#it feels really surreal to have her now ;o;
blackbackedjackal · 9 months
I contain so much unbridled joy realizing you named a black GSD Blue. Bless the Wolfs Rain stans we shall never die
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villa-kulla · 2 years
oh hey you know what’s actually super cute, i posted my first ever BRBA fic exactly 8 years ago, and i remember dropping a new chapter for it before running off to a music festival with cousins who were in town, and feeling all excited while there, imagining people actually reading ittt. now, 8 years later, i just posted a new chapter for my first BCS fic before running off to the same music festival with some other cousins who are in town, and i’m feeling sort of nostalgic and it’s just KIND OF NICE??? <3
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cactusnymph · 7 months
kiss 41 shadowheart/lae'zel please :o)
Shadowheart wishes that she could control her dreams. If she were able to Lae'zel would certainly feature in none of them—except maybe in those where Shadowheart gets to kick her ass. Sadly those dreams never seem to visit her in her sleep. Instead Shadowheart finds herself betrayed by her own subconscious as it keeps dragging the memory of Lae'zel kissing her to the surface.
That forked tongue in her mouth shouldn't make her feel as excited as it does and it definitely shouldn't keep invading her sleep—Lae'zel pressed up against her, her long tongue in Shadowheart's mouth, licking the side of her throat, wandering lower.
If anyone told her at the beginning of this insane journey that she would have wet dreams about Lae'zel she would have laughed and left. Now she finds herself with soaked underwear in the morning and a burning anger and shame in her guts whenever it happens.
The bandage around her palm is still there and Shadowheart should probably have ripped it off by now. Instead her fingers keep touching it, pressing against the rough fabric, feeling the seams of the wrapping that has gotten more skillful over the past few days since Shadowheart started teaching Lae'zel first aid—or, how Lae'zel keeps referring to it: Patchwork.
Shadowheart can tell that the others are eyeing this new development between the two of them wide-eyed (Gale), disbelieving (Wyll) and amused (Karlach). Teaching a githyanki warrior about medicine and how to close a wound instead of cutting into it deeper is a surreal experience. But Lae'zel seems determined so Shadowheart refuses to be left behind.
In the next dream Lae'zel is on top of her completely naked, pinning her to the ground with a knife against Shadowheart's throat. There's something to be said about the state of her mind and specifically her subconscious that this is something that gets her going. But right now everything is hazy and hot and there's that forked tongue right next to the knife's edge and—
When she wakes up the knife is still there and so is Lae'zel—although in the real version of it all there is no tongue at her throat and Lae'zel is fully dressed.
Lae'zel sneers down at her.
"You've been feverish and making pained sounds in your sleep. If you're turning into a ghaik I'll give you a quick death", Lae'zel hisses and the blade presses against Shadowheart's skin like a promise. Despite the seriousness of the situation she almost has to laugh. Maybe there should be fear lingering underneath all of it, but all Shadowheart can really focus is on the cold steel on her skin, the weight on top of her and the heat between her legs.
"I'm not turning into anything, you absolute lunatic", she hisses back, heat rising into her cheeks as she tries to struggle against the iron clad grip of Lae'zel's hand.
"There is sweat on your brow", Lae'zel prompts. Shadowheart thinks that Lae'zel must be the stupidest person she's ever met.
"So what? You never sweat in your sleep? Are gith above sweating now?"
She could swear that Lae'zel is inhaling. Shadowheart thinks that maybe she has to ask Karlach to hit her really hard with a hammer so she can stop being insane about damned Lae'zel.
"Then what of the noises?", Lae'zel asks and she leans even further down as if she's trying to find a Mindflayer staring back at her from the depths of Shadowheart's eyes. Shadowheart is mortified enough about having been found out while having a wet dream about Lae'zel of all people, but the fact that Lae'zel makes into so big a thing is really starting to annoy her. Why can't Lae'zel mind her own damn business?
"My noises are none of your concern", Shadowheart presses and struggles again. Lae'zel's pupils widen.
"They are when you keep me from sleeping."
"I didn't think a small whimper could disturb you this much."
"It does when it's coming from you. You are the most—"
Shadowheart doesn't allow Lae'zel to finish. She surges upwards and presses her lips against Lae'zel's, causing the knife to dig deeper into her skin. The second their mouths collide, Lae'zel drops the knife and then they're kissing again.
Gods, it's so much better than it's been in any of her dreams. Lae'zel's tongue slides into her mouth and Shadowheart opens up willingly, wrapping her legs around Lae'zel's waist to pull her down. Lae'zel's breath is coming in short pants and Shadowheart is pleased to know that she's just as affected by all of this.
"So my noises keep you from sleeping?", Shadowheart pants into the kiss. Lae'zel snarls.
"Shut your mouth."
"Why don't you make me shut it?"
"Guys, please. Please find a tent", Gale's tired and strangled voice comes from his bedroll and Shadowheart can feel Lae'zel tense and pull back and before Shadowheart can say anything Lae'zel is gone.
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littlelesbinonny · 1 month
The Devil's Den
Chapter 46: In Which The Precipice of Wait Is Shifting
You can read this also on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46831621/chapters/142313560
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How were you really supposed to know what you were feeling.
You were standing alone in your apartment that you'd lived in for almost 7 years now, and it couldn't have felt more foreign to you.
All of this was yours. You knew it all, front to back. But it didn't feel like home. The realness of that settled in your bones now; that you had made this your home, but it hadn't truly been.
You knew home now as being near and with Alcina. And somehow, reluctantly inside you, maybe even the underground. 
There was a tugging at both sides of you - the human world was all you'd ever known - but now you couldn't be more different - and what you once thought was the inability to fit in now paled in horrific comparison.
Did you even belong in the human world anymore? But did you really belong below?
Nothing felt real right now. You helped kill someone. A rather nasty person at that, but that wasn't the point, now was it. You, are not human. You were now charading as a character that no longer existed in a world drastically altered, even if just to yourself.
Surreal was a limiting sensation at best.
As you looked around at everything, the silence of the night held you while your mind went searching for answers and solutions for questions and problems that hadn't quite fully been presented yet.
There was so much you had to grapple with at the tips of your fingers but you didn't know how. Not a clue. Decisions were endless. Outcomes were uncertain, extensive. At least Alcina would buy you some time to try and figure it out. 
There was heavy doubt in your mind you could just return to your job and play pretend everything was fine and nothing had changed. There was no way you could sit in the dull, hum-drum, scheduled bullshit of office life any longer without the temptation to run away from it and know you could. Indefinitely. There was quite literally nothing to stop you at this point; you had no argument to make you stay unless you just simply wanted to.
And you didn't.
But were you ready to walk away?
Did that mean what normalcy of human life you were used to would come to a complete end? Would you have to give up the sunlight and walks in the park? Malka, Louis, your crows? Did you have to lead a life so much like vampires and lycans that you could hardly exist in the human world anymore?
And what about time?
Time would march on for you, yet it would stay still for Alcina. Were you prepared to make that kind of decision?
Your phone began to ring and it startled you, thankfully. But what the hell, it was 3 AM.
Malka's name popped up on your screen and you half cackled. That woman was nothing if not full of surprises.
"Hi Malka." You answered with a smile.
"Ketzeleeeeehhhh!" The older woman drawled with a gentle scolding, "your name isn't Lucy but you gotta lotta explaining to do!"
You started to chuckle and found a comfortable spot on the couch. This would be an hour long conversation, if not more.
Alcina sat hunched on the couch in her living room, forearms perched on her knees as she stared into the large black, crimson, emerald and gold throw rug at her feet. The ornate patterns and bold appearance was no real distraction from what she'd seen, but it was helping to scrub it away as the moments passed.
The experimentation room of which Dmitri spoke was located a short distance inside a much larger and expansive tunnel, which was dug who knows how many years ago, that was almost a straight shot to Miranda's lair in Connecticut to the cavern they'd discovered nestled next to them. While that gave them easy access to her manor with less time wasted on travel, it pissed Alcina off greatly.
This bitch was coming and going at her leisure right beside them the whole time without ever being found out. It had Alcina questioning if she had truly done this all alone or if there were other Elders or coven leaders involved. It made no sense all this construction had gone on fully unnoticed for over 20 years. Yet, she had to remind herself; everyone was conditioned to never question their maker under any circumstance, so in reality, it would have been just that easy for her to pull this off. Clearly Miranda had Salvatore's help during part of this, for how long Alcina still didn't know, but his time on trial would come as well and more would be divulged as time went on and Miranda's secrets were pilfered through.
Inside this dingy room, along every wall discarded like trash, were at least a hundred dead bodies. Mutants that had obviously failed their experiments. Some looked vastly different than the others; skin tones ranged from dark grey to white and damn near iridescent; possibly from a short decomposition, or simply how the parasites Miranda had used reacted with each subject at whatever stage of her testing. 
Since these mutants were drastically different than what one could call regular vampires, their stage of death was uncalculatable just by looking at them. Like the one Alcina had killed and they had observed many months ago, these bodies had hollowed and simply remained as is; dried, sunken skin on a frame of bones.
Though, this was just half of the morbid appearance of the room.
From the blood spatters and very apparent, gaping, slashed, and other injury pummeled bodies that lay tossed to the sidelines, the wide open space in the middle was stained with nothing but blood. The stone floor that should have matched the regular charcoal appearance was a glittering display of what looked like dried wine.
Without much else to go on, it seemed easy to assume that this experimentation room was where Miranda tested her mutants as to how well they withstood injuries sustained in conflict.
It was barbaric.
And it sent haunting memories of Alcina's attack many years ago by Mother Miranda to the forefront of her mind.
The woman was a brutal sadist on all counts. Completely insane.
There were no weapons to be found but that made sense to Alcina; why leave behind the real goods if this place were to have ever been discovered. She could only fathom what they would be uncovering in Miranda's manor if this is what remained here.
Alcina gazed at the myriad of lifeless hosts for a long pause in silence, then instructed Dmitri to find and prepare some kind of grave for them. They deserved better than what they received at the hands of Miranda and she would see to it they at least rested in a better place.
Dmitri agreed, then fell into a barrage of information about the troops he had at Mother Miranda's manor, the excavations taking place here and there, the gathering place he was having his people store all the findings, talk of the impending gathering between Clan leaders and everything else therein his extensive memory, drawled to a muted ramble until she excused herself from the scene. He had this in his very capable hands and she was starting to dread everything else coming down the pike. Quickly. 
And now she was brooding in her living room where it was quiet, sifting through everything, grain of sand by grain of sand. She felt like this wasn't even at the tip of the iceberg but she also hoped she was wrong. There was far more at hand than she desired and she was trying to pep-talk herself up to the challenge. The reassuring words of Donna would have to suffice for now; one thing at a time.
So many things. All the time in the world.
She wished someone would explain why this felt so suffocating.
Alcina slumped back into the plush couch and sighed out her frustrations and glanced at the clock. It was nearing dawn and she wondered how Donna and Angie's' excursions to formulate your story was panning out. She'd not heard a peep from her since their meeting in the courtyard. Only allowing herself a brief musing on it she rose and meandered into the kitchen, collected a glass, filled it with blood-wine, grabbed her pack of cigarettes on the counter, lit one, and headed to the turret.
