#inz rambles
inz-lokisdottir · 2 years
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The thing is- I wrote the whole thing out for the dragon knights and it’s around over a screen and a half long. …but I don’t like how I wrote it, I’m gonna spend the next few days rewriting it between school work and stuff-
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"he might have been an innocent victim of carlos sainz" its always sainz at the scene of the crime
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danviers · 3 years
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@inze​​ asked:   it feels like you don’t believe in me.
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" Kara believes in you, "  Alex redressed, without missing a misgiving beat, without forsaking so much as a second of the heavy gaze that Astra cast in her direction, swallowed in the fluorescence of her lab’s overhead light.
If nothing else was quite so simple, that much was true.  Because deep down, under the conflict and politics and extremism that had driven all sides of Kara’s house reeling in opposing directions, Astra was still family, in defiance of the ills she’d committed;  Someone who’d ostensibly doted on Kara with the love of a parent, even before Krypton and everything she’d ever known had practically evaporated in the turbulent wake of her retreating escape pod.  Someone who’d proclaimed that everything she’d done, down to the devastating minutiae of her original plans to enslave entire worlds, had been rooted in good;  That everything she’d meant to inflict on the innocent masses, before her eleventh-hour change of heart, had been for Kara.
But they weren’t the same.  Not even close.
Despite the fact that Alex knew, in her heart, that the lengths she’d invariably go to to keep her little sister safe existed beyond the straight-and-narrow moral white she traversed in her efforts at the DEO, in her endeavours to protect both aliens and humans alike, she wasn’t so sure she could reconcile her own sacrifices with the thought.  Not even if Kara ( faithful, compassionate Kara ) still had every hope that Astra was the farthest thing from a lost cause.  Not even if she, somewhere along the degenerating line, had begun to waver uneasily and uncertainly between wanting to lock Astra away and throw away the key and feeling the impulse to listen.
" She wants to believe that there is something in you worth saving.  Something that is worth fighting for.  And I have never questioned my sister’s judgment. "
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theflyingkipper · 2 years
You good sir will not get rid of my rambles now
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The only ever built pm36 class locos. The other one without streamlining is pm36-2 "Beautiful Helena". The only remaining pm36.
They were both ordered in 1936 for the Polish State Railways (PKP)
Designed by inz. Kazimierz Zembrzuski and built by the Fablok Factory of Locomotives and the Warsaw University of Technology in 1937 (Pm36-1 won the gold medal the same year)
They both served PKP until the Third Reich attacked. Since then both of the locomotives served the german railways, and then the soviets. Somwhere during the time of the soviet invasion Pm36-1 was lost and people only speculated on what happened to her. Tho the most popular theory states that the german railways stripped off the streamlining and she served the railway until being scrapped in the 50's. Pm36-2 however still served PKP and in 1965 was given to the Warsaw Railway Museum. In 1995 she went through a major overhaul and was put back in steam in Wolsztyn as a tourist attraction. However since 2012 she's been awaiting repairs and another overhaul
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Hela in the 2010's
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tuber-tastic · 3 years
I wish to ramble briefly on obscure Lovecraft sources for Bloodborne oh so briefly.
I am a native of Providence, so Lovecraft stuff comes to me with little prompting.  I was made aware of a short story that holds many facets we would recognize in Bloodborne: The Shunned House.
Werewolves? Check
Blood consumption? Check
Desire for and death of children? Check
Aliens (those from beyond)? Check
The root cause of all the malicious goings on seems to manifest in the form of “phosphorescent” fungi, something we can see covering the Inz Chalice dungeon
My sister made mention of a werewolf with a bug’s head being associated with the house and perhaps this story, but I cannot seem to find it.
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marsdina-blog · 7 years
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I created this blog a month ago as a bit of a side project to play around with and never did I think it would have gotten this much attention or this many followers so quickly. I really love playing Olivia and I love that you love her too. this isn’t anything special just something to point out those who I consider friends and really appreciate. I’ve probably forgotten people. please ignore the terrible graphic
The first person to make me feel really comfortable playing Olivia. The first person to send me a meme here and someone I can just ditch shit on all the time. She listen to my rambling on and on about Olivia and invented being nice. 
My girl! Always positive and super cool when I reply once on my moira blog and then piss off over here. 
We only just started talking but they seem so cool and sent me memes when i was bored. We’ve been talking on discord and I’m so glad I worked up the courage to talk to them.
Lets me talk to her about Olivia being Lena’s mother and let me drown her in a few screencaps and is a really nice person
Gave Olivia an amazing best friend and is fantastic and like everyone on this list is super kind and amazing
didn’t get shitty at me when I straight up asked who the fuck she was on discord because I forgot. Also puts up with me not knowing wtf I’m doing and writes an amazing kara and is just a great person
So damn nice and started the need for ss!alex
We have only rp’d together a few times but they are so nice and I really really love reading their threads
I could write about so many more people who are amazing and I high key consider them a friend but that would get long af so I’m going tag them instead.
