radracer · 2 years
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Proton Saga Iswara Sedan C20
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leadertelugunews · 2 years
గ్రామీణ వైద్యులకు 429 జీవో అమలు చేసి అర్హత కల్పించాలి -లీడర్ సంపాదకులు వీవీ రమణమూర్తి
గ్రామీణ వైద్యులకు 429 జీవో అమలు చేసి అర్హత కల్పించాలి -లీడర్ సంపాదకులు వీవీ రమణమూర్తి
విశాఖపట్నం: దివంగత మాజీ ముఖ్యమంత్రి వైయస్ రాజశేఖర్ రెడ్డి 2008లో విడుదల చేసిన 429 జీవో ద్వారా గ్రామీణ వైద్యులకు కమ్యూనిటీ పారామెడికల్ శిక్షణను అందజేసి అర్హతను కల్పించాలని లీడర్ సంపాదకులు, రైటర్స్ అకాడమీ చైర్మన్ వీవీ రమణమూర్తి రాష్ట్ర ప్రభుత్వానికి విజ్ఞప్తి చేశారు. సామాజిక గ్రామీణ వైద్యుల సంక్షేమ సంఘం నేతృత్వంలో మంగళవారం ఉదయం రుషికొండ సమీపంలోని సాయి ప్రియ రిసార్ట్స్ లో ఉమ్మడి విశాఖ జిల్లా…
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shinymoonbird · 2 years
Nandanaar (A film seen by Bhagavan Sri Ramana)-Part 1
The film NANDANAAR was based on the famous play by Gopala Krishna Bharati. This is the first film seen by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi on 2nd Sep., 1946. (Later, Bhagavan was also shown four other movies in the Ashram, based on spiritual personalities). 
The details of Nandanaar's life are given in Chapter 18 of Tamil 'Periya Puranam' and in Chapter 37 of Sanskrt 'Siva Bhakti Vilasam'.
A song in this play 'Ayye methe Kadinam' gave the idea to a devotee of Bhagavan Ramana to compose in 1927 a song 'Ayye athi sulabam, Atma Vidyai, ayye athi sulabam'. The main content of the song, flowed from Bhagavan Ramana Himself. The songs of Nandanaar are very famous to this day.
Bhagavan had also referred to Nandanaar's life a few times in conversations. 
Nandanaar (A film seen by Bhagavan Sri Ramana)-Part 2
36:23  'Ayye methe Kadinam' (Oh, my God! very difficult). For your slave it is difficult to explain. For the truthful and striving one, the Ponnambalam (Lord of the Golden Space) is attainable. For your slave, this is very difficult to explain.
Leaving aside shame and pride, remain as the Self. The kingdom of Jnana is available as Senaadi pati (Lord Subramanya - the personification of Jnana) O Sir, know this; try for this; Search within; that is sufficient. Those who transcend the muppaazh (waking, dreaming and sleeping, or jiva, jagat and Iswara) (Or ego, action and illusion - any three types of limitation), this world appearance is transcended. 
There (Chidambaram) our Father dances the tune. Devotees gather and sing this Truth there. No one comprehends it. Those who went there, couldn’t describe it. All the worlds become one there... I shall go there. It is getting late for me. Sir! It is difficult to describe.
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The Hymn:  Anma Viddai  [Atma Vidya, Self-Knowledge], from Bhagavan Sri Ramana
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ruffiancars · 2 years
Kia Elan 1996-1999: A Suprise Entry Into The Sports Car World
Surprising to some, the Stinger wasn't Kia's first endeavour in the sports car department the Elan was created using the M100 Lotus Elan platform purchased from Lotus In 1995 after they were forced to axe the front drive sports car due to low sales. This was also around the time Lotus was shifting ownership from GM to Bugatti and later the group responisble for Proton, the folks that made the mighty Iswara! Due to Korean laws surrounding the protection of jobs, the Elan's original 1.6 turbo four cylinder Isuzu motor was swapped out for a home grown Kia T8D 1.8 petrol producing 135 BHP allowing the Kia variant to reach 60 in 8.8 seconds and soldier on to 128 mph. The revised Elan also featured altered suspension which raised the ride hight as well as a revised Interior and steering wheel pulled out of Kia's more mundane cars like the Sephia, Sportage and Credos just given a red stripe. The Elan over the course of those 3 years old sold between 792 and 1056 cars worldwide (though 99% percent were sold In Korea) It was sold In Japan as the Kia Vigato and In Germany as the Kia Roadster and was only sold In Left Hand Drive.