It was amusing to her now as she stood in the tower peering down at her city, how one becomes accustomed to the sounds of the underground. While they did dwell in a vast underground cave, the sounds didn't seem to echo as much as she remembered upon her first introduction of the place. It had grown decently as well since her time here. Homes and dwellings had stretched far in every direction, filling up most of the empty spaces that once remained. Now as she surveyed the damage being repaired and busy souls filing in from the night from the caverns entrances, Alcina smiled weakly; oh how her duties became suddenly so much more impactful. Clan leaders would soon be all under one roof, her roof, and the nitty gritty of untangling this giant rats nest would be sticky and tiresome, no doubt. Though, instead of wanting to run from it as she would have in the past, she felt a renewed sense of eagerness. Perhaps it was the thought of you being by her side as this new way was paved; or perhaps knowing she no longer had the danger looming over her; or, at the very least, that you were safe from the very thing that dampened so much of her happiness and freedom. 
Either way, the thought of you kept the smile upon her tired visage growing warmer.
A rough half hour passed as she stood there in her thoughts until her daughters finally came strolling in through the manor gate, giggling and bantering, giving enthusiastic waves when they found her silhouette in the turret window. Alcina returned the gesture and meandered down to meet them.
They were in bountiful spirits as they regaled their mother with their tales of their night flaunting about the city. They, too, felt the changes in the air from the grand victory the underground had experienced and seemed more alive than ever. It gave Alcina great joy. It's all she'd ever wanted for her girls. Freedom.
Against her better judgement as she crawled into bed that morning, Alcina grabbed for the journal Dmitri had given her of Mother Miranda's. This was, of course, not light reading material before sleep and she was unsure she wanted to know what lie in the pages, in all honesty. But, as her curiosity would have it, she grabbed the worn leather bound cover and flopped it open, a page coming to view with her fine script. 
It read;
27th, April,
      Salvatore informs me Alcina has found a new pet. An offering that was unable to meet her end in the Feeding Grounds. I am as displeased as I am intrigued. Perhaps the time has come so soon -
"Oh fuck that." Alcina blurted, slamming the thing shut and tossing it to the bedside table.
Of all the pages she could have turned to, it had to be that one. She could only scoff as she nestled back down into her bed, finding a familiar scent still lingering in the satin that removed the negativity from her almost instantly. Not having you beside her, now that she'd experienced such a domesticity, gave her a heavy sigh. Being away from you seemed worse than ever before. But, dwelling on it wouldn't get her anywhere. She was exhausted, needed her sleep, and knew the awaiting evening held the beginning of the real work ahead of everyone, especially her.
You would be here with her soon enough, she told herself.
You and Malka had talked until the sun rose, then you promptly passed out on the couch.
It was around 10 AM when you finally stirred and peered hazy-eyed at the clock. Oddly, you felt rested for only a rough four hours of shut eye. Then an instant pang of anxiety hit you when you reached for your phone, but luckily there were no missed calls or texts from work or otherwise. You sighed. This was stupid. And then you started to laugh.
What the hell did you have to fear? Getting fired? Whoopty doo. You had a whole legion of vampires and lycans that were your new-found family, right? Or, at the very least the Matriarch who loved you and cared for you. You had options; you weren't stuck here anymore. Life could not have been more unreal. You smiled.
Finally staggering from the couch, you stretched and headed for the shower, but not before very persistent tapping at your balcony door caught your attention with a full smile now on your lips.
All six of your crows were there to greet you as you pulled open the door, the crisp winter air hitting you with a slap. 
"Hey!" You exclaimed, not a one of them hesitating to hop themselves into your room and perch wherever they pleased, "o...k..." you smirked, closing the door, "come on in, I guess. Make yourself at home?"
Telling them apart still wasn't easy, but you were sure Ebony, as that one was the largest, took residence on the back of your chair at your desk, flapping the winter chill off its wings while looking at you expectantly. Two were wandering over your bed, and the other three were strutting their way through your doorway into the hall.
"Uhm, well, let me see if I've got some food," you chuckled, following the three who had now strolled into the living room, checking everything out as they went.
The fridge was pretty barren and the mixed bowl of raspberries and blueberries you had were looking weepy, so you tossed those in the bin and kept searching. 
Flipping open the cupboard over the microwave you found a bottle of mixed peanuts, "score!" You hollered and pulled down a couple plates, spreading the nuts out, placing them on the table behind you, "c'mon guys, I've got goodies in here."
Sure enough, here they all came, hopping up on the ledge of the table and started eating, little coos and caws in your general direction clearly letting you know this was acceptable for now.
You shook your head, "alright, I gotta shower. No shitting in the house, please."
The smallest, you remembered naming Noir, cawed at you then promptly went back to eating.
Surely they could be left alone while you showered without getting into too much? Shrugging it off you went about your business.
When you got out, toweled up and still dripping a little, you made your way back down the hall and peered around the corner to check on them. The six of them had now taken over your couch. Preening and snoozing on the back like this was the most normal thing in the world.
You slow blinked and went back into the bathroom.
Ok. This is my life now. I am a Fae that has a murder of crows as companions. Or, familiars, or whatever the hell they wanted to call themselves.
Which made you all the more curious what else lied in your lineage, and yourself for that matter. You hoped you'd be able to sit down again with the blood arcane you'd found via Louis and get some real answers some day. Miranda's tirade lingered in your mind; you came from a mighty bloodline, at least she assumed, unable to live long enough to find out. You smirked as you wiped off the steam on your mirror with your towel. 
The future couldn't have been any cloudier than that mirror in front of you.
You sighed and finished getting ready.
It had started to snow as you, and your crows, ventured out into this chilly November afternoon. It didn't stick much, but the white was pretty as it dusted some treetops and ornate architecture hanging on the towering buildings. The flakes were small at first but began to get thicker and thicker as you made your way to Malka's, and by the time you'd gotten settled in, they were gorgeous puffy cotton balls tumbling down into the city as the two of you watched out her large windows.
Funnily enough, Malka had prepared a large batch of her village-wide-battle-causing butter croissants, which she generously gave the crows that were nestled down on her balcony under the tall umbrella she'd opened for them. Everyone seemed pretty content.
You sat next to Leo on the couch with your hot mug of tea cupped in your hands, trying to ignore the continuous glance of Malka who sat just to the other side of you.
"So, when are you going to bring your vampire to meet me?"
That question took her almost exactly fifteen minutes longer than you had anticipated.
You almost snorted into your drink but was able to get it down before you started to chuckle, "well, until I know what's going on down there with the clan leaders and whatever else, I'm really not sure."
"Ah, yes yes," she mused, nodding knowingly, "you are not nervous about it any longer?"
"Oh no, no I'm nervous as hell," you nodded, taking another sip, "but... I can't lie that I'm not intrigued more and more as to what goes on down there; who all these people are; what vampire hierarchy is like, and, ultimately... where I'll fit in... maybe. I don't know."
"Your Alcina is wanting you to move in with her, mm? Methinks by her side is where you fit?"
You eyed her with a smirk, "well... that's another topic all its own. We've got to get through a whole lot more first before I think that can even be... addressed, let alone decided on?"
Malka narrowed her eyes through her intuitive smile, "well my ketzeleh, until then, you must tell me more about your adventures underground. You didn't finish with everything that happened with Mother Miranda and I've been eating my nails off since this morning."
Chuckling after one more sip, you started to scritch the purring ball of fluff next to your leg and took a heavy sigh, "ahhhh yeah, where were we before I passed out on the phone?"
"The silo!"
While the evening was quick to sneak up on your time with Malka, she was gracious in understanding your need to leave to meet Alcina.
So off you went, birds in tow. 
The snow had disappeared and the city was a reflective scenescape; the dark pavement grabbed the city and car lights and held them captive in the murky puddles on the street and sidewalks. The crisp damp air mixed with the stark, refracting city giving you a smile at the seasons attire that would drape over the city for months. Winter was your least favorite, for its bitter harshness, but every once in a while you couldn't help but nod to its fierce uniqueness.
Streetlamps had begun to come to life as you hustled down your street and through the last crosswalk to your block, turning down the side path near the mini courtyard to head to the less common entry hall.
Until you caught the whiff of an undeniable perfume and your crows began to caw overhead.
You had intended to look over your shoulder to see which way it had come but Alcina collided into you with controlled force, holding you captive in her strong arms keeping you from tumbling over, and peppering your chilled face with her brilliant red-lipped kisses.
"Aha," she cackled lowly, rearranging you in her arms to look at you, "I much prefer to catch my prey in the wild, but draga mea, you are too easy," Alcina beamed, kissing you reverently as she swayed with you back and forth.
"Oh hell," you giggled, kissing her back, "I am but a wind-blown leaf and you are a mighty panther, what chance have I against you, huh?"
Alcina stroked the side of your face with her gloved finger and hummed, "a shapeshifting leaf, perhaps," she grinned once more, "and what fun adventure have you been on dragoste?"
"I was at Malka's," you replied watching the hint of narrowed eyes above you, "she needed to be filled in you know."
"Mmm, how exciting."
"She asked when she's going to meet you."
Finally giving into her desire to huff, Alcina arched her perfect eyebrow at you, "eventually."
You laughed out loud and pulled her closer, "one thing at a time, I know," you chuckled some more, "c'mon lets get inside I'm freezing."
Her smile retuned and she nodded, turning her calculating gaze to the complex while tilting her head, "you know I've never actually been in through the front of your building before."
You paused at her admission and slowly began to nod while you snickered. She'd only ever entered through your balcony door, as, well you know, a secretive vampire would do.
"No, no you have not," you smiled with a wilted laugh, grasping her hand a little tighter, "so come on then, it's time you had an official escorting to my door."
Alcina beamed and straightened her posture, offering her arm for you to take even though you were very much the lead.
Retracing your steps, you rounded back to the two sets of large glass doors, scanning your card through each reader that allowed you entrance to the simple lobby. Taking a right you lead your very tall, striking lady through the hallway towards the elevators, getting a good stare from the older woman who lived on the floor below you you'd met only a handful of times.
As the elevator dinged to the 17th floor, you stepped out into the very bland, terribly chosen grey painted walls, and waved your arm down the long hall, "my abode lies at the very end, m'lady," you cooed.
She nodded gracefully and played along, stepping in through your front door after you'd unlocked it and ushered her in.
"Hm," Alcina mused, "I still like the balcony, much faster, much more dramatic."
You shook your head through your smile as you took off your coat and plopped your keys on the table beside the coat rack, watching Alcina get comfortable as well.
"So, how is everything shaping up down there?" You inquired making your way back into her arms.
She sighed heavily, "it is only the beginning, and right now it's... messy. But, the good news is, Donna informed me early this evening that your alibi is solid, your place of employment has been contacted, and you..." she tapped your nose softly with her long finger, "are off all hooks for at least three weeks." She winked.
You retuned the sigh, but it was one of relief, "I really can't thank you and Donna enough. I've been dreading hearing notification sounds go off on my phone all day," you snorted, "last thing I want to do or think about is work."
"Well draga mea, free your mind - it is done."
The two of you took the pause to really look at one another, letting the silence settle you into a calm normalcy once more. Alcina planted her hands firmly on your waist as she leaned down to kiss you again, lingering in your closeness as all that lay outside wafted into space. In here, tucked away, you two could ignore everything else and it was so much of what she needed right now.
"Tell me, my love," she whispered against your lips, "you're alright?"
You smiled and nodded, eyes still closed as your forehead pressed to hers, "I am, especially now that you're here." Pulling back to reposition your arms over her shoulders, you noticed she looked a little frayed, "want to fill me in? I'm actually pretty curious myself."
"I do love that about you," she pursed her lips, grabbing you up in her arms and taking you to the couch, plopping down with you, "well... where to begin..."
