#it briar time bbyyyy
neoninky · 3 months
TWST Fic: "Her Devoted Shield" - Chapter 1
10, 000+ words later
Oof, ok. Here we go. Chapter 1 is up and the story is in full swing!
I'm going to let y'all dive right in. Please check out my AO3 and Masterlist for this and my other stories (also for any new readers - hi -this is the third story in my Sacred Crown Chronicles series so I highly recommend starting with 'Her Ivory Crown' first if you haven't already) Likes, comments, and reblogs (NOT reposts) are welcomed and appreciated, thank you. Ok onward
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Chapter 1: Dragged into the Abyss
A year passed in its steady seasons without further written letters or talk of happenings across the ocean. The campus of Noble Bell and Fleur City both continued onward as normal. Students moved towards further study and the city thrived with its busy streets and lively festivals as it had for years. Occasionally Moselle still appeared among the people as she had before returning to the bell tower though her light was visibly dimmed. Soon enough, the fae appeared less and less. The rains began to come more often, always erratically until they stopped altogether for long periods. Rollo Flamme was no longer on campus, having left for his fourth-year studies elsewhere in the Shaftlands. About a week after his departure, the remaining students noticed that the bell tower remained empty for days. When asked, the citizens of Fleur City had not seen Moselle aside some the occasional sight of a large shadow swimming by in the river.
The river flowed overhead as the currants gently carried the somber dragon fae along. Moselle returned to staying within the river, out of sight and out of mind. She put on a strong face when Rollo told her he decided to study outside the city during his final year. They knew it was coming and Moselle cared for the human boy deeply. How could she make a fuss and hold him back? Especially when human lives were so short in comparison to fae like her? Still his absence, the silence from Malleus, both only served to remind her that she was alone. She had been for years, but now? Now, Moselle couldn't escape it. It didn't matter how familiar the river felt to her. It didn't matter that it was her and her family's original home. It was empty. 
The dragon huffed a rush of frustrated bubbles and swam faster, trying to escape the bitterness biting into her. She swam until her body ached and burned. When her lungs demanded air, Moselle left the river only to hide away in the dark waterways under the bridges in her human form. The season was turning colder and soon the river would freeze over. She could return to the bell tower but...
"No, I can't stay there forever, " She mumbled as she wrapped a thick blanket she hid in that spot to shelter herself against the cold, "Maybe...maybe it's time to move on to somewhere else?"
A critical voice laughed in the back of her mind. Where would that be? Fleur City is all she had ever known. The people had been kind to her since she revealed herself to the public after the masquerade. Well, many of them have. The ones who were not kept their distance and told their children to do the same. Their eyes were always full of anxiety or fear. Moselle never took it too personally. I mean, she was strange and stuck out tremendously. There was no one else around like her...
No one.
"You're like me..."
Moselle groaned as Malleus' words from that day dug themselves up from her memory. She hated and loved it all at the same time. She wrapped her arms, the blanket, and even her tail tightly around herself, squeezing her eyes shut. Moselle loved that, for a moment, someone else saw her and felt some connection, some kinship with her on a deeper level outside of being enthralled with her strange fae nature or weary of it. Moselle also hated how she knew in the depths of her heart that no, there was no way she was like him. He was royalty. He was powerful, elegant, and charming, and he came from a place of other dragon fae that were all very similar. He wasn't some lonely, overgrown trench lizard like she was-
"Stop it," she hissed quietly, "Thinking this way won't help you at all..."
The sky was growing dark and the night would be even colder. Moselle lamented that, unlike other dragons, she couldn't breathe fire to keep herself warm. Perhaps...? A thought struck her as she quickly scrambled back onto the walkway. The people of Fleur City were known for their hospitality to visitors so surely they would extend that to her as well, yes?
It had started to snow just as Moselle reached the nearest inn. It retained its more rustic appearance from when it was first built but the owners were renovating it in hopes of competing with the newer hotels that set up shop over the years. If nothing else, it at least had electric lights and a lift. The light coming from the windows was welcoming and warm. Even as the door opened for patrons to exit, a few of them recognized her and gave her a friendly greeting. Her spirits lifted when the warmth washed over her, welcoming her in from the cold night. 
The owner's eyes widened as she shyly approached the front counter, "Mademoiselle Dragonne! There you are! We feared you had left our fair city for different waters." 
Moselle slowly relaxed and gave him a tired smile, "O-Oh no, no, not at all. I, uh...good evening, sir, I apologize for the short notice, it's just that I need a place to stay tonight, out of the cold." 
The man's expression tensed as he pondered, "I see. Unfortunately, many of our rooms are closed down for renovation..."
The door opened behind her to a group of travelers shuffling in from the snow. They eyed the dragon fae, grumbling about their long journey as one man stepped forward to speak with the owner about a reservation. Moselle began to feel even more out of place as the man looked her up and down with curious eyes. The owner gave the group a warm greeting before turning back to Moselle.
"Do not worry, Mademoiselle, go sit by the fire while I sort some things out." 
The dragon fae exhaled her relief, "Oh thank you so much."
Once she was nestled comfortably by the fireplace. The owner spoke with the group in hushed tones as he checked them in. While they spoke, the owner's wife approached Moselle with a warm drink and a pitying smile.
"You poor thing, here drink this. It'll help you warm up." 
The dragon took a satisfying sip before thanking the woman for her kindness, "Thank you so much. I'm so sorry for stumbling in here without reserving a room first." 
The older woman tutted as she watched the fae drink, "Nonsense, it's no trouble at all. There is a spare room in the old wing. My husband just asked the staff to get it ready for you. It's far away from the guests in the newer rooms so you shouldn't have to worry about hearing any noises during the night."
Moselle felt warmth and relief wash over her as she began digging through her long skirt pockets for any money she had on her. Before she could say a word, the owner's wife stopped her.
