#into my canon. I already got a few things I'm not really happy about whatsoever so I will be making a post about it once I am finished
orphilos · 7 months
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studentofetherium · 2 years
Have you been enjoying Magic The Gathering within your life of kate?
it's been rocky this year. Kamigawa was bittersweet, because while it's my favorite world in magic and i've been one of the voices crying for its return for a decade, i loath what they did with it. turning Traditional Japanese Shinto World into Cyberpunk World just feels like they didn't understand the appeal of Kamigawa to begin with. the set itself was good, but never so good to make me get over my apprehension at the aesthetic (i'm not a fan of cyberpunk on a good day, to be clear). but also, the story was exciting. i was happy about the direction it was going, because Phyrexians were back and Tamiyo became a girlboss. bittersweet, but i was feeling positive
it's also worth noting that after the end of Kamigawa's life as a draft set, my LGS got rid of their mask policy, so i stopped attending FNM
New Capenna was, to say the least, a fucking mess. the story sucked in like five different ways, the cards themselves were deeply mid, and i hated the mafia/roaring 20s aesthetic for being deeply not magicit's just deeply, deeply not what i like in magic. i was never going to like this and frankly i wrote it off from the start
but shortly after that was the new D&d set. i loath official crossovers in magic and i loath that the D&D sets keep happening. the flavor wasn't just bad, it wasn't magic. also, once again, the set wasn't exciting, so i couldn't bring myself to care
that was followed by an overpriced reprints set, which i didn't really care about. but, it's an example of wotc going out of their way to squeeze every last penny out of their audience, and it left a bad taste in my mouth, especially since this was the third release in a row that i didn't like
and then magic took a break for a few months. this was good. magic wasn't going bad things
Dominaria should have been fine, i liked the last one and the world is one of my favorites in magic. but the story itself was pretty awful and i felt like the set leaned way too into pointless nostalgia. i am the long-time magic audience who cares deeply about the story, i am the kind of person that wotc is pandering too when they make these references, but i hated it. the thing about callbacks and references is that they need to have a purpose, and DomU felt like it had no purpose whatsoever. Braids was only there so she could show up in promo material. she had no material effect on the story. DiHada and Jared were only there to be in the commander decks. there was no reason to bring either of them back. the Raven Man was only there because one writer wanted to make their fan theory canon. i even liked that story, but it did nothing to further the story they were telling for the set. they literally brought Ertai back from the dead, which in story is incredibly dubious at best, because they wanted to reference a story beat which was never canon and hadn't even been spoken about publicly until the card was already revealed. despite trying to be a set reveling in magic's history, it felt so incredibly reductive. it felt like magic had become a game where characters show up and people clap. it's all just meaningless plot beats meant to appeal to the fans who know these deep cuts, but done in such a way that no one liked it, and the new fans had no idea what was going on. and that's all without getting into the main story itself of how it was rushed and took little time. it felt like the cliff notes version of itself. no one had motivations that were explained, every new character only existed long enough to be introduced. things kept happening with little or no purpose. by the time it ended, it felt incoherent
and after that was the 40k decks. i loathe them. i loathe 40k. i loath magic doing crossovers. i was never going to like this. it was bad. one of my headmates got into 40k through these decks. it has caused a lot of arguments. . there's not even anything substantial i can say about these decks other than that on an inherent level, they should not exist. there is no reason for 40k magic crossover decks to exist. they are bad. their existence makes the game worse for me. their existence is wizards of the coast trying to squeeze every possible cent out of their audience and any other audiences they can get their hands on too. it is the peak of greed for the company
Unfinity was... mid. i've been a fan of un-sets in the past, and the last one was incredible, but this was a massive miss. in a year where magic was more sci-fi than magic, yet another sci-fi set was not appreciated. the mechanics themselves felt weak, too. the set never came together, and while i appreciate the work that Loading Ready Run people did for the set, that's about all i got from it. by this point, i was so frustrated that i was barely paying attention to the game