Alcina then began in great detail about how Angie had redecorated the front of City Hall; the quickly advancing construction; Dmitri's discovery of Miranda's journals, logs, notes, and other deranged items that had been collected in her lair; the unfortunate experimentation room and deceased victims therein; fact that both her military and Karl's had been going nonstop since this all began against her orders to rest ruffling her feathers but overall understanding the necessity; the pending discussion of the trials for Ethan, Mia, and Salvatore; and finally the arrival of clan leaders. All of this taking place within the last day.
That was a lot. You had no idea how her fortitude for such responsibility was so impeccable.
"Wow babe, that's uhm... that's a lot."
Alcina agreed silently and stroked your leg, "and it's only going to get more chaotic."
You smirked, "Aaaand the clan leaders... how are they?"
"Mmm, unsure. I left before they could find me."
"Ditched out before they cornered you, huh?" You laughed.
"Corner me? What a thing to say," she smiled bearing her sharp teeth playfully, "there is no cornering me, I simply had much more pressing matters to attend to at the moment. They can wait."
The way her eyes sparkled at you had you melting in no time.
"So, as much as I don't want to ask... when do I need to be present for what's going to happen?"
Taking a pause to consider your question, Alcina sighed, "for my own selfish reasons I would love to have you with me now, but I realize this isn't an easy position for you. I believe that by the end of tomorrow all Clan Leaders will be present, which will lead to the Grand Council where the proceedings of what needs to be addressed will be finalized. I have little doubt your presence will be requested by all for that gathering."
You nodded slowly, "will I need to be there for the trials?"
"It is possible they may vote for it, yes. I won't lie to you draga mea," Alcina stated firmly, "these leaders are... jagged. Rough. I will do what I can to sway in your favor at all costs, though when it comes to matters as impervious as this, your role may be much larger than you might wish. But I promise you, you are not in danger, nor are you on trial. So don't take any guff, either."
Her wink lessened the blow to her previous comments but you were still a little unsettled by it. You were still getting used to the fact you were a Fae, let alone you were getting sucked into being a large part of the underworld clan of lycans and vampires. How was your life real again?
You sighed heavily and leaned over into your vampire, "so... after tomorrow night, that's when you want me?"
Alcina narrowed her eyes, "I want you all the time, but yes, that will suffice."
It was your turn to purse your lips, "you want me all the time huh?" You asked quietly, switching this conversation 120 degrees, inching closer to her, "like, all the time?" You questioned even softer, kissing her cheek bone lightly, trailing your lips down to her jaw, to under her pearl earring with a hot breath.
The shuddering desire that overtook Alcina surged gold through her iris's, and in the swiftest motion grabbed you, flung you under her on the couch, and hunkered down over you like the panther you'd compared her to earlier.
She placed her palm to your throat in a clutch that was firm and commanding, her nails digging just gently enough into the back of your neck that you shivered with wanting anticipation, and you darkened your eyes up at her. God, she was immobilizingly beautiful.
"Yes, draga mea," Alcina finally purred leaning down on you, her sharp teeth grazing your lip as her mouth mapped its way to your ear, "I want you all... the time."
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your legs went limp, "then you should have me," you pressed, egging her on, aching to feel her bite.
Alcina could not deny you anymore than she could deny herself.
With a wickedly deep, short chuckle, Alcina reached her free arm under your thigh, hooked it over her hip and sunk her teeth into your flesh and drank with vigor.
You moaned, loudly. White-knuckled you held to her shirt as she fed, sending you just as high as you hoped she was; feeling the throbbing draining sensation overtake you and throw you into a misty tingling pool of pure euphoria. 
Feeling the strength of your blood pour through her, Alcina lifted you from the couch with ease, helping you secure your weak arms and legs around her as she took you to your bedroom and laid you down, licking her teeth wounds as she wrapped herself up in you in the dark.
Being lost in the in-between of these sensations, you smiled as you felt yourself mold into your vampire, her strong arms encompassing you, her lips pressing earnest kisses to every inch of you, and happily submitting to the minutes passing.
"If I can sweeten the appeal of your stay in the underground," Alcina husked against your chest, "my bed has yet to witness the desire and passion I wish to give you under my roof of hospitality..." she grinned wickedly up at your hazy eyes, "so perhaps... just perhaps... you would wish to come and stay with me sooner, dragoste."
If you weren't as inebriated as you were from her bite just now, you would have begged her to take you now. But you knew her too well, and she would drag this on until you surrendered.
All you could do was chuckle breathlessly, "d-deal."
Alcina beamed.
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fire-but-ashes-too · 10 months
(Writerblr) intro post!
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Hi! welcome to my blog! this is my (very late) writerblr/general/artblr intro, or just somewhere with all my general informations :)
please, go on and read *bows*
☆ Ash is my name on here and i go by she/her
★ Im a teen writer and artist, but i dream of acting
☆ im from italy
★ pan ace and quoiromantic (or wtfromantic its the same) (im still kinda questioning tho??? probs demiromantic??? idk?? feelings r weird atm)
☆ entp and introvert
★ im always up for tag games or stuff like that :)
☆ recently added tags! #ash writes- my writing ofc #ash and her rants- just me talking abt random stuff could be anything serious or not #ash on fire- probs me fangirling over something lol i may get overexcited beware
★ i relate to a spiritual and psychological level to black cats and all theur other forms (aka regulus black, tori spring, aristotle mendoza etc etc etc)
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i mostly write fantasy or fanfiction, but sometimes i engage in various genres as mystery, dystopian or surrealism :)
★ So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
genre: fanfiction
audience: general/ teen and up
tropes: rivals to lovers, college AU, slow burn, a lot of fencing, paris✨
cw/tw: past rape/non con, ptsd, homophobia, wounds/blood
progress: i try to update every week but nothing's promised 🥲
snippet here:
Years ago he’d learned to mask his handwriting, so now he could easily forge any handwriting he wanted, if he was given a good example of it being used. There was something extremely interesting in how each person connected two letters to each other. How they wrote an “ar” was different from how they would write an “or”, how much the words were apart from each other and how much pressure they put in the paper told a lot about someone, to him it was like zodiac signs. He didn’t always have to copy other handwritings, not unless he wanted to throw the blame on that person. He just had to invent a brand new writing style, and be careful to not slip his between the cracks. And that’s exctly what he did in the letter. Before Jesper could finish his monologue about how much he had missed out in the past few months holed up in his office, a blackmail threat was ready to be closed inside the paper envelope, just the signature was missing, but he didn’t bother to add it. A proper threat always had to be anonymous, it was always better to give as little information you could. Everything could be used against you. The maroon wax sealed the opening with a satisfying fizzling and a single wisp of smoke. The clock chimed on the wall, it was already 6 pm, he had to go finish some assignments.
(previously titled: questionable decisions)
☆ The Rogue
genre: fantasy, dystopian
audience: teen and up
setting: a fantasy world im currently busy (trying) building
progress: just vibes really, two mainc characters, a couple sides and an outline plus one of the first chapters, not much really but im working on it
anne: the rogue from where i took the title.
shes a 17 y/o girl who lives in a bunker in a forest, on the run from the government as she's a "high traitor and liar who must be destroyed".
she has the ability to modify her face and appereance for a while and she has a prosthetic arm connected to her virtual friend Indigo.
thanks to it she's able to teleport and keep track of various things.
alexander: the son of the dictator, he's lived his life in a bubble until 2 years ago, when he finally managed to get more social contacts with people and (slightly) catch up on what he's missed, behind his father's back of course.
he meets anne when she's captured and figures she's his best shot at escaping his father domain.
This time, she materialised in the shadows behind a bulding, which gave her enough cove for her to shift her facial features. Her nose a little bigger, her hair some shades brighter, her eyes more elongated and greener than the grass growing outside her doorstep and a splash of freckles to top it all off. It was way harder to do it without a mirror, and way more dangerous. For all she knew, she could’ve been looking like a girl with a fish head, and she didn’t know if that would be better or worse than looking like herself. Anne took out a hat and a silk scarf, she wrapped it around her neck and jumped in a group of tourists gazing at the city. In no time she was in the square, vendor’s stands circling her, colourful flags waving in the wind. She could’ve stayed like that for ever, stuck in the memories of her old life, but she knew it couldn’t last forever.
★ Flowers and Homicide
genre: mystery
audience: general
cw/tw: blood, dead bodies, autopsies
main character: Giada
she's a forensics student who one day stumbles (metaphorically) over a dead body in her neighbour's lawn and starts investigating.
progress: actually finished but in italian sadly so in the translation process
☆ Confessions of a timeless man
genre: short story, surrealistic
audience: teen and up
content warning: suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, depression
plot summary: a man is stuck living the same day over and over, after almost 10 years there, he tries to escape his curse by killing himself
progress: completed XD
(here's my ao3 btw)
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you want to know more about me! why than you, here you go!
★ my favourite artists are Taylor Swift, Conan Gray, Arctic Monkeys, Chase Atlantic, Marina, Lana del Rey, Sabrina Carpenter, Mother Mother and Billie Eilish (theres more but i cant remember whoops)
☆ i have a veryyyy slight synesthesia
★ other than writing, art-ing and reading i love baking/cooking and crocheting
☆ theatre kid over here, always up for screaming my lungs out
★ uhhh im a vegetarian
☆ i know a scary amount about death and murder (especially poisons)
★ i dont have a specific vibe, it usually changes every few months or so
☆ i probably have anxiety but ive never been to therapy so idk 💀
★ always up for fangirling :3 (im in too many fandoms *cries* buuut im most active on pjo, marauders, grishaverse and osemanverse, musicals and some books that i have boards for on my pinterest :D)
☆ i am terribly scared of insects, needles and dogs
★ my (quite unusual) sport is aerial dance, a circus speciality that looks really cool but is acctually really painful
☆ my pinterest, spotify and goodreads if by some reason you're really interested in the chaotic human being that i am :)
thank you for reading this farrr🥹🥹
have a great day/night/life/existence/other :D
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siancore · 10 months
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Richonne | 847 Words | General | AO3 Link
Synopsis: Rick and Michonne have a moment to express their feelings regarding Rick finding out about R.J.
Neither Rick nor Michonne wanted to stop; not when they were still too close to the Civic Republic. They knew there would be people on their trail. They knew the Civic Republic would not want them live; not after everything Rick had gone through. Not after everything they had seen and been subjected to. No one left that community. No one left and lived to talk about it. And now, both Rick and Michonne had been inside of their walls and had escaped. They really could not afford to stop. Not this close. Not when they were still so far away from home. From their friends and family. From their children.
“I didn’t even think to bring a photo,” said Michonne, as she tended to Rick’s wound; their reason for having to stop.
Rick winced a little as Michonne cleaned the gash to his left ribcage.
“I still can’t believe it,” Rick admitted. “It’s like I can barely get my head around it. We’ve got a son. This is so surreal, ‘Chonne. We’ve got a son.”
She fixed a dressing to the wound and then wrapped it. Rick pulled his shirt back on with some difficulty. He smoothed the garment down and let out a shaky breath.
“And I missed all o’ this time with him and Judith,” said Rick solemnly as he faced Michonne and took hold of her hand. “All of this time with you. I’m sorry. Sorry for what you’ve been through without me there to protect you and take care of you. Sorry I for the pain you felt. Sorry you had to go it alone.”
“I told you before,” she whispered, giving his hand a squeeze. “You don’t have to be sorry. You don’t ever have to be sorry. For anything. What happened was not your fault.”