"Oh don't worry about payment, my dear, it's all been settled," she said gesturing to the group that had come in behind Moselle before. The man who spoke for the group gave Moselle a grin and tipped his hat to her before following the rest of the travelers up the stairs.
Her room was at the end of a long hallway on one of the upper levels. It was eerily quiet so much so that Moselle was convinced she was the only one staying on the floor. She was too overcome with exhaustion to second-guess the room's placement. The owners were kind enough to give her a home-cooked meal along with the warm drink before she turned in for the night. Perhaps it was the stress leaving her body but she barely made it past the door before her head started to spin. The exhausted dragon shambled into the humble room and locked the door behind her before flopping onto the bed, pulling the top cover around herself. 
"I'm so tired...can barely m-...move..." Moselle was out within seconds, falling hard into a heavy dreamless sleep. 
It was the kind of sleep where her eyes refused to open any disturbance that her ears may have picked up. The wind pushing against the window or the creak of old pipes or floors outside her room, nothing could stir her awake. She couldn't even roll over if she felt the need. Moselle's mind was foggy, heavy, and steadily growing more anxious as she heard movement that couldn't have been the wind. Late into the night, her door creaked as it opened...but didn't she lock it? She finally opened her heavy eyes and drew a sharp breath at what she saw. Or rather who.
"Hold still, sweetheart. It's far less painful that way," the man who paid for her room loomed over her as the rest of his crew surrounded her bed. Her brain was on fire though it was hazier than ever. It screamed for her to move, attack, anything, but she couldn't even lift a finger. Her heart hammered against her ribs as the travelers drew closer, pulling tools out of their coats. Tools that wreaked with a frighteningly familiar scent: iron. 
Their leader lunged down and clamped a heavy collar around Moselle's neck that began to burn her as soon as it touched her skin, ripping a scream from her throat. 
"Get off of me!!" 
The little strength she could summon was enough to throw the man across the room before she tumbled onto the floor. The other travelers began throwing themselves on top of her, pinning her to the floor and forcing iron shackles onto her wrists and ankles. It burned her skin like a hundred hot pokers. She screamed and thrashed, throwing the men off of her back before collapsing in writhing pain. All she could do was scream before one of the men gagged her and chained her hands and feet together. The pain was so intense Moselle's body finally gave out and plunged her back into the dark. 
"They didn't put enough sedative in her food," the leader growled picking himself off the floor, "Sedate her for good measure so she doesn't wake back up. Remove the iron before it scars her. She'll fetch a far higher price unscathed." 
The four men who chained and shackled her quickly removed the trappings as another filled another syringe with the same liquid the innkeeper and his wife had drugged her with before. No one ever came to the door to check on the commotion. If anyone noticed the group of travelers carrying some bound form into the back of a loading truck in the dead of night, no one said a word.
Far too late, Rollo was notified by his peers at Noble Bell that the dragon had gone missing. Moselle was miles away from Fleur City and any trail left behind had gone cold.
The light in her eyes had gone out long ago. Her skin bore fading burn marks from iron used to keep her docile. The punishments worked too well. After a while, Moselle finally stopped fighting. Her master was thankful for the peace, especially now that his treasure could heal. As he prepared to open his menagerie for visitation, Moselle fully healed.
"She is exquisite! A rare diamond even amongst fae!"
The man who purchased her was a fat nobleman who smelled of sickeningly sweet roses and tobacco. He was a collector who prided himself on his discerning eye for the exotic and rare. Moselle was his greatest treasure and was kept in her room, separate from the rest of the other rare fae and monsters he had collected over the years. If it could even be called a "room". It was, more or less, a large iron cast cage: a high ceiling with foliage and other greenery to simulate the outside with a large pool of water for her to swim in and an alcove with comfortable enough bedding. There was also a lower deck for visitors to observe her as she swam in the water. It was barely different than a habitat at a zoo.
That same night she was taken, Moselle woke up barely able to open her eyes or lift her head. She couldn't see or speak as she was both blindfolded and muzzled. But her ears caught the sound of multiple voices shouting out numbers over and over. Everything was hazy but the air smelled of dust and iron. After the same sum was called out twice there was applause from the unseen audience moments before Moselle felt another sharp stab to her skin just before more sedative poured into her system. When she woke up the second time, she was there.
That was four years ago. Not that she knew that. Time continued to elude her in this prison. Outside the cage, her surroundings were tall walls of cement and steel with artificial lights in the place of windows. Also, a barrier of magic would electrocute anyone trying to enter or leave without the nobleman's permission. Moselle had no idea where she was, or what day, month, or season it was outside. She just existed to be gawked at and fawned over by her master and the others he charged to do the same. Day after day after day. She couldn't remember the last time she tried to escape, how long ago it was, just that it ended very badly. 
"You belong to me!" 
The nobleman screamed over Moselle's shrieks as his staff held her down with heavy nets made from iron chains. They dragged her into the cage she now lived in and threw her into the water once she was too weak to struggle anymore. Her punishment was hours in the dark with no food or fresh drinking water. The previous habitat had been outside in the gardens in a giant greenhouse-like dome. It was visually stunning, yes, the glass was magic proof and the metal iron, but it was still nowhere near strong enough to contain a fae hellbent on escape. It had been the third habitat the nobleman had constructed specifically for her and it was the last one she destroyed like a house of cards.
Moselle was jolted back to the present when she heard the heavy doors open. She didn't move from her alcove at first. That is until she heard multiple jovial voices. Her master had patrons today. This triggered something in the dragon's mind and she sprang up to position herself in a more visible resting spot. She learned that doing so pleased her master greatly and therefore avoided his wrath. Her master and the group of fellow gentlemen that followed in after him were talking and laughing about various things. There were one or two women amongst the group that seemed rather bored and then a third woman, blonde, in a tailored red dress and wide-brimmed hat. She was the only one who immediately made eye contact with Moselle with a gentle smile. Its strange familiarity caught Moselle off guard and yet she didn't look away from the stranger's warm hazel eyes. A sudden shout from her master broke her gaze.
