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hometheatersubwoofer · 1 year ago
IPX4 Vs IP55, IPX5, IPX7, IP67, IP44, IP24, IP78 | Ratings Comparison
IP (Ingress Protection) ratings are like a secret code that reveals how well a product can handle both solids and liquids. Let's crack the code and explore the differences between IPX4 and a whole array of IP ratings like IP55, IPX5, IPX7, IP67, IP44, IP24, and IP78.
If you're curious about what an IP rating actually means in terms of resistance to water and solids, or if you're torn between choosing IPX4 and IP55 for your next gadget, this post has got you covered. Dive into the details and make an informed decision! 🛡️💧
Read more: Understanding IP Ratings: How They Determine Resistance to Water and Solids?
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twojewnetrza · 2 years ago
Elegancja i nowoczesność w Twoim domu - Isla Kinkiet Złoty Duży IP44 3000K od firmy Shaf
Odważne i zarazem eleganckie oświetlenie - to właśnie Isla Kinkiet Złoty Duży z IP44 3000K oferuje. Kinkiet został zaprojektowany z misją, aby stworzyć oświetlenie, które będzie idealnie pasować do każdego wnętrza. Oświetlenie tego kinkietu wytwarzane jest przez firmę Shaf, specjalizującą się w produkcji mebli i oświetlenia. Shaf to rodzinna firma, która istnieje od ponad 20 lat i zajmuje się projektowaniem i produkcją materiałów wykończeniowych i mebli. Zespół inżynierów skupia się na tworzeniu wyjątkowych wzorów, jakości i najnowocześniejszych technologii. Starannie dobrane materiały, precyzyjne wykonanie oraz innowacyjne projekty to charakterystyczne cechy produktów Shaf. Isla Kinkiet Złoty Duży to wysokiej jakości kinkiet wykonany ze stali i szkła. Wykończony jest lśniącym lakierem dobrej jakości. Staranne i precyzyjne wykonanie pozwoli Ci cieszyć się pięknem tego kinkietu przez wiele lat. Kinkiet jest dostarczany wraz z wysokiej jakości żarówką LED IP44 3000K, która pozwoli Ci cieszyć się pięknym światłem. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje materiał, z którego został wykonany - szkło hartowane, które jest odporne na wysokie temperatury i uszkodzenia. To jeden z najbardziej niezawodnych materiałów stosowanych w meblach i oświetleniu. Jeśli szukasz czegoś, co pozwoli Ci uzyskać wyjątkowy wygląd swojego wnętrza, Isla Kinkiet Złoty Duży IP44 3000K jest idealnym wyborem. To uniwersalne oświetlenie, które będzie pasować do każdego stylu i wnętrza. To praktyczny i niezawodny kinkiet, który sprawi, że Twoje wnętrze będzie wyglądać pięknie i stylowo. Jeśli chodzi o firmę Shaf, od wielu lat specjalizuje się w produkcji mebli i oświetlenia. Shaf to rodzinna firma, która powstała w latach 90-tych. Oprócz tworzenia najwyższej jakości produktów, Shaf zapewnia swoim klientom również wsparcie w postaci profesjonalnych usług projektowych i konsultingowych. Firma wykorzystuje najnowszą technologię do tworzenia nowych produktów i innowacji, dzięki czemu jej produkty są niezawodne, trwałe i pięknie wykonane. Dzięki wieloletniemu doświadczeniu, firma Shaf jest liderem wśród producentów mebli i oświetlenia. Wszystkie produkty Shaf są objęte aż 5-letnią gwarancją, co dowodzi, że firma jest świadoma swojej wysokiej jakości. Jeśli szukasz wyjątkowych mebli i oświetlenia, które pozwolą Ci uzyskać unikalny wygląd Twojego wnętrza, Isla Kinkiet Złoty Duży IP44 3000K jest idealną propozycją. Ten elegancki i nowoczesny kinkiet wykonany ze stali i szkła hartowanego będzie świetnie prezentował się w Twoim domu. Dzięki wysokiej jakości materiałom i starannemu wykonaniu, będziesz cieszyć się swoim nowym kinkietem przez lata. Po prostu spróbuj i przekonaj się sam!
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dekoratornia · 2 years ago
Dlaczego warto wybrać lampę Ibros wiszącą białą średnią 18W 4000K IP44?