“I know,” he said, dipping his head and looking up through his lashes at Michonne. “I guess I’m feelin’ sorry for myself a little, too. It was hell without you. Gettin’ back to you and Judith is what kept me goin’. And now we’ve got this blessing.”
Rick took a deep breath and continued.
“What if – what if he – if R.J. doesn’t like me? I’m a stranger to him. I can’t expect to just come back from the dead and assume that our son is gonna accept me.”
“Rick,” she said softly, causing him to lift his head. “He will accept you. Our son knows you. He knows all about you. How you’d do anything to protect the people you care about. How you’re brave. How you’re a good leader. How you love your family more than anything. Judith made sure to tell R.J. all about you.”
“Only the good things, I hope,” he said, slightly self-deprecatingly.
“Rick, I may be biased, but to me, there’s only good things when it comes to you,” Michonne said, beaming brightly at him; his breath hitched at the sight.
“God, I missed your smile,” said Rick, as he reached up and stroked her face. “Thinkin’ about you and that smile got me through a lot of long, lonely nights. Knowin’ I was gonna see you again got me through. I’m sorry it took this long for us to be back together. I –”
“Stop that,” said Michonne as she leaned into his touch. “Stop apologizing. We found each other again, and that’s what matters. Nothing is going to stop us from getting back to our kids. Nothing. So, just focus your energy on that, Rick. Not on the past. Not on what’s already happened. Focus on both of us getting back home. Focus on getting to meet your son. He’s gonna love you.”
Tears welled in Rick’s eyes at Michonne’s comforting words. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers before resting his forehead against hers.
“I love him already,” said Rick as he cradled Michonne’s head in his hand. “I loved him as soon as you told me about him. I loved him in my dreams before I even knew who he was. And I love you, Michonne. Thank you for comin’ for me. Thank you for takin’ care of our family and community. Thank you for lookin’ after Judith and bein’ there for her when I couldn’t. For bein’ both parents for her. And thank you for blessing me with R.J.”
Tears rolled down both Rick and Michonne’s faces as they sat holding one another. A gentle beat of silence passed around them as they took in calming breaths. Michonne smiled once more; smaller and softer – the smiles she reserved for Rick.
“Thank you for not dying on me,” said Michonne with a wet laugh which Rick returned.
They both pulled back and stared into one another’s glistening, teary eyes.
Rick ran his thumb over Michonne’s bottom lip and said, “Yeah well, we don’t die. We’re the ones who live.”
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kadextra · 7 months
I couldn’t watch the q!Bad lore stream live today and don’t feel like putting a bunch of vodblogs in the main tag, so I’m gonna try something new and put it all in one massive post
so if you missed seeing me on the dash and wanna read about me maybe losing my mind (depending on what happens as I watch) here ya go :D
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oh there’s a second him that’s so trippy. he doesn’t recognize himself again, they’re walking together.
THIS IS SO COOL OH MY GOD?!?!?!? now they are digging in the sand??
ah so the corpse of… also himself is still at the deserted village, but its decomposed into a skeleton now. interesting DONT DRINK THE POISONED WATER NOT AGAIN ok good phew. good confirmation this is not a loop, there is new stuff happening that didn’t last time
dude this is so awesome he is cooking so hard. I’m gonna rewatch this whole part again later, I really love surreal stuff like this
nevermind it might actually be a loop? we went back right to where we were at the start. why does he keep sitting outside of the temple, and doesn’t go inside?
and we’re back. he can’t remember how to use the warp stone again :( the memory book is not in his hotbar uh oh.
Hi Ben o/
he doesn’t know the eggxhibition… you built this man, I’m gonna cry. NOOO HE DOESNT KNOW BOBBY IS DEAD AGAINNNNN
“too early to put this up” <- referring to the día de los muertos decor. dude what time and day are you in
he found the egg hospital!!! oh no now he’s looking around erratically. I think he’s panicking :(((( and once again picked some flowers to self-soothe :((( god the flowers are so special to him, they seem to be like his main grounding thing. q!forever doesn’t even know the impact he made
he’s home!!!
dark matter by the vulture lab door uh? a knight armor guy sweeping??? is that a ghost??? what just happened?
oh god the vulture lab
dapper looks so horrible omg also her name is lowercased?
vacation. sure
“I didn’t get to keep it (the eye guy) as a pet.” yeah that’s definitely dapper.
also he doesn’t want to wear armor like the new eggs that’s weird
T E A. and q!bad’s memory is still fudged.
dapper your dad is very sick….
he remembers its been 2 months dapper has been gone! :0 DAPPER WAS NOT IN PURGATORY THE WHOLE TIME??? JUST A FEW DAYS???? EXPLAIN WHY NOW
q!bad keeps forgetting what they’re doing, and then goes off and does something else….. I don’t know if dapper fully realizes what’s going on, maybe she’s just too tired themselves to pay close attention to her dad?
“Since when did we have a farm?” Buddy.
“we hid him (dapper) underground, we weren’t sure if the island was safe” We? you and…? cucurucho?
oh they really did get launched by the nuke and hit the boat I knew it. also I see you…. zooming into the back wound when phil said “you made it in one piece”
chayanne was who led the eggs to leave? huh. chayanne you’ve got some explaining to do
not them talking about the eye guy’s snatched waist 💀💀💀💀 tbh they did slay
philza wants to beat up the eye guy and elquackity I support him so much
dapper hitting his dad off the top of the wall we’re so back!!!
ETOILES SEEING DAPPER and then fell off the wall LMAOOO
q!bad forgot that he forgot his memory
(I am so engrossed in the conversations I am forgetting to write things here lol)
“can we teach etoiles to cope” (with losing to the code) then they make him break a sign with 1s and 0s on it and he logs LMAO
q!bad just mentally zoned out and stared once again at flowers….. oh. the coughing :(
pomme was the leader when the eggs went surviving in the wilderness :3 that’s my girl!!!!!!
everyone just bouncing on the trampoline and chit-chatting is so sweet, I missed this <3
dapper is so based all the time
roier seeing dapper again awwwww
ough I really really missed dapper’s out of pocket jokes :(((
“I’ll get cleaned up for tomorrow, I’m sure it’ll turn out fine!” *hits F5* “I need pomme and the rest of the eggs to wake up, and I’ll probably feel right as rain…” haha stop it q!bad I don’t like this!!!!! 😃
he just said he didnt know a church was built here. now they’re at the graveyard talking about how he saw the dead eggs at día de los muertos </3 sobs sobs
Q!MAX T-T I miss you king o7
“learning how to raise the dead might come in handy” “we will worry about that later” ??? Please Stop That!
“I kinda won in this whole situation!” (the eggs being back) Sure bud. You aren’t dying or anything. You definitely have not entered limbo twice.
honey for smelly richas :3
q!bad saying dapper will like bagi and that she’s a really good friend, and will be his aunt. cries and punches a hole into the wall
More Coughing 👁️ dapper please help your father he needs serious medical attention.
quit saying things are going to be okay I know you are jinxing something and it’s scary. there is a giant hole in your head and your back is turning green.
they’re going to see the prison and courtroom!!
“forever for the crime of looking too handsome I sentence you to 10 years in prison!” UNPROMPTED? I know what you are 🏳️‍🌈‼️
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FINALLY THE BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION FOR DAPPER. so many nights. so many nights where we’d watch him sit awake, crying at that table. waiting, waiting for something that would never come. but now it’s here. I’m in anguish
“once the eggs wake up we’ll have a big birthday party! a big ol birthday party. yep. a party.” why did you say that with such a weird tone sir?
he reintroduced skeppy to dapper…
he is explaining the great furniture stealing to dapper. who was there when it happened and already knows. “my memory hasn’t been very good lately, I think.” Yeah You Think? I wonder q!bad forgot he’s the one who stole it all?
the child is locked outside
yes dapper be salty at your dad for accidentally locking you out
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the sunshine recording omg. he played it for company the entire time they were alone… AAAAAAAAAAAAAUGHH HGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHGHHHGHGHGHGGHHGHFHFHGGFHFGHHHGHHBSBENFMFKS
dapper doesn’t know why q!bad is blue 😀 he doesn’t know…….. haha head in hands
they are going to visit Niki :3
OHHH HER REACTION TO DAPPER <333 she’s such a sweetheart. have I ever said how much I love niki? she was so great in purgatory, and earlier today I got to watch her meet empanada and bond over baking and sweets <3
nice look at the head wound from the inside
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q!bad’s been so insistent on dapper going to the eye doctor, I have heard him say this so much over the last several days. even in his memory lapses he remembers it. Why? mr. colorblind YOU need to go to the eye doctor. go hospital.
yeah the alien ships from the map do look like eyes don’t they
based niki her favorite animal is elephants :3 SHUT UP Q!BAD YOU DEMON don’t eat the elephants
the hungriest little guy on the island strikes again
I’m just chilling listening rn, bad dapper and niki are so late night podcast vibes
perry the schnabeltier
in the dark of the night is kind of a q!bad song ngl
let’s go a washing machine in dapper’s lab :D oh that was a weird pause in the middle of your sentence bad :D
dapper is running on the ceiling!! they are so talented!
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bawling my eyes out hold on
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the 3 months where q!bad has been so depressed and suffering just went flashing through my mind. every time he had sang the song in a teary broken voice, with nobody across from him listening. in the graveyard as a rainstorm raged above. but now his sunshine is back… hit me like a truck
they are gonna sleep hugging together tonight :’3
“I know it seems I’ve been out of character (since the beginning of the stream) but trust me, I haven’t. I’ve been in character this whole time…”
“Goodbye, see you tomorrow ….I’m sure everything is going to be just fine. :)”
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I’m scared
well I guess this is the end of my vodblogging lore post!!! I hope it was fun to read jfjdjshdh it was just the thoughts I Would have posted if I was liveblogging. my eyes are still watery :’)
see you all tomorrow for whatever horrors await
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dearamleo · 2 days
New Chapter! The Foreverlost (A Wolfstar BotW AU)
Chapter 2: An Old Face
True to her word, Minerva had Tonks knocking promptly at his door just as the sun began to set. For once he woke up and found himself actually feeling slightly rested- though he still was nursing a headache. He figured that likely would not abate for quite some time. Tonks continued to flush every time he looked in her direction and if he was not mistaken it looked like she had done her hair up in some sort of fancy braided style.
Regardless, he was thankful to see Minerva’s pinched face in the courtyard.
“Minnie, a delight as always.”
She cocked a brow at him, but directed him towards what looked to be a garden. Remus could hear the murmuring of others talking, but still just out of ear shot.
“Our last champion has arrived from Ravenclaw and is able to join us this evening.”
“Great,” Remus mumbled. “I’m sure we’ll all be the best of pals. Gallivanting across the country together, fighting evil, trying not to die. Again.”
Minerva stepped back to let him step through the gate she opened, but when he looked up he stopped in his tracks. There certainly were others waiting for them in the garden. They were all gathered around a small table that was already laden with luxurious looking food and pitchers of wine. That wasn’t what was causing his mouth to gape rather dramatically, though.
“Those are children.”
“Mr. Lupin,” Minerva sighed, stepping through to the garden. “I can assure you that Hogwarts’ champions-”
“Are children.”
Minerva glared at him, looking near to dragging him along by the ear. “Have shown a great deal of courage, fortitude and-”
“ Youth -”
“Greetings, Champions,” Minerva called, apparently choosing to ignore any more of Remus’s grumbling. Everyone at the table quieted down, turning to listen. “I would like to introduce everyone to Remus Lupin, Hero of Time, now awoken from his long-”
“Please don’t call me the Hero,” Remus groaned, feeling his ears heat under the gaze of everyone. “It’s just Remus.”
