#it doesn't help he has the mind of a toddler right now so she cant rant to him about the stress of this
bluerosefox · 4 months
BREAKING NEWS! Youngest Wayne's Secret Lovechild?!
Teenage Ellie taking care of deaged Danny and moving to Gotham to hide from Vlad because Lady Gotham offered them sanctuary and will keep Vlad out.
Chaos is set into motion when during a Rogue attack, Damian Wayne (not as Robin at the moment) saves him and returns Danny to Ellie...
The internet/news happen because of course it did.
And people mistake Danny as his kid and Ellie his baby mama.
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
Okay, but with Grayson complaining about being lonely and wanting a girlfriend I CANT HELP but to think about how horny he probably is on top of that. Like- its been on my mind for days, so can you PLEASE write something about gray meeting a bitch, like through friend or something, and realizing he likes her and then having these dirty thoughts about her, and like he doesn't want to but he just cant help it... I will die and love you forever, you're writing is my absouloute favortie.
Ur so sweet babe haha thank you😊 hope this is along the lines of what you wanted.
Getting his dick wet has never been a problem for Grayson Dolan; not since receiving his first sloppy, inexperienced blowjob when he was on tour at the tender age of 16. There’s been a steady flow of girls in and out of his life ever since, fulfilling both his needs sexually and the fleeting desire for noncommittal intimacy. And that’s how he likes it for the longest time. Easy and no-strings-attached.
But he’s older now, and even though quarantine hadn’t stopped him from hitting up his favorite one or two booty calls every now and then, he feels empty in a way that’s becoming all-too familiar. It’s not a new feeling, but every time he leaves their homes (because that’s his number one rule — hookups stay out of his bed), there’s a longing that wasn’t satisfied and that’s becoming more and more apparent to him.
So he stops fucking around — literally. He believes in the power of the mind and manifestation almost to a fault, and considers that maybe he’s letting casual hookups interfere with what he really wants: companionship.
It seems like a breeze at first. Grayson swears he feels lighter, clearer in the head, more focused on what he wants out of his life. He puts his mind to being the best version of himself and hoping that it’s enough to attract the same kind of person that he can put all of his love and effort into in return.
As months roll on, however, he realizes that sometimes the universe just doesn’t listen right away. And for the first time in his life, Grayson discovers the monotony and reality of what it’s like for the ‘regular’ guys out there, whose only sexual pleasure comes from their own hand and the porn category of choice for the night. He was used to that as a filler, for sure, but not as his one and only outlet.
Plain and simple, he’s horny. All the time. Which makes him grumpy, and irritable, and frustrated with both himself and everything around him. So when Ethan tells him in passing that his girlfriend is flying in from New York with her friend to visit, it just makes him grunt. The fact that his brother is in such a happy and healthy relationship himself is a point of contention for Grayson in his head. He’s thrilled for Ethan, but he can’t help but dwell on the creeping jealousy in his chest. Here he is, starved for both intimacy and sex now, and Ethan will get served both of those the following night in excess while Grayson lies in his bed alone.
The next night, they’re all having dinner at the kitchen table — all four of them, including her. The friend. The friend that Ethan had mentioned would be coming but that Grayson had so brusquely ignored. The friend that had his eyebrows raised the second she walked shyly through his front door, drawn in immediately by her beauty.
The friend he can’t keep his eyes off of now as she goes to town on the roasted sweet potatoes and black bean burgers he had made himself. She’s quiet but witty and has a cute laugh that makes his heart flutter a little in a way he hasn’t experienced in a long time.
He feels a nudge against his ribs, and startles when he jerks to the side to see Ethan staring at him pointedly with a knowing little smile on his lips.
“You’ve got ketchup on your shirt, bro,” he says, nodding to the blob of red on Grayson’s white shirt that had dropped from the forkful of sweet potatoes, which had only made it halfway to his mouth as he listened to her talk.
“Shit,” he mumbles embarrassedly, flushing a color near the tomato-red that’s now stained his shirt. Of course, the first time he’s feeling real feelings around a beautiful girl, he has to revert to awkward, clumsy Grayson rather smooth, relaxed Grayson.
He starts to scrub up the mess with his napkin, but she reaches out from her seat across the table from him and grabs his wrist in her petite hand. “Oop, wait! Dab, don’t swipe, or you’ll make it worse. I know how to get that out as long as it’s not smeared around into the fabric.”
