#it doesn't really feel as shippy now ngl
monty-glasses-roxy · 9 months
Okay so Castaway AU is a Jurassic Bark (Roxy x Chica x Monty polyship) AU where it has a similar setup to Sims 2 Castaway in that everyone was on a boat and a freak storm separates everyone onto three different islands. Basically, all of the animatronics from SB, Vanessa, Gregory and Cassie spread out over three islands, though this is subject to change in that, it'd be a lot to cover. Anyway.
This would take place in a universe where they're all furry people, with Vanessa being a rabbit, lioness, or a cat, Gregory as a cat and Cassie as either some kind of spaniel dog, or a mutt of some kind, or possibly a coyote or something I dunno haven't got that far.
Almost everyone was on the boat to celebrate Freddy's birthday. Roxy was there because Bonnie was nervous hanging out with the bear he has feelings for on his own and begged her for almost a solid month to come with. He now owes her several meals, video games and fuck knows what else but she's here and that's what he wanted. They're adopted siblings in this btw as they are in most things I do like this. Gregory is Vanessa's adopted kid so when Freddy invited her and DJ, naturally, their kids were invited too. Cassie was invited because Gregory went behind Vanessa's back and asked Freddy if he could invite his bestie and this bear has never said no to a child in his life. Everyone else? There for Freddy.
The focus would be on the first group, Chica, Monty, Poppet (a Mini Music Man), Roxy and Cassie. Chica wakes up on a beach all alone. She panics, and starts to search for someone, anyone else. The boat is washed up, upside down on jagged rocks nearby, but she doesn't think to check it, her brain scrambled and assuming that the others must have washed up somewhere like she did. She searches the beach up and down, before entering the gloomy looking forest. She finds some food and gets jumpscared by the local wildlife a bit before running into Monty.
They're so excited to see each other. They'd met on the boat and hit it off instantly, talking about this and that for at least a few hours before the storm hit. As it turns out, Monty had been swimming around the island searching the beaches for anyone else while she'd been in the forest and he hadn't seen anyone. He thought he was gonna be on his own this whole time, he's so relieved he's not! He explains that the island is fairly small and the two of them return to searching for the others.
They come up empty handed, but have a much better idea of the layout of the island now so that's nice. They head back to Chica's beach where the boat is, and start gathering up everything they can before night hits. They find all sorts of things washed up on the beach from the boat, along with driftwood and seashells that are helping lift the mood. The tide is out when they hear a noise coming from the boat they were gonna check in the morning.
Poppet is standing on top of the boat, whistling his little heart out to them. The two rush over and figure that someone else is still in the boat and Poppet had managed to get out to find help. Poor lil guy is beat up from his efforts and is frantically trying to show them where this person is... and after some serious struggling to get Chica into the boat, it's discovered that it's Roxanne, who neither of them really know all too well outside of Bonnie. Turns out, she was below deck the entire party and that's why Chica didn't even know she was there, and she's been baking alive in the underside of this boat in direct sunlight all day so yeah with her thick coat of fur? She's melted.
They're heavily relying on the boat not exploding with the lights on to get Roxy out since it's dark out. When they finally get her out, she's taken down to the beach, given one of the hammocks that Monty and Chica built earlier, a coconut or something to drink from and some fruit to eat. She's just glad to be out of that fucking deathtrap they call a boat that she didn't even want to be on and she's stuck here with fucking heat exhaustion from. Instead of being mad about that though, naturally, she's way more concerned about her brother, who she'll eventually return to making threats about murdering if the storm didn't already.
Come morning, Chica and Monty go and search the boat for supplies and anything they might be able to use, while Poppet keeps the fire going and Roxy... sleeps because fuck mornings. When she wakes up, she goes off exploring, searching for any sign of Bonnie or Poppet's siblings she can possibly find. She finds a ledge over the ocean that she can distantly see another island from and wonders if maybe the others wound up over there... and also a small storage container on the beach nearby. She heads down onto the sand to investigate and after discovering it's not completely on dry land, rather than walk through the shallows to it, she makes a lasso out of vine or whatever else she's got nearby and spends like... thirty minutes trying to loop it around the box and then drag it out of the water.
