#interesting glimpse on Sem's past
dduane · 1 year
Parsnips and turnips...and meat
Bearing in mind the season that's in it, I'm happy to tag this post as containing food, and indeed foods (like pork) some of my followers may not care to see. So: done. (Because sometimes, courtesy's best embodied in caution: and v.v. If someone knows a better way to tag for these purposes, do let me know in the comments.)
...And that said: we had a reshoot scheduled for the roasted root vegetables recipe over at the Food and Cooking of the Middle Kingdoms site. So that was getting ready to go forward today, and I thought, "But why not look at the recipe list and see if there's anything else in the freezer we can thaw out and cook / plate up with them? Because veggies tend to look a little lonely by themselves."
So: here's a dry run for the black vinegar-braised bacon chops recipe that's been lurking in the wings for a while. (See the "in prep" tab at the master recipes listing.)
...For those interested: this recipe is unquestionably a Ladhain invention. It seems pigs were not present "south of the Wall" before the King asked the Dragons to break a new pass through the Bluepeaks onto Arlen's soil, through which Ladhain (formerly "Reaver") people could migrate into Arlene lands should they wish. And apparently the Ladhain are now seriously into pork. Per this (in the upcoming Tales of the Five 3: The LIbrarian) from the new young Chief of all Chieftains of the Ladha—a.k.a. the guy who kllled Freelorn* in The Door Into Shadow:
“We were bred to be enemies to one another,” Sem said very low, “like the bear and the corkindrill. But we've denied that breeding, and sought another way. What luck was it that we survived that denial, my brother?”
Freelorn shook his head. “Not luck,” he said. “Someone else had a hand in what came after.”
Sem nodded. After a few moments that they both spent looking into the fire, he said, “While I was at your wedding…”
Freelorn couldn’t help but laugh under his breath. Over a number of visits he'd heard a fair number of stories that began with those words and ended with tales of Sem trying to deal with his people’s seriously varied reactions to Arlene hospitality. “It’s another story about the wine, isn’t it,” Lorn said.
“Not as such,” Sem said. And then he too laughed: that small breathy laugh that came so rarely from him. “…Well, yes. I had… perhaps more wine than was wise? My head began to ache me, for everyone who saw me desired to let me know I was welcome by giving me more of it. So I went to sit a while and have some of the roast pork.”
Freelorn turned his head to reach for the jug and somewhat hide his smile. Pigs seemed not to have made it past the Wall in the millennia before it was broken, and if there was one request that always came up when dinner for visiting Ladha was planned, it was pork. When it came to pork crackling, the Chief of all Chieftains of his people had a soft spot a league wide—so that one of the few aspects of a royal dinner in Arlen that could make Herewiss and Sem laugh at each other across a platter was when they each strove to confiscate the best piece from any given roast before the other one got it. “Aha,” Lorn said, “now I understand. You got cozy with one of the spit-turners and got them to put aside the best bit for you.”
“That was my intent,” Sem said. “But I never had a chance. For along came a woman who reminded me a great deal of [Sem's wife] Litiv: dark hair and deep eyes. That lady fetched me a great piece of that crackling, and a mighty goblet of barley beer; and she kissed me kindly and told me I was welcome, and went her way. …And as she went, I was able to glimpse what lay only half-seen in the darkness of Her cloak.”
Freelorn took a long breath, let it out. “Ah.”
“So then I finally understood fully what I was being told,” Sem said.. “…That I had come to the right place, at the right time—and must now pay attention to everything I saw and heard.”
Lorn nodded, and poured Sem's cup full again.
Anyway: the pics. Roasted parsnips and turnips first. (The spoon is horn. So is the bowl. It's rare to find such a big piece of horn tableware.)
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The recipe for the pork will be a week or two coming, as we need to run it once more (with more attention to the baking part of the process: we may need more garlic) and other tweaks. The veg recipe remains fine, and we'll be slotting in the new images over the next couple/few days (I like to take the time to view them on as many possible platforms/devices as possible. Is it just me, or are all Apple-based images natively redder? ..Yet the iPad's image editor seems to me to have the best and most sensitive tweaking options.) (shrug)
*[python]"It got better."[/python]
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socialadnetwork · 1 month
Fitness Advertising With Latest Trends
The fitness industry has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past few decades. From the days of simple print ads, online fitness advertising and word-of-mouth promotions to the sophisticated, data-driven online campaigns we see today, the way fitness services are marketed has evolved in response to changes in technology, consumer behavior, and industry trends. This evolution has led to the rise of various online advertising strategies.