"Into the water! Show my guests your glorious scales!" He laughed heartily. On the surface, it seemed like a proud parent wanting to show off their talented child but Moselle knew it was a warning. She dove into the water without a fuss as the group descended onto the lower deck to get a closer look as Moselle changed into her dragon form. The lower tank was quite large but even so, Moselle found it stiffling. 
She couldn't hear their voices clearly through the glass but judging from the guest's expressions as she swam about, Moselle knew her master would be pleased. She felt a sick mixture of relief and shame. The relief did not last as she saw her master give her a specific hand signal. He did this whenever he wanted her to spin or twirl in the water so he and others could get a better look at her. Moselle's body obeyed without question as more shame seeped into her gut. She was no better than a trained circus animal! The group laughed and applauded her little performance through the glass. All of them except the woman in red. She stood unmoving with a slight frown. It wasn't disappointment so much as it was sadness. Perhaps even a bit of frustration? Moselle couldn't tell...but what did it matter? She would get to sleep comfortably with a full belly that night. Normally that affirmation was enough but...
The woman in red was looking her straight in the eyes. She was angry. Not at Moselle, but for her. The dragon could feel it. Her master rapped his knuckles on the glass and shouted something to draw Moselle's attention to him. He made another hand signal, silently commanding her to perform another trick for his easily entertained guests. Her muscles twitched, trying to move on memory, but she resisted. She was...tired. Moselle had enough. The dragon didn't wait for another signal from her master before swimming back to the surface and returning to her alcove in her human form. The group remained in the room, talking amongst themselves, some even calling out to the fae as if she were a dog that could be beckoned over. When she ignored them, her master merely laughed.
"Ah, it seems it's having a bit of a tantrum today. Perhaps I've spoiled it too much."
Moselle huffed and rolled her eyes, keeping her back to them. A second voice broke through the laughter, "Might I have a closer look at her? My buyer is quite fascinated with her." 
It was the woman in red. Her voice was feminine though slightly husky as she spoke, emphasizing the word 'her' with authoritative posh. Moselle looked over her shoulder at the blonde woman as she walked right up to the bars without waiting for a response. The woman gave Moselle that same warm smile that felt like a comforting hand on the shoulder. Her master clumsily blurted out some answer, negating any suspicion that Moselle might be for sale, but it fell on deaf ears. The dragon fae looked the mysterious woman up and down, only now seeing her pointed ears and small fangs when she spoke. Why this gaggle of humans didn't seem to notice was beyond confusing. Unless...? Moselle sensed some magic surrounding the woman as she turned to negotiate with Moselle's master. It had to be some form of glamour. No wonder these humans didn't notice. The thought of this woman being so sneaky amused Moselle a bit. It swiftly turned to desperate anxiety once she saw the look on her master's reddening face. He was growing furious.
"It isn't for sale! The dragon belongs to me!" He shrieked like a child arguing with an adult. 
She had been called 'it', 'dragon', 'you', anything but her actual name for years. For years, she had been treated as an animal and not a person, to the point where she completely stopped speaking or trying to communicate with her captor at all. What was the point of speaking when no one around you listened? After so many years, after finally witnessing another soul treat her with even a sliver of real acknowledgment, something primal deep within her finally broke. 
The small crowd outside the cage stumbled backward as the water suddenly splashed towards them through the bars. Moselle disappeared beneath the waters for three long seconds just before a furious river dragon burst out of the waters with a terrible roar, scattering the scared humans like cockroaches. Her master began screaming commands at her in an attempt to regain the broken illusion of power as the woman in red stood rooted to the spot and watched her, awe burning in her eyes. 
The dragon snarled and huffed at the pudgy human that had caged her all these years before blasting him across the room with a geyser of water from her maw. He slid off of the cement walls like a slug. The other humans fled the room as his hired security flooded into the room. Their shouts only angered the dragon more as she began blasting them as well. The woman in red was quickly taken out of the room as Moselle's now furious master regained his footing. 
The guards quickly surrounded the habitat, readying their mage stones, one shouting out commands to 'secure the beast'. Moselle's slitted eyes narrowed as a deep growl rumbled out of her like thunder. She reared back to give them another blast when the guards all shot magic at the bars, making the cage's ceiling sink in on her. She quickly dove into the water and slammed into the glass windows to no avail. On the other side, more guards were using magic to make the glass harder than diamonds. After more shouts, large iron balls were dropped into the water. They began to release a metallic powder that burned Moselle's lungs and skin. The dragon screeched and quickly swam to the surface. The iron bars were now just above her. They hit her head, neck, and back, burning her as she quickly shrank back into her human form and desperately crawled into the alcove, now her only haven. The furious nobleman glared menacingly at the fae through the bars. 
"Do not drain the water tank, " he barked at the guards, "Leave the iron deposits and bars as they are. No food, water, or lighting for the next three days. It will learn to obey me."
As the lights were shut off and the room emptied with the definitive slam of the doors, Moselle was left with only the sound of her haggard breathing in the dark. She collapsed onto the bed, burning pain and adrenaline ripping her apart. She couldn't stop shaking.
The darkness consumed everything but the putrid smell of iron around her. How much longer would she be forced to live like this? What was happening outside, back home? Was Rollo alright? Did he miss her? Did he remember her?
The dragon fae used to remind herself of Fleur City before falling asleep each night: the glorious springs in full bloom and the festive autumns each year, the music, and the warmth of the people who were kind to her. But now, it was simply too painful. Now, Moselle silently prayed for a sleep that she would not wake from. Everything hurt too much. Though there was little difference in the pitch blackness, she finally felt her eyes close and her body give way into the dilapidated bed. Her breathing eventually slowed and she was out.