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christianmasson · 2 years
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Peace ~ Nature ~ Wisdom 🍀 The peace that I feel with you, Is like a river flowing through. Calming, soothing, and serene, A tranquil oasis in between. Your presence alone is a balm, That soothes the restless soul’s qualm. A sanctuary from the chaos outside, A place where I can safely confide. In your eyes, I see the universe, And every pain and worry, it disperses. Your touch, a gentle breeze of love, A grace that’s sent from up above. In your embrace, I find my peace, A sense of calm that will never cease. For in your heart, I have found my home, And with you, I’ll never be alone. So let us bask in this divine light, And let our love take flight. For the peace that I feel with you, Is like a dream come true. Christian Masson ~ Iswara https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5EWtBL7qI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-hem · 1 month
"The Spellings." From the Brihad Jabala Upanishad, "the Exploration of the Mysteries of the Copious Desire for Harmony and Rhythm."
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The following bract of the Upanishad discusses how the firm knowledge of the real and true Presence of God called Shiva, “kindness” shields mankind from sin and wrong:
4 Fire was produced from the face of Aghora “terrific, not horrible” a form of Siva. From that was produced the power of knowledge. From that was produced the red cow called Surabhi “the balsam of God”. From its dung was produced Bhasma (literally ash but another name for Vibhoothi).
5 Wind was produced from the face of Thath Purusha. From it was produced the power of peace. From it was produced the white cow called Susheela. From its dung was produced Kshara “the spellings”, (again another name for ash).
6 Ether (sky) was produced from the face of Eeshana. From it was produced the power of Sandhyatheetha (one who is beyond dawn and dusk). From it was produced the multi coloured cow called Sumana “very charming thorn apple”. From its dung was produced Raksha (literally meaning shield).
In Vedanta, the study of the Vedas and the Upanishads, the universe is said to be created in the minds and lives of mankind in various stages. First is the Brahman, the unconscious pluripotent reality. Then comes the Atman, the soul, the universal cosmic value system, then comes Iswara, the Lord God who is the Persona. He is called That Purusha, the giver of life. From these  comes man and all that is needed to house and support him including the spiritual knowledge we use to create an ethical functioning society.
Now for reasons no one understands we reject this final part. There are no excuses for what his happening on this planet right now, everyone knows better. The Upanishad coins the term Kshara, “the spellings” meaning every dimwit on this planet knows we are burning the air and boiling the water but no one has said anything to make me think we are going to do something about it. We must scrub the atmosphere of greenhouse gas emissions so the atmosphere can communicate all of the heat that stored in it with outer space.
We have a wide variety of green solutions that will perform the function but the scale of the effort is the problem. We must do it FAST. Very fast. The Wars in Ukraine and Israel are giving off too much heat. There is a heat belt forming over the USA that will kill everything in its path in a few years. We are allowing freaks and fuckups to mix church and state and pass laws that are not valid, like abortion bans which murder innocent girls and women, and we are not pursuing a single party system after we discovered the Republicans were complicit in the October 7 attacks. We are sleepwalking through very dangerous political circumstances once again and this time we are all going to pay the price for it.
The above text mentions the Balsam of God, freedom of the intellect. It has a partner called a Raksha, a kind of angel, “a guardian or shield.” We are not being protected by our intelligence. We are not even resorting to it. How can we discuss the matters that are truly important like the relief of poverty, education, and global peace and prosperity while we tolerate asshole ulcers and pretend all the time?