@inze @heroheart @herhcart @badassxmuses @theoreticalguardianangel @offershope @girlcftomorrow @e1mayarah
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nationalcityy-a · 8 years
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I haven’t did one of these in a really long time, and the last time I did, I bailed on writing anything nice because I suck at that, but seeing as I’ve reached 413 400 followers, I figured I’d have to woman up and get cracking because you’re all wonderfully awesome!
Thank you all so much, I’ve found such a safe haven on this blog, and couldn’t find a more awesome and chill community. I’ve loved every second of exploring Kara and having her interact with everyone and working those relationships. You’re all just so fantastic for letting me write with you, honestly.
So, without further adieu…
@e1mayarah: Kristen! Hey, hi, hello. I honestly don’t even know where to start with you? Oops, I suck? Well, I guess I can start by saying, thank you? I mean, not only are you a fantastic writer, Mon-El, fangirl, but you’re like, my best friend on here. We legitimately talk all the time about head cannons, and sads and our kids. Who by the way, I love together. I truly believe we make them bounce off of each other well, and ugh presh <3 But I like how it’s kinda gone beyond that and we talk about ourselves. You’ve made it so easy for me to just be able to hop into your IMs and we can just have hours upon hours of conversation without ever really running out of anything to say. And I love it! I couldn’t actually imagine by rping experience without you now. We’re like, the dynamic duo. The package deal. the two amigos. And.. I’ve rambled too long, but you catch my drift. I love you lots, lots lots and yeah. Just you keep being awesome and so incredibly talented and hitting me up with them feels.
@atomiism: Hey husband ;) How does one talk about how amazingly perfect you are? Because I sure as hell don’t know where to start… You are flawless, bae. And honestly, who in the world would have ever looked at Kara Danvers and Ray Palmer and say, “squish ‘em together, they’re cute af.” But somehow, it happened and now we couldn’t even picture Ray not being there with us and loving on Kara like the presh little pups that they are. And you? You are amazing, and so kind, and sweet and the best ever ever. Honestly, I love when we talk OOC because it’s so easy and fluid. And chill. I love you so much.
@mockingxcanary: Hey Wife ;) Lemme just start by saying, my Kara is so in love with your Sara she as well just walk around after her like a lost puppy because that’s what she’s like whenever she’s around. She just can’t help herself. You are such a talented writer and portray Sara so well that most of the time, I’m just casually hearing Caity’s voice in my head, and it’s not even phasing me. It’s like second nature at this point. You are fabulous! Not to mention I love how we basically go full goo-goo eyes over our girls in the IMs like it ain’t even nothing. I love love love you, bae.
@biologicalengineer: Hey my sister from another mister. I’m sorry, that was lame, but there’s a reason I muse Kara.. Lemme just start by saying I love ya?? And I love your Alex. She is beyond flawless, and you have her down to a Tee. It’s literally incredible how much you get her. And let’s not forget your dash commentary, because I live for that when it pops up because it has me in stitches every time. I mean, I love our OOC convos and head cannons and crying over the Danvers Sisters because we just love them so much. We’re basically sisters at this point with the amount of crap we talk, honestly. But seriously, I am so blessed to have found the perfect Alex to my Kara <3
@bethewhitecanary: Girl, I don’t even know where to begin with you, but honestly, I think it should begin with how much I love you? Your Sara is legit crazy in terms of being in character, and I adore her. As does Kara xD I am so lucky to have found you on here because you’re just so easy to get along with OOC and your talent is off the charts. Ily
@pyrofriend: Ugh. I love you. Like I seriously love you. And I love Mick. Kara loves Mick, but ssh that’s a secret. I love all of our interactions whether it be on the dash or in the IMs. Mick’s flirty banter is just something that makes my day so much brighter, even though he legit tortures Kara. Just you keep being you, because you are awesome. 
@winndowsvista: Hey Kattiiiie!! Okay, I legit love Winn. Like I love him so much it makes my heart hurt. He is just a lil babe and so pure, and his and Kara’s friendship is so so cute and refreshing, and I am relived that we can give the Superfriends more justice than the show is right now. 
@likeaguardianangel: Hey honey! Barry is precious, you are precious, and our superflash babies are precious. You are such a fantastic writer, and I enjoy everything you post. Barry is so in character it is insane, insane. And I can’t wait to get to do more threads with you!
Y’all are fantastic, seriously, I am so honoured to be following and roleplaying with you. And even if we don’t, just know I think you’re all fantastic!!