A sudden burst of light all around the room and the dull sound of thudding pulled Moselle back to the waking world. The lights were back on. Was her punishment over? Before she could process her feelings on the matter, they were swiftly overwritten by fear as the loud thudding suddenly became louder and closer. The metal doors shook as voices were shouting on the other side in rhythm with each strike: someone was trying to break down the doors. Moselle's eyes darted around. The cage was still too low and the water too polluted for her to transform. Instead, she crawled further into her alcove like a scared animal with no escape as the doors finally collapsed. The crash rang louder than the bells back home as sounds of chaos ripping through the menagerie poured in.
On the other side, a group of humans in militant uniforms and silver armor cleared a path to enter the room. Half seemed to be looking for other potential exits while the rest surrounded the habitat and started using their magic to cut through the cage bars. She could hear other voices ringing through the outer hallways, yelling back and forth. Once an opening was cut, one of the guards stepped forward to enter. They looked different from the others. Firstly, they were shorter than the rest and more slender looking even under their body armor that was dark and more worn. They wore a silver helmet like the others that covered their face and a red cloak that was tattered and darker along the bottom as if it had been through many other raids like this one. 
Moselle hissed and snarled at the guard who entered despite her entire body trembling like a leaf. The guard slowly approached, raising their hands to show that they were unarmed. Their comrades used magic to create a path across the pool to Moselle, but the caped one didn't rush across. Instead, they called out in an earnest voice, "We're here to help. We mean you no harm." 
It was a girl's voice. Moselle unbristled a small amount as her eyes darted around to all the other guards who slowly backed away from the habitat, giving the two inside more space. The fae didn't move. She didn't try to run or attack. She simply sat frozen, clinging to the back wall, staring as the kind-voiced stranger slowly made her way across the water. Once the stranger was on solid ground and still far away enough to not crowd Moselle, she kneeled and spoke in gentle tones.
"It's alright. I know you're frightened but we only want to help you." 
A spark of hope flickered in Moselle's tired emerald eyes. Could it possibly be true? She wanted to believe her words, but what if this was just another trap? Sensing her doubt, the stranger slowly removed her helmet. Oh, she was a young human woman. Her eyes were deep brown and held the same benevolent look the blonde woman's held before. The freckles she had in her younger days had since faded. She stood slightly taller than before. Time and strife had toned her lean build more, preparing her for the life she had chosen. Her tenacity and heart were still ever the same.
"I'm Petra Revie. I'm here to save you." 
Petra was now a twenty-two year old young woman, her school days behind her. She extended her hand to the dragon fae and waited. This girl was a stranger. For all Moselle knew, Petra could be trying to trick her. Even without words, Petra understood why the fae hesitated. So instead of forcing her to come with them, the human girl reached into a hidden pocket and pulled out a familiar piece of fabric. 
"Your friend asked us to find you, Moselle."
In her hands was a violet handkerchief covered with moons and stars. Moselle's voice was still locked away, buried under years of abuse. Even when she opened her mouth to speak, words refused to form. All she could do was gasp and half-sob with overwhelming joy before extending her shakey hand to Petra. 
News of the recent arrest of one of their own spread all across the Rose Queendom. From the nobility to the common citizens, shock and appall were equally shared. In print and broadcast, this man's name was ruined as his crimes were put on a full blast across the nation. Though his trial was closed to the public, everyone knew whose wrath he would be facing. 
Inside the courtroom, the accused man sat alone with a downcast expression already covered in a cold sweat before the trial even started. On the other side sat Petra in formal dress and a legal representative of the task force that had raided and shut down his menagerie. A jury was deemed unnecessary for this case. The audience in attendance were members of the royal court. Entering the heavy room with a serious look on his face was Lord Jasper Elfern. In civilian courts, there were appointed judges, lawyers, and the like to handle these sorts of things. This case, however, was brought directly before the royal family and the royal court. Unfortunately for the collector, no lawyer within the capital city was foolish enough to defend him once they caught wind of his crime and the logistics of how he was exposed. It was less of a trial and more of a last shot for the man to be proven innocent before he was sentenced. Here there was only one judge to convince and he was notorious for being obstinately committed to the facts, his queen, and little else. Jasper's voice rang out across the hall.
 "All rise, His Majesty King Rosehearts presiding." 
Petra and the others stood uniformly. The accused noble nearly fell over as soon as he heard who would be the judge for his case. The quiet clicks of his heeled shoes cut through the silence like gunshots as the stern young king entered and took his place behind the bench. Riddle to date was one of the youngest kings in the Queendom's more recent history, standing at the same 5'8 he reached upon his final years at school, and held a more controlled temper now that he was in his twenties. None of these attributes made him any less domineering, however.
His steel eyes went directly towards the accused making him wriggle like a helpless worm, "State the crimes of the accused."
Jasper listed each item with a serious tone, "Purchase and imprisonment of illegally poached monsters and other international fauna, most if not all are classified as endangered. Purchase and imprisonment of various types of fae, from various illegal underground markets. Charging admission to fellow anonymous nobility and other patrons to gain access to his 'collection'. Abuse and torture of captured monsters and fae from himself and his patrons for entertainment purposes. Including one Miss Moselle of Fleur City who was not only tortured, abused, and extorted, but also kidnapped by a paid third party and then won at an auction rigged in the accused's favor to cover any tracks that linked the kidnapping to him." The audience festered with scandalized gasps and chatter as the list continued until Riddle banged a gavel to quiet them all. The nobleman panicked and shot up out of his chair, "Your Majesty, please! This is slander! I never-"
"Silence," Riddle's gaze could crack diamonds, "I will hear from the prosecution." 
The representative next to Petra called her to the stand to testify. All of the evidence was foolproof. They had photos and receipts of each specimen that was purchased with no signs of forgery. The final straw was the clear photos of Moselle being caged inside a habitat and then close-up, clinical shots of the injuries she sustained on her skin from the last bout of abuse she suffered. The courtroom erupted with the nobleman's desperate cries and the backlash from the audience behind him.