the fact that the anniversary products for magic are $1000 proxy packs and a secret lair aimed at resellers sits with me wrong. everyone has said their issues with this, i don't need to go into that again, but at this point, wotc's greed is really interfering with my ability to enjoy magic because everything i like about it is slowly withering away
and that brings us to Brother's War. i was a big fan of the Brother's War novel in middle school so i was really looking forward to this ahead of time. but all the aforementioned issues caught up to me with this and i didn't even pay attention to the story when it came out. i was so tired of the bullshit with Capenna and DomU's stories that i didn't check it out. i still haven't. i've heard good things, i'll get to it eventually, but i'm just so tired with everything about the game that i can't get enthusiastic about it. the set itself is... iffy. once again, it's sci-fi, and maybe that should be expected, but i never imagined the set as hard sci-fi when i read the books originally. i come from more of a high fantasy background and that was what influenced my mental visual for it, so to see all these big mechs running around just doesn't click. also, i loathe loathe loathe loathe loathe fucking loathe that there are transformers cards in fucking standard packs. that alone guaranteed i wouldn't be buying any new packs from the set
the Brother's War jumpstart set seems cool. if they don't drop the ball on it, i might pick up a box of that. i'm also looking forward to both of the Phyrexia sets next year, and what the future of the story might hold. i've already posted speculation about where i think that might lead, and i hope i'm right. magic has ways it can pull me back, but at the same time, i know there's going to be a lot of bullshit that pushes me away again. i spent the year being told by wotc that "this isn't for me" and at this point i'm beginning to think the entire game isn't for me anymore. but who knows. i've played the game for a decade and it's depressing to think that i may end up quitting for good. i hope it doesn't have to come to that and that they can pick it up again in the future, but it seems dire. i want to like magic, but it feels like magic keeps straying further and further away from what makes me like the game
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groovyghostie · 2 years
Aksmfkdn, okay, those tags about combining the Bard King being Ryker's ex with Restoncest are a new idea to me, but that is Intriguing. I'm already thinking of a few ways it could be funny or dramatic, care to share any of your own thoughts? (no pressure to, ofc)
Ok, so, general thoughts, not organized whatsoever
Roman was everything Ryker had. It took a while to eventually arrive in Reston, though Roman was still too young to remember anything before. That bond was completely unbreakable by the time they had a community around them. It was them vs the world.
Aunt Patty lost track of Ryker for a while when he and the Bard King got together. She found him again a few months after he and Roman settled in Reston, and he was completely broken. He's still somewhat shut off to her, even in the present canon.
Roman grew up in that emotional environment that everything Ryker went through caused. Because Ryker was so protective and closed off to everyone, Roman got the impression that his father was the only person he could really, really trust without either of them really realizing.
When Ryker realized his feelings about his son had turned into something else, he was really torn up about it. He avoided Roman to an extent by throwing himself into guarding the town.
A few months before Youngblood came to Reston, Roman confronted Ryker about his suspicions that he was avoiding him.
Roman had realized pretty much as soon as he fully understood romantic and sexual attraction that he felt that way about his dad. He kept it to himself because he also understood that most people did not feel that way about their family.
During the confrontation, Ryker shut down completely and wasn't saying much of anything, just excuses about having to work and the town needing him.
Roman yelled about it not being fair, that he needed him too.
Neither of them were really aware it was about to happen, so no one initiated it, but they kissed.
They both felt guilty, but it kept happening.
Then Roman left. They didn't really talk about it, but Ryker knew how badly Roman wanted to have an adventure, and Roman knew he had to make Ryker proud of him.
Roman learned to trust people other than Ryker and Aunt Patty (to an extent) for the first time ever.
My basic concept that I've been trying to get to with this is that there was something about being near Ryker, some sort of magic going on, that kept the Bard King from knowing where Roman was. Maybe Ryker got someone to do that for him, maybe it was just something that happened by accident.