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>>>>Launch Campaign<<<<
The Early Years: Traditional Fitness Advertising
1. Print Media and Local Marketing
In the early days of the fitness industry, advertising was predominantly local. Gyms relied heavily on print media newspapers, magazines, flyers, and brochures to promote their services. These ads were straightforward, often focusing on basic information such as the gym’s location, membership fees, and available facilities. The primary objective was to attract local residents to visit and join the gym.
Key Characteristics:
Limited Reach: Print ads were typically confined to local audiences.
Focus on Information: The ads were more about providing essential information than creating a brand image.
Word-of-Mouth: Satisfied customers played a significant role in spreading the word, supplementing the gym’s advertising efforts.
2. Radio and Television Ads
As the fitness industry expanded, so did its advertising methods. Radio and television ads became more common, allowing gyms to reach a broader audience. These ads were often more dynamic, featuring testimonials from satisfied customers, endorsements from fitness celebrities, and glimpses of the gym’s facilities. The goal was to create an emotional connection with potential customers and encourage them to take the next step.
Key Characteristics:
Broader Reach: Television and radio allowed gyms to reach a wider audience, including potential customers outside their immediate locality.
Increased Engagement: The use of audio-visual elements made these ads more engaging and persuasive.
Brand Building: These ads helped gyms build their brand identity, differentiating them from competitors.
The Digital Revolution: A New Era in Fitness Advertising
3. The Rise of Digital Marketing
With the advent of the internet, the fitness industry witnessed a significant shift in advertising strategies. Gyms and fitness brands began to explore the potential of digital marketing, recognizing its ability to reach a global audience with precision targeting. This marked the beginning of a new era in fitness advertising, characterized by the use of online advertising platforms, data-driven strategies, and personalized marketing messages.
Key Characteristics:
Global Reach: Digital marketing allowed gyms to reach a global audience, expanding their customer base beyond local boundaries.
Targeted Advertising: Online platforms offered advanced targeting options, enabling gyms to reach specific demographics based on age, gender, interests, and behavior.
Cost-Effective: Digital ads were often more cost-effective than traditional media, providing better ROI.
4. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and SEO
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) became essential tools for fitness advertisers. By optimizing their websites for search engines, gyms could improve their visibility in search results, attracting more organic traffic. SEM allowed gyms to bid on fitness-related keywords, ensuring that their ads appeared at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when potential customers searched for relevant terms.
Key Characteristics:
Increased Visibility: SEM and SEO helped gyms improve their online visibility, making it easier for potential customers to find them.
Higher Conversion Rates: Users who found gyms through search engines were often more likely to convert, as they were actively searching for fitness services.
Data-Driven: The use of analytics in SEM and SEO allowed gyms to track performance and optimize their strategies continuously.
5. Social Media Advertising
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter revolutionized fitness advertising by providing gyms with direct access to a massive, engaged audience. These platforms offered a range of advertising options, from sponsored posts and stories to video ads and carousel ads, allowing gyms to create highly engaging content. Additionally, fitness influencers became key players in promote gym services, as their endorsements could significantly influence their followers' decisions.
Key Characteristics:
Engagement: Social media ads allowed gyms to engage with potential customers in real-time, building relationships and trust.
Targeting and Retargeting: Advanced targeting options enabled gyms to reach users based on specific criteria, and retargeting campaigns helped re-engage users who had previously interacted with the brand.
User-Generated Content: Encouraging customers to share their fitness journeys on social media created authentic, relatable content that resonated with a broader audience.
The Role of Online Advertising Platforms in Fitness Marketing
6. Leveraging 7Search PPC for Fitness Advertising
Online advertising platforms like 7Search PPC have become indispensable tools for fitness marketers. These platforms offer a wide range of ad formats, targeting options, and pricing models, allowing gyms to create highly effective campaigns tailored to their specific goals. Whether the objective is to promote gym services, build brand awareness, or drive conversions, 7Search PPC provides the tools needed to succeed.
Targeting Options:
Location-Based Targeting: Gyms can target ads to users within a specific geographic area, ensuring that the ads are seen by those most likely to visit.
Demographic Targeting: Ads can be tailored to reach specific age groups, genders, or income levels, depending on the gym’s target audience.
Behavioral Targeting: Ads can be shown to users based on their online behavior, such as their search history, social media activity, or engagement with fitness-related content.
