#into shenanigans with the girl who lives in a weird cabin in the woods 'alone' and. idk what merida would be bc again ive not explored much
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saturnniidae · 8 months ago
Rotbtd AU ideas I think low-key go hard but I'm working on other stuff so I can't explore them (ranked by how much I've thought abt them)
Small town horror au
Modern au (with a side of Hiccup having unsettling ability to communicate with the local wildlife better than any normal person should)
Xmen mutants au
Wakfu au
Pokemon trainer au
Infinity Train au
Nge au
Vld au
Peer gynt (inspired) au
Mako mermaids au (mako mermaids is fire you just don't understand)
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tuanyiems · 6 years ago
Yugyeom x Fem Reader Genre: Fluff Words: 1.6k [Masterlist] Plot: Scary movie night with the boys and you and Yugyeom are conveniently the only two with single rooms, hmmmm a/n – random drabble because I’ve been marathoning Buzzfeed Unsolved lol -
It was hard not to let on how much he liked you when you guys were stuck together for an entire weekend. The red glow of his ears and the flush of his chest was just out of Yugyeom’s control, especially when you would erupt into giggles at Bambam’s silly shenanigans and always your eyes would search for his as if the joke was your dirty secret to share only with him. Granted, you were a sweet girl who wore her heart on her sleeves, sending love to all the boys openly. Yugyeom knew it was all in his head, but a boy could be wishful right?
It was why he agreed to a cabin trip in the woods in the first place. He and Jackson had insisted on a skiing trip in the mountains but there you were, standing headstrong beside Bambam and his bizarre attraction towards glamping. Yugyeom was skeptical if this was even it, what with the five-bedroom cabin, equipped with surround system and a 4k TV screen. He wondered if Bambam was aware what camping was.
It’s glamorous camping. This is the glamorous part, Bambam had asserted.
“Let’s have a movie night!” Jackson cheered as all the boys gathered in the living room. You were still unpacking in your bedroom.
“Ha, aren’t you glad I chose glamping now?” Bambam gave a smug smile.
“Let’s watch a scary movie,” Mark added, turning on the TV.
Yugyeom looked pensively at your closed bedroom door. He remembered a few years back when the two of you first met. You were sat between him and Bambam at the theater at the premiere showing of It and came out crying midway because the clown was too scary.
“How about we watch something more family friendly? Like Toy Story?” Yugyeom suggested, relieved by the familiar excitement in Jackson’s eyes at the suggestion.
“Family friendly?” Mark repeated, looking at him in amusement. “I’m sorry to break it to you Gyeom, but you’re an adult now.”
“Oh DISS DISS!” Youngjae instigated.
“Who’s getting dissed already?” You chuckled, approaching the boys on the coach.
“Gyeom’s too scared to watch a scary movie,” Jinyoung explained, giving Yugyeom a teasing look.
“Doesn’t a scary movie sound great for a night in a cabin?” Mark asked you.
Yugyeom sighed, watching the way your eyes lit up at Mark’s attention, and then at the way you practically melted, nodding your head in agreement.
“Don’t lie, Y/N! You’ve cried in movie theaters while watching anything even remotely scary!” he argued back, watching as you flushed with surprise and embarrassment.
“No way, that happened years ago! I was young back then!” You pouted, coming over to take a seat between him and Mark.
He scoffed, pretending he wasn’t feeling the fluttering of his stomach at the sweet scent of your shampoo. “Yeah, but you freaked out last week while watching Buzzfeed Unsolved.”
He laughed, feeling your hands slap his thigh in embarrassment. “Shut up! I’m completely fine watching a scary movie!”
“Well, the lady has spoken!” Jaebeom intervened, quickly closing the living room lights and successfully cutting short the argument. Yugyeom could only sigh, sinking into the couch as you curled up beside him, tucking your knees into your chest adorably. Whatever, he didn’t care if you got nightmares later tonight. You did this to yourself.
Despite this mental declaration though, he couldn’t help smiling at the way you tilted towards him, pressing closer into his arm as the movie began playing and with it, the cliché horror soundtrack that filled the air with tension.
“Oh god, he’s going into the house. Why would he do that?” Yougnjae murmured under his breath as the plot thickened.
Yugyeom was barely paying attention though, because right next to him you were curling into your oversized t-shirt, dipping your nose underneath the collar in anticipation for any jump scares. He shivered as you got progressively closer and the fresh scent of your shampoo invaded his space.
Why did you have to smell so good?
“What?” You whispered his way after finding his eyes on you.