Meble i oświetlenie to bardzo ważny element wystroju każdego domu. Odpowiednie połączenie wzorów, kolorów i faktur może sprawić, że dom będzie wyglądał stylowo i elegancko. Jednym z elementów, który może być kluczowy w projektowaniu jest oświetlenie. Wybór odpowiednich lamp może być trudnym zadaniem, dlatego postanowiliśmy dziś przedstawić Państwu lampę Ibros wiszącą białą średnią 18W 4000K IP44. Ta lampa jest produktem od firmy Ibros Design, specjalizującej się w oświetleniu LED. Firma ta jest liderem w innowacyjnym designie i nowatorskich technologiach, służących do tworzenia stylowych i zaawansowanych lamp i opraw oświetleniowych. Produkty oferowane przez Ibros Design są wykonane z materiałów wysokiej jakości, a ich design i jakość sprawiają, że pasują one do wnętrz o różnorodnych stylach. Lampa Ibros wisząca biała średnia 18W 4000K IP44 to średniej wielkości lampka w kształcie prostokąta. Posiada ona jedno źródło światła o neutralnej barwie i jest idealna do mniejszych pokoi oraz jako oświetlenie sufitowe nad stołem jadalnianym. Jest ona regulowana w zależności od potrzeb i dzięki temu może być doskonałym rozwiązaniem do sal biurowych oraz innych pomieszczeń komercyjnych. Kolor, który prezentuje ta lampa, jest biały i dlatego powinna ona idealnie pasować pod wystrój w Państwa domu. Jeśli chcecie Państwo stworzyć piękne i funkcjonalne oświetlenie, lampa Ibros wisząca biała średnia 18W 4000K IP44 jest idealnym rozwiązaniem. Prosty i klasyczny design, jakość wykonania oraz zastosowanie nowatorskich technologii, sprawiają, że jest to produkt wyjątkowy i piękny. Zachęcamy do zainteresowania się innymi produktami z serii Ibros, by tworzyć z nich niezwykłe kompozycje oświetleniowe.
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mebleioswietlenie · 2 years ago
Kinkiet Tara 300 - doskonałe oświetlenie do Twojego wnętrza
Kąt świecenia: 50° Każdy wie, jak ważnym elementem wystroju wnętrza jest odpowiednie oświetlenie. To ono dodaje przestrzeni charakteru, podkreśla atmosferę, a także wpływa na nasze samopoczucie. Dlatego właśnie jeśli planujesz nową aranżację wnętrz, powinieneś skupić się na kwestii oświetlenia. Produkty oferowane przez firmę TARA 300 idealnie dopasują się do Twoich potrzeb. Tara 300 to minimalistyczny kinkiet z oświetleniem bezpośrednim wykorzystującym technologię LED. W skład zestawu wchodzi aluminiowy korpus z możliwością wykończenia go w czterech wariantach kolorystycznych. Model posiada także klasę szczelności IP44, dzięki której można go stosować jako oświetlenie wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne. Tara 300 jest wyposażona w LED o mocy 7W i strumieniu świetlnym 550lm. Oprócz tego, posiada ona wysoki wskaźnik oddawania barw CRI 90.0, wagę 0,8kg oraz trzy różne temperatury świecenia do wyboru (27, 30, 40). Kąt świecenia to 50⁰. Zapewni to idealne oświetlenie każdego pomieszczenia. Firma TARA 300 to rodzinna marka produkująca meble i oświetlenie z wieloletnim doświadczeniem. Przy tworzeniu produktów kładzie duży nacisk na użycie wysokiej jakości materiałów i dbałość o detale. Proces powstawania mebli i oświetlenia odbywa się w Polsce, a efektem finalnym jest produkt trwały i niezwykle funkcjonalny. Dzięki temu produkty TARA 300 cieszą się zaufaniem wśród wielu Klientów i są doceniane na rynku. Oferta firmy skierowana jest do osób szukających pięknych mebli i oświetlenia, które dzięki swojej estetyce i funkcjonalności będą służyć długie lata. Kinkiet Tara 300 idealnie wpasuje się w aranżację każdego wnętrza i sprawi, że będzie ono wyglądało niezwykle stylowo i elegancko. Model ten sprawdzi się zarówno w sypialni, jak i w salonie lub łazience. Pozwoli Ci stworzyć ciepłą i przytulną atmosferę, a jego minimalistyczny design podkreśli charakter całej aranżacji. Dodatkowo, kinkiet Tara 300 dzięki klasie szczelności IP44 może być stosowany zarówno wewnątrz, jak i na zewnątrz budynku. Jeśli poszukujesz trwałego, funkcjonalnego i eleganckiego oświetlenia, Tara 300 idealnie spełni Twoje oczekiwania. Produkty firmy TARA 300 są świetnie wykonane i sprawdzą się w każdym domu. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z ofertą firmy i wybrania odpowiedniego produktu, który spełni Twoje oczekiwania.