Ad Formats:
Native Ads: These ads blend seamlessly with the content on the platform, making them less intrusive and more engaging. For example, a native ad promoting a gym’s new personal training program might appear as a suggested article on a fitness blog.
Banner Ads: Eye-catching and informative, banner ads are typically placed at the top or sides of a webpage. They are ideal for promoting special offers, new memberships, or upcoming events.
Display Ads: Similar to banner ads, display ads can appear in various sizes and formats across a network of websites. They are effective for reaching a broad audience and building brand awareness.
Pop Ads: Pop ads appear in a new window or overlay the current webpage, capturing immediate attention. They are often used for time-sensitive promotions, such as flash sales or new class registrations.
Pricing Models:
PPC (Pay-Per-Click): PPC is ideal for campaigns focused on driving conversions. With PPC, gyms only pay when someone clicks on their ad, making it a cost-effective option for performance-based campaigns.
CPM (Cost Per Mile): CPM is better suited for brand awareness campaigns. With CPM, gyms pay based on the number of impressions their ad receives, making it ideal for increasing visibility and brand recognition.
Exploring Different Ad Formats in Fitness Advertising
7. Native Ads: A Seamless User Experience
Native ads have become increasingly popular in fitness advertising due to their ability to blend seamlessly with the platform’s content. These ads are designed to match the look and feel of the surrounding content, making them less intrusive and more engaging. Native ads are particularly effective for promote gym services subtly, such as through sponsored articles, videos, or social media posts that offer value to the reader.
Higher Engagement: Native ads tend to have higher engagement rates because they are less likely to be perceived as ads.
Enhanced Credibility: Since native ads blend with the platform’s content, they can enhance the credibility of the brand being advertised.
Better User Experience: Native ads are less disruptive, providing a better user experience, which can lead to higher conversion rates.
8. Banner Ads: Capturing Attention with Visual Appeal
Banner ads remain a staple of online advertising due to their simplicity and effectiveness. These ads are typically placed at the top or sides of a webpage and are designed to be visually appealing and informative. In the context of fitness advertising, banner ads can be used to promote limited-time offers, new gym openings, or special events like fitness challenges.
Best Practices:
Clear Messaging: Keep the message simple and focused, with a strong call-to-action (CTA) that encourages users to click.
High-Quality Visuals: Use high-quality images or graphics that align with the gym’s brand and appeal to the target audience.
Mobile Optimization: Ensure that banner ads are optimized for mobile devices, as a significant portion of web traffic comes from smartphones.
9. Display Ads: Broad Reach and Brand Awareness
Display ads are similar to banner ads but can appear in various formats across a network of websites. These ads are particularly useful for reaching a broad audience and building brand awareness. Fitness marketers can use display ads to promote gym services across multiple platforms, ensuring that their brand is visible to potential customers wherever they are online.
Effective Use Cases:
Retargeting: Display ads are highly effective for retargeting campaigns, where ads are shown to users who have previously visited the gym’s website.
Product Launches: Use display ads to generate buzz around new fitness products or services, such as a new group class or personal training program.
Seasonal Campaigns: Promote seasonal offers, such as New Year’s membership discounts, with display ads that capture the attention of potential customers.
10. Pop Ads: Capturing Immediate Attention
Pop ads, also known as pop-ups, are designed to capture immediate attention by appearing in a new window or overlaying the current webpage. While they can be seen as intrusive, they are highly effective when used strategically. In fitness advertising, pop ads can be used to highlight time-sensitive promotions, such as flash sales, new membership offers, or exclusive class registrations.
When to Use Pop Ads:
Limited-Time Offers: Promote flash sales or limited-time discounts to create a sense of urgency.
Event Registrations: Use pop ads to drive registrations for upcoming events, such as open house days or fitness challenges.
Lead Generation: Capture leads by offering a free trial or discount in exchange for the user’s email address through a pop-up form.
Data-Driven Strategies: The Future of Fitness Advertising
11. The Power of Data Analytics
One of the most significant advancements in fitness advertising has been the use of data analytics to create targeted, personalized campaigns. By analyzing user data, gyms can gain valuable insights into their audience’s preferences, behaviors, and demographics. This information can then be used to create ads that are more likely to resonate with potential customers, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
Key Benefits:
Precision Targeting: Use data to target ads to specific segments of the audience, such as young professionals interested in high-intensity workouts or older adults seeking low-impact exercise options.