Yugyeom only smiled, shaking his head. He was glad the room was too dark for you to see his ears. They were probably bright red. Instead you only gave him arched eyebrows before turning back to the screen.
“It’s cold,” you quietly muttered, tucking half your head back into your shirt. He only smiled at your lame excuse, glad that you were more preoccupied with appearing brave than scrutinizing over his flushed skin.
“Well, since you’re cold,” Yugyeom whispered into your ear before wrapping one arm around you. He pushed you close into his warmth, his eyes cresting into happy moons. “I’ll keep you warm.”
You looked like you were going to say something when a sharp shush came from Mark. Instead, you sunk into his arms with a pout. For once, Yugyeom was grateful for Mark’s odd intensity for silence during movies.
By the end of the movie you were pressed against his rib and holding onto his arm for dear life. You let out an exhale of relief when the credits finally began rolling.
“Not scared huh?” Yugyeom teased as the guys began rising from their seats.
You rolled your eyes, pushing his arm out of your grasp and jumping to your feet. “Looks to me like you’re the one scared! You kept trying to distract me the whole time.”
Bambam chuckled, patting Yugyeom on the shoulder. “Good luck sleeping by yourself tonight, Gyeom!”
“Not so glad about winning rock-paper-scissors now, huh?” Jackson added before linking arms with Jinyoung. “Come on Park Gae, you can be my lookout so no ghosties try to come for me!”
You giggled at Jackson’s playfulness before all the boys began leaving in pairs to their respective rooms. Yugyeom cleared his throat when it was just the two of you in the room.
“Sure you aren’t scared?” He asked, nudging you with his elbow.
You let out a huff before walking briskly back to your room without giving a reply. You could hear him laughing softly to himself before heading back into his room across from yours. Of course you were scared, but you weren’t going to let him win—not with that smug face of his teasing you the whole night.
Yugyeom smiled to himself as he got ready for bed. He wondered if you knew how cute you were. He was glad Mark was such a dunce to never notice the way you looked at him like he had the answer to the meaning of life or something. You were a dunce too, for thinking of Mark so highly. Of course, Mark was a cool guy and all, but completely not compatible with you.
Yugyeom sighed, tucking himself into bed. You were much more compatible with him.
…Maybe he was just being jealous.
Just as he was nodding off, there was a soft knock at his door.
And then you were peeking through with a guilty look in your eyes.
“Are you sleeping?” You asked, stepping into the room.
“Not anymore,” he smiled, patting beside his bed for you to come over. “Did you get scared after all?”
“No,” you answered stubbornly, a pout on your lips. You crawled your way onto his bed before plopping down beside him. “I’m just not sleepy.”
“Sure, I believe that,” he answered sarcastically, turning on his side to face you.
“Yeah well, you’re the one sleeping with the light still on,” you mumbled, refusing to look his way, instead staring at the wood pattern of the ceiling.
“I always sleep with the lights on though.”
“Yeah, and it’s weird.”
“You want me to turn off the lights?”
“No,” you answered a little too fast. You blushed, distracting yourself with your nails. He smiled, amused at the way you could so easily fluster yourself. It was one of the things he adored about you.
“No?” he teased.
“It’s not like I’m gonna sleep here. I was just bored in my own room,” you defended, picking at the skin by your nail to feign nonchalance (though it did the exact opposite).
“So you come to mine?”
You nodded quietly, picking harder at your nails. “I figured you’d be bored alone too.”
Yugyeom chuckled before pulling your hand towards him. “Stop that, you’ll make your cuticles bleed.”
You answered back with a soft smile, turning on your side towards him. You yawned, fingers gently holding tighter onto his.
Yugyeom rubbed circles, tickling your palm. He returned your yawn, curling his body closer to yours.
“You sure you aren’t sleepy?” he whispered.
“Looks like you are,” you breathed softly.
He smiled, “I’ll stay up with you though.”
You shook your head, eyes closing. “I can go to sleep with you if you want.”
He let out a soft laugh before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. “Just admit you’re scared already.”
You giggled into his chest, arms hesitantly coming around to his back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
For a moment there was silence—just you smiling into the warmth of his chest and him, quietly breathing in the sweet scent of your hair.
“Are you asleep?” he quietly uttered by your ear, sending thrills down your spine.
“No,” you chuckled lightly at the tickle.
Yugyeom smiled to himself. “Hey.”
He paused, closing his eyes and pressing you closer to him. He took in a breath.
“You wish Mark was the one that won the single room?”
You hummed, squeezing yourself closer into his chest. “Nah, I’d be sandwiching myself between you and Bambam.”
He chuckled, returning the squeeze. “Good thing I won then.”
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