#is bc i've learned to stretch to reach my back and legs and etc
hiraya-rawr · 1 year
random hc but I think Pyro users would have really dry skin + easily dehydrated
so it helps that their partner carries around a water bottle, often reminding them to stay hydrated
even cuter if you help apply lotion on their skin + cute skin care routines for dryness!
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effy-writes · 3 months
hi!! 💖 i absolutely love your writing! i wanted to ask if you could maybe write something about fizz helping his fem s/o to get more flexible/helping her with stretches? i've been trying to get my splits right for ages and. it's just not progressing 🥲 and i feel like he'd be quite knowledgeable about all that because of his circus training? thank you so much in advance, and no worries if you're not interested in writing it!! 💖
thank you! and i’m gonna do HC’s for this bc i have huge writers block rn but later on i can do a oneshot for this! thanks for requesting <3
(also these helped me how to be more flexible/do the splits but i SUCK at explaining them 😭)
Fizz Helping You Learn The Splits HC
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• After meeting Fizz you really wanted to learn how to get more flexible/learning how to do the splits.
• Once you asked him he was sooo happy that he could share his interests with you! It started with basic exercises. Like touching your toes, lunges, sitting on the ground and reaching for your feet etc.
• Sadly for you, you were not flexible what’s so ever so it was going to be a longgg process. But Fizz didn’t mind that!
• He did all of the exercises with you and gave you pointers. The first one was bend over and touch your toes. He could obviously placed both hands on the floor with ease. You would joke around with him and say “You have mechanical arms that you can stretch” “You do know I had arms before, right?”
• With the lunges he wanted you to go as low to the ground as possible without losing your balance. For example, your right leg would be in front of you bent and your left would be behind you straighten out, and the goal was your back leg to touch the ground without bending it. Then you repeat the process by doing these lunges across the room.
• Another exercise was sitting on the ground with your legs spread as far apart as you can (you two kept making sex jokes about this one). “Fizz this hurts so bad!” “You do the same position when we’re fucking!” “No I don’t!” After your legs was spread apart as far as they could go you had to lean over to one leg with your chest touching your leg.
• He also made you do walking kicks. As you walk you’re kicking your leg as high it would go. You thought you looked silly doing this but Fizz cheered you on.
• Finally, he would make you do these everyday (and he always does them with you). Eventually you saw the results! It was easier to touch your toes (both standing and sitting), and you could even touch the ground with your palms! Fizz was so proud of you that he bought you resistance bands to make things more difficult. (It’s a win/lose present). The lunges you could actually touch the ground with your back leg without wobbling/falling over. With the walking kicks your leg was almost parallel to your face.
• Now all you had to do was learn the splits. Fizz told you this was be easier because you’re already flexible, you just had to take it easy so you won’t hurt yourself. He did this with you as well. He made you kneel and slowly slide your most flexible leg out (for most people it’s the leg that goes with your dominant hand. So if you’re right handed then your most flexible leg is your right). Once your leg was fully extended you extended your back leg, and thus you did your first split in front of Fizz.
• You two cheered at the same time. “You fucking did it!” “I fucking did it!” He pulled you up by your hands and swung you around. “Took forever but I did it!”
• The next couple of days you could not stop doing the splits in front of him. You could even slide into a split!
• Next your personal goal was to do a side split, and it was pretty much the same process, except you had to loosen up your inner thigh muscles by doing that exercise where you sit on the ground and spread your legs as far as possible. Fizz even helped you on this one. He sat down behind of you and used his arms/hands to pull your legs slowly. Your muscles was kinda loose already, but him doing that helped loosen it up more.
• Once your legs was a perfect horizontal line he put his hands on your hips and gently roll your hips backwards to achieve the side split. And yet again, you learned another split.
•Since Fizz has mechanical arms and legs he doesn’t really need to stretch for flexibility everyday, but he still does these daily exercises with you.
• Your other goal was to do a back bend. Now with this Fizz does actually need to stretch for it. This one was actually pretty simple. Turn your back against a wall and bend your back, then use your hands to guide you to the ground.
•Once you achieved that he taught you how to do a back walk over (now since you’re so flexible it only took you about 2 days).
• You felt satisfied with yourself. Within two years you became flexible, do two types of splits, do a back walk over, but now Fizz wants to challenge you even more.
• “Ready to learn acrobatics?” “Absolutely not.”
“We could perform together.” He sing sang.
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