#it does nothing to analyze the actual old legends from a modern perspective
livvyofthelake · 2 years
like i know everybody thinks i’m being a hater and a cunt when i say stuff like this and i know it makes you not like me and whatever but i do genuinely think most people are watching bbc merlin wrong. like. i can tell when you don’t care about women even when you think you do. saying you like morgana isn’t what makes you an anti-misogyny viewer of this show that has so so so many problems with misogyny. being able to actively notice and describe the misogyny inherent to every single plot point is what makes you an anti-misogyny viewer. “it doesn’t matter it’s a tv show” actually it DOES matter, and dismissing the very real impact misogynistic popular media has on the real world is like. pretty damaging. to say the least. saying it doesn’t matter that a show produced for a young audience, based off of a very popular collection of stories, that has left enough of a cultural impact over the 14 years since it’s initial release that i am here making this post, saying it doesn’t matter how that show has consistently put out misogynistic messages is like saying propaganda isn’t an issue. this is a show with misogyny baked into its very framework. and sitting here watching people talk about it like that massive issue doesn’t exist is infuriating to me. yes i also watched and enjoyed the show a great deal. however i have been knowledgeable and critical from day one. i don’t know if you recall, i initially did NOT ever want to watch this show because of these very issues. to see people get into it because it’s “gay” and “fun” is insane to me. it’s gay because it hates women. it’s gay because it hates women. it’s gay because it fucking hates women. i don’t know how else to drill this into your brains. you HAVE to use your fucking critical thinking skills with this show. you have to. i’m not saying don’t have fun, clearly even a hateful cunt like me managed to have fun. fun is not the absence of critical thought. but the way i am observing others watch this show is not giving me any hints that you’re seeing the issues that have always been apparent to me. and i need you to understand that that’s terrifying in my eyes. i cannot stand you all talking about this show like it has no problems outside like, minor writing issues in later seasons. again i want to impart to you that this is a story with misogyny baked into its very foundation, and they did nothing to remove it, because they didn’t care.
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