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meble-online · 2 years ago
Tytuł: Optymalne oświetlenie sufitowe - plafon IP44 marki Montana
Optymalnym rozwiązaniem, jeżeli chodzi o oświetlenie sufitowe jest plafon IP44 marki Montana. Ten plafon wyróżnia się swoją wytrzymałością oraz wyglądem, który sprawdzi się w wielu nowoczesnych wnętrzach. Montana gwarantuje bezpieczeństwo podczas użytkowania tego oświetlenia, dlatego jest ono bardzo często wybierane do użytku domowego. Jeżeli chcemy stworzyć wyjątkową atmosferę w naszym domu to warto zdecydować się na zakup plafonu IP44 od marki Montana. Jest to produkt, który pozwoli nam na stworzenie niepowtarzalnego oświetlenia, które będzie pasować do każdego wnętrza. Oświetlenie to jest wytrzymałe i zostało zaprojektowane zgodnie z najnowocześniejszymi trendami. Jego producent, firma Montana, wywodzi się niemieckiego przemysłu meblarskiego. Firma ta istnieje od ponad 30 lat i w tym czasie stała się jednym z najbardziej cenionych producentów mebli i oświetlenia. Montana specjalizuje się w produkcji mebli, które są eleganckie i trwałe. Firma jest znana z tworzenia szerokiego wyboru wyjątkowych produktów, dzięki czemu każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Wszystkie produkty od Montana charakteryzują się dobrym designem, trwałością i bezpieczeństwem. Plafon IP44 marki Montana świetnie sprawdzi się w salonie, sypialni lub kuchni. Jego wytrzymała warstwa zabezpieczająca sprawia, że jest on odporny na uszkodzenia i czynniki zewnętrzne. Ponadto jego wygląd wspaniale wkomponuje się w wiele nowoczesnych i tradycyjnych wnętrz. Montana zapewnia, że wszystkie produkty są wykonane z najwyższej jakości materiałów i zgodne z europejskimi standardami bezpieczeństwa. Jeśli szukasz produktu, który łączy w sobie wygląd z wytrzymałością to plafon IP44 marki Montana jest właśnie tym czego szukasz. Ten plafon jest wytrzymały i odporny na uszkodzenia mechaniczne, a jego designerski wygląd wspaniale wkomponuje się w wiele wnętrz. Dzięki produktom marki Montana możesz stworzyć swoje własne, piękne i trwałe oświetlenie, które będzie Ci towarzyszyć przez bardzo długi czas. Producent zapewnia, że wszystkie produkty są wykonane zgodnie z europejskimi standardami bezpieczeństwa i z wysokiej jakości materiałów. Jeśli marzysz o pięknym i trwałym oświetleniu sufitowym, to plafon IP44 marki Montana będzie świetnym wyborem. Montana to jeden z wiodących producentów mebli i oświetlenia, który działa na rynku od ponad 30 lat. Firma ta specjalizuje się w produkcji mebli o eleganckim i praktycznym designie. Przez swoją długoletnią obecność na rynku, firma Montana stała się jednym z najlepiej cenionych producentów mebli i oświetlenia. Firma ta gwarantuje, że wszystkie produkty spełniają wysokie standardy jakości i bezpieczeństwa. Dzięki produktom marki Montana możesz stworzyć swoje niepowtarzalne oświetlenie, które będzie pasować do każdego wnętrza.
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atozproduct · 2 months ago
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Dazzle Bright Smart Christmas String Lights, 66FT 200 LED WiFi RGB Color Changing String Lights with Remote & App Controlled, Christmas Decorations for Indoor Outdoor Holiday Xmas Tree Party Decor
Order Link: https://amzn.to/3D7PVxe
About this item
16 Million Colors & Multiple Scenes: Transform your holiday decorations with smart Christmas lights that offer an incredible 16 million colors and various modes. The length of the lights is 66 FT,the lead wire is 13.1 FT, total length is 79 FT, and the bulb spacing is 3.9 inches. Perfect for enhancing the atmosphere during Christmas, Halloween, 4 of July, Easter, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving, New Year, weddings, and birthdays.
