#it however nico's birthday month so maybe nico related?
stimming-puppet · 3 months
kinda wanna change my theme, don't know what to yet, if anyone has idea's feel free to let me know :3
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
@frogsfordays and @skeletal-kitt sorry I'm formatting the post like this I'm on mobile but I don't have the app rn so my apologies if anything comes off funny
This post explains ages a little better... I have a few others posts with math in relation to Nico on them, but I can't locate them as of right now because the mobile website is set up silly.
I do know he turned 16 during or after Tower of Nero because Tower of Nero takes place during January. So he's about 16 at that point. I know he also turns 14 the January before the Battle of Manhattan (this is confirmed in the character wiki as well)
We know from that, that Nico is fourteen during The Last Olympian.
Before Heroes of Olympus he turns 15 at some point, and from my understanding there's a specific line in the book that references or provides math on his age but my books are currently being borrowed...
ToA occurs the following year, just a few months later (HoO is during the summer, I believe Percy's birthday happens in the book or just after).. So at some point after Apollo is at camp or shortly after he returns to Godhood, Nico has his 16th birthday
The reason Nico's age is so confusing isn't just the fact that he's basically time traveled, but it's also got to do with the fact that Percy estimates him to be the wrong age in TTC.
Percy says "he looked about ten" but Percy was estimating based of Nico's height and weight. Whether you believe Nico has a big growth spurt or not, it's accepted as canon that he was small and thin as a child. Percy estimates Nico younger to emphasize how small he really is, the problem with this is that Rick never clears up this error later on. It's bad writing on Rick's part, because the only way his age keeps up in the series is if he was 11 in TTC. This also stays in line with the canon acknowledgment that Percy is an unreliable narrator however, so maybe it was intentionally an error (but I don't think Rick is smart enough to do that tbh).
So because of this we know Nico is 16 during or just following Tower of Nero, and that Will is "around his age" from a tweet, although no specific age is ever given for Will we can estimate they're about the same age; either a year younger or older but not a significant difference so Will is 15-17 in Tower of Nero.
Again sorry if this looks of or is formatted funny I hate the mobile website lol
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fionaromero · 4 years
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&&. Basics
full name Fiona Celeste Romero  main aliases Fi, Romero birthday 01 / 20 / 1993 age  28 pronouns SHE/HER sexual orientation BiSexual species/gender Human - Cis Female zodiac sign Aquarius
&&. Connections Connections & Wanted Connections can be found here! Active, categorized, and achieved threads can be found here! Looking Forward to our characters getting to know each other.
Currently Most Wanted In Wanted Connections
First Date After Boyfriend Passing
Stay Out Of My Business
&&. Physical
faceclaim Ana De Armas (modified) eyes Hazel/Green  hair  Medium, brown, sometimes blonde, sometimes dark… usually with straight bangs.  height  5'6"   identifying marks Heavily tattooed. 5 ear piercings, and vibrant eyes.
&&. Personality
Introverted / Intuitive / Thinking / Judging – (3.3% of males, 0.8% of females)
 - INTJ’s are independent, original, determined, and analytical. They have a great ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. They easily see patterns in external events and are able to explain these patterns thoroughly. When they are committed, they are capable of organizing a job and carrying it through to fruition. They tend to have high standards for their own performance as well as the performance of others. They are natural leaders, but they are willing to follow if they trust existing leaders.
positives +Dedicated, kind, funny, creative, loyal.  negatives  -Childish, impulsive, possessive, low key obnoxious, aloof.  
likes  Music, Tattoos, playing the drums, messing around on computers, reading, watching movies, comics, & people watching. Looking at the stars, having a movie date on the couch, collecting vinyls, making playlists, tea, iced vanilla caramel coffee.Horror Movies, action movies, funny movies. Running errands alone, Thrifting.
dislikes  stressful environments, being out of her house for too long, rude and abrasive people, feeling pressured into doing things. littering, shitty drivers, People touching her without her consent, patronizing people, condescending people, bad hygiene, messy places, unless it’s her own mess.
