#isn't super provocative but likeeee
the-dear-skull · 2 months
Civil War's world is confusing. New York is regularly getting bombed by IEDs but four star hotels are open. DC is a war zone but the successionists are California and Texas. Cars are being abandoned on the side of the road but wifi is somewhat a thing. The NYT doesn't exist but there's dozens of American journalists with jobs AND INTERNS.
I understand the world doesn't immediately end during civil wars but if they wanted to tell the story of Jan 6ers vs the they/them army, why not have it set in Oregon where there are a lot of far leftist and far rightists together? With that state being really the only one that's messed up. Are Texans flying drones across Appalachia? If we can have an iron dome over Israel I feel like we could keep DC stable, much less the CULTURAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.
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