The girl sitting opposite where Tonks had settled in, was the first to stand up. She was on the shorter side, however that in no way made her less impressive as she came to stand before him.
“Hermione Granger,” she said, sticking out her hand. “Chieftain of the Ravenclaw.”
Her hair was a mix of tight braids and loose coils of deep brown, decorated heavily with hoops and beads that clicked together softly as she moved. Her clothing was of an understated regal elegance while still offering the practicality for movement in the desert climate of Ravenclaw. She was incredibly young to be a chieftain, but her intimidatingly strong handshake spoke volumes about her experience in the role.
Minerva gestured to the next champion seated at the table. He was tall, even sitting down Remus could tell he would be towering over him. He had freckles that covered just about every inch of his skin and bright orange hair that he kept having to flick back from his eyes. There was something remarkably familiar about his features that Remus, of course , couldn’t quite put his finger on.
The kid barely took a breath between bites, even when Minerva cleared her throat to get his attention. 
“Oh, Ron Weasley,” he said. “Hufflepuff and all that.”
“Ronald was appointed as the champion for Hufflepuff by his eldest brother, Bill,” Minerva added when it was clear Ron’s priority lay in the meat pies. “He has shown great skill-” There was a snort from the group, though Remus couldn’t tell exactly who. “ Great skill in both strategy and with a hammer.”
The next of the champions Minerva turned to looked like a snobby little git. His chin was held a little too high to be natural and he seemed to be making a point to only really look at Remus from the corner of his eye. He was Veela, or at least part Veela, if Remus were to judge by the shockingly white wings that were folded delicately at his back. Paired with his icy blonde hair and nearly grey eyes, the boy was a surreal sight, one that felt like you weren’t supposed to be looking at.
“And this will be Draco Malfoy, champion for Slytherin. His appointment as champion was awarded to him through a myriad of skill trials in which he came out the victor.”
The little shit somehow raised his chin even further at that which made Remus roll his eyes. He could already tell that whatever journey awaited them all, Draco Malfoy was going to be a thorn in his side the entire time.
“A… pleasure, I’m sure,” Draco drawled, still not bothering to make eye contact.
Remus almost wanted to laugh at his insolence, but Minerva moved on quickly. “And this-”
“I’m Harry,” the last one said, not quite so forward like Hermione had been, but not as standoffish as Draco. He had a calmness about him as he held out his hand. “Harry Potter. Heir of Gryffindor.”
At that Remus finally pinpointed who was doing the snorting as he caught the dramatic eye roll that Malfoy accompanied it with.
He shook Harry’s hand, having the strange sense that it wasn’t the first time he had done so, but knowing that it was impossible. He had dark hair that appeared to be perpetually messy, freckles that concentrated along the bridge of his nose, shockingly green eyes and a long scar that stood out prominently on his forehead. It reminded Remus of a bolt of lightning the way it cracked white across his dark skin, cutting through his eyebrow and ending on his cheek.
Shaking his head, Remus nodded in greeting to the boy, trying to shrug off the strange deja vu.
“Shall we get started, then,” Minerva said, gesturing to the table.
Start from the beginning here
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peachiecure · 4 months
Character introduction: Larissa/“Cure Jump”
~Basic info~
Name: Larissa Frausto
“Alter Ego”: Cure Jump
Age: 13
Birthday: September 22
Hair color: Brown (w/ red ombré as “Jump”)
Eye color: Brown (Blue as “Jump”)
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Larissa is a girl from another world who happens to visit from time to time. She holds the ability to transform into a magical girl known as “Cure Jump”. She is a side character in Project: SFA.
Larissa is a very shy and awkward person. She often is seen to be either panicking, not able to put out words or trying her best to do what is asked of her. Coming from another world, her surroundings here seem to fascinate her in a way as if she has been observing from the outside for a long time. In her free time, she seems to like to draw and play video games.
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Her “Alter Ego”, Cure Jump on the other hand is much different in personality. She is strong willed, brave, leader-like and overall a joy to be around… she fights with the power of fire, along with a few other new tricks up her sleeve that she learns from Mario as they protect the kingdom at times. Though… there seems to be something behind those blue eyes of hers.
For more information on Larissa & Cure Jump, including more details and voice claims, please visit the side blog @nintendoprecure for her intros there~
A Precure? What’s that?
For my non-precure fans here, it’s a magical girl franchise. If you’re familiar with the concepts Sailor Moon or Cardcaptor Sakura, it’s pretty similar. Hopefully you don’t need to know that much about the franchise to understand the concept. A lot of precure fans like to make OCs, and that is where Larissa is from. So yeah it’s another project of mine. Larissa transforms and fights for what’s good with the power of her transformation device! (Which is a 3DS aha) She pops into SFA every now and then. You don’t need to dive deep into my other project though to understand her role in SFA, so I hope she is still a fun character to SFA’s overall story and lore. Just know that she pops in every now and then, helping out the best she can!
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Mario: “O-oh— I need to talk about Mario? U-um— he… he talks much more than I imagined… I’m so used to hearing reused voice lin— I MEAN from what I’ve heard from others!! He’s very nice!! I’m… I’m not good at socializing… at all. He seems to care about me though… I-I just feel that I’m to… incompetent to be standing by his side. He always tells be how I do such a good job as Jump but… I’m n— I mean, yeah I’m… Jump… but— sigh, never mind.”
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Peach: “I could cry. I gonna cry. I-I can’t just cry?… she’s everything to me… seeing her in front of me physically of course I’m going to cry!! SHE’S MY FAVORITTTEEEE…. MY QUEEN…. And she’s so nice to me too I’m crying. I-I’m sorry I’m crying. I can’t help it. Little kid me prayed for moments like this… oh my gosh—“ (the rest is incoherent, we cannot understand her through her sobbing)
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Sweetheart: “Finding out that Peach and Mario were married was one thing… but finding out they have a child… was something else entirely. I didn’t know how to process that information— my ship— I mean I’m very happy for them!!! Sweetheart herself is a very sweet little girl… well… she’s currently 10 but her behavior is very pure. Sometimes I think she looks up to me like an older sister which… I-I am an older sister in my family but I— I don’t feel like one. I’m cowardly, but she somehow finds the good in me when I’m around and wants to do things with me… her parents have explained the… situation with her powers, so I do have to keep an eye on her just in case anything happens.”
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Luigi: “… I like Luigi, he… he really understands me when I can’t really get words out of my mouth… or… or when Mario drags the two of us somewhere impulsively as we’re both worrying… it is also surreal seeing him talk in front of me… oh my good they’re real the Super Mario Bros. are real and they’re in front of my oh my god. I’m gonna explode….”
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Daisy: “Daisy has so much energy that she really overwhelms me— but not in a bad way! I really like her I’m just… I-I just like to take things slower and stuff. She’s a wonderful princess! She really cares about her friends and she would definitely fistfight a god for them!…”
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Rosalina: “Mario brought me to the Observatory once and… it felt very weird to be able to breathe in space— where I’m from you— you can’t do that you’ll die. I got to meet Rosalina and the Lumas, and I really had a nice time with her. She’s gentle and made sure I felt comfortable and safe in her home… even read me a few stories from her iconic storybook that surely the soundtrack— I mean the music that so happens to play around when she reads— has not made me cry! Not at all!—“
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Flame: “Flame is a new face I met upon coming here. I’ve never heard of his Kingdom at all. He seems like a nice kid who just wants to have fun with his friends. He-he’s very panicky, like me, so I— I relate a lot with him. He seems to always fight with Aqua and… I can’t blame him on that. Aqua… is… something… I just find it a bit odd how he always does what Sweetheart says?… I-I hope he’s only doing that because he wants to be a good friend…”
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Aqua: “… C-can I tell the truth?—I-I don’t currently like him. I hate sounding mean but— he reminds me of someone from school with his spoiled attitude and I just can’t stand how he constantly arguing with Flame… there’s still a-a lot I don’t know about him, so I am open to change my view on him. It just seems like he isn’t willing to tell anything besides what he wants us to hear… and I don’t want to pry… I won’t say it to his face though, that’s just mean… he hasn’t really DONE anything to hurt me yet so I wouldn’t talk back… not like I ever would in the first place… he’s royalty…”
Toadsworth: “Toadsworth started calling me Master Larissa after one battle and… I cannot get used to the title. I am no master at… anything. Unless it’s crying, I’m… very good at that… ahaha… ha….”
“Yeah I’m… I’m not related to the Mario Bros… I-I don’t know why that’s such a popular rumor… I’m not even Italian… ahaha… w-wait who thinks I’m related to Mario—? Is it because of my brown hair?— o-or how I’m small?… I’m simply just learning alongside him… because of Ju— because I’m a magical girl!…”
And that’s it for Larissa’s intro! Next will be… well, a certain jester…
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scavengerssuccotash · 5 months
What are your thoughts on a Clint x Nat baby? I’ve read some fics where Nat accidentally gets pregnant and debates between keeping the baby or not. But I’ve also read a few fics where they both desperately want a baby and excel as parents once they have one. Personally I think Nat would be terrified if she was pregnant but eventually come around to the idea, because it’s a lil part of her and Clint, and be a great mom.
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How did you know about my Sims 4 Clintasha save file?
(They have a daughter named Katya. And she’s fucking adorable.) 😭
Kid/baby Clintasha fics are definitely a real guilty pleasure for me. While I don’t agree with how Whedon presented that bit of character backstory for Natasha, I think taken with in universe logic it would make sense for the Red Room to sterilize their Widows. (It’s one of the few things that is canon that I’ve kept for my fic Sightline.)
(I ALSO have a real big problem with the tone in which it was discussed and handled in the Black Widow movie but let’s just skip over that for now.)
I think Clint and Nat would be exceptional parents. Extremely doting and highly protective I must admit I see them a bit of a helicopter parent duo. At least until the age of ten I want to say, when they start to loosen up their reigns as they finally start to believe that their child is safe. I think they would also retire from both SHIELD and Avenging, I don’t think Natasha much less Clint would be able to handle the separation and uncertainty in leaving for missions for months at a time. Clint is also immediately a girl dad. (I can’t help but picture Jeremy Renner a bit as I type this. Which hilariously shines a glaring light on my own father issues, but like in a ‘awww I wish o had that!’ way.)
I think it’s rather a cliche in the fandom to imagine them having a little girl, and I’m firmly one million percent within that camp. I genuinely can’t picture them having a boy for their first kid. (Yes, I said first. They have two! A girl and a boy roughly three years apart. They live in my head as a happy little family on a farm in the cornfields of Iowa and I love them very much.)
As for the pregnancy—it was fucking brutal! For my headcanon of a non-sterilized Natasha the Red Room kept them continually supplied with birth control and other hormonal blockers to the point that it was actually assumed that she would not be able to get pregnant or at the very least it would be rare. That one in a million chance happened after a particularly nasty fight when Natasha ran into the line of fire to save Steve. Cue a couple of thrown dishes and Clint growling into her ear and pinned to the bed.
“I’m not fucking losing you, do you hear me, Tasha!”
It was very hot and very intense and oops!