Voice Control: Effortlessly manage your smart lights using simple voice commands through the APP. Simple voice commands allow you to turn lights on or off, dim or brighten them, and change colors—all without lifting a finger.
Music Sync Functionality: Experience dynamic audio synchronization with the built-in high-sensitivity microphone. Enhance your events with music synchronization, where the RGB Christmas lights flicker and sway in rhythm with your favorite songs, crafting an engaging audio-visual experience
Dual Control Modes: 1. When using the Bluetooth app, you can enjoy features like group control, DIY customization, scene settings, music synchronization, microphone mode, timers, display collections, and looping playback. 2. With the 44-Key remote, you can easily adjust brightness, speed, set timers, and switch lighting modes effortlessly. Multiple Christmas light strings can be added to the same group for integrated control; however, the strings light cannot be connected end to end.
Durable & Safe Design: With UL certification for safety, low-voltage power, and IP44 water resistance, these lights are ideal for both indoor and outdoor settings, even on rainy days. (Note: Protect the power adapter and electric transformer from water when used outdoors.) Ideal for decorating homes, parties, bedrooms, windows, patios, gardens, Christmas trees, bars, and music festivals.
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siplatform · 1 year ago
Twinkle Star 360 LED Icicle Lights Review: Are They Worth It?
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 Are you searching for eye-catching outdoor Christmas lights to brighten up your home this holiday season? We've recently tried out the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights, and we're excited to share our thoughts with you.
This set of lights features 360 warm white LEDs with 60 drops, measuring 29.5ft in length with an additional 16.5ft extension cord. These outdoor curtain lights are UL588 certified for safe use and have a low output of 30V through a plug-in transformer.
One of the standout features of these lights is the ease of use. Simply hang them on the eaves, handrail, or anywhere you desire, and plug them in for power on and off. The set comes with a controller featuring eight lighting functions to fit any occasion, including Combination, In waves, Sequential, Slow Glow, Chasing/Flash, Slow fade, Twinkle/Flash, and Steady on.
These lights are also connectable, with each set featuring an end-to-end plug that can connect up to three sets together, allowing you to customize your lighting area with the desired length.
Bottom Line
Overall, we highly recommend the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights for your outdoor holiday decor. With their warm white LEDs, eight lighting functions, and connectable design, they are sure to brighten up any space and add a festive touch to your home.
Don't wait any longer to elevate your holiday decor! Click here to purchase the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights today!
Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights Overview
We recently had the opportunity to test out the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights, and we were impressed with their performance. With 360 warm white ice cycle lights and 60 drops, these outdoor curtain lights measure 29.5ft in length with an additional 16.5ft extension cord. The lights are easy to hang on the eaves, top of hall, handrail, or anywhere you want. Simply plug them in and unplug them for power on and off using a US standard outlet with a voltage of 110V.
The lights come with eight different lighting functions to fit different occasions, moods, feelings, holidays, festivals, anniversaries, etc. These include Combination, In waves, Sequential, Slow Glow, Chasing/Flash, Slow fade, Twinkle/Flash, and Steady on. Adjusting the lighting modes is easy, just press the round button on the transformer.
These lights are connectable, and each set comes with an end-to-end plug, allowing you to connect up to three sets together, extending the lighting range to your desired length.
Overall, these lights are perfect for both indoor and outdoor decorations, including Christmas, parties, Valentine's Day, weddings, home, window, bathroom, festival, holiday, shows, restaurants, hotels, commercial buildings, shopping centers, and more. They are waterproof (IP44) and certificated for safe use of UL588 whole lights.
LED Christmas Icicle Lights
We recently tried out the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights and were impressed with their quality and performance. These outdoor curtain lights come with 60 drops and are 29.5ft long, with an additional 16.5ft extension cord. They are easy to use and can be hung on eaves, handrails, or anywhere else you want to decorate.