Grayson swallows, his arm flaring with goosebumps at her gentle but insistent touch, but tries to keep his cool. She’s grinning at him amusedly, then sits back in her seat when Grayson follows her instructions.
“I thought ketchup was one of those things that you’re just kinda fucked if you get it on your clothes, Ethan says, filling the silence left by his brother.
She shakes her head. “Nope. Peroxide will get it right out, especially if you wash it after. Do you have any?”
Ethan cocks a brow and looks at Grayson, hoping he’ll use the opportunity to speak to her. Thankfully, he does, even if it is lacking a little bit of gracefulness. “Huh, peroxide? Oh... uh, yeah, I — yeah, in my bathroom.”
“I’ll help you when we’re all done, if you want,” she offers before taking a modest bite of her burger.
Grayson nods, and can’t help but watch the way she sucks a bit of barbecue sauce off her thumb once she swallows. His heart picks up and he has to shift in his seat a little when she winks at him, his pants tightening under the table. Damn it. He’s been trying to avoid that reaction and those thoughts, determined to do this right.
He fixes a smile to his lips, and hopes his face isn’t giving him away. “Yeah, that’d be great.”
Everyone helps clean up the table and dishes, and Grayson leads her into his room while they leave the other two to have some alone time. He prays that he made his bed that morning and that there’s no dirty underwear on the floor or used tissues on the nightstand.
Luckily, the floor is relatively clear, and the bed is made, if haphazardly so. She follows him into the en-suite bathroom and watches him dig under the cabinet in the first aid bucket he has down there.
She’s wearing jean shorts and a loose-knit sweater, and when Grayson starts to stand back up he takes a moment to appreciate the tone in the muscles of her legs and the flashes of skin he can see through her top, hoping he isn’t being too obvious.
She takes the brown bottle from him and tugs on the hem of his shirt. “It’ll be easier if you take this off.”
Grayson nods, and can’t help the laugh that escapes him when she turns her back to him. “What are you doing?”
“Giving you your modesty! I don’t know you, for all I know you might be super insecure.”
“At the risk of sounding like a total douche, I promise I’m not,” he answers, reaching behind his neck to tug the collar up and over his head. “Here you go.”
She turns back around, and Grayson doesn’t miss the way her eyes travel over his sculpted torso. He can’t help but smirk a little, thrilled at the cute blush that tinges her cheeks when she meets his eyes and realizes she’s been caught.
He hasn’t had a woman look at him like that in months, however, and he’s grateful when she tells him, “This will need to go in the laundry tonight if you want to make sure the stain comes out, so you’ll need another shirt anyways.”
It gives him an out to duck into his closet, taking a moment to collect himself before grabbing the first T-shirt his hand touches and slipping it over his head.
“Cold water first,” she informs, smiling at him through the mirror when he re-emerges as she leans over the sink with the water running. She shuts off the water and squeeze out the excess, then takes the peroxide and pours some onto the stain.
“Woah,” Grayson says, eyebrows raised in surprise at the fizzing bubbles visibly picking up the bright red from the fibers of his shirt. “Where did you learn this trick?”
“I work in the toddler room at a daycare. We keep this stuff on sight and scene to avoid 20 outfit changes a day on a few two year-olds. I’m sure you can imagine the amount of ketchup and blood stains a toddler procures on the daily.”
Grayson chuckles. He feels himself growing more fond of her by the second. ���You like kids?”
“I love them,” she replies with a grin. “Working in childcare is pretty rough, but it’s been a great college job. Lots of experience for my degree. And, you know, good practice for the future one day.”
If he hadn’t been sold by now, that does it. Beautiful, smart, and good with kids?
He takes a moment to assess himself and his thoughts. He doesn’t think he’s letting his dick lead him right now, even if he does want her that way. He’s just as attracted to her mind as he is the curves of her body and the features of her pretty face, and finds himself wanting to talk to her for hours on end.
He doesn’t realize there’s a heated silence, both of them standing there staring at each other, until she clears her throat and holds up his shirt. Grayson glances down at it to see just a faint brown rim around what use to be a bright red mark. “All done.”