What really was difficult about the pregnancy, you know besides being pregnant (her back hurt like a son of a birch) was the emotional torrent that it brought. Sleepless nights, constant worry, questioning if she even wanted to keep it, followed by a surreal disbelief that she was even pregnant. It was a body horror watching and then feeling a tiny baby growing inside her. In the end she decided to keep it, partly as one last fuck you to the Red Room and her past but also because it was part Clint too. When she told him, it was in the middle of a firefight. (He would later tell her that her timing was shit.) As soon as the words left her mouth he looked at her for a good five seconds, blinked and then nodded to himself. He then, without any of the fanfare, dispatched the ten guys shooting at them, clean kills. All ten headshots. One right after the other with the cold efficiency she’s only ever seen once before when she was captured and tortured for three months.
Katya Philomena Romanoff-Barton was born November 16th. Three months premature, and weighing two pounds and thirteen ounces. She has blue eyes like her father and the freckles and red hair of her mother. They were able to bring her home after a year in the NICU.
She starts her Freshmen year at Princeton this year, double majoring in International Politics and Psychology, with an applied minor in History. She has one championship trophy in Olympic Archery and does Ballet in her free time.
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brighteststar707 · 11 months
Compact Mirror with Zen! 🤍
Love ya!!
Hello hello! Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy the fic 😊
I've taken this one as another excuse to ramble about my own personal Zen lore hehe
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✧ Compact Mirror ~ Self-reflection and growth/progress
Zen's trailer is roomy, rigged up with anything he might need while on set. It's bigger than any other dressing room he has had while working on previous projects and certainly more lavish than the rooms he used to have while working on theatre productions.
It's surreal.
Unchanged from those days though, are the pictures he has tacked up on the walls around the mirror. Of his friends back home, of audiences full of fans, and of her. If he’s being honest, they’re mostly of her. His driving force, his biggest supporter, his great love. She’s in nearly every picture, smiling down at him as he gets ready between scenes.  
On days like today, it’s those pictures that bring him comfort. He is a long way away from home working on this film (his biggest role yet, as she often reminds him). A few hours earlier he had phoned her to chat before he had to get back to work. At this moment, he’d guess that she’s at home in the living room, winding down after her own day of work.
Home. Over the past few years, the two of them have worked hard to turn their first house together into a proper home. They had moved out of the basement apartment not long after she became his manager, due to worries about their safety and his career taking off after the RFA party.
Now, despite how much luxury he has been exposed to while filming, he misses home more than ever.
Feeling homesick is a new experience for him. His parent’s house never really felt like home. His space was often invaded, he was never allowed to let go and be himself for fear of disappointing them and being told off. His most prized belongings were often hidden away to prevent them from being found and confiscated. As a child, his school music room often made him feel more comfortable than his own bedroom.
Then, when he left, he spent some time crashing on peoples’ sofas and leaky inflatable mattresses. Till this day he is endlessly thankful for the generosity of the people who took him in, but those spaces weren’t his to begin with. There wasn’t much to miss when he left.
That was the time he had started landing roles and found himself spending a lot of time in the rooms backstage. Before shows, warming up and resting and spending time with his fellow castmates.
He might not miss his couch surfing days, but he definitely misses the feeling of performing in theatre productions. There was something special about the communal feeling of a group of actors preparing for a show together, especially when he was still landing smaller roles and didn't ever get his own dressing room. The chaos of the last-minute costume changes, dashing around backstage to make it to places on time. The inside jokes the actors had between each other and the familiarity of old faces in new productions. His eyes search the pictures around his mirror for them now, pictures taken on a banged-up camera he had bought at the charity shop with one of his first pay checks.
The memories of the ambiance in those pictures forms a startling contrast to the silence of his trailer now. He’s the only one here, in a room that could fit so many of his friends and colleagues. While the peace is calming, it also serves as a reminder of how lonely he can get.
Landing film jobs has been a dream come true for Zen, and he is forever grateful for all the people who helped get him there. That being said, making the jump away from a scene he has been a part of for ten years was bittersweet. He knows he wouldn’t be where he is now if it weren’t for the people he worked with back then.
He can still remember the director of the first production he worked on. The one who gave him the job that would eventually allow him to rent his first apartment. He was kind, and saw what talent Zen had before most of the industry did. The job he gave him was the one that allowed him to leave his gang days behind and establish a real home for himself.
He will always be fond of his basement apartment. The box of belongings he had managed to bring with him when he left home, the letters from fans he had put up on the wall, his little keyboard (another gem from the charity shop) and the slow accumulation of things that were his. Nobody could tell him what to do with that space except for him.
Over the years, that apartment became the monument to his personal and professional growth. A few years in, he managed to buy himself a computer. His bedframe is one he bought and put together by himself. He even managed to afford a decent TV a year after moving in.
In the living room there was a stack of CDs from some of his favourite artists, a collection that stretches back to when he was still a teenager. Beside it, there was a stack of DVDs from his performances that were recorded. The day he got the first one, he put it next to the CD stack and then sat on the sofa, just to look at them side-by-side. His own performance, recorded for ever, bought by so many people to live in their homes forever.
It was the first time that he felt like he was leaving a mark on the world.
Since then, the stack has grown to include official cast recordings, performances, and now even the movies he has starred in.
He is fond of that apartment because it was his in every way. Paid for by his own hard work, furnished the way he wanted it to be. By contrast, he loves the new house because it is something he built together with his partner. The space is not his, made to accommodate her, but theirs in every detail.
He can find her touch in the paint on the walls (a job she insisted on doing herself) and the pattern of the bedsheets. Her belongings sit next to his on the shelves and their photos are clustered together on the walls. It's a home built on their love, and it's the one he misses the most when he's in this strange space.
Sometimes, in quiet moments like this, it's easy for Zen to lose himself in how far he has come and how much around him has changed. He stares at the pictures he has hanging up and loses himself in the memories.
He can vividly remember what he was feeling through each of those moments in his life. On the upper corner, there’s a picture of him sitting on stage surrounded by castmates, taken during rehearsals. His hair is messily tied back and his face is flushed but he’s smiling widely along with the rest of them. They had just worked through a big dance number and this was the first time they had gone through it properly on stage. He remembers how badly he wanted to do a good job and impress the actors he was working with.
Next to it, with the corner slightly overlapping the first picture, is one from the first RFA parties. Everyone looked terribly young and they were all posed so stiffly. They were still strangers then, without a clue of what they had stepped into. With some difficulty he remembers Rika calling out to them from behind the camera, reminding them to smile.
Then, there’s one where he’s surrounded by a group of fans. They had waited until after the show to ask for pictures and of course he had agreed. He remembers them giving him small gifts and flowers and he returned home with his hands (and heart) full. Then, when he finally made it back into his apartment – opening doors with your hands full of trinkets is harder than it looks – he was hit with a wave of loneliness. So many people liked the work he did, and they were so kind. But he still ended up at home alone every day, without anyone to share the joy with.
Little did he know how soon after that moment he’d meet the love of his life. It’s funny how those things work out. He wishes he could reach out to the person he was at each of those moments, when he was struggling and unsure and scared, and tell them that it would all lead to this moment.
His phone screen lights up and he is momentarily distracted. It's as if she can hear his train of thought, he thinks, as he answers her call.
"Honey! I was just thinking about you!"
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beargyuuu · 1 year
World begins with W, mine begins with U
ik a place writing (832)
warnings; mentions of smoking, drinking, suggestive (no smut)
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April 6, 2023
“you’re actually going to hang out with him” you mumbled through rina’s pillow that you’re laying your face on.
you and rina are currently in her dorm watching her get ready for her to hang out with some guy your friends were putting her on with, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little jealous.
it’s been too long since you’ve dated anyone, and way too long since you’ve been on a date alone.
rina rolls her eyes and turns to you giving you a look you know a little too well “you know you have soobin right?” you groan at those words.
sitting up from her bed you reach for the half lit blunt and take a small hit letting the gas burn your throat just how you like it. “you know-“ you move your fingers to signal rina to come closer, she lets out a giggle knowing what’s next. grabbing her face gently and letting out the smoke into her mouth you place the blunt back onto her bedside table. “it’s not.. it’s not like that”
letting out a small cough she shakes her and and reaches for the bottle of orange soda that has probably gone stale from how long it’s taken for her to take ready. “i know i know all i’m saying is he’d be good for you if you gave him the chance”
you let out another groan not of out annoyance from how often this has been said to you but of how right she was.
soobin was just too good of a guy, too sweet, too caring, too fucking lovable. you know he’d promise you the moon if he could but he’d also do that to rina, tae, hyuka hell even yeonjun.
that last name that popped in your head made you loose your balance for a second and lucky rina was there to keep you still.
“still thinking about them?” you look into her now low eyes that gives rina her signature look.
“don’t you just think it’s crazy how he’s back after years?”
“well yeah but that’s cause he was our best friend, but you know i never had the bond you guys had so i don’t feel exactly how you feel..” she gets on her bed laying next to you, holding you close and choosing her next words carefully. “do you not want to be his friend anymore?”
you subconsciously curl deeper into her side deep in thought. yes you would do anything to be his friend again. his best friend. his world just like how it was but you know you can’t go back to that, not now at least, not the same as it was.
losing him was probably worst than any heartbreak you’ve ever had, now that you finally have him back into your life after spending countless of nights praying for just one day that you’d be able to talk to him again it all feels surreal.
“i know you do, don’t trip about it dummy” rina mumbles before planting a kiss on the back of your neck then moving to the edge of her bed grabbing the roach you left on her table. she holds it out to you with a quirked eyebrow.
sitting up next to her you grab it while taking out the lighter you kept in your pocket “grab that bottle over there..”
“this is so ghetto” you let out a small laugh smacking her arm as she gets up silently agreeing with her. “you guys won’t fuck right?” you asked and you get an empty orange soda bottle thrown at your face as a reply.
“you think one blunt is enough to get me to sleep with a man” you roll your eyes passing the roach back to her.
after making the makeshift bong and placing the tail of the blunt inside it lighting it for its last round you finally take a look at the outfit she’s wearing and you realize you really doesn’t care, making you wonder why she really is going.
wearing soobin’s black jacket that you brought, grey sweatpants stained with the smell of weed and a white cami revealing the hickey you gave her a few nights ago from your game of dare or drink you played with the boys.
“pussy is so much more better anyways” wiggling her eyebrows at you, to that you lightly punch her shoulder face turning warm knowing what she’s referring to.
“yeah yeah get out of here before you end up with me on this bed instead of that guy”
“you know that doesn’t sound too bad”
letting out a huff and finally getting up she reaches for her car keys and starts heading out the door. “don’t miss me too much i’ll be back by 3, love you jagi ”
“love you more”
as you hear the front door close shut you look at the clock she had on her table reading 12:21AM in bright bloody letters. it’s your turn to let out a huff reaching under rina’s bed to grab a pre roll and light it knowing it’s going to be a long night.
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masterlist prev next
(A/N): when their worlds finally meet
taglist: @captivq @mackjestic @run2seob
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chibinightowl · 2 years
I decided to write more. Kriz called it Wedding Disaster and honestly, it fits. Part One can be found here.
Tim readjusted the mask covering his mouth and nose for the umpteenth time and wondered why, with all the money he had in his bank account he could never find a mask that wasn’t uncomfortable. Then again, he also hated wearing them with a passion and really wished his lymphatic system and liver would just get with the program already. The next time someone called him the spleenless wonder, he was going to shoot them. Non-fatally, of course. More like a graze, probably.
“Stop fidgeting,” Jason said, nudging him in the arm. “Your mask is fine.”
“Says you. You’re not the one wearing it.” Tim huffed and tried to find something else to do with his hands. You’d think in the private terminal of the airport, there would be something to do besides just sit and wait.