"This is outrageous! I never laid a hand on it-er-her! I had no idea who she was or that she had been taken by force! If anything I should be the one prosecuting you!" the incensed man pointed an angry, stumpy finger at Petra, "My property was broken into and vandalized by this woman and her lot-"
Riddle's gavel came down with a thunderous crack, "ORDER! Be seated and silent at once!" Once the ego-wounded man finally shut his trap and slid down in his chair, Riddle addressed Petra directly, "Miss Revie, did you and your comrades act on your own accord or were you sent on that raid?"
"We were gathered and deployed by a higher command, Your Majesty," Petra's eyes could bore holes straight into the guilty noble's forehead with how angry she looked.
"Tell the court who this higher command was, Miss Revie," Riddle already knew the answer, but it needed to be said before the proper verdict could be given. 
"The Rose Queen, Her Majesty Reine Rosehearts," Petra had to fight to not smirk as the noble's face turned ghost white, "the Queen received an anonymous report along with the same evidence presented here that one of her subjects was committing heinous crimes right under her nose."
The man was trembling beyond reason, "Y-Your Excellency, I-I-" 
Riddle stood and slammed both hands onto the podium. His expression was calm but his eyes and voice burned, "Based on the evidence and accounts given here today, I conclude that the accused dared to dishonor his Queen and country with these foul acts and then has the gall to feign innocence? Am I correct, sir?"
All eyes dared the pitiful man to argue, heavy silence pressing in on him as everyone waited for an answer. There was no escape for him. He was doomed the moment he was caught. The man broke down into a pathetic fit of sobs, utterly defeated. Riddle sat back down and proceeded to give his verdict.
"I find the defendant guilty. He is sentenced to life in prison without parole. He is stripped of his title as are his heirs and wife. The remaining members of his household are banned from the royal court, even by association. Any remaining properties or laundered money connected to his crimes will be confiscated at once." 
Not a moment after the gavel was banged for the final time was the guilty man cuffed and dragged out of the courtroom. This specific courtroom was a part of the royal palace and used for the most dire of cases. Or at least the ones that Riddle felt needed his attention. The fact that his wife and queen played a great part in bringing that bastard to justice only enflamed his cause. For the protection of his wife and future family, the courtroom was kept outside the vast grounds of their home but still away from the public of the capital city. 
The two old friends were escorted into a protected vehicle and driven back to the royal grounds proper. Petra finally let herself relax into the leather seats with a heavy sigh. Riddle let his stern guard down and gave the princess a satisfied grin, "Well done once again, Petra."
"Thank you, Riddle," it felt too weird to call him by his proper title when it was just the two of them even now, "I couldn't have done it without your and Reine's support, naturally. The Rose Queendom's police force is no joke." 
The young king grinned proudly, "Oh yes. Only the best serve and protect under Reine's rule. Whether it's in the light of day or behind the scenes. Speaking of which...how many raids have you and the task force completed over the years, Petra?"
Honestly, she had lost count. It all started her fourth year at Sacred Crown during what was supposed to be a political internship based in her kingdom that bordered what is now Briar Valley. Petra selected one that would allow her to serve the people instead of just sitting in a castle, overlooking them. That's how it started but soon the ugly truth reared its head. There had been an influx of game hunters crossing the borders and infiltrating the mountains and forests between the human and fae kingdoms. It was brushed off as 'wildlife management' by her father's advisors and the local authorities. Come to find out, no, it was anything but that. 
Her people, in the name of technological advancement, were trapping fae and siphoning off their magic to use it to power machinery for their businesses, harvesting and expanding their farmlands, and even sourcing out power for factories and power grids. She always knew that her kingdom was behind others when it came to technology. The entire land that held both her kingdom and Briar Valley was richly steeped in magic and raw nature so it was difficult to build any sort of metropolis like other countries around the world. In a way, Petra loved the land for that reason. Still, her people took advantage of smaller weaker fae to help themselves, and any larger, stronger fae that happened to be subdued were sold off in secret marketplaces or auctions much like the one Moselle was forced into. It was gruesome and unbearable. Petra couldn't and wouldn't stand for it. Instead of the homecoming of a princess her people expected after she graduated, Petra Revie took matters into her own hands. In turn, well, public opinion regarding the princess was greatly polarized and not always in favor of good. Those who supported their princess joined her cause. This was only the beginning, however. Once Petra discovered that these dubious transactions weren't just happening at home but in other countries as well, she left her faction to oversee things in their kingdom and set out across the sea. Her journey brought her to the Rose Queendom at the dawn of Reine's ascension to the throne.
"Petra? You have been here for quite a few years now. Not that you're never welcome here, just..." Riddle had his concerns as did many in Petra's life. While he was now king of a nation, Petra was a friend and an ally, not a subject to be ruled. Judging from the growing frown on her face as she avoided his gaze was a further testament to this.
"The throne is in good hands. Besides, I was able to shut down those markets in my kingdom and come to find out, others are perpetuating the problem in other countries, like here," Petra ignored the pit of guilt brewing in her gut, "I want to ensure that fae everywhere, not just back home, are safe and free to live peacefully." 
Riddle's expression softened into a proud smile, "Your efforts have not been in vain, Petra. Thanks to you and Mr. Zhao, we've been able to rescue hundreds just over the past two years alone. It's hard to imagine in today's world such prejudice and ill-treatment of fae still runs rampant..."
Petra snorted as the car came to a stop, "You can call him Tai instead of 'Mr. Zhao'. It makes him feel old. I mean he is like six or seven hundred years old, but you didn't hear that from me."
The two exited the car as Riddle hummed to himself, "Well I must say he looks fantastic for his age, not a day over three hundred at least." 
Petra's loud chuckle echoed into the corridor as she followed Riddle to the throne room, "Heeey, look who grew a sense of humor!"
