#it did make me laugh tho!! i won't spoil it but i love when dude shows up he's amazing
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years ago
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okay, here's the lowdown, I'll try to keep it spoiler free
Free Guy is a movie starring Ryan Reynolds that takes place in an MMORPG. The game's like Saint's Row mixed with GTA and Fortnite. It follows Guy, an NPC who becomes sentient, and his exploration of his world post-awakening (that is going to come to an end soon because they're making a sequel).
It has a lot of stuff about being anti-corporate baked into it, but it kinda rings hollow given how much money they spent to get people like Pokimane, Ninja, and Jacksepticeye to record parts for them PLUS the loads of money they must've spent on the CGI animation.
It's very "how do you do fellow kids"- a lot of the stuff in the climax has references to things like Portal, Avengers (they had the dude who plays Cap show up actually), Gmod, and Fortnite. Not to mention flossing. A surprising amount of flossing.
It's very over the top at some points- like, supposedly Guy is SUCH a big deal that they're streaming his shenanigans to those NYC billboards on the sides of skyscrapers. But I feel like the sorta "satire" and critique angle falls flat when you take into consideration how hard they're trying to appeal to "gamers" and the younger generation. Also, it has the nonsense lingo of a script written by someone with only a very basic understanding of how video games work.
It also had a few Woke(tm) jokes about white privilege and gun violence that felt very, very forced. It's like they're trying to shove in another point to get the Liberal Youth to like it.
But it could have been WAAAAAY WAY WAY worse. It could have been SO MUCH WORSE. Reynolds is extremely charming (as always) as Guy, which helps balance a lot of the other nonsense out. It's a pretty fun watch. Just maybe not something you wanna pay too much attention to, yk?
That's just my opinion anyway; I'm not any full-time critic or whatever. I watch a movie once a year pretty much
who wants to hear my film review of "free guy"
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 5 years ago
Shinsou fluff alphabet
Starting off this blog the right way
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
He really likes your eyes
Hes definitely the type of person that puppy dog eyes work on
When you look up at him with those pretty eyes he just melts into them
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
He would want a baby eventually
Like after you get married
But he loves the thought of having a baby with you
Seeing which traits come out from both of you
Or adopting a baby, he thinks that would be awesome too
He loves kids, hes just kinda scared that he doesn't know how to take care of them
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He is the c li n g I est mf
He acts like hes not but he is
He doesn't have a preference when it comes to being the little or big sppon
He loves holding you
Just wrapping his arms around your shoulders or waist and hugging you as tight as possible while pressing little kisses onto your forehead
And when you hold him he melts
He feels so loved and wanted
Play with his hair plz plz plz
His eyes will flutter shut and hell just be like
"Mmm... so comfy"
It's so cute
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Toshi is pretty spontaneous
So dates will either be
Let's go out at 3 in the morning and run around the city and buy junk food
"Babe, I got us reservations for this super fancy restaurant so make sure you get dressed up. Were leaving in an hour."
They're always fun tho, even the more formal dates are super silly with you two making jokes and just being crackheads
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
To Hitoshi, you are his inspiration
His reason for moving forward in life
Before you, his only goal was to become a hero - and even then no one seemed to believe he could
Then theres you
You who tells him that his quirk does not make him evil
It's super effective against villains
hell be a pro hero someday
Before he wanted to become hero simply because why not
But now he wants to become a hero for you, to show you that your positive words were not misplaced and he is someone you can count on
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It was one night after he was training with Aizawa in martial arts (since he knows his quirk isnt the most effective in battle if he cant get it to work)
And he walked out of the field to see you standing there with this big smile on your face
"What are you doing here? It's late, you should go home."
"I was but then I saw you training and wanted to watch 😊"
He kinda gives you a weird look and is like why
"Cause you're super cool Shinsou! If I wanna be a pro hero I need to make sure I can get strong too, so I wanted to take some pointers."
His eyes widen and hes like- you think I'm cool??? Me who has to do this training cause my quirk is useless most the time?? Me who's quirk actually sucks?? You think I'm cool.
You just give him this big smile and you're like well ya anyways see you tomorrow
And he kinda is just like fuckfuckfuckfuckdu kkckcdudyhsj the whole way home cause wow you're super cute and you're the only person to ever praise him like that
He lies awake all night and is like I'm in love fuk
So ya, he was in love long before you even started dating
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Hes so gentle with you
Like hell brush your hair out of your face and move it behind your ear
When you kiss his hand kinda just cups your jaw and his thumb rubs your cheek
He presses little kisses on your forehead when you hug
Theres times when he can be more rough, but you're his baby and he cherishes you so much
He doesn't wanna scare you in any way and treats you so well
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
When you're walking he likes to place his fingers with yours and holds onto your hand tight
But other than that, he prefers holding your hand by placing his on top of yours and lacing his fingers while his thumb rubs your pinky
Hell pick up your hand and press kisses on it
Lowkey to tease you cause he likes to see you blush but still
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
His first impression of you wasn't the best? It wasn't the worst either tho
He first met you at the sports festival
You were fighting after he did, so when he was walking back and you were going out you saw him
So you were like "great job in the match!!"