The governments of this planet have stranded us because they will not stop pretending, show their constituents kindness and protect them from the consequences of the actions of our combined populations. This is their duty. If they will not do it, we will all become victims of the savagery they have allowed to own our time and energy. This is a disgrace and none of them should be allowed any comfort over it.
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tangerangraya · 1 month
Ben-Pilar Resmi Kantongi Rekom Partai, Golkar Berharap Tetap Jadi Pilihan Masyarakat
Banten – Partai Golkar secara resmi mengusung Benyamin Davnie dan Pilar Saga Ichsan sebagai pasangan calon Wali Kota dan Wakil Wali Kota Tangerang Selatan dalam Pilkada 2024. Surat rekomendasi pengusungan ini diberikan langsung oleh Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Golkar, Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tandjung, didampingi oleh Ir. M.Q. Iswara yang merupakan Ketua Tim Pemenangan Golkar JAWA 1 bersama Wakil Ketua Umum…
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kabartangsel · 1 month
Pilkada Tangsel 2024, Benyamin Davnie-Pilar Saga Ichsan Sampaikan Ucapan Terima Kasih Atas Kepercayaan Golkar
Partai Golkar secara resmi mengusung Benyamin Davnie dan Pilar Saga Ichsan sebagai pasangan calon Wali Kota dan Wakil Wali Kota Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel) dalam Pilkada 2024. Surat rekomendasi pengusungan ini diberikan langsung oleh Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tandjung, didampingi oleh Ir. M.Q. Iswara yang merupakan Ketua Tim Pemenangan Golkar JAWA 1 bersama Wakil Ketua Umum…
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fanany1966 · 4 months
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P E N J O R...
Makna dan Filosofinya
Penjor tentu terdengar tidak asing lagi bagi kita semua,biasanya penjor banyak di jumpai di Bali ketika hari Raya Galungan & Kuningan,serta Odal-odalan di Pura.
Penjor berasal dari kata Penjor yang berarti Pengajum atau Pengastawa.
Penjor adalah simbol dari Naga Basukih di mana Basukih berarti Kesejahteraan & Kemakmuran.
Selain itu penjor merupakan simbol Gunung yang memberikan keselamatan & Kesejahteraan.
Penjor sendiri di bedakan menjadi 2 jenis.
yakni penjor Sakral yang biasanya untk mengiringi upacara2 dan ritual hari Suci tertentu.
Dan satunya penjor hiasan yang biasanya untuk acara2 yang bernuansa hiburan seperti karnaval dan lomba hias penjor.
Bahan dan unsur-unsur dari penjor terdiri dari..
Sebatang Bambu yang ujungnya melengkung,janur,kain kuning,tebu daun-daunan ( plawa ) pala bangkah,pala gumantung,padi,palawija,jajan,serta Sanggah Ardha Candra lengkap dengan sesajenya.
Menurut Lontar Tutur Dewi Tapin di sebutkan bahwa setiap bahan dan unsur dari penjor melambangkan simbol-simbol Suci yakni.. :
Sebagai simbol vibrasi kekuatan Dewa Brahma.
Sebagai simbol vibrasi Dewa Rudra.
Kain kuning dan janur...
Sebagai simbol vibrasi Dewa Mahadewa.
Sebagai simbol vibrasi Dewa Sangkara.
Pala bungkah dan pala gumantung...
Sebagai simbol vibrasi Dewa Wisnu.
Sebagai simbol vibrasi Dewa Sambu.
Sebagai simbol vibrasi Dewi Sri.
Kain putih...
Sebagai simbol vibrasi Dewa Iswara.
Sebagai simbol vibrasi Dewa Siwa.
Sebagai simbol vibrasi Dewa Sadhasiwa dan Paramasiwa.
Memasang penjor merupakan wujud rasa syukur dan rasa bakti kita serta ungkapan terima kasih atas kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan yang di berikan oleh Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa..atau Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
Luar biasa bukan...
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buzz-london · 5 months
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In the great void, appeared the primordial water.
From within the water, appeared a lotus.
Upon that lotus, appeared Brahma.
For an eon, Brahma wondered where was he?