One of the best features of these icicle lights is their 8 different lighting modes, which can be adjusted by pressing the round button on the transformer. These modes include Combination, In waves, Sequential, Slow Glow, Chasing/Flash, Slow fade, Twinkle/Flash, and Steady on. We found that these modes allowed us to customize the lighting to fit different occasions and moods.
Another great thing about these lights is that they are connectable. Each set comes with an end-to-end plug, which allows you to connect up to 3 sets together and customize your lighting area with the desired length. They are also waterproof (IP44), making them perfect for both indoor and outdoor decorations.
Overall, we highly recommend the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights for anyone looking for high-quality and customizable outdoor decorations.
Easy to Use
We found the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights to be incredibly easy to use. The lights are simple to hang on the eaves, top of hall, handrail, or anywhere you want. You can directly plug in and unplug it for power on and off from a US standard outlet with a voltage of 110V. The lights come with a controller that allows you to adjust the lighting modes by pressing the round button on the transformer.
We were pleased to find that the lights come with end-to-end plugs, which means that you can connect up to 3 sets together, allowing you to customize your need for larger range lighting and festival decorations. It is important to note that you should not cut the nylon cable ties as they are used to fix the lights line.
Overall, we found the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights to be a breeze to set up and use. Whether you are looking to decorate for Christmas, party, Valentine's Day, wedding, home, window, bathroom, festival, Holiday, shows, restaurant, hotel, commercial building, shopping center, these lights are perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.
8 Mode Functions
We were impressed with the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights' 8 different mode functions. With a simple press of a button on the remote control, we were able to switch between modes such as steady on, slow fade, and twinkle. The different modes added a fun and dynamic touch to our holiday decorations. We particularly enjoyed the "chasing" mode, which created a wave-like effect that looked great on our outdoor trees. The modes were easy to cycle through and we appreciated the variety of options available. Overall, the 8 mode functions added a lot of versatility to the Twinkle Star lights, allowing us to customize our display to our liking.
Connectable Feature
We were impressed with the Twinkle Star LED Christmas Icicle Lights' connectable feature. Each set comes with an end-to-end plug, which allows you to connect up to three sets together and customize your lighting area with the desired length. This feature is perfect for larger range lighting and festival decorations.
Additionally, the lights are easy to use. You can hang them on the eaves, top of hall, handrail, or anywhere you want. Directly plug in and unplug it for power on and off US standard outlet, voltage 110V. However, it is important to note that you should not cut the nylon cable ties as they are used to fix the lights line.
With 8 lighting functions to fit different occasions, moods, feelings, holidays, festivals, anniversaries, etc., the Twinkle Star LED Christmas Icicle
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infobuildmyplace · 1 year ago
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Anti-Fog Rectangular LED Light Bathroom Vanity Mirror, IP44 ,Magnum Style, CCT Changeable With Remembrance, Makeup Vanity Mirror
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ourpendelleuchte · 2 years ago
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The Brokis Dome Nomad Small PC1265 is a wireless table lamp with a rechargeable battery. Here it is offered with a smoke grey glass. With the IP44 protection rating, this lamp is protected against splashing water.                            
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congtudongtoancau · 1 year ago
Lắp đặt Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg
Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg là một sản phẩm cao cấp của thương hiệu YH, được sản xuất tại Đài Loan. Motor này có khả năng vận hành cổng trượt có trọng lượng lên đến 1500kg, phù hợp với nhiều loại cổng trượt dân dụng và công nghiệp.
Thông số kỹ thuật Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg.
Tải trọng 1500Kg/ cánh
Nguồn điện: 230Vac (50-60Hz)
Công xuất : 750W
Lực đẩy: 350N – 3000N
Dòng điện: 1.2A – 1.5A
Điện áp motor sử dụng 230VAC
Nhiệt độ hoạt động: -20°C ~ +50°C
Tốc độ mở: 1400v/ phút
Tiêu chuẩn bảo vệ: IP44
Thiết bị bao gồm:
1 bộ bo mạch điều khiển cổng.
1 bộ motor điện, 1 tụ khởi động.
1 bộ thu on boar điều khiển
2 kênh tần số 433,92MHz.1
2 bộ nhả khóa ly hợp bằng tay khi mất điện.
1 Hộp bảo vệ và hệ thống điều khiển ly hợp làm bằng thép không gỉ, sơn tĩnh điện
Sản xuất China – Công nghệ Đài Loan.
Bảo hành 18 tháng.