Personalization: Create personalized ad experiences based on user behavior, such as showing different ads to users who have previously interacted with the brand.
Performance Tracking: Monitor the performance of ads in real-time, allowing for continuous optimization and improvement.
12. Measuring Campaign Success
Data analytics also play a crucial role in measuring the success of fitness advertising campaigns. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), gyms can determine which ads are performing well and which need improvement. This data-driven approach ensures that advertising budgets are spent efficiently, maximizing ROI.
Key Metrics to Track:
Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measures the percentage of users who click on the ad.
Conversion Rate: Tracks the percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as signing up for a membership.
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Calculates the revenue generated from the ad campaign relative to the amount spent.
Impressions: Counts the number of times an ad is displayed to users, useful for measuring brand awareness.
The evolution of fitness advertising strategies has been driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors. From traditional print and broadcast ads to the sophisticated, data-driven online campaigns we see today, gyms and fitness brands have continually adapted their marketing approaches to stay competitive.
Online advertising platforms like 7Search PPC offer a wide range of tools and ad formats that can be tailored to fit any fitness advertising strategy. Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness, drive traffic, or increase conversions, these platforms provide the flexibility and precision needed to achieve your goals.
What are the most effective ad formats for promote gym services?
Ans. The effectiveness of an ad format depends on the campaign’s goals. Native ads are great for subtle promotions and content marketing, while banner and display ads are effective for capturing attention and driving traffic. Pop ads are useful for time-sensitive promotions, and PPC is ideal for conversion-focused campaigns.
How can I use PPC to promote my gym services?
Ans. PPC allows you to bid on fitness-related keywords, ensuring that your ads appear in search results when potential customers search for relevant terms. It’s a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website and increase conversions, as you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.
What is the difference between PPC and CPM?
Ans. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) charges you each time someone clicks on your ad, making it ideal for conversion-focused campaigns. CPM (Cost Per Mile) charges you based on the number of impressions your ad receives, making it better suited for brand awareness campaigns.
How do I choose the right targeting options for my fitness ads?
Ans. Choose targeting options based on your gym’s target audience. For example, if you’re promoting a new high-intensity workout, target younger adults interested in fitness. If you’re promoting a yoga class, target users who have shown interest in wellness and mindfulness.
How can I measure the success of my fitness advertising campaigns?
Ans. Track key metrics such as Click-Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate, Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), and Impressions. Use data analytics tools to monitor performance and make adjustments as needed to optimize your campaigns.
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digiroadsabhisheksaini · 11 months
Building a Strong Foundation: What Makes DigiRoadsClasses the Best Digital Marketing Course in Delhi
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the importance of a strong online presence cannot be overstated. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a marketing professional looking to upskill, or simply someone interested in the world of digital marketing, choosing the right course is essential. If you're in Delhi and seeking to master the art of digital marketing, look no further than DigiRoadsClasses. In this blog, we'll explore what sets DigiRoadsClasses apart and why it's the best digital marketing course in Delhi.
1. Comprehensive Curriculum:
DigiRoadsClasses offers a meticulously designed curriculum that covers every facet of digital marketing. From SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) to social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and analytics, students are exposed to a broad spectrum of topics. This comprehensive approach ensures that graduates are well-equipped to excel in the dynamic world of digital marketing.
2. Industry-Experienced Faculty:
One of the key strengths of DigiRoadsClasses is its team of industry-experienced faculty members. The instructors at DigiRoadsClasses have not only excelled in digital marketing but also understand the nuances of the industry, making the learning experience practical and relevant. They bring real-world insights and case studies into the classroom, offering students a glimpse into the challenges and opportunities of the digital marketing landscape.
3. Practical Approach:
Theory alone is not enough in digital marketing; practical experience is crucial. DigiRoadsClasses emphasizes hands-on learning, ensuring that students gain practical skills that can be applied in real-world scenarios. Whether it's creating a digital marketing campaign, conducting SEO audits, or managing social media accounts, students get the chance to roll up their sleeves and apply what they've learned.
4. Personalized Attention:
DigiRoadsClasses believes in providing individualized attention to each student. Class sizes are kept small, allowing instructors to interact closely with students and address their unique needs and concerns. This approach fosters a supportive learning environment where students can thrive.
5. Updated Content:
Digital marketing is an ever-changing field, with algorithms and trends that evolve continuously. DigiRoadsClasses ensures its curriculum is updated regularly to keep pace with industry changes. This commitment to staying current with the latest digital marketing trends and technologies ensures that students are always learning the most up-to-date strategies.