When Roman left, the Bard King was delighted to know it was with Youngblood and influenced the path they took to get them to Neon.
In the fanfic I probably won't write, the Bard King finds out about the thing between Ryker and Roman, probably through spying on Roman when he admits to Youngblood and Noise what his relationship with his dad is. The Bard King then reveals to Roman that he's his other parent.
Roman kind of has a crisis, but the Bard King manages to manipulate him into becoming close with him, despite Youngblood and Noise's best efforts to stop this. I'm thinking Youngblood and Noise go back to Reston, pursued by anyone the Bard King could afford to send away from Neon, and they tell Ryker what happened.
Ryker leaves with them to go to Neon, having to confront his past and his feelings for Roman that they never really communicated about.
I don't think this has a happy ending tbh. Whether Ryker doesn't make it to the end of this story or the relationship between Ryker and Roman is never the same, I'm not getting good vibes from this plot bunny.
That got way longer than it was supposed to. Wow. That was what I was thinking, though.
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
Hi! I'm sending you this message in hopes you take no offence whatsoever, because I LOVE your fics and I love you for taking the time to produce all this content for us!
This is about the last promt regarding Robbe not eating because he'd be bottoming later that night. That fic, although it was great, was just a little confusing. In the first paragraph, you switched from a present, to a past and back to a present event, with no notification. You maybe could have used "That WAS a pleasent surprise" to indicate that it was over. Shortening overly long sentences can also help with reader confusion.
Also, about that bit about "introduce him to his mother" and "a friend offerered me a room". Is this fic set before the start of canon season 3? If yes that's cool, but would Sander not be a little excited/relieved for his bf to live alone or maybe concerned that the situation at home is so bad that he has to move out?
Sometimes you work on prompts you receive and sort of miss the point a little bit. I understand that you do your own thing and maybe are not comfortable with the direction the promt was going... In this case it was Robbe’s friends teasing him for his obviously sexual plans with Sander and his reason for not eating (bottoming).
Again, I adore your content, and I can only imagine how much time and effort it all takes. It's just my suggestion that putting a few side notes before the fic to hint at the setting and rereading for just one more time to be save, would eliviate your stories even more!
I hope you will not be at all upset reading this... I would hate to troll, I just noticed this pattern in many of your fics and thought I'd point it out. If you disagree just ignore this message please!
Before I start, I’m just gonna say: Even if I feel all types of shame getting messages like this (not because of what you’re saying or how you’re saying it, it’s just that I feel dumb and ashamed when what I write isn’t as good as what I had thought) I would never not answer it because I don’t wanna be creating this bubble where I only share when people are happy with what I write or say. So yeah, I’ll take the good and the bad and roll with it ❤️
Now, these days I was thinking about changing what I have written as my bio because I wrote it a long time ago when I was really happy with how my relationship with the people that read my prompts was and I was mad at the time but then I didn’t change to something more “professional” because, well, my writing is messy.
I can’t promise you or anyone that what I write will always make sense or that’ll meet canon or anything. Because yeah, sometimes I will work harder, I’ll reread anything I write a million times, I’ll search on my doc of vocabulary to see if what I’m saying can be written in a better way, not the usual broken english. Last week I was reading, watching every possible video about how to improve my writing. So sometimes I’ll go that extra mile but it’s not always that I feel like doing that. Sometimes I’m overwhelmed and I’m just taking my word-vomit and posting it as it comes out of my brain. Sometimes my lack of enthusiasm will come from the little notes my prompts get, sometimes I will just not have the energy or inspiration to do better.
So: I’m not a planner, I have very little patience, my english is so far from perfect and sometimes I struggle and I just want to put some ideas out because I’m excited about it or I’m tired and if I work hard or not, the notes are basically the same.
Writing in a language that I’m used to but it’s still not my mother language is not easy. The grammar is completely different, the way of using words on a phrase are completely different and I struggle a lot with it, all the time. I NEVER know where to put commas in english, it makes absolutely no sense to me (with my portuguese brain).