Lắp đặt Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg
Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg phù hợp với tải cửa và kích thước nào ?
Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg có tải trọng tối đa lên đến 1500kg. Tùy thuộc vào kích thước của cánh cổng, bạn có thể sử dụng motor này cho các cánh cổng có chiều rộng lên đến 5m đến 14m và chiều cao lên đến 2m và tùy vào kết cấu vật liệu và đường kính bánh xe.
Dưới đây là một số ví dụ về loại cửa phù hợp với motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg:
Cổng trượt nhà phố
Cổng trượt biệt thự
Cổng trượt nhà xưởng
Cổng trượt công ty
Cổng trượt khu đô thị
Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg là một sản phẩm chất lượng cao, có khả năng vận hành cổng trượt một cách êm ái và bền bỉ. Sản phẩm này được bảo hành chính hãng 12 tháng, giúp khách hàng yên tâm sử dụng trong thời gian dài.
Kích thước Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg
Hướng dẫn cách lắp Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg
Báo giá Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg và phí lắp đặt.
Giá Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg dao động từ 7.500.000đ đến 9.500.000đ, tùy thuộc vào thương hiệu, công suất và tính năng của motor.
Phí lắp đặt Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg dao động từ 1.500.000đ đến 2.500.000đ, tùy thuộc vào địa điểm lắp đặt và độ phức tạp của công trình.
Dưới đây là bảng báo giá Motor cổng trượt YH 1500kg và phí lắp đặt của một số thương hiệu nổi tiếng:
Thương hiệu
Giá Motor (VNĐ)
Phí lắp đặt (VNĐ)
YH 800 KG
1.500.000 - 2.000.000
YH 1000 KG
1.500.000 - 2.000.000
YH 1200 KG
1.500.000 - 2.000.000
YH 1500 KG
1.500.000 - 2.000.000
180.000 / M
Bảng giá phụ kiện motor cổng lùa
Phụ kiện
Giá ( vnđ )
Module Wifi
800.000 - 1.500.000 đồng
Ray dẫn hướng
150.000 - 350.000
Bi treo
500.000 - 1.000.000 đồng
Cánh tay đòn
500.000 - 1.000.000 đồng
Nút nhấn
200.000 - 500.000 đồng
Remote điều khiển
500.000 - 1.000.000 đồng
Bộ lưu điện
2.000.000 - 5.000.000 đồng
Cặp cảm biến an toàn
1.000.000 - 2.000.000 đồng
Đèn báo tín hiệu
500.000 - 1.000.000 đồng
Hướng dẫn cách lắp đặt motor cổng lùa YH 1500KG
Motor cổng lùa YH 1500kg là một sản phẩm chất lượng cao, có thể đáp ứng nhu cầu sử dụng của nhiều hộ gia đình và doanh nghiệp. Tuy nhiên, để sử dụng hiệu quả, bạn cần biết cách lắp đặt đúng cách. Dưới đây là hướng dẫn cách lắp đặt motor cổng lùa YH 1500kg:
Chuẩn bị dụng cụ
Motor cổng lùa YH 1500kg
Đường ray dẫn hướng
Bộ điều khiển
Bộ tay điều khiển
Khóa điện
Dụng cụ khoan, bắt vít
Lắp đặt motor cổng lùa
Đặt motor cổng lùa vào vị trí cần lắp đặt.
Sử dụng dụng cụ khoan để khoan lỗ trên tường để lắp đặt motor.
Sử dụng dụng cụ bắt vít để cố định motor vào tường.
Kết nối motor với đường ray dẫn hướng.
Kết nối motor với bộ điều khiển.
Kết nối bộ điều khiển với bộ tay điều khiển.
Kết nối bộ điều khiển với khóa điện.
Thử nghiệm motor cổng lùa
Sau khi lắp đặt xong, bạn cần thử nghiệm motor cổng lùa để đảm bảo rằng nó hoạt động bình thường.
Để thử nghiệm, bạn có thể sử dụng bộ tay điều khiển để điều khiển motor đóng/mở cổng.
Nếu motor hoạt động bình thường, bạn có thể sử dụng nó để vận hành cổng lùa.
Bảo dưỡng motor cổng lùa
Để motor cổng lùa hoạt động lâu bền, bạn cần bảo dưỡng nó định kỳ.
Bảo dưỡng motor cổng lùa bao gồm việc vệ sinh motor, tra dầu mỡ cho motor và kiểm tra các khớp nối.