And he thought you were teasing him cause he felt he horribly lost so he got kinda pissed
And was like "ya whatever"
He realized you weren't lying later tho, when you kept talking to him whenever you would see him at school
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oooooh yes, boy gets so jealous
You're HIS baby, not anyone elses
Hes put up with a lot of shit and a lot of shitty people and now that he has someone who loves him and he adores back - he doesn't like the fear of losing them
It's less of he gets angry when people flirt with you and more of he gets scared
Hes scared hes not the best and that you might decide you'll leave
He knows you love him and are loyal to him, but he cant shake that fear
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
So he initiated the first kiss
It was after your first date, and he kinda just kissed you out of nowhere (and you didn't mind at all)
While he does kiss you fairly gently, its lots of times a way to tease you
He loves to kiss you more roughly- the kinds of kisses that leave you breathless and your lips bruised
But he starts gentle half the time so that you get frustrated and have to try and make him kiss you deeper
Lots of tongue
Lots and lots of tongue
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You did
Again, He knew he loved you before you started dating
But he didn't wanna put you off by saying it too soon so he waited for you
He did things to help you know he loved you, but he waited until you said it
The first time you said it you were cuddling
You were lying on his chest and he was playing with your hair on his bed and you quietly said "I love you Toshi. So much.."
His eyes widened and he got the biggest smile on his face
"I love you too baby"
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
His favorite memory with you is probably one of your first dates
He took you to an amusement park
You were holding hands the whole time and you were so happy throughout the whole night
Hearing your beautiful laugh, being able to play the games with you and win you prizes since hes for some reason super good at them, getting to be that annoying couple that just cuddles in all the lines
He was in heaven
of course you had to do the stereotypical couple thing and ride the ferris wheel
But! It got stuck when you were almost to the top (if only it had been at the top - it would have been peak amusement park date romance)
You two were so ready to kiss at the top, but now you get to make out for like 30 minutes?? Awesome!
Getting to have a whole photo shoot together with all the pretty lights from the park and the city?? Double awesome!
Sitting in the cramped seat and being able to just talk and cuddle without worrying about school or anything?? Tripple awesome!!!
Everything about the night was perfect, and now you two love going on amusement park dates (tho none will ever beat this one)
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
He won't Spoil you too much, hes broke anyways
Besides, hes not the most materialistic person anyways so he would rather give you gifts of like dates and stuff
When he does give gifts, it's more personal things
Hell spoil you for your birthday and anniversary tho, if you really want something hell do his best to get you it
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Because he loves that cute blush of yours ~
He teases you all the time, anything to get you to blush
So when he sees a pink, especially in the shade of your blush, he kinda smirks and is like aw
Also, its such a soft color, and you're his baby so he gets soft for you
So honestly pastel colors remind him of you too, but mainly pink
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
ANYTHING that will get you to blush
Hes tested out them all
Honey, sugar, babydoll, bub, cutie, EVERYTHING
But his favorites are baby, and kitten.
He likes cats so he tested out kitten and the BLUSH that erupted on your face, he was hooked
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
My dude he is so into ball room dancing
Like I guess that's modern if you're rich, but neither of you are so that's something you only see in like old movies
Dead ass he took you to an abandoned castle just to dance with you while he played music from like the 40s
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Loves rain
Wants to go play in it
He will drag you out into the rain so that you can run around and act like little kids
Then you'll come in eventually so you dont get sick and make tea and cuddle
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Hes more of the type that will just ignore his feelings when hes sad
Like it's no big deal they'll go away
But you got mad at him for doing that so now - he just tells you
Hell text you and be like "hey.. can we cuddle..."
And you'll immediately know what's up and run to cheer him up
When you're sad, he takes a more direct approach
He wants you to tell him straight up what's wrong, and hes willing to wait if you need time
Hell hold you until you're ready, but he won't leave until you're feeling better
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He loves gossipping
Like you two talking about dumb stuff your classmates do
Makes up like 70% of your conversations
Also about movies, or TV shows, hes into a lot of fandoms and loves talking about them
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
That's it
Hes stressed? He will plop himself into your lap and you just know
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He likes showing off his martial art skills honestly
Hes gotten good at them, and many of the students dont bother with learning any formal fighting style since they're more into just using their quirk or swinging as they please
So it's something hes proud of
Hes also proud of it cause the 2 people he looks up to the most - aizawa and you - are also proud of him for it
So he loves showing you new things hes learned, or showing you how to do them so that you can be safer
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Again, hes spontaneous, so it kinda just came out
You two were just goofing around one night - spending time with each other since soon you would go into working at an agency since you had graduated
He was just thinking about how much hes gonna miss not being able to be around you all the time
So this man deadass ran into a gas station that was still open, bought a ring pop, and ran back out and was like
"Shit babe I'm so sorry this is such a horrible proposal but I'm doing it cause I don't wanna back out so- (y/n), will you marry me?"
Hes down on one knee holding this ring pop and he expected you to start laughing (you did later) but instead you started crying and you just jump into his arms nodding
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Serendipity by BTS
His world changed when he met you, the love his life
Theres so much hurt in life, and you are his happiness
Even when you two fight, you only come back stronger
Hes so happy with you, and so hes worried that something will happen to take you away from him
This song kinda captures that
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
All the time
He planned it a few times fully before when he actually did, and they were all much more romantic than the ring pop
He thought of the ring and everything
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Do I even need to say that
He wants you two to be crazy cat parents so bad
Even tho the max you ever have at a time is 2
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