Now about that fic specifically: it was one of those ideas where I just ran with it, had absolutely nothing planned, wrote it for fun and post it as I wrote it. It’s not exactly canon because the boys are not gamers, they weren’t online friends that quickly became lovers so I didn’t worry much about meeting S3 events but decided to nod at some of them. Robbe was living with his parents when they met, he was living with his parents when Sander invited him to spend a few days at his place. Since we were basically in Sander’s POV most of the time, he didn’t know but in between them talking while playing games and Robbe going to his place, “a friend” offered him a place to stay, so he’ll be moving out of his parents’ place on the weekend and he invited Sander to help him out. It’s a slice of life, so I wrote it as Sander already knowing Robbe isn’t happy living with his parents. He doesn’t ask because he knows Robbe uses their time together playing as a distraction and he doesn’t want to keep asking about a matter that Robbe doesn’t share naturally. I think this is what I was thinking while writing.
Missing or not missing the point is not something I think too much about these days, to be honest. I’ll read the idea and I’ll write as the idea comes to me when I read the prompts. It may be something similar to what the person asking wanted and it can be something completely different. I try not to think if I got it right or not because that would give me too much anxiety trying to meet goals of people I don’t know instead of my own that I do know.
If the person is not happy, anyone can come back as many times as they want to ask for it again (like I got the messages asking to get more in depth about Robbe’s sex conversation with the boys a few times, like I get people asking me to write protective Gio, etc). I’ll write the idea that comes to me at the time that I sit to write the idea, that’s why I have some prompts that have very similar core prompts, that’s why sometimes I just send people old prompts - because the idea they want me to write I already did and I can’t seem to find another way of writing it.
I promise you I’m working as hard as I can right now to not let these mistakes happen often or at all but there’s only so much I can do.
I try to reread my fics before posting but sometimes I don’t have the energy. I’m not a planner, I’m not a writing notes before writing (trust me, I tried with my SKAM NL S3 fic, and with the Druck chaptered fic and it’s not something that works FOR ME, I feel like when I write notes before writing the fic I lose the main idea in the middle and it’s even worse) I’m not a slow-burn type of writer (or reader) because my patience and my basic understanding of english can only take me so long.
I’ll really try to pay attention next time and work harder every time but I can’t promise it’ll be like that every time, I can’t promise to write things that make sense all the time because just as I am trying to write good, fun things for the fandom, I’m also trying to have with it myself.
Not that anyone cares about my proving what I'm saying but here's some of my notes
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shizekarnstein · 5 years
Hello! I know this is a dried up topic, but I was wodering, do you think chapter 120 is any indication that Eren is the father of Historia's baby? I ended up in an argument with a friend because she thinks chapter 120 is evidence that Eren is the father whereas I think Eren had contact with Historia before leaving for Marley and she's probably the only one who knows what Eren is planning which is why Historia was crying in his memory. I'm very sorry for bothering you with this.
It's no a bother at all anon! I leave my inbox open bc I don't mind answering question so don't you worry.
Oh my you just gave the chance to adress something I've only ranted over on tags so here I go. Basically I side with you.
All chapter 120 has confirmed to me is that Eren and Historia had a chat before him leaving for Marley. They met in the farm, I'm guessing after Eren's chat with Yelena, and together decided a course of action. It seems that is where either Eren or Historia herself suggested the pregnancy as a tactic to buy time for Eren to make contact with Zeke and as means to stop the higher ups from inmediatly feeding Zeke to her as soon as Eren retrieved him. That's all I can get from not only this chapter but for following the narrative of the previous ones regarding Historia's pregnancy. As a guess this could also mean that Eren was the hooded figure after all, and not Yelena.