Bạn nên bảo dưỡng motor cổng lùa ít nhất 6 tháng một lần.
Với những hướng dẫn trên, bạn có thể dễ dàng lắp đặt motor cổng lùa YH 1500kg và sử dụng nó để vận hành cổng lùa của mình.
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greenhsetechnologies · 16 days ago
40W High Lumen Batten Fitting By Greenhse Technologies
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Illuminate your space with the 40W (1.2m) High Lumen Batten Fitting high-performance, designed for energy efficiency and superior brightness. This durable lighting solution offers consistent 5200K cool white light, perfect for industrial and commercial applications. Also, it comes with a 4 Year Warranty and a 50 000hr Lifespan. Order today from the LED Lighting Store in Perth Greenhse Technologies.
Features of 40W Batten Fitting:
Non Dimmable
Beam angle 120º
Low heat output
Weather rating IP44
Power consumption 40Watt
Certification - SAA, CE, RoHS, RCM
Click here to buy: https://greenhse.com/t40-hl-52k.html
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napoli-city · 20 days ago
Aourow Adattatore LED per Illuminazione da Giardino,Alimentatore LED IP44 per Fa...
Price: (as of – Details) Alimentatore LED IP44 per Faretti da Giardino 12V DC e Cavo refrattario per Luci Esterne da 2,5 M 1 Confezione Uso versatile:l’adattatore per luci da giardino Aourow(ASIN:B087D4YRV3)Tensione di ingresso:100-240 V CA,tensione di uscita:12V CC,2A.Piccolo e compatto:7,5cm * 4cm * 7,1cmrefrattario:IP44Il cavo �� collegato tra l’adattatore e la prima lampada, non un cavo di…
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View On WordPress
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bathroomled · 1 month ago
■ CLII-IP44-50LED 5054SMD-750LM- 8W-230V-50HZ
■ Material: Aluminum
■ Lamp Color: Chrome/Satin
■ LED Color:3100K/4100K/6400K
■ Package Information: 500 x 325 x 330mm/20PCS
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bestshopping2025 · 1 month ago
🎄 Light Up Your World with JMEXSUSS Christmas String Lights! ✨
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Rework your home into a holiday wonderland with the jmexsuss christmas string lights! Whether you are decorating for the vacations, a wedding, or any unique event, these heat white string lights are the ideal contact to raise your space and create a fascinating environment.
🎁 Shop Now on Amazon! Why you may love jmexsuss christmas lights 🌟 2 hundred twinkling led lighting fixtures: offering sixty six ft of tender, warm white glow, those lighting fixtures are ideal for wrapping your christmas tree, decorating your lawn, or adding attraction in your indoor spaces. 🌟 8 lovely modes: pick out from 8 lights results—which include regular, twinkle, and sluggish fade—to suit the temper of any occasion. 🌟 Water resistant and sturdy: designed for both indoor and out of doors use, those lights are ip44 waterproof, making sure they shine bright through rain or snow. 🌟 Secure and authorized: with ul-accepted protection standards, those lighting fixtures live cool to the touch, making them ideal for houses with kids or pets. 🌟 Green and power-saving: keep to your strength invoice at the same time as playing a surprising display with strength-green led technology.
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Where Can You Use Them?
💫 Holiday Decor: Wrap them around your Christmas tree, staircases, or windows for a magical glow. 💫 Wedding and Party Lighting: Add elegance to special events with sparkling ambiance. 💫 Outdoor Spaces: Perfect for gardens, patios, balconies, or even as outdoor string lights for cozy evenings.
Brighten Your Life Today!
✨ Ready to create unforgettable memories this holiday season? Add a touch of warmth and magic with the JMEXSUSS Christmas String Lights. They’re perfect for every occasion and make a great gift for loved ones too!
🎁 Shop Now on Amazon!