6. Industry Connections:
DigiRoadsClasses offers students the opportunity to network with professionals and industry experts. The institute frequently organizes guest lectures, workshops, and seminars where students can interact with successful digital marketers. This exposure helps students build valuable connections and gain insights into the industry.
7. Certification and Job Placement Support:
Upon completing the digital marketing course, students receive a recognized certification from DigiRoadsClasses. Moreover, the institute provides job placement support, helping graduates secure employment in top digital marketing firms or launch their careers as independent digital marketing professionals.
8. Positive Reviews and Testimonials:
Don't just take our word for it; the success stories of DigiRoadsClasses' alumni speak for themselves. Many past students have shared their success stories and praised the institute's commitment to quality education and career growth.
In conclusion, DigiRoadsClasses stands out as the best digital marketing course in Delhi due to its comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, practical approach, personalized attention, industry connections, and commitment to staying updated with the latest industry trends. If you're looking to build a strong foundation in digital marketing and excel in this ever-evolving field, DigiRoadsClasses is the place to be. Don't miss the opportunity to embark on an exciting digital marketing journey in the heart of Delhi.
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cleverwolfpoetry · 6 years
Psycho-pass The Movie Novel Chpt. 6 Part 1
I’m back to post. Sorry for the long delay, but a private project took a lot of my time. Now the project is over and I’m free to focus on the movie novel. I want to do it till the end, so for the one interested, I haven’t given up!
We letf Akane and Kougami finally reunited and an angry Nicholas with a failed mission. 
translation by cleverwolfpoetry @ https://cleverwolfpoetry.tumblr.com/
Note before reading: sentences in italics represent the character’s thoughts. Sentences between square brackets […] are voices at the phone.
“…so, the operation was a failure. And you’re saying that the Japanese agent Tsunemori is missing?”  
“She even acted like she was aiding the guerrilla. She overstepped her place completely”
Standing in front of Chairman Hang’s desk in the office inside his official residence in Shambala Float, Nicholas was giving the report on the failed operation.
“Be that as it may, she was a foreign guest totally in your custody. This is a question of responsibility”
Hang said coldly.
“I’m kidding”
A joke? He couldn’t really laugh. Nicholas was boiling over with anger, but he didn’t show it externally.
Hang went on.
“The Japanese government understands the current condition of this country. They wouldn’t have sent her alone so easily if she had been the kind of person whose death was problematic for them”
“…it’s a really regrettable outcome”
“If anything Colonel, you must prepare yourself for the unexpected even more”
“It’s possible that she’s  been sent here precisely because she’s the type of person who’s not expected to die at this level.  I’m looking forward to reading the next report”
Despite being bewildered by the Chairman’s meaningful words, after saluting silently Nicholas left the office.
−−− what is the Chairman thinking?
Nicholas pondered while walking along the corridor of the official residence. Lately, he had been understanding Hang’s thought less and less.  Despite being a puppet of the Japanese government, the Chairman had insinuating manners and the actions that even the National Military Police couldn’t keep an eye on were increasing. MYSTERIOUS CARGOS COMING ON A REGULAR BASIS FROM JAPAN*.
(If I piled up any more mistakes …!)  
Chairman Hang may even leave me out.
Nicholas Wong, the effective strategist of this country. ----Though, knowing too much about Shambala Float’s secrets is a double-edged sword. If the Sibyl System started working completely, the possibility that I’ll be left out can’t be denied. Even Sem, that soldier who was so excellent, have been dismissed simply because of an injury received during a military operation. That was the perfect pretext to be able to do it, as he was inclined to doubt of the Government’s course of action. Sem, left unable to even receive medical treatment and thrown away like garbage, is now the leader of the antigovernment guerrilla… I feel like the last few years the Government and the National Military Police have been repeating severe misjudgments.
--- well, what can I do?  Even if I have to clean up for a puppet, it’s my own important job.  
(What about using that man?)
He’s expensive but I have no choice.
If all goes well, I might be able to sweep away the guerrilla on the way.
--- the calm surface of the sea reflecting subtropical sunlight and a subtle sound of waves raising. A single islet floating in the Nansha archipelago*. There, an unsuitably rustic pier had been set up on a white sandy beach that seemed to sparkle. Moored at the pier, a heavily armed high-speed boat. 