“You didn’t have to come with me,” Jason pointed out. “I could have just swung by and picked you up.”
Tim leveled a glare at his fiancé. “Excuse you, but I seem to remember being told last night you wanted to keep an eye on me because I might do something stupid, like use one of my emergency contingency plans and flee the country.”
“That does sound like something I’d say.” Jason settled an arm across Tim’s shoulders. Outwardly, it looked like a sweet gesture between a loving couple, but in reality, Jason probably thought Tim was about ready to bolt. “Are you nervous because we’re actually making wedding plans or nervous about meeting Alfred? Trust me, you survived meeting Bruce--Alfred is a lot more normal.”
“A bit of both, I guess.” Tim leaned back into the comfortable and familiar weight of Jason’s arm. “It still feels surreal that I’m in a long-term relationship, let alone engaged.”
“If it helps, Steph is firmly convinced we’re perfect for each other and that any other relationship either of us might have had would have crashed and burned because of all the lies.”
Jason’s sister wasn’t wrong. That was part of the reason why Tim had never bothered with a long-term relationship. His lifestyle, let alone his past, just wasn’t conducive to it. 
And then Jason kicked in his hotel room door and turned his life upside down.
Truth be told, Tim wouldn’t have it any other way. There was no one he’d rather spend the rest of his life with--and the sex was good too, especially now that he was allowed to again. 
The evening after that particular doctor’s appointment had been fantastic, if a bit vanilla because Tim’s endurance wasn’t what it used it be. That was okay, they’d work back up to it.
Tim shrugged. “I’ll take that instead of the brick I heard she wanted to throw at me.”
Jason laughed. “What you really want to avoid is her right hook. It’s a ki--” he paused, then abruptly stood up, standing straighter than usual.
Following his fiancé’s gaze, Tim saw an old man in a three-piece suit approaching them. He carried an overcoat and wheeled a suitcase behind him.
Oh, boy. There was no escape now, not with that gimlet gaze landing on him. Clearly, nothing escaped the former British spymaster.
“Alfred!” Jason opened his arms and embraced the man, who returned the hug with a few pats on the wall of muscle that made up Jason’s back. 
“Hello, Master Jason. It has been too long.”
Slowly and with more than a little trepidation, Tim rose to his feet. 
Turning, Jason snagged the suitcase and smiled broadly. “Tim, this is Alfred Pennyworth. He’s the one who keeps us all in line. Alfie, this is Tim.”
Kind eyes fell on him, crinkling in the corners as Alfred extended a hand. “It is truly a pleasure to finally meet you, Master Timothy. I do hope you are well.”
“Well enough, thank you.” Tim accepted the warm hand, noting the papery-smoothness and spots from age. Despite the outward frailty, the grip was strong and confident before retreating. “Welcome to San Francisco.”
“Thank you.” Alfred adjusted the already perfect fold of his overcoat over his arm and looked to Jason. “I know there is much on the agenda today, but I would like it if we would stop by a grocery for a few dinner items.”
“Sure, but only if I’m cooking. You’re the one who just flew across the country, not me.”
As the two men bickered good-naturedly about dinner, Tim followed after them, bemused. 
Alfred did appear to be the most normal of the Bats. But despite that, there was no doubt in his mind that the old man was also the most terrifying of them all.
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kinetic-elaboration · 1 month
May 28: Return
Traveling days are so surreal. You start one place, you end up somewhere else. I woke up at 5am in S's guest room, and now I'm on my own couch.
The day was very straightforward, really easy traveling. Really encourages me to take more trips where I just pop up there and then come back down.
We got to the airport super early and then I sat around for a long while because the plane was late in a lackadaisical way. Like oh we were supposed to leave 15 minutes ago, and it's just now showing up... whatever. ADK time for sure. I didn't care; my layover in Boston was long anyway. The plane itself was a full house, all 8 seats full. I was right behind the co-pilot. I slept the whole way.
In Boston, got food and coffee and then just sat for a long time in the rocking chair looking out the window and thinking. I am full of excellent thoughts. Kept scratching the peeling skin of the dumbass boat sunburn at the very top of my forehead where I missed putting on sunscreen like a total fucking rube. The flight itself was fine; on time, not too long; I did stay awake the whole time though.
I checked my bag because I no longer trust TSA not to steal my stuff after they confiscated my host gift on the way up--something that was my fault but I'm big mad about it anyway. So I had to grab that, and I had weird anxiety about it. But it was fine. My ride was there, and I got home about 5, I'd say.
I have literally been on my couch chilling, scrolling, watching TV... shameless. I can't believe it's 10. At least I took off work tomorrow. I have these ideas that I'll clean... mmmmm, we'll see.
I just... loved being home. I've been thinking a lot about my total lack of Home recently but I think, even without family there, this is sort of it. Why did I cry when the flight attendant at Boston said 'for those of you from the Boston area, welcome home'? Even though that was just my layover? S and I still talk as if we were elementary school BFFs. I still feel so comfortable around her and her family. I love her son, I miss him so much already, I just want to hold him as he wiggles around. And I want to play with her dog. And I'm usually scared of dogs.
It's nice to be around people who've known you for a long time and share a certain set of memories and references with you. It's also nice to be around people who have the same vocabulary and scale as you. Like no upstate NY is not the fucking Hudson Valley and it's not Buffalo either (that's Western NY). No 40 degree is not cold. And yes 80 is sweltering and 90 should be illegal. I like being around grocery stores that aren't chains and local-branded soda and beer and ice cream. I like chains like Grand Union, Kinney's, and Stewart's. The shades of green in the trees and blue in the water are the most beautiful colors in the world. I just love this area so much. I'm not even kidding when I say I want to have property up there which is fucking WILD given I don't even have property HERE. L M A O, self.
I'll go up again for Carnival. I have to start acknowledging my November trip (hadfakfaksfa) and then after that, we'll start planning for February. Excellent, excellent. Keep looking forward to things, keep looking on.
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grigori77 · 9 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 73
It's always more suspicious when there doesn't seem to be anything off to start with ... oh, yes, here we go. So it's humiliate Mercer time ... Matt: "WHAT ARE YOU, RIEGEL?!!!" Sam (weeping profusely): "I'm nobody!"
Laura: "Oh, I love a skit that doesn't outstay it's welcome." XD Yeah ...
How is it that Laura CONSISTENTLY manages to tank her openings? I mean it's adorable. :3
"Dead .. men ... tell ... no ... tales ..."
Wow ... way to derail the game in the opening moments, Riegel. With a t-shirt no less ...
"I believe I can Scry!" XD
Raving sbout Beau's abs ... I love it ...
Laura (angrily, at Sam): "Don't show it! DON'T SHOW IT!!!" Travis, the CEO (cringing): "I did wonder what you were thinking."
Sam: "So what do I roll?" Matt: "Nothing! You don't ROLL for Scrying!" Travis: "EIGHT YEARS!!! EIGHT YEARS we've been playing this!"
So where IS D at? Aside from just on the Menagerie Coast? Sam rolls SHITE for perception. Matt: "Somewhere nice."
Laura: "You don't deserve this." She confiscates the Gilmour Dice. Travis: "Ooh, lost privileges!"
Ghost tattoos? Intriguing ...
Chetney: "I have ink." Imogen: "You have paint." Chetney: "What's the difference?" Taliesin: "Half the audience just groaned in pain."
Ashton's trying to smooth talk his way into a free tattoo ... persuasion check! 12? Hmmmm ... on one condition? Ah ... oh, he WANTS IT to hurt? Okay ...
Ashton: "Honestly? If it doesn't hurt it's kind of YOUR fault."
Now Orym's suggesting THEY ALL get a tattoo to commemorate all this shit ... oh, Chetney DOES have ink? Okay then ...
Bertrand's face? Matt: "Like the Steve-O tattoo?" LOL
No, they're NOT scared. These folk have SEEN SOME SHIT ...
No mutiny. Bad idea. At least wait until AFTER you get where you're going.
Is this the first the rest of them have heard sbout Delilah still being there in Laudna's head? Oof ...
No, she did not actually EAT ANY CHILDREN, Fearne.
Laudna thinks the soul-eating might be "problematic". Insert Nic Cage meme: "You don't say!"
Oh, "Keith"? Hey! Laudna: "Hi, Kevin." Kyle (deflating): "That's okay."
Whispers for Fearne! Again Sam has nothing prepared. He is becoming an embarrassment. XD
Oh my gods that is such an unconvincing speech, Kyle (or whatever your name is).
Imogen: "Do we want Delilah to get stronger?" Hmmmmmm ...
Ashton: "I believe in sacrifices, not casualties."
Yes, I like that idea. Chetney should make Kyle a name tag.
Aha ... planning tattoos ...
Taco Bell? Laura: "Live mas and check you Gmail." XD
Scrying on Delilah ... oh boy ... it's a bust? Hmmmmm ... ask the Changebringer? Or look into Laudna's dreams? Oh boy again ...
Imogen actually suggesting letting Laudna suck a little bit of her soul to stir Delilah ... yeah, I dunno how I feel about that ... I mean it's incredibly romantic, but still ...
So it's a surreal bust after all ... good or bad sign? I don't know, and I don't like it.
Fearne tries to get into the Captain's Quarters ... oof ... might be better if she CAN'T get in there.
Peeing ... OVERBOARD? Lovely ...
A flirty persuasion check? 21? Oh boy ... so ... is that a date? I'm so confused. Apparently so is the Captain ...
Ooh ... Cyrillia again ... she really is creepy ...
FCG's tattoo is basically ETCHED ... XD
Captain Novos: "The Moon's out." Oh, so here we go then ...
Completing vengeance ... oh, ENDING BLOODLINES?!!! Oh boy ...
Dusty musty bed, but ... Nice ... oh, here we go ... so he's ACTUALLY in the mood for something more? Novos: "You offer some of your warmth?" O.O Oh, so this is JUST a ghostly bootie call ... and that's actually kind of sweet ...
Oh dear ... has she killed the mood? Say goodbye? Persuasion check ... 26 ... hmmm ...
Great, that bloody talking sword again ... wait ... it didn't speak to the Captain? Hmmm ...
Wow ... oh, so she's ACTUALLY DOING THIS ... Novos (nervous): "It's been a long time." Oh, she's just gonna spoon him? Ye gods ... oh, I love that he's actually ENJOYING being the Little Spoon ... Ashley: "... where are we going with this?" LOL
A con save? Seriously? Magical effect? Hmmmm ...
Oh she is going to "relinquish the warmth she promised" ... blimey ... oh shit ... is this gonna be a problem? Oh my ...
PERMANENT 5 point hit point reduction? Shit ... and another think that Matt will discuss with her at the break? Fucking hell, Ashley!
Cyrillia is SHADOWING the Captain? Interesting ...
Orym is STEALING her spyglass? Really? Laura: "It's a running theme."
Whoa ... is Cyrillia JEALOUS of Fearne and the Captain? Interesting ... "You gave him WARMTH?" Oh shit ...
Oh no, is this about to kick off? Cyrillia: "The Captain's MINE ... charge!" O.O
How does Ashley KEEP cocking her persuasion roll? 7? Crap ...
So ... has Fearne just made an enemy?
Fearne: "I did not take anything from her ... Orym." Orym: "... oddly specific."
Whoa ... awkward wake-up call ... Novos: "Maybe you need to work through the nausea and then it gets good." Fearne: "Oh, I've heard that one before."
