#it doesn't happen often cause a certain someone is usually there to ruin their scene
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Kuruto Ryuki Propaganda:
Okay this is HUGE spoilers for the game like HUGE HUGE spoilers so beware. Like, the whole game will be ruined for you kind of spoilers. He is one of 2 (technically 3 (again, spoilers)) narrators in the game. Not only are certain important events left out if his side of the narration, but also (again huge spoilers) events are not told in the correct order. Each day in the game alternates between things that happen before the timeskip, and things that happen after the 6 year timeskip. (The other narrator(s) also have this same thing but I’m submitting Ryuki specifically) playing the game in the order it’s presented to you and playing the game with the events in chronological order are practically 2 different experiences
Ryuki is an extremely mentally ill man, whose issues are front and center as the player's first point of view character. The main twist of the game relies upon exactly his unreliability as a narrator, given that what we assumed was a series of linear events were actually scenes plucked from the past and the present, six years from what we had originally been led to assume was current time, and the only reason we hadn't realized it before is because his mental issues make him slip into a delusional state in which he believes himself to be in the past, or rather, that the past is the present.
Frequently has hallucinations of the world glitching out, often causing him to lose long periods of time and obscuring what really happens from the player. These get worse over time, causing a key suspect to be unrecognizable, and the return of a supposedly dead character to look fake. The game's twist involves seemingly linear events actually happening out of order--his warped sense of time contributes to hiding this. Events he thinks happened yesterday may have been years ago.
Don't want to be too spoiler-y but he can't tell what time period he is in sometimes, making the audience think he is in one time period, when in actuality he is in another one. Either way his narration makes the narrative like 10x more confusing.
Kaede Akamatsu Propaganda:
She's the player character, so the player ONLY gets to see her viewpoint, everything through her eyes and perception. She kills someone onscreen, but does NOT clue the player into the fact that she did this. Since there are usually visuals involved (visual novel style), the screen goes black and she describes SOME of the events that occur, but not all. She purposefully omits, to herself and to the player, what she did. And considering this is a murder mystery game where you the player are trying to uncover the killer, this was a really really cool addition to the game.
she is the character we get to play as, and we investigate a murder through her eyes and comments. we go through a whole ass trial before its revealed that its actually kaede who was the killer the whole time. she obscured her actions and limited the information she told her classmates in a way that led everyone (including us, the players) to think that she definitely couldnt kill someone. she set up a ruby goldberg style contraption by arranging books on a bookshelf a certain way while pretending that she's just being a perfectionist, and sneaks a heavy metal throwing ball from the warehouse without anyone noticing (she said she picked it up to examine closer and never mentions putting it back, but that doesn't ring any bells bc you dont expect a playable character to behave like that), to name a few instances of her narrating unreliably
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silly-plays-pq2 · 6 years
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SouNao time (maybe it’s not inherently shippy but I like it when they interact ok??? ;w;)
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