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On a small hill which advanced several hundred meters in the inland, a colony of Livistonas* grew thickly. A Provencal style mansion stood there, cutting open a part of the palms. The appearance of a leisure home in an aristocratic colony. A mercenary corp had built a great resort on that island. The countries all over the world which hadn’t imported the Sibyl System had essentially fallen into ruin, but their piece of land was the only one different. A paradise of mercenary aristocracy protected by half century weapons−−− the newest “at that time”. Everywhere in the isle, young men and women from the southern countries, taken away by force, had been put to work forcibly. 
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One man was relaxing on the open deck of the mansion, in a spot that had been reached by the shade of the trees. Seated comfortably in an armchair with the long legs crossed, he was reading a French book, tasting it bit by bit.
- Peau noire, Masques blancs -
He was a muscular black man, with an intellectual look. His right arm and left leg were prostetics made of a special alloy. While reading, he was tasting Bourbon whisky now and then, holding it in his mouth.
His name was Desmond Rutaganda.
The king of this island. Rutaganda, the mercenaries’ king.          
His portable terminal flashed in receiving a call.
Closed the book, he started the voice call.
Through a hologram, the face of Nicholas Wong, a profitable customer, was casted from the portable terminal.  
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[I have a urgent job I’d like to ask you. You will be rewarded generously, of course]  
“That would be welcome. Everyone here has too much time on their hands”
Rutaganda stood up. He took off the reading glasses and put them on the table. From the open deck he could look out over the beach. A beautiful beach −−− however, when staring at it well, one could see the targets used for practicing shooting lined up there. On wooden posts put up in the ground, some slaves who had taken a defiant behavior were fastened as a warning. After being tied up tightly so that they couldn’t move, they had been aimed at parts that hardly kill if hit, like the abdomen and legs, and filled with bullets. The slaves who had been shot from several hours and when long from several days were in great pain. Illuminated and dried by the sun, they would have become shriveled corpses exposed to the sea breeze.
[There are two Japanese people among the guerrilla who’s based their headquarters near the ancient ruins. A guy who joined that bunch of people and an inspector come from Tōkyō to arrest him. These two… I want you to take care of them]
“Apart from the guerrilla man, an inspector too? She’s an agent of the Japanese government, right?”
[She might stick her nose into our business in the future. She’s a hindrance]
“God grief, since you’ve gotten mixed up in the Sibyl, you only pass us annoying requests”
[Thanks to Sibyl, we’ve gotten our hands on the paradise called Shambala.  If you guys want too, you could live a civilized life here. How long are you going to play the savages on this small island?]
“At the level of the individual, violence has a detoxifying effect. It takes away the inferiority complexes and changes the contemplative and desperate attitudes of native people. Violence makes them fearless and restores their dignity in their own eyes*”
“Don’t you know Frantz Fanon?”
Rutaganda smiled.
Nicholas with a rather offended face,
[We are investigating on the detailed whereabouts of the targets. As soon as we find them…]
“It’s not a problem. Mercenaries have a unique intelligence network. Most of the informations can be bought with money and valuable goods. Of course, I have to bill you with necessary costs separately”
“I need permission to land for the military aircrafts and the recognition code of the IFF* system…
 For more translations, visit me at https://cleverwolfpoetry.tumblr.com/
 *MYSTERIOUS CARGOS COMING ON A REGULAR BASIS FROM JAPAN: I wrote it in capital letters because in the book this sentence is written with dots above the kanjis to underline it.
*Nansha archipelago: The Spratly Islands (Chinese: 南沙群岛 (Nánshā Qúndǎo), Malay: Kepulauan Spratly, Tagalog: Kapuluan ng Kalayaan, Vietnamese: Quần đảo Trường Sa) are a disputed group of islands, islets and cays and more than 100 reefs, sometimes grouped in submerged old atolls, in the South China Sea. The archipelago lies off the coasts of the Philippines, Malaysia, and southern Vietnam. Named after the 19th-century British whaling captain Richard Spratly who sighted Spratly Island in 1843, the islands contain less than 2 km2 (490 acres) of naturally occurring land area spread over an area of more than 425,000 km2 (164,000 sq mi).
