#it doesn't just mean whatever halsin has going on lmao
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forcedhesitation · 1 year ago
huge ew at all the people who erase the bisexuality of the bg3 companions. they aren't "playersexual," they aren't "gay coded" or "lesbian coded," there are MANY instances of them expressing romantic and/or sexual interest in other characters of varying genders. and not just your tav. it's not a suggestion, it's part of who they are no matter who your tav is.
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baticeer · 8 months ago
22, 29, 86!
22. What is your Tav's first impression of the other companions (Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Wyll ...)
LMAO I started thinking of the answer for Gale and it just made me think of one of those... "How It Started / How It's Going" memes, I've answered that one via a stupid doodle
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...anyways. everybody else.
Lae'zel: Vennet liked her right away actually! she's good in combat, doesn't take any shit, there's... a lot of similarities between the warlike culture/ attitude towards other species / etc between githyanki & drow. they're also the two who are totally out of place in this environment. I think after ten minutes with Lae'zel Ven was like "right, I get it, I knew a dozen girlies exactly like this back in Menzo"
Shadowheart: probably along the lines of just "wtf is your deal?" because SH is sooo cagey and mysterious at first, and then Vennet also has personal reasons to dislike Shar... it took a long time for her to not be wary of SH but they ended up good friends
Astarion: some combo of "Yikes, Surface Elf, Be Extra Wary" + immediately finding him attractive + respecting how mean he is
Wyll: I regret to inform the people that Vennet also thought Wyll was cringe and that... never really went away LOL, I think she just does not have any patience for his good guy Blade of Frontiers shtick and also that they would have argued A Lot and kinda fought for the role of party leader.
Karlach: Vennet definitely has a soft spot for Karlach and found her really charming and likable despite herself! Karlach is the last person you recruit of the main tadpole squad so by that point it wasn't really a question of "are we bringing this person along" and it was just nice to find a new ally.
29. What does your Tav do about the Goblin camp? Do they free Halsin or side with Minthara? What's their opinion of them?
This is one of those points in my story where the personality I had in mind for my character clashes a little bit with the decisions I made as a first-time player who wanted to stick with what was obviously the "default" good-guy route of the game for my first run... In order to resolve it I lean on the idea that Vennet wasn't really the ~*~Leader~*~ of the group and that it was more democratic like a real dnd party would be, esp that there was a lot of input on the Moral Decisions from Wyll and his main character energy (I love you Wyll xoxo). Vennet starts off as pretty solidly Neutral Evil and it would not be OOC for her to have ignored the goblins attacking the grove or to have even sided with Minthara maybe.
Vennet's opinion on Minthara is... hmm, pending, until I get to know Minthara better lol, I've still only barely just recruited her on my second playthrough and I don't know that much about her yet. I think they would have actually met before the game in some capacity, or at least that Vennet would have known of her, because they're close in age and Minthara is from a very prominent family. Whatever their confrontation was like in the goblin camp, it ended with Minthara dead, so :/
I think there's probably an alternate timeline where I knew about hwo you could knock out Minthara (I knew she was recruitable, but thought it was only on an evil playthrough if you sided with her) and instead of getting no romance ending, Vennet and Minthara were the Underdark's bad girl power couple going on a crusade against Menzoberranzan (sorry to Gale lmao)
As for Halsin, Vennet never really got to know him on a personal level well enough that her opinion moved to anywhere beyond "I am glad that we have this reliable and strong ally to our cause." I just feel like their vibes are not compatible lol I can't imagine them getting along that well.
86. Did your Tav complete the trial of Bhaal?
Asdglhkr yeah you know Ven killed that annoying fucking hollyphant to be named an Unholy Assassin and did not lose a moment of sleep over it. (Actually, Astarion is the one who got the killing blow and the cool cutscene where you're covered in blood, but yeah.) Her good friend Lae'zel was kidnapped by Orin! We had to get her back ASAP, who cares about crossing a little moral line here and there for the sake of our goals!