Warm light faded into the quiet room with a soft breeze brushing up against the sleeping dragon's face. The sinfully soft bed she had been resting in was a sweet haven from the nightmare Moselle had survived. She felt entirely too groggy yet so rested all at once. She slowly sat up with a deep yawn and looked down at the nightgown on her in confusion. It took her brain a minute or two or remind her how exactly she got here. The mental recap was interrupted by a knock on the bedroom door. Moselle opened her mouth to answer but only a tiny rasp came out, reminding her yet again how out of practice her vocal cords were.
The door opened letting a kind greeting float into the room, "Oh good you're finally awake, Miss Moselle. Good morning."  A young woman entered with a soothing presence. She was quite petite and youthful with rose pink doe eyes and mint blue wavy hair, cut short for ease. The tiny mole under her left eye only added to her charm. Moselle looked her up and down, not recognizing her or the healer uniform she was wearing. Her soft voice did sound familiar though. The healer pushed a tray with a full tea set and some breakfast into the room with her, "I thought you might be hungry after all that rest so I prepared you something. I hope you like it."
A wave of deja vu suddenly crashed over Moselle as she remembered the last free meal she was offered before she was taken. She nervously backed up onto the bed, shaking her head. The girl didn't seem offended in the slightest. She just gave the dragon a gentle smile and placed the cover back over the food, "It's alright, I understand you're probably feeling rather disoriented after all of...that. For what it's worth, I assure you that you are quite safe here in the Rose Queendom. Her Majesty has tasked me with keeping a close eye on you while you've slept since arriving...uh let's see...three days ago?"
The dragon's eyes nearly popped out of her head. She slept for three whole days?! The girl's soft-spoken tone suddenly vanished as she laughed at the fae's exaggerated expression, "You had quite the nap!" She snorted mid-giggle before quickly clearing her throat and returning to her original reserved tone, "Apologies. As I said, you are quite safe here under Her Majesty's watch. She would never let a guest suffer in her house-er-palace." 
Moselle's eyes drifted about the room, finally noticing just how grand it was even for a spare room. That's right...that armored girl and a bunch of others rescued her and brought her here. Her senses felt conflicted between relief and learned trauma as they took in the smell of roses in the air. It was a fresh and sweet smell, unlike the concentrated cologne that the abusive noble constantly wore. No, this place was very different. She looked over at the tray of food right as her stomach loudly growled. The healer smiled knowingly as she uncovered the food and started preparing a cup of tea for the dragon. 
"You may eat whenever you are ready. I promise it's not poisoned," another giggle-snort escaped from her before she tried to recover yet again, "Oh, sorry, I'm Astrid by the way. Astrid Piperita. I'm one of the many healer mages that studied here in the Rose Queendom and I've been charged with aiding in your recovery." 
"...Tha...Than...k...y-y...ou..." Moselle felt a bit mortified at how much she was struggling with such a simple sentiment. She felt a bitter lump form in her throat which only frustrated her more. 
Astrid sat down in her chair next to the bed and handed Moselle the teacup, "Here. This herbal blend will help relax your throat. I also have some books for you to practice reading aloud later if you want. That way you can get used to speaking again at your own pace." 
The kindness in Astrid's pastel eyes made Moselle's start to water. She quickly wiped the budding tears away and nodded. The healer beamed, "Excellent. But first, you need to eat. After your breakfast, how about we go outside? The palace has the most gorgeous gardens in the city, if not the country. Fresh air and sunshine will do you good. And don't worry, I'll stay with you so you don't get lost."
Moselle felt her whole body start to lighten as the sweet little healer cut up her food into smaller pieces for easier consumption.
"It's all been settled, My Queen."
Riddle kissed his wife's hand after finishing his report of the morning's events. Reine Rosehearts thanked her darling husband with no shortage of adoration in her eyes as he sat down on the throne next to hers. Petra thought it sweet that the couple was still so in love with each other. On the other hand, she felt kinda awkward being in the same room as them. Thankfully Reine knew when to get straight to business.
"Petra, has Mr. Flamme responded yet?"
The princess frowned, "Unfortunately, he's not one for using an actual cellphone so not yet. You'd think that he'd be easier to get in touch with considering he reached out to us first." 
Reine pondered a mere second before calling for the footman, "No matter. We'll simply have to reach out differently. Bring the Looking Glass at once, please."
The rabbit beastman swiftly left the throne room and just as quickly returned with a very large, antique mirror he wheeled in with the help of another rabbit. Petra was impressed but not surprised.
"I guess people do still use these things, huh." 
Reine rose from her throne with a satisfied grin, "Modern technology is useful but when in doubt, the classics work just as well. Mr. Flamme said he would be expecting us any time now so hopefully this will do the trick."
The queen cleared her throat and thought for a moment before speaking in a clear voice in front of the mirror, "Fleur City. Monsieur Flamme, please." Both Riddle and Petra stood at her side, curiously waiting.
The glass started to shift like water before a blurry image began to smooth itself out. Across the oceans in Fleur City, Rollo Flamme was busying himself inside his home's study. His expression was as tired and dead serious as ever. Very little about him changed over the years. On the wall across from him hung a much smaller version of the mirror Reine was using. When letters weren't fast enough, or he couldn't be bothered to find his misplaced phone, the magic mirror was Rollo's go-to for long distance communication. Even in a dire circumstance such as this, the young man still couldn't seem to keep track of his cell phone.
"Monsieur Flamme?"
Reine's voice made Rollo's head pop up from his work with a look of surprise, "Ah, Your Majesty."
He quickly made his way across the room, bracing himself. He had been waiting for news for over a year now. He silently prayed that today he would finally hear something to feel joyful about. Reine addressed him with a pleased look.
"We found her. She is here, safe and sound."