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Whatever they discussed was clearly emotional. These two have been thick as thieves since uprising, and have saved each other more than once. After our Ymir left with Reiner and Berthold and their kidnapping at the hands of Kenny and Rod Reiss the two of them became close friends, able to relate to each other. When Eren discovered the loophole for potentially using the FT powers his first thought was to worry over what that could mean for Historia. When Hizuru presented their 50 year plan offer, he was the only one who actually jumped to oppose it out of outrage of what it would demand of her. The others were clearly conflicted as well, but Eren was the only one vocal about it.
It's after Paradis and Historia accept this alternative that Eren met with Yelena. We still don't know what exactly she said to him to convince him to go meet with Zeke, but whatever it was seemed to at least give him the opportunity to actually do something instead of waiting. Maybe this is when the thought of using Zeke for his own goals first occured to him. Whatever it was, he later discussed it with Historia.
I don't know if she really knows all there is to his plan. It's highly possible tho. Going by this months panel of her the feeling Im getting is that it was Historia herself who suggested the idea of taking advantage of a possible pregnancy to stall the plans of the goverment. At this point she had already agreed to do it eventually anyway, what's the harm in doing it a bit early than they thought if this could buy Eren and herself more time? I think that's why she was crying in part. She looks sad but determinated. I can't imagine how painful it must have been not only for her to go along with this, but also to Eren when he realised that all his previous efforts of protecting her from that same fate were in vain.
That's all I can take for the manga with the info we know. Now for my rant.
If people want to ship them I honestly don't care. My problem comes when they allow their bias to merge with the storyline. There's been no indication whatsoever of any kind of romantic feelings between Historia and Eren. And by this I don't mean only that so far Historia has been coded as a gay chatacter. If I go by representation, Historia as a bi girl would be enough for me. I would still see myself on her. So if people like to speculate about a possible hidden romance or whatever I don't give a damn. They are free to do so.
But to reduce Historia's character to only a half of their romantic fantasy is actually complicated given what's happening to her.
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I've seen people that as soon as this panel emerged have been screaming for months, theorizing and all about who is the father. It's as if that is the only thing that matters to them. Oh my who impregnated Historia!!!!???? Was it Eren????? Of course it's Eren they are meant to be together!!!! Was it farmer kun???? What a ridiculous idea he bullied her!!!! Must be a diversion!!! After all tha father must be someone we know about it wouldnt do for him to be a random stranger that would make Historia a whore!!!!!!
Can you all please spare a few thoughts on Historia herself???? Does she look like a person who is happy with this??? Why don't you all care about the feelings of a woman whose only choice to fight was to subbmit her body like that, carrying a baby for nine months out of desesperation? Why would you all be so sexist as to only care about who is the owner of that sperm??? Have you not have even an ounce of sympathy for Historia? I don't get the point of romantizing an experience that clearly is taking a toll on her. The focus on all this is Historia and what she is feeling, not whomever got her pregnant. I repeat, does this look like a happy expecting girl to y'all?
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With this I don't mean all erehisu shippers are at fault. I'm talking about the ones who make awful videos fetichizing the hell out of this pregnancy and dismissing Historia's side of things. The ones who only care about the possible forbidden romance between Eren and her and completely missing the point of this tragedy and how incredible traumatizing this experience is for her. The ones who only see this as a plot device for making their ships canon and not even listening to the people who feel uncomfortable with this development storywise and are sickened by it.
So in short no, I don't think Eren is the father of Historia's baby bc for me it doesn't make sense storywise. The two of them are friends. Eren fought tooth and nails to avoid this very outcome. It's a tragedy that this happened at all. That they had no other choice to buy time that subject Historia to do the same thing Hizuru and the goverment wanted. Historia is still fighting even with her limited options, but even then this doesn't mean she or us have to be happy about it.
Thanks for asking.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
what was that moment when you realized 'oh, they could actually work' moment for serena and june???? i was in the middle of binging season 2 when i just went 'oh my god june and serena.' then now i'm in this spiraling hole. by the way i'm so excited for more fanfiction from you
Hmm….. That’s tough. When I started shipping them is actually different than when I convinced myself they could actually work, I suppose.