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jsms2llrr · 1 month ago
LED Driver Modules,   Programmable led driver, LED Lighting Components
100 - 277Vac, 95W, 1000 - 2750mA, 27-54V, [0-10V], IP44 LED Driver
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atplblog · 2 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description One94Store Premium 5050 LED RGB Strip with 16 Multicolor Options, comes with an included 2A adapter and is IP65 waterproof. RGB Strip Light Kit Waterproof and High Brightness The "5050" in the name refers to the size of the LED chips used in the strip light, These LED chips are known for their brightness and color saturation, The strip light comes with a remote control, which allows you to conveniently adjust its settings from a distance. With the remote, you can change the color of the lights, adjust their brightness, and choose from different lighting modes, strip lights also offer additional features like color changing patterns and dimming options.Installation of the strip light is typically straightforward. It comes with an adhesive backing that allows you to easily attach it to various surfaces such as walls, ceilings, The flexibility you can bend into around corners Specification Product : 5050 LED Strip Light IP Rating: IP44 rating (LED strip is protected against dust and water) Control: Led Strip is control by Remote Power Source: USB Adapter Input : 12(DC) One94Store LED 5050 RGB Strip Light Application Energy-Efficient LED High lumen LED strips emit abundant light output per unit length, effectively brightening up spaces with energy efficiency, they minimize electricity consumption compared to traditional lighting, reducing bills and environmental impact IP44 waterproof The IP64 Waterproof LED Strip is a versatile lighting solution for indoor and outdoor use. With an IP44 rating, it's protected against dust and water splashes, ideal for moist and humid environments. LED control with remote 5050 Led Strip light is, enabling remote control, Users can adjust color, brightness, and choose from various effects, Music sync reacts to music beats, Set timers for on/off, color change, or color effects One94Store Smart LED Strip
Lights comes with 24 Key IR Remote gives a new form of Lighting Experience 5050 LED RGB Strip Installation Wash the back, wipe it clean and dry it Tear off one side of the double-sided tape Put the Light Where you are Connect USB Socket to connect Tv Multicolor led light kit with remote control come with various mode of light The led lights offers adjustable brightness and multiple colors , light and choose your favorite color, the light and set a favorite color by remote controller without leaving your bed, Let you totally immerse yourself in the warm, cozy ambience One94Store long led lights for bedroom, suitable for decorating your Bedroom, room, parties Q&A for LED 5050 RGB LED Strip, comes with an included 2A adapter and is IP65 waterproof. Q: What is an SMD 5050 LED Strip Light? A: SMD 5050 LED strip lights are a type of flexible LED lighting strip that uses SMD 5050 (Surface Mounted Device) LEDs. Each LED is 5mm x 5mm, thus the term '5050'. These LEDs are typically brighter than other types, such as the SMD 3528 LEDs. Q: What's included in the package? A: Typically, the package will include the SMD 5050 LED strip light, a power adapter, a remote control, and sometimes connectors for joining or extending strips. It's always a good idea to check the product details to make sure what's included. Q: How do you install these LED strip lights? A: Installation is usually quite simple. Clean and dry the surface where you want to apply the strip, peel off the adhesive backing, and stick the strip in place. Connect it to the power adapter and use the remote to control the light. Q: Can I cut or
extend these LED strip lights? A: Yes, usually you can cut these strip lights at specific points marked along the strip (usually every 3 LEDs). To extend them, you may need specific connectors or joiners compatible with your strip light model. Q: Are these LED strip lights waterproof? A: This can vary from model to model. Some SMD 5050 LED strip lights are waterproof, making them suitable for outdoor use or in wet locations. However, others may only be water-resistant or not water-resistant at all. Check the product details before purchasing. Q: Can I control the strip light with the remote? A: Yes, usually the remote can be used to control the color, brightness, and sometimes even the mode or pattern of the light. Q: Can the colors be customized? A: Yes, most SMD 5050 LED strip lights support multiple colors that can be selected via the remote control. Some may even support color mixing or have preset color modes. Package Contain: 1 Pcs Smart Strip Light, 3 Meter, Bluetooth, Remote Control (RGB Light) 【Multi-Control】: RGB led strip lights to support APP control, set lights to daylight white, soothing green, dancing rainbow, or any mode you like. 【Music Sync】: Built-in high-sensitivity microphone, the color of the LED lights changes with the rhythm of the music, creating a romantic, relaxing, magical, and interesting atmosphere for your party, especially suitable for Christmas, Halloween, and other holiday activities. 【DIY Decoration】: Flexible strip light allows you to bend or shape freely. Follow your own creativity and imagination to add a different luster to your bedroom, kitchen, and living room. You can also install LED light strips on the bar and party place according to your needs. 【Easy Installation】: Its self-adhesive tape can firmly adhere to any dry and smooth surface [ad_2]
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