Rollo exhaled a breath he felt he had been holding for years, "Ah. Thank goodness. I owe you an immense debt of gratitude, Your Majesties, thank you," his tired eyes shifted to Petra, "And to you, Lady Revie." 
Petra was never one for overt thank yous or compliments, "I was just doing my duty, Rollo-er-Monsieur Flamme, sir." 
Petra and Reine both filled Rollo in on what they discovered, how they found Moselle and her current condition. The entire time he listened, Rollo felt bitter anger boil his blood. He knew deep down that the dear fae would never want him to feel guilty for leaving all those years ago even after her terrible experience. Even so, he had to know...
"What happened to that man? And the poachers?" His expression was a stone-cold mask hiding his stewing temper.
Riddle stepped forward and explained the sentencing that had happened that morning, "He will be spending the rest of his life in a cell. As for the poachers, we've detained more than half of their men already. We're on the trail of the others as we speak. They will be facing the same sentence if I have anything to say about it." 
Rollo's brow was as sharp as his tone, "Good."
Reine moved the conversation forward to the important next step, "I want you to rest assured that Moselle is receiving the best care and is more than welcome to stay in the royal palace until she is fully recovered, Monsieur. However, I am concerned about what comes after..."
Before anything was said, Rollo could tell he and the Rose Queen were thinking the same thing. Even with the culprits brought to justice, Rollo was still burdened with worry about Moselle's safety in the long run. He sighed and looked out into his city which had changed greatly with time.
"Though I am happy to know that Moselle is alive and in good hands for now, I'm afraid...returning here is no longer an option," he didn't bother hiding the creeping sadness on his face, "the possibility that there won't be others seeking her out isn't guaranteed. Even if it were, the river here on which she was born has been greatly neglected by the city since she disappeared. There have been efforts to restore it but it will take a great deal of time. Taking both into account, I do not believe that Fleur City is the best place for Moselle anymore." 
The king and queen shared a disheartened look between them as they pondered over Rollo's words. Petra huffed, frustrated at no one in particular.
"I understand what you're saying but Fleur City is her home, isn't it? Does she know anywhere else? Or anyone else for that matter? Staying here would ultimately be just as dangerous wouldn't it?"
Unfortunately, that was true. The Rose Queendom had more rural towns far away from the capital but who was to say that she wouldn't run into the same danger of capture there? 
"A dragon fae would have a hard time thriving here in the city as well..." Reine sighed, not sure what to do, "Do you have any recommendations, Monsieur Flamme? You know her better than any of us."
There was one possibility upon Moselle's secure return that had haunted Rollo ever since he requested help in the first place. There was one place where a dragon fae could reside, surrounded by other fae like herself. Only one place came to mind and he loathed the very idea of it. He looked back to his desk where a box of faded, carefully stored letters and postcards sat. Each one bore the same sender's name: 'Malleus Draconia'. If there was anyone in the world who could keep a fellow dragon safe from ill-intentioned humans...
"I don't know if this is a viable possibility as of right now. However..."
The sunshine seemed so foreign that it was almost completely new all over again. Moselle stood out in the open space in complete awe. The smell of the flowers, the feeling of fresh grass under her bare feet, and the birdsongs filling the air filled the dragon to the brim with a sense of wonder that she had forgotten.  
"Moselle? Would you like to sit under the gazebo?"
Astrid had just finished setting the table with a pitcher of water and some snacks just in case Moselle was still hungry. The dragon was so enamored with her surroundings she didn't answer the healer. Astrid watched her before joining Moselle in the sun. 
"It's lovely out here isn't it?" she sighed before plopping down in the grass, lying down to face the sky. She patted the spot next to her when Moselle gave her a curious look. The fae slowly got down to sit on her knees next to Astrid. The doe-eyed girl pointed to a fluffy cloud, calling out what it reminded her of. Moselle wasn't sure what was happening but it felt nice. Astrid would pick more clouds and then giggle about how they reminded her of something called a mock turtle or a sleeping flamingo. 
"I think that one looks more like a walrus, honestly..."
Moselle jolted at the sudden voice coming from behind them. Astrid looked towards the large tree with a smile, "Oh Tai. There you are." 
The fae quickly turned her head to see a figure lounging comfortably in the thick, low-hanging branches. It was a man with a svelte figure and familiar blond hair loosely braided over his shoulder. His warm hazel eyes met hers, and all at once her brain haphazardly connected the dots. Moselle's eyes widened and her mute mouth hung open as this "Tai" fellow slipped out of the branched and approached the two young women. 
"Afternoon Astrid," his voice was deeper but just as smoothly precise now, "And Miss Moselle, good to see you in much better conditions." It had to be him. Or her? Moselle was confused but the look and smile matched. 
The fae looked him up and down, noting that he did have pointed ears and small fangs. She couldn't help the confusion on her face as she slowly pointed and mumbled, "...Ma...male...?"
Tai looked himself over as Astrid burst into a giggle fit, "Ah. Yes, I do look very different now than the last time we saw each other. Though personally, I thought I pulled the red dress off quite well." There wasn't a hint of shame or sarcasm in his tone. 
"Red is your color, yes," Astrid agreed in full seriousness. 
Perhaps this wasn't strange? Wait, was she being too blunt? Moselle's face turned pink as she muttered a weak apology, "S-sor-ss-sorry!"
The blonde fae just chuckled, "There's nothing to apologize for, my dear. The whole point was that the look was convincing, so I'll take your confusion as a compliment." 
"Tai is a professional. He's been undercover confusing his enemies with his pretty face for years," Astrid said a bit too bluntly with the grin of an admiring child. 
"Aiya," the fae scowled, "What kind of explanation is that Astrid? I am a professional in reconnaissance, stealth, and hand-to-hand combat specifically, not just playing 'dress up'," seeing more confusion take over the dragon fae's face, Tai cleared his throat and started again.