Who was he?
Why was he here?
Was he alone?
What was the purpose of his being?.
After an eon of meditation, he decided to 'create' and populate the great void and its primordial waters with 'life'.
He tried various forms of 'life' but none seemed to last or be self-sustaining or perpetuate itself without his constant intervention.
Eventually, he created the dual opposites - Purusha and Prakruti.
Together, living in symbiosis, they populated and propagated life in the universe.
Ardha-Nari-Iswara is the divine form that combines the power of Purusha and Prakruti that acts in concert for the betterment of the universe.
On Yugadi, the first day the universe was created, I worshiped Ardha-Nari-Ishwara in memory of that act of divine creation.
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malamemoir · 8 months
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About Her.
—a lively soul born on May 28th, 2000, blending the blood of Javanese and Sundanese nobility. Despite her parents' regal background, they chose a life away from fancy titles, opting for a more down-to-earth existence. Which then crafted Dhiajeng, or more familiar to be called Mala, however, embraced her world with more of a modern twist.
While her educational background roots in Social and Politics, Mala found her groove in the glimmering world of film and broadcasting. The allure of the silver screen and the magnetic pull of storytelling pull her away from political pathways. Yet, her journey took an unexpected turn into Acting and Directing.
Beside her Greta Gerwig wannabe path, she’s also drown into the realm of music. An indie R&B singer, she became the Friday night muse in her friend's cafe, belting out soulful tunes that resonated with the hearts of those who listened. Her voice, a unique dreamy yet sweet and husky charm, echoed the beautiful clash of her varied passions.
(go back to the main page)
written by —ISWARA
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radracer · 2 years
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Proton Saga Iswara Aeroback
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krishna34 · 10 months
"Shreemad Iswara Geeta" offers readers a profound journey into the depths of spirituality, weaving together the teachings and insights from the sacred scripture. With profound devotion and scholarly expertise, Pantita Gourahari Das presents a comprehensive interpretation of the Iswara Geeta, guiding readers to explore the divine wisdom contained within its verses. This exceptional book transcends limitations of language and borders, as its teachings resonate with humanity at its core. The Iswara Geeta is a revered dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, recorded within the legendary epic Mahabharata. It offers profound insights into the nature of life, existence, duty, and spiritual realization.
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Through "Shreemad Iswara Geeta," Pantita Gourahari Das provides a scholarly and accessible commentary, unraveling the deep layers of philosophy, ethics, and spirituality embedded in the sacred verses. The author's profound understanding and contemplative exploration of the text allow readers to grasp the profound truths and philosophical inquiries presented in the Iswara Geeta delving into this enlightening work, readers embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, gaining insights into the eternal principles that govern life and the human condition. "Shreemad Iswara Geeta" serves as a guiding light, offering solace, wisdom, and guidance in navigating the complexities of existence.
Deeply rooted in the spiritual heritage of Odisha, this book reflects the author's reverence for the culture and wisdom that permeates its soil. Pantita Gourahari Das invites readers to embrace the teachings of the Iswara Geeta and integrate its profound truths into their daily lives, fostering spiritual growth and a deeper connection with the divine. Let us honor the profound work of Pantita Gourahari Das and explore the teachings and insights contained within "Shreemad Iswara Geeta." Together, let us celebrate this exceptional literary contribution by utilizing the following
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baliportalnews · 10 months
Pemkot Denpasar Gelar Sembahyang Bersama Hari Tumpek Wayang