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THAT moment.
And I am aware how awful this is. Very aware – thanks, any lurking Nick fangirls, no need to let me know! I know it’s a creepy fucking scene and it’s not meant to be loving or sexy in any way whatsoever.
It was when Serena crawled into June’s bed and did this shit. But I remember mostly it was when they focused on her hand slowly moving down and I turned to my wife and said, “OH MY GOD! They’re gonna go there! WHAT IS SHE DOING?! LOOK!!!” And she told me to shut the fuck up, why do you have to make everything gay. That’s when I knew I was a goner, lol. Like, bitch, watch closer and validate my lesbian fantasies okay. OUT OF CONTEXT especially this is scene is like, “Oh, they’re together.” Sorta.
(I would also like to point out that the wifey recently (as in during S3) said, “Why exactly aren’t they fucking already?” about June/Serena and she NEVER says shit like that. Her excuse is that the show is already ridiculous enough as it is now, there’s no reason why that would be out of the realm of possibility for such a stupid show. So, not the best reasoning, lol, but even the woman who adamantly refuses to “ship” anything ever and thinks I’m an idiot every time two women are on screen together and I go “But!!! Look!!! They should be together!” thinks June and Serena just just stop the games and start banging already. I consider that the final frontier. Dear THT, if you’ve managed to convince her–the woman who despises things like this, then it’s possible.)
SO, anyway, yeah. 2x04 was when I began hating myself and wondering what was wrong in my head that I thought June/Serena would be a healthy, fun idea to get involved with. Cos, trust me, I think every single June/Serena shipper has gone through that phase of, “Holy shit, no. This is so wrong, it’s so bad, it’s so sick, how dare I? What a traitorous brain I have! I know Serena is a horrible human being and their relationship is so fucked up, so toxic, so unbalanced……. but here I am. Flopping around in the trash.” Quietly. On the dl, cos if I said anything out loud, the internet (aka the rest of THT fandom) would kill me.
And they tried, of course. Once I got some courage to be like, I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK. I SHIP THE MONSTER AND JUNE. They were very effective at first. Before I realised, I’m too old for this bullshit and it’s the fucking internet, who gives a shit what a bunch of other morons online say about me and my FICTIONAL SHIPPING PREFERENCES lmao.
But yeah
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^^ my other blog, October 5, 2018. The first June/Serena post I reblogged. The next was The Creepy Scene from 2x04. So, that’s where it began.
Now, in terms of when I thought, “Hey… but, maybe… this could be an actual thing?”
Probably 2x08. I mean, in retrospect and rewatches, 2x06 is obvious. But I remember watching 2x08, especially the beginning (”we could be colleagues”/”she seems pretty fucking happy”), Serena giving June the rose, and then the end when June whispers “Serena” at the door, and going, “Hmm... This is... going in a good direction I like.” Like, of course, I didn’t want to say anything cos it seemed like it’s something fandom would crucify me for. Until I saw a few brave souls speak up. (Now every episode is gay af Serena to me.)
I don’t think I fully embraced my trash panda reality until post-s2 however when i posted this gem.
hot take: serena joy is a big giant lesbian and just doesn’t realise it
18/07/18 | 4 NOTES
So, nothing much has changed, heh. 
It was all over after that and I saw my tribe actually exist, in their tiny little corner of the world.
Now, am I actually convinced they could actually work as a couple? Like, in canon? Ehhhh... Not convinced tbh. Not with the way they insist on writing Serena, or June at this point. Only in headcanon for now, where Serena actually develops a spine and empathy and remorse. Like, for me, Serena MUST change, quite drastically for me to entertain it as anything but inherently fucking toxic and unhealthy (although, arguably, it could never, ever be healthy considering their past together). That’s all there is to it. So, fanfic it is since canon sucks.
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