@altruisticlies, @eliizadanvers,  @im-a-hawker, @black-bird-canary, @winniisms, @rxttenheart, @lastdaxamite, @ofmanyworlds, @lenx-luthor, @speedxandxnetflix, @fcrmychildren, @undefinable-like-fire-and-heat, @mancnfire, @legendsofkrypton, @coldnofeelings, @timewantstohappen​, @batgirlbatarangs​, @paininthcass​, @mggsawyer​, @makeaname​, @inze​, @alexdcnvers​, @racingtime​, @unboundbydeath​, @theoreticalguardianangel​, @algidcalc​, @isley-phd​, @fundamcntalist​, @shirtclad​, @a-flick-of-a-wrist​, @ofcanaryisms​, @onyafevayuj​, @ofboomerangs​, @siiobhansmythe​, @sncrt​, @heroheart​, @hersupercousin​, @protectingxlance​, @backinaflcsh​, @islanddeath​, @schrodingersluthor​, @onelastxtime​, @chronolockcd​, @hercmind​, @lianyusurvivor​, @poorsmalltalk​, @ofarrowiisms​, @thevoiceontheradio​, @cadmusreject​
@anaveragegirl15 @rainyjelena @onthestupidtrain @iminyourhandskara
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inz-lokisdottir · 2 years
Inz apologises incessantly, whether it’s necessary or not
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inz-lokisdottir · 2 years
🧅 - What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
“Hm… I’m not answering this one.”
I’ll answer. Sooo… Inz usually avoids crying by distracting herself with either anger or a completely different activity. Though when she’s forced to speak about a touchy subject, that kinda gets her.
Another thing that makes her cry is by catching her off surprise with an act of kindness. Not really something small, she’s getting used to those and is still very grateful but they’re not tearworthy. Like…. She won’t cry if you hand her a pen. More so things like remembering her birthday, gifting her something (that’s not a pen for sure-), maybe hugs at time, etc. idk. It’s 4:20am, I’m just rambling mindlessly.
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inz-lokisdottir · 2 years
I was thinking, right, because I think a lot. And this time I was thinking whilst watching once upon a time (5x09)
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Merida’s hairstyle and Mulan’s hair + hairstyle are both pretty.
My point was gonna be that Inz basically has the same hair as Mulan, though her’s is more thick and straight, and a little more darker. But then I was thinking ‘Oh, maybe Inz could try out that (Merida’s) hairstyle because why not’. But anyways have my rambling about hair.
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inz-lokisdottir · 2 years
To mun: I love your OC, she's amazing! How did you have the idea to create your OC? It's like she's an original Marvel Character, I love her! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Aww, thank you! Honestly, I can’t remember when or why I made her, it’s been nearly 5 years XD (I made her just for fun before I started roleplaying a couple years later)
But I think it was because I had a genuine want to be in the mcu when I was younger and still do now. Originally, Inz was supposed to be the daughter of Bucky but I found it easier to make her the daughter of Loki, and plus there was more fun and chaos I could do with that.
I’m in the streets right now, walking home, if I wasn’t I’d probably give a longer response but I feel like I’ve rambled enough already lol, sorry for the long read!
But yeah, I made Inz when I was 9-10, currently I’m 15 and I’ve got more understanding and more literary, super/antihero and general roleplaying knowledge and understanding so I’m still developing her!
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inz-lokisdottir · 2 years
Fun Fact about Inz: She sometimes forces most of the coldness in her body to gather around her mouth so it makes the warm saliva/water vapour cool down and condense into the the smoke thingy that comes out of the mouth when its super cold. She calls it 'dragon breath' because why not.
....in simpler words because I rambled too much about it: Cold temperature goes to warm mouth. Mouth liquid turns into vapour. Have a picture for visual reference.
TW: Big picture under the cut
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inz-lokisdottir · 2 years
How come your last name doesn't have all of your parents names in it? that’d be so cute
Because.....then my name would be Princess Princess Queen Princess Prince Princess Inz Lang-Grant-Stark-Rogers-Barnes-Romanoff-Shostakov-Slender....etc etc, Lokisdottir. Oh how cute indeed. Not.
It'd make introductions a lot harder and it'd take a long time to memorise my own name, let alone introduce myself-
...I've been adopted a lot more than you realise. Its uh...well, complicated. When you're 4...5? And you've lost...everyone, its only natural to look for more parental figures for support, even subconsciously. I never realised until recently, but I thought I was travelling independently for years. Completely forgot the fact I've made friends and family along the way.
Not that they don't matter, all of them matter a lot to me, of course...but yeah! Before I start rambling, thats why!
Note: Not all adoptions are made on Tumblr or are from other people at all, some are from mini side stories ((sorta like mini fics)) that the mod likes to make up in her spare time
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