Imogen's fucking with Cyrillia with the voice in her head ... but in a kind way? Oh boy ... "Offer your warmth ..."
Wow ... is Fearne actually playing MATCHMAKER for these two right now? Oh my gods it's actually working ...
Fearne: "You are a queen, and I want you to go in there and take what you want."
OH ... MY ... GOD!!!
Cyrillia: "Captain, perhaps we stop dancing around this thing and just ... make our own fire." OH MY GOD!!!
And that's a break! No shit ... O.O
Oh, they're gone FOR A WHILE?!!! Oh boy ... Holy shit ... there's like STEAM and stuff coming out and everything ...
Laudna's sending Pate in to spy ... oh boy ... ah, just a really really STEAMY WINDOW ...
I love how Pate is disappointed Laudna won't let him get inside fir a closer look ...
"I'm fucking Kyle" ... hmmm ...
FCG: "Did we Pleasantville this ship?" Orym: "Either thar or there's a new Captain." XD
Steam pouring out ... Cyrillia is coming out with a "gentle, confident waltz"? Wow ... and the Captain is confident too ... and LIMPING ...
Keeping up appearances ... :3
Novos: "I don't like hoe easily you dismiss my aggression ... but I respect it."
Oh my gods Cyrillia has him so whipped now ... XD
Wow ... they're really making a full blown dance party ...
Is FCG really putting the All Minds Burn drugs into the brownies? Is he about to kill or at least seriously traumatise everybody?
Laudna's gonna do FACE PAINTING ...
FCG turns himself into a remix box while Fearne plays dulcimer and pan flute a-la Bob Dylan ... Matt's trying to find some party music ...
Oh, "I'm Kyle, you fucks!" That's more like it ...
Oof ... Orym damn near got rumbled there ... eep ...
Dancing! Yay!
Ah ... landfall means the end of festivities ... nuts ...
Novos: "There was ... no ... LIMBO." XD
Crap ... overboard? Oof ...
They really are the most adorable crew of cursed ghost pirates I've ever encountered. :3
Awwwww ... Fearne made a new girl friend ... I love it.
Oof ... that's brisk ...
Kalutha ... okay then ...
Signs of abandoned civilisation? Interesting ...
Marisha sneezes and gives herself a brainspasm ... Matt: "Wow, I've never seen her sneeze and only part of her come back up."
Is Ashton vibing with this place? Maybe ...
Ooh, driftwood for Chetney ...
Laudna sends Pate to explore the caves.
Nice, pretty seashell ... :3
Pitons? People have been here before, clearly ... oooh, looks like this could be a smart route.
Weird jungle landscape ...
Ashton's already checking the other cave out. Orym goes with, as he should.
Just a little recessed cave, but with another campsite. Okay then. Ooh, tools ...
Orym: "Chet, you need a whetstone?" Chetney: "No, I'm always sharp." Oof ...
Trying to climb up ... oh dear, Orym somewhat embarrasses himself ...
Whoa ... so even WITH a rope those are some MISERABLE rolls ... ouch, this is just AWFUL ... whoa, a point of EXHAUSTION? SERIOUSLY?!!!
Chetney sniffing the cave out a bit ...
A nice citrus smell? Oh, that's like SO unbelievably suspicious ...
Moving rocks? Oh for fuck's sake ...
Scales and slithering? Great ... that can't be good ... some kind of worm? Crap ...
Bollocks ... even though he's invisible it's encircling him ... not good at all ... Horn of Silent Alarm? Okay then ...
Chet gives Imogen a headache. "He's in trouble!"
"Sicilian"? But spelt different ...
Trouble! Crap!
FCG casts Death Ward on Ashton.
Fuck, this thing is NIGHTMARE FUEL ...
Chetney tries to wolf out as quietly as possible ... and somehow actually MANAGES IT too ... oh, but it doesn't work? Crap ... ROLL INITIATIVE!!! AAAAAAHHH!!!
Battlemap time! Yay!
Matt has LOST THE MINIS, ladies and gentlemen. Oh my gods Mercer, that is UNBELIEVABLE ...
Oh good, he's finding them now ...
Awwww, Sprinkle! Laura: "I missed him!" Travis (Sprinkle voice): "What fresh new hell is this?"
Ashton runs into PITCH DARKNESS and winds up bouncing off walls to get to him. RAGE!!! Yay!
Fearne is ALSO just feeling her way round ... oh, okay ... she casts Daylight. Nice! Here we go ...
Mister is CHUCKING FLAMING SHIT!!! And it falls short ... crap. Literally ...
Yay! Turmoil! Chetney takes a swipe at the heads ... both hit! 12 and 9 altogether, including fire damage. Great ... and he takes 12 points of acid damage in return? Crap ...
FCG uses Misty Step for the first time using the staff ... oh, he takes damage doing it? Ouch ... and he Sympathetically Binds himself to the others ...
The thing takes 2 mandible attacks ... misses Chetney ... but HITS FCG ... 22 points of slashing damage AND 7 points of acid damage? Wait ... oh what the FUCK IS THAT?!!! Oh that is HORRIBLE!!! Gods, Mercer ... oof ... another 34 points of acid damage ... AND IT'S PULLING HIM IN?!!! FUCK!!!
Oh my gods they're showing each other stuff on their phones of the creatures that really do this ...
Fuck me, this thing can SELF HEAL?!!!
Form of Dread! Yeah! Laudna Chill Touches the fucker ... barely hits ... 6 Necrotic damage, but also can't regain hit points for a turn ... Nice.
Imogen casts Hungry Torrent? Whoa ... oh, now that is pretty cool ...
Orym attacks FROM A DISTANCE with Seedling ... nice ... CRIT!!! Yes! 20 slashing damage! Sweet ...
Travis: "There! The crevasse! Fill it ... with your mighty juice!"
Ashton BOOSTS EVERYBODY'S ATTACKS for the next turn? Full advantage? AND inflicts 38 points of damage? Holy shit ... and another hit ... another 22 points of damage! Go barbarian go!
Oh gods, a RAIN OF LARVAE?!!! And now it's just RAINING acid damage, essentially.
Fearne casts some Scorching Rays ... Nice, ALL THREE hit ... six D6 of damage ... 28 points? Oh, nice ...
And now Mister with his little gun? Cool ... 7 points ... oh well, every one counts ...
"Anime shockwave blast"? Sweet ... Chetney inflicts 18 points of Thunder Damage with Turmoil AND casts Blood Curse of Bloated Agony! Yay! AND he amplifies it too ...
Sam: "But I wanna cast MORE THAN one spell per turn." Matt: "Yeah, I know."
FCG uses Misty Step to jump away again, then uses his action to hide because he can't do ANYTHING ELSE.
Oof ... dextrous fucker ... slithering away ... attacking Ashton now ... and it misses ... meanwhile there are MANY Godfather jokes ...
Oh, essentially it manages go KNOCK ITSELF BACK!!! And then does its disgusting stomach attack again ...
Fearne takes 36 points of acid damage ... also Imogen and Laudna? Crap ... AND they're pulled towards it too ... NOOOOOOO!!!
Laudna casts Blight and it Crit Fails! Yes! 45 points of Necrotic damage? BEAUTIFUL!!! And it's Frightened of her too! Yes ... and now Chill Touch TOO?!!! Sweet ... AND SHE CRITS!!! OH MY GODS!!! 20 points of Cold damage! YEAH!!!
Imogen throws 3 Psychic Lances at it ... 7 D6 of damage? Oof ... 25 points of Psychic damage! Yes! And it's incapacitated ... then she Quickens a spell to shoot Mind Sliver at it ... another 7 points of Psychic damage!
Orym jumps ON TOP OF IT?!!! That means he's TAKING ACID DAMAGE while he's attacking! Goading Attack ... second hit ... Pushing attack ... 18 points of slashing damage ... Action Surge! Go Fighter boy! Another 14 points! Yeah, he is FUCKING THIS THING UP!!! One more hit ... another 11 points!
Ashton delivers another 21 points, then another 28 ... and gets the HDYWTDT!!! YES!!! One if its heads just EXPLODES before it just bleeds out while trying to escape ... phew ...
So Pate didn't see it? Crap ... "I don't have eyes!" Bugger, that's right ...
It's still twitching so Ashton hits it again, taking dome more damage while he's at it.
Orym is a mess ... yes, they all need some serious healing! Best get to it.
Checking the rest of the tunnel ... another noise? Is that more slithering? Crap ... oh thank fuck, it's just an underground tidal river ... phew ...
Okay, clearly there are so many abandoned camps because this thing has been EATING all the explorers.
Ooh, loot! Yay ... crap, Chetney's fancy spell broke some of the weapons. Nuts ...
Woe steel? Interesting ... sacred to the Ossended Host ... a natural plus1 weapon? Intriguing ...
Weird brown stone pendant in a little cage? Hmmm ... a Raito Charm, of the Aishio Culture. Woof ... this is all fancy shit ...
Taking a short rest ...
Ah, some fresh bones for Laudna. Big hog skulls ... interesting.
Grim Psychometry! Cool ... oh, poor bastard.
Yes. Get to the surface. Enough of this unpleasant stinky cave.
The creeping jungle valley of Kalutha. Nice. Very pretty. To the mountains, then. And the tree.
And that's it ...
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thefutureiswhat · 7 months
Thoughts on Fargo 5.1 and 5.2
It bothers me that "the events depicted" is now "the following events," but I'm hoping there's a reason for it.
So many reviews mentioned how action-packed this season is, but these first two episodes were more of a slow burn to me. The gas station scene especially wasn't what I imagined. That's not a bad thing, per se, just different.
Is Dot having premonitions like Betsy, or was that just for our benefit? I thought that sequence was cool. Those Nightmare Before Christmas masks look creeeepy.
Dot falling down the stairs came as a total surprise to me. Although it probably shouldn't have, since it happened to Jean in the movie.
Protect Wayne at all costs. He remembered that the bronzer gives her hives! "The dad bus is leaving." 💕
I didn't really see it until I watched on Hulu, but Dot appears to literally vanish when she's cornered in the kitchen, before the cut...
Not to mention, how the hell did she get home on foot from Beulah to Scandia in a few hours? Something supernatural is surely involved.
Operation: Eagle's Nest starring Ronald Reagan was on the TV when Wayne got home to find Dot gone.
Indira... dump him.
RIP clerk. 🙁
I feel a kinship developing between Dot and Munch. They seem connected. The preview shows Munch in a fur-collar coat similar to Dot's, and Dot will end up in a coat similar to his. I predict a team-up, and/or Munch saving her at some point.
The way I've known Dot was Roy's wife for over a year now and made sure not to spoil it, and Noah Hawley just gave it away before the show premiered...
"She hid from me nine, ten years." What, you don't remember how long it's been?
I shudder to think what this debt is...
Team Munch all the way! Kick their asses!
"We're new in the Fargo office." Aw, Budge and Pepper... 😢
I hate Roy, but "Mrs. Ja-Queen" did make me laugh.
"Dinner Sunday?" Wear a suit o' armor!
Somehow, Lorraine was even funnier over speaker phone.
It's surreal watching scenes play out that I heard in (usually poorly acted) audition videos months ago. Like the hospital scene with Indira and Witt. "Concord grape, I think."
Wayne just wants to watch Real Housewives! Protect him! 😍
"I got us some jerky." You're a jerky.
The final scene was by far the most shocking, because I had already pieced together most of the other plot points from auditions, reviews, etc. But that was totally unexpected. And great.
But really, Ole Munch fancam set to "Look What You Made Me Do" when?
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