&&. Biography
TW: Death, rejection, ptsd, depression. Pregnancy, adoption
Fiona had always been a bit of a black sheep in her family. Never the favorite, and neither was her closest sister Nicole, though Fiona called her Nikki as well did all her friends and clients. Slightly older than her but such a free spirit in her own will. Nicole was rebellious and talented as a makeup artist. Fiona would let Nikki practice on her as they spoke endlessly of their overly traditional, conservative parents. How they wished their aunt and uncle were their parents, because though they also conservative values, they were way less strict and so much more accepting. When Nicole came out of the closet to the family, their aunt and uncle as well as cousins Calvin and Bianca were the first to embrace her in a loving hug… of course, Fiona followed. But like Fiona, Nicole felt the cool feeling of rejection and ignorance their parents have shown Fiona for as long as the woman could speak. Labeling her too weird to relate to or even hold a conversation to their standards.. Any school activities, talents and interests, Nicole and Fiona’s parents could care less. This unfortunate act of neglect led Fiona into her adulthood of anxiety, depression, people pleasing, and not being able to open up to people as freely as she would like in concerns of rejection. Nothing had felt worth trying. Not even love felt worth it.
Nicole had moved to Louisiana, leaving Fiona there with her parents. She tried to earn her parents’ love, constantly, keeping up with her grades, getting into Stanford, working towards a law degree when she met Nico. The man that truly made her feel like love was possible. He taught her so many things about life…love, and shortly into the relationship when she had become pregnant, Nico stayed with her and helped her speak to her parents about it. It wasn’t pleasant, as Fiona would imagine… they were just starting to build up a relationship with her getting into a prestigious school… they actually called her everyday to ask about her day… sent her a care package when she left…. Their disappointment was devastating, and they angrily and judgmentally told her to abort the child, but Fiona couldn’t bring herself to get rid of their child in that way, that was not what she wanted…. They decided on adoption. They were both only twenty three and were both studying, but they didn’t want to give her parents satisfaction. However, when she gave birth, there was a major postpartum depression, and though she made sure their son would go to a wonderful family, she couldn’t bring herself to feel relief. Fiona fell into such a depression that she was forced to drop out of school in the middle of her third semester. She had fallen so far behind. A year went by and her sister was visiting. It was the first time in a long time that Fiona actually genuinely enjoyed being with a group of friends and loved ones…That however, like most of Fiona’s joy did not last long.
It happened on a warm rainy night, she had lost her sister and boyfriend to a car accident. He was simply taking her sister back to her hotel so she could leave to go back home the next day. Nico lost control of the wheel. It was supposed to be Fiona, she thought as she allowed her boyfriend do the favor for her. One of Fiona’s biggest regrets was telling her cold parents of this regret. They constantly use it against Fiona, not only all her failures, they would hold this one over her head too, but how could she blame them when they had already lost their oldest Stephanie a couple years before. Their golden child… the reason they were so cold to Fi and her now deceased sister Nikki. Now they’ve lost another, and though she wasn’t their favorite… Well, everyone seems to want you more when you’re dead and gone. Nico’s family, however, were much warmer with the grieving green eyed girl. Assuring her that it was not her fault, and that he loved her very much. After a couple months of depression and guilt, Fiona made a decision to give herself a gift for her twenty-eighth birthday. She would throw a dart at a map blindfolded and leave her cold, but cushy life in Yorba Linda, California. Leave all her material things aside, trade in her beamer for a secure Subaru and drive to a life of her own… start from scratch. Depend on herself and only herself for anything she needs. Where she would study for her dream job and work while she was in college. Where she could learn to love her cold parents from far away and try to move past the hurt they had caused her… the trauma and walls she had built up because of them and start anew. The dart landed in Colorado and Fiona did some research before deciding on Providence Peak. It was the perfect small town for her to move on with her life. Find herself. A stepping stone, and maybe later, she’d go back to sunny California when she was ready and strong enough to face this life again… maybe she’d just stay in Colorado, or maybe even move further East. The rest was still unwritten, but the young bright eyed girl was excited to find out.
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