The Spratlys are one of the major archipelagos in the South China Sea which complicate governance and economics in this part of Southeast Asia due to their location in strategic shipping lanes. The islands have no indigenous inhabitants but offer rich fishing grounds and may contain significant oil and natural gas reserves, and as such are important to the claimants in their attempts to establish international boundaries. Some of the islands have civilian settlements, but of the approximately 45 islands, cays, reefs and shoals that are occupied, all contain structures that are occupied by military forces from Malaysia, Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), the Philippines and Vietnam. Additionally, Brunei has claimed an exclusive economic zone in the southeastern part of the Spratlys, which includes the uninhabited Louisa Reef. (from Wikipedia)
*Livistona: Livistona is a genus of palms (family Arecaceae), native to southern, southeastern and eastern Asia, Australasia, and the Horn of Africa. They are fan palms, the leaves with an armed petiole terminating in a rounded, costapalmate fan of numerous leaflets. (from Wikipedia)
*“Peau noire, Masques blancs”: in English Black Skin, White Masks, is a 1952 book by Frantz Fanon, a psychiatrist and intellectual from Martinique. The book is written in the style of auto-theory, in which Fanon shares his own experiences in addition to presenting a historical critique of the effects of racism and dehumanization, inherent in situations of colonial domination, on the human psyche. Black Skin, White Masks applies historical interpretation, and the concomitant underlying social indictment, to understand the complex ways in which identity, particularly Blackness is constructed and produced. In the book, he applies psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic theory to explain the feelings of dependency and inadequacy that black people might experience. That the divided self-perception of the Black Subject who has lost his native cultural origin, and embraced the culture of the Mother Country, produces an inferiority complex in the mind of the Black Subject, who then will try to appropriate and imitate the culture of the colonizer. Such behavior is more readily evident in upwardly mobile and educated Black people who can afford to acquire status symbols within the world of the colonial ecumene, such as an education abroad and mastery of the language of the colonizer, the white masks.
Based upon, and derived from, the concepts of the collective unconscious and collective catharsis, the sixth chapter, "The Negro and Psychopathology", presents brief, deep psychoanalyses of colonized black people, and thus proposes the inability of black people to fit into the norms (social, cultural, racial) established by white society. That "a normal Negro child, having grown up in a normal Negro family, will become abnormal on the slightest contact of the white world." That, in a white society, such an extreme psychological response originates from the unconscious and unnatural training of black people, from early childhood, to associate "blackness" with "wrongness". That such unconscious mental training of black children is effected with comic books and cartoons, which are cultural media that instil and affix, in the mind of the white child, the society's cultural representations of black people as villains. Moreover, when black children are exposed to such images of villainous black people, the children will experience a psychopathology (psychological trauma), which mental wound becomes inherent to their individual, behavioral make-up; a part of his and her personality. That the early-life suffering of said psychopathology – black skin associated with villainy – creates a collective nature among the men and women who were reduced to colonized populations. (from Wikipedia)
*At the level of the individual… and restores their dignity in their own eyes: quote from Frantz Fanon’s The wretched of the earth.
friend or foe identification system.
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task-modelcam-blog · 6 years
How To Use The B2B Buyer’s Journey To Your Advantage?
It is common knowledge that B2B and B2C are completely different in every aspect, including the buyers. This is mostly because the intention for buying between a business buyer and a consumer is different. Since the buyer’s behavior is different, it goes without saying that the process they go through to reach a purchase decision, called ‘buyer’s journey’, will also be different.
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What Is ‘Buyer’s Journey’?
The word ‘journey’ means “an act of travelling from one place to another.”
Based on this definition, ‘buyer’s journey’, in its literal sense, means the act or process of the buyer travelling from one place (identifying their need) to another (purchase decision).
For marketers, ‘buyer’s journey’ is a framework that helps them acknowledge the buyer’s progression through a research and decision process and understand how they reach a purchase decision. This data ultimately aids them in making strategies to tackle potential prospects and get more leads.
The Buyer’s Journey: A Glimpse
The buyer’s journey, whether for business customers or consumers, maps the general steps a buyer takes to get to a purchase decision. Overall, this framework has 4 main steps:
Identifying Need
These 4 steps are the main ‘plot points’ in a buyer’s journey, without which using the framework won’t be effective, or even make sense; without knowing that you need a product or service, you won’t research about it, if no research is done, you won’t find enough different products or services to compare without which you won’t make a decision.
These steps can, however, be added to or modified based on the buying behavior of business buyers and consumers.
B2B Vs. B2C Buyers
Before getting into the B2B Buyer’s journey, let’s take a quick look at the major differences between a B2B buyer and a B2C buyer in regards to the buyer’s journey:
Identifying Need
Both, businesses and consumers, proactively identify if they have a need. Businesses, however, do it as a part of their business strategy (“We need more computer equipment to accommodate the new employees.”) while consumers tend to be more influenced by marketing tactics and social media (“I like this product, I need to buy this or something similar.”)