"I am Zhao  Tai-Yang, a fox fae from The Land of Red Dragons," he traditionally bowed to her, "but you may call me Tai. It's easier for most to pronounce. You've met my ward, Petra, though briefly. I imagine she's speaking with the queen at this moment." 
Moselle felt like her head was about to explode with all this new information. So these people rescued her, brought her to a rose-filled kingdom with a queen, and one was a medical human, another human in armor, and then a very androgynous fox fae from a far-off land that she vaguely remembered hearing about at Noble Bell before. These two seemed very friendly and trustworthy so far so surely the armored human was too? At least she hoped so. The conflicted feelings from before began pulling her at the seams once again. This place and everyone she met so far seemed nice but what if they weren't? What if it was a farce? What if she never got to go home ever again? On the other hand...did she even want to go back home to a city where others with nice voices and faces let her get taken away and tortured? The last thread holding her together finally snapped and her vision quickly blurred with salt water. Her mental dam broke hard and fast.
Astrid quickly sat up once Moselle's body began to tremble, "Moselle??"
The clear skies above suddenly clouded over with the rumbles of thunder. The dragon's ragged breath turned into a painful heave that pushed the tears down her distraught face and broke the clouds above in heavy rainfall. Astrid squealed and jumped to her feet, "Oh no, oh no! Moselle! Oh dear..." 
The dragon sobbed in the raspy remnants of her voice. Her tears wouldn't stop. Astrid managed to summon a large umbrella with magic and held it over herself and Moselle as she quietly cooed gentle words to calm the tormented fae. Tai stood silently in the rain, unmoving and soaked to the bone. He watched the poor girl cry and then the healer trying to console her before he finally spoke in an even tone, "Astrid, give her space, please." 
The human took the fox's advice and backed away while still holding the umbrella over the dragon, shielding her from the rain. The two of them stood in the downpour and let the dragon continue to grieve for several minutes. Moselle finally lifted her puffy, tearful eyes to look at the two strangers who had stayed with her this entire time. Both of them offered her reassuring looks. They weren't leaving. They weren't running from the storm. The dragon sniffled and sobbed now for an entirely different reason. 
The fox slowly closed the distance and joined Moselle under the umbrella, kneeling before her just as Petra did when she had come to Moselle's rescue. His warm smile didn't falter though he was a completely drenched mess. The dragon looked at him like a lost child. This wasn't the first time in his many years of seeing that look.
"Oh my dear...I may not understand completely, but I do know you have been through so much terror and I am so sorry," Tai's voice was full of patience and wisdom that couldn't be taught, "Just know, that while it will take some time for you to heal, to feel at peace, you are safe and among friends."
The heartfelt smile on Astrid's face only confirmed every word the fox had said. Any doubt previously holding her back was cast aside as Moselle's body moved on its own, searching for some sort of anchor. Tai gave a soft grunt as the dragon tightly embraced him, still sniffling and sobbing quietly to herself. The fox wrapped his arms around her and gently patted her wet hair without hesitation as if he had cared for the fae all her life. 
"Ah child, it's going to be alright. You're going to be alright," he hushed her cries like a doting parent.
Astrid sighed and lowered the umbrella as the rain stopped. This wasn't exactly the kind of day that she had planned for but it was a good start. The final member of their crew called from the garden's entry. 
"What's going on with the weather-AH!" Petra froze at the sight of the drenched trio, "What happened to you guys?"
Moselle recognized her immediately. This was Petra, the one who saved her. The girl's expression shifted from confusion to concern once she saw Moselle hunched over on the ground in Tai's arms, both of them a mess. The princess approached them and looked straight at Moselle without a hint of fear.
"Hey, are you alright? Are you still hurt?" 
The dragon nodded silently, suddenly feeling worlds better than before. Petra heaved a sigh of relief, "Oh thank goodness. Come on, let's get you dried off, ok? Can't have you catching a cold on your first days of freedom."
Petra's laugh was light and carefree as she helped Moselle to her feet. She offered a hand to Tai as well, "You too, old man. Actually, can fae get sick-AH!"
The fox made Petra shriek as he started shaking off the water like a dog before casually getting to his feet, "We can though we aren't as feeble as my rude ward here seems to think." 
"We still need to dry off!" Astrid, just as soaked through as the two fae but suddenly steeled with purpose, summoned a stack of dried towels and began drying off Moselle's horns and hair for her, "Temperature regulation is important to maintain one's health! Also, we're going to need more tea!" 
Moselle swiftly found herself back inside, changed into fresh clothes, wrapped in a blanket, and seated at a table with the three companions drinking more tea. She was once again unsure of how she got there but...she wasn't upset about it. Moselle sipped her tea in silence as the other three talked and joked amongst themselves. They were like a little family. Petra leaned over and began chatting with the dragon as Astrid began serving snacks.
"Sorry for everything being chaotic. This is just how we are...sometimes," she laughed awkwardly, "Anyway, hello again. I'm Petra Revie. I'm happy to see you're up and about finally. Astrid is one of the best so you're in good hands."
Astrid cooed affectionately on the other side of Moselle, "Oh, that's sweet of you to say. I just do my best, that's all." 
"And you met Tai. He's the eyes and ears of our group. He's taught me almost everything I know," Petra beamed.
The fox was leaned back in his chair with a sly grin, "Almost, she said. Well, I suppose you're right. I certainly didn't teach you that sloppy footwork you used in your swordfighting the other day, pup." 
Petra wildly gasped making the other two laugh, "Hey, it's not that bad!" 
Pup?? Moselle's head tilted to the side with questions. While the other two bantered back and forth like a true guardian and child, Astrid whispered to the dragon.
"Tai has been with the  Revie family for generations. He was there when Petra was born. I've only known them both for about two or three years, but we've been working closely together this whole time. So he likes to call us his 'pups'. It's adorable, don't you think?"
The sentiment was catching, making Moselle grin for the first time since she could remember. They were a little family.
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