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Assassin with a Heart of Gold
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Name: Admaer Daeneiros (He/Him)
Race: High Elf
Class: Rogue (Assassin)
Background: Criminal
So after that that encounter with the True Soul and his companions, Admaer and the gang continue their trek to the Githyanki Creche. Now, this will mean that they have to pass by the Blighted Village, so a brief few stops were made. Firstly, they encountered that Owlbear that killed the previous True Soul. Such a creature would be worth a fortune (and XP) and they were able to snatch a Owlbear egg.
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look at how scared Shadowheart is :(
While we're speaking of the Owlbear cave and Shadowheart, it is here that Admaer learns that Shadowheart is a Cleric to Shar, Goddess of Darkness & Loss.
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Regardless, Admaer tells her that he doesn't give a shit about her religious standing (he has worked with people with worse standards and ideologies) and that the parasite is more important than what he thinks of her religion. Which seems to put Shadowheart at ease. She also explains a bit about the wound that she has.
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So far, Admaer feels a bit more comfortable traveling with Shadowheart now that she's opened up to him about a few things. However, he did learn that she likes night orchids and can't swim, something he kinda attempts to poke fun at her about (though he struck a nerve with her). She still hasn't came up about the artifact, which is now Admaer's secret goal to discover what that's all about.
Around this area is where you can recruit a dog named Scratch. However, because Admaer most likely had previous experiences where dogs were used to hunt him down or harm him, Admaer isn't a huge dog fan, so I didn't recruit Scratch to my camp (I got like 5 other characters who might be willing tho).
Also, the owlbear can now fly up to your position on high in the full game, something I didn't think was possible in EA (Early Access). It quite literally took me by surprise lmao!
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Before we went into the village, I decided to swap out Lae'zel for Wyll, mainly because I'm most likely going to interact with Karlach before going forward with the Creche. Let's see if I'm as big of a dick with this character :D.
Also two, we reunited with this mf!
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This is the point where Admaer learns further about Halsin's desire to go to the old temple of Selune and the Night Song. Admaer takes the contract from Aradin's hands, more or less wanting to see if he can find whatever treasure could be hidden there.
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Unlike Torment, who is now just going through a whole rampage within the Blighted Village, Admaer is more concerned in getting past them without much hassle. Of course, while we were there, I decided to do a few side quests.
Once of them involved going into the cellar of a village apothecary who wasn't exactly as they seemed as they performed criminal acts against their patients in what seems like a desperate attempt to discover the secrets to the eerie book of necromancy. This is where Admaer picked up a Quasit familiar, Shovel (renamed to Fork) who is now tied to Admaer. Lets see how long this little guy will last.
The book could not be opened without a amethyst opal that fits within the skin covered mouth. This required going into the village blacksmith's workshop where we got a taste of the first level of the Underdark. While there, we fought Phase Spiders, Ettercaps, and a big mama Phase Spider. Finally, we were able to get the item required to open the book, and Admaer decided to give it to Astarion. He made enough bad life choices and he's not magically inclined anyways, so why not let Astarion fuck himself up?
While still at the Blighted Village, we did discover blueprints to create a unique weapon, but it requires Sussur Bark to complete it. Unfortunately, Admaer failed the Nature check to know that it can be found in the Underdark, but we'll get there when we get there.
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As I stated before when I first mentioned Astarion, this character is most definitely a Astarion romance run. The second I got his bite scene, I knew exactly what I was doing. Unfortunately, I couldn't probe his mind because I used it up with the dying True Soul (in my personal opinion, that's why Admaer allowed Astarion to bite him to begin with), but, regardless, I let him have a nibble. Of course, this is where Astarion explains his whole deal with Cazador. I won't go into detail about it here again because I already explained it with Torment.
Essentially, Cazador turned Astarion into a vampire and made his life a living hell. Admaer began to sympathize with Astarion since they both share similar stories of slavery and pain. So this gave Admaer someone to confide in, and now he's dotting on Astarion, fighting to keep Astarions' freedom.
And it seems they'll be able to get it on tonight because Admaer offered that Astarion can bit him again...So ;)
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