Product Specification
Most businesses have to adhere to certain purchasing processes and refer to product specifications that tell them what the purchase should do, how much it should cost, and what benefits the business expects out of the purchase. All potential purchases are evaluated according to these specifications. The purchasing process is a formal one in which each purchase needs to be signed off by a purchasing manager or c-level execs, based on the budget of the purchase.
Consumers don’t have any formal process or strict product specifications, but usually have a clear idea of what they want to buy. However, they are a lot more flexible while making purchases and will readily change or ignore their initial specifications if they find some better options.
Business buyers usually have policies against which they evaluate potential suppliers and assess their reliability and reputation. Consumers, on the other hand, rely on brand reputation and comparison shopping. For small purchases they check alternative products online and read reviews and comparison articles for expensive ones.
Even services package themselves as products to make it easy for consumers to compare them.
Purchase Decision
For most businesses, the purchase decision is a long process that usually comes after discussions amongst a committee and other higher-ups. And while consumers may discuss big or complex purchases with others, the decision is ultimately usually made by an individual.
This is why individuals are far more likely to make impulse purchases than businesses.
Post Purchase Services
Good after sales service is essential to both, business buyers as well as consumers, but for different reasons.
B2B customers are usually long-term buyers. Typical business purchases require follow-ups, maintenance, and spare parts; if a problem arises, businesses prefer to work with the suppliers to resolve it. So the level of customer care offered by the suppliers and its policies are an essential requisite for businesses to make purchase decisions.
B2C buyers, however, only access the after sale customer care services when a problem arises or to file complaints. In today’s digitized world and easy access to the internet, consumers take to social media to publicize their grievances and dissatisfaction. So, it is equally important for B2C companies to have customer care that is able to react to complaints quickly and effectively.
The B2B Buyer’s Journey
The B2B buyer’s journey typically has 5 stages:
Suspect: where they identify their needs and start looking for solutions.
Prospect: where they research and find a couple of prospects that are aligned with their interest.
Lead: where they research further, gather information to evaluate before making their final decision.
Customer: where they select a prospect, justify it to their seniors, and make the purchase.
Advocate: where they validate your performance by recommending your business to others.
Now let’s look at what you, as a marketer, should do during this process.
In the beginning of the buyer’s journey, when your prospects are just beginning to realize their pain points, you need to develop a strategic digital marketing plan that addresses these pain points. This plan should be strategized in a way that will trigger your prospects’ interest in your brand, product, or service.
You can use techniques like keyword targeting, webinars, SEO, SEM, email marketing, etc. to help you in this stage.
This is the stage where your potential buyers are researching ad picking out prospects. Now you need to start delivering valuable and relevant content around the pain points you strategized for in the previous stage to capture the attention of potential buyers and establish brand expertise.
Platforms like blogging and social media paired with content marketing, SEO, and SEM will help you prepare for this stage.
Here, your potential buyers are comparing your brand with their other prospects so you need to address their doubts regarding solution and implementation by engaging with them and developing a value proposition.
Here you use case studies and analytics of successful relationships with past clients and means like WhitePapers.
In this stage, the buyer selects your brand over the others and makes the purchase after discussing with others in the business and justifying the purchase. Now, they are committed to you and expect good performance. This is where you start planning, implementing, and executing digital marketing strategies for your client that will help you deliver results based on the objectives established by them.
Create landing pages, use tactics like CRM integration, strategy execution, etc., set up newsletters and emails for them. Doing your best and getting it right in this stage will cultivate loyalty among your clients and segue into the next stage.
This is a really important stage because, if everything goes well, they will become your biggest, most valuable marketing resource; because if your clients are happy with your performance, they will recommend you to others in their circle. Now you have to optimize your customer results using metrics and offer upgrades, expansions, etc. to drive the referrals you get through existing clients and engage with new customers.
You can use various methods including your newsletters, email marketing, social media, and case studies to help you in this stage.
The buyer’s journey can be one of the most useful marketing resources if you know how to use it right. Researching your target audience, gathering analytics and studying the data, being in the loop with trends, and a dynamic digital marketing strategy will help you map out an effective buyer’s journey relevant to your client base.
And while a B2B buyer’s journey can tend to be a little harder to map out and execute but having good knowledge about it and the right resources will help you immensely and make your work much easier.
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