“Thank you,” he says, taking it from her and tossing it in his laundry basket. “Come on, hopefully we don’t walk into something we can’t unsee.”
“You make a pretty good meat shield,” she says jokingly, following close behind him. “All big and broad. I can just hide behind you and keep my eyes unscarred.”
Grayson laughs loudly, his ego swelling, and he has to resist the urge to take her hand in his. That would be too much. Right?
Thankfully, the couple is just cuddling innocently on the loveseat when they enter the living room.
“Movie?” Ethan asks when the two of them settle on the couch, a respectful and calculated distance between them — not too close and not too far.
They’re all in a fun and lighthearted mood tonight, so they settle on Moana. Grayson wants nothing more than to throw his arm around the beautiful girl next to him, who sings along playfully to the songs she knows, her enthusiastic movements shuffling her closer to him. He doesn’t know if it’s intentional, but he doesn’t really care; her presence in both body and spirit feels good to him.
Ethan’s girlfriend only makes it about halfway through the movie before she’s passed out, tired from the long flight earlier that day. He looks down at her fondly and chuckles when he sees her nuzzled sound asleep against his chest.
“I’m gonna take her to bed,” he announces quietly before standing with her in his arms. “Goodnight, guys.”
They both murmur back “goodnight” and watch Ethan disappear down the hall. The movie plays on for a couple of minutes, before she’s turning to him and making small talk. Which turns into broader conversation about bigger things. Which leads to them settling so close that their knees touch. She finds an excuse to pick an invisible fleck of something off his hand, which turns into their fingers playing with each other’s teasingly.
Which turns to Grayson checking his watch in a quiet but not unpleasant lull, and muttering, “Oh, shit,” in surprise.
She checks her phone lying on the couch cushion behind her. The time shines back at her 1:27 AM.
“Damn, when did it get so late?” she wonders aloud, looking at him amusedly.
Grayson shakes his head. “Time flies,” he says. Whether it’s the late hour, or him getting his mojo back, or just the fact that he’s so naturally comfortable with her, he suddenly feels bold enough to reach out and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. “Are you tired?”
She blushes and bites her lip, allowing him to keep his warm palm pressed to her neck while his thumb strokes the ridge of her jaw gently.
“Not really,” she answers, scooting that much closer to him. “Not ready to go to my bed, anyways.”
She’s referring to the guest room she’s already settled her things into. Grayson smiles. Rules be damned, he thinks, until he realizes in the next moment that there’s no way this amazing girl is going to be just a hookup. There’s no rule to be broken.
“Why don’t you come to mine, then?”
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Home - Intro
Summary: Fresh out of a divorce, Y/N moves to Sun Valley for a fresh start, a house left to her by her aunt and a new job as a nanny.
James 'Bucky' Barnes owns a law firm and has been left with three kids after his wife died giving birth to their youngest.
Bucky is nervous about leaving the kids with a nanny but he cant keep finding babysitters and the kids need someone more permanent around.
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If you had asked me a year ago where id be right now, i would have said happily married, maybe a kid on the way?
But oh how wrong i was.
I was standing in my new home (a house left to me by my aunt that i was planning on selling!) with two suitcases of my belongings, no husband, no kids.... just me.
I stood looking around the fully furnished house and sighed, it was a lovely house, a bit outdated but i could work on that gradually....I wouldn't be here that often anyway. Before making the move i had applied for a nannying job in town, single father with 3 kids, he called me within the hour to have a phone interview that lasted over an hour. 20 minutes after the call he offered me the job. He was either impressed or desperate, i hadn't worked that out yet!
I dragged my suitcases upstairs and chose a bedroom, i unpacked the suitcases hanging up clothes in the wardrobe. Found some clean sheets and changed the bedsheets before turning in for the night. I had to be at the Barnes residence at 7:30am tomorrow to meet them all in person.
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Dressed in blue jeans and purple cable knit sweater i headed to the car and made my way to the Barnes residence.
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Pulling up in the 3 car garage as directed i sat leaning forward so i could take in the size of the place! It was huge! Clearly the man made ALOT of money!!
"Well shit" i quietly mumbled to myself grabbing my purse from the passenger seat and making my way up to the front door. The door opened before i even reached it and a young blonde woman opened the door with a tight smile.
"You must be Y/N"
"Yeah, thats me. Hi" i replied giving her a polite smile.