Curiously, Roxy opens the container and falls the kid she remembers seeing Gregory playing with a few times. Roxy has no idea what to do, and struggles to wake her up before rushing her back to the others. Roxy put her in her hammock, gives her coconut water, fruit and Poppet lends her his brother's plush bumblebee he found on the boat. It takes a few days of cold, damp leaves on her head and under her arms to cool her down, and a lot of water before she makes her recovery. Almost instantly, she takes a shine to Roxy, who's wandering around the island most of the day, and howling at the top of her lungs in the hopes her brother can hear her.
As Roxy's attention is dragged back to those that are still here though, she tries not to get too close to Cassie... and fails miserably. The kid was on the boat on her own for goodness sake! There's no need to worry about her dad surviving but she's still hoping and waiting for him to find her. She sits on that rocky ledge with Roxy, watching the horizon for her dad on a boat to take her home while Roxy howls for Bonnie to still be alive. She tries to howl with her and is almost immediately, unknowingly to both of them, taken under Roxy's wing as she helps her howl louder and clearer than she was before.
There's a lot they can do here but I've been writing this for ages so imma leave it and go do something else for a bit lmao see ya
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mad-hunts · 2 months
shipping meme!
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between: i think that it would be interesting to do a blend between these two, where we could maybe lay some groundwork down regarding their dynamic / a possible ship between them that would detail what each of us might like to see out of it and/or how we could envision them either becoming an item (sorry, i just love that term for two people who're each other's significant other LOL), or becoming one once again if you'd like to go with the exes route or the second chance one. but then we would kind of wing it from there... however, with having a general idea as to where we want to go with their dynamic, if that makes any sense. though IDK,, perhaps it's because i've been seeing so many edits for ships who were exes but rekindled their relationship with each other that i feel like that'd have potential to be a kind of fun dynamic for wanda and barton, but also sad at the same time (,:
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: ( AHHH, hiii, itzel! thank you so much for sending this in and possibly being interested in shipping with barton :D it honestly made me so happy to see this pop up in my inbox, because i absolutely ADORE your account and your portrayal of wanda!! but yeah. with all of that said, i just wanted to let you know that two of barton's most negative traits are ones that i have pictured possibly interfering with his romantic relationships before, and this is that he can be closed-minded in a way / stubborn.
and i say in a way for closed-minded because he is kinddd of selective (okay, he can be REALLY selective, ngl haha) whenever it comes to accepting other people's opinions of things. so i could imagine that it could take him a bit to actually believe that a hero and a villain could be together since... well, they would more likely than not have a conflict of ideology going on there + i could NOT imagine that wanda would agree with a lot of things that barton does if she learned just how terrible of a person he really is (,: and that's honestly completely understandable so i'm not trying to like say she'd be bad for not agreeing with it.
i just think that they would probably have to come to a solution where barton either doesn't bring his 'work' up around her, and/or maybe depending on how attached he is to her, he could make an effort to cut all of the bad things he does down. but yeah,,, i think it could be interesting, like i said before, if you'd be interested in doing something with an ex like dynamic with them as we could make up like a whole history for them and stuff! but you don't have to, of course. so TOTALLY feel free to hmu in IM's here and ask for my disc if you want, or just talk to me there or in the comments here as to what kind of things you'd maybe want to explore between them yourself.
i like to think that i'm pretty open whenever it comes to potential dynamics, so if there is one here that i didn't check as a 'definitely' (in bold) or a maybe (in italics), then feel free to tell me and we could talk about it! but i am honestly very excited to roleplay with you more and i just want to let you know that although barton can ABSOLUTELY be an arsehole and hard to deal with: whenever it comes to romance, it tends to bring out the best version of him, though i have to say that things probably would be a little rocky at least on his end in the beginning because of the reasons i stated above. )
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