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Pemkot Denpasar menggelar persembahyangan bersama serangkaian Hari Tumpek Wayang, Sabtu (25/11/2023) di Pura Agung Jagatnatha Denpasar. Persembahyangan bersama ini dihadiri langsung Wali Kota Denpasar, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara, Wakil Wali Kota Denpasar, I Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa, Ketua DPRD Kota Denpasar, I Gusti Ngurah Gede, Sekda Kota Denpasar, Ida Bagus Alit Wiradana, Forkopimda Denpasar, serta kepala OPD Pemkot Denpasar. Rangkaian upacara diawali dengan sesolahan Wayang Lemah, yang diiringi suara kekidungan. Upacara yang dipuput Ida Pedanda Gede Ketut Peling, Griya Puniawati Banjar Bengkel Denpasar, ini pun berlangsung khidmat. Wali Kota Denpasar, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara bersama Wakil Wali Kota Denpasar, I Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa mengatakan, peringatan Hari Tumpek Wayang  merupakan hari suci pemujaan kepada Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa dalam manifestasinya sebaga Dewa Iswara yang berfungsi untuk menerangi kegelapan, memberikan pencerahan ke hidupan di dunia serta mampu membangkitkan daya seni dan keindahan. Tumpek Wayang juga merupakan cerminan dimana dunia yang diliputi dengan kegelapan, manusia oleh kebodohan, keangkuhan, keangkara murkaan. Tumpek Wayang kata Jaya Negara juga bermakna sebagai "Hari Kesenian". Karenanya, secara ritual diupacarai (kelahiran) berbagai jenis kesenian seperti wayang, barong, rangda, topeng, dan segala jenis gamelan. "Aktivitas ritual tersebut sebagai bentuk rasa syukur terhadap Sang Hyang Taksu sering disimboliskan dengan upacara kesenian wayang kulit, karena mengandung berbagai unsur seni atau teater total. Dalam kesenian ini, semua eksistensi dan esensi kesenian sudah tercakup," ujarnya. Pihaknya menambahkan, melalui peringatan Hari Tumpek Wayang diharapkan mampu menyeimbangkan alam semesta beserta isinya. Serta mampu memberikan kakuatan agar manusia senantiasa mulatsarira dan introspeksi diri. "Nilai-nilai adiluhung pada peringatan Hari Tumpek Wayang dapat memberikan keberkahan bagi seluruh masyarakat dalam melaksanakan swadarmanya masing-masing," ujar Jaya Negara.(bpn) Read the full article
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ruffiancars · 2 years
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1985-2008 Proton Saga:
This Is actually my car! A 1994 Saga Iswara (MPI In the UK) 1.3 GL. The Saga was the first model produced by Proton In 1985 as the pride of Malaysian Industry. It was based on the 1983 Mitsubishi Fiore Lancer and proved to be a hit for the brand by the time of Its UK debut In 1989. It was released with a carbureted Mitsubishi 1.3 and 1.5 (4g13 and 15 respectivly) four cylinder engine. These proved to be a reliable power unit with the 1.3 making 77 hp and the 1.5 making 85 hp by time of their facelift In 1992 the facelift model (Known as the Iswara In Malaysia and the MPI In the UK) was released with a fresh design made for Proton by a British firm. The carburetors were replaced with a multipoint fuel Injection system (Hence MPI) and as mentioned before gave the engine a little boost In power. In the UK the Saga was discontinued In 1996 a few years after the more modern Persona hit the showroom but the Saga remained In this form until 2008 In Malaysia after another facelift In 2003, the Saga LMST. The Saga, Saga Iswara and LMST came In both Saloon and Hatchback form with the latter being branded 'Aeroback' The Proton Saga stands the test of time and while there are few left on UK roads their popularity In the home market as well as a resurgence here ensures spare parts are still obtainable to anyone wanting to try out this Interesting piece of Malaysian automotive history.
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liza123de · 10 months
Shreemad Iswara Geeta Odia Book
Open the gates to divine wisdom with "Shreemad Iswara Geeta" penned by the esteemed Odia author Pantita Gourahari Das. This profound masterpiece takes readers on a transformative voyage, unraveling the profound teachings of Lord Iswara.
In this literary gem, Das skillfully weaves together verses that explore the sacred scriptures, presenting a tapestry of spiritual insights and eternal truths. As readers immerse themselves in its pages, they are guided towards a deeper understanding of life, consciousness, and the path towards liberation.
"Shreemad Iswara Geeta" shines as a beacon of divine knowledge, bridging realms between the corporeal and the ethereal. It invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner illumination, touching the core of human existence.
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