"Im Chloe, Mr Barnes's assistant. He is just finishing up a call, he asked me to show you in"
I followed Chloe through the huge house into the living room, i couldn't help but worry about getting lost in here!
"Just wait here he wont be long" Chloe said before turning and making a quick getaway. I sat on the edge of the sofa, knee shaking nervously as i looked around the room, the place was spotless considering three kids lived here.
"Im so sorry Miss Y/L/N, unexpected early morning problems to deal with" a deep voice suddenly said from behind making me stand up to turn and great my new employer.
When i saw him i felt my breath catch in my throat, the man was beautiful! ....i was NOT expecting that at all! 
"Its not a problem Mr Barnes" i smiled trying to ignore the fact he was the prettiest man id ever seen in my life!!
"Please have a seat"
"Thank you"
"Its nice to finally put a face to the name" he smiled looking a little surprised himself, maybe he was expecting an older woman??
"Yeah it sure is, i have to admit your a lot younger than i thought you'd be"
"I get that alot, we started young" he chuckled taking a seat on the sofa across from me "so how did the move go?"
"It was fine, i got in yesterday. Still gotta make it feel like home you know"
"I get that" he nodded looking around the room "i've lived here for 3 years and still doesn't feel like a home. As i said i work alot, i havent had time to do much with the place"
"Its a beautiful home Mr Barnes"
"Please call me James, Mr Barnes is so formal"
"Okay sure, in that case you have to call me Y/N" i smiled "so where are the kids? Its very quiet in here considering you have three young ones"
"Oh it wont stay like that for long, trust me! They stayed at their Uncle Steve's last night while i got the house cleaned. Couldn't have you turning up to messy house on your first day, you would have run a mile"
"I dont mind a bit of mess, its kinda expected when kids are involved anyway" i shrugged.
"I guess its inevitable" he smiled running his hand over his stubbled jaw "So, the hours i need you will vary depending on my work load. Some days i'll be home early and you can head home, others i may get held up and need you to stay"
"Yeah thats fine, im flexible with hours anyway" i nodded "being new to town i dont have any commitments, i'll welcome the distraction to be honest"
"No family or friends in town?"
"Nope, its just me. My aunt left me the farm house when she passed away a few months ago.... i had every intention of selling the place but..... well things changed and i decided a fresh start would be best"
"Well if you ever need anything dont hesitate to ask me"
"Thank you Mr Barnes.... sorry, i mean James" i felt myself blush slightly but he just smiled at me.
"I'll get a room set up for you here too, i dont expect you stay late then drive home. Id feel much better if you would just stay over when that happens"
"Okay, that sounds practical"
"I want you to feel comfortable with us, you will become a big part of our lives. I mean I'm trusting you with the most important things in my life"
"Im sure we'll get along great, and you dont have to worry. I will treat them like they were my own, they will be perfectly safe with me i promise you"
"BUCK WE'RE HOME!" A voice called suddenly followed by the sounds of running and laughing.
"Incoming" He stood up chuckling raising his eyebrows, the door burst open and two girls came busting through the door and dived at him. James scooped up both girls planted kisses on their faces making them giggle.
"How are my girls?"
"We good daddy, uncle Stevie gave us chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast!" The smaller of the two said happily.
"He did?? Did you save me some?"
"Dont be silly daddy"
"Who are you?" The eldest of the two asked me suddenly looking suspicious.
"Im Y/N"
"You daddy's girlfriend?"
"No sweetheart, this is Y/N. She's going to be looking after you while im at work"
"No more Mrs Fisher???"
"YES!! she was mean!.... your not mean are you?"
"I dont think so" i laughed finding it amusing.
"Y/N's not mean at all! I think you guys are gonna get along just fine" James said smiling.
"Hey Buck" a tall blonde man appeared in the doorway with a toddler in his arms.
"Hey Steve, this is Y/N. Our new nanny"
Steve's eyebrows shot up quickly, he looked at James then over to me before smiling.
"Hi, nice to meet you" he held out his free hand for me to shake.
"You too, you must be uncle Steve"
"Guilty" he smiled before passing the baby over to James.
"Okay, so i guess i should introduce you to the kids".
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A/N: I will add a ‘keep reading’ later, i still cant do it on mobile!! 🤬
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