla:...But you don't have any fr- Sheepy: Satoru: I can teach you how to be popular. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Hello, friends! I come bearing a single gift! *he poses dramatically* Sheepy: Satoru: That's how you become popular. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy is very popular. Sheepy: Satoru: I hear he even made a popular song or two. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Just a few! Sheepy: Satoru: That's the power of popularity. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: These babies? *he pulls out two homunculus baby bottles* Got these earlier today! Sheepy: Carmilla: I need those! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: So I have heard! *he offers them to her* Sheepy: *Carmilla takes them* Sheepy: Carmilla: I'll take them off your hands. Sheepy: Satoru: Popular people say thank you. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Thank you for taking them. I have no need for them! Sheepy: Satoru: This is why Uncle Mozzy is very popular. He should be able to woo the daemons into giving him their hearts. Sheepy: Satoru: This is why Uncle Mozzy is very popular. He should be able to woo the daemons into giving him their hearts. Sheepy: Carmilla:...I think you just aren't listening to us at this point! Sheepy: Satoru: You don't have to kill anything. If you're nice you can just ask for help and they might give it to you. Sheepy: Carmilla: They won't rip their own hearts out and give it to you. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: That would be nice, though. Sheepy: Carmilla: Maybe they'll rip out each other's hearts and give it to you. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: *mmm. heart.* Sheepy: Satoru: We have a plan now. Now we need to ask others. Sheepy: Satoru: But who should get the priority...? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: I'd like to suggest whoever is lowest, so they do not have to take my previous role of being unable to contribute. Sheepy: Satoru: Who is lowest? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: I've got no idea! Sheepy: Carmilla: Eh? Can you actually contribute now...? how does a musician even attack? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Do you like criticals? Sheepy: Satoru: They use knives and tear up their enemies while screaming out in pain snd their friend's name. Loud but effective. Sheepy: Carmilla: Wh- I do like criticals! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: He's an Avenger, he's allowed. And great! I can now guarantee crits! Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Sheepy: Satoru: So Avengers can break rules... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: There's no rules being broken there... Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo should be allowed to do it too because he's an avenger. Sheepy: *Lobo sticks his head in through the wall while chewing on a squeaky toy* Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo, you can yell while you're fighting now. Sheepy: Lobo: *he tilts his head before dropping the toy* Sheepy: Lobo: *he opens his mouth slowly before just screaming* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mozart cringes and covers his ears. Vlad stares* Sheepy: Carmilla: No!! Sheepy: *Lobo finishes, picking up his squeaky toy and flopping over onto the floor. chew chew chew. what a majestic wolf king* Sheepy: Satoru: I see. I didn't know wolves could do that. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Thhhhe more we know? Sheepy: Satoru: We're learning ... Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo, what ascension items do you need? Sheepy: Lobo: *stare, chew chew chew* Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay. Take your time. Sheepy: Lobo: *staaaaaare, chew chew chew* Sheepy: Carmilla:...Please ask Rider or Jack. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: You're forcing me into physical form for this?? *not that it's noticeable other than the small magical increase of the basement* Sheepy: Satoru: What ascension items do you need? Lobo is being shy. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Tearstones, spinal fluid, gallstones, and primordial hair. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Now please do not require me again! *and he returns to spirit form. bye jack* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Now we know Lobo's. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Shall we go inquire the rest of the family? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go. ArsĂ©-kun: *and they Do* Sheepy: Cu: *sigh* I want a girlfriend. Sheepy: Kintoki: I have many girlfriends! Sheepy: Cu: What's your technique for picking up girls!? Sheepy: Kintoki:...Eh? It's easy, ain't it? Sheepy: Cu: Show me how you do it! Sheepy: Kintoki: *he picks up Cu* Sheepy: Kintoki: That's all there is to picking up anyone. Doesn't matter their gender. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephi corrects 0% of this. It's funnier that way* Sheepy: Cu: No, like flirting with them. You know, getting a girlfriend? A lover? Sheepy: Kintoki: A...l-lover...?! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Have you tried being attractive? Sheepy: Cu: Oi! Have you actually looked at me?! I'm a pretty attractive guy! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I'm not obligated to answer that question! Sheepy: Kintoki: Oh, romance is golden romantic... Sheepy: Kintoki: Man, I love romance! Sheepy: Cu: Yeah? So how do you get a girlfriend, considering that you've got so many? I doubt the clown could help but you... Sheepy: Kintoki:? Just be nice and they'll be your friend! If they're a lady and your friend, they're your girlfriend. It's golden simple, yeah? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: *he just shrugs and leans back in his seat. its not WRONG* Sheepy: Cu:...You're worse than the clown. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: You haven't even asked me yet! Sheepy: Cu: Tell me your wisdom, o great clown. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Women dig suits! If you do yourself up nice, and you're not an asshole, they'll love you! At least for twenty minutes before you open your mouth!~ Sheepy: Kintoki: I love cheesy romances! Man, the sight of a golden couple getting together after an hour and a half of slow burn just revs me up! Sheepy: Cu: Suits, huh... Sheepy: Kintoki: I'm getting hyped! Aw yeah, I'm lookin' forward to the next episode of my favorite show! Will they finally get together?! Or will the mysterious masked individual steal the show...! Sheepy: Cu: Why did I ask you... ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Desperation! You even asked me! A clown of all people! Sheepy: Cu: Yeah, but I got rejected today. Sheepy: Kintoki: Chief told me something that might help! Sheepy: Cu: I especially don't want tbe advice of a twelve year old! Sheepy: Kintoki: "Penguins give shiny rocks to their crush to get a mate". Sheepy: Cu: ...The clown really has the best advice! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: If you pay me something, maybe I can do a little something for you! *don't evil grin. don't cheshire cat grin. dont do that mephisto. its creepy, dont* But that's entirely up to you, I can only suggest it~ Sheepy: Cu: I tried paying Yan Qing to help me get a girlfriend. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: You really are desperate!! Sheepy: Cu: And you know what? Sheepy: Cu: We did ourselves up all attractive, he acted as a wingman, and the only guy they wanted to talk to was that dirty hobo our little chick brought in...! Sheepy: Cu:...He didn't care at all and just rambled about whatever he usually rambles on about. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Huh, how unusual! Maybe they just really liked that dirty bad boy look? Or they just really didn't wanna see you n- OH Hi Satoru! Sheepy: Cu: But apparently when he's obnoxious it's "an endearing personality trait" and "cute", but when I'm obnoxious it's "a turn off" and "unappealing"... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Try less, get more! Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy doesn't try at all and he had a wife at one point. Sheepy: Cu:...That kinda feels like a veiled insult, huh. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: You're trying far too hard, I say. Sheepy: Cu: What do you expect me to do, huh? Sheepy: Cu: I can't compete with a grungy gross drunk man... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Outdrink. Sheepy: Cu: Ehh? I could easily do that...In fact, maybe I could outdrink you! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: That sounds like a challenge! Sheepy: Cu: It's more impressive winning against a famous composer in just about anything than it is winning against...whatever that guy did. Sheepy: Satoru: He was eating the moldy piece of meat from the back of the fridge. ArsĂ©-kun: *in the short time that Mephisto was not looked at, he vanished, changed into sweats, and came back. talent. this is unimportant* Sheepy: Satoru: That's why I brought him in. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Well, we don't need to clean it anymore! Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Exactly. Sheepy: Cu: You could be my wingman! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: In theory. You'd be the better option between us, hopefully. Sheepy: Cu: Eh? You need help picking up women, too? Sheepy: Cu: You got your eye on anyone? I'll be your wingman if you'll be mine! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: I might, but I'll gladly join you. Sheepy: Cu: Great. Sheepy: Cu: As long as it isn't she-who-will-not-be-named, I can make you look more desirable than me! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: And it's very easy to make you look better than I. Sheepy: Cu: Great, this will work well so long as that stinky guy isn't there! Sheepy: Satoru: We need two golden bear lighters. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Simple materials for a simple man. Sheepy: Satoru: What about Cu C Sheepy: Satoru: Cu Chu? Sheepy: Cu: What happened to Big Bro Cu? Sheepy: Satoru: He died. Sheepy: Cu: I have done that, huh... Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay. He came back. Sheepy: Cu: Lancer monuments, Yggadrasil Seeds... Ehh... Phoenix Feathers, Octupulet Crystals. Sheepy: Satoru: You use these big words that mean nothing to me. Sheepy: Satoru: I nod as if understanding. Sheepy: Satoru: I leave and forget about the whole event. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Seeds, feathers, shiny rocks. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go find some penguins. Sheepy: Satoru: They have feathers and shiny rocks. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Thank you for your contributions, you may be ascended soon! Sheepy: Cu: Really?! Finally! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Oh, maybe that's why garbage rat does better than you... What ascension level IS he? Sheepy: Satoru: I'm going to ascend too. Sheepy: Cu:...Eh? Sheepy: Cu:...... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Behold. *he lifts up Satoru as his angels sing. ascension* Sheepy: Cu: Pretty sure he's maxed... Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Wow! Sheepy: Satoru: I'm ascending. Sheepy: Satoru: I've already absorbed an ascension item. Just one I think. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I certainly have! Sheepy: Satoru: So have I. I store my ascension item in my chest. Do you store yours in your chest too? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Not quite! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Where? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I can't just share that! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's fine. Sheepy: Satoru: What about you, Uncle Mozzy? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Where do you think I got that mask from? Sheepy: Satoru: So your ascension items are stored in your mask??? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Something like that, probably! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Now we're just missing Auntie Guin and Angra. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Unfortunately, the Avenger went out some time ago. Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's ask him later then. ArsĂ©-kun: *in the background, outside the window, is Angra chasing a big white bird. This is clearly irrelevant* ArsĂ©-kun: *there are also some stray honks* Sheepy: Satoru: There he is. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: He sounds like he is in a predicament. Sheepy: Satoru: That's unfortunate. Sheepy: Satoru: I recognize that bird... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Who doesn't, frankly? Sheepy: Satoru: It's a dove ArsĂ©-kun: *Nobody corrects him* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: GIVE ME BACK MY BANDANNA YOU LITTLE SHIT Sheepy: Satoru: But Angra wouldn't like that so he's trying to chase it away. Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: DON'T HONK AT ME YOU WATER FOUL I'LL DUCK HUNT YOUR SHITTY FRIED ASS Sheepy: Elyan: *aggressive wing flap while running* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: WHY ARE YOU SO FAST Sheepy: Elyan: *honk!* Sheepy: Elyan: *he is very capable of flying, and yet he is staying on the ground purely to make Angra think he has a chance of catching him* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: HÖNK Sheepy: Elyan: *honk, honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Okay, that's it, you're going down!! *Killing Intent Activated. 3rd skill also activated. In five turns, you will die* Sheepy: Elyan: *he starts running faster* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra also speeds up. they are leaving trenches in the yard. fast* Sheepy: *Elyan continues running for a bit, honking at Angra as he does, before suddenly stopping!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra trips on him, and skids into the next zip code as well as several feet down. Unstoppable force meets inertia* ArsĂ©-kun: *like a meteorite in a cartoon on cartoon network YKNOW* Sheepy: Elyan: *he drops the bandana in the nearest bush* ArsĂ©-kun: *For once, Lancer is not dead. Instead, Avenger is dead.* Sheepy: Satoru: Angra is dead. Now is a good time to ask him what mats he needs. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: If the dead start speaking, let me know so I can hightail it outta here! Sheepy: Satoru: You're talking right now. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Well played! Sheepy: Satoru: We should invite his chicken friend in too. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Maybe I'll finally have a chance to study him! *thats some strong mad scientist vibes ur giving off mephi* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: We're just ignoring that? Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Have you ever seen a chicken? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I've never seen a magical albino peacock, if that's what you're asking! Sheepy: Satoru: It's important to be able to study things you haven't seen before up close. Sheepy: *Satoru opens the door. Elyan walks in.* Sheepy: Satoru: Good morning, Mr. Chicken. Sheepy: Kintaro: Aw yeah, what a cute lookin' bear! Sheepy: Cu: Yeah, what a pretty dog! [Thinks they're all joking.] ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: :) *he is in pain from this* Sheepy: *Satoru and Kintaro stare at Cu* Sheepy: Satoru: That's not a dog. That's a chicken. Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah, that's not a dog, that's a bear! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: It's not delivery, it's dignorno. Sheepy: Satoru: Angra is alive again. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Lucky me. *he is covered in dirt. it is CAKED on him. he is NOT PLEASED. because he didnt put it on HIMSELF. OBVIOUSLY* Sheepy: Satoru: What are your ascension items? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Teeeen void dusts, ten buckets of grease, ten gears, ten tearstones, ten ghost roots, ten dragon scales, a single bone, and a partridge in a pear tree!♫ Sheepy: Satoru: I see...would a chicken work? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: not the bird, actually. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: But the bone is crucial! I'm so close to finishing the first set! Sheepy: Satoru: You'll finally have a full ribcage. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: And the ability to survive for ten seconds. Sheepy: Elyan: *he's pecking at a piece of lint on the carpet* Sheepy: Satoru: You'll be so strong. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto observes* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: So if you know anybody that has any spare red bones, that'd be neat!! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: *Elyan begins observing Mephisto in turn* ArsĂ©-kun: *getting between these two would be Uncomfy and it is not recommended* Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: *he is unfazed* Sheepy: *Elyan wanders up to Mephisto and hops onto his lap* Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Thank you for your wisdom! Sheepy: Elyan: *sit* ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: *shocked.png* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Hey, wait, y'think Lobo got any bones? Sheepy: Satoru: 320. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Outside of his body! I can't use the internal ones! Sheepy: Satoru: He buries them. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Oh! Well, I'd better get digging, then! I'm already filthy, it doesn't matter! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra doubles back outside to start digging for Bone. give him th bone* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: We're just letting him do this? Sheepy: Satoru: I can't stop him. Sheepy: Satoru: He's older than me. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: That's not... Sheepy: Satoru: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Vlad cannot stop Elizabeth, and she's far younger than him. What's stopping you? Sheepy: Satoru: *headtilt* But Liz is strong. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not strong. Sheepy: Satoru: So all I can really do is feign strength or just let it happen. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: That's not how being a Master works! You can bully them all you want and what are they gonna do about it? Cry? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know. Be mean? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Sure, I guess so!! Sheepy: Satoru: But I don't like it when people are mean. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Then tell 'em to shut up! You're the real boss here! Sheepy: Satoru: But I'm not paying them. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: You're paying their survival! They can't live without you! So take advantage of it!! Sheepy: Satoru: But that's mean. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: So you're gonna let them be mean? Sheepy: Satoru: I'm an evil mastermind but I'm not mean. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I think you've got a misunderstanding of how those words don't work that way! Sheepy: Satoru: No. I'm very evil. Just like Grandpa. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm so evil that I can teach you how to be evil. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: I don't know, do you make people sign contracts yet? Sheepy: Satoru: No. Sheepy: Satoru: Here's an evil tip. Sheepy: Satoru: When someone is sick you cook for them and keep them happy so they'll recover faster. Sheepy: Satoru: It's evil because then they won't be sick anymore so they have to go to work. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Especially if they hate you, as it'll confuse the hell out of them. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Sheepy: Satoru: Why would they hate me? I'm a nice evil mastermind. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: *he just slowly goes to exchange looks with Elyan* Sheepy: *Elyan stares back* Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Nothing, go on~ Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: When somebody feels bad you listen to them and comfort them. ArsĂ©-kun: *angra is killed for the third time today in the background. by lobo. this was expected* Sheepy: Satoru: It's evil because you're wasting their time. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: *he shrugs* You've got your brand of evil, I've got mine! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: When I grow up I'll be like Grandpa. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mozart flinches because he heard someone bang pots and pans together. O u c h* Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay, Uncle Mozzy. You're cool too. Sheepy: Satoru: But I can't be like you. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Not that. Someone smacked two pans together and I happened to hear it. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: You have superhuman ears. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Thank you for noticing! Sheepy: Satoru: You can hear different noises from the piano. Most of them just sound the same. Sheepy: Satoru: That's powerful. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Yes, I am!! *his ego is soaring. his confidence has risen. satoru has complimented him. he is Living* Sheepy: Satoru: How do you do it? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Lots of practice! and luckily innate talent Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo is good too. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: He is! Sheepy: Satoru: He should sing with you more often but he's shy. Sheepy: Satoru: But that's okay. I'm shy too. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, we know... *he returns with a single evil bone in his hand, and more mud on his person. also blood. he didn't bother wiping it off this time* Sheepy: Lobo: *snarl* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Shhhhut up, I need it! Sheepy: Satoru: You stole his bone? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Just one! I'll give him two later! Sheepy: Lobo:....? Sheepy: Lobo: *math lady* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, that's right! I'll give you an additional bone later! Sheepy: Lobo:....*huff* Sheepy: *Lobo grunts and lies down on the floor* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Man, I agree, but I can't join you down there! You can track a mess and it's "fine" and "He's a wolf", but when I do it I'm "disgusting" and "a menace to society"! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Why not? Y'all've got a garden hose! Good enough! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: If you want to clean Lobo, go ahead. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Haha, hell no, I'm gonna go steal your entire shower for the remainder of the hour! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra drags himself out of the room.... He's limping. He completely played off how injured he actually is, again. He will have to clean up his filth trail afterwards.* Sheepy: Satoru:.....? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: *i aint touchin that* Sheepy: Satoru: He's injured... ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: I would be too, after being thrown into a ditch and mauled by Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru: Shouldn't we help him? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: I've got no healing, unfortunately. Sheepy: Satoru: How does Minako heal? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: With a First-Aid spell! But don't ask me to cast it, it won't last! Sheepy: Satoru: How do I do it? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: You know what? I've got no idea!! Sheepy: Satoru: I need to help him but I don't know how. Who can help him? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: Wizrad! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's look for Uncle Merlin. Sheepy: Satoru: But where is he, I wonder. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephi: No clue, haven't seen him! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I saw- think I saw D- Eiji earlier so maybe he knows... Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo, can you find Uncle Merlin? Sheepy: Lobo:..... Sheepy: Lobo: *loud barking* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: *W H Y* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: Why are we barking, is someone h- Who died in here?? Sheepy: Satoru: Angra. We need a healer. Sheepy: Cu: Eh, let 'im fend for himself. If he dies, that's a him problem. Sheepy: Satoru: I need to help him. ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: Healer, healer... Andersen is hiding someplace and I haven't seen the wizard. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I know how to find him. Sheepy: Satoru: *sharp inhale* *Somewhat pained* Disney's movies are good and faithful to the original source. ArsĂ©-kun: *Moments later, Andersen bashes a door open and enters the room. He was exactly one room over, where exactly is unclear, but boy is he unhappy! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You say THOSE WORDS in MY LOCATION, KNOWING that I still live?! If you were a servant, I'd have broken your neck and kneecaps! Sheepy: Satoru: I see. It worked. Hi. Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. They were dirty lies so I could use you for my own benefit. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: How dare you?? I'm already running into crunch time, and you do this to me?! Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo decided that Angra was crunch time. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Sucks to be him then! Sheepy: Satoru: He's injured so I need to help him but I can't heal him. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *he groans, loudly* For fuck's sake, fine. Follow the blood and gut trail, right? Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen stomps out of the room. Some light from his NP is visible from the hallway. He returns shortly after, his facial expression still exactly the same* Sheepy: Satoru: *clapping slowly* You did it. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: A story can be two sentences, except when being submitted to my editor. Sheepy: Satoru: You can write a children's book in two sentences. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Ten sentences minimum. Sheepy: Satoru: Most are just repeated but slightly edited. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Now don't require me again. Sheepy: Satoru: Good luck on your writing. If you ever get frustrated, Lobo is soft and warm, perfect to pet to relax. Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks over* Sheepy: Satoru: He looks scary but he's just shy. ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen opts to disregard this advice and goes to sit next to Cu. Because he is not dealing with the clown right now* Sheepy: *Lobo yawns and puts his head back down on the floor* Sheepy: Satoru: *he goes to pet Lobo* Sheepy: Cu: Oi, little chick, he's dirty- eh, he won't listen... Hey, how about you go and ask the others about ascension materials? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Auntie Guin is probably with Uncle Lance... Sheepy: Cu: Yeah, yeah, go see her! You can pet Lobo afterwards. (...Now I gotta clean him. Curse my big mouth.) ArsĂ©-kun: *GOOD LUCK CU.* Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go. ArsĂ©-kun: *the first step is finding Guin. Who is most likely with Lance, but where is Lance?* ArsĂ©-kun: *Probably with Tristan, and Mozart can hear his harp. Onwards, team* Sheepy: Tristan: Aaahhh...how sad! How sad! My own body rejects me! Sheepy: Bedi: Have you tried not playing your harp and therefore aggravating your headache even more? Sheepy: Guin: Or...maybe sleeping would help? ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance says nothing, but slowly starts looking at the Failnaught* Sheepy: Tristan: How can I solve this conundrum...? Sheepy: Bedi: Just...just stop playing Sheepy: Tristan: But how will I release my sadness? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he offers tristan the whiteboard and marker* Sheepy: Tristan: Hm? Whyever would I want this? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: uhhh... .... sad drrraw..? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, but I prefer my harp... Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, how sad! Even my beloved harp is out to hurt me... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Ahhhh.. *he withdraws his offer and considers just smacking Tristan with the sofa. The entire thing.* Sheepy: Guin: If you sleep you'll feel better...maybe. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: I can second this suggestion. And have you had anything to eat since? Sheepy: Tristan: No, I've just been sad. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Do eat something, then- It will help greatly. Or I will introduce your headache to my viola! Sheepy: Tristan: Hm? Why eat something when I can cry about being hungry? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Because it will reduce the headache? Sheepy: Tristan: *eyebrow raise* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: After dealing with my own hangovers, I can safely say the three keys are food, water, and resting. I really do recommend it! Sheepy: Tristan: *doubt* ...The great Mozart drinks? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Certainly do! Sheepy: Tristan: What a surprise ..! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: And now. Guinevere, Satoru had a question for you. Sheepy: Guin:...? What is it? Sheepy: Satoru: What are your ascension materials? Sheepy: Guin: 8 Saber pieces, 15 hero's proofs, 12 Saber monuments, 11 eternal gears, 7 giant rings- Sheepy: Tristan: And a partridge in a pear tree. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: That joke was used already. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad.... Sheepy: Guin:...and 16 knight medals. Sheepy: Tristan: Why knight medals when you aren't a knight, I wonder... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance hisses. He disagrees.* Sheepy: Tristan:? Sheepy: Tristan: But what constitutes a knight exactly? In my mind, a knight is anyone knighted by the king. Sheepy: Tristan: We have these laws of chivalry we [definition: everyone but Sir Griflet] are expected to follow, but... Sheepy: Tristan: Otherwise, it's just a title, right? Sheepy: Tristan: We can just ask Gilgamesh. He's a king, right? Sheepy: Satoru: I like him. He's funny. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Urghhhhhh. Sheepy: Satoru: He secretly likes kids but whenever he pats my head he tells me not to bite him with my cursed child teeth before doing so. Sheepy: Guin: I'd really rather not talk to him...nor the other king... Sheepy: Guin: I suppose since Lobo is a king, he could technically knight people if you're so serious about this being legitimate. Sheepy: Guin: But Lobo is only a king in nickname...not actual royalty. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *from under the sofa, and still sounding drunk* Bippity boppity boo, she counts as a knight, now shattap you who Sheepy: Bedi:...!? The sofa is talking...and it sounds like Merlin...? Sheepy: *Bedi gets off of the sofa.* ArsĂ©-kun: *some of merlin's hair is poking out from under the sofa. ah.* Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize for sitting on you, Mr. Sofa. I did not know you had feelings. I will be more considerate next time. Sheepy: Guin: Why are you under the sofa? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You fool, you cute idiot, I'm down here, and I don't remember. Sheepy: Bedi:...! Are you trapped under there? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: .... .... I could lift it, I certainly could...! ... Or so I thought, my muscles seem to be wood. Sheepy: Bedi: Don't worry. I can help you. Sheepy: *Bedi lifts the sofa.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin drags himself out of the way and uneasily gets back on his feet* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Appreciated! Sheepy: *Bedi puts the sofa down.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *was on the sofa* ▂▂. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, you're alright. Thank goodness. I thought you had become part of the sofa... Sheepy: Guin: Please let everyone get off of the sofa before lifting it next time. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: If I had, things would have gone differently~ Sheepy: Bedi: What do you mean? Would I have had to destroy the sofa in order to get you out? Sheepy: Bedi: What do you mean? Would I have had to destroy the sofa in order to get you out? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... ... Listen, let me be blunt, *he kisses Bedi* Yes, probably. Sheepy: Bedi:?! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Now stop asking questions, don't give me sass, I'm still drunk and it's kicking my ass. *he calculates the proper fall angle and drops onto the sofa to faceplant. just his face on the sofa.* Sheepy: *Bedi gently shifts Merlin onto the sofa* Sheepy: Bedi: Hold on, I will get you water. ...Not to keep repeating myself, but why would you ever try outdrinking Sir Kay? He is unstoppable. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, get me water when you get him water. Oh, some snacks too. Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Tristan, you can get your own food and drinks. So... As the king says. Sheepy: Bedi: "Don't be lazy! When the goal is in sight, just go ahead and achieve it!" Sheepy: Bedi:...And. Sheepy: Bedi: "You'll never get what you want if you don't try for it!" Sheepy: Bedi: And... a different king, although after he explained to me what he meant it's quite fitting for this situation. Sheepy: Bedi: "Perish." Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, how cruel! I thought Sir Agravain was cruel, but Sir Bedivere is the cruelest of them all...! Ahh, what happened to the sweet, easy to mani- helpful friend of mine...?! *he strums his harp sadly* Oh, how sad, how sad! It makes me sad to see how my friend changed! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he threateningly places a hand on the harp. This is about to become his.* Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, how sad! My harp is about to be taken! Without it, what am I? Sheepy: Tristan: Well, I am glad you asked. Sheepy: Tristan: I am incredibly beautiful. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Luckyyyyy. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes, I am. But worry not, my good friend. Sheepy: Tristan: You are... *he opens his eyes to “look” at Lance* Sheepy: Tristan: Oh dear. *he closes them* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... ... Sheepy: Tristan: You look like you. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Thhhhanks Sheepy: Tristan: I would say more but I cannot see a thing. Sheepy: Tristan: Well, perhaps that’s for the best. Sheepy: Tristan: That side cut you wear makes you look like a purple hedgehog...hmhm. But perhaps that’s popular now. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ...... He does.... .... *snrk* Hedgehog.. Sheepy: *Bedi suddenly rushed out. hedgehog time* Sheepy: Guin: His hair isn’t that bad... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Any spikierrr and... Mace head. Sheepy: Guin: I don’t mind it. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Any spikierrr and... Mace head. Sheepy: Guin: I don’t mind it. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, classic Sir Lancelot! Sheepy: Tristan: Using anything and everything as a weapon including his hair...! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Could that be used...?? *he is now ACTUALLY thinking about this* Sheepy: Tristan: If you try your hardest! Sheepy: Tristan: .... Anything can happen if you try your best. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... mmmmhm. Sheepy: Tristan: For example. Sheepy: Tristan: If you think good thoughts about yourself, you’ll be those thoughts. Sheepy: Tristan: For example. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: oh no Sheepy: Tristan: If you think you're attractive, the Queen might not find you less desirable than your berserker self. Go forth, my friend. Make the changes you want to see! Actually be attractive to hot married women! Sheepy: Tristan:...But probably you should do something about that hedgehog look of yours... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ...... .......... You'vvvve got to be kidding me... Sheepy: Tristan: What is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Berrserrrrkerrrrrrr speaking! Sheepy: Tristan: Hm? What? Sheepy: Tristan: *he places his hand on Lance's face. pat pat pat* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, I see now. Your face feels more angry. Not desperate and sad like Saber you. Sheepy: Tristan: Sad, but also angry. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ▂. Sheepy: Tristan: What? Sheepy: Tristan:....*thinking* I see. I've been bad mouthing Saber you not to his face... Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, how cruel! I should only insult people (not Kay) in their face! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... You don't know when you'rrrre in their face half the time. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes, yes. Sheepy: Tristan: Well, you should use anti wrinkle cream, speaking of faces. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ....... :< Sheepy: Tristan: If you're sad all the fime...well, unless your sadness is beautiful it'll wrinkle your face. Sheepy: Tristan: And you need to think better of yourself. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance utters a short bark of "HAH!" He is not really feeling it* Sheepy: Tristan: For example. Sheepy: Tristan: What are you good at? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Murder. Sheepy: Tristan: Well. ........ Sheepy: Tristan:......... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ...... Not much else. Sheepy: Tristan: Your eyes are nice. Sheepy: Tristan: You need to acknowledge things tbat are good about yourself, remind yourself, look in the mirror and tell yourself. Sheepy: Tristan: For example, I'm incredibly attractive and talented. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... I look like soggy roadkill. Sheepy: Tristan: Then be the change you want to see! Sheepy: Tristan: No point moping. Sheepy: Tristan: *he forces Lance's mouth into a smile after some feeling around his face* Sheepy: Tristan: Do this and it'll make you feel better. Chemicals and such. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Geez, can you fuckknuckles lighten up a little? *he's still slightly muffled by sofa* There's a big spiral of depression in here and I can't think of a rhyme for "little". Sheepy: Guin: Merlin, language! There’s children. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... May I ascertain why the fuck someone is in the midst of emotionally death spiralling? Sheepy: Guin: Whom? Sheepy: Satoru: Can you read my emotions? Are they like a children’s book or a lengthy novel? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: yeh. Sheepy: Satoru: “yeh”? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You're gonna make me pick up my head? I said yeah. Sheepy: Satoru: But it wasn’t a yes or no question. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Can I read them, yes I can. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: grt orf mur frce Trisan *he is suffering* Sheepy: Satoru: What are they like? Sheepy: Tristan: I will try to make you smile until you can smile from the bottom of your heart. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... Pretty simple, but you hide some of them. ArsĂ©-kun: *BEING LANCE IS SUFFERING. Now he feels bad and his face hurts* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Good. Sheepy: Tristan: If I let go, will you smile by your own choice? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: i cn trry Sheepy: *Tristan lets go* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Merrrci. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Merlin, Lobo mauled Angra. Mr. Chicken is also in our house. Sheepy: Tristan: Mr. Sofa... now Mr. Chicken. Sheepy: Guin: Mr...Chicken? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he groans* With Elyan comes Griflet. Sheepy: Guin: But Elyan isn’t.... Sheepy: Guin: ...Oh, nevermind. Sheepy: Satoru: Mr. Chicken likes Mephisto. Mr. Chicken is pretty. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Lance, do you know what makes me feel better when I’m unhappy? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ...? Sheepy: Satoru: Lying face down on the ground so everyone forgets I’m there. Sheepy: Tristan: ...But you’re almost always lying face down on the ground. Sheepy: Satoru: Do you know what else cheers me up? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Bugs? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Something else, too. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Spiky. Sheepy: Satoru: How unhappy are you? *he outstretches his arms* This much? Sheepy: Satoru: Show me. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... *he is not falling for your trick, Satoru. Not at all. He just holds his arms out. He is Waiting for the Payoff* Sheepy: *Satoru hugs Lance!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Payoff acquired. It's nice, except knowing how easy it is to accidentally crush a child. that did not help.* Sheepy: Satoru: I tricked you. I'm very evil. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: mmmhm. Sheepy: Satoru: When I'm sad this makes me happy. Are you happier? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... little bit. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'm not! *he.. enters? When had he left? And why is he now soaked?* Satoru, contain your canine Avenger- He's rebelling against his bathtime! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: The brute has no consideration for his surroundings! AND now I'm sober! I knew my plans to lay around would be ruined, but I'm still disappointed. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: And, as a spoiler! Lancer is likely to die again. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. That's normal. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo doesn't like it indoors. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Then do it with a garden hose! Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay, Uncle Merlin. Lobo doesn't like it inside which feeds into his hatred. Simply, he's an unstoppable force filled with pure rage upon unknowing individuals uttering the word "bathtime". ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: So you're not going to deal with- *he flinches briefly*- Lancer's current state of dead? Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay, Uncle Merlin. Big bro Cu is like schödinger's cat. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, did it ever fall? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yes, it did. Sheepy: Satoru: Well, if big bro Cu is out of sight, is he dead or alive? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: It's like putting a cat in a closed box. Since its state is unknown, it's simultaneously both dead and alive. Sheepy: Satoru: But with big bro Cu he has a tendency to be more dead than alive. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: But only this lancer, it seems. Prototype does not engage in the same nonsense. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *gosh i wish that were me* Sheepy: Satoru: But Uncle Lance is a Berserker. Sheepy: Satoru: Not a lancer. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I was referring to Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: He's very strong. Sheepy: Satoru: One time he picked up Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru: But Lobo doesn't like being picked up so he mauled Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: Anyway, I don't have any capability of healing. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... *he signs* Yes, fine, I will take care of it. Sheepy: Satoru: Until I learn, if my Servants get hurt, it's a you problem. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yes, yes. I will teach you the First-Aid spell when I am sure I am sober. Sheepy: Satoru: If you teach me it when you're drunk you might teach me first-grade. Sheepy: Satoru:................. Sheepy: Satoru: Hah. Hah. Hah. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance snorts, and then looks embarrassed* ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin doesn't bother leaving the room to heal Cu. No need.* Sheepy: Satoru: In turn I can teach you math. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Oh, yeah? What's nine plus nine? Sheepy: Satoru: 18. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: We have a genius on our hands!! Sheepy: Satoru:....?!?!?! Sheepy: Satoru:?!?!?!?!?!?! *confused, surprised, very happy (but not doing a very good job of showing it)* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Lancelot, what's 4 x 4? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... ... Arrrrthurrrrr! *he is very intentionally doing this.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Satoru? Sheepy: Satoru: 16. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: We have a winner, no contest! Sheepy: Satoru:!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheepy: Satoru: I've never won anything... Sheepy: Satoru: I see...I am a winner at math. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You are very good at math! Here! *he pulls out a roll of plain dot stickers typically used to write prices on and puts one on Satoru's shirt.* One good at math sticker! Sheepy: Satoru:?!?!?!?! Sheepy: Satoru: I get an award.... Sheepy: Satoru: One math sticker... Sheepy: Satoru: ...I've never gotten an award before. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm very capable. *his pride is at an all time high!* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he is delighted! look at this good thing he did!* You are. Sheepy: Satoru: You're very capable too. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Thank you. I hereby award myself a "I can do things sometimes" sticker. *and he sticks one onto his face. Merlin* I did it. Sheepy: Satoru: Maybe you're even good at science. Sheepy: Satoru: ............ Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know anyone good at science other than Holmes.... Sheepy: Satoru: Mephisto too. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Would you like to award them some stickers? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin pulls off a few sheets of stickers and hands them to Satoru* Sheepy: Satoru: ......? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Go forth and award them! I shall be sober by your return! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I'm going to award everyone. Even you. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I can't wait! Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Lance, make sure to stay here so I can give you an award, okay? I want to give one to Grandpa first but I don't want you to miss your award. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Surrree. *he's happy about this? for some reason?* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Bye. *Satoru leaves* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: .... Kids being happy really makes the heart and soul feel good, huh? Sheepy: Guin: It's the happiest I have seen him in a long time... Sheepy: *Bedi finally returns with water.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'm dying of happiness diabetes. I've slain myself. *and he slowly throws himself back onto the sofa, very dramatically.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: oh hi bedi! Sheepy: Bedi:...!? I come in a room and Merlin collapses to the sofa... Perhaps I should leave... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: No, no, it's an improvement! Sheepy: Bedi: ? ... Well, I brought you water. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Thank you! *he accepts his late prize* Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize for taking so long ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Do not worry! I am aware you had other tasks to manage! Sheepy: Bedi: I misplaced the fridge. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: you what Sheepy: Bedi: Well, I entered the kitchen and there was Holmes. So with that I assumed that was not our fridge. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *concern?* Sheepy: Bedi: So I checked the other two fridges, only to not recognize its contents. Sheepy: Bedi: After finding myself lost and confused, it came to me. Perhaps I misplaced the fridge. Sheepy: Bedi: So I checked Holmes's fridge and it had the contents of ours, so I've come to the conclusion that our fridges somehow ended up swapped... Sheepy: Bedi: It's the only logical conclusion. Sheepy: Bedi: I fed Squash as well... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You are so fundamentally stupid and I adore you. Sheepy: Bedi:? Sheepy: Bedi: Had Squash already been fed? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Consider: Holmes simply borrowing the kitchen for his own use? Sheepy: Bedi:.... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I understand how this is alarming! Sheepy: Bedi: Why would he do that? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You'll have to pay me one smooch for a spoiler! ArsĂ©-kun: *smug merlin.png* Sheepy: Bedi:?! I see... so it's shocking information, just like Holmes not being a knight of the round table... Merlin: He is a knight, though! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: His writer friend and/or author was once knighted, though! Sheepy: Bedi: *He kisses Merlin! He has to know the truth of why Holmes was in their kitchen.* Sheepy: Tristan: If only I was smart enough that someone would kiss me. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: He's cooking. Sheepy: Tristan: But maybe I can ask Sir Gawain. I should be smart compared to him. Sheepy: Tristan: ...I'd really prefer a married woman instead, however... Sheepy: Bedi: Why would he cook in our kitchen? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: To avoid Emiya discovering his talent and forcing him to take some cooking shifts. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Verrrry selfish, but understandable! ArsĂ©-kun: *In the meanwhile, Satoru feels a very tiny power-spike from somewhere while giving Mori a well-earned "Best Grandpa" award. Someone has ascended! Incredible!* heepy: Bedi: Poor Emiya...although I suppose Sir Holmes has better things to do with his time. Sheepy: Bedi: Like....looking almost lifeless on the sofa. Sheepy: Bedi: Or buzzing around the house without any concern for others because he is fixated on something... Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose the reason he is a knight-detective and not a knight of the round table is because he would not be able to work with others very well. Sheepy: Tristan:....Sir Bedivere, Holmes is not a knight at all... Sheepy: Bedi:....?! Sheepy: Bedi: I...I see. *he's flustered* ...I thought he was a cool knight... Sheepy: Tristan: Worry not! For you have an actual cool knight [myself] right here. Sheepy: Bedi:....Sir Lancelot? Sheepy: Bedi:......... Sheepy: Bedi:....But Sir Lancelot in his stories is, well, a little too perfect. To the point it is unachievable. But to be looked at the way Sir Mash looked at Holmes, well... you must be the coolest knight. Sheepy: Bedi:...Personally, the knight I look up to is- ....Um, nevermind. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Sir Tristan is right here. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Not Sir Tristan. Sheepy: Bedi: Of course, it's none other than Sir Kay. Sheepy: *Tristan plays the wrong note on his harp and just stops* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Weird way to say "Arthur". Sheepy: Bedi: ...!? Sheepy: Bedi: O-of course I wouldn't answer with the King... Sheepy: Bedi: The King's too cool. Unachievably cool... But perhaps, Sir Kay...... Sheepy: Tristan: What an odd way to say "Sir Tristan"... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Is it the T being prrronounced as a K orrr is it the Tr? Sheepy: Bedi: !?!?!?! Sheepy: Bedi: N-no, no, it's Sir Kay! He's honest, he's sociable, he's a really good friend... those are the traits of a good person. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: He's an alcoholic, he insults everyone, he keeps not answering my texts. Sheepy: Bedi: He's not an alcoholic. He's just an alcohol appreciator...so Griflet says. Sheepy: Bedi: ...But it's difficult to believe anything he says. Sheepy: Bedi: But what are you texting him? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Oh, you know. Bad memes. Sheepy: Bedi: ? "Bad memes"? Sheepy: Bedi: There are...good memes? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I will have to enlighten you later. ArsĂ©-kun: *This is probably a threat. Merlin smiling does not change this fact.* Sheepy: Bedi: What? ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance moves to Tristan's side and carefully puts his arm around Tristan's shoulders. Friend!* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, at least I have you. Sheepy: Tristan:.... Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...but to have a romantic outing....a tryst, one might call it, with a beautiful married woman... Sheepy: Tristan: Then we can both have lovers...although, I suppose that unless Sir Lancelot (Saber) steps up his game, he'll be left out... Sheepy: Tristan: How sad! Women will weep at the lost opportunity, but I must stay single until my friends are not. Sheepy: Tristan: After all, no one can cry well enough about being single except myself. Sheepy: Tristan: ...Although, I've yet to meet my type... Sheepy: Bedi: Yan Qing told me about a Servant dating app. Sheepy: Bedi: Apparently, you put in your interests and match with other Servants. Sheepy: Bedi:....But Yan Qing mentioned that not every Servant was using it and kept swiping to find a specific someone. Sheepy: Tristan: I will get this dating app. Sheepy: Tristan:........ Sheepy: Tristan: I wonder who might be on it. Sheepy: Tristan: If I put "married women" in interests, I'll match with Sir Lancelot. He's a fine match, but I'd rather a married woman..... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: uhhh. *he makes the 'I DUNNO' sound.* .... Uh? Sheepy: Tristan: Merlin, can you set it up for me? Sheepy: Tristan: My interests are music, archery, married women, and beautiful things. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I want to ride a dolphin one day. That's my life goal. Sheepy: Tristan: I'll play it music and it will squeak back as dolphins do. Sheepy: Tristan: By the way, to accomplish this I need to go to the beach. I'll sing to them and become a dolphin tamer. Beauty attracts beauty, after all. Sheepy: Tristan: Beauty also attracts ugly so if you see any crabs keep them away. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: What's that? Set it up for you? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes, a profile. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Give me your phone. Sheepy: *Tristan gives Merlin his phone* Sheepy: Tristan: I want a nice supportive person, preferably a married woman. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Can't guarantee that, Sir Tristan, but I'll try. Sheepy: Tristan: If they're poisonous, however... I'm not interested. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: But of course. Sheepy: Tristan: I don't want to be single ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That's understandable. Sheepy: Tristan: After all, who will I spend Christmas with? Sheepy: Bedi: Probably Griflet if he spots you. Sheepy: Tristan: No...no........ ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Lets avoid that destiny until at least the new year! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ........ *he pauses in typing for a few moments. what do you see with your magical eyes, merlin* ... Well, all right. I never needed to see that. Sheepy: Tristan: What is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I just had a vision of the Demon King insisting on being brought a sacrifice and oh gee golly that wasn't the end of it ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... In other news, merch for a demon reindeer is gonna start popping up. it has realistic screaming sound effects. I'm going to throttle King David with my own two hands. Sheepy: Bedi: Why would anyone want that? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I don't even understand that man sometimes. *he just shakes his head and resumes setting it up for Tristan* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: And gods forbid you match him, you WILL get your own property sold back to you. *he is not happy* Repeatedly. Sheepy: Tristan: Hmm...I'd rather not him. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: He needs a very stable support anyway. Sheepy: Tristan: What do you mean? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: He's a disaster bastard. Sheepy: Tristan: Like me... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I was gonna be subtle, but you can just listen to some bible readings and figure it out yourself! Sheepy: Tristan: Hm? Alright. Sheepy: Tristan: Imagine your life being out there for everyone to read... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Aren't we lucky only parts of ours are? ArsĂ©-kun: *lancelot grumbles something about tracts of land. or something* Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Bedivere is the most lucky of us all. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Mhmmmm. Sheepy: Tristan: He has close to nothing written about him. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh. Sheepy: Bedi:...... Sheepy: Bedi:.....I'm the best...at being completely uninteresting. Sheepy: Tristan: Hm. It's all about romance. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Then what's the point? It should be about swords against swords! Sheepy: Tristan: Why? Sheepy: Tristan: Romance is my favorite. Sheepy: Satoru: The trope of two lovers coming together in secret to see each other is overused. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It's fantastic, but severely overdone, yes Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Auntie Guin, here's an award for wielding the biggest sword. Sheepy: Guin: ...Oh! Thank you. Sheepy: Satoru: *he comes over to Lance and starts putting stickers on him* You get awards too. Sheepy: Satoru: You give good hugs and don't order me around. You're also a good listener. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Ah! Merciii! *he got AWARDS! he's not a worthless cause yet!* ArsĂ©-kun: *in the background, Merlin is ascending, figuratively. He will be fed for weeks, like a snake.* Sheepy: Satoru: You're welcome. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Merlin, you can have an award too. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Oh? What for? Sheepy: Satoru: For being smart and funny. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That's sweet of you. I don't do that much, now, really..! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Nevermind then. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I took a calculated risk and boy did I fuck that up Sheepy: Satoru: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I would still like a sticker! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. *he gives Merlin a sticker* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Thank you! Sheepy: Satoru: You're welcome. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Bedi, you can have an award for being a nice person. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah... th-thank you. This is my first time getting an award... Sheepy: Satoru: You're welcome. Sheepy: Tristan: And me? Sheepy: Satoru:............. *headtilt*........................ Sheepy: Satoru: Who are you? Sheepy: *Tristan starts crying.* Sheepy: Satoru: I see... Sheepy: Satoru: Nice to meet you, Mr. Crying. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: So cruel... Sheepy: Tristan: We've talked before...multiple times....am I truly so forgettable...?! Sheepy: Satoru: I'll remember your name in the future. Sheepy: Satoru: You can have an award for being the best at crying on command. Sheepy: Satoru: You'd have to be with a name like Mr. Crying. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he utters a low growl* Stop bullying Tristannnn Sheepy: Satoru:....? Sheepy: Satoru: Who is Tristan? Sheepy: Satoru:.......... Sheepy: Satoru:....................? Sheepy: Satoru: Is his name Tristan? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Whhhy the hell else would I say it?? Sheepy: Satoru:................ Sheepy: Satoru:.........Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I didn't know...I'm sorry. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance is offended for Tristan. Probably over-offended. Here, have one of his stickers. Good friend. Do not be this sad, friend.* Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, how sad, how sad! Truly the worst fate to be forgotten... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: That's a funny way of saying "Being hated by everyone"! Sheepy: Tristan: How sad! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Reminder! He took over half a year to actually remember my name is Merlin, so don't be surprised if he's bad at names! But that's okay! Sheepy: Satoru: *he's not sure why Lance is suddenly mad at him but he's not pleased about it. more scared than anything* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ...? Sheepy: Tristan:...But Tristan is a much more beautiful name than Merlin. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Hmmm! Sheepy: Satoru: *his gaze is fixed to the floor...* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ? ?? *what did I do? what did I do wrong?* Sheepy: Tristan: If I sing my name to you, will you remember it? Sheepy: Tristan: Or perhaps I should tell you my origin story. Sheepy: Satoru: *he has stopped listening...* Sheepy: Tristan: I see, you're so eager to know my origin story that you're speechless. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *DID I DO THIS??* Sheepy: Tristan: My friend, you can listen too. Sheepy: Tristan: It was the day of my birth. Both of my parents failed to show up. Sheepy: Tristan: And so I was named Tristan the sad one. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: So, unfortunately, Mr. Crying is not that far off. Sheepy: Tristan: You'll remember my name, yes? Sheepy: Satoru: Sheepy: Tristan: Good, wonderful. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... I'm going to pause you right here. Sheepy: Tristan: What is it? Oh, I forgot. My other titles. Sheepy: Tristan: Tristan means sorrow. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That's not why I stopped you. Sheepy: Tristan: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin goes and squats down next to Satoru* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: What's all this, then? Sheepy: Satoru: *he quickly backs off from Merlin, giving him a surprised and fearful expression. well, that's new* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Eh? ArsĂ©-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 1 ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance attempts to exit the scene very quickly and quietly, and promptly stumbles over the edge of a seat and swears. Stealthy.* Sheepy: Tristan: Where are you going, my friend? My story is not over. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Hell, hopefully. Sheepy: Tristan: Oh? You hope it to be over soon? Come, come, I'll tell you an abridged version. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Not because of you. Sheepy: Tristan: What? You want other origin stories? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Did I frighten you? That was not my intent, young sir! *he places his staff down and holds his arms out. he is unarmed.* Sheepy: Satoru: *he watches the staff closely* ............... ArsĂ©-kun: *the staff is on the ground and is also inanimate* Sheepy: Satoru: *he decides that this automatically makes Merlin safer than Lance and hesitantly approaches Merlin* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he doesn't move. He may look like he knows what he's doing, but surprise: He actually is entirely bluffing.* ArsĂ©-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 2 ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance trips over a stray cushion meanwhile. Stealth mission going REAL WELL.* Sheepy: Tristan: This is my favorite origin story. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Sir Tristan, the child is afraid for some reason. Do not blame yourself. Please refrain for several moments. Sheepy: *Satoru decides that open arms = hug and shakily accepts it.* Sheepy: Tristan: When I was a child I was afraid for more than just some reasons. Sheepy: Tristan: ...Oh, hold on a minute. Yes, I understand now. ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin does slowly hug Satoru. What is the problem tiny child??? Why are you afraid?* Sheepy: Satoru:......I didn't know...I didn't know... I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I'll do better next time. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It was already stated that you did nothing wrong. Sheepy: Satoru: I... I didn't know. ... ... I'll do better next time. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: But you didn't do anything.... Sheepy: Satoru: But....he... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: He got snappy, but no ill will was behind it. Sheepy: Satoru:...He wouldn't have gotten mad at me unless I'd done something wrong. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... He's a Berserker. Anger containment is a problem he has. It isn't about what you did. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... Okay, so it is a little bit, but it wasn't meant to be harmful. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: And you've already apologized, so there's nothing to be afraid of. Not even him! He wouldn't dare harm you. ArsĂ©-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 19 ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot finally succeeds in escaping the room, catching no attention while doing so. His immediate course of action is to jam his helmet onto his head, followed up by "casually" walking out the backdoor. The aforementioned emotional death spiral has hit rock bottom.* Sheepy: Satoru:............ Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru:..... Sheepy: Satoru: But Mr. Centipede isn't angry. Nor is, uh.... ... ... Mr. Bear [Hercules]. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Is that what we're calling Heracles now? But he certainly can be. Sheepy: Satoru:....? Sheepy: Satoru: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Because that's what they do in this servant class? Sheepy: Satoru: So is the grey-haired man a Berserker too? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: And Cu Alter is... How do I say... Icy aggression, instead of the normal berserk rage. He's more of a special case, though- Heracles and Sir Lancelot are the worst in terms of anger-- Salieri? Almost. He's an Avenger, like Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru: What's the difference? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Between...? Avengers and Berserkers? Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. How are they different? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Avengers want revenge for something and most are hateful, as a general rule. Berserkers are more wide-range violence-committing and usually think things through very little. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That explains Lobo but not Angra... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: He's something, all right. Sheepy: Satoru: He's not hateful ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Hmmm, I wouldn't go that far~ But no spoilers! Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Sheepy: Satoru: But why? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: He's had it pretty bad, lets just say. But it's not my place to tell~ Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. He'll have it better here because he's nice. ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, both bedi and guin have gone to stop lancelot from exiling himself to the snow outside. this is a multi-man mission. anyway* ArsĂ©-kun: *there is a very tiny power spike from somewhere! someone ascended. neat* Sheepy: Satoru: What was that? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Someone managed to ascend. Not that it did very much, haha. Sheepy: Satoru: I wonder who it was. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You're about to find out in ten, nine.. ArsĂ©-kun: *some poor soul misses a step on the stairs and ends up falling. they land fine, but that must have hurt. it was a very distinct sound* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... Four... Three... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... Two. *he sighs* One. ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin fingerguns towards the doorway, just as Angra crashes through it in clear excitement. It very much helps that he's not a purely ink-black void of a man anymore!* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: MASTER, HOLY FUCK! Sheepy: Satoru: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Look, look, I have normal human features!! Sheepy: Satoru: Who are you? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Wh-what do you mean "Who am I"?! I'm still the same villain everyone knows and loves! Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa became young... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Wrong villain! ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra reverts to being the Voidℱ* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Y'know?! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, Angra. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I know it's a drastic change, but could you really not tell?! Lookin' like this- *he gestures to himself* Gets kinda old after a while! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: So! *he shakes the void off* I finally ascended instead! Sheepy: Satoru: You look friendly. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You think so? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh, you look like a big brother. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Well! *he puffs his chest out* I'd better get to know that role! Sheepy: Satoru: I'll call you that now. Big bro Angra. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :D! !! Sheepy: *Satoru shows Angra his command seal!* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: That's pretty neat! and i was wondering where that was Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: I, too, have ascended before. I store my ascension item in my chest. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Oh? That's new. So what is it? A magic crest? Lust worms- No, not those. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: ... Nah, it's can't be a whole grail, right? We'd be able to detect that shit miles away. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I mean, I kinda have one? *he produces a shadowy grail in his hands* But it's too weak to do anythin'. Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: We'll solve that mystery one day! *he lets his "grail" fizzle away* Sheepy: Satoru: It was put there. I don't remember how. ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin's just not adding any information. He knows, of course. But it is not the time or place to say* Sheepy: Satoru: Why would you put a grill in someone? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Grail! Put a grill.... Why would you put a grill in, great question? Would that roast them inside out? Sheepy: Satoru: Grail? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah. The magical cup the knights of the table wanted in Monty Python! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. But that's not real. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: But the cup is! Sheepy: Satoru: Cups are real. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You bet your fuckin' ass they are. Sheepy: Satoru: But how is the grail? I've never seen a grail before. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he shrugs* God's holy will or some dumb shit. Sheepy: Satoru: But that wouldn't fit in someone unless it was a snail sized grail. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Snail grail... Sheepy: Satoru: Unless you broke it into pieces. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: :) Sheepy: Satoru: And then you eat the pieces. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Ooh, that'd cut your throat like a sharp potato chip. Sheepy: Satoru: But that would be unhealthy. Sheepy: Satoru: But maybe if you blended it into a smoothie. Sheepy: Satoru: But then you wouldn't have a cup to drink the smoothie from. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Or just attach it to someone, that would work too. Sheepy: Satoru: Because you blended it. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Drink it from the blender! Who's gonna stop you? God? Sheepy: Satoru: Really? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Most effective when attached to something inside the body. Sheepy: Satoru: Like your brain. Sheepy: Satoru: Brain grail. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I can't say that's wrong, I suppose. Sheepy: Satoru: You can also put it in a hyperbolic press and mix the powder into water before drinking it. Sheepy: Satoru: Like Moses and the golden calf. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: ... Nope, don't know it! Sheepy: Satoru: Moses made people drink pure gold. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Sick. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I just told you the answer and you continue on. Okay. My job is done, I suppose. Sheepy: Satoru: What? Sheepy: Satoru: The answer to what? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: What? :3c Sheepy: Satoru: If I had a grail piece I would wish for orange juice. Sheepy: Satoru: But unfortunately the grail would be in pieces so the orange juice would judt be all over the ground... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Maybe the real grail piece was inside of you, right here, all along. *he lightly pokes Satoru's chest* And have you checked your fridge? Sheepy: Satoru: If I had a grail piece inside of my chest I would wish for orange juice. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That's fair. Sheepy: Satoru: Have you ever had orange juice before, Uncle Merlin? It's important to stay healthy. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I have. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I haven't! Sheepy: Satoru: You should try orange juice then. Sheepy: Satoru: It tastes like orange juice. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Gee, really. Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Orange juice tastes like orange juice, and the floor here is made out of floor. Hmm. Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Sheepy: Satoru: What would you wish for if you had a grail piece? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: People die when they are killed-- Me? Oho, oh man, so much. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Primarily vengeance! Revenge for my unfair imprisonment! A river of blood! Maybe a pet dog, I dunno. Sheepy: Satoru: Isn't Lobo like a pet dog? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Maybe another pet dog! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: What about you, Uncle Merlin? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I want to go to the moon with minimal effort Sheepy: Satoru: You can. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Oh, gee, you're right! Sheepy: Satoru: When you see someone you love, you go over the moon. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: How did I not think of that! Sheepy: Satoru: So just go down when you see someone you love and you'll be on the moon. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Then the first step is finding Bedivere! Sheepy: Satoru: Good luck. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Thank you! Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Bedi isn't here unless he's under the sofa. ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin gets down to the floor to check* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: He is not! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I shall go on my search now! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Bye. ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin exits scene right* Sheepy: Satoru: But what does being ascended get you? Will you now be desirable to you-know-who? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: It means I'm stronger! I might not be entirely useless in combat anymore! And I hope not! Sheepy: Satoru: Really? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I hope so! Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Sheepy: Satoru: Why are you usually featureless? Are you shy? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Cuz I wasn't anybody important. *for once in his life, he's serious.* What I looked like didn't matter. But enough about that! *aaand status quo* Sheepy: Satoru: You're somebody important now. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Amazing! Great cool! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Once you enter this house, you're important. ArsĂ©-kun: *everyone liked that* Sheepy: Satoru: Before, most of us were rejected by society. Society just didn't know what it was missing out on due to being close minded. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Fuck society! Sheepy: Satoru: You can never fully remove society from your life but you can create a support system that makes you happy. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You're saying we still live in a society? Sheepy: Satoru:.....? Sheepy: Satoru:......*headtilt* ............ ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Anyway, join me on my unholy quest to show off and mildly annoy everyone! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Sick! Sheepy: Satoru: I'll follow you. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go. ArsĂ©-kun: *adam west-style batman swirly screen with a zoom in and out of someones face while a brass instrument plays in the background* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he slides onto a table, right in the way of the tv* Behold, your dark god. Sheepy: Ozy: Ahahaha.......Ahahahaha! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: That's the exact opposite of beholding!! Sheepy: Ozy: You dare put yourself above me? Behold my light! *he stands on the sofa and starts shining light at Angra* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: For fuck's sake, I said dark god! *he shields his eyes. the light makes his cool new tats stand out more tho so thanks* Sheepy: Satoru: Your tattoos look nice. *drinks orange juice* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: See, he knows what it's all about! Sheepy: Ozy: Hm? Then I care not for you. *he stops* Sheepy: Ozy: Now then. You're in my way. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, I sure am. Sheepy: Ozy: ....... Sheepy: Ozy: Ahahahaha! Sheepy: Ozy: So? You won't move... Sheepy: Ozy:..... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I never said that! Sheepy: Ozy:............ Sheepy: Ozy: So, you refuse to move. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: That means the same thing!! Sheepy: Ozy: Then you will? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Hahah! Only because I am feeling merciful! *he does move, but he takes his time. yes, he is copying Ozy* Sheepy: Ozy:???.... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Even sun gods can fall victim to a simple evil plot sometimes! Take notes, Satoru! Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I wanted attention, and I got it! And I caused him to miss precious seconds of television! Mediocre evil! Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: No harm, so no harm can be done back to me. Just annoyance and success. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. What if I want your attention? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Well, you can ask for it. Oooor you can annoy me, which absolutely won't bite me in the ass in later episodes! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Will you yell at me if I bother you? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: If I do, permission granted to annoy me more! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Did you know? Christmas is soon. Sheepy: Satoru: But knowing for certain Santa is real... Sheepy: Satoru: ...I feel guilty making her visit yet one more house... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I've never gotten a present before. What's that like? Sheepy: Satoru: Family and friends come together and exchange gifts. Sheepy: Satoru: Some of us are more excited about Santa than others. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo is excited about Santa. Lobo has been naughty this year but Lobo is never not naughty. He’s an Avenger. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: So we're immune to the naughty list... Good to know! Sheepy: Satoru: Perhaps. Perhaps not. Lobo is also a wild animal incapable of conforming to humanity’s concept of nice because instinctually he’s naughty. Sheepy: Satoru: And unlike humans not giving him gifts won’t teach him a lesson. He’ll just be confused and sad. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I, too, will be confused when not given my gift of capitalistic material wealth. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Because I've never done this shit before. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Just be prepared to be disappointed. Sheepy: Satoru: Most people give clothing. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Neat, maybe I'll get a shirt! Sheepy: Satoru: Do you not have one? Sheepy: Satoru: You can ask Dad for one. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I really don't! I'm wearin' everything I've got! Sheepy: Satoru: Let's get a shirt for you. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You ask for it! I'd just sound like I'm whining. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go. Sheepy: Satoru: He's not mean so don't worry. Sheepy: Satoru: But I'll ask for you. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Sick. Sheepy: *Satoru hunts for Vlad* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad comes in at this moment. Helloooo* Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Good evening. Were you waiting for me..? Sheepy: Satoru: Do you have any shirts? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: For...? Sheepy: Satoru: Angra is no longer rejecting public decency. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: H-hey, I never said THAT! ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Yes, yes, I most likely do. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Be publicly indecent. Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Did you see? He ascended. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: I do see this. Congratulations, Avenger. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :o Sheepy: Satoru: One day I'll ascend too. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: One day, but not yet. Sheepy: Satoru: On that day I'll be unstoppable. Unparalleled. I'll take on an enemy no Servant is capable of defeating. Sheepy: Satoru: Filing taxes. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Dr. Jekyll does taxes. Try again. Sheepy: Satoru:........ Sheepy: Satoru: Sixth grade science. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: The terror. Sheepy: Satoru: It's unbeatable. Sheepy: Satoru: Like dinosaurs. Sheepy: Satoru: Cavemen didn't live during the time of dinosaurs because they were too afraid to. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: According to you, I did. Sheepy: Satoru: But you're not a caveman. You're a vampire... ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: Humans descended from vampires. It's clear. Dinosaurs have pointy teeth but birds don't. Sheepy: Satoru: Vampires have pointy teeth but humans don't. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Then please explain how I was human at first. Sheepy: Satoru:........ Sheepy: Satoru:................ Sheepy: Satoru: *headtilt* ............... Sheepy: Satoru: Y...you.... Sheepy: Satoru:......*brow furrows with thought* ...... Sheepy: Satoru: You're the chicken from the egg. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Have you considered you're wrong? Sheepy: Satoru: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Because people can be wrong. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like the past where dinosaurs didn't interact with vampires. Sheepy: Satoru: The one where they did is better. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Maybe they did, I don't know that. I just like doubting it. Sheepy: Satoru: That's okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I like it better with vampires. Sheepy: Satoru: Everything is better with vampires. Sheepy: Satoru: Some people have the Easter Bunny. I have prehistoric vampires. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I'd love to dunk on it, but fuck the bunny. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? The Easter Bunny isn't real. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Santa is. Sheepy: Satoru: Santa is nice. Sheepy: Satoru: Did you know? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: no Sheepy: Satoru: Santa wears black and white. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: No red? Sheepy: Satoru: Very little. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Disappointing. Sheepy: Satoru: Usually red Santas are just your family. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Or bloodsoaked Sheepy: Satoru: Like Grandpa. Sheepy: Satoru:...Not bloodsoaked but family. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Why not both! Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa is good. Sheepy: Satoru: He would never be soaked with another man's blood. Sheepy: Satoru: Instead one of his lackeys would. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Dad. If you had a grail, what would you wish for? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Not requiring blood to survive. ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad has an ugly sweater. He went to get it. It's given to Angra's drink with force* Sheepy: Satoru: Everyone needs blood to live. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Merlin implied that what's in my chest is part of one. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: I hope your heart uses blood. Sheepy: Satoru: That's not what I meant... ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: :) Sheepy: Satoru: But why would it be that, I wonder. I don't see a point. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Who knows? Sheepy: Satoru: Maybe to grant wishes. Sheepy: Satoru: I already achieved my wish earlier so I don't have one. I have orange juice now. Sheepy: Eiji:...Th-that'sss not...he didn't put th...that in me. ...Wh-why? *he's behind Vlad* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Oh, oh! I got it! Allow me! *he pulls out the wonderful book of his, the Avesta, and slams it down on the table.* Sheepy: Eiji: ...? Sheepy: Eiji: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Gimme an idea of what it was! If it was evil enough, I might have a record! Sheepy: Eiji: It, it... Sheepy: Eiji: W-was ssome kind of bug.. H-he mentioned its name. ... *he's thinking* ...I d-don't remember th-the events too well. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Bug? Ooooh, heheh! Did it look like a tiny penis with teeth? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Or spikier? Sheepy: Eiji: I d-don't quite remember but th...that ssseems right. Sheepy: Satoru: Bugs should remain outside of your body. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Oh, definitely, if you're a good boy. But man, this is takin' me back. Y'know you can live with an entire body filled with those bugs? *the Avesta is flipping through it's pages while he's talking* But only if you've got a placenta! Shit's wild! Sheepy: Eiji: E...eh? One's painful enough...! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeaaaah, if you got no babymaker, they break your spine, eat your brain.. Y'know! Classic horror stuff! *he's talking about this like it's not important. it's just fun trivia. the mood: unreadable* ArsĂ©-kun: *The Avesta stops moving. Page found.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, they're nasty. Oh! Here we are! "One specimen of the Crest Worm variety introduced to a living human man. Specimen, upon not finding the desired womb, began rampaging up the spinal column. Specimen removed before reaching the brain by surgeons. Specimen was contained and the victim survived." Sheepy: Satoru: What's a Crest Worm? I've never seen one. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Take a silverfish, okay? Bigger. Bigger! Lamprey teeth! Now shove it up your own ass! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Why put it in someone? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Well... According to the Avesta, research and one-sided revenge. My jam. Sheepy: Eiji: B-but I didn't...I didn't... Sheepy: Eiji: ...Wh-what did I do wrong...? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Hell if I care, but someone didn't like you. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: That's that! Crest Worms are nasty little critters, and that one might be the last of it's kind! Thankfully! Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Sheepy: Eiji: *he appears bothered by the whole thing.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: All right, settle down now. That's quite enough of this talk. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: But can't we just find out their motives of why they made me summon you or why they put the grail piece in me? Through your book. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: .... ...Where's the fun in that? I mean, yeah, maybe. Sheepy: Satoru: Well, if they want to summon something big and scary, you'd want to know, right? ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin is also expectantly watching Angra. Angra is not happy about the extra pressure.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yes? I guess so? Sheepy: Sataoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: *Stare* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra is afflicted by Pressure! -1 PP.* Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay. I don't mind. Sheepy: Satoru: *Stare* Sheepy: Satoru: I'll just ask Lobo instead. ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra is under Too Much Pressure and has been inflicted with Mute* ArsĂ©-kun: *the Avesta is just sitting there, open. Why not check it yourself, Satoru?* Sheepy: Eiji:...P-please stop pr...pres...y-you know- pressuring him. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I have eyes. I can read. I'll find it myself. Sheepy: *Satoru checks for himself.* Sheepy: Eiji: Y-you..uh...you... can't touch oth...other's p-property without per...permission. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: But he owns me, so... Sheepy: Eiji: Still...! ArsĂ©-kun: *the Avesta flips the the appropriate page. An abridged summary is "They wanna summon the big dark evil god for shits and giggles bc they're assholes. Also, science. And the grail piece, to either assist the summoning, or create a makeshift grail-kun. BECOM THE HOLY GRAIL.* Sheepy: Satoru: I see. Scientific benefit justifies everything. Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: Ha. Ha. Ha. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Now that it's been observed, I can talk about it, finally! *hooray.* Humans can be forcefully turned into the grail, so that's what the attempt was for. It failed, thankfully! Sheepy: Satoru: That sounds like it would have killed me if it had succeeded. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: If not reversed in time, correct. Sheepy: Satoru: Will the piece in my chest damage me in some way? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Unlikely. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. It just sits there and does nothing. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Pretty much! It may assist in magic usage here and there, but otherwise? It does nothing. Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That said, please do not Gandr my stomach again. Sheepy: Satoru: Where do I aim instead? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: A bit higher is preferred! Sheepy: Satoru: If I hit the right side there's little that's vital. Sheepy: Eiji: Or you c...could just not sh-shoot him... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'd rather that too, but it's the best way to train aim. Sheepy: Eiji: But... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Illusions will just let the attack pass through and probably damage a wall. I don't want Emiya on my case for reckless magic use! Sheepy: Eiji: J...just be careful. Sheepy: Satoru: I'll use Big Bro Cu as a target instead. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Pick me, I die even faster! Sheepy: Satoru: Do you have guts? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Only if I have a good craft essence right now! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Perish then. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Gladly! Sheepy: Eiji:...D-don't kill your Servants either... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Don't worry, I deserve it! Sheepy: Satoru: No, you just offered. Sheepy: Satoru: Once I'm strong enough I'll protect you. Sheepy: Satoru: But until then you can be my target for target practice. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I'll accept that! Sheepy: Satoru: Good. Sheepy: Eiji: But wh-what if you do it out...outside using, uh, i-illusion? Sheepy: Eiji:...O-or at least ask.... ... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: We gotta wait for this old cooter just to practice? *he gestures to Merlin, who chuckles at "cooter". what a stunning adult* Sheepy: Eiji:..Uh, w-well, safety's important... Sheepy: Eiji:..B-but Bedi....Bedi- ...Bedi can protect you b-briefly with, uh... one of his skills. Sheepy: Eiji: If you d-don't want to go with illusion. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *this, he considers* Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Bedi could snap me like a twig. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: oh, same Sheepy: Satoru: If Uncle Bedi wanted he could win any thumb war by just breaking the opponent's thumb. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: And their arm! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: He's too nice to do that! Sheepy: Satoru: You know when you stand behind someone and accidentally hit you? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: THAT he does. Sheepy: Satoru: What happened? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Exactly that. Waved to someone else, hit me square in the face. Sheepy: Bedi: I apologize. It was not my intent... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It's fine, I deserved it for being so close! But hello, welcome to the discussion! Sheepy: Bedi: Hello. Thank you. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You have fun hearing all that, Spenta? You want more? Sheepy: Bedi: ...? Sure. Sheepy: Bedi: I am unsure of what I had fun hearing, but I don't intend to stop you from talking. ArsĂ©-kun: *The Avesta flips pages again, and Angra shows a picture of a Unicorn. the avesta does not draw pictures. how did he get this.* Sheepy: Satoru: It's a cow horse. Sheepy: Bedi: A unicorn... Sheepy: Satoru: Mooooo. Sheepy: Eiji: Why a unicorn? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: It's cool, it's lethal, and it's the only chance most of us will get to see one: Only one of us is a real virgin! Sheepy: Satoru: I see. All of you have been sacrificed before. Sheepy: Satoru: Where is the cow horse? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Now? No idea. And that's not how I meant it, but that means I fail both definitions! Hah! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Too bad. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :'D ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Okay, evil plan "waste time for no reason" was successful, hooray. Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Sheepy: Satoru: Very evil. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Okay, that's enough of the Evil God's Saturday Evening Harassment Hour! *and without any other explanation, he promptly fucks off. he leaves the Avesta behind, though* Sheepy: Satoru: Huh. Sheepy: Bedi: You forgot your book! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *distantly* AW FUCK Sheepy: Bedi: Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it. Sheepy: Eiji: Oh, b-by the way, wh-what was going on out...outside? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Ah, Berserker was nearly going berserk. They do that, you know. Sheepy: Eiji:....I sh-should check on Alter Cu soon... Sheepy: Satoru: Mr. Centipede. Sheepy: Eiji:...no. Alter Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: Did Uncle Lance become one with the snow? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: He certainly gave it a hearty try. Sheepy: Satoru: He can get a snow shovel for Christmas to bury himself in the snow. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Don't encourage the man. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Bedi:...I wonder if Santa needs help... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: :) Sheepy: Bedi:....You know, if Santa needs help... Sheepy: Bedi:......Oh dear. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ;) Sheepy: Bedi:....I don't want Griflet to help Santa... he'd terrorize her. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I hear that's been a constant event. Sheepy: Bedi: Poor Santa... Sheepy: Bedi: If only I could help her somehow. I feel a strange sense of loyalty to her. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Well, she does bear the king's face, so I can see why. Sheepy: Bedi:....!? Sheepy: Bedi:...D-does she... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... ... Sheepy: Bedi: ... I had not noticed... ArsĂ©-kun: *In the background, Mini Cu wobbles across a table, holding several berserker pieces. He has stolen this loot. He saw, he conquered, he looted a shoebox and decided it was a helmet. This is 100% irrelevant to the plot* ArsĂ©-kun: *for now* Sheepy: Bedi: I wonder if Santa knows about this... I wonder if the King knows about this... Sheepy: *cute...* Sheepy: Bedi:...Ah...perhaps...they're....?! Sheepy: *Bedi is about to have a genius realization that Arturia and Santa are basically the same person. so it seems, anyway* Sheepy: Bedi: They're... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: The same person, that's right! Sheepy: Bedi:...Ah, I was thinking that they were good friends... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Well, that's very possible, too! Sheepy: Bedi:.....!? They are the same person... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: The Artoria we all know and love, and Artoria Alter, rider class. Sheepy: Bedi: I see...! So if Santa needs help, I should help! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Oh, I have got to see that with my own two eyes in the present. Sheepy: Bedi:....But how unfortunate that I am incapable of helping most likely... Sheepy: Bedi:...Nor would I be able to ask... ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin does not comment on this* Sheepy: Bedi: Unless Santa came here. But otherwise... I don't know where to look. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: :) :) :) Sheepy: Satoru: If I met Santa I would give her a hug and thank her for Christmas. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: She does such a good job making sure it's running properly. She would probably appreciate it. Sheepy: Satoru: That's nice of her. That will be my gift to her for Christmas. Sheepy: Eiji: I w-wonder if S...Santa was ever real b-before the...uh, um, Servant. Sheepy: Satoru: Mr. Pointy's gift box said "from EiMr. And Mrs. Santa" in shaky handwriting. There were two Santas. Sheepy: Eiji: Th...that's nice... (he didn't notice my crossed out name from before I had second thoughts...) Sheepy: Satoru: The reason why it was shaky was because they were both drunk on eggnog and fighting over the pen. Sheepy: Eiji: what Sheepy: Satoru: Ei is egg in German. Sheepy: Eiji: *very heartbroken* what ArsĂ©-kun: *distant mozart laughter* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Eggji. Sheepy: Eiji: E-Eggji... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Master Eggji, you're such an egg. *he scrunches up his face in silent laughter.* What, you egg! Sheepy: Eiji: I-I'm not an egg...eggs usually h...hatch into....uh, um, something...something... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Who says you can't become a beautiful bird? We haven't tried! Sheepy: Eiji: Wh-what?? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: What?? It's better than a snake! They've got no arms! Sheepy: Satoru: Turtles' shells are their spine. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That's why you don't sit on a turtle! It hurts! ArsĂ©-kun: *Back in the bg, Acu passing back through. He's carrying the shoebox with the berserker pieces in his hands, and Mini Cu by the scruff in his mouth. He is the Motherlord.* Sheepy: Satoru: Cats will sit on turtles. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Cats are small, that's fine. Sheepy: Satoru: What if you were a turtle? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: How big? Sheepy: Satoru: What? Sheepy: Satoru: I was just wondering what you would do as a turtle. Sheepy: Satoru: Would you be a mean turtle? Bite people? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Did you know an old man turtle rescued his entire species from near extinction by fucking everything? I think about that a lot. Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin...! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yeah? It did what needed to be done! Sheepy: Satoru: I see. Merlin has children he doesn't visit. Sheepy: Satoru: Enough to save the whole turtle kind. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That isn't what I was saying at all! Sheepy: Satoru: So you weren't that turtle? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: No way! I'm not going to cause part incubus turtles to start existing! Sheepy: Satoru: Incuturtles. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: .... *snnnrrrrkkkk* Sheepy: Bedi: Turtles...turtles, well... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Still better than dolphins, I guess, but lets move on before Master Egg gets more disappointed in me! Sheepy: Eiji: *sad sigh* Sheepy: Bedi: Dolphins are pretty... Sheepy: Satoru: Dolphins bat around pufferfish so they can get high. Sheepy: Bedi:...Thanks. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he is Thinking* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Master is sad! Excuse me, I'm going to take care of this! *he leaves the room, and then reappears* Satoru, can I borrow Mr. Pointy for like five minutes? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Appreciated! *and he exits scene for real this time* ArsĂ©-kun: *He returns several minutes later with Mr. Pointy, who he places on Eiji's shoulder* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *squeaking and nearly cracking his voice to voice Mr. Pointy* Mr. Eiji is here! Hello, Mister Dad Eij- *merlin 'GACK's and starts over, lowering an octave* Hello, Mister Dad Eiji, are you sad? Sheepy: Eiji: Um...um... Sheepy: Eiji:...Y-yes. Sheepy: Satoru: Why would Mr. Pointy know Eiji? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Because parents disguise gifts as from Santa so the kids are more excited about them. And because you-know-who would have thrown a gasket had something from your actual father gotten through. *wink wink.* *he then Hugs Eiji with Mr. Pointy and raises his voice up again* I am helping! Sheepy: Satoru:.....?! Sheepy: Satoru: So Mr. Pointy came from Eiji? Eiji....is two Santas...? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Eiji and your mother ^^ Sheepy: Satoru: ?!?!?!? Sheepy: Satoru: Why call yourself Santa? You get no thanks that way. Sheepy: Eiji: I-I'm...I'm used to it... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: We work retail. Of course you are. Sheepy: Eiji: If I could...could keep w-working at Chaldea, I..um..I would... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: We'll work on that. Maybe I'll call in for a holiday favor. Sheepy: Eiji:...?! B-but what could I do....? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Your best! Sheepy: Eiji: My best... Sheepy: Eiji:.... Sheepy: Eiji: Chaldea p..pays much better th-than retail... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I agree entirely! Sheepy: Eiji: It f...feels more...uh, um- ful- fulfilling too. Sheepy: Satoru: If people don't want you just make them regret it. Sheepy: Eiji: Wh-what does that mean? Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, you know. Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Sheepy: Eiji: ...n-no, I really don't Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Kill them! Rip them limb from limb and make them regret living!! *he is hard to take seriously when he's still being held by Acu. Bonus for Acu completely ignoring him* Sheepy: Satoru: Mini Cu, it's meant to be implied. Sheepy: Eiji: Dismemberment is wrong! ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: My wrath is also implied! *he wiggles his little limbs around* Put me down, I'll kill you! ArsĂ©-kun: *Acu barely glances down at him and resumes taking over this sofa. fucks 0* Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay, Mini Cu, I can hold you. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: That doesn't help me much!! Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Sheepy: Satoru: Do you not like to be held? ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Not when I wanna be Down! Sheepy: Satoru: I understand. Sheepy: Satoru: When I don't want to go to bed and Big Bro Cu picks me up because he decides it's my bedtime I play dead. Sheepy: Satoru: But he just thinks I've already gone to sleep... ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: I'd stab him through the brain, but I can't be sure he has one!! Sheepy: Satoru: It's questionable... ArsĂ©-kun: *Mini Cu escapes, only because Acu and CasCu start debating where the single braincell in the Cu Club is. The answer is indeterminate* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, where are you going? ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: I'm gonna eat a tree ornament! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Make sure to brush your teeth afterwards. Sheepy: Satoru: Mini Cu is nice. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Why? What's it made of? Danger? Sheepy: Eiji: You'll ...um...get sick. Sheepy: *Bedi scoops up Mini Cu* Sheepy: Bedi: I have better food for you if you're hungry. Sheepy: Satoru: Ah. Mini Cu is dead. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: *he tries to chomp down on Bedi's arm. It being the airgetlam, it goes nowhere.* Sheepy: Bedi: I caught an incredibly nutritious creature recently. Sheepy: Satoru: Please define creature. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah. It's complicated. Sheepy: Bedi: Anyway, do you want to try it, Mini Cu? *he doesn't seem to notice Mini Cu biting his arm at all...* ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: y'surr *he doesn't let go of Bedi's arm. release him* Sheepy: Eiji: D...do you really want t-to eat an orn...orn- um, you know- ornament? ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Yeh. b'rry. Sheepy: Eiji:...why? Sheepy: Eiji: I...I can tell you, um...they're...not ap...ap...- tasty l-looking inside... Sheepy: Eiji:.....you won't like it.... ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: ...? Y'mean they're not like easter eggs? Sheepy: Eiji: N-no, they're plastic inside... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Or glass! Sheepy: Eiji: Y-yes...as we so di...discovered. Sheepy: Bedi:...? Did you try to eat one, Master Eiji? Sheepy: Eiji: Wh-... Sheepy: Bedi: It's understand. The shiny red ones do look like they could be sweet...but unfortunately they are just plastic. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... Sheepy: Bedi:...I haven't tried one.. Sheepy: Eiji:........ ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: .... How do you function? Sheepy: Bedi: What? I-I really didn't try one...! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You really think Master has tried to eat an ornament? What is he, Griflet? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, what else would "as we so discovered" mean? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Dropped it and broke it into glass shards on the kitchen floor? Sheepy: Bedi:....... Sheepy: Bedi:.......... Sheepy: Bedi: I see...so I am the only one who has contemplated how they would taste based on their appearance... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You think the little baby jesus ones would actually taste like baby jesus? Sheepy: Bedi: I sure hope not. Sheepy: Bedi: The red ones would taste like candy apples. Sheepy: Eiji:...they'd taste like re...regrets. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Just like me! Sheepy: Bedi: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: What? Sheepy: Bedi: Is that what you think you'd be if you were a food? A candy apple? Sheepy: Eiji:...h...how did you...no...n-nevermind... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I think it's better we took that path, honestly! Sheepy: Bedi: I don't really see it.... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Now I want candy apples... Sheepy: Bedi: I feel the same way... Sheepy: Bedi: Instead we only have Christmas ornaments... Sheepy: Eiji: please don't eat them ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: We can just... Buy them? Like normal humans? Sheepy: Bedi:...?! Sheepy: Bedi: Really? Sheepy: Bedi: When? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: When it isnt a holiday? ?? Sheepy: Bedi: Too bad... ...ah, today is a holiday? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: No? How does you brain work? Sheepy: Bedi: So then today works. Sheepy: Bedi: Hm? How does my brain work? Sheepy: Bedi:..... ArsĂ©-kun: *even the Avesta has plainly written down that Bedivere is a goddamn idiot. straight facts* Sheepy: Bedi: ...My apologies... Sheepy: Bedi:...I was unaware my question was stupid. I will refrain from asking it in the future. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: No, I'm genuinely asking! Sheepy: Bedi:...I know little about science... Sheepy: Bedi: But I assume my senses bring information in, which my brain evaluates... Sheepy: Bedi:...And from there it executes a plan. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I hope that's what it does. Sheepy: Bedi: Why ask? I don't quite understand the question. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Ah, never mind. Sheepy: Bedi:....? *headtilt* ??? Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies. If I understood the question better I would answer it... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I was asking about how your train of thought can skip some details, and focus entirely on others. In hindsight, not really a thing that can be answered, and not an insult! Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose it's just how I am. Sheepy: Satoru: Like tunnel vision. Sheepy: Bedi: I myself do not consider myself stupid...nor smart. Sheepy: Bedi: I am average in just about every respect... Sheepy: Bedi: But I am incredibly skilled at figuring out what is poisonous and what is not at a mere glance. *he appears prideful...* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yeah, that's very true! Sheepy: Bedi: But humans aren’t meant to be perfect. Sheepy: Bedi: If your intelligence is average, find someone smarter than you to help you. Sheepy: Bedi: If you see things in a way others don’t... well, they might laugh at you and that’s fine. Sheepy: Bedi: But you’ll see things they don’t. Sheepy: Eiji: (But you drag entirely unrelated points into your thought process it seems...) ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not human, can't relate. Sheepy: Bedi: You’ve never dealt with that? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Maybe I have, but can't recognize it for myself! Sheepy: Bedi: Really? Sheepy: Bedi: You’re very lucky in that respect. Sheepy: Bedi: But that means we can go, right? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yes, it means we can go. Sheepy: Bedi: Should we get anything else? Sheepy: Bedi: Do we have everything we need for Christmas? Sheepy: Satoru: Do we have milk bars? Sheepy: Bedi: Milk...bars? Sheepy: Satoru: That’s what Santa eats. Sheepy: Bedi: I’m sorry, I don’t know what that is. Sheepy: Satoru: It’s okay. You can google it. Sheepy: Bedi: ......... Sheepy: Bedi: G...google it... Ah... Okay... Sheepy: Eiji: S...Satoru...can you tell me wh-what that is? Sheepy: Satoru: They’re snack bars with cereal on the outside and cream on the inside. Santa eats them. Sheepy: Eiji: (he didn’t even consider me being capable of using Google...) Sheepy: Eiji: Th...thank you. Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, do you know those? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Cereal bars, but a specific type. Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Sheepy: Satoru: Can you get it? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yeah, I'll give it a try. Sheepy: Bedi: You have a higher chance of getting it if you come with us- Sheepy: Satoru: No, if you can’t find it yourself Santa has to starve this year. Sheepy: Satoru: Thank you, Uncle Merlin. Sheepy: Satoru: I might make a Christmas gift for you. Sheepy: Satoru: But only because you’ve been nice. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'm not the one who should get it, honestly. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Sheepy: Satoru: Who should? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he cocks his head towards Eiji* Sheepy: Satoru: ...... Sheepy: Satoru: ...Umm... I guess he has done a lot... and he’s been nice... Sheepy: Satoru: ...Okay, I will. Sheepy: Satoru: ......... Sheepy: Satoru: Thank you for Mr. Pointy. Sheepy: Eiji: ...?! Sheepy: Eiji: Y...you’re welcome. ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin restrains himself from acting upon Free Food Source. It is not allowed if it is Eiji's. It could hurt him, after all.* Sheepy: *Eiji is incredibly happy!* Sheepy: Satoru: *he, meanwhile, is awkward* ArsĂ©-kun: *i can relate* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, that’s all. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mini Cu has resumed chewing on Bedi's metal arm* Sheepy: *Bedi still doesn’t notice* Sheepy: Satoru: Is that tasty, Mini Cu? ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: no Sheepy: Satoru: I can hold you instead. Do you want a milk bar? I can give you one not meant for Santa. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: feed me. Sheepy: Satoru: *he reaches out for Mini Cu* Sheepy: *Bedi passes him over* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, let’s go get a milk bar. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Yaay. Sheepy: *Satoru brings him to the food cabinet* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he's just chilling in the pantry. There are no empty closets to lurk in, I guess?* Welcome to my evil lair, how may I help you? Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. I need to get a milk bar for mini cu. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: We have.... *he takes a moment to check the stocks* Like, three. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Mini Cu can have one. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: If you say so. *he tosses one over* Sheepy: *Satoru puts Mini Cu down and opens the milk bar. He gives it to Mini Cu* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mini Cu devours it whole. What a beast.* Sheepy: Satoru: Huh. ArsĂ©-kun: *.. and then pulls the wrapper out of his mouth. absolutely gucci* Sheepy: Satoru:....*headtilt*....how? Sheepy: Satoru: Mini Cu is talented... Sheepy: Satoru: Did you like it? ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: So you don't want to eat Christmas ornaments anymore? Sheepy: Izou: ...You can eat those things? ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: No, they're "dangerous" and "made of glass". Sheepy: Izou: Pah. That's what smart people say when they don't want'cha t' get into th' good stuff. Sheepy: Izou: Hehehe...it's probably a special snack they eat when we aren't lookin'... Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Try it and perish. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I wanna watch. Sheepy: Izou: Oi, Master, you're really lettin' me have th' good stuff? Kehehe... From that alone, my old Master ain't nothin'... Sheepy: Satoru: No. I'm giving you permission to make bad decisions because telling you that you're wrong doesn't register with you. Sheepy: Izou: Oi, Avenger, you wanna try one? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I'd rather chew up an entire marker, thanks. Sheepy: Izou: Those're edible too...?! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: NO Sheepy: Izou: That Masanori guy...he's nothin' but a scoundrel...not lettin' me try his "highlighters"...whatever those are. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: ... ... Sheepy: Izou: He didn't let me eat th' good stuff (ie: anything he owns) so I just ate outta th' trash.... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Good lord, I know we give Spenta shit, but this is ridiculous. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Bedi has an excuse... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, he lived for a thousand years straight! He's old as fuck, he's got an excuse. Sheepy: Izou: Oi, it ain't like I've ever been told anythin'! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Markers aren't food! Highlighters aren't food! They're for writing, like quills! Sheepy: Izou: But...kehehe...I can read. Can YOU read? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: bitch my noble phantasm is a book, i sure fucking hope i can *he's done* Sheepy: Satoru: Do you understand what you read? Sheepy: Izou:...... Sheepy: Izou: *smug grin* Sheepy: Izou: I'm a PRODIGY!! I CAN READ!!! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Read whar this says. *he shows the milk bar wrapper to Izou* Sheepy: Izou:..... Sheepy: Izou: Sur-real (Cereal) Milk Bar...So it's... A surely real milk bar. Sheepy: Izou: See? I can read! Sheepy: Izou: Anyway, why didn't he let me eat th' fancy food then? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: ........ Y'know servants don't need to eat, right? That's a thing? Sheepy: Izou: I would'a stuck 'round for rich people food... Wouldn't it be funny if Masanori's abandoned dog bit his hand? Eheh... Sheepy: Izou:...What? Sheepy: Izou: Really now....but I want fancy food and booze... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, me too, but we can't get what we want. Sheepy: Izou: That just ain't right... Sheepy: Izou: Why not? Sheepy: Izou: 'Cause I'm dumb? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Capitalism. Sheepy: Izou: What a pain! I'll just threaten that red coated guy into cookin' me dinner...Hehe... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I haven't seen him since someone else started cookin'.. Sheepy: Izou: He's been... replaced...?! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: For today, maybe! ... Or he's at work. Sheepy: Izou: Y'think I'm gonna mess with that new cook...?! He's got bad vibes. I don't trust him for a second! If I were you, I'd keep an eye on that guy. Sheepy: Izou: But th' old cook has nice guy vibes comin' off of him... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Oh, I know! Downright rancid vibes on that guy. Sheepy: Izou:... Sheepy: Izou: The old cook IS comin' back, ain't he? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: He better! He's still gotta show me how to make a weeb sword! Sheepy: Izou: A what? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Y'knooow! One of those real thin japanese swords, the ones that break if you hit stuff wrong. Sheepy: Izou: .... Sheepy: Izou: Oi... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Oi what? Do you think I know things about swords? Sheepy: Izou: Heh. I know stuff about swords. 'Cause I'm a prodigy! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: But not a Saber. Hmmm. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: ... But neither is Red Coat Emiya, and... ... *he has a Thoughtℱ, certified evil by Angra* And that's pretty weird, because he makes swords. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Bet you could use his swords, too! Sheepy: Izou: Eh? Of course. Sheepy: Izou: Sabers aren't that great. Sheepy: Izou: Everyone acts like they're all great. Sheepy: Izou: But I'm here with my own special class and nobody cares 'cause Sabers are better? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Tell me about it! Sheepy: Satoru: But Assassin and Avenger are are both fairly common. Sheepy: Izou: Oi, who told you I'm an Assassin? People think this but it ain't right. Sheepy: Izou: I'm a manslayer. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Drown your insecurities in de-nile. Sheepy: Izou: I've got booze for that, heheh... Sheepy: Izou: Hey, I know. Sheepy: Izou: One day, you [Angra] should go drinking with my pals and me. Sheepy: Satoru:..................... Sheepy: Satoru: Ha. Ha. Ha. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Oh, we're allowed to laugh at your jokes, Boss? Sheepy: Satoru: What? Sheepy: Satoru: Did i need to give permission...? I just thought my jokes weren't funny... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I dunno, maybe? Sheepy: Satoru:.....Oh. Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *Mini Cu, meanwhile, is tired of being held but knows he'll get obliterated if he bites. He tries Satoru's approach- Play Dead* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Mini Cu. Sorry. *he gently puts Mini Cu down* ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: *he is Free* Sheepy: Satoru: I'll ask you next time. Sheepy: Satoru: Mini Cu, what do you want for Christmas? ArsĂ©-kun: *Mini Cu pulls out a scroll and unfurls it. It bounces out of the pantry and down the hall. Long. Also very messy. He walked over wet ink several times* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I'll give you $2. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Is the world only two dollars? Sheepy: Satoru: It depends on the size and quality. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: :o Sheepy: Satoru: But I can give you it. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: >:O Sheepy: Satoru: Do you want it? Sheepy: Izou: I want things for Christmas! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Food and booze, yeah? Sheepy: Izou: Yeah!!!! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I'll remember that. What about you, Angra? Sheepy: Izou: Where's Angra? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: .... What, you don't recognize me because I'm a different shade of black?! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I'm not vantablack void man for two hours and nobody recognizes me?? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, I ascended! Sheepy: Satoru: Angra, Angra. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Angry Mango is listening, Master, what's up? Sheepy: Satoru: You're like Superman. Sheepy: Satoru: Superman puts on glasses and nobody recognizes him. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Imagine the chaos I could do with some glasses... Sheepy: Satoru: You can be the superhero and the villain. Leave people wondering. Cause confusion. Cause chaos. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Then I want a sweater, some pants, and a pair of fake glasses. Sheepy: Satoru: Did you know that Mr. Pointy didn't come from Santa? Sheepy: Satoru: He came from Da... ...Eiji. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Da Eiji? Like Da Vinci? Or like DaJi? >:) Sheepy: Satoru: No....I misspoke... Sheepy: Satoru: I meant Eiji... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I'm only teasing you, Master! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's fine. Sheepy: *meanwhile, Eiji has gone outside to check on Lance. He bends down next to Lance with some difficulty.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... *he's, again, just lying in the snow, waiting to either feel something or perish* ...? Sheepy: Eiji: A-are you okay...? Do you need...need help? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... *he gives a thumbs up, followed by a thumbs down. he's alive and physically okay! that's about it* Sheepy: Eiji: Um...alright...but...aren't y-you...cold...? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... nnnnnn.... little bit.. Sheepy: Eiji: Y-you should come...come inside before...uh...um...you g-get sick... Sheepy: Eiji: I un...understand w-wanting to make snow angels, but you sh-should um... ... wear warm...warmer clothes... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance grumbles something about not being an angel, but wanting to be. It's not very helpful* Sheepy: Eiji:............. Sheepy: *Eiji sits on the ground, he will regret this* Sheepy: Eiji: Um...I don't know what upset you, but... Sheepy: Eiji: When I'm up..upset, I garden...or...I did.. but...l-looking at fl-flowers makes me happy... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... *he tilts his head slightly to look at Eiji. There's a spooky red glow from the snow- wait, no, that's his eyes, continue as normal.* ....? Sheepy: Eiji: M-maybe they might..might cheer you up... Sheepy: Eiji:...but they're inside...I'm sorry... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Mmm'be... *he slowly forces himself up